53 A forum for academic, social, and timely issues affecting religious communities around the world. Picturing Bodies: Sacred Images and Transformative Practice in Byzantium and Tibet By Thomas Cattoi Abstract The purpose of this article is to explore briefly the way in which iconic representations of divine embodiment serve analogous and yet distinct purposes in different traditions. In the Byzantine East, images of the glorified body of Christ and the saints prefigure the deification of the practitioners that will be accomplished at the end of time. For the Tibetan master Bokar Rinpoche, the mental visualization of the Tantric deity Chenrezig enables one to retrieve the nirvanic dimension of one’s body, which is usually obfuscated by ignorance and emotion. The comparison illumines the tradition’s different conceptions of temporality, individuality, and soteriology. In his First Refutation of the Iconoclasts, Theodore the Studite (759-826) addresses the vexed question of the legitimacy of the veneration of icons, which during the eighth and ninth century was the object of severe critiques coming from defenders of a more “intellectual” approach to Christian practice (St. Theodore 1981).30 In this work, the great Byzantine author and mystic, famous for his extensive writings on the spiritual life and his role in the reorganization of monastic life, outlines and defends the propedeutic value of iconic representation of Christ and the saints, pointing to the deep relationship between the mystery of the hypostatic union and the deification of the individual, and indicating that icons portray the eschatological destiny of the individual. In this perspective, the icons of the incarnate Word and his mother, as well as the images of the saints, remind one that the event of the incarnation embraces and redeems the whole of humanity, both in its spiritual and its bodily dimension. In the Buddhist tradition of Tibet, one may also find extensive literature on religious imagery and their role in spiritual practice. Within Vajrayāna Buddhism, the Yogacara tradition on the three different levels of reality, building on the Madhyamaka distinction between conventional and ultimate truth, serves as template for a 30 From the declarations of the Council of Hiera (754), one sees that iconoclast theology was characterized by a general mistrust for the concrete and the material, echoing Origenist positions that continued to enjoy a certain degree of popularity despite their condemnation in the mid 6th century. See John Meyendorff, Christ in Eastern Christian Thought (Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir Seminary’s Press, 1997), Ch. 3, 6. 20 www.irdialogue.org To submit an article visit www.irdialogue.org/submissions 54 A forum for academic, social, and timely issues affecting religious communities around the world. sophisticated speculative reflection on the different embodiments of Buddhahood, which encompass the whole cosmos no less than the historical manifestations of the historical Buddha (Makransky 1997, 85-104).31 The Kagyud tradition of Vajrayāna, which can be traced back to the 11th century teachings of Tilopa and Nāropa, teaches that the mental visualization of Tantric deities—themselves manifestations of the Buddha’s compassion—can serve as support for spiritual practice as the individual comes to a deeper grasping of the inextricable link of samsara and nirvāna.32 The work Chenrezig Lord of Love by the contemporary Tibetan master Bokar Rinpoche offers an insightful and simultaneously straightforward overview of deity visualization, reminding his readers how the Vajrayāna tradition envisages the nirvanic reality of Buddhahood as already present in the individual, who fails to discern it because of the defilements of ignorance and disordered emotionality (Rinpoche 1997).33 The course of this paper is to offer a brief overview of the points of contact, as well as of the similarities between these two different theologies of the sacred image, which rest on two different notions of embodiment and the ultimate destiny of the individual. In particular, I will address the question of how different notions of temporality and eschatology are reflected in distinct visions of embodiment and gender. Reading Theodore’s text after becoming acquainted with Bokar Rinpoche’s vision helps one rediscover the specific character of the Christian understanding of embodiment: while the Byzantine icon gestures towards an eschatological horizon in the future where our body will be transfigured by its communion with God, the images of Tibetan deities 31 Vajrayāna (literally, the “adamantine” vehicle) can either be considered a special form of Mahayāna (the great vehicle), as a third branch of Buddhism alongside Mahayāna and Theravada (the school of the elders). The term Vajra is used to indicate the indestructible reality of the Buddha nature that is concealed within every aspect of reality. See Paul Williams, Mahayāna Buddhism: the Doctrinal Foundations (New York: Routledge, 2008), Ch. 9, 187-209. 32 While Theravada insists that samsara and nirvāna are distinct realities, Mahayāna claims that nirvāna is the authentic essence of samsara, and therefore views the whole of reality as inherently pure. A number of Mahayāna schools, as well as Vajrayāna, underscore the identity between nirvāna and Buddhahood, so that the whole cosmos becomes an expression of the compassion of the Buddha. See Paul Williams, Ch. 8, 172-87. 