■ y - 4 -POUR Manrl][^Btpr iEojfning IfwaOi PETOAY, DECEMBER J j lMR Averiyre Dully Net Press Run M a t The Greater Hartford Square ftr the Wee^ Ended T h e lr a id ^ ' nit Town "Dance Club with Red Glinsky, MHS Honor RoD Teachers Watch Q u ic k fi E ^ f Novenber 27,1060 club caller, will Join the mem­ ’ Turning 'eoidtr I& ^eim of the Man- Manchester High School LETTUCE -hcfid 25c bers of the Mental AJd Fellow­ TV Discussion Foods Appear fair, (xddar fau»t, low ta MSi .llMnatcir TWCJA, wUl have a ship Social Center on Tuesday has recorded 302 students COMICE PEARS ...... do®* 59c 14,555 Cteletoiaa luncheon Ti^sdey on its honor roll for the TOMATOES, CeUo...... pkjf. 29c nuMtly aunny and cool toaipt^ '-^ 4 noon at the Community Y, 79 evening. Volley ball, creative On Constitution This Weekend ' 4- writing and oil painting are first quarter of the current COLD FRESH CIDER ...... gal (cts.) 69c row, high near 4& N. Main St. Those attending are school term. The names of Mat^haeier^ A City of Village Charm several activities scheduled for Four social studies teachers CSirlstmas ^ c ia litie s and con­ HILLS or MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE . .!b. 76c x NO. 55 (TWELVE PAGEB—TV SECTION—CONNECTICUT UFE) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1965 followed by dinner, are held on on today’s High School attended a novel Inter - city (ClwUled AdrertUng aa Page §) PRICE SEVEN CEMTIF SetUnga, and gifts for a grab World page. Holiday Special. Stock up! ...... • • *79c the same days starting at 1:30 closed circuit television confer­ wlvee are appearing In the m ar­ bag. There will be a recipe ex­ ence yesterday examining the kets this weekend. Produce—Both In and Out of Season Is Here! change after the hinoheon. The p.m. People from the Greater Hartford and Manchester area, pro|3osala of the Constitutional Ffom now through the holi­ Belgtum Endive, Boston Lettnoe, Salad Bowl, Spinach, event is open to all members, Holiday Music Convention. Green - Yellow Squash, Green Beans, leeks, Chinese Cab­ |>aat end present, of the group. who have been treated or are days, the emphasis will be on bage, Peas, Beets, Red - IVUte - Bine Grapes, Boso - being treated for a mental or The four, Mrs. Bernice Maher, Mrs. Doris Hogan, Mrs. Eliza­ foods quick and easy to prepare D’AnJou Pears, ‘Tangelos, Tangerines, Ifoanish Melons, emotional illness, are welcome. Meeting Theme Dates, Figs, Mixed Nuts, Pink - m ite Indian River Seed­ Capt. C.G. Houtsma of the beth Intagllata and Ronald Ed- to ease the burdens of exhausted For more information, contact ‘‘Everywhere Christmas To­ less Grapefruit, Imported Chestnuts, Pineapple, and Appleat IT.S. Coast Guard will speak tlie Capitol Region Mental mundson, w e^ at the Hartford Christmas shoppers and card Macs, Red - Golden Delicious,' Baldwins, Northern Spys, Wednesday at 8 p.m. at a meet­ night” Is the theme of the session which was presided over writers. Wlnesl^M, Cortlands and McGowan. Health Association, 217 Farm ­ by John Alsop and Atty. John ‘Tangerines, tangeloe, oranges, ing of the Southern New Eng­ ington Ave., Hartford. Christmas program- of the “Here’s Where Yon Meet Your Neighbors and Friends T* land Section of the Society of Ohamlnade Musical Club for Kenneily. Paul McAllister, a grapefruit, pomegranates, pop­ Gemini Countdown ninth em de student at Bennet, corn and a full range of huts are Automotive Elnglneers In the Monday at 8 p.m. in the Federa­ Terrace Dining Room, Bradley The Manchester Registered was also present. coming in, with pecans and pea­ Nurses Association will have its tion Room at Center Congrega­ The broadcast, which also In­ nuts particularly plentlftil. "TH E K IN G Field, Windsor Locks. His topic Shafer photo will be ‘‘Propulsion Systems in annual Christmas Party on tional Church. Mrs. Howard cluded New Haven, New Lon­ ‘Thanksgiving shoppers made a of the Coast Guard.” Dinner will Tuesday, Dec. 14, at Piano’s Chase is program chairman. don, Norwalk and Torrington, Engaged big dent In the turkey supplies, PradiK;*!" be served nt 6:46 p.m. Restaurant, Bolton. A social The event is open to all women was sponsored by the State but there still are enough to hour is scheduled from 6 to 7 The engagement of Miss Jean 276PERO OAKLAND STREET • OPEN 7 DATS s 643-6384 Rendezvous Interested in music. Refresh­ Dept, of Education, the Connect­ meet December needs. VC Bomb Saigon Billet; with dinner at J p.m. Wig fash­ ments will be served after the icut Council for the Social Stud­ Eva Simons of Hebron to Daniel Lettuce, carrot and celery William C. Whitesell, son of ion and wigs will be presented program. ies and Station WTIC in order Michael Dormer of Manchester prices are Inching up, following Scheduled x Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick R. by a West Hartford salon. Vocalisits participating in the to promote discussion of the con­ has been announced by her the heavy rains In California. Whitesell of »1 Bretton Rd., has Santa Claus will distribute grab program are Mrs. Mildred vention in the classroom. Stu­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph F. Beans and artichokes are Mgh. been named to the dean’s list bag gifts, For reservations, con­ Wills, contralto; Miss Thelma dents in some social studies Simons of Gilead St. ‘There are increasing supplies In 9 Days for outstanding achievement tact Mrs. Robert M. Hultman of MacLachlan, soprano; Mrs. classes ait Bennet are expected H«Sr fiance is a son of Mr. and of beef, with special emphasis 11 Killed^ Scores Hurt during the past year, a junior 106 Cambridge St. by tomor­ Elizabeth Lambert, soprano; to hold an informal vote on the Mrs. John M. Dormer of 259 this week on ground beef and CAPE KENNEDY, Flar at the college majoring in in­ row. Mrs. Mary Stewart, contralto; convention issues next week. Porter St. steak. Pork chops, roast afid SAIGON, South Viet (AP)—^The final count* dustrial administration, he is a Mrs. Mary Beth Comp, second Miss Simons is a graduate of ham are in good supply, and (iown began under Ranking Scholar. Whitekell is a Miss Louise Copping of 852 Rham High School and the Nam (AP)—A small band soprano; Mrs. Gladys Vennart, lamb roasts should be good buys. of Viet pong terrorists threatening, overcast sky graduate of Manchester High Vernon St., DAV Department soprano, and Mrs. Gloria Coro, Mrs. Secor Head Manchester School of X-ray today for man’s longed School. commander, and her auxilitry alto. Technology of Manchester Me­ with machihe guns blazing space voyage, the 14-day members joined with the De­ PianlS(^ accompanying the Of Ladies Aid morial Hospital. She is a mem­ stormed and blasted an en­ ber the X-ray staff of SL Holes Burned flight of Gemini 7 astrbr partment chapter members singers ire Miss Marjorie Ste­ listed men’s billet before nauts Frank Borman and Wednesday nl#ht to conduct a phens and Mrs. June Tompkins. Mrs. Irvin Secor of 144 High Francis Hospital, Hartford. Mr. dawn today, leaving 11 bingo for the residents of Rocky St. was elected president of the Dormer is a graduate of Man­ In Car Seats James A. Lovell Jr. Miss Stephens will also play persons dead and scores in'i “The weather’s a little ques­ Kill Veterans Home and Hos­ Christmas carols on shepherds Ladies Aid Lutheran Women’s chester High School and receiv­ 'Its SWEDISH Missionary League of Zion In a case of vandalism a car jured. . tionable,” a National Aeronaut* pital. pipes made by herself. ed an, AB from Providence The ra ghrs escaped without a Evangelical Lutheran Church (R.I.) College in 1964. He is bellnging to Frances Grosso of Ics And Space Administratldii The program will include trace. ‘The ,bomb they used to spokesman said, "but our Miss Annette Abraitis of 68 Christmas music of America, at a recent meeting. working toward a master’s de­ Coventry had holes burned on KORV Other elected officers are blast the elght-atory Metropole weatherman telle us it should b« Doane St. was inducted into Spain, England, Poland and gree in business administration. the plastic cover of the front Hotel In dowritOwp' .aal gnn took Mrs. Louise Mertens, vice presi­ okay at the time of the ^Mt." SALE Gamma Chi Sigma honor so­ Germany. A June 25 wedding is plan­ seat, both in front and on the the lives of bw ^m ericans, a Sponsored by ciety at Becker Junior College dent; Mrs. Wolfgang Mueller, ned. back. A Titan 2 rocket waa to thun* recording - corresponding secre­ New Zealand troopl|r and eight der to life at 2:30 p.m. to hurt I BOY SCOUT TROOP IZs] yesterday at the college. The car had been parked at Vietnamese. 4 tary; Miss Emily Kissman, Christian growth; Mrs. Marga­ Iona Manufacturing and the vic­ Air Force Lt. Ool. Borman and Silk Town Four treasurer; and Mrs. Emil ret Storrs, Altar flowers; Mrs. Seventy-two Americans were Navy Cmdr. Lovell away front Emanud Lutheran ‘The DAV Chapter and its tim told police that the .car had Injured and estimates of Viet­ Bi'onkie, financial, social secre­ Raymond Miller, Altar Guild; been entered between 8 a.m. and the earth on the sU rt of their Church Auxiliary will have a joint tary. for a recreation room? namese wounded ranged to epic voyage. Christmas party on Sunday at Sings at Party Mrs. Albert Petke, program; 4:30 p.m. Monday. Nothing else I Call 649-5693 or 649-09711 A new constitution was also Mrs. Anna Grimason, member­ more than 100, many of them If all goes well, they wlU ren. 3 pjn. at the DAV Home, Bris­ The “Silk ’Town Ftour,” a Man­ was disturbed in the car, police GET THE CASH YOU NEED AT LOW BANK RATES tol. adopted. ship; Mrs. Emil Seelert, public­ report. women and cMldren. Officials dezvous nine days from now The, fOl'n''-ln<• However, the Negro civil bloody bandages, Spec. 4 Rich- year. Informed sources said sent to help the defenders. in the death of a civil rights that there are those in the South go." SERVICE AFTER YOU BUY IT - - - that such a pajial a^ounce- rights leader said he feels that ^ — OPEN TONIGHT till 9:00^ ard Munroe, a young heUcopter - Their technique was simple, Each of the hamleta waa de- who believe in justice In racia) federal legiMation is necessary The afternoon latmch con­ ment Iff exjJeSted soon','pos­ matters and vreirei.,determined trasts with previous U.S, man* THE BEST GRINDERS IN TOWN COME FROM ^ SMART. PRACTICAL mechanlo, today recounted the They drove a light truck loaded fehffed "BY's^aXoSif^rvlibiam- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to guarantee equal protection of terrifying minutes, and the with explosives along the cur­ sibly during ceremonies ese militiamen. The reaction not to stand for Ifcts of vio­ in-space shots ^(vhen the astro* closing the Vatican Council. and other oivU rights leaders lence.” the law to Negroes and civil death and blind confusion. In the few-darkened Saigon streets, force met an estimated com­ rights workers. nauts were up at dawn for early These sources added that pany of Vieit Cong just outside said the verdict by the all-white Laitin also said the President morning launchings. blackened corridors of the Met- turned down toward the Metro­ jury Friday was an encouraging President Johnson also has ropole Hotel this morning. pole, stopped in front of the the Pope is expected to de­ the complex. told Katzenbach that John Doar, The Gemini 7 flight will crack clare it will no longer be re­ sign, but King added he felt new assistant attorney general who called for legislation to change > APRONS “I remember groping blindly main door and then came out' There were no reporte of legislation atlll was needed to the makeup of all-white juries. all existing world space records along a corridor looking for a with their machine guns ablaze. garded as sinful to eat meat casualties on either side. A U.S. directed the prosecution along — most of them held by tha SCRANTON MOTORS me on Fridays, but he will en­ protect Negroes and civil rights with U.S. Atty. Ben Hardeman The Man verdict was hailed GRINDER KIKG stretcher for my buddy who was dose to the scene was Spec. Navy destroyer lent support workers. as a step toward equal imple­ Gemini 6 crew which stayed L SEE OUR NEW SELECTION from 59e ea. courage Catholics to con­ with its five-inch guns. of Montgomery, and the FBI, aloft for eight days — and wlU E hit bad.” Mimroe said. “I wm 4 William Seippel, a military The Klansmen were sentenced mentation of justice by Katzen- tinue observing the abstin­ are to be congratulated on the proL^de the most extensive in* WHERE IS IT? l^^Both Fairways Open Every Night till 9—Including S a t.!^ ^ bumping into other guys looking policeman from company B, 716 In the Mekong Delta, an out­ by U.S. Dist. Judge Prank M. decision. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Mlilitary Police Battalion, who ence as a sign of penance post 80 miles south of Saigon (See Page Three) formation yet on man’s abili^ lor stretchers for their buddies. for sins and gratitude for Johnson Jr. to 10 years In prison 176 SPRUCE STREET ACROSS FROM COLONIAL APTS. Munroe, from Phoenix, Arlz., was on duty at the door of the also came under heavy Viet in the shooting death of Viola to withstand physically and. Christ’s Good Friday sacri­ mentally long exposure to ttia was In pain himself. Plying Metropole. fice. CJong attack, (government de­ Gregg Liuzzo, a wMte Detroit NEXT TO POLY-CLEAN CENTER glass had tom into Ws face and fenders In company strength housewife. space environment. CONVERTIBLES Seippel and the Vietnamese Dr. (Jharles A. Berry, Gemini MBAR MAHCNESTSR OENTBR hands, and as he moved along guards with him knew the score were assaulted by a company of The jury, which deliberated 11 , , , BASY PARKING , . , the corridor, he stemmed the Red guerrillas firing 60mm hours, at one time told Judge flight surgeon, said medical ex> '64 DeVILLE when the light truck stopped 20 North Viet Troops periments have top priority an<{ '65 OLDS. DYNAMIC "88" flow of blood with a sheet. feet away. They ducked for cov­ mortars. Vietnamese artillery Johnson they were hopeleasiy Schema Vote lent support to the outpost. added: ‘"nie fUgJit will deter* LOOK MA! TWO HANDS! '63 DeVILLE Choice of 2 with Factory W arranty He and Ms companion were er. evading the first frenzied deadlocked. However, the judge C Government casualties were ordered them tO continue over mine if man can perform at th^ Choice of 2 — One with A/C among the 72 Americans bursts of Viet Cong machine level we expect Mm to for '42 OLDS. "8<" wounded In the predawn assault gun fire. reported to be moderate. ‘Three the protests of defense attorney Is Started Viet Cong were killed. Arthur Hanes. Moving Near Saigon period of time.” ‘Manclig&te;i LUMBER* '61 PONTIAC CATALINA on the Metropole Hotel, the lat­ Then Seippel calmly popped a In a ttmeup for ihe render est terrorist attack. Two Ameri­ round Into the chamber of his U.S. Navy Seabees were Hanes told Judge Johnson an South Viet Nam men. Viet (Jong strength is glv- vous, Borman and Lovell today cans were killed. 12-guage shotgun and blasted By Council clearing the rubble left by the appeal would be filed, and bond Pour North Vietnamese en at about 234,000 full-time were to try to; maintain s foi> blast at the Metropole Hotel. for the three men was set at $10,- regiments have moved to within guerrillas. In addition, there was a toll of at the running figures in front , VATICAN CITY (AP) — The mation fUg^ with the orbiting CADILLAC more than 100 Vietnamese killed of him. He pumped three more Ordnance disposal men be­ 000 each. The Klansmen- are invasion by North Viet secona stage oi their Titan X bishops of the Vatican Ecumeni- second stage of their Titan X or wounded. They were innocent shots at the Viet Cong, and lieve that the terrorists explod­ CJollle Leroy WMkins Jr., 22, of ‘ strength in South Viet Nam Nam -— and officials here call it They plajmedtokeeDivithlnlMl ed a 250-pound device. '64 COUPE DeVILLE. A/C bystanders caught in the holo­ then emptied his 45-caliber pis­ cat Council started voting today Fairfield, Ala., and Eugene ® record high. Informed just that — began slowly earlier to 800 feet fOr a b < ^ 26 '61 SEDAN DeVIL|.E. A / C caust. tol at them. on their modem world problems The Mast came,after an un­ Thomas, 42 and Wdlliam OfvlUe military sources report.retwrt. this year.voaf* ' Thetho T\*>i:kaiA.n4-present level of^ jxist after acMevtag orbit. The Viet ,Cong assault squad The bomb exploded a split schema, wMch condemns nu­ known of Viet Cong Eaton, 41, both of Bessemer, In all, nine North Vietnamese Infiltration runs In excess of The Gemini 6 aatranauha '63 4-d o o r h a r d t o p Ala. '61 4-DOOR HARDTOP hit the Metropole enlisted men’s second later. clear arms and urges Mrth con­ opened fire with macMne guns regular regiments have been about a regiment a month The Navy (Japt. WaKor M. S ch ir^ trol studies. on U.S. military police and The decision came about 24 confirmed as present In South figure is expected to double '62 SEDAN DeVILLE billet as efficiently as they Mt (See Page ‘Two) Jr. and Air Force Maj. ’Thomtt '60 4-DOOR HARDTOP, A/C Initial results indicated It gruards and Vietnamese police. hours after a jury of wMte men Viet Nam, two more than re- soon to 4,600 a month P. Stafford, are expected ml would get massive approval ‘The terrorists then drove a in Anniston, Ala., convicted Hu- take off In pursuit Dec. is. ’I ^ despite last-minute pressures truck loaded with the explosive plan is to fly the two spacecraift- OLDSMOBILE Slim Chance of Upset against It. to the front door and detonated ta formation — pettaaps onjy The prelates took 11 votes to- it. They escaped in the dark­ In a fan from northwest of the Inches apart — for nearly sh(' day on Individual parts of the ness. NegroS r Willie s Brewster.H S Strange i hours as they wMp 186 m il«i' also waa sentenced to 10 years capital near the Cambodian bor­ '65 "98" SPORT SEDAN schema. The final over-all vote The blast shattered the facade der In Tay Ntal* Province '62 Super "88" Halldoy Sedan will be taken Monday. Imprisonment. African States (See Page Two) of the hotel and blew out the Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzen- through Blnh Long to the east­ UH MATCHED '64 "F-85" 4-DOOR SEDAN French Expected Results of the voting on the fronts of other nearby buildings. ern edge of Long Khanh Prov­ '62 Dynamic "88" Holiday Sedan bach telephoned the President Break Off Ties nuclear arms and birth control The hotel did not collapse. ince. '64 "9 8 " SPORT SEDAN sections were not announced at Johnson CSty, Tex., from for Elegance '62 Dynamic "88" Holiday Coupe ‘The explosion has been com- Washington to inform htai of the With Rhodesia Although no one expects a,n Forgotten Child before the council recessed. all-out assault on Saigon, tha But one significant vote- result (See Page Two) '63 "88" HOLIDAY SEDAN '60 Super "88" 4-Door Sedan ------ADDIS ABABA, EtMopla sudden strengthening of (Jom- T o Elect DeGanlle was announced: that the section Victim of Fire Permanence munlst forces, in what has long '63 "98" HOLIDAY SEDAN, A/C on atheism had been approved (AP) — Members of the Organi­ '60 Dynqmic ;*88" 4-Door Sedan PARIS (AP) —“Wench voters I have assumed my responsl- by 2,103 to 181. ^ zation of African Unity voted been Viet Oong-dpminated terri­ NEW LONlioN (AP)—A wo* tory, certainly will mean bitter Safety... eu’e expected to re-elect PresI- WUty,” he said. ‘‘Sunday you A g:roup of conservative Friday night to break off diplo­ man who scurriisd with two dp fighting for the U.S. 1st Infantry dent Charles de Gaulle to anoth- yours." prelates had pushed a campaign matic relations with Britain un- her children to safety when fif* against this section because it Division and Vietnamese units • "P H O S - F U S E D " for strength, PONTIAC er seven-year term, but observ- demon^raH^n*^#^ less the British crush the Rho- north of Saigon, struck her home Friday night*' beauty and rust protection .... demonstration of your confi- does not specifically condemn era said there was a chance he denee, I offer you the decisive deaian rebellion by Dec. 16. A South Vietnamese regiment forgot untU too late a littla would not get a majority In the communism • N A N D S O IA E R thru balanced '«S BONNEVILLE VISTA ' means to confirm the new ’The OAU'b Council of Minis- destroyed In vicious grandcMld who was viaittag. '62 STAR CHIEF 4-Dr. H'top. first round of balloting Sunday. 'these conservatives failed In design and distinctive styling With Factory Warranty (Fifth); Republic," their efforts to insert such ■ a ters also decided to have Its 38 **3*»ttag 35 miles north of Saigon A fireman found the uncord Polls showed that 36 to 40 per De GauUe’s two hottest com­ *63 CATALINA 2-DR. SEDAN cent of the electorate still were condemnation and Bhlday night member states slap a total eco- week.* sMoua form of 23-month • old '64 G R A N D PRIX petitors are Francois Mitter­ distributed circular letters ask­ nomlc blockade on Rhodesia, ^ Invasion steps up, Biff Jeffery WiUlams in « Choice of 2 undecided Euid observers specu­ rand, 49, who for the first time '60 CATALINA WAGON lated If they swing toward Ms ing bishops to -vote against the cut off all communications, bar Information on North Viet- smoke - filled upstairs room tat Du It Yourself,,. SAVE Vs! since the Popular Front of the entire schema. ’Their appeal planes from flying over their ®®™ese movements comes from the fewo-story bouse of Mr. andl. 4 . * five opponents, be Gaulle will 1930s 1 ^ gained support of both was largely ignored, be forced Into a' runoff contest territory to Rhodesia, block all defectors and prisoners. Mrs. Joseph (Jolemaa on Wei|. We provide free planning guide and will estimate the Communist and non-Oom- R was also announced today Rhodesian bank accounts and The five and possibly six regi­ High Street. SATURDAY SPECIAL the cost of your job. You install yourself, folhm- against the top opposition candi­ mimiBt left, and centerlst Jean that the council gave a final de- CHEVROLET date. declare Rhodesian travel docu­ ments operaUng in the central The child died shortly befori^ L ec^uet, 46, a Christian Demo- cisive vote of approval to Its ments 'void. GIANT ing simple, foolproof instructions we fumisb. De Gaulle, 76, running for a highlands are supplied by two midnight at Lawrence aqC Ordinary hand tools are all you need. '64 BEL AIR STATION WGN. popularly elected office for the schema on the priestly Ufe, up- There was no mention of any recently cbmpleted roads Md MemorlM H(>spUal. He waa ttae. military action i^ratast Ihe re­ by air, via Cambodia. A dirt eon of Mr. .and Mrs. Joaeplt ' HAM GRINDER '62 BEL AIR 4-DOOft SEDAN '62 NOVA STATION WAGON bellious British colony but the airfield is about four miles In­ Williams. •' subject could come up in to­ side Cambodia, northwest of Police said the father aifil with ROASTED PEPPERS, NATIVE TOMA- Completely Adiustahle To AU day’s session. ____Plrtku,. .cuunDiro the Vietnamese High- mother no longer live togethstt' PKOVOLONE c h e e s e , and LET­ They gave the father’s addreat . TUCE ON FRESH 18” BREAD. Interior tutd Exterior Requiremente OAU Secretary-Gefteral Diallo land (Jorps headquarters. Open Daily to 9 P.M. Thun, and Sqi. fq A P.M. ^111 said aU decisions were vot- Three of the regiments there ae 30 Reid St. and the mottaer’f f

