Bachelor Thesis How Chinese SME perceive the strong brand as a crucial factor for establishing competitiveness? Author: Chang Liu:
[email protected] Yunyu Li
[email protected] Supervisor: Joachim Timlon Examer: Monika Müller Acknolegement The authors would like to express the gratitude to people who have supported and encouraged us with these acknowledgments, because this thesis will not be there if without these people’s help. Also, with this experience of writing thesis, we have learned lots of knowledge and got the invaluable experience. Firstly, we would like to thank our supervisor Monika Müller, for the constructive feedback and advice for the thesis. Also, we are very thankful to our tutor Joachim Timlon, who always give the strong support and provide us the effective recommendations and guidelines, which help us to shape the research process and solve many problems during the process of writing the thesis. This make us to believe in ourselves and strive for the best. Secondly, we like to thank our interviewees in CSC, they provided us with very important information for the thesis and spent time in the interviews. Without their participation, our thesis won’t be conducted well, and continued. So we are very grateful for their assist. Lastly and for most, we would be very thankful to our classmates, because they devoted their valuable time to help us, and provided valuable feedback. It really makes our thesis improved a lot, and help to overcome the barriers we met. May 22nd., 2016 Yunyu Li, Chang Liu 1 Abstract The globalization become a current tendency, and China as one of the biggest parts in the international market, plays the important role.