33 The four chief Tibetan schools are dGe lugs pa (which enjoyed political and cultural supremacy in Tibet between 1642 and 1950), bKa brgyud, Sa skya, and rNying ma, the Dalai Lamas always belonged to the dGe lugs pa school, even if they also received instruction in the teachings of the other schools. See Reginald Ray, Indestructible Truth: The Living Spirituality of Tibetan Buddhism (Boston: Shambala, 2002), Ch. 5-9 (on Kagyud, see Ch. 5, 152-89). The simplified spelling “Kagyud” is used throughout. www.irdialogue.org To submit an article visit www.irdialogue.org/submissions 55 A forum for academic, social, and timely issues affecting religious communities around the world. serve as a sophisticated aide-memoir, reminding one of the intrinsic purity of one’s body, which is already one with the Buddha’s nirvanic quality.34 The theology of divine embodiment that undergirds Theodore’s vision is undergirded by the understanding of the hypostatic union that had become normative for the majority of Eastern churches in the wake of the Council of Chalcedon.35 In the first part of the 5th century, the prolonged disputes on the theological appropriateness of the term “Theotokos” for the Virgin Mary had led to a renewed interest in speculative reflection on the relationship between humanity and divinity in the person of Christ. While the Council of Nicaea had asserted the consubstantiality of the Son with the Father, the same council had stopped short of developing an exhaustive theology of Christ’s humanity.36 Athanasios’ own preference for the term sarx—as opposed to sōma— in his treatise De Incarnatione, as well as his failure to say anything about Christ’s soul, ensured that his theology could actually be regarded as compatible with Apollinarian or even later monophysite Christologies (Athanasio 2004, 70-73;78-88).37 The Chalcedonian assertion of the presence of a full humanity and a full divinity in the person of Christ, which in 553 Constantinople II would equate with the Second Person of the Trinity, would provide the starting point for the later Christological synthesis of Maximos the Confessor, who would envisage the cosmos and the incarnation as mirror images of each other, both regulated by the dialectic of union without confusion. 34 While this article is an experiment in comparative theology rather than an actual instance of inter- religious dialogue, I believe that engaging in a close reading of Buddhist and Christian texts can pave the way to a more informed and sustained dialogue between members of the different traditions. 35 The Council of Chalcedon (451) is considered to be the Fourth Ecumenical Council by the Roman Catholic as well as the Orthodox Churches, but its legitimacy is denied by the oriental Orthodox Churches. This Council promulgated a Christological confession of faith (horos), stating that in Christ there was one center of subjectivity (hypostasis) and two natures (physeis). In this way, the concept of consubstantiality (homoousia) deployed at Nicaea to express the ontological relationship of Father and Son is here applied to the ontological relationship between Christ and humanity. See Sarah Coakley, “What Does Chalcedon Solve and What Does it Not” in S. Davis, D. Kendall and G. O’ Collins SJ (eds.), The Incarnation: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Incarnation of the Son of God (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 143-64. 36 For a quick overview of the development of Christological doctrine, see Gerald O’ Collins S.J., Christology: A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus Christ (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), Ch. 7-8, 153-203. On the Theotokos dispute, see John McGuckin, St. Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversy: its Theology, History, and Texts (Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir Seminary’s Press, 2004). Chalcedon’s assertion of a single subject in Christ implicitly acknowledged the legitimacy of “Theotokos” language. 37 As the hypostasis of the Logos played the role of the soul, Apollinarian Christology effectively denied the full humanity of Christ. www.irdialogue.org
The Sense of Deity and Begging the Question with Ontological and Cosmological Arguments
Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers Volume 26 Issue 1 Article 6 1-1-2009 The Sense of Deity and Begging the Question With Ontological and Cosmological Arguments Daniel M. Johnson Follow this and additional works at: https://place.asburyseminary.edu/faithandphilosophy Recommended Citation Johnson, Daniel M. (2009) "The Sense of Deity and Begging the Question With Ontological and Cosmological Arguments," Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers: Vol. 26 : Iss. 1 , Article 6. DOI: 10.5840/faithphil20092616 Available at: https://place.asburyseminary.edu/faithandphilosophy/vol26/iss1/6 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers by an authorized editor of ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. THE SENSE OF DEITY AND BEGGING THE QUESTION WITH ONTOLOGICAL AND COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS Daniel M. Johnson Calvin famously interprets Romans 1 as ascribing human knowledge of God in nature not to inferences from created things (natural theology) but to a "sense of deity" that all people share and sinfully suppress. I want to suggest that the sense of deity interpretation actually provides the resources for explaining the persuasive power and usefulness of natural theology. Specifically, I will argue that understanding certain ontological and cosmological arguments as depen dent on the sense of deity preserves their ability to persuade while helping solve serious problems with the justification of their premises. In the case of the ontological argument, this will provide a new response to the most serious objection that the argument faces, the charge that it begs the question.