^ -0 '

V - A MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCH^TER. CONN^ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1966 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1965 PAC T olla n d SheinwoM on Bridge ^evaluators Start Rendezvous Police Arrests «y of Hartford and JoiMpIt T. "T;.' South dealer Hickey of Manchsetsr. African States V e n u m Scheduled Reading a Complex^ Needed a v o id in t e r n a l f a t e North-South vulnerable Private funeral eervlcea will Announce Engagements William M. A b e r ^ as. of AT TRUMP CONTRACTS NORTH ______be held Monday at 8:30 a.m. Break Off Ties Two Involved in House Visits Monday Glastonbury, was dRielrgednsrg with ♦ A{^1076 -n TV from the W. P, Quiah Funeral By ALFRED 8HEINWOLD ty A speeding and failure to obey a With Rhodesia In 9 Days Skilly School Board Is Told An especially hot comer of <> 764 O. £ i . ' H o e r m a n i l **ome, 22SMialn St, with a Related Crashes^ Town Assessor F. Joseph Murphey has announced solemn high Mass of requiem stop sign at S. Main and Hack­ the infernal regions is reserved 4 , A3 "Reading is the most complex students miss one out of every EAST at 9 at St. Bridget's Church. (Continued (ram Page One) that the revaluation task of measuring and inspecting (Continued from Page One) matack Sts. yesterday. He is tor bridge players who draw WEST School Board School Entered subject that a child must ten words they read when given A J984 A 5 3 2 Burial win be in S t ^ d g e t 's Manchester’s residential property will start Monday trumps on the wrong hands. trading and other Ooipinon- above the earth at 17,500 miles material at their grade level. slated to appear in court on ’92 V 1541 Cemetery. morning and will continue for an estimated eight learn,” Vincent Lamo, an E!n- Robert de Nexon, retired pres­ Veteran, Dies wealth benefits. Two accidents took place lA an hour. He suggested that, to undet*- Dec. 20. 0 QUO 0 983 There wUI be no calling hours. months. ------gllsh and reading teacher at Harry Leister, 45, of no cer­ ident of the World Bridge Fed­ A Q542 A 109 6 Other leading OAU members close succession on R t 83 in EJir, Most space agency experts stand the problem, board mem­ ROCKVILLE! — Oscar El. ' j*iciuKeld men iromfrom unotJie United uniicQ * believe they have a 50-50 chance Rockville High School, told the bers have someone cross out tain address, was charged'with eration, proved that he was on SOUTH not in U»e Commonwealth in­ llngton about 1:30 this morning, Appraiael Oo„ each carrying Infant Ryan 1 CC11111CIII6 or better to accomplish the ren­ board of education this week. every tenth word In a newspa­ intoxication when he was found the side of the angels by his A K Hoermann, 73, of 118 Prospect clude the United Arab Republic, Stafford Springs State Police an“ “ tdentifloation card contain- * V Q 1086 SOUTH WINDSOR — The ta- dezvous. Speaking at a special curric­ per sirticle and then attempt in the hall at .4 Pearl St. yes­ play of a difficult slam contract St., a former 10-year member Algeria, Tunisia, Guinea and b « tbeb: pictures and signed 0 AK52 nt «« ...k , V _> laut son of Richard and Shirley Ethiopia. . report Police say the accidents Indiscriminate “ If we can them both oft ulum meeting of the board on to read it. terday. He is scheduled to ap­ ,a few years ago. or the Vernon school board, , t> < .n nr .. . . . ' Phelon Ryan pf 40 Woodalde1 1 1 took place as follows: by the assessor, will start the ground, the odds on Wednesday, Lamo said that A board member, questioned pear in court on Dec. 20. ' Opening lead — Queen of South West North Eaat There was no Immediate work on the south side of W. (Continued from page One) died early this morning at Dr. died yesterday at Hartford A car driven by Steven Sten* achieving rendezvous are high,” learning to read requires the de­ the current emphasis on speed 'diamonds. 1 V Pass' 2 A. ’ Past reaction from the British gov­ noddle Tpke., between Main ... < Pass 3 Rockville' General Hospital. Hospital shortly after birth. Iger, 20, of Kelly Rd., Vernon, said Flight Director Christopher velopment of many rqjated reading, and Lamo said that, to West opened the queen dia­ 3 0 Pass ernment in London to the OAU and Broad Sts., and will grad- 4 4 Pass 4 Pass . Mr. Hoermann was bom In Survivors include two broth- swerved and came to rest on a Kraft. “ We’ve got a good skills which are not acquired by a certain extent, it Is beneficial, monds, and De Nexon won with threat to cut off diplomatic rela­ oally visit every home, until Pa"‘c, order was restored at the 4 A Pass 6 V All Pau RockvlUe, March 14, 1892, a era, Michael R^an and Timothy tions. lawn. Steniger told police that chance of doing it. There are all children at the samq rate or but that sometimes a student Open Forum the king. The hell-bent bridge a vehicle coming toward him. aU sections of the town have Metropole. All the wounded player would draw three rounds son of John and Mary Myers Ryan, and a sister, Cynthia Ry- three factors involved; how well age. will sacrifice comprehension for in his lane caused him to been covered. were carried across the road- Hoermann, and was a lifelong an, all at home; his paternal ? the spacecraft operates, how Studies have shown, he said, speed, or “will find himself miss­ Not An Issue of trumps and then do his think­ still In his hand. The small slam swerve. Tbey will make an interior way to the U.S. Navy Hospital well we do with the checkout of that 10 to 16 per cent of ele­ ing, but it would come too late. resident. He retired eight years grandmother, Mrs. John Ryan Bolton ing more and more, faster and To the Editor, was thus quite sure, ahd he ac­ Mrs. Herbert Urwelder Oustaf A. Anderson ' Erland Parent 19, of Slater and exterior inspecUon of each „ad also suffered minor the Gemini 6 spacecraft and mentary school children suffer I take issue 'with some ideas Since the jack of spades does ago after being employed more Champag;ne, HI.; and his ma- faster.” tually made an' overtrick by than 45 years at Hartford Accl- temal grandmother, Mrs. Anna Rd., Wapplng, told police ha building, to record all of the . . launch vehicle, and the weather. reading deficiencies. The rate of speed also hinders in the Connecticut Yankee col­ not drop, the trumps don’t leading a spade from dummy saw Steniger's car sliding side­ measuremeirts, plus a list of patients there dent and Indemnity Insurance Phelon of East Hartford. “ Unquestionably we're going He stressed that, the easier comprehension by some students umn of The Manrfiester Eve­ break, and the queen of clubs is and ruffing with the ten. West Heads Chapman Court of Amaranth B im p ways and slammed on his ' physical InformaUon, such as been cut by flying glass. A to have to have a lot going for it is for a chiId4o get his hands on the wrong side, South must Co. The funeral will be held at dispensary on the two lower who read word by word, loosing ning- Herald published Thurs­ could not over-ruff, and South In Morning Fog brakes. His brakes locked and type of heat, amount of plumb­ us," Kraft added. on books, the more eager he is He attended Union Congrega- the convenience of the family. Mrs. Herbert Urwelder of 51 The newly elected royal ma­ floors of the hotel was smashed. the meaning of what they are day, Dec. 2, 1965. go down. took the last trick with the Driessens phexo Miss around, hit a telephona ing, kind of floors, etc. Air Force Lf'. Ool. Jack Al­ to read, and the more easily he De Nexon is a cool customer Uonal Churem He was a mem- Princeton St. last night was tron is a past matron of Temple The engagement of American soldiers were espe- reading in the process. Legislative reapportionment queen of trumps. Two cars collided in the to g The engagement of Miss Lois _ „ ^ ^ _ pole_____ and_____ struck ^a parked car bert, Titan 2 launch director, will read. and planned to stay that way by beV of Hartford Lodge of Ma- ^ome, 1602 Main St., Chapter, Onjer of Eastern The men have been trained cTttlly bitter about the loss of The rate of speed at which a in Connecticut is a fact. It has Daily Question a ^^^st Hartford,’ Is In charge of elected royal matron of Chap- on Rt. 6 in Bolton this mom- Stoker of Glastonbury, former- Hemingway of ElHng- o^vned by Warren Cobum o f placed the odds at 50-60 and said A public library near the playing the trumps correctly. sons; Star; and former granii mar­ to recognise all of the features Vietnamese civilian life. person reads differs with what already been accomplished by Partner opens with one spade, ing when one of them pulled ly of Manchester, to David ton to Stanley W. Jones of West St., Rockville. Parent was another major factor will be the schools leads to a better quality After winning the first trick with Adoniramniro„, Chapter, RAM- RAM; „a arrangements. man Court, Order of Amaranth, shal of Grand Chapter, Order bf a dwelling which either add “Radio Hanoi will probably he reads, Lamo said. The rate Public Act Number 2 of the and the next player passes. You out of q service station into Dupree of Bloomfield has been Vernon has been announced by arrested for failure to drive In to or detract from its value. amount of blast and fire dam­ of reading among the children, November, 1964 Special Session the king of diamonds he cashed member of Adoniram Council, There will be no calling hours, at a meeUng at the Masonic of Eastern Star of Connecticut. the paJih of the other. loudly proclaim that this is a used to read a magazine would hold: Spades, J-B-8-4; Hearts, 9- announced by her parents. Dr. her parenLs, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- established lane, and to Depreciation will be applied to age caused on Launch Pad 19 by he said. of the legislature. Whether or the king of spades, got to dum­ RASM, and a member of Hope ------— Temple. She succeeds Mrs. Nead She is also a member of the John E. Bronkie, 73, of Lake great victory against the be much faster than that used to 2; Diamonds, Q-J-lOi Clubs, Q- and Mrs. Warren C. Stok­ __ , „ . . . _ scheduled to appear in court IB ’ ^ch building according to its the Gemini 7 blastoff. Reading instruction continues not the people of Connecticut my with the king of hearts and Chapter, Order of Ekistem Star. Arthur V. Kibbe Miller. Offi-ers will be installed White Shrine, Daughters of the Rd., Andover, was g;iven a ard F. Plastridge, Green St. Manchester on Dec. 27. American imperflilists. But read a textbook. 5-4-2. What do you say? er of Glastonbury, formerly of genersil condition and main­ If there Is only the usual through Grade 12 and into col­ accept or reject the proposed led out the ace and queen of Survivors Include his wife, EILLINGTON — Arthur V. Jan. IS at "• 3 Masonic Temple. Nile, and South Methodist warning by resident State we've seen the dead kids being Answer: Bid two spades. You Manchester. Her fiance is a son of Mr. Vemon police report the Ver* tenance, after considering the burned wires and charred paint, lege, and a lack of reading abil­ St. Matthew’s Meeting Change revised constitution on Decem­ spades to get rid of his two low Mrs. Rose Zschemig Hoermann; Kibbe, 62, of Moutain St., died Gustaf >. Anderson of 710 Church. She is a medical coder Trooper Robert Peterson for pulled from those houses over have points In high cards, i Her fiance is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Jones o f hon Elementary School was the Gemini 6 rocket and sp 'ce- ity affects all the subjects a An open meeting sponsored ber 14, 1965, their legislature diamonds. 6 a son, Robert O. Hoermann of yesterday at St. EYancis Hos- W. Middle Tpke. was elected at Hartford Hospital. She has a failure to grant the right of ««e there across the road,” said an for the doubleton, and may and Mrs. Ernest Dupree of 88 Brent Dr broken into sometime last nlglit. craft will be hoisted into place child will study, according to by St. Matthew’s Church to ex­ will remain apportioned as It is Takes Top Cards Rockville; a daughter, Mrs. pltal, Hartford. royal patron to succeed William son. Dr. Herbert Urweider of ■ way at a private drive. Each property owner will be officer, also count point extra tor the Bloomfield. with 28 hours. Lamo. plain the interior design and now apportioned by Public Act Declarer continued by taking 1 John Hagberg of South Hadley, He was bom in Stafford Morrison.' Washing;ton, D.C. His car was struck by one Miss Hemingway is a senior asked pertinent questions con- “We know who It really hurt, jack of partner’s bid suit. This Miss Stoker is a graduate of Then will begin a furious nine- A considerable number of color scheme of the new church Number 2. This fact has not the top cards in the side suits Mass.; a brother, Frank Hoer- Springs on Feb. 26, 1903, a son Other officers are Mrs. Don- Anderson is a past master of driven by Larry R. Howley, at Ellington High School. Her this m om - ceming purchase price, build- Just as in every other terrorist is enough tor a raise. Lasell Junior College and at­ ing. day period in which the launoli high school students today are will be held tomorrow night at been sufficiently stressed by — first the clubs and then the mann of/Alexandria, Va., and of the late Fred and Susie aid Gray, associate matron; Manchester______Grange. He is a 30, of 60 Oak St., Wapplng, tended Hartt College of Music, fiance, a graduate of Rockville tag and remodeling costs, and bombing in Saigon, the Viet Copyright, 196S Police say that the school was team will attempt to conduct a reading below their grade level, 7:30 in the Hicks Memorial those persons arguing the pros ace of diamonds. He could then five grandchildren. Schofield Kibbe. A lifelong area Donald Gray, associate patron; member of South Methodist according to police. Howley was University of Hartford. She is High School, served four years the dates of the transactions. Cong kill more of their own General Features Corp. entered through a window from checkout that normally requires he said. A reading consultant, School gym. The Rev. J. Clif­ and cons of the proposed re­ ruff a club with dummy’s low Flineral services will be held r^ d en t’^ Mr. jKiWbe Frank Crocker, treasurer; Church, Manchester Lodge of eaatbound. The accident presently employed by the Uni­ with the U.S. Air Force. He is The field men will request the people than they kill Ameri- employed by Pratt and Whit which the glass was broken. The property owners to sign a field cans.” 29 days. Crews will work around through individual testing, can ford Curtain cites the "enthus­ vised constitution. " trump and returned by ruffing a Monday at 2 p.m. at the White- Mrs. Gustaf Anderson, secre­ Masons and Nutmeg Forest, curred about 9 a.m. versity of Hartford. Mr. Du­ employed as a supervisor by find what reading skill the stu­ ELDER BOROS DIES ney Division of United Aircraft break was discovered about card, as a means o f verifying ------the clock to do it. iastic response of the towns­ Furthermore, the fact Is that diamond with the eight of Gibson Funeral Home, 65 Elm tary; Mrs. Wilber Little, con­ Tall Cedars of Lebanon, He is a pree Is a senior at Hartt Col­ W. T. Grant Co, Manchester dent is deficient in, and find Oorp., East Hartford, for 23 6:40 a.m. that the house has been in­ Kraft said Gemini 6 could be people” as the reason for acceptance of the proposed re­ trumps. FAIRFIELD (AP) — Lance St. The Rev. Paul J. Bowman, ductress, and Mrs. Albion Se­ maintenance engineer at Bezzini lege of Music where he is a Parkade . ' what teaching will best suit the pastor of Union Church, will of- years Patrolman C)yrfl Banks la in­ spected, both Inside and out­ launched as late as the 12th day changing the meeting place to vised constitution on December De Nexon ruffed another club Boros, father of golfer Julius verance, associate conductress. Bros., Manchester. music education major. A late swanmer 1966 wedding Warning Issued student. The consultant also ad­ Survivors include his wife, Hospital Notes vestigating. side. after the Gemini 7 liftoff without the school from the Tolland 14, in no way cements the pres­ with dummy’s ace of trumps, Boros, died Friday at his home. ficlate. Burial will be in Grove A June wedding is planned. ts planned vises teachers and teaches them Mrs. Edna Heim Kibbe; a son, difficulty. He said a launching Grange Hall. St. Matthew’s CYO ent apportionment of the legis­ thus winning his eleventh trick, Fqneral services will be held Hill Cemetery. Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. The appraisals made by the In 2-Car Crash new methods of teaching read­ Monday. Friends may call at the fu­ Fred Kibbe o f Vernon; two could be tried on the 13th day will hold its meeting at 6:30 at lature into Connecticut’s constl- with the queen-ten of trumps in all areas excepting mater­ United Appraisal Co. will bo ing. neral home tomorrow from to daughters, Mrs. William Wiell- GOP Leaning Toward Offer 4 but this would depend on wheth­ the Grange to permit members tlon. The proposed constitution 2 based on current values and, nity where they are 2 to 4 p.m. A car driven by Leo Petelle, er Borman and Lovell and their The level of reading is based to attend the meeting at the contains no provision prescrib­ 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. ezka of Ellington and Mrs. About Town upon completion of the entire and 6:30 to 8 p.m. and private 45, of Rockville, hit a car driv­ spacecraft are in good enough on factors of comprehension, school. ing the present apportionment. The family requests that Richard Fox of Tolland; two Members of Washington LOCi project, the board of directors Of McCarthy for Firehouse rooms where they are 10 a.m. en by Mary Ackerman of 104 shape to remain in orbit an ex­ rate of speed and vocabulary. There is not one word in it pre­ those wishing to do so may Harold Kibbe of and Royal Blade Preceptoey will'determine what percentage to p.m., Visitors are requested tra day. The reading instructor is most scribing district lines. It merely make memorial contributions to Hartford and Boyd Kibbe of 8 will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. of the appraised values will be Woodibrldge St. yesterday af­ Manchester Evening Herald 'The Republican Town (jom- their rights and, therefore, we not to smoke in patients' rooms. “ If It comes to that, we'll concerned with the comprehen­ provides that, "The establish­ CHARTER OAK RESTAURANT the Heart Association. East Hartford; a sister, Mrs. at Watkins - West Ftmeral used as a standard for assess- ternoon at Main and Hilliard Tolland correspondent Bette mittee last night leaned toward should wait until the ZBA hands No more Oian two visitors at make the decision at the time,” sion of the student, which is ment of districts in the general 120 CHARTER OAK STREET — MANCHESTER Opal L. Raltt o f Lawrence, Home, 142 E. Center St., to meht puiposes, on the October Qiiatrale, tel. 8T5-284S. Sts., police report. Petelle told Kraft said. - ■ based on six or seven compo­ assembly shall be consistent Robert D. Dougan Mass., and nine grandchildren, endorsement of town acceptance decision.” one time per patient. conduct a memorial service for 1966 Qrand List. , NOW YOU CAN HAVE YOUR Funeral services will be held - ...... r __ _ _ town is considering three ___ police he did not see the other Schirra and S tafford original site skills, Lamo said. with fe d e ra l constitutional VpiJNON — Robert David the late Robert David Dougan, Manchester now assesses at tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at the ^ •», sites for the new firehouse, the TODAY; 276. car after he had stopped for flight was erased Oct. 25 when The child most in need of the standards.” (Art. 3, Sec. 5) who was a member of both 72 per cent of fair market val­ Duplicate Bridge Dougan, 79, of Rt. 30, formerly Ladd Funeral Home, 19 Elling- ^ ’ action until one at Lawton Rd. and Wood- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: a stop sign, and he pulled out. the Agena satellite they were to assistance of a reading sonsul- This is a flexible requirement PIZZAS OR GRINDERS of Valley St., Manchester, died groups. ue, compared to a state aver- He was-given a written warning tant is one which has an aver­ Results in a duplicate bridge and one can hardly say that it ton Ave., Rockville. 