Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, Suppl. 3, pp 422-426 Conference paper © Medicinska naklada - Zagreb, Croatia

PLAYING WITH VIDEO GAMES: GOING TO A NEW ? Maurilio Giuseppe Maria Tavormina1 & Romina Tavormina2 1Mental Health Department, Naples, Italy 2Naples, Italy

SUMMARY Nowadays, with the development and diffusion of modern technologies and Internet, the use of video games as a pastime is growing, both online and non-networked. Traditional games are increasingly outdated by video games, and players of all ages are growing. With this research, we have been asked how much video games, seemingly pleasant and innocent pastimes, can become a problem for players, to the detriment of their health and to create new addiction. A review of the literature over the last two decades has been carried out in PubMed, Medline, on addiction and IGD, and books and newspaper articles have been cited online. The frequent and protracted use of video games with serious personal, family and social consequences is no longer just a pleasant pastime and could lead to mental and physical health problems. Although there is no official recognition of on the Internet as a mild mental health disorder, further scientific research is needed.

Key words: Internet Gaming Disorder - video game addiction - - neurobiology - treatment

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INTRODUCTION refer to a wide range of abnormal and legally accepted behaviors: among them we can include pathological Playing is an important activity as it includes gambling, recognized as Disorder in DSM 5 and psychological, educational and social aspects. It facili- Internet Gaming Disorder, included in Session III of tates personality development, rule learning and social DSM 5 as a condition that requires further studies to be integration in children, teenagers and even adults. The considered a mental health disorder (American Psychia- game makes it easier and more enjoyable to learn, feel tric Association 2013). tired and stimulate the playful reward. It can be used as a tool to motivate school learning. It is a cognitive tool INTERNET GAMING DISORDER with which one can experience his inner world and that of others: a privileged "lane" for knowing oneself and In the DSM-5 it is mentioned that: “Persistent and developing his own personality (Goldstein 1996). In the recurrent use of the Internet to engage in games, often traditional game there is more socialization and physical with other players, leading to clinically significant encounter with each other, while in the present era of impairment or distress as indicated by five (or more) of video games the fantastic and virtual world tends to the following in a 12-month period: “1. Preoccupation overwhelm the real and the physical. More and more, with Internet games (the individual thinks about pre- the modern player lives alone in the fun and play vious gaming activity or anticipates playing the next challenge. Communication and meeting with each other game; Internet gaming becomes the dominant activity in is telematic and virtual. Video games can facilitate a daily life); 2. Withdrawal symptoms when Internet ga- greater tendency to the closure of the physical ming is taken away (these symptoms are typically interpersonal relationship and a prevalence for the described as irritability, , or sadness, but there telematic one. are no physical signs of pharmacological withdrawal.); When can video abuse lead to addiction? According 3. Tolerance - the need to spend increasing amounts of to the World Health Organization (WHO), the concept time engaged in Internet games; 4. Unsuccessful at- of pathological dependence is "that psychic and tempts to control the participation in Internet games; 5. sometimes physical condition resulting from the Loss of interests in previous hobbies and entertainment interaction between a living organism and a toxic as a result of, and with the exception of, Internet games; substance, characterized by behavioral responses and 6. Continued excessive use of Internet games despite other reactions that always include a compulsive need to knowledge of psychosocial problems; 7. Has deceived take the substance continuously or periodically in order family members, therapists, or others regarding the to prove its psychic effects and sometimes to avoid the amount of Internet gaming; 8. Use of Internet games to malaise of its deprivation."New dependencies, or depen- escape or relieve a negative mood (e.g., feelings of dencies without substance, are behavioral addiction, helplessness, guilt, anxiety); 9. Has jeopardized or lost a Since, while not having a substance that determines the significant relationship, job, or educational or career addiction, they are in themselves the same problems and opportunity because of participation in Internet games.” the bio-psycho-social correlates of drug addiction. They Internet gaming disorder may be mild, moderate or

S422 Maurilio Giuseppe Maria Tavormina & Romina Tavormina: PLAYING WITH VIDEO GAMES: GOING TO A NEW ADDICTION? Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, Suppl. 3, pp 422-426 severe depending on the degree of compromise of While acute intake of substances cause an increase normal day-to-day activities (APA DSM-5, 2013). in dopaminergic transmission, the chronic intake would Among games used on the Internet, multiplayer online result in reduced dopaminergic functionality, leading to role playing games (MMORPG) are the most complex a dysfunction of the orbital-front cortex and the crawler and require more intense social interaction (Granic cycle. Reduced dopaminergic transmission in these areas 2014). Currently, Massive Multiplayer Online Role- could explain the disturbed functionality of control sys- Playing Games (MMORPG) is a very popular and tems and the attribution of salience with substance com- enjoyable leisure activity. However, MMORPG players pulsive research by addicts (Volkow 2004). An impor- reveal a high rate (27.5%) of IGD (Achab S., 2011) and tant role is also played by brain areas involved in lear- MMORPG play is the most cited activity in Internet ning and memory (hippocampus), emotions (), addiction studies. and pulse control (cortical-frontal areas).