The Sense of Deity and Begging the Question with Ontological and Cosmological Arguments
Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers Volume 26 Issue 1 Article 6 1-1-2009 The Sense of Deity and Begging the Question With Ontological and Cosmological Arguments Daniel M. Johnson Follow this and additional works at: https://place.asburyseminary.edu/faithandphilosophy Recommended Citation Johnson, Daniel M. (2009) "The Sense of Deity and Begging the Question With Ontological and Cosmological Arguments," Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers: Vol. 26 : Iss. 1 , Article 6. Available at: https://place.asburyseminary.edu/faithandphilosophy/vol26/iss1/6 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers by an authorized editor of ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. THE SENSE OF DEITY AND BEGGING THE QUESTION WITH ONTOLOGICAL AND COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS Daniel M. Johnson Calvin famously interprets Romans 1 as ascribing human knowledge of God in nature not to inferences from created things (natural theology) but to a "sense of deity" that all people share and sinfully suppress. I want to suggest that the sense of deity interpretation actually provides the resources for explaining the persuasive power and usefulness of natural theology. Specifically, I will argue that understanding certain ontological and cosmological arguments as depen dent on the sense of deity preserves their ability to persuade while helping solve serious problems with the justification of their premises. In the case of the ontological argument, this will provide a new response to the most serious objection that the argument faces, the charge that it begs the question.
PAGANISM a Brief Overview of the History of Paganism the Term Pagan Comes from the Latin Paganus Which Refers to Those Who Lived in the Country
PAGANISM A brief overview of the history of Paganism The term Pagan comes from the Latin paganus which refers to those who lived in the country. When Christianity began to grow in the Roman Empire, it did so at first primarily in the cities. The people who lived in the country and who continued to believe in “the old ways” came to be known as pagans. Pagans have been broadly defined as anyone involved in any religious act, practice, or ceremony which is not Christian. Jews and Muslims also use the term to refer to anyone outside their religion. Some define paganism as a religion outside of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism; others simply define it as being without a religion. Paganism, however, often is not identified as a traditional religion per se because it does not have any official doctrine; however, it has some common characteristics within its variety of traditions. One of the common beliefs is the divine presence in nature and the reverence for the natural order in life. In the strictest sense, paganism refers to the authentic religions of ancient Greece and Rome and the surrounding areas. The pagans usually had a polytheistic belief in many gods but only one, which represents the chief god and supreme godhead, is chosen to worship. The Renaissance of the 1500s reintroduced the ancient Greek concepts of Paganism. Pagan symbols and traditions entered European art, music, literature, and ethics. The Reformation of the 1600s, however, put a temporary halt to Pagan thinking. Greek and Roman classics, with their focus on Paganism, were accepted again during the Enlightenment of the 1700s.
The Deity of Christ John 1:1-5, 14 John 1:1 “In the Beginning Was the Word, and the Word Was with God, and the Word Was God.”
Pastor Robert Rutta The Deity of Christ John 1:1-5, 14 John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This is a topic that we must have a clear understanding of – the deity of Jesus Christ. This means that He was and is God. That truth shapes every aspect of our doctrine. If Jesus was not God, then we have no salvation. If all we had were the opening verses of John, that would be enough, but the Bible is full of proofs of this wonderful truth. John 20:28 28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Notice how Thomas addressed the Lord. He not only said "My Lord," but he also addressed Jesus as "my God." Did Jesus rebuke him and correct him and say, "Thomas, how dare you call me GOD. I’m not God, I’m just a man like you?" 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. Jesus readily accepted it when He was called God. Hebrews 1:8 8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Titus 2:13 13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; The Bible clearly refers to Him as God. Many of the cults view Jesus very differently.