'The Rev. ®“ ®'' ^®®’ On that,date, the bridge St.; another at Wood- J««®ray Adams, Carpenter Rd„ •age, for towns of similar size, have linked up with failed to early this morning at an out-of- j ^ ^n- Appeals (ZBA) bridge St. and E. Middle Tpke., Bolton; Paul Archambault, Cov- for failure to grant the right age or better IQ but is read­ game played last night in the cements the present apportion­ fA. of 67 per cent. reach orbit. 7 DELIVERED* town hospital. Congregational Church, will consider a town request for at a cost of $45,000; and a Kenneth Baker, Patricia EViendship Circle o f the Sal­ of way. Tlie remaining five flights in ing several grades below his basement rooms at 39 School ment of the legislature Into vation Army will meet Mon­ Murphey said that he has no WI'THIN 5 MILE RADIUS Mr. Dougan was bom July o^jetate. Burial will be lA El- ® variance to diminish the land third on property ’of the Com- ^ - Vemon; Michael Bombar A truck driven by Frank current grade level. St. are: East-West Mr. and Mrs. Connecticut’s Con-stltution. 1.0042 In fllA-nnyx-WA Oi-tnfQ-. n**An a .-# 4 U a T a — - 4 a . . 0 - 8 1. a -r a _ eming St.; Mrs. Mar- Chester has been announced by j^^en of East Hartford to John i®n completing Air Force basic Meadow Lane, hit a car driven are many machines available Social Club, Royal Black Pre- ^^3 ^n Air Force veteran of Firehouse. on Monday, are Durant, Es.sex, h o s p it a l g r a n t the Manchester YWCA. The Natllie Wood to the town, and Martin has so nan o* . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- , . , , __. „ training. A 1963 graduate o t today that can the read­ ceptory, all of Manchestei».,and World War H. .. , Michael Moran Jr. of Manches- Uttle and S. Hawthorne Sts. by Alice M. Manir of 11 Lewis WASHINGTON (AP) -- The event is open to the public. Tony Curtis A motion tor going on record been informed.” ^ ® thony Serour, Oneida. Manchester High School, ha PI. yesterday evening on Main ing consultant, but added that “ Sex and the A.pprentice Boys of Derry, Ire­ Survivors include Ws wife, for town acceptance of the lots « .u t v 1 a •> Theresa Lindsey, East Her fiance is a son of Mr. has been announced by her Public Health Service has ’ In spite of that knowledge,” Hartford; Walter Matkof, 85 will be trained on the job aa an St., police report. The Rev. Mr. they merely support the teach­ Single Girl” land. Mrs. Mabel Vellleux Lambert, was made by Wilber Little, who TITHES PASS BUDGET awarded a $125,000 grant to the PEANUTS GAIN he charged, “Martin has gone Charter (3ok St.; Kathleen Mor- and Mrs. Sherwood J. Trueman parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. administrative specialist with Nostrand told police he did not er. and cannot by themselves and Survivors Include a son, a son, Roger Lambert, and a said, “ It would be crazy for the I DALLAS, Tex. (API — TTie Uncas - on Thames Hospital in MrI4'Vi T\loncf \sAn ^ n——v____ vn_t —of 33 Server St. Lauritzen, East Hartford. the Tactical Air Command. correct the child's problem. WASHINGTON (AP) — The “Days of WlnC-. David R. Dougan of Vemoji, daughter. Miss Diane Lambert, town to spend money for another f^®®^ 117 Pond Lane; Eric First Baptist church has an­ see the other vehicle on his Noiwich, Conn., to help finance A 1962 graduate of Manches­ right as he attempted to make Cook asked, Laino whether peanut has been gaining favor and Roses” with whom he made his home; all of Hartford; his mother, Mrs. site, when only a few residents the land appraised, and has Nickse, Clark Rd., Bolton; Mrs. Her fiance is a son of Mr. nounced that more than half of a $937,000 addition and altera­ Mon. and Tues. ter High School, Trueman is Dr. Edward Kerstlng, assist­ a school system such as Tol­ with American consumers. a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Craf- Louise Lambert of Wapplng; of the area oppose the free of- made his offer, although he had Carol Richfield, 11 Crown St., and Mrs. John Michael Moran a right turn. tions project. “Roses” 6:40 presently serving with the U.S. ant dean of the College of Ag- Its 13,506 members tithed in put­ land’s. consisting of about 1 ,- Consumption has reached a ford of Riverside, R.I.; a sister, two brothers, Henry Lambert of fer.” no right to do so.” Rockville. Sr. of 48 Princeton St. “Sex” 8:45 Air Force awaiting reassign­ Miss Lauritzen is a graduate riculture at the University of ting the 1968 budget $100,000 300 students and 54 teachers per capita average of 7.1 pounds Mrs. Matilda Robinson of Hart- Manchester, N.H., and Jean His motion was tabled on an- In other actions last night, BIR'THS YESTEJRDAY: A ment to Hickam AFB, ^ Hawaii. ^ of Mount St. Joseph Academy, Connecticut, will be the guest over its $1,5.32,000 . and confined at this time to a year, the Agriculture Depart­ PH-643 7832 — AIR CONDIIIONED ford; a brother, Henderson Paul Lambert of Tampa. Fla.; other motion by Lemuel Miller, th® committee accepted the res- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Don AMPLE PARKING The wedding is set for Dec. Hartford and St. Joseph’s sP®aker at a meetlnlg of th« J. C. Cantrell, chairman of Cong Bom b Saigon Billet^ ment reported. IXmgan of Ireland; five grand­ and seven sisters, Mrs. Angel to take no position until the Ignation of one member and ald Mathewson, 712 Dart Hill elementary education, could 11 Kiwanis (Jlub of Manchester on (he every-member canvass, said make advantageous use of auch children and several nieces and Poisson of Beecher Palls, Vt., ZBA announces Its decision. elected two others. Rd., Rockville; a son to Mr. and College, West Hartford. She is tt is the sixth straight year the pres^nriy ’ doing ■grad"uate~work Tu®^ay at noon at the Man- a program. nephews. Mrs. Marie Blake of New Bri- GrOP Chairman Francis Della- The resignation, for reasons Mrs. Michael Russell, 65 Sea­ downtown church had raised 11 Killed^ Scores Injured at Central Connecticut College ®’"®®^®'’ Country Club, Lamo replied that It would Funeral services will be held tain, Mrs. Helen LaMothe of pera said, “ I am sure that it Is of illness, was from Mrs. El- man Oirole; a son to Mr. and more than a million dollars for ■be better to start a remedial Monday at 11 a.m. at Watkins- Bristol, and Mrs. Theresa Le- the Intent of the committee to leen Conrad, who was assistant Mrs. Adomlano Tedone, 16 Main Advisory Group where she is a candidate for an Its budget. (Continued from Page One) Gilbert & Sullivan Workshop of Manchester St.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. MS in education. Mi.ss Laurit­ Sunset Council, Degree of reading program when there is West Funeral Home, 142 E. Fevre, Mrs. Lucille Boucher, recommend that the town saves leader of District 4. Dr. W. A. Criswell is pastor of blasted away with a 12-gauge zen is a Grade 4 teacher in Pocahontas, wlU meert Monday pared to the blasts that wrecked a small number of students in MICHAEL CAINE Center ' St., Manchester. The Mrs. Irene Dube and Miss Dor­ as much money as possible. At She was replaced by Mrs. Mahlon TiUotson, 35 Lawler Rd., To Assist TPC (he church, one of the largest in shotgun and 45-caliber pistol. FINAL AUDITIONS FOR Vemon; a daughter to Mr. and Somersville School. at 7:30 p.m. at Tinker Hall the U.S. Embassy and Saigon Three girls rushed to the a few grades, than to wait Rev. John D. Hughes, senioi othy Lambert, all of Berlin, the same time, we must consid- Ernestine Brown of 21 Harlan t ^ r,- , for the nomination of offlceni the Southern Baptist Conven­ Salvatore Pilloramo, chair- Her fiance is a graduate of until the system is enlarged. ■ ■■ Sundays Weekdays assistant at St. Mary’s Church, N.H. er the feelings of the people of Rd. The other new committee ^ ‘ immerman, Staf- tion. police headquarters earlier this doors of bars opposite the hotel 'll mam of the Contractors’ Division Manchester High School and and a Christmas Party. He explained the serious­ 2:00-4:10 and Sat. will officiate. Burial will be in The funeral will be held Mon- the area, as well as of the whole member is Mrs. Mabel Calam of year. to see what was going on. Tliey of the Chamber of Commerce, Trinity College, Hartford. He were ripped to pieces when the ness of the reading problem by THE GONDOLIERS 6:30-8:30 East Cemetery, Manchester. day at 8:15 a.m. from the Pl- town. We must not infringe upon 42 Hills St. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; Spec. 4 William Selppel, a 7:00-9:10 Mrs. Hazel Burt, 70 Bretton has announced that his group also received a MA in English truck blew up. giving an example of what Friends may call at the funer­ sette Funeral Home, 20 S isson ______military policeman, was on duty Rd.; Mrs. Dorothy Krause, 642 will soon provide a Teclinical at Trinity College in 1954 where A Vietnamese pedicab driver, teachers ^ 1 1 the "frustration Tuesday, December 7 al home tomorrow from 7 to 9 Ave., Hartford, with a solemn Hope Is Seen al the Metropole’s front door. Miss Regina Szszyglel and Miss Hartford R d.; Mrs. Ingeborg Advisory Committee to assist ho Is presently doing additionail COLOR FILM and cycling pa.st the scene, just dis­ level” of reading experienced p.m. high Mass of requiem at 9 at St. C o lu m b ia He and Vietnamese guards South Methodist C^iurch— ^Manchester Sandra Szczygiel, both at home; Swanback, Tolland; Arthur Me the Town Planning Commission graduate work in education. FLASH BULBS ~ appeared into the air, a Navy by .students reading below their The family requests that those Ann’s Church, Hartford. Burial In Convictions ducked for cover when the light, four brothers, Richard Meade Kay, 215 Highland St.; Cindy (TPC) in updating and modern- ^ r. Moran Is an English teach- officer walking a block away grade level. MEiny of these Call Louise Withey—649-0071 For Appointment I wishing to do so may make jvill be in Mt. St. Benedict Cem­ Discount Prices! explosive-laden truck stopped and Charles Meade, both of Cars Sideswipe Backus, Wapplng; John Bastas, -izing the town’s zoning regpila- ®r Penney High School, Eaist reported. Heat Your Car ^memorial contributions to a etery, Bloomfield. Of Klansmen, about 20 feet from them. Scores Available at Watkins Brothers Springfield, Francis Meade of 23 Grand Ave., Rockville; Mrs. tions. Hartford. ARTHUR DRUG The Viet Cong left a mine be­ JCT. 3I-32.WILLIMANTIC tT?l iMj Book of Remembrance at St. Friends may call at the fu­ They evaded the Viet Cor\g Free Gallon Gas Agawam, Mass., and Matthew In Rt, 6 Crash Ellen Turcotte, East Hartford; A July wedding is planned. (Continued fram Page One) hind, timed to go off 15 minutes ■ Mary's Church, Manchester. neral home tonight from 7 to 9 He said that establishment of machine gun bursts iuid Seippel FREE in -ca r HEATERS Giants 10 P.M., Seaside 8:30 Meade of Oakland, Calif.; two Mrs. Gail Deane, 180 Center St.; after the truck blew up. It didn't Keep Warm, Keep Cozy and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and As a result of accident on the advisory committee had bach, Alabama Atly. Gen. Riob) Bonus 7 P.M. sisters. Miss Arlene Meade of George Fitch, 130 Glenwood St.; go off. Demolition men said its Miss Nellie Hickey 7 to 9 p.m. Rt. 6 in Columbia yesterday a been suggested by TPC Chair­ mond Flowers, offiedato of thd' East Hartford and Mrs. Rose John Mossolinl, RFD 2; Mrs. Junior Colleges Help battery was too weak. MEADOWS-;^’ ■ Miss Nellie Hickey, 84, of Willimantic man was charged man John Lamenzo, in order National A ssoci^on for Uie Ad- THREE GREAT SWINGERS! Naiva of Poquonock, and sever- Jacqueline Spaulding, Hebron; The street w m a scene of No. 1—Charlton Heston rili>34UCAA4i*i TONITE — 3 HITS Laurel St., died yesterday morn­ Maurice J. Clark with failure to pass at a safe to create a close working re­ CHICAGO — Junior colleges vancement of Colored People' John Schuch, 67 OreWrd St., smashed buildings, broken glass Richard Boone ing ait a West Hartford con- WAPPING— Maurice Joseph niepes and nephews. distance. ’’ lationship between the town are helping relieve the pres­ and the Congress of Racial Paris 7, Bed 8:46, Red 10:80 TEEN-AGERS The funeral vylll be held Mon­ Rockville; Mrs. Dorothy Phil­ and bloodied clothing. Order ivalescent home after a long Cnark, 40, of 383 Smith Dr., The driver, Janis Cemere, 43, agency and the town’s contrac­ sure placed on four-year col­ Equality and the husband of the' "THE WAR LORD' ZOOM TO day, at a time to be announced, lips, Lakeside Circle, Bolton; was restored after the first few fulness. died this morning at St. Fran­ is scheduled appear in circuit tors. , leges for higher education. At slain woman, Teamsters Uhion No. 2—Sean Connery from the John p. Tierney Funer­ to Mrs, Marjorie Roach, Coventry; minutes of panic and the SUPERSIZE I She was bom in Manchester cis Hospital, Hartford. court at Willimantic Dec. 28. present there are 719 of these official Anthony Liuzzo. wounded were taken to a U.S. "MARNIE" He was born In Ashland, al Home, 219 W. Center St., ■til _4. , • ■ A ■ Ragnar Johnson, Box Mt. Rd.. AND ,on Sept. 14, 1881, daughter of His car stmek one being driv- t-> two-year colleges, and 20 to 30 with a solemn high Mass of T * Vernon: Alfred Poirier, Cook Navy hospital across from the No. 3—Yul Brj-nner, [the late James and Mary Houli- Maine, on March 18, 1925. A Power Total Doubled new ones are opening each ^WESTOWNN OPEN TERRORIZE requiem at the Church of the en by Robert J. Stress, 31, of Bolton; Mrs. Lillian Walsh. ' PHARMACY / ALL DAY hotel. “FUght From Ashiya” >;gan Hickey. A lifelong resi- resident of w;applng for six Willimantic, according to State ^ ^ Knoxville, renn— Tenn.—Homes Homes a and year. Present enrollment in Smokes Tab $7 Billion -COLOR Assumption. Burial will be in Five patients there had been ATOWNI hEiiugWiinblNU ,dent, she had been employed years. Mr. Clark had been a Police.Police *• '-■ ^ ^ i t t Murdock, i i i i farms s aerveaserved byoy distributorsaisiriDutors of junior colleges exceeds a mll- CHICAGO—Americans spent ' ,459 Hartford Rd. — 649-9946 # All In Color TtEDUHk machinist for Pratt and Whit­ St. James’ Cemetery. SUNDAY cut by flylng^^ glass. A dispensa­ Color Companion fby Cheney Bros., retiring The accident occurred about ’ electricity used an aver- lion. about $7.1 billion on cigarettes ry on theAwo” lower floors of the HARirORD SPRIHGFIELD tXPRESStVAV Feature BONUS PIX [albou't 15 years ago. ney Division of United Aircraft Friends may call at the funer- f 20 pm when Cemers East- ^ge of 10,831 kilowatt hours ------in 1964 at an average price hotel were smashed. Corp., Bast Hartford. He was al home tonight from 7 to 9 RIS. 5A & 91 North — HARTFORD Jerry • Survivors Include a brother, bound, started to pass ’stress, M o re s ^k I iIv w"!i?h th compared I CYCLE FOR 3 IN FRANCE of 28.6 cents per ^ k . Federal, a veteran of World War Seabees said they would have iFreddle and the Drea'meii] ^ iMaurice M. Hickey of Hart- and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and ,----- . 5 _ ------naUonal average of PA R IS-F rance has some 9 state and local W is e taxes and the n , serving with the U.S. Coast but was forced by an oncoming the billet repaired in a month'. i m m o u n r jford; a niece, Mrs. Mary H. 7 to 9 p.m. ’^'^®®® '■®®‘‘ railllon bicycles, million mo- on them totaled $3.3 billion; ALL MEDICINAL SERVICES AVAILABLE Pacemakers Guard. car to pull back into the travel 6 In other developments: • iBU'tler of Hartford; and three lane. ^ dential consumers paid an aver- torbikes and half a million mo- manufacturing and marireting Five miles from the outskirts DEJUi in Su|[vivprs Include his wife,* Marion Dr.; Mrs. or: 9 IV .«oiis 9UO • m s Ineiphews, James L. Hickey of ~ Mary Eng- age of .92 of a cent per kilo- tor scooters and motorcycles— cost $3.2 billion, and the to- of Saigon, part of a Vietnamese s e a s i d e ^ “ Ferry Mrs. Kathleen Nadeau Clark; quist and son, Tolland; Mrs. j „po«ia »<1V3 JO uos „puv MARTIN iWetherafield, Maurice P. Hick- Funerals watt hour compared with the one two-wheel vehicle for every baoco producers got $600 mil- company on an ambush mission I pny lectMCOlOR* M W I Been Cross the five biPthers, Ernest Clark of Nancy Max>ey and daugihter, national average of 2.3 cents. three persona. lion. ..ooo: aNn oau.. Nepal Coin Tiniest? Oovaitry. was attacked. The government P*JJB psoas taonr NNAvmoN* /^savHffffping m p ^ W i n g e r s Mersey” Augusta, Ga„ Wallace Clark of Glastonbury, Leo Clark of Angelo Oiola _ forces suffered light casualties. ISRT NEW YORK — What is the Military intelligence said that East Windsor h o is tin Personal Notices Hartford, Carol Clark of Con- The funeral of Angelo Giola of world’s siiaHest and‘“ u ^ te st about two battalions of hard­ M f cord, N. H„ and Richard Clark 638 Keeney, St. was held this coin? Some collectors ssv it is Hebron route m assari core Viet Cong have moved up DRIVE-IN 5 hMAUniMWASI f of Porestville; nine sisters, Mrs. morning from the John F. Tier- the gold dam that Nepal issued x-i ■■ « Attention 4.0 the perimeter of the capital Card Of Thanks Josephine Beaulieu and Miss ney Funeral Home, 219 W. Cen- between 1881 and 1911. This T O r C C d O ff RoaCl !H::1 Hass r-lrpiilat- pplm 1— ^ ^ and can be expected to go into Tod.v Curtli-Natslie Wood 2 Performances Today ‘bora,'toS® tfriends M and relativesreiittJenOT lor Uie ,------’„ r , . -7 .— ’ < ■ A , 77 A,. Z VIT >-»* wui,«>!». aiiownJtnown as ■ cne the rwi action. "Sex and the SInrIe Olrl” ‘tnajiy acts” of kindness and sym- Mrs. Anna Chakan of Olaston- of requiem at the Church of the dam of Sri Prlthvi "Vlra. Vlk- Y .<31* I lrk\47n IB I TOWN OF MANCHESTER REStDENTS Pint “Distant Trnmpet” 1:30 and 3:10 pathyrm.thv shown Us In ourOUr recent be- temburvfrknlnmr nu-ns rm. — __Assit-mnfinn _____ . . . . * a U.S. military spokesman an­ Wonw Who Wouldn't Die Tonight “The HU1» 5:55-9:40 “Take Sweden" 8:00 Only reavement. We especially thank the - Mrs. Celia Thomas Assumption. rama, is about one-fourth of an nounced that a Navy F4B Phan­ One Show ajt 6:30 1 Perf. Sun.— Start 2:00 .Ladles of St. James, those who sent or Presque Isle, Maine, Mrs. The Rev. Ernest J. Coppa was inch In diameter and weighs A Hebron driver was forced ithe beautiful floral tributes and Sophie Thompkin of South celebrant, assisted by the Rev. only .0431 gram. tom from the carrier Kitty ALL-HEW, ALL-LIVE ...HOT A CtRTQDNI Never before shown anywhere! ilfaoss who acted as bearers. off Rt. 85 in Hebron yesterday Sand mixed with sail for househoider Hawk was lost Thursday over The Sister of Mrs. Levchuk Windsor, and Mrs. Dell Tactl- John J. O’Brien, deacon, and the and her car ’hit a paper box Mrs. Sophie Sokolowski kos, Miss Julia. Clark, Mrs. Rev. Francis J. Mihalek, sub- North Viet Nam, 30 miles north­ STATEiai And Nieces and knocked over a small fir use is avaiiable at the foiiowing io- Brenda Slrois and Mrs. Pern deacon. Paul Chetelate was or- west of Dong Hoi. tree, when she dodged a oar 4 TODAY AND SUNDAY MATINCES ONLY!!! Burby, all of Hartford. ganist and soloist. Burial was No parachutes were sighted HEALTH CAPSULES which pulled out of Deepwood cations: Today (2) Shows 1:80-8:80—Sunday ( ) Show A t 2:00 • 'Kie funeral will be held in St. James’ Cemetery, Father by Michael A. Petti, M-D. from the plane, which was on an 1 Dr., according to State Police. armed reconnaissance. Search toWwaiiH 'Tuesday at 8 a.m. from the Coppa read the committal serv- T O Y S for CAMVOU PAMAOE YOUR 1. Autumn Street at School Street Benjamin J. Callahan Funeral ice. The driver, Estelle T. Arm­ YOURS TO ENJOY...RIGHT NOW! and rescue attempts were aban­ The screen Hia KIDDIES PACK 9Y RAI$IIMorting countries, es- Hi Parkade Branch-—Monday through Saturday HMith CwmIm tivM i».lplul Memwlioa world’s largest gutgUng hot / bsmd. Include two . daughters, peciaHy RhiyUmta, .SbMtWmMlolMaifcjManMtkMbiia mud-pools, n feet across.