Prevalence Neurotransmitters and addiction The prevalence of video-game addiction by many Goodman reviewed the neurobiological aspects of authors has been and is a source of criticism and dissent dependencies by examining a large number of studies regarding the way data is collected, the search for the concerning the potential role of several neurotrans- evaluation sample, and the technical revelation tools. mitters and receptors in the "additive process" (Good- The problem of addiction is most felt in the East, Tai- man 2008). wan (46% on 177 adolescents and young adult Serotonin, in addition to , is likely to be MMORPG users) and Southeast Asia and less in Europe implicated in the additive process as demonstrated by (in Germany 2.8% of 10,060 teenagers, in Holland 2% the study conducted by DR. Pallanti and other authors, out of 644, In Norway 0.6% of 816 teenagers, assessed in 2006, which found an alteration of serotoninergic with the GAS test), in America (USA and Canada 39% functionality in a sample of gamblers. Moreover, impul- on 442 young and old adults, MMORPG users eva- sivity, one of the transversal characteristics of the var- luated with the Addiction Engagement Questionnaire) ious forms of addiction, is traditionally related to (Festl 2013). In particular, male teenagers seem to be alterations of the serotoninergic system. more vulnerable to the problematic use of the game. The most credited hypotheses suggest the presence (Haagsma MC, 2012). of an imbalance between the serotonin, dopamine and endogenous opioid systems. Their initial vulnerability Etiology could cause malfunction ofthe "pleasure centers". These alterations would tend to cronicize over time and form a As far as etiology is concerned, there are no definite new, abnormal, stable and resistant condition of 'non- data of etiology, and a bio-psycho-social multidimen- equilibrium' (Marazziti 2015). sional evaluation is useful. The currently proposed criteria emphasize biological factors (including changes Imaging Studies in brain function). Other risk factors include some traits of personality (especially impulsiveness and hostility) PET was used to evaluate the acute effects of dopa- and user motivations for play (socialization, overcoming mine, GABA and opioids; functional RM evaluates the boredom in everyday life, escaping from a non- involvement of specific brain areas in addicted people rewarding social life or a negative mood). during intoxication, craving and abstinence. The pre- frontal cortex, the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the Gratification Mechanisms are the brain regions that appear to be more involved in the development and maintenance It is believed that the basis of substance and beha- of addiction (Nava F, 2004). vioral dependence is an alteration of brain mechanisms The fundamental finding of a volume increase in left involved in gratification and motivation. Meso-cortic- ventricular striatum associated with the frequency of limbic circuits (neurons of the mesenteric ventral teg- video games is in agreement with the results of a greater mental area projecting to the nucleus accumbens and the spread of dopamine during video game reproduction prefrontal cortex) are involved. These mechanisms are (Koepp 1998) and over-gambling in patients of Parkin- regulated by several neurotransmitter systems, including son's due to dopaminergic drugs (Dagher 2009). those mainly involved in the dopaminergic system, which controls the motivational drive to seek reward Addiction Components stimulus and the opioid system, which mediates the gratification processes resulting from the consumption of Griffiths observed that , both substance the substance (Nava 2004). An increase in dopaminergic and behavioral, have six components in common. They transmission at the nucleus accumbens is traditionally are: 1. Salience (when an activity becomes the most im- considered as the mechanism underlying the gratification portant in person's life and dominates their thinking, and reinforcing effects of the substance abuse (Koob feelings, and behavior); 2. Mood modification (the sub- 1998). The neurobiological mechanisms underlying the jective experience that people report as a consequence condition of addiction are only partially known. of engaging in the particular activity); 3. Tolerance (the