GOD STANDS WITH GOD PART I: THE DEITY (The Beginnings) GOD STANDS WITH GOD: THE DEITY INTRODUCTION QUESTIONS: 1. Who is the Ancient of Days? 2. What is the Beginning of the Deity of God? 3. Who is the Word of God? 4. Who is Mother Wisdom? 5. Who is the Holy Spirit? (to be covered in Pt 2) 6. Who are the Sons of God? ( Pt 1 and Pt 2) 7. Who are the maidens of Wisdom (to be covered in Pt 2) SUPPLICATION & PRAYER Dear Heavenly Father, I am but a small-minded man made of dust. If my mind goes to venture too far, have mercy on my soul and call back my thoughts unto thee, and I will take heed. Take my mind unto thyself oh Lord and protect it. Let not one forward thought take root on me, for I do fear the Lord and love the Lord equally. God Stands with God: the Deity (W/L#31) Continued – Page 2 WHO IS THE “ANCIENT OF DAYS”? Dear friend: Blessed to know his name, He is the Mighty Father of Spirits. He is the “beginning” of all things that are in existence. He is the complete circle of eternity and He has no end of power and majesty. He is he known to us as the “Ancient of Days” (Daniel 7 v9-10). The Lord Jesus Christ referred to him as “our father which art in heaven” (Matt 6 v9). The bible reveals to us that He has a movable throne with fiery wheels that are many legions of angels moving at incalculable speed, in a circular motion.
Lesson Six M O D E L S O F G O D Key Concepts and Considerations
LESSON SIX M O D E L S O F G O D If there is a God, HOW does this God exist? KEY CONCEPTS AND CONSIDERATIONS 2 * Key Terms Transcendence; Immanence; Creation ex deus; Creation ex nihilo * Models of God Pantheism Panentheism Theism Deism OVERVIEW 3 This lesson is best understood as an extension of the previous lesson. In this lesson the attention shifts from debates about the fact of God's existence to debates regarding the manner of God's existence. The question pursued here initially is: How does God exist? The focus is upon the possible relationships that God may have in relationship to creation, both at its point of origin, and with regard to its continuance. Four precise models are presented. These are: Pantheism; Panentheism ; Theism; and Deism. These models will be treated in a systematic fashion. Our discussion will focus upon: (1) an explanation of the name for the model; (2) an identification of key thinkers associated with the model; (3) a listing of some of the tenets of the model; and (4) an assessment of the model which will identify both strengths and weaknesses. Before beginning our systematic survey of each model it will be necessary to define and discuss four key terms. These terms are: Transcendence; Immanence ; Creation ex deus; and Creation ex nihilo. DEFINITION & DISCUSSION OF KEY TERMS The four terms needing definition and discussion may be grouped into two pairs. Transcendence and immanence belong together, as do creation ex deus and creation ex nihilo. The first term in need of definition is transcendence.
Measurement of Nontheistic and Theistic Spirituality: Initial Psychometric Qualities of the Inclusive Spiritual Connection Scale
East Tennessee State University Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations Student Works 12-2020 Measurement of Nontheistic and Theistic Spirituality: Initial Psychometric Qualities of the Inclusive Spiritual Connection Scale Valerie M. Hoots East Tennessee State University Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.etsu.edu/etd Part of the Health Psychology Commons, Multicultural Psychology Commons, and the Other Psychology Commons Recommended Citation Hoots, Valerie M., "Measurement of Nontheistic and Theistic Spirituality: Initial Psychometric Qualities of the Inclusive Spiritual Connection Scale" (2020). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 3825. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/3825 This Dissertation - unrestricted is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Works at Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University. For more information, please contact digilib@etsu.edu. Measurement of Nontheistic and Theistic Spirituality: Initial Psychometric Qualities of the Inclusive Spiritual Connection Scale ________________________ A dissertation presented to the faculty of the Department of Psychology East Tennessee State University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology ____________________ by Valerie M. Hoots December 2020 ____________________ Dr. Andrea D. Clements, Chair Dr. Julia C. Dodd Dr. Jon Ellis Dr. Stacey Williams Keywords: Spirituality, Nontheistic, Validation, Measurement, Chronic Illness ABSTRACT Measurement of Nontheistic and Theistic Spirituality: Initial Psychometric Qualities of the Inclusive Spiritual Connection Scale by Valerie M. Hoots Spirituality represents a key part of life for the majority of U.S. adults and there is a growing body of research supporting relationships between spirituality and numerous health outcomes.