■ t t ■r ... ■yiy' 'ir


IRanrlr^Bt^ h ^ through a plebiscite), or to opaiv MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1966 ate as an independent, neutral and non- 1 1 0 ^ Wonders of the Universe aUgnsd state, or wtwther It wishes to Connecticut Yankee constitute with Ckunbodla and Laos a

..if-.;'. MANCHESTER EVENING HERA1|)/ MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, IJECEMBER 4. 19W , ; .tfUL.. '!":*^J^Hi8U^®VENim*HBRAl^:^^IANa*iattBR‘^ SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4. 19«I5 “ “““— i^rif'r 'll''’i7j^ 'ivr i ^ ■■■ - . . ’ , 3 ^ ' ...... ■ . mi ■ ■ ...... Herald Angle s Se^ii in N FL , A FL

EARL YOST Bforto Editor Eight Teams Little Change Made ' Notes from the Little Black Book Loom Large n Sincere thanks to the many readers who either call­ ed, sent notes or passed on kind words during chance F o r S u n d a y In Baseball Picture meetings about recent column on the late Jimmy Mur­ MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP)—Big league baaebafl in ray. . . . Things are looking up on the basketball scene NEW YORK (AP) —It 1966 should be just about like it was in 1966. at WUlimantic State College with Bob Miller moving wih take a combination of drastic changes in the game were made during a IUIICHE8TER in as director of athletics and head coach. Miller got teams pulling off a week of minpr and major league meetings, and no big CAR LEASING -f CUNLIFFE HIGH GRADED off to a faat start with a come------— massive quadruple play. name placers were traded. > ' i or from-behlnd opening game win ,ocker room only go to 300 and ®“t by Sunday night -the The American and il^attonal 0 1 2 MOTOR SALES PRINTING ow r Nlchoto Coltege, 71-70, ^^hen Sherman Plunkett steps National and American leagues did crack down on fra­ YEAR PLAN EXPERT AUTO BODY and ^ u rsd a y night The TOread on and the needle hits the top, football leagues COUld Hnd W ilt Leads ternization on the field by op­ C H O IC E Va r ie t y FENDER REPAIRS Job and Commercial City squad, larger than In th» coach Weeb EJWbank tells the themselves with champion- posing playere, and baseball Firet In Manchester. New ENAMEL a.id LACQUER Printing executives met the new com­ cara fun maintenance, fully REFINISHI>:OS missioner, Gen. WUUam IDckert, tasuied to reduoe your prob­ Qualify Prompt and Efficient 76ers W in REASONABLE PRICES Printing Of AU ^ d s over-flowing crowd. Former di- Lerevbre of the Los Angeles battfes ® ® The retired air "force offlcet lems and worriea For fim in­ 4 MMHWt\k.- ..Mb... rector of athletics at Williman- Dodeers as the Naifonni replacing retiring Ford Prick, formation cnB S eafood FREE ESTIMATES Geissler la now dean League’s rookle-of-the-year. -The thu!** ® *" Ovei* Celts who at the final session of thf RT. 88—VERNON, CONN Commailiiy Press of men. Just Above the Traffic second baseman wasn’t even on BOSTON (AP) — WUt Cham- major league meetings Friday PcNil D odge P ontioe 43 O A K ST. 9 East Middle Tpke. A Baltimore victory over Chi­ DAVE BRADY mo. t e l . 64I/-99S7 Circle the Dodgers’ spring roster ... cago, combined with a Min­ JEFF STUEK EON CONYERS berlain has given another dem- "I’m leaving with a lump TEL. 643-0011* Telephone 643-5727 Off the Cuff Wayne Diesel and Rueben John­ onstraUon of why the Phlladel- ^ my throat.” i 878 MAm STREET son, both of Storrs, will co-cap. nesota triumph at Green Bay, phia 76ers are considered seri* Eckert, who sajrs he wlU not Phone 649-2881 Speaking of dean of men. Will clinch the Western Division We Urge You To Support Don Robeit, who started his new I*’* l®** Wesleyan soccer ous contenders for the Eastern I*® “PUK)et commmssloner,'| The Lutz Junior Museum squad Baltimore’s title lor the Colts and send them Division title perennially won by emphasized throughout the position at Sast Catholic last John into the Jan. 2 NFL champion­ Conyers, Stuek and Brady A & A Unitas needs bqt two the Boston CelUcs. “ a miUtary man Monday in a like capacity, rais. more ship against the Eastern Divi­ PONTIAC GLASS ed a few forehesids when he ^^hdow n passes to tie Y.A. Despite the loss of a close "flbh no baseball experience he AND sion champion Cleveland PUMP SERVICE • For Auto Windshields ordered at least a 100 young ™ ^e’s all-time NFL career rec* Browns. friend in Isaac (Ike) Richman, recommend any -A L L Water Systems and Pumps Part-Load Service South a For Store Fronts and aO men to get shorter haircuts, ^ Hoping for a break Chamberlain . completely out- hnraedlaite changes. ^ The sltuaUon in the AFL is Win All-CCIL Soccer Spots LIQUORS -Jacuzzi Grulds sizes of wtadows Robert is also the Eagle head this: shone his National Basketball hi a Joint meeting, the Amer- Fairbanks Morse Prom now on many families A person who is not used to do- TEMPEST • For Table Tops will be heading for ,the south to Ing this work could cause much xuuuuigxifootbaM coBcii.coach. . ,. Petei'Cie censonBenson ^ ««veral------^ years, ^ the Dicio-rt vi/st -m i-B:auxiiiLeading5 thelij balloting fo r leading reason for Manches- Stuek, and Jack Chirlson of Con- Association rival , lean and National League own- 24 Hour flne lineman With East catholic T u l Z th e SOCcer team is stinginess this fall, allow- ard; Offense Conyers, Randy P®®«<1 th® 76ers"to a 119- ers awarded the 1967 All-Star Gift escape the wintry blasts and damage so Mr. Parrett keeps SALES onfl SERVICE OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 FM. All-CCIL Emergency Rust Proof Your Car Now SATURDAY 8 AM.-NOON High’s football team, is headed v l r t L aT o S a J!^ v^lt rZ rh Manchester High, placing I® Miller of Hall. George King of 103 victory Friday night. ------game to-- Anaheim,------CaMf., •homo Serrtce they are fortunate to have such his own especially trained staff for Boston OoUege. Benson’s ^®*'*^®e Stadium this season. .. uaKiand, will clinch ___ ° , I* . , *1 Coach Dick Daniel.son cniipd th» rv>noryi _« tt.„“__ diamberlain outscored Rus- of the Angels. The 1966 game Service On a firm as M anch^ter Moving to do the work. Therefore, when Before winter sets In and you morning, just phone them and sell 28-13, 'Winding up as Phil- earlier 'was given to the Sti Wrapped Ail Makee and Trucking Co. to take care you have Manchester Moving are driving through slush, ice they will pick you up — there is PAUL D0D6E J. A. WHITE Instruclw for ’y e ^ * i ^ * t h o E*"®’ annual Old f Sophomore Conyers tied for Second Team: Goalie, Barry adelphia’s top scorer, and out- Louis Cardinals. AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Call Hartford of all their moving worries. One and Trucking Oo. move your and water, why not have it rust n( extra charge for this ser­ 5 2 5 - 3 9 9 3 Service of their most- appreciated serv- furniture you know you are get- proofed at Turnpike Texaco, vice. Leave your car while you Marines and boxed professional- ^ “ ‘‘®® I S ^ w e r f the club lead In points, netting Bishop of Eastern- D efe^T rebounded Russell by a whop- The owners voted to meet PONTIAC, ING. G L A S S C O . 69 Jensen St., Manchester ices is the "part-load” service ting the finest in service, corner of Broad and W. Middle are shopping and it will be ly in the middleweight division. ” , ‘ ; L n cw T S n S .ffn T ^ R m fu1mack^Jeff‘'^8t..Pr®«nd®''‘‘‘’^’ “ ® “ ®‘^ ® Serratore of Cen- margin. 80-10. ne.xt year at I 373 Mata St.—TeL 649-2881 31 Blssell St— Tel. 649-7322 VICHI'S to Florida. The fact that there If you want to walk out of the Tpke. This rust proofing is ready when you call back. Not Now retired from service, service Tier.Ben- me L ^ ^“‘7'’^’ Hundley, formerly of cievri^d chamiMon wo“ Buffalo m “ np Bills.^ ‘“ h Si’foma/d^R^^S ’^fH_ Stuek and cen- record by "b<^tlng“7ome“''foui? booting home four Tr^rtral. BillBill"wscze^orwlrthTrs^ Disezena of Wethers- " 7?ie“perform"^ce ” ' was turned - Ui7 son is working for the State of ^ L a k e r s , now , 'von the NFL cham- Conyers. points in a single contest against field, Roger Eddy of Conard despite the death of Ricliman, scheduled for Columbus Ohin^ is a $60 minimum in the tariff house and Walk into your new something relatively new put only do they offeri this fine serv­ PACKAGE STORE out by Texaco and it positively 20 BISSELL ST. on shipments up to,250 lbs. go- home without lifting a finger, ice but a skilled mechanic is on ing to Florida should be of in- Manchester Moving and Truck- will protect the under side of fense, Rick Robert of Malonev. ^*^® e®me. Richman collapsed on from 30 to 15 davs th« irjitrth nt BELMONT duty 24 hours a day. MANCHESTER mched away manufacturer, returned to his ‘be AFL championship by de- ‘I*® “ man first team. Man- Team: Goalie, Tony Di- Dave King of Conard, Rich O'- ^he Philadelphia bench shortly time a player on the djfabled, terest. It is not necessaiy to ship ing Oo. -will provide this ser- your car from rust, and the job Ralph Stence, owner of Turn­ TOURAINE °>‘^'«‘ ‘°P>®y‘naprelimin- featingSanDiego20-7 — - ■ - CARPET PLAZA as a 600 lb. minimum as it Is vice for you. The regular ser- is good indefinitely. This is a Gerber now turns his attention won a soot the W®‘hersfield; Defense, Brien of Eastern, Jim Fazzalaro ^“ ®'’ *>’® ?®me got underway, list must remain out of action ' pike 'Texaco, is well known to ary game to the Lakers. The Hot The San Diego-New York CUSTOM MADE WE HAVE OUR OWN in most cases, which means a vice Is also outstanding tor they different product from under Manchester residents Etnd his MEMORIAL GO. to coaching the Central wrest. B ra d v 7 le ^ e rfn rr,? 1 ,‘®^"'' Hu.ss Reklaltis of Con- of Platt and Greg Ziogas of Cen- The score was tied 13-13 when American League owners' coating — which is not designed PAINTS ic c oc/i ... modestly admits to selling game kicks off the full weekend Brady, Hence and Stuek were tral, Tony Nunziate of Central, tral. Richman ' was stricken, . . . Then— hiked the fine for k p lT y e r'fm wners ^ CANVAS AWNINGS CLEANmG PLANT very substantial saving when will put down rugs, set up beds, mechanical experience goes Opposite East Cemetery shippingA A CJ Ogoods.------Another thing —Place------— furniture where T...W.V you wishWlOli to prevent the formation of rust FOR BEST RESULTS payers -rie l^arJesifeX t?;^^ 'v^" »>® Chamberlain, with an assist nization from 35 to J60 and the 16% OFF on 4 - U » 4 ______a ______. .. *a __ j a.. . _ ...... back over 25 years, 15 of which B lu rD e S ? tiiie ® ®‘°’’® nationally televised by NBC from Wally Jones, led a spurt National that you can count upon whether It — and this takes much of the from the large amounts of salt were spent in Manchester. He Quality Memorlob fiJ!! ^ manager always says, ”I know starting at 4:30 p.m., EST. , ------League boosted toe, Rug Cleaning you ship a whole truck load or burden out of settling into a new used on the highways during Great Loss^-—Chamherlain that gave Phlladelplua an 18- fine from $10 to a minimum of is an expert mechanic on all Over SO Years Experience ®°»«®P’®®®. don’t I?”' n ie Denver-Oakland and Buf- Sports Viewing point halftime lead. 525 Cash A Carry half a truck load or — as many home. the winter months. This rust makes of cars and holds a gen­ proofing keeps the water from PAUL'S I t ’ll * freshman ”I always tell them, of course, falo at Houston games are Tlie Celtics were ivithout the American League too S-Day Service do — use only one-quarter of Manchester Moving and eral repairer’s license. You Gentry Con- you do. I’m the fellow who scheduled for Sunday SATURD.4Y the truck,I you, r ----- O get------toe-- fine wser- v a Trucking — ------Q Oo. offers v**v.*k» ouav.safe -ZW4stor- the metal, is i^lable so it will PAINT SUPPLY services of their top scorer, under advisement a request b not crack or break. First, toe know you will get toe finest in Con 649-5807 S)ld^ I t a J e r r y West.” Hund- All NFL action lakes place Players and Coaches 1:00 (SO) NCAA Football— Sent Jones, sidelined by a knee Milwaukee Brewers ^ e b a l WE PICR UP £ DELIVER vice and careful attention to de- age in their fireproof and ver- automobile know-how when you 645 Main Street hold its first Holiday ley, incidentally, claims he Is Sunday with Washington at Penn State vs. Mary­ RUGS £ FURNITURE.^ tail. No job is too small for this mln-proof vault at mopt reason- underside of your car is cleaned A. AIMETTl, Prop Injury. But even with a healthy c3ub, Inc., for a major leogu attention and, large or small with steam and then it is take your car into Turnpike ^umament 29-30 with the only undefeated coach in OevelLd Pittsburgh at New land Jones in the-lineup, it is doubt- franchise in Milwaukee. Wiz 308 MAIN ST. 643-8662 able rates and if you have to Texaco. Tel. 649-0300 four entries—^Westminster, pa., N.B.A. history “I’m still 3-0 vnri, no,' „ . c ^ ^®"^ 4:00 loads. Walter Perrett does a thoroughly dried and the rust Hiirrison St., Manchester Francisco, ( 3) NFL—Countdown ful Boston could have staved off which lost the Braves to Atlan store S9me furniture, this is the CoUege. Maryland State, Mont- from the gjifes in which Fred L s aSI el a^ S " Mourn Ike Richman fine job of moving everything place to store It, proofing is applied. When you Turnpike Texaco employs five Clair Rtnta an.t Cor.4>oi v..* a .k .... ___ .angeies ai fat. Louis and to Kickoff the strong Philadelphia charge, ta, Ga. The National Leagu on their staff and two are high­ Central — but Schaus was ejected, plus one l77arT7phiirde?Dhir°round7^ t (A.P)— Those who knew him best believe 4:30 (30) A FI^-Jets vs. quickly, efficiently and safely. The moving of business firms. look around at the cars with Veteran Hal Greer g.ave Thursday rejected requests fo SEE US FOR: ly qualified and experienced B ^ J Upholstery i r i i r * ” *U7®.,®^'’‘ "® o S the schem e (Ike) will be sorely missed by p S Chargers e -Aluminum RoU Up WM.MI »-ie u*« Mmawnta ta ^ J If you would like to discuss mov- doctors’ and dentists, offices is rust eating its way through the different colleges — Wesleyan. frihtoin7 97" 7 ' 7 " ' franchises in Milwauke Awnings ing with Mr. Perrett, call him another quality service offered panels, you would be smart to mechanics. This station also ■ and IV I Shop The four key games are sional basketball. ( 8) Gadaliout Gaddis tributin„ 27 points, as no le.ss and DaJlas-Fort Worth Tex. STEVENSON’S Bt. Michael’s, Bates, Colby. 5:00 ( 3) Race of the Week e Door Canopies at 643-6563. You will enjoy doing hy Manchester Moving and have this -work done. Is it cost­ has Dnya-tflsion, the very latest RE-UPHOLSTERING , End of the Line topped by tlie meeting between Richman the 52-year-oid co- mentarily and then eased him than SIX Philadelphia players probably Uie biggest S e o In equipment which presents a S t Anselm’s Tufts, Norwich and owner of the , to tlie floor ( 8) Wide World of e Storm Doors business with him tor he takes Trucking Co. They will move ly? Indeed it is not! The cost of * Modem Furniture Central. Following the Cincinnati-New ‘‘'® scored 14 points or better. the week was a four-playe s Combination Windows rust proofing at ’Turnpike Texa­ complete picture of the motor E S S 0 _ Tile teams met once before collapsed and died of an appar- -He w as'a wonderful man.” Sports Boston plays at St. Louis to- swan that con* fk. r«ki ^ pride in the equality of the work everything without confusion York game recently, which the 8:00 ( 8) UCohn vs. Yale Mahohester Awning Co. he does and in seeing that each each instrument is wrapped co is just $12.95! Why not have and shows exactly where the and Antiques RoyaU won. ISl-lls' nw*Rov- ®®'“ °" vriUi Baltimore, shut- 7oru7afte^*^toe'start'^n^ Bianchi said later, "he couldn't nigh. „ d Ph„.d.,phi. „ . . s s 105 WEST CENTER ST. your car rustproofed now? trouble spot is. The amount of • store Stools and Booths 405 MAIN ST. Here *n 'There . , . r ----- . tine- nff rhinecn-o k^k.------snortly after toe .start of a Na- have been fairer dealing with Basketball J'elephone 649-3091 ■x|i*rt CALL and every customer is perfectly ta white paper, packed in a oar- Tik,~ r> k ffuard. Art Heyman called Chicago's rookie sensa- ..ew ■yor.k The i6ers postponed and outfielder Don Landrum to a a f1 a F iA y 6 4-rx»% n*<^ tti______«t* time and money you save by • Custom Furniture TEL. 649-5533 tional Basketball Association the players...about salaries or SUNDAY Established 1049 satisfied. ton and labeled. Every file, As you may have noticed. P^,“ y new wife in New i!*’". Sayers, and tlie • MOVING Turnpike Texaco features a the use of this machine is really Slipcovers and Draperies any problems they had.” 1:00 ( 3) Time Out for y Z a7phnaletohu'" ‘"® ®^ ManchesterAvieuic-ucsLcr Moving and ana P*®®®---- — furniture...... is placed sh in Made to Order 7 change for a pair of youngsters Ita r\*vtT->A«< i______weekly special, and the “Special phenominal. Brake work, tune- * Tune-Ups ••••£“«. =». Ka'-css."- Basketball wa.s a hobby at Sports • faCKINO Trucking offers moving services proper place this is mov- Complete Selection of land ____ ' k ’ Art , ■ ■” There was a heslta- ^ victory -- toe only game 1:15 for to ? A ^ k ‘f P‘f®'^«r Bill Hands a n d T a ^ e r of the Week” is on an A-Frame ups, up to an entire-motor over­ "The death is a great loss,” first for Richman, an attorney ( 3) NFL—Steelers vs. tor the Los Angeles Lakers, but pandv Hundley jsm p , all over the country — in fact without a single worry when Materials * Engine Cleaning S e d toTo of S fe7 is °tker end, then, ®‘ffht the Bears tt- ‘^ * ■ ■ 4 6 ^ 4 ___^ A . -A. . , vmi m il llnrm tVlA aAt-irtytoa in between the islands and wise haul can be done here and it is scored in 70 of the 115 conse- »But honev vou’re shoAtint 1 have lost. said his close friend, 76er star born and reared in Philadelphia. Giants throughout the 50 states Not too services of 2:00 's 48 points for Tbh-tAAn 4__ also equipped to do electrical FREE ESTIMATES * . “I'm sure I He became associated with Ed- (.30) A FI^B ills vs. MOItR ^KORkB long ago they extended their Manchester Moving and Truck- motorists take advantage of Lower Level of the Parkade Minar Repairs h^“s7 m T « ^ 7 shot tols very m o S ^ Colts vill have to pull a ."IV .V Cincinnati brought the Royals a tioTs w ^ '^ k DKCORATK WITM these specials tor you can be work on cars. They carry Sun more thany anyone ex- die Gottlieb, general m.anager of Oilers service to Canada. Tennessee, Estimates will be given 640-6324 * in a ^ ^ ^ T ^ k ie to ^ r t by ” rise. '•®P®‘''‘ «^®",st the Bears'"rush- '®®' “ 4:00 ( 3) NFL—Lions vs. azwo sure of a 60 per cent saving and electrical equipment such as Stam ps Mrs. Heyman was watching the Sayers having the ad- cept hi.s immediate family.” the then Pliiladelphia Warriors. Ohio, the central United States obligation. 