Destinations of key stage 4 and key stage 5 students, England, 2016/17 16 October 2018 Percentage of pupils in sustained destinations after key stage 4 remains unchanged from 2015/16 Overall, 94% of pupils were in sustained education, employment or apprenticeships in the year after key stage 4, unchanged from 2015/16. 86% of pupils were in sustained education, up 4 percentage points since 2010/11 and 1 percentage point down from 2015/16. Percentage of students in sustained education and employment after key stage 5 remains high Overall, 89% of students were in sustained education, employment or apprenticeship destinations after key stage 5, a 1 percentage point decrease from 2015/16. 61% of students were in sustained education destinations, a 1 percentage point decrease from 2015/16 that has led to the small decrease in overall education, employment and apprenticeship destinations. Disadvantaged students are less likely to be employed or in higher education after key stage 5 Overall, 85% of disadvantaged students were in any sustained education, employment or apprenticeship destination after key stage 5, 5 percentage points lower than all other students (90%) and a 1 percentage point decrease compared to 2015/16. Disadvantaged students (46%) are less likely to progress into sustained higher education compared to all other students (51%) and show a 1 percentage point decrease compared to 2015/16 (47%). Contact: Email:
[email protected] Press office: 020 7783 8300 Public enquiries: 0370 000 2288 Contents Contents........................................................................................................................................... 2 What are destination measures? ........................................................................................ 5 What is a ‘sustained’ destination? ............................................................................................. 5 What has changed? ..................................................................................................................