S423 Maurilio Giuseppe Maria Tavormina & Romina Tavormina: PLAYING WITH VIDEO GAMES: GOING TO A NEW ADDICTION? Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, Suppl. 3, pp 422-426 process whereby increasing amounts of the particular Diagnostic instruments video game addiction activity are required to achieve the former effects); 4. Withdrawal (the unpleasant feeling states and/or Instruments of Video Game Addiction: the Game physical effects that occur when the particular activity is Addiction Scale (GAS) (Lemmens JS, 2009), the Video discontinued or suddenly reduced); 5. Conflict (Con- Game Addiction Test (VAT)(Van Rooij AJ 2012), the flicts between the addict and those around them (inter- Indonesian Addiction Questionnaire, (Jap personal conflict) or from within the individual himself/ T, 2012) and the Problem Video Game Playing Scale herself (intrapsychic conflict) about the particular (PVP) (Tejeiro Salguero RA, 2013) activity); 6. Relapse (the tendency for repeated rever- sions to earlier patterns of the particular activity to recur Comorbidity and for even the most extreme patterns typical of the Health may be neglected due to compulsive gaming. height of the addiction to be quickly restored after many Other diagnoses that may be associated with Internet years of abstinence or control) (Griffiths M, 2005- gaming disorder include major depressive disorder, 2014). These components are also found among the ADHD, and OCD. diagnostic criteria of IGD in DSM-5. THERAPY SYMPTOMATOLOGY Pharmacological Psychic With the observation that new behavioral addictions The player devotes a lot of time to video games (or have characteristics similar to obsessive-compulsive would dedicate it to him/her if he/she was not disorder, addictive and mood disorders, various classes prevented). of drugs have been used (SSRIs, mood stabilizers, They tend to fall asleep at school, at work or while opioid antagonists and antipsychotic agents). They have doing other activities, and forget other activities (inclu- shown efficacy in reducing symptoms. Serotoninergic ding study, work); he/she prefers video games rather antidepressant therapy is known to reduce the craving of than spending time with friends, and he/she shows a addicts. Such individuals also benefit from treatment retreat from other social activities and plays in secret. with naltrexone and mood stabilizers. In most cases, The tends to be apathetic or irascible when pharmacological treatment should be associated with he/she can not play. The player manifests irritability, is psychotherapeutic and social interventions. (Mulé A, angry and is aggressive when they are interrupted while D'Alessandro A. 2008). In 2006 Dr. Dell’Osso and others playing or when they are prevented from playing. He/ conducted a study in which 19 compulsive internet users she tends to have thoughts and fantasies focused on the showed improvement from escitalopram treatment. game, even when they do other activities. Often Currently there are no available guidelines for the try to get ever-new video games, spending considerable pharmacological treatment of behavioral addiction, sums of money, or insisting on buying them. Also however recent data suggestes the potential efficacy of players tend to make alterations or anomalies in habits bupropion (Han HD, 2010) and (Han (nutrition, personal hygiene, physiological functions, 2009) in reducing video game craving. sleep). Social retirement, reduction of work and study engagement, family and emotional isolation are com- Behavioral Cognitive mon symptoms or behaviors. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered Physical Symptoms the first choice for treatment of various impulse control disorders (e.g., trichotillomania and pathological gamb- , and heart disorders are ling), as well as some others containing expressive traits the main discomforts caused by a strong addiction on of . The same model served as a selection video games. Symptoms of video game addiction lead parameter to Internet and video game addiction to loss of sleep, increased blood pressure, cholesterol, (Hodings DC, 2008). lipoproteins, triglycerides and, finally, high insulin Although there are fewer protocols when compared resistance (Turel 2016). Other events such as alterations to the study of other psychopathologies, research has in the sleep-wake rhythm, psychophysical asthenia, shown satisfactory effectiveness, proving the same lower immune system efficiency, appetite alterations, efficacy of CBT in the treatment of other psycho- headache, vision difficulties, conjunctival irritation, pathologies related to impulse control disorder. (Lins orthopedic problems and low back pain may be present, Lemos I, 2014) caused by incorrect and prolonged postures in front of the PC, in addition to tendonitis and carpal tunnel PREVENTION syndrome (from uninterrupted mouse use). In sus- ceptible persons, photosensitive epilepsy may be To better control the risks associated with the present, due to the uninterrupted visual stimulation of prolonged use of video games, some behavior rules can long-term presence in front of the monitor. be followed (Alonso-Fernandez F., 1999). The first rule

S424 Maurilio Giuseppe Maria Tavormina & Romina Tavormina: PLAYING WITH VIDEO GAMES: GOING TO A NEW ADDICTION? Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, Suppl. 3, pp 422-426 concerns the amount of time spent using the video of the individual. It is helpful to provide sufficient and game, avoiding daily use and recommending that it does accurate information to children and adults so they can not exceed an hour per day. A second rule concerns the be more aware of their video game behavior and to quality of consumption, ie the need for short and prevent any video game addiction. Just because when frequent pauses, at least one every ten minutes. You we follow the pleasure we can not keep in mind any must keep in mind the safety rules in using the video related damage. Excess can cause health problems that terminals and do not always keep your eyes focused on are not easily resolved and sometimes can be clearly the monitor. It is necessary to rest the ocular muscles, dangerous. which are constantly contracted during the game. You have to prevent the video game from becoming the main element of leisure, leaving space for other real and Acknowledgements: social activities, such as sports and dating with friends. In this way, both the problems of sedentary and social Thanks to the aforementioned scientific researchers, isolation are prevented. scientific journals, online newspapers and search engines that have enabled this cognitive investigation. In any case, it is always important that parents do not let their children decide for themselves, the times, Conflict of interest: None to declare. the ways and the topics of video games. Contribution of individual authors: IGD and death Both Authors contributed equally to the concept, Can video game addiction lead to death? The video development and drafting of the project. game itself has no destructive capacity, and can be happily used as a therapeutic tool. 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Correspondence: Maurilio Giuseppe Maria Tavormina, MD, Psychiatrist DSM ASL NA 3 SUD, “Centro Diurno” of Mental Health 57, Torre del Greco (NA) - via Marconi 66 - 80059 Torre del Greco (NA), Italy E-mail: [email protected]