49ers The victory at Los Angeles P^^^y®r3B T changing F V clubs. " ' S h e r w in -W il l ia m s each featured item. This week distributors, alternators, bat­ theheavy-muscled 70 miTiAa ^ '’^’vn, In^sy of g^ame on televisionleievision 7etog“car- being car- vantage ' “-'"•“■6'= of Jiiuiemore e.xperience and Chamberlain , : ,said of his attor- learned toe inner workings ■"--inuioa as well as regular trips to F l o r i ------put the Royals only percentage Manchester Moving da. Mr. Perrett will be most toe special is snowtires. You teries, all manufactured by the one si^ ^ in fer ^ Hew York on a de- Baltimore at a disadvantage if ®^ advisor for many '° f the professional sport as a purchase one at the list price one six-pointer. Brown is one layed tape!! . . . Prior o injured defen.sive end nrH.n y®®” = stand-in for Gottlieb. SUPER happy to answe.- any questions Coventry Sim Electrical Co. This is the layed tape! .' . . . Prior to a re- injured defensive end Ordell points behind first place Boston I J __ and Trucking Co. and you can get the other for time of year to have your car DON WILLIS VIC^ PIZZA SHOP play Bears’ “Everything I have I owe to Hiclmian wa.s instrumental to | S p in the Eastern Division. V e rm o n t L ead er KEM-TONE^ and quote rates — -without obli­ X5S W. Middle Tnmpike tUmal League record of 20 in York game incannot play, orts Schedule gation of course. just half-price. They also carry tuned up for winter driving and one season^et hv T.AnnJ w L i" Htonk Quarterback Rudy Bukich him. He was the closest friend services of Cham­ Three games are scheduled BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP)— DELUXt WALL PAIN I Adamcik Lists recaps for those who want to Phone 640-3700 berlain for the Warriors and - You may have any type of this is the place to take It. e Blauschiid, the publicist for the nate ------tonight with Boston at St. Loui-s, Bill Vanbennekum of Hoboken purchase them. This is a real GARAGE PIZZA then helped arrange the switch TUESDAl, DEC. 7 Baltimore at Detroit and Phila- N. J., has been elected SHERWIN WILLIAMS moving service that best suits Postal Hours IVant a really good polish 0.6 yards per carrv averae-e^ °"® ''^®n “ cs with Baltimore's John Uni- Coach Dolph Schayes was your needs and whether you use bargain so why not take advan­ job? Take your car to Turnpike 18 Main St., Tel. 649-4531 of tiie Warriors franchi.se to San Ea.st at Penney, Ea.st Hart- delphia at New York. The of the 1966 Vermont football tage of it right now. SPAGHEHI I, £ U - , “»■ PI*"! «• Francisco. '0™' 8 .scheduled Sunday game. New team. 981 MAm STREET the regular or the deluxe serv- Texaco and let them give it a greatest season ever in the Mm 1 ®.® let-up, gave him The Packers, who lost to Los hurried away to telephone w,,. Post office' hours for the Turnpike Texaco Is open 24 RAVIOLI —“"test season ever in the NHL Instruct , u 7 7 / ®‘ ^y"'®" Memorial, York at Philadelphia was post- Vanbennekum was picked as TEL. 643-6636 Simonize or Blue Coral Job and Specializing in greate^s^seasoneve^^^^Vince Lombardi of the appearances and the Vlklnia! ® °--’n®r Irv Kosloff at toe Rich- d eri^d T ? soil 7s"" ~ Lebanon 1?®L. ^ ^ ., ®*'® ®'^'^® *’® ‘^®- Christmas period have been list- hours a day and the servicing the prices charged are really Open 11 A, M, DaUy Syracuse poned because of Richman's a defensive end on the all-Yan­ lighted with either. Many people A .fi... -d . » , Of cars at night is a much ap­ Closed At 10 PM. got togetlier South Wind.'ior at Coventry, 8 death. have expressed their L^rise Postmaster John moderate. Leave it at night and BRAKE SERVICE Green Bay Packers claims Tom ltoer;r^or"‘7?'’‘'F?n'’ Richman gor rogetner kee Conference team. preciated item. Leave you car Tues. and Wed. Nobis, the All-America lineback- Blauschiid paused^ tor n"^"® ,k ’ H°®loff. who had been watch- with boyhood friend Kosloff and Jamboree at Rockville, 6:30 ------and deJlght with the fine ser- B. Adamcik Jr. It will be ready in the morning. 11 P.M. Thurs., FrI. er from Texas, is the best col- ai^^ toe ? 7 n who t,.? e ? ® 7 7,^';^®’'*’®®''® '"®“=hing from the ing the game on television in made the wrehase 1963 he here on your way home from Ralph Stence will be glad to purchase. In 1963 he FRIDAY, DEC. 10 RUDY’S MOBIL vice Mr. Perrett and his men through Dec. Front End Alignment Sat. Midnight lege footbaM Player in the coun- 7 be '?o m 7 ;n 7 i , 7 , sidelines last week - Green Philadelphia, discovered always give. One reason for this i *’® work and pick it up the next quote you prices on a polish job. -Sundays 4 P.M. to 10 P.M. trv . . . Pirkin.7 f e e , he,,. k.“" 7 . 7 ^rsdale of the Bay's Bart Starr giv Jamboree at Manchester Top Cubs Active Tonight try ... Parking-fees have been f^troir Pls'lnns'^almi? '^“y ‘® f®'-‘°“®"®®® °f the fataf seizu^^e Svra7u?e"fm?c“hL'to roturo w Z Is the fact that only, trained P'"'’’ ^®®' through 17, morning all ready to go. Should For all around good work, take General Repair Work CLOSED MONDAYS 3:30 SERVICE STATION you require a ride down in the eliminated at the Mt. Mansfield formed the Knick 7,hii Bratkowski and Fran Tar- a telephone call to Massachu- professional basketball to Phil- Cheney " ’ at Bolton 134 E. CENTER ST. personnel are employed by Man- P'*” ’’ your car to Turnpike Texaco. Ski Area this season . . . Boston man ”i am a^ra d v o 7 7 VanderKelen. setts General Hospital. adelphia Chester Moving and Trucking I.®"”'' P'”''* ^®®- ■ - y°'^''® pot The Packers lead the league He described Richman as “a , , Windsor at Rockville, 8 TEL. 649-6977 th® VanTrsZe" Richman also was instrumen- Rham at Ledyard 8 UCLA Coach Frets, Oo. No matter how many calls ^ through 24, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 Appeal Planned ^^.■■7ou w:;t"m7'broth?r L T r " 7 .* ' 7 “>7.‘’® 7 tal in bringing his friend76hrm‘- Smith, for service he receives, Mr. Per- P'™’ , Itn ite d R sht-Q iU . the first game at the new Chain DtokJteveTh^^toto™^^ ^®y f°- the f^ely missed in toe world of berL'“'”b 5 ’tT e '’’lSe?s ^ GAS • OIL rett does not go out and hire Matrons on rural routes are tbs MMM’a WiQbiii A Ostrinsky TIRES—BATTERIES inexperienced help. In order to , to affix postage on ^i!’'l^nS ?i;arT 7S = fh'o7S”thrhe“ !r?h^e o^: ^-"''Srle7r^"iped toe |>p"coach Red Auerbach fa?VaT ^Itif’r ^fa^cir - South Wind- DEALER IN WASTE But Bruins Triumph ACCESSORIES move furniture, glasssware or totters placed in their mail box- 358 BURNSIDE AVE. the Kansas Gty A’s. Fourteen man on the New Vorl 7 .4 -^®^® their first meeting said the death was ”a great loss ------Francisco, sor, 8______any goods, It Its essential to ®® to use th e ’’Out of Town’’ Bank Robber-Slayer EAST HARTFORD MATERIALS major league clubs make their who definitely could tell th l ^®'^ undergone a for the league and basketball.” n • ^ Y(3RK (AP)—Johnny Wooden, coach of the EXPERT LUBRICATION know how to handle them, how Bocal labels the post of- ■prlng bases to the Sunshine twjns apart. Brother Tom real ®°'"Pt®te flip-flop since then He said Richman "was a very rC t* 1 1 1 T IC i i r f t f z ' n T ^ i i c - c r \1 7 .r..r7 .l J UCLA Bruins, was “concerned” about his national col­ Franchise Dealer For to pack them, and, in many f ,® P''°'’toes on packages of 289-6333 State . . . Annual International ly shook him up so that Blaus with Joe Namath taking over at ®'"°tlonal man while the game -■ -* 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 A - F p C H O l l S y W C C l i G l l Q legiate basketball champions before their opening game Acorn Imperu-all Paints cases, snecial enrfnns nro n.-n. *®tter3 and cards tied with RAGS, IRON PIZ2IA and cases, special cartons are pro Power and Hand Tools Gallery Matches are slated Dec. child observes: ’'Nmy I can „n' Quarterback and rising to third ^®® ^® ®°“>dn't a • . t t w A ___ . _ of the new season against Ohio State Friday night. vlded to insure abserfute safety. twine or elastic bands. Ordered Eleetrocuted First class postage on Christ­ LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — A .Painting and Decorating . SCRAP METAL 11-12 at the Winchester Rifle derstand the difficultv even *^*^® l®agve's passing statls- 7 .'’® *’®®" 'it®®'' or kinder. Any- It developed Johnny didn’t GRINDERS marshals returned him to a Tools Eange in New Haven. parents might have in"telling “ ®®' HadI, San Diego's 7 ”*^ wanted he would do Against Hawks Still Ailing have to fret. Led by sophomore ♦ rt o h# mas cards is - recommended to you.' DELIVERED U.S. District Court jury’s deci­ maximum security ward at the Garden and Land Tools and PAPER ^ Scales to the New York Jets’ apart their identical twins.” signal-caller, remains No. 1. assure that they will be for­ sion that Duane E. Pope, 22, be state penitentiary in Lincoln. Baby,-flonsehoId, Party ^ ^ -— ------— ------_ _ _ Paul Lowe, the Reuben Plen’s Within 6-MUe Radius warded if the recipient has Chargers’ "'*’® ’«®™ >®®-®<* I^'®'" B r u S f ^ n °°®“® ^®™‘® ^®'-®"‘ ''’•» ''® S T r u t o s " o f e m h e S S ® f 7 " 7 ^ ° - ^ ^ ® electrocuted for slaying three Pope had readily admitted and Banquet SuppUes 781 PARKER ST. as gatoed 7 “ ® “®®‘^ halftime, but hack to the goal and defense- the dangerous Buckeyes S f ? COINS moved, or l ^ t undelivered entering the Farmer’s State Invalid Needs TeL 643-5735 or 643-6870 one of three the Big Ten, 92-66, before 11.781 Qonza" " Texaco Sfafion On Orders 'Of $2 Or More cards wUl be returned if a re­ bank employes in the bloodiest Bank five days after he was Marichal Asks Change-of Venue 5“ &jT8,inst rA 1 7 ‘-'■a i.4*icc *cii, DO, uciore ll,/oX 106-78, Creighton de­ • One of the largest inven­ nnaf At tVlA nf>u7 i_ tories In New England. turn address is on the envelope. Midwest bank robbery in recent graduated from MePheron week, Is expected to retur^ to Los AngeYes. Seated St. Francis. Pa.. 84-69, 381 Main Street • Supplies £ Accessories Adamcik also requests that years, was attacked today by (Kan.) CoUege, tak-ing the avail­ vners of the San TTran/'io/Ai". Oe... rrs----- 1 ® ed when Hichm&n w&s stricken CHARTER OAK LAY-AWAY .... , ----- Z. AOr*lW4i3l.U lUl trial. au* **■=* Olttlkt ^ A week ago the UCLA frosh overcame Navy 67-63, • Teletype Service the Zip Code be used on cards d^ense counsel as a "miscar­ able money and shooting the •" S.n France, s„ a. a ...rt.r » m. oO,„ Z''S„"','Z;'‘b , ; , Z g".S» CHRISTMAS 7 petitioned for a perior Judge Shirley M. Hufs- back spot. But defenseman Al Langlois whipped the varsity in an exhib- T ex ? ‘“ 7* 7s' Phone 643-9149 RESTAURANT and packages, that parcel post riage of justice.” four bank employe witnesses. WATKINS-WEST on a stretcher. packages be prepared -with Robert B. Crosby, former damage sul?fUed°hv* scheduled a hearing on The Raiders are coming with is a question mark and Teddy iUon, but against toe Buckeyes Christian 78-76, 120 CHARTER OAK ST. One survived, Franklin Kjeld- ^“®‘^ hy Lps An- the petition Dec. 16. their usual late-season It was Al Bianchi, the veteran Green, another defenseman the Bruins displayed the po"se beat Brandels 80-72 and Hy^raraaLc Transmission Connecticut Valley care, and that all patrons “Mall governor of Nebraska who was FUNERAL Repairing gaard, 26. Paralyzed below the geles Dodger catchercatcher’ John RoseboroRoseboro' charged Marichal while?hile two^ r ‘r<4kler7°"f,aT'’ “'® ‘®®*" ^®hman was Instru- definit®ly will remain on the hnd running tactics that b rig h t Quantlco 643-1492 early and try to mail early in appointed by the court as waist by his wounds, he was Eoseboro against the Giants with assault and battery in con Fred Biletnikoff nnd ^’ 7 '«®''tal in moving from Syra- All Work Guaranteed Coin Co. the day.” Pope’s chief counsel, said he SERVICE • Bikes • Sleds ®‘‘^®""®®' them two straight NCAA tiUes 97 Center St. Manchester wheeled into court to testify for »nd pitcher Juan Marichal. neotion wlto an Au^ M «r«m7in running cuse to Philadelphia. who Texaco Lubrication Service Adamcik also advises that a would go to the U.S. Supreme e Skis • Toboggans Boiyln has been out for a Warren’s sharp passing and uCLA \o'*^ 1"" R ^ u 643-6295 • the prosecution in a trial high­ ORMAND J. WEST ITie petition, filed Friday, Candlestick Park 8:® ® ^ “ ^ o ^ trib u tio ? ' ‘"® RJehtnan. We Give Green Stamps Looking for o place for stamp vending machine has Court If necessary in his fight to light. y contributions. He cradled him in his arms mo- week with a knee Injury and Pb>POint shooting paced the 'm.*? " j Mon. .* Fri. 9 A.M. — o’p.M. been installed In the box sec­ set aside the death penalty. Director Values Are Great! LMglois is having difficulties Bruins as they broke the game ? ^ Saturday 9 A.M. — 6 FJH. Pope had fled to the West that fecia l Affair? tion lobby for tho public’s con­ Pope's role in the. tragedy at. with his back. Green is recu- wide open with their fast break m 7®®?7f 7 - Coast, attended a bull light In 142 E. CENTER ST. MANCHESTER venience. The lobby is open Eig Springs, Neb., last June Mexico and gambled in Las Ve­ ?'■»'« a particularly after leading by only 35-32 at ton ’ * WE CATER TO: daily, except Sundays and holi­ SURPLUS SALES CO. difficult virus siege. halftime. Warren time and h Is at Provi- | was admitted at the outset of gas, Nev. Manchester’s Oldest 169'N. Mata St. at Depot Sq. TURNPIKE e Banquets • Weddfno^ MANCHESTER days, from 7:30 a.m.,to 9 p.m. the trial, but Crosby contended Parent was inton-«-» •- again set un e»«v hQQW. 7."®*’ ^o. 6; Iowa State is at t e Gatherings A week after the killings, he With Finest Faculties Open DaUy to 9:00 PM. RUG CLEANING Four-cent stamps' are dis­ that Pope was insane when he flew to Kansas City, Mo , and J. FARR — 648-7111 NESTLED IN SCENIC GLASTONBURY Wednesday’s game TEXACO e Group Meetings pensed at the rate of two for a Although he started COMPANY staged the $1,598 robbery and surrendered to police. TheHillsoffersthefinestki tamilyfun withskating, of every description dime, with two pennies In ahot the bank employes as they p u rsd a y night, de?p..„ m- -o .. •«* uv.*.* wun .„ a , Open 24 Hours A Day Wo have the “ Know-Hw" 18 HANNAWAY BT. change returned. Five - cent lay face down on the floor. skiing, tennis and swimming as weli as a spac* Jured finger, he was lifted for 28. Dale Hoskat topped the 7?*^"® ®‘*‘®' to please jroii! stamps are five for a quarter or However, the Jury of 10 men — tacuiar golf layout. The food is great too, with the reserve goalie Buckeyes with 24. Firestone Tires Phono- 443.0012 one for a nickel. Painting idecorating Quality Line Products and two women late Friday re­ PTA Book Fair at the start of the second pe- Tonight UCLA entertains an- Church Comers Inn turned a guIKy verdict after 14 new dining rooms open to the public as well as Gen. Repairers License 860 Mata St., East Hartford Set at Keeney COMMERCIAL • IHDUISTRIAL ‘ RESIDENTIAL dub, outings etc. AAA A . ' ®^®'‘ ’^®" BUnols, Phono 289-4389 hours deliberation and ordered Added to the Injury list in which took a 109-98 pasting from Top Scorer 3-D A Y that the Kansas farm youth die. Detroit was center Forbes Kgn- Brigham 'Young at Provo," Utah" Corner Elroad and SERVICE Radio Today The annual Book Fair spon­ Interior—Exterior—(>) lor Omsulting Service 4 NEW HAVEN (AP) — Judge Robert Van Pelt set nedy, expected to be out orac- ^ ®ne of the other major games Middle Tpke. West sored by the Keeney St. School Complete Insun Gary Llberatore hM pushed — dso — 1:00 Don 11:80 a-m, next Meuxh 8 as date ance Coverage weeks. on Friday’s comparatively sliin for the execution. Appeal moves PTA will open on Monday and YOU ARE INVITED TO BECOME A MEMBERI The Bruins, who played two program, aside Frank Vielria as the E s t ]L915 ’»f ''•§1 Phone 643-2176 Read Herald Ads. FURNITURE CLEANING are expected to stay the date. A limited number of private memberships are still men short In ttetrolt. returned Led by Don Freeman and most prolific scorer ever In continue through Wednesday ta Oonneotiont college basket­ The chief prosecutor, U.S. the school Ubrary. available. WeeigiectthellmItofSSO wlllbereached of whom ball and he still has most of ;00 News. S in Off Dlst. Atty. Theodore L, RlcWlng There will be a seleotion of .7 scored 3< Points, the mini led WBCir this year. A record for anew club of between 200 a season to push his totfl ,:00 Matlner'^"”^ * of pmaha, called It a "just ver­ books for all grade levels in­ W M . D ICKS O N & S O N SSrcai?^"'"*‘®^ ‘*’® wAc c!;?;;;’

I. .V. J, . ''i /|y. .. s..♦ i — / y / W^-A-

