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V / t) RettwA Center Wltewisin Velerant Meneni 80 W-MHIIte Street MeAten,Witeonsin 53703 Pli:(i0l) 257.1790 .UJb «■ UTAH BEACH TO SALZBURG WITH THE 173 FIELD ARTILLERY GROUP . 4 €Ct ’ fik'f-*’'** .f^5:''tj|| ‘ '-• ' 1"^ )S i'. '•■!) .f 1 / / FOREWORD The wreckage of German armies left behind the sweeping battles along the route: AVRANCHES — LEVAL — EE MANS ALENCON — ARGENT AN; thence to DREUX — MANTES — GASSICOURT — and the Seine; then later JOINVILLE — NEUE- CHATEAU — CHARMES — LUNEVILLE; again, later, SARRE- BOURG — BITCHE — GROS-REDERCHING (with STRAS BOURG as a lateral operation); again, later, HOMBURG — ZWEIBRUCKEN — RAISERLAUTEN; and finally, WORMS — the Rhine - MANNHEIM - ASCHAEFENBURG - BAM- ' BURG — NURNBERG — the Danube — MUNICH — SALZ BURG. BERCHTESGADEN is a wreckage attesting to the superiority of the American in producing effective weapons and equipment, in planning effective coordination of means in battle, and in handling and operating these weapons and this equipment with intelligence. The 173rd Field Artillery Group contributed its full share in that great sweep from Normandy through France and Germany into Austria. By its active participation in four campaigns of World War II this unit helped to create one of the greatest victories in military history. It helped crush and destroy the once proud Wehrmacht as no modern army had ever been crushed and destroyed. Under the leader ship of its able Commander. Colonel Wilbur S. Nye, the 173rd Field Artillery Group contributed in large measure to the continued amazing victories of the American XV^ Corps. Toward the end the German superman looked third rate; the master race had been mastered! This accomplishment will go down in history in bold print a tribute to American bravery, ingenuity, skill, and fortitude.
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