God the Son: His Deity & Eternity Christianity Is Christ. the Very
What Every Christian Should Know Lesson 6 - God the Son: His Deity & Eternity Christianity is Christ. The very existence of Christianity rests upon the person and work of its founder, Jesus Christ. Christianity is not a way of thinking, or a system of moral values and actions, it is a relationship with a Person. At the center of the Christian faith is a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. John Stott explains, There are two principle reasons why our enquiry into Christianity should begin with the person of Christ. The first is that essentially Christianity is Christ. The person and work of Christ are the rock upon which the Christian religion is built. If he is not who he said he was, and if he did not do what he said he had come to do, the foundation is undermined and the whole superstructure will collapse. Take Christ from Christianity, and you disembowel it; there is practically nothing left. Christ is the center of Christianity; all else is circumference. Second, if Jesus Christ can be shown to have been a uniquely divine person, many other problems begin naturally to be solved. The existence of God is proved and the character of God revealed if Jesus was divine. Again questions about man’s duty and destiny, life after death, the purpose and authority of the Old Testament and the meaning of the cross begin to be answered because Jesus taught about these things, and his teaching must be true if his person is divine. (Basic Christianity, p. 21) A careful examination of the biblical data combined with a study of the historical debate and theological statements regarding the person of Jesus Christ leads inescapably to these conclusions: Biblical affirmation: Theological affirmation: Jesus is God Jesus is full, undiminished deity Jesus is man Jesus is perfect, complete humanity Jesus is one person Both natures are eternally united in one person, without separating, compromising, or commingling His deity or His humanity.
Which Deity is CAlling You? How to Use Palmistry to Find Your Patron God and Goddess Summer of Magic 2018 | Rachel Erazo How to Use Palmistry to Find Your Patron Deity When I first started energy work, let alone talking to spirits… I didn’t know what the hell I was. I came from a religiously-strict background where everything was decided for me, from the clothes I wore to how I spent my Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. When I broke away from “the truth”, I was anti- established religion. I was happy with being spiritual – I knew there was something out there! – but I didn’t make an effort to find out. I didn't like believing I needed a name for myself I didn't want to believe in a higher power or being; they never saved me when I called for them I was afraid of creating a regular practice of anything, just in case it turned into a strict dogma At the same time, I missed having a label. It was important to me, especially with an overbearing family, to have something to call what I believe. SUMMER OF MAGIC 2018 | RACHEL ERAZO How to Use Palmistry to Find Your Patron Deity As I started working on my energy and changing my life, I realized I needed a steady foundation for what I was. I could be as eclectic as I wanted to be AND have a name. Once I sat down to figure out my personal beliefs by reading mythology, studying history, and experiencing different streams of thought through literature I realized something incredibly valuable: In order to be a successful, powerful psychic you need a basis of belief.
THE BOISI CENTER PAPERS ON RELIGION IN THE UNITED STATES An Introduction to Christian Theology Thoughtful, constructive interreligious dialogue depends not only upon the openness of the dialogue partners to diverse perspectives, but also upon a reliable foundation of correct information about the various beliefs being discussed. For those who desire a basic understanding of the tenets of Christian faith, this paper offers a brief history of Christianity and summarizes the central Christian beliefs in God, Jesus Christ, the Trinity, the Bible and authority, sin and reconciliation, sacraments, spiritual practices, and ethical living. INTRODUCTION This paper provides a primer on the basics of remain in the background of how Christianity is Christian theology as it is understood in the perceived and practiced in the United States; American context. It explains the major beliefs or frequently, these details may not even be familiar doctrines that are generally accepted by all to American Christians themselves. Nevertheless, Christians while also highlighting the theological some knowledge of these particulars is essential diversity of the Christian churches. In other words, to ground an accurate understanding of although all Christians adhere to the doctrines Christianity. discussed here, various groups of Christians often interpret these doctrines differently. These This paper thus provides an important disagreements usually have historical roots; thus, complement to the other papers in the Boisi Christianity’s historical development is Center series. In particular, since religious beliefs inseparable from its doctrinal development. For and religious practices always inform one another, this reason, the paper gives an overview of reading this paper together with the paper on Christianity’s historical development before Religious Practice in the United States is moving into a discussion of the major Christian recommended.