^MANOBBsnat Briiia)«i « i| < # | iift« iM fc 'A-ifWeCy.,KM' N K * i r ' « ‘ |■■'^'’.;.yT ^ ------— • ^ « ...... u 'j;ji"iiiji't'->-' K.tT \'-f- . T O B B E „ „ ■ O ’- -*J*W •. . . . r •. -«ij; . r^ 6Y FA6 ALY and SHOR’TEN O d r ijjiSMiii 0 I«f08|(^(to Wi« m»or t. Lv rww ® ^' w o t TOR m m 3 , ^ ‘•■T MI6 iUECTWC BUhAfBT worit. moral Atnoa; xoNK our,vvewrt national piga^ k a o j / jpreferrod. — ____.... . » -ilW'-.’-' r r yards, weekly or THf fOTTfll J-li; Ib-iW. AQkoas ’VPWlklnlng to or Cb., 99 Lbaiiilg Bt, lilanoitoE- LiteAhird' r ’‘*rH My' viiM ur' tq>. Bolton, itoebeator viela- ' lWMtata>WV CLA8SBRII® ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ---- ' ' '■ A TH' «trr* t CHECK THE 4 BOgT X M A d ______Hlekok ' . dlrecfloB UBAKINA WB'LL FULL THB TARF OVWC F a io w m e .'X WONDER 89 Nuinnco ® to 5 PJM. CELLAR FUiEEt CAU AN < Neod part-time pdoj^-fo aerr- W.WKX,mTireRriH» SttUAtlON E*TTiwnAl u* ANP THE PtrrfM -PHrry>e ELECTKICIAN1 3'LL TOE# v A S A CHALLErteE— ADVERSITY merely PRE- IP 1 CAN FADEE toothW’ tor 40 « PI,Slight colertef ------RAIN'LL “ Assistant Production Ice 'w a itin g customers. Ea rn , " -ifibon X L MIAUT M/ITuniir -Tu a l w y * r r i n s s o u t t h e r est in ,TENDS TO Away/ W E B E L IE V E SI to 88 per hour. OaU 698 6686 EXAMINE THE' MF w T' S S L k e n r-iiJHM nara COPY CLOSING HME f o r CLASSIFIED ADVT AHOOPLEf APTERlSHlNE AT ” * ^ 18 Huculin* PLEASE READ YOUR AD call Carl Zinsser at our Local industrial company laborar being Ured forsr ax^ii- nicknamo SEnglne 29Denominatioa PORKYJ VOU YOU SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT ONE C»A,\H/eAAOiVLLEH3a«>fled advertteementaT No FLOORS cleaned and waxed In ■ answer at the telephone UstedT Simply oaU the " " homes, offices or business. Heating and Plumbing 17 Business Opportunity 28 Help Wanted-—Ponale 35 b u r n e r service man. «*- 2i 33 23 ------cellent income retirement plan. Available days, evenings. Satis- COMPLETE plumbing a n d LUNCHEONETTE, Ideal sltua- WOMEN, IF YOU WANT 8888 Fringe benefits. Advancepient ■ factlon guaranteed. Free estl- heating service, complete new tlon. Established, nice hours, 24 25 33 37 28 29 EDWARDS for Christmas. If you want a potential. Morlarty Brothers, PART-TIME mates. Insured. George Farr, bathroom installations and good location. Efficient and new interest. If you want a ■ 649-9229. S15 Center St., 64S-613B. CARNIVAL ■ bathroom remodeling, 30 years profitable operation requires BY DICK TURNER weekly income. If you can Hell Fuel trude driver needed 36 31 W 33 ANSWERING SERVICE In business. Earl VanCamp, only 2 people. Lappen Agency, ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ a product advertised on TV and ____ 3-4 nights per week, 5 ■ 649-4749. 649-5261, 649-6140. leading magazines, call Avon EXPERIENCED painters. OsU 34 33 er, sales and service, bonded p.m.-mldnight, good pay 64IHI5N - 875-2519 Cosmetics. We will show you 668-4348 between 6-7 p.m. 1 representative. Alfred Amell, M & M OIL Service, plumbing and baneClts. Sea Sootty at and l» v e yonr meesagn. XonTl hear from onr adverUaer In 11c 110 Bryan Dr., Manchester, 644- and heating, residential, com- how to earn money. 289-4922. p a r t -TIME help mornings and 36 , 37 38 H 3 9 time wlUioat spending all evening at the 8161. merclal and industrial, no jobs WANTED — Shirt press opera- *»■ altemoons. Apply, SAD Ino., ■ too small. 649-2871. Operate 40 DICK’S SERVICE — Snow- ______tor, good hourly wage, paid va- 95 Hilliard fit-, Manchaster. MORIARTY Automobiles For Sale 4 plowing, trucking, moving, rub- BOTTI — plumbing and heat- Your Own EXFEBIENCBD tr>ob.r tM lo. ^ - a-*« • 42 43 44 43 47 48 blshUt^U removal,______8 ______carpentry,t.__1—^ clean­ Ing, ____ repairs,1__-11. alterations,____ a.__ elec­ «-*» 1962 PONTIAC Tempest Le- ■ HERALD mans, 4 speed, excellent con­ ing, general repairs, all types tric and gas hot water heat­ -""r;work. Apply S fc D Ino., 96 Hil­ BROTHERS ^ >HI W MU. U*. T.M, >Ea. WA Hi. m. SALOM 49 50 51 of odd Jobs. Try Dick, reason­ ers, free estimates. Call 643- dition, 643-8409. Dairy-Grocery SEWING machine operators, 8 liard St., Mamchester. able. 643-4536. 1496. 801 Canter St, Manchester PRISCILLA’S POP a.m. to 4:30 p.m., also light BY AL VERMEER 52 b3 54 BOX LEHERS LAWNMOWER Sharpening; re­ Store factory assembly work in fin- TOOL & GAGE MAKERS 1964 FORD Falrlane, 4 - door Ishlng department. Apply Ka- PRISCILLA I*VE TOLDA DON'T FILL For Your pairs, sales, rotor blades Radio— TV Repair w»€1»f^T9L 55 56 57 wagon, priced to sell. 742-7416. NUTCHELL.' VOU A THE TUB sharpened; bicycle sales, serv­ Services . . . and become part of a Klar Toy Company, 60 HlUiard JIG BORE OPERATORS TWO high school boys to work BUT 4 18 g;rowing chain operation In St. . T U R N i S O FU LL Information ice. AiancnesierManchester LYcieCycle Shop, rrrz— ------—— after school at furniture ware­ WOW CAN Manchester and suburbs. Top rates, overtime, an benefite 7 THATc TIMES—v ' v M' OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIAMS 1964 V O LK S W A G EN 2 door. 876- 149 W. Middle Turnpike, a49- OH! DO WE WORRY! ! house. Call Mr. PettengiU, 646- VOU TELL t h e h e r a l d win not Television Repairs Our combination Dairy- WOMAN wanted, part-time to plus profit sharing. WATER' WITH THE 9196. 2098. inventory and reorder coin and 0111. OH, IT'S THE ONLy PLACE disclose the identity of Radio Repairs Grocery stores are unlc^e OFF// D O O R HE CAM MAP WITH PEACE any advertiser using box Stamp books, t'wice a month 1965 OLDSMOBILE, 442 model, Antenna Installations and offer you an income f u l l -t i m e school custodian. ..SHUTT, OFMIMP.' THIS KIMPOP for two hours each day for Manchester Tool A Design letters. Readers answer­ asking 82,700. or best offer! Satisfaction Guaranteed of 810,000 to 815,000 an­ Apply Board of Education of- TD6ETHERWESSA4AkES ing blind box ads who Bouseliol^ Services Grand Way Store No. 5403, FOK A SOUMP SMOOZE Call after 6 p.m., 643-1288. ED BISKE, TECHNICIAN nually with many out­ 130 Hartford Rd., Manchester fic«, ToUand, Conn. Call 875- desire to protect their ______Offered 13-A 410 Middle Tpke. West, Man­ WITHOUT HIS HAVIM’ TO Bantley Service Center standing benefits. If you 649-6263 9662. FKET ABOUT ME SW EAK-A ' identity can foUow thia chester. Respond to American ^ irlan e 500, 4-door REWEAVING of bams, moth 333 MAIN ST. 640-8247 are looking for a prestige r IM’ O F F S O M S W H E R E procedure: Retail Service, 230 5th Ave., 1 WITHOUT HIM.' business opportunity and WANTED — Full-time service G Enclose your reply to the ^ o u repsdred. Win- 7 Z Z Z Z = Z = Z = are capable of running . station attendant, day shift. box in an mvelope — — ^------’ ” P <1;^ shades m ^ e to measure. Millinery, Dressmaking 19 EIXPERIENCED tool and gage your own business with a Call M & M Service Station, addressed to the Classi­ OLDSMOBILE 1958 — convertl- ^ Venetian blinds. Keys ------/------? ----- WOMAN wanted for assembling makers, and Bridgeport oper­ 83.000 investment, write 649-2871. fied Manager, Manchester ble, all power, excellentnt condi­condl- “ 'sde while you wait. Tape re- DRAPERIES, valances, etc. and marking dry cleaning. ators. Apply at E and S Gage today for a confidential In­ Evening Herald, together tion. Citall 649-3689. corders for rent, Marlow’s, 867 custom made, lined or unllned Five day week, g o ^ pay. New Company, Mitchell Dr. with a memo listing the Main., 649-5231. plcked up and delivered. For terview with the company System Laundry & Dry Clean­ companies you do NOT 1957 CHEVROLET — 2-door V- ;zr:------Information call 643-1913. V.P. ing, Harrison Street. DRIVER — Oil dellveiy, part- WAYOUT want to see your letter. 8 automatic, excellent condl- PRODUCTS—Per- time, Saturdays. Api^y Ooop- ADMISSION . BY KEN MUSE Your letter will be de­ eratl've Oil CX>mpany, SIS tlon, 8295. (Sull 875-4837 or 643- sonal shopping service in your stroyed If the advertiser is Movlng— Trateklng— Box E, Herald Broad St. OF ELECTORS 1 07 8. home or mine. Over 200 items CLERK - TYPIST one you’ve mentioned. It now as near as your tele- Storage 20 Notice la hereby given that tha GO AHEAD AND not It will be handled In 1962 CHEVROLET Nova 400, BUS O P m A ’TOR - A dm teJL of Elec- TELL MU... the usual manner. standard, 2-door, excellent con- 5?68"'l35®w“ sprucrsL I'M NOT AFRAID trucking and package delivery. lifetime to buy a thriving Main Permanent full-time posi­ “ PHTuiP ^ S^ dltion. Call 568-0263 after 4 n m — IZZ------1 7 OF THE FUTURE/ Refrigerators, washers and Street restaurant. This Is an tion available for clerk - -rd^l^S^y^lSrJTS! rne tiSV^Tbrin"°rs n THE_MySTI£ f l- M < ms >T HCA, tnc. T.M. leg, U S. Nt. 0« -______P • AMERICA’S largest geUing Company. 49 Bralnard Place. J?Su. Voter Regis- Lost and Found cleaner - Mectrolux, matchless stove moving specialty. Folding established business, well typist, with or without ex­ 1963 FORD convertible, V-8, Fu- tratlon Room, on Saturday, De- tura sprint, white top, bucket quality, enduring excellence, chairs for rent. 649-0762. equipped with a good volume. perience for typing and DEAN MACHINE "Oh, their system works, all right! By the time you pay DOST—^Black Burmese kitten, oember 11, 1965 from 10:00 seats, 81,260. 649-7762.' superior service. See, breathe, Present operator wants quick general office work. Posi­ for the course you don’t have anything left to eat on!” named Ming, In vicinity Croft “PRODUC'TS ajn. to 12 o’clock noon for the touch no dirt. Call Mr. Ed, __:__ o 7 sale. Call twrisDoris smith,Smith, JarvltJarvis tion offers Interesting and Dr., seen last by owner on.Fri- 1960 CHRYSLER, 4-door se- Painting Papering 21 Realty Co., Realtors, 649-1200 purpose of admitting ail per­ 2 3 6 -4 2 6 1 . varied duties with oppor­ HAS OPENINGS FOR day 26, was wearing flea col- • dan, fully automatic, excellent EXTERIOR and Interior paint* ------tunity for advancement. sons who ore found to be quali­ lar, child’s pet. Reward. Please tires, reasonable. 649-1967 Good typing ability and PRODUCTION MILUNG fied to be Electore of the Town 11-4 call 644-1776. —------.!___ ing. Wallpaper books, paper- Instructions 32 High School education re­ of Coventry. t h e w o r r v w a r t # m« h HU. iM ______Building—Contracting 14 hanging. CelUngs. Floors. Ful- ______KSN TX quired. Two weeks paid va­ OPERATOR The qualifications are as fol­ BEN CASEY f o u n d —Nov. 24, glasses vie- 1964 AUSTIN Healev excellent olDDmuorov-----« ------1—I------insured. Workmanship guar* CERTIFIED teacher will tutor cation for employes hired lows: Applicant must be 31 InityInitv CooperOooner MUHill andnnrt Camp-rtnmn. #v.n,it4-i»« oAn nteno _« CARPENTRY Concrete steps, anteed, Leo Pelletier, 649-6326. elementary child In all school TOOL CRIB ATTENDANT condition, 649-7593 sifter 6. floors, hatchways, remodeling r M “ 'answer."*643!904s” before January 1, 6 day years of age, must be a resi­ field St. Call 640-3261. subjeobs. Call 649-9040. week, excellent Insurance (Knowledge of Shop Tools dent of the Town of Coventry 3 -3 -6 HUNT STREET, PRIVATELY owned 1954 Ford Forages, closets, ceil------LOST — Vernon — Two old benefits and pleasant work­ Required) for six months. . THIS IS IT and 1959 Ford reasonably ‘“FS- «“*■!»«<*. *««>• PAINTINa, exterior and In- SH ORT R IBS Beagles. Reward for any Infor­ priced, 742-7849 after 5 ^ formica. No Job too ilmall. D Sc terior, paperhanging, wallpa- Schools and Classes 33 ing conditions. <3all Mrs. Any applicant who Is a natu- BY FRANK O’NEAL mation leading to return. 876------______‘______D Carpentry Service. 649-8880. P®*" removed, dry wall work. Peterson, 643-1161 for ap­ BURR AND FILING raUzed citizen of the United 9131. 1957 PONTIAC. 4-door hard- zrrr------■■ ■ Reasonable rates. FuUy In- CERAMIC HOBBY — Classes pointment. OPERATOR States shaU present the certi­ S01P£|R1EEH'A6E top, power steering, power CONSTRUCTION CO, — sured. BYee estimates. 649-9608, starting immediately. For In­ ficate o f hla naturaUsation or FANS CAN'T RIP ' orakes, body good condition. Complete buUdlng service. New Joseph P. Lewis. formation call 643-7672. APPLY IN PERSON a ropy Uiereof Issued by the 1HE1R O0THES OPP. LISTEN,REBECCA.I'M SURE WVE HA^ Announcements 8225. Can be seen after 6 p m coMlructlon, alterations or ad------DEPENDABLE Woman tc run United States Immlgn:atlon and SCWE REASONABLE R^tSON FDR 649-7831. dltlons. Roofing, siding, paint-PAINITNG BY Dick Fontame, one girl office, must have typ­ 165 Adams S t. CUSHMAN Bakery products ^^~7831 Inns Afy* AAO. AJto AAnsr Uamam Naturalization Sendee. VMANTIN6T0SET ing, etc. 643-4862, 643-0895. Interior and exterior. Paper Help Wanted-—Female 35 ing and bookkeeping ability, 6 TOW serving Moncheeter area. 1049 PONTIAC, ninning r^r,A\. ------M anchester Dated at Coventry, Connecti­ IN TOUCH WITH hanging and wall paper remov­ days a week, 8-5 call 643-0637. For home deUvery call 628-7291 tlon, good motor, new brakes CABINET WORK, formica coun- cut, this 2nd day o f December HANS. DON'T al. Dutch Boy and DuPont. IMPORTANT NOTICE OIL BURNER service man, 1995. efter 7 p.m. g25. Call 643-5622, 5-8 p.m. ’ rooms, remodeling. Quality workmanship. CaU WOMAN to clean house one day must be courteous and sober. W 5RRY,HEU The 1964 Civil Rlgdits Law Richard M. Gallnat, T’T TiV'»m»rwT TTv ^------—------work. Reasonable pric* eveidngs, 627-9671. \ a week, Bolton - Manchester Top pay for experience. CaU BE BACK HOME ^ e m - Free 1064 BONNEVILLE Pontiac — es. Free estimates. CaU 649* prohibits, with certain excep­ I u. Donald S. Davis, ane. 643-8598. 876-0963. SOON. GO ON pickup and delivery. Prompt 4 door, hardtop, power equip- 6985, PAINTING AND paper hanging, tions, discrimination because Rlchainl M. Hawley, E S E E E T 5 BACK ID BED. service on your Electrolux (r) ment, one owner. 649-2149. good work, reasonable rate, 36 of sex. It will now be neces­ RN OR LPN — 3-11. 11-7 shifts, Elmore Turkington, cleaners. Also featuring rug ----- —------——______QUAUTY______Carpentry^___ — Rooms, sary for our readers not only part-time. Laurel Manor, 649- Board of Admissions years In Manchester. Your to read the usual Female washer. Call Electrolux au- 1®®® CHEVROLET — 6 cylin- dormers, )x)rches, basements neighborhood IS"my recommen­ 4619. der, 2-door sedan, radio and Help Wanted and Male Help INVITATION BUZZ SAWYER MORTY MEEKLE thorized sales and service. (3ali reflnlshed, cabinets, built-ins, dation. Raymond Fiske, 649- BY DICK CAVALLI Wanted classifications, but EXPERIENCED waitress for BY ROY CRANE 649-0848, 236-4251. Please ask heater, excellent Interior, ex­ formica, aluminum, vinyl, 9237. Wanted — Male or Female weekends. Must be over 21. Ap­ TO BID lor Augustine Kamlenski, terior and running condition. steel, ceramo siding, WlUlam ______also oiu- Classification Help ply In person. Three J’s Res Sealed bids will be received gASEY 5WEKVES, BUT CANNOT ONE GAMB I CAN 649-9662. Robbins Carpentry Service, INSIDE and outside painting. ,8 7 . f*,/ XllACC U O JCVCO* VAVaO TVIAA ATOVWAV^A WANTED *^AVOIO HITTING THE TRUCK. taurant. Route 6 & 44A, Bolton, at the office of the General DO WITFiCtme 6 4 9 .3 4 4 6 . You name ------your------own— price. Personals 3 1953 CADILLAC Sedan, all pow­ Manager, 41 Center Street, . Clean, Late Model TIDDLeDYWINKS. Speclsil rates for homeowners er, snow tires, good condition. CARPENTRY — 82 years ex 66 or over. 649-7868. 875-8401. WAITRESS, experience neces­ YOUNG LADY would like ride 643-7398. Help Wanted^Male 36 i?oo from Spruce St. to Farming- perience. Ceilings' and floors sary, 3-8:30 p.m., closed Sun­ cember 27, 1965 at 11:00 a.m. USED CARS tiled, jiorches, rec rooms, ga­ INTERIOR and exterior paint __* ton Ave., Hartford, 9-6. 643- 1959 OLDSMOBILE, excellent day. Apply In person, Center for Tires and Tubes. Bid forms, rages, additions, attics fin­ Top Prices Paid 2853. condition, radio, heater, all new Ing, w alloper removed, fully Re"'stau^( 499*M ^*’st IMPORTANT NOTICE plans and specifications are ished, remodeled, concrete Insured. Rene Belanger, 643- ______For All Makes Vi-vTTTkT/-i T ITT tires. Ulca. Can beoe seen at Jr-eiePete’s S The 1964 Civil Rights Law available at the Controller's work. No Job too small. Imme­ 0612 or 644-0804. prohibits, with certain excep­ Office, 66 Center Street, Man­ CARTER CHEVROLET from Route 6 & 44A to Broad 649-6922 diate estimates. 643-2629. STENOGRAPHER tions, discrimination because chester, Connecticut. , 9 Street, momlnga 8-8:30, five ______! Floor Flnishlne 24 of sex. It will ndw be neces­ Town of Manchester, (VEILING AND WALL renova------— ______C O . . I N C . days weekly. 649-9751. sary for our readers jiot only Connecticut tions and repairs, sheet rock FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- Interesting position In to read the usual Female 1229 Main SL ------——— 'Trucks— ^Tractors 5 OM/? — i 1 M_____ , _ Inoe / 1 list 1_ — 1 .S Richard Martin, „ and plaster repaired. Ceramic Ing (specializing In older small department for qauli- Help Wanted and Male Help Phone 649-5238 For Sale 4 1»52 f o r d pick-up, V-8, needs tile InstaUed. 10 years expert- floors). Waxing floors. Paint­ fled typist, with some Wanted classifications, but General Manager r / y o ing. Ceilings. Paperhanging. shorthand background. also our Classification Help CAR* z ™ No Job too smaU. John Ver- Company offere excellent Wanted — Male or Female «d down? Short on down pay . . . 37. 9262. faUle, 649-5760. b e ne f 11 program, good htont?* *^C**A*VABankrupt? Reposses. ______MICKEY FINN wages, pleasant working BY LANK LEONARD ^’^PTAIN EASY Sion? Don't despair! See Hon- 1948 PICK-UP Truck. CaU 649- COMPLETE Remodeling 3 Bonds— Stocks— conditions. BY LESLIE TURNER •Btest Douglas.nniio-to. Inquire aboutoh«„f low- TAKT 7457. Home building, carpentry serv­ FIRST CLASS mechanic, must WANTED •St down, smallest payritents M ortgages 27 have own tools, top wages and WELL, fT'S BIGGER HOW LONG DO AS LONG AS HE r — I'M lo o kin g ice available. Dormers, room IN THE HOSPITAL AT I PUNNO ANY PPAILS. ALGERIAN anywhere. No smaU loan or fi­ Apply.-;First National full benefits. Call Mr. Harris. THAN THE USUAL YOU THINK HE'LL WANTS.' BLARNEY fH o w m OP FORLOUBAKDOl TAMANRASSET. HE A u to D rlvtnir'IrhnnI 7 .A ®t. CMl lor Pirthor to Drlving Academy, 742-7249. ^ ed kennel with seperate runs. 3'A room apartment. Own formation between 9-5. 247-8350 property, call Frank Burice to 369 Center Street at West Center St. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN delux se- H.C. Chase, Harmony HIU Ken­ transportation, or bus to Rock­ or apply Room 207, 16 Lewie discuss ways and mea:y shop, inform*^ WED., DEC. 8 — 10 A .M . - Z P .M . dOUES* Hdlmes. Addrem RepHes to BOX P RtPSEWAV .------haulpd, r e a t ^ Adding ma- roofs, gutter wnrk. chimneys anytime at Conn. Stota Employmant Sorvlea “HT* ^WELL, I'M repaired. oleMsd, repaired. Aluminum (203) 870-0800... or write SURE VOUVE .SAMLare - 4 BEEN HOAXED .im^Ltwn; 808 Main Stioet. Manchosttr ta-Y- DtS-sSripT ssrvic., te. 13 BISSELL STREBT — ad ".S'-

/ > c-v;;

, • *r^ - • .,• ‘ i . ^ • ji.-'-" ■'• J" -s^ • • '•• V «siW . w;t • /. 'S . I . :

UP.- ‘ 1% ■-. flOUD ICaj Je dlninc Mt. Har- 68 I te v n iiB t o -M l^aoCUlsS' (T-w ^.xog ^ Ubto hutch. eg. r v n t rooms, t o t floor, >U>t>, six ROOM - unfumMlM « ]p ^ fket og ittoS isR ^ eiSiOto. 4 refrigerator, baaeboard heat, ment, s«cond floor, oil 'fur- ator. 875-iiwi. |eat seUlBf and s t o r ^ plus panel- spacious yard, Inuhadtate occu- nace, parking, $80. 644-0081. ' Jovely ^ lot, fii^ .hw enant BOW fonuiM. 'k kitchen,; ^ iu U llMtIiMxHkis; 8 knrely t roomhCfOito m o h ln a e 'KC' pancy, $110. Phone 649-8671. ------^------8^ ROOM HOUSE, hreplaoa, bodraeiaii, 'faiiilly room witti Afency, 649-S8to. 'i V - Bel A ir RM l artste, 648-8383. Aceaey, Reoltora, 848- Moslcal Instnunenta 53 tiled bath, lake privil^es, Lyn­ tlfully loixlzoaped. lot with FOtJR CLEAN rodms for rent, fireplace, utility room, ahiml- 771'.i " miiii.iii,- — - ~ nonal closet space, 18x80 living C-3 HAMMOND orgian, separ­ wood Dr., Bolton lake aresL num Biding, storms and ■*•* — * view, dreUny Mtoben has MiUt- FIVE ROOMS, second floor, call adults, $80, call 649-8417. room, dining room, kitchen has BOIfrON - $10,900 wilVbuy this J - FAIRWAY ^ CLA88IFIBO ADVERHSINO OEPT. Hrx RS ate speaker, 25 note pedal «i9-4106. screens, oil hot water heat, Colonial, Screen Ins and dlnX^ orOo, handzome 648-0082. ------: ------. HOLIDAY SPECTALS •very conceivable built-in. 8 formal dining room with slid- MANCHESTER 8 room Cope, older home with new,heating 8 AM. to 6 PJL board, $1,695. Call 648-7282. BWB ROOMS with 8 bedrooms, country sized lot. Wolvertoii * _____ . ed lot, only, $U,900. Bayes 8 - zone taat. ing door entrance' to large excellent condition, aluminum system and new weU 4nd five y^In T T ie / STdl OUHiD STEEL String folk gui­ BEAUTIFUL, modem 4-room stove and refrigerator, $120, Agency, Realtors, 648-28U. heated 3-cor ga- etorma, carport, '100x200 lot, Wanted To Rent 68 Agency, 646-0181. rage 200x2m ^ ■Pacloua r«o acres of good land (port i y COPT aX)SING TmE FOR CLASSIFira) AOVT. tar, beautiful tone, sacrifice, apartment, electric range, re- Sijt rooms, 3 bedrooms, $130 kublord Dr., Vernon—New nice location, $17,900. Assum- cleared). An oddlUonal bine frlgerator, IT miles from Man­ $65. 649-4025. Heat and hot water furnished. WANTED garage, near inter­ M A N C RB Sim 71 Raised : 8 bedroom ranch featuring Agen- ovenrized 2 car gorogv, 8 zone able VA mortgage. Hanley acres adjoining this property is MOtntov n ra n w A t um AM^-sukrumoAt t ajhi chester. $100. Adults. 643-7056. cy, Realtors, 649-2818. Two children welcome. Spa­ section Walnpt and Cedar Sts. LARGE COLONIAL Ranch exoeUent ooodition. charm, location and con- heating and numerous other Agency, 648-0030. available if you wont more IVT cious back yard for children FOUR ROOM apartment, con­ Call 643-1772. 3 bedrooms, iitg t kitchen with i venlence. Quality conatruc- features. Priced in mid 30’a. land. T. J. CrockeU, Realtor, OPEN TOUR OOOPUtAnON V^LL f M A I U I 9 n t l l ______^Antiques 56 to play. Call 875-7362. room for table, dining room, . tlon. Priced tp sell at $30,- flat, 6 rooms $1,900. d o w n ! F.H.A Ap! venient location, parking, l^ven rooms, 2 ^ baths, ooch with 8 bedrooms, prime For appointment call Bltie 648-1577. SB ARPBBdATBD U I A L M d * 2 7 1 1 family room, two fl^ la c e s , 500. ^ praised, Immaculate Ranch, ______SMALL Pine comer cupboard, working couple, adulte only, — ...... 2 fireplaces, large family east aide location. Wesley R. Meyer Agency Realtor, 649- WANTED — Garage vicinity two full baths, two car garage, excellent condition, rec. room, SO. WINDSOR — Non-develop wooden doors, carved decora- call after 5 p.m. 649-4319. Furnished Apartments 63-A room, 2-car garage, built- Smith Agency, 643-1587. 5824. - y High Street, West. Call 649-6314. patio, beautifully landscapM landscaped IH acre lot, swim- ment, 7 r ^ m older Colonial, I ins, city utilities, excellent Oak Street — Here’s a mtng pool. Lappen Agency, 649' CosriBBsd FroM PrsescRug Fogs J^^r5LrH M :Tine''^'e ^NTOALLT located 6 room ROOM and three_ room lot with trees, wall to wall car­ WEST SIDE—2 famUy flat, 2 Manchester fireplace, garage, lovely land- keeper desk, $165; pine one location, quick occupancy. dandy 2 family home In a 5261, 649-6140. Dr. Linus Pauling TONIGHT till soaped lot, bus line, city wa­ drawer stand, $38. Call R. Du- dui^ex, available December 15, furnished apartments, all utili­ Land For Sale 71 Charles Lef^erance, 649- peting and drapes included in new furnaces, 2 car garage JUST FOR YOU Help Wanted— ^Mak 36 Articles For Sale fine downtown location. tt!, near church, school, park SANTA ------, ______45_ rand, 644-2044 after 6 p.m. adults, electric stove, garage ties, adults, parking. 272 Main 7620. price of $24,500. Philbrick new kitchen, good Investment! Attention all families! If BARBARA. Calif. St. ARIZONA — Large level lota, Excellent income producer. , and stores, $14,900. Marion (AP) — Dr. Linus Pauling says Included. Call 649-0940. Agency 649-8464, Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9332. you need a 3 bedroom PLUMBER and plumber’s help- LIFE SIZE Santas for sale, n ^ ^ ~ water, power, oiled streets, Only $18,300. Lots For Sale 73 Bdlund, Real BsUte, 289-4519, he has written President John- er, top wages, benefits, over- made of weatherproof mate- dropleaf table, $35. horn e at a modest price, FOUR ROOM flat. 2 in knotty VERNON — 3 room furnished $496. complete. $10. down, $10. RANCH — Large family sized ITORTER ST. area, immaculate 644-9414. son urging him to ’’find the way time. 643-4523,. . . after -. 5._ 528-45167 Wooden telephone, $30. Sap SPRING S’TREET — A custom this 6 room Cape Cod Is BOWERS School area — 2 build- pine, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, liv­ apartment, aU utilities, $20. month, no Interest. Free pic­ kitchen, large living room with Colonial Cape, 6 rooms, center ______bucket, $1.50. Pine blanket Ranch by Ansaldl. Six big Cobum Road — Take ad­ Just for you. For $14,800, ing lots with acreage. Will sell VERNON - Excellent neighbor- “thieve the goal of a cea.se- ing room, ventlan blinds, kit­ weekly, no pets. Call anytime, tures, maps. Write Box 486, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, zee foyer, 114 baths, secluded yard, _ .M ...... ^ fir#fire Anriand Aa r^A/'Aritlpeaceful aAfi1Aw^An4"settlement” r FTVB PIECE breakfast set, chest, $30. Ox yoke, $25. Rope rooms, 1% baths, porch, ga­ vantage of this fine offer move Into a quiet neighbor­ separately or will build from hood, 3 bedroom Ranch, 2 full spool bed and laborer bed, $75. chen cabinets, ’ stove, near 876-7011. Kingman, Ariz. room, house in immaculate near bus, shopping. Hutchins In Viet Nam. FAIRWAY mahogany sewing rocker, red rage, built-ins, vacant. Wooded now. Owner transferred. hood and enjoy life. Mr. your plans. Wesley R. Smith baths, garage, enclosed porch. utility table, all In excellent each. Butter chum, $10. Bed­ school, west side. Can be seen ------TT condition, completely remod­ Stately 6 room Colonial Agency, 649-5324. He saiid Friday four points in SALES MANAGEMENT anytime after 6:30, call Redecorated lot. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- Gordon, 649-5306. ConstrucUon Co., 643-1667. rec room, only $18,600. Hayes , „ T Friday four points in condition, night stand, blue side table, $18. Weathered eled inside and out, $13,900. with IH baths, 2 car ga­ ------a letter he received from Ho Ohi 315L room apartment in two-family Houses For Sale 72 1577. Philbrick Agency, 649-8464, Interviews now being held baby bureau. 3 odd valances, lumber, odds and ends. 649- ho'rtie. Excellent neighborhood, rage. A sensible price tag * W ALLACE b o l t o n Four wooded acre Minh, president of North Viet box of bric-a-brac. 643-6502 3577. CONCORD RD. — Beautiful Manchester_Parkade homesites. Ideally located on Vernon Nam, were a statement of goals to fill two openings in our SMALL 4 room apartment, sec­ 15 minutes from Hartford. LAKEWOOD CSrcle — Five, bed­ MANCHESTER — large mod­ . of $21,900. line, 614,900. Char-Bon Realty. after 5. Ranch, large living room, for­ Manchester 649-5306 secluded deadend street, excel­ Ho hopes to achieve in negotia­ managerial staff. Appli- ond floor, newly decorated. Ideal for business couple. Heat, room Colonial with 1% baths, em Ranch, central location, 2 643-0683. $700 DOWN mal dining room, cabinet new kitchen, loaded with ex­ Open 8 :30-9 Dally lent area of custom homes tions and not preconditions to oants must have at least MAHOGANY Hi-Fi seL Wanted— Iti Buy 58 Suitable for young couple, $76. hot water, garage. Adults. 876- fireplaces, - basement garage, To see these and many Buys this big 3 bedroom 4120, 6-7 p.m. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, recrea­ tras. Quality throughout. Im­ b u ’TCH COLONIAL — conslst- 8 :30-6 Sat. A Sun. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. negotiations one year of college. Excit- men’s Ice skates, size 11, $4, Call Charcoal Broiler, 849-8056. only $17,900 for quick sale. Be'. other fine listings call Ranch, with garage, on a tion room, landscaped yard. mediate occupancy. Sensibly Ing o( 7 rooms, and IH baths. Pauling, a scientist and Nobel \ ln g opportunity for ^unbi- woman’s ice skates, $3. 643- WE BUY and sell antique and r~ ------Air Real Estate, 643-9382. either of our two offices SIX ROOM Colonial, double ga­ full lot. A fine home for a used furniture, china, glass, sll- LOVELY 4^ room Town House Marion E. Robertson, Realtor, priced at $31,600. T.J. Crockett, A million words cannot des­ Peace Prize winner, and several lipus man. Guaranteed sal- 2018. today. rage, AH baths, fireplace, car­ family that needs Immedi­ apartment, comer Oak and Business lioeations 643-6953. Realtor, 643-1677. cribe this typical New England Suburban For 5lale 75 associates had written Ho ap­ ★ ★ ★ ★ ai^Oompsny car provided. ver, picture frames, old coins, 6>4 ROOM Ranch — completely peting. Only $1,600 down. Pa- ate occupancy. Call Mr. Cottage, heat and hot water, For Rent 64 designed home, carefully cus­ pealing for a cease-fire. A p p ly ^ person. guns, pewter, scrap gold, MANCHESTER — Six room remodeled, 3 bedrooms, cer­ sek Realty, 289-7475, 742-8243. EAST HARTFORD — Attrac­ Bogdan at, 875-6611 or 649- completely sound proofed. Pri­ SIX ROOM Ranch on shaded tom ed crafted with the grace ______watches, old Jewelry, hobby DESIRABLE store or office Dutch Colonial, plus porches amic bath, fireplace, ready for tive 5 room Ranch, breeze­ 5306, today for an appoint­ Diamonds— Watohe vate cellar, refrigerator, range, 100x400 lot, big family .sized JARVIS REALTY CO. and beauty of Colonial days of SIX ROOM single off Main St., Gary Crosby collections, paintings, attic con­ space, ground floor, clean, at­ and garage, excellent condition occupancy. Wesley R. Smith way, 2-car garage, cellar, sew­ ment. Jewelry 48 disposal and dryer, $140 month­ kitchen with super abundance old. Central chimney with 2 excellent condition, vacant, THE SINGER ANY tents or whole estates. Furni­ tractive eind reasonable. Apply and location, full price $18,700. Agency, 643-1567. 643-1121 . 649-1200 ers, large trees, bus, $18,600. LOS ANGELES (AP) — En ALL-STAR ture Repair Service. 643-7449. ly. 643-2786 or 643-2370. of cabinets, formal dining fireplaces, wood shingled gam- make an offer. Wesley R. WATCHr . AND U JEWELRY AU VV AM AAO X rre­ O - * ------. ______Mr. Daly, State Theatre, 11 Call Mitten Realty, 643-6930. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, BARROWS & WALLACE tertainer Gary Crosby and his 832 Main S t, Manchsbter room, fireplaced 15x18 living brel roof and small pane wind- Smith Agency, 643-1567. Manchester Parkade a.m. - 8 p.m. LAKEWOOD CIRCLE — S-bed- 875-0625 649-5324. wife will attempt to save their service. Up to WANTED old clocks need ROOM apartment, on bus room, 3 large bedrooms, 2-car ows. Screened porch overlooks Manchester 649-5306 $20•20 on your old watchwa.t:rh Inin __* :__ , , . ’ lin$> hpot hnt watAT* rvQfir$^». SEVEN ROOM older home, 4 room Colonial with 114 baths, five-year marriage, but both not be in working order, pri­ H b u il d in g for rent. bedrooms. 2 baths, lot 72x161, garage, oil hot water heat, cus­ 2-car garage, heavily wooded beautiful landscaped yard, lo- BOLTON — $13,500. 3-bedroom Open 8 :30-9 Daily ide. Closed Mondays. F. E. vate collector, replies confi­ feet living area, 9 spacious have legal actions pending. Brkv. 737 Main Street. State ^Sency, i50x34’, suitable for storage. Manon E. Robertson, Realtor. tom built 1966. Wolverton Agen­ lot, only $25,900. T. J. Crockett, cated In one of Manchester’s Ranch with big family room 8:30 -6 Sat. A Sun. TRAINEB3—To leam furniture -----— dential, give brief description. MANCHES’TER — Like new rooms, living room with cathe- Crosby and his wife, Barbara. repair and reflnishing. Call Theater, Building, Call after 6 p.m., 649-0771. 443-5953. cy, Realtors, 649-2813. Realtor, 643-1577. best neighborhoods, priced in off kitchen, corner lot, nice USED CAR Write box T. Herald. condition, 6 room Raised dral celling, 5 bedrooms, 1% rosldenUarMea“ ’ wiirquaUfv BOLTON CENTER Ranch. $19,- Mr. Pettenglll, 646-0111. ------THREE ROOM apartment, Or- cjvtatt . . __ the mid 30’s. Philbrick Agency — ' x oMALaL StoFe loF Feiit at 73 SPACIOUS Custom built all MANCHES'TER — 3 bedroom Ranch with heated and fire- 649-8484. baths, kitchen with built-ins, for VA minimum finaneW T °ne year old, excellent con- Angeles Conciliation Court brick 6 room house. 2 ceramic placed family room, 3 gener- —______beautiful rec room, complete J. Crockett, Realtor 643-1577' dition, full basement, one acre ® attorneys worked out FULL or part-time control desk Florists— kittseries 49 Kooms Without Board ~59 P“ cy. Please can 649-246^'''^ OWNER MUST SELL Ranch, 2 baths, family room, operator, evenings. Apply In baths, dining room, double garage, storm windows, air- OU3 bedrooms, 16 x 19 living ONE BLOCK from Main St., es- with bar, closets galore, 2 car ...... lot, built-ins. For further infer. "® ^^f^porary -support------plan under person. Holiday Lanes. CHRIS’TMAS TREES! ’IW now! THOMPSON HOUSE, Cot- 8'^ ROOM Heated apartment fT ^ ~ F L O O R store now va brick garage, plenty of stor- conditioned, many extras, large room with fireplace, dining tablished neighborhood, 7^ garage and nearly one acre of mation call the R. F. Dimock '^^ch he would pay her $510 a BOLTON month, plus the mortgage and Cut later. BringBrine the familyfamilv. to tage ^age Street, centrally locatedlocated. garage, $125. 62 Porter St. WILL ACCEPT age, acre, gardens, trees. lot, excellent neighborhood. room, kitchen with all built-ins, rooms, 1>4 baths, 2 car garage, land, near buses, shopping and Co.. 649-5245. GROCE3RY department head, cant, 442 Burnside Ave. Good 2-car garage, 100x200 lot. Own- condition, $16,900. Hayes schools. Philbrick Agency, 849- taxes on their home VALUES! large. pleasantly furnished Call 649-7925 after 5. Hutchins Agency, 649-5324. the Stanley ’Tree Farm, Long for any type business. Call 644-8526. Large 7-room Colonial, 2 experienced. Apply in person REASONABLE OFFER er leaving state. Wolverton Agency, 648-0131. 8464. BOLTON — South Rd. Six room Mrs. Crosby went to court to Hill Rd., Andover. Open 9 a.m.- rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 pnrnvx ------T7,----- 289-7106. fireplaces, large family to Mr. Crisplno, S u p r e m e for overnight and permanent ROOM Flat, second floor, Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. Manchester------Ranch, nicely landscaped % ask for “ reasonable” alimony High Value - Low Mileage - Late Models! 4 p.m. every Saturday and Sun­ MANCHES’TER — Ranch, 6 room, built-lns, 2-car ga­ Foods, 469 Hartford Rd. guest rstes. garage, furnace, hot water, 2 Six room, newly redecorat­ acre, fireplace, storms, and child support pending tri^ - day---^ or by•'J appointment VCWIcall 742Itli* rooms, 3 bedrooms, handy to rage, porch, hot water oil or 3 adults, no pets. 649-0482. Houses For Rent 65 ed young Ranch, 3 bed­ We s t s id e — near bus, 6-6 COZY And CONVENIENT screens, excellent condition. of her separate maintenance AT p a r t - ’ITME work available selection of White ROOM FOR~RENT newlv fur bus, shopping, schools, etc., ex­ heat, approximately one rooms, tile bath, dining duplex, double garage, modem Just right for a twosome. Reduced to $16,900. 643-8698. suit. Crosby, eldest son of singer evenings, 6-11 p.m. apply Mc- Spruce, Norways, and Douglas FIVE ROOMS, with garage, SEVEN ROOM house, 4 bed- Open For inspeefion acre lot with ample trees. nlshed, private- entrance, on room, living room with kitchens and baths, 200’ deep Not too big, but has every-"* cellent value at $14,900. Phil­ Bing Crosby, is contesting her Doruilds Drive-In, 46 West Cen Fir. From $2.50 up, also pine first floor, 649-4335, after 5 :30 rooms, fireplace, hot water brick Agency, 649-8464. Immediate occupancy. bus line, near ahbpping. 649- fireplace, refinished kitch­ Jot. Sensibly priced. Hayes thing. Not on busy street, action and is asking for a di­ ter St. branches and cones for decora­ 7702. P'"’ ’ heat, all good sized rooms, Saturday Afternoon, 2 to 5 Agency, 648-0131. Charles Lesperance, 649- tion. en cabinets, garage, close yet only a step to bus or Wanted— Real Estate 77 vorce on grounds of cruelty, ■------— MJCAT q I Z—r l^rgelarge secluded lot. on bus line. _i______-______TWO FAMILY, 6-6, 2 oil burn­ 7620. Manchester Motor’s to churches, schools, shop­ ROOM with kitchen privile^s, . ® apartment, heat, ^all Warren E. Howland JfANCHESTER — West Side. store. Five room home with ers, excellent location. Will ping and many extras. Ap­ Sunday Afternoon, I to 5 dining room, rec room and w a n t e d t o b u y — 3 or 4 Henry Fonda LUBRICATION MAN centraleentrni location. Mrs.-vr-o Dorcey,------refriger- Realtor, 643-1108. Lovely 6 room Cape, half block SOUTH WINDSOR Garden— ^Parm— Dairy 14 Arch St. atpr, $80 per month. Can b e ______praised at $16,200. Will ac­ |o bus, school, and shopping. pantry. $13,900. D. Sisco, down. Good income. Call own­ 6 room family house in Manchester. modem Ranch, 3 bedrooms, MINEOLA, N.Y. (AP) - Ac­ Products 50 seeii ^ y tim e, call 643-9353. COMPLETELY furnished trail cept reasonable offer. Easy ■Plenty of trees and shrubs, 649-5306. er, 225-6844. P.O. Box KXXS, Manchester. WANTED financing. FOR SALE OR RENT family room, full basement, tor Henry Fonda, 60, has taken 238 CHARTER Oak St. - room ------er, Coventry Lake, $100. month- Jarge 60x234 lot. Call 568-0582. NEW as his fifth bride, SWrtee h a n d picked, Macs, Starks, with private entrance, suitable ROOMS, first- floor,------, new- 749.Ril7R - ^ - - - ______BARROWS & WALLACE Ma n c h e s t e r — pioneer cir- rec room, $17,900. Bel Air APPLY: and Baldwins, $1 per 16 quart ly decorated, heat, hot water _ J LAKEWOOD CIRCLE SOUTH Manchester Parkade Real Estate, 643-9332. Adams, 33, a former airlines for working gentleman. 649- Call Bob Gerstung, 648- r' EDACIOUS Split, 3 twin size " Cle, economical 4 and 4 duplex. Leg;al Notices hostess. basket. In own container. Bot- 1746. available, garage, centrally lo- FIVE ROOM house, heat and bedrooms, rec room, 1% baths, Manchester 649-5306 good condition, sound Invest' AL BOULAIS, Service Mgr. Top of Hill — On North Side of Street Open 8:30 - 9 Daily VERNON — Custom built 6 They were married Friday in tl’s Fruit Farm, 260 Bush Hill cated, $75. 