AGE OLD QUESTION WHAT IS Source : Nielsen Digital Content Planning, Average audience for October to December 2020, people 14+, text, unique audience. Percentage reach relates to the Active population who are online and aged 14+. Think Premium Digital (TPD) is the digital audience of parent groups Australia, Nine Entertainment Co, , Limited & Digital AUSTRALIAS

Source: News sites = Nielsen Content Ratings, Monthly total, December 2020 pp13+returns same ranking as for 2+, digital (c/m), text. Video = IAB Landscape report November 2020 = Youtube data: Nielsen Digital Content Ratings, Monthly Tagged, Video, 2 secs Qualifier, Total Ad Supported, November 2020, People 2+, Digital (C/M), Total Time Spent (minutes). Source: Nielsen Digital Content Ratings, Monthly Tagged, Video, 2 secs Qualifier, Ad Supported (Video), November 2020, People 18+, Digital (C/M), Total Time Spent (minutes) Premium digital : Unique audience : Aged 14+ (m)

17.3 17.3 17.4 17.1

Jan-Mar20 Apr-Jun20 Jul-Sep20 Oct-Dec20

Source : Nielsen Digital Content Planning, January to December 2020, people 14+, text, unique audience. Think Premium Digital (TPD) is the digital audience of parent groups , Nine Entertainment Co, Seven West Media, Ten Network Holdings Limited & Viacom Digital What sales impact does ad inventory within premium digital generate versus run of internet? Memory builds brands When people are consuming information & entertainment, memory pathways are more open to brand messages Ads that command attention and become embedded in memory

along the path to purchase

Source: Not all video is created equal- BVOD and the power of context. Dr Duane Varan, Mediascience. Future of TV Australia conference, 2021 RECOGNITION PROMPTED RECALL UNPROMPTED RECALL

Source: Not all video is created equal- BVOD and the power of context. Dr Duane Varan, Mediascience. Future of TV Australia conference, 2021. SEVEN RESEARCH CELLS ACROSS

Source: 'The premium world of digital'. ThinkPremiumDigital, 2021 Premium digital Premium digital Premium digital Run of internet Run of internet YouTube video Social video Social video Ads placed in premium environments are more effective Video and display ads on digital sites 45%

32% 31% 24% 21% 14% 10% 9%

Premium Run of internet

p <.05 .05 < p <.10

Source: ‘The Premium World of Digital’, ThinkPremiumDigital, 2021 42%

28% 23% 21% 14% 11% 7% 4%

Premium Run of internet

p <.05 .05 < p <.10

Source: ‘The Premium World of Digital’, ThinkPremiumDigital, 2021 Display ads on digital sites 42% 31% 32%

16% 14%


Premium Run of internet

p <.05 .05 < p <.10

Source: ‘The Premium World of Digital’, ThinkPremiumDigital, 2021 Pre-roll in short-form video content 52%


28% 22% 17% 14% 12% 5%

Premium Run of internet

p <.05 .05 < p <.10

Source: ‘The Premium World of Digital’, ThinkPremiumDigital, 2021 51% 48% 38% 34% 22% 14% 12% 9%

Premium Facebook video

p <.05 .05 < p <.10

Source: ‘The Premium World of Digital’, ThinkPremiumDigital, 2021 Across display and short-form video, premium delivers 2.4x better recall and 1.6x the brand lift compared to run of internet. For light buyers, the most important category for brand growth, premium placement of display or short-form video delivers 3x better recall than run of internet and 2.8x the TOP FIVE, PHASE ONE brand lift.

On its own, display advertising drives 3.5x more brand recall in premium environments versus run of the internet.

Short-form in premium environments offers 1.8x better recall and 2.8x the brand lift than short-form video on run of internet sites. Short-form video in premium environments delivers 1.8x higher recall than Facebook video. How do BVOD and short-form video stack up against user-generated video?

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