649-9395. - utilities furnished. Route 44A, 7033 or 875-4433 anytime. btove, trees, near bus, shop­ ment, convenient to bus,' Rd. 8:30-6 Sat. & Sun. room------_L ----- Ranch-- „on „ a 125x200,a.^a.a.a„, AT probate, the chambers of Supreme Court FURNISHED room to rent, near ping. only, $19,200. Hutchins schools, Catholic Church, etc. AUTO TERRACE M ANCHEST^ H Deluxe, c9°2'4 treed lot. built-lns, dishwash- district of Oivehtry oif the'*2nd'^day Edwin R. Lynde, who center, gentleman preferred. NEW BEAUTIFUL HOME Agency, 649-5324. 88 ESSEX St. — $13,000. takes yet not on busy street, gener­ MANCHESTER MOTOR MACS, Delicious, Cortlands and Call 643-8547. quiet, quality Damato built, 4^ ______LARGE EXECUTIVE Ranch, 7 er, fireplace, baths, car- of December, a .d ' 1966. told them: “ I’ve been marrvlne Where You're Always OUT FRONT Northern Spy. Also winter ______this 6 room house. Oil hot wa­ ous yard. Immediate occupan­ SALES room duplex apartment, block 3 ^ ROOM HOUSE, fireplace, rooms, modem kitchen with all Built on a wooded lot. This is a prestige location. FOUR FAMILY on Wells St., 4 port, convenient location, ex- Ji5ge!®“ ^’ Turklngton, couples for 10 years and have squash and freSh cabbage. 172 ROOMS for rent — ladies pre ter heat, garage, laundry room. cy. Principals only. Call 649- to schools and shopping, one tile^-bath, lake privileges, Lyn- built-ins, dining room, two fire­ You must see this to appreciate it! tooms each completely reno­ 1776 after 6 p.m. cellent neighborhood. .lia n le y Alice m . Jones, late of never had one break auart 1 In Spectacular Used Car Values! South Main St. ferred, cooking facilities, cen Joseph Barth, Broker, 649-0320. n.2 W. Center St., Manchester available. Hayes Agency. 646- wood Dr., Bolton lake area. places, 21^ baths, family room, vated, 3-car garage, no central Agency, 643-0030. U^rapSl4 COLUMBIA -— 18IB acres ofJ land be granted e foregoing MagiU of Aurora, 111. 2-Dr. Hardtop $ 2 0 0 J with Air S 4 7 Q C EXPBRIfflICED aluminum sld- pr ^ a-m TiaTriT-. ----- 7Z------1----- only, free parking, central lo­ immediately, vicinity nished rooms, central location nient residential area, 3 bed­ * frontage irontfl.^6 Oflon R.tRt. It6. OnOne A 7 room ADDlicA/tif^napplication hwk^ hAAvviheard andonH IngImr applicatorannllcator with .somesome refrigerators. MANCHESTER — Spacious 8 rooms, heated family room, dining room, paneled family Conditioning f !f«P ranges, automatic washers cation, references required. Bowers School. Call 643-7792 $150. per month. Philbrick house, very good condiUon. one ^ knowledge of carpentry, over­ room English Colonial, 4-bed- fireplaced living room, .garage, room, aluminum siding, $20,- . . . in said District, on the 9th Prince Sadruddin ^ th guarantees. See them at 643-2693. ®^l®r 6. Agency, 649-8464. four room house, almost new. day of December. A.D. 1965 at ’65 OLDS. Delta CaCCA ’63 OLDS. D-88 CQAAC time, paid vacation, $3. per rooms, 11:4 baths, den, rec oil hot water heat, 1% baths, 900. Philbrick Agency, 649-8464. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. 88 Hoi, Sedan, '^ M O O ^ m , garage. Hayes Agency. Hoi. Coupe '*41199 hour to starl, excellent oppor­ M a i^ 'sf NEArT m AIN St. _ one mom WEST SIDE — 5 room duplex 4% ROOM large Ranch, fur- l U l W ^nTet^ns (■AP) — Prince Sadruddin Aga ...... ^ ,, $23,500 and worth it. Wolverton POR’TER S’TREET area — 8 call Burton Starkey Real- interested in said estate of me KTinr, i ^ ^ ^ tunity for advancement. 643- M a l^ t . CaU 643-2171. suitable for one gentleman house, oil burner heat, adults nished or unfurnished, oil heat t646-0131. ’6.5 OLDS. D-88 $ 4 1 AC ’63 PONTIAC Catalina Agency, RcEiltors, 649-2813. room Colonial with o 2-car t P ga tor, Columbia 228-9243 pendency of said arphcltlon and selected by ac 0920. ~ ■ reasonable. 9 Hazel, 649-2170. preferred. Cali 643-4097. large parking area, working T ------2-car va- ’ • the dme and place of iiearing tiierc- clSimation to be the United Na Hot. Sedan Con ve rtl ble ^ 'l ^ 0 0 HENRY ST. — 7 room home, MANCHESTER Colonial 6 f tk “ “ e'*"1; ' BOLTON - Near center, fire- de^ *1^’’i^rJ.'e^'^'SfsSp^p'e^ «®"«' ^gh commissioner ' f<>; ’64 OLDS. Jet Star C 4C 0C PART-’ITME, mornings, or full­ Ma n c h e s t e r " ^ 6~room du- 643-6389, ______jcitchen beautifully remodeled room, natural cabinet kitchen, family room, placed 8 room Cane laree lot c'^ca'a-Uon In said district, at least refugees, room set. Call 649-1423. jij, with board, $25. Call 742 88 Hoi. Coupe. * a 0 !/ 0 time for furniture work. Apply plex, excellent location, 2 3% ROo"m Seperate residence With all built-ins, dining room, stove refrigerator, fireplace, Agency. 643 immediate occupancy, ^ n a r d ^^car h me^see^ciSie Secretary-General ’61 CHEV. Impala $|Q 00 U ’Thant 4-Dr. Hardtop Marlow’s Furniture Dept., 867 SEWING MACHtNB — Sinxer 8238. children, unheated,- - $115,---- - Call Auiux furnished or unfurnished.Iargeuiiiurrusnea.iarETe large living room, with beamed wall f„ to wall carpet,------Jdrapes------1567^______Agency, Realtors, 646-0469. at “* said” tlma------and- ■"place------and------be lipard--- nominated Sadruddin to take ’64 CO.MET Caliente Main St. ------_ felling and fireplace. 3 bed­ automatic zig - zag, cabinet A’rTRACTIVE sleeping room Glastonbury, 633-9057 for ap- parking area, reasonable, work- IVi baths, aluminum storms, 2 Jhia ^ refugee office in Gene- 4-Dr. Sedan $ ^ 0 0 0 ’62 CHEV. Bel Air <6 A A g rooms, and den or 4th bedroom, model, excellent condition, but- gentleman, private^ E ntrance------pointment. ------adults, 643-6389. car garage, immaculate, im- EISTER 5 room older Sdmore TURKINGTON. Judge. As Commissioner he will 4-Dr. Sedan ^ I'K rO baths, front and rear porch, mediate occupancy, $21,900. home, aluminum siding, Help Wanted— n 0 es, em roiders, hems, shower, free parking. Apply 195 SIX ROOM flat, first floor, im- 1952 FURNISHED 55x10 mobile Here’s a Wonderful Buy . , , AT A CXDURT OP PROBA’Te! ^ ® million refugees, •tc., was $309.50, unpaid bal- car garage, $23,500. Philbrick ■ Hanley Agency, 643-0030. porches, garage, immaculate. held at Manchester, within and for mostly in Europe and Africa, Male or Female 37 Spruce St. mediate ocqupan-y. near High home. All set up on lot. Con- REDUCED ance $89.85, take over pay- up Agency, 649-8464. $12,500. Marion Edlund, Real the district of Manchester on the mho no tt . ------" ■ ------■ ' ------School, $125. 643-0007 after 4 BANK APPRAISED 6 room Estate, 289-4519, 644-0414. FOR QUICK SALE 30th day of November AD 1966 32-year-old Harvard-ed- KXPERIENCE3D Real Estate ments of $8. mwithly. City Sew- ATTRACTIVE room, centrally venient location, Working IPresent. Hon. John J. 'Wallrtt, ucated Iranian prince is the son p.m. Cape in desirable B o w e rs------★ STATION WAGONS ★ salesmen needed for an active, Ing Center. Hartford, 522-0476. adults. 643-6389. NEW 6 ROOM Ranch — fire- located, for business woman, School area, fireplace, full MANCHESTER — Near Porter Estate of Augusta M. Bengtson or Khan III; half- local firm. Complete profes­ FOUR large rooms with ga­ placed living room, formal din­ A stunning 3 bedroom, 514 late of Manchester. In orotocr of the late Prince AJv kitchen privileges. Call 643-5931 'oasement, city utilities, nicely street School. 4-bedroom split sional facilities are available. SEWING MACHINES - - Why after 6 p.m. rage, middle aged copoV pre­ ing room, 2 full baths, large room ranch on 1% acres in '45 PONTIAC '63 BUICK level. 2 baths, 2 lavs, 2-car ga­ *%pon'’‘ aS>’ii ^ o “ *of Herbert A Pakistand delegate here; 9-Paas. Station Wagon This is not Just another sales settle for an unknown brand ferred, $55. Call 649-9286. Suburban For Rent fi6 lot, in very desirable neighbor­ landscaped lot with shade Bolton. Freshly painted and Special, 6-Pass. rage, den and Florida room Bengtson. administrator, praying uncle of Aga Khan IV lead- Job but a chance to make a of doubtful quality from some­ hood. Philbrick Agency, 649- trees. Call owner after 6:30 in excellent condition for authority to sell certain real es- er rrf the 9n TnimirtM ANDOVER — Wales Rd,, prac­ p.m. 649-8696. have parquet floors, large patio tatstst« particularlyrknwii^ntartUr described i-In said ^ ^ mauion Ismalli Mos­ '63 FORD full time career In a reward- one you don’t know when you Apartments— Flats— m a p l e ST. — 6 room duolex, P464. throughout. ’This is a qual­ apnUostinn on file. It Ls '63 OLDS. tically new room Ranch, with awnings, completely air- lems of Asia and Africa. Country Sedan, 6-Pass. ■ Ing profession. If you feel that can buy a brand new _ Singer Tenements____ _ 63 Jicr minor children, referen^^.s, ity home containing many OFFERED: That the foregoing ‘‘88" 9-Pass, with Air Cond. for only $59.50 with as llttle°M ------^ inquire 45 Benton St. or call wooded lot. Leonard Agency, MANCHESTER — $15,900, cen­ conditioned, beautiful lot. For custom features. ’The living apDiication be heard snd deter­ you are stymied in your pres­ Realtors, 646-0469. mined at the Probate office In Man­ $6.00 down and easy monthlv ^ ° ^ N G for anything in real 643-4041 after 5 p.m. trally located 7 room older further information call the R. room is paneled and has a chester. in said District on the 13th ■60. PLYMOUTH '64 CH EV . ent position drop us a line and - - ' estate rentals ' Leisure Time Gown Val. 100 terms. Singer Sewing Center, ----- b i ilC X I k O , apartments ------— I home, big lot, needs some re­ P. Dimock Co., 649-5245. fireplace, the dining area day of December A.D. 1965 at two Bisc. 4-Dr. ■ indicate yom reasons for want­ B.OLTON CENTER apartments, o clock in the afternoon, and that BOY SCOUT 832 Main St., 643-8883 homes, multiple dwellings, call THREE ROOM apartment __ decorating, excellent value, Bel has a beautiful view over­ ing to make a change. Con­ T A A A A “7A *K;rA:_ cs a ______•. _____ 3 rooms V '.h hot water, heat, notice be riven bo all nersons inter- J. D. Realty, 643-5129. 474 Main St. second floor, $85. Air Real Estate, 643-9332. e.sted in soM estate of the pendenev tact Box F, Herald. stove, refrigerator. In beauti­ MANCHESTER looking the hills. The base­ Notes and News SOLID Mahogony — Duncan Heat, hot water. Call 643- of said apniication and the time and ful setting. Call 643-4312 even- ment has a rec room, laun­ place of hearing thereon, hv mib- Phyfe drop leaf table, 38x24 2426, from 9-5. Six Room Colonial-Cape dry and workshop area. Ilahine^ coov of this order in somd I HAM OAKLAND ST. — 2 rooms ______ings. Cub Pack 144 — EXCITING SPORTS CAR STYLING — Situations Wanted— top, excellent ccmditlon. 643- OPEN EVERY DAY FOR INSPECTION Mohair Crochet! 3 bedrooms, family sized newspaper )ia\dng a circulation in 6458 or 742-7013. and bath, $65. 643-2426, 9-5. wid dl.a^rict, at lea.M seven da\Ti Awards and year pins were Female 38 PLEASANT 5 room, second COVENTRY LAKE — Small kitchen, living room with Recreation fac ilities before the-day of said hearing, to EVERY ONE A STYLE LEADER IN THE LOW PRICE abound. The lot contains a appear if they see cau.se at said given to members of Cub Scout 414 ROOMS, heat, hot water, W apartment, adults, 643- furnished cottage. furnace. 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. wall to wall carpeting, ga­ time and place and.he b4*ard rela­ FIELD — BIG CAR RIDE, LOOKS, AND COMFORT. "experienced typdst wishes SEWING Machine - stove refrigerator narkin7n'^-s^w sold arrows; Kevin Mohr, bear '65 OLDS. all weekend, 649-6230. white kitchen sink, interconi Br>.rnr,Tia A 7Z i RCiCKVILLE ^ Attractive first rage, rec room, 2-zone heating, j^Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. badge; Francis Piccalo, gold '63 OLDS. SPACTOUS 4 room, third |floor flo9r 314 room apartment Cutlass Convertible set, good condition, rea.sonable HAVE customers waiting on a hillside with a 20 mile J O H N H . L A P P E N , IN C of .Susanns T.srrh late of Richard Wallen, gold F-85 Club Coupe 649-6636, for the rental of your apart­ ^ chilrir""'" ’ refrigerator and heat, view. Only $16,300. Pasek Real- 649-5261 Mnnehester. In said district, de- and silver arrow on wolf bad^e FREE — Kittens, part angora, Ce^^^ri. e$ • * ” '65 OLDS.» ment or home. J. D. Realty ly cail" 6472957 ■ 649- ty, 289-7475, 742-8243. Please, after 5:00 or weekends '63 OLDS. trained. 649-6128. Special Warehouse Release ly, call 649-2957. 4824,875-1166. 295 BIDWELL ST.. MANCHESTER TTrvon anntiewHon of Hans T.errh, assistant denner stripes; “442” Sport Coupe with 643-6129. :------Call 649-6140 ndm'n'e'—tee m-s-in- f..r aii»ho-itv David Manseau and John Jov Air Cond. ■ F-85 Convertible 8-ROOM HpUSEFUL OF MANCHESTER—6 room Cape, 1 r’-tm in fq- denner. strifies; and William family kitchen, walk-out base- Articles For Sale 45 UNCLAIMED VOT nf jiqM nominal T-T Agostinelli, bobcat pin. '65 OLDS. '65 OLDS. FOUR ROOM tenement, 132 Bis- ment. wall to wall carpeting, VERNON-Opportunity knocks, T,Avch ’ Irt ■ hi«( o®narlfv ———------FURNITURE Two-yaar-pins were given to "442” Sport Coupe B ^ E S AND Service on Ariena, DIREX3T FROM WAREHOUSE seu St., $70. 643-2426, 9-5. OR OTHER TIMES BY APPOINTMENT conveniently located, $17,500. - ■ - - . .. -• . ■'■"hqr.no T.-rch b"»h Af s«M “442” 2-Dr. Hardtop Desirable location, 6 room al- m— u i. David Bunce, Timothy Dennin Hahn Eclipse, Jacobson lawn 3 ROOMS NEW $199 Robert Lewis Realty, 457 ^ in u m sided (foioniai, with mowers. Also HomeUte chain ’THREE ROOM apartment, liv­ WANTED Main St.. East Hartford, 528- and Donald Hopkins. One-year- T sa\^s and International Cub Ca- Credit manager desires respon- *73 acres, 2 extra building lots. p* pins went to David Bmbser, ing room, kitchen, bedroom 2132, 233-6385. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. rh»qt»r ,.,.h det ’Tractors. Rental equipment ^Ible party to purchase 3 and bath, electric range, re- MAN TO W ORK IN • 10 Units of 3 Spacious Rooms Each (One bedroom) Stephen Ide, John Joy, David and aharpenln* aervlep on on ROOMS OF NEW W a r e , frlgerator, heat and hot water, OVERSIZED Ranch, Bolton. vnr ..* r q Manseau, James Michalik, "For The Fussy makes. L A M Equipment HOUSE FURNITURE $199 ho pets, available December 1. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT (nf0**Ao«r.'7 In wfiM pv**»*o of Kevin Mohre, Brian Richard­ 96 WHITE STREET Flrtplace, amazing butlt-lns, rvATlAannf O* anM a.^*%t • I.-., Call McKinney Brothers, Inc., • Charming Colonial-Style Building with Country Setting, son and Francis Piccalo. 78(^ ’Manchest» 6 7’®dl'^77 i f (Off Henry Street) dishwasher, attractive neigh­ fbo HfrjA fln/l Convertible Buyer" Enterpris 1945. room, 6-pc. dinette, 15-pc. total. 643-2139. MUST BE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE <^’3. b»' nnVtIablner • of ♦$»$* OT- After the ceremonies, a pine- Yet Close to All Facilities. borhood, large lot, wonderful Ip •nfVJA n AZ*-V«\AnAT* p ■------——— INSTANT CREDIT for Children. $16,900. Lappen pl**/MilA4lAn |n •Alfl wood Derby Racq was held. • ’6.5 Oldsmobile Sfarfire Cenvertible. MANCHESTER — 296 Bldwell SELLING EXPERIENCE HELPFUL p* 1a NO MONEY DOWN ■ 5 • Open Sunday 2 to 4 P.M. Agency, 649-6261, 649-8140. nAVAn of !«aM Brian Richardson won first a i n k St. Brand new, spacious 3 room • ’65 Oldmobile Ninety-Eight Convertible BO GAI LON drums suit­ $2 WEEKLY • Electric Range, Refrigerator and Disposoir |f> pn*v»o** If lG$iv pl&Ce with the fastest car. able fpr rubbish. Call 643-2711. apartments, ideal country set- APPLY IN PERSON St F«i»t tfmp TN DISCOUNT FURNITURE 6 room Cape In excellent -aIa^g-a tKA-Afn David Bunce was second and • ’65 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 Convertible, , ting, vet near all facilities. rMiim I'' iGi* With WAREHOUSE SEE MR. THORP, ADVT. DIRECTOR Heat and Hot Water. (No Extras) $125 monthly condition. Living room Timothy Dennin was third. In FOR “ a Job well done feeling” Small Colonial styled building Legal Notice .miTV T •HT A T ■c'*rpp air conditioning. 8580 Main St., H irtford with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, rc: Anii''‘nv ,T. k**\t the slowest car division, Donald clean carpets with Blue Lus­ offers charm and privacy. Only In Back of den or dining room, cabinet h OP PROBATE. Bunce was first, Gary stone was • ’64 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 Convertible. tre. Rent electric shampooer, $125 monthly, heat, hot water, iJIandypfitpr lEupitittg ilfi^raUii 8239 SIZES 2 - a Mlanchester, within anu for A r*nTTT»'p T»tsr»v»'Tn7* Old Fuller Brush Building • Individual Storage Sections in Basement — Ample Parking kitchen. Large lot with h^lrl Af '«fAriA>vAA*AT. pmA f^e. $1. Paul’s Paint and Wallpaper stove and refrigerator Includ­ 36*52 Ifif. of Manchester, on the second and David Ehnbser was • ’64 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight Convertible. Supply. 522-7249 trees. Near schools. Imme­ SOUi day of November, A.D. 1965. ♦hA f$l«#Hf>l of 111# third. ed, Hayes Agency, 646-0131. ^ comfortable , . . look pret- Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. 2rA rtf T$AAArrtV>Af. A ri IftfTg • Full Ceramic Tile Both with Vanity. lyiwhile you relax in this loose- diate occupancy. $16,500. Judge Wrt« John J WaU#** • ’63 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 Convertible. OPEN MON.-SAT. 9—9 5159-N Q|. .RICH S’TONE Free loam, $14 fitting dress to sew in dress or . Estate of Gustaf A. Bengtson or kUe of Maxicnester in of MlUrtfi R. TTaIKawpav Legal Notice five ya^s. Sand, gravel, ’stone EVERYTHING in sterilized re- THREE ROOM, third floor, heat length. Two sleeves are ' ^ * •Aid district deceased, t*»4A of in $»*M fill, and manure. 643-9504. — j.*. — .... ~ .. ------’ • Deluxe Birch Cdbinet Kitchen. Design'^ by Schirick. provided too crocheted dress a Joy to MADELINE SMITH Upon application of Herbert A, conditioned used furniture and stove. Call 643-0082. BengtB.;n, administrator, praying h i ' E i h r . “ “Jo u r t '^of* pr ob ate, 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE FREE WHEELS — Buy snow aj^Uances, high quality — low __ ~ ------No. 82^9 with Patt-O-Rama is REALTOR 649-1642 for authority to sell certain real es­ In sizes 36 36 dh d2 dd d6 " “ f yam and her favorite color. tate parUcuIarly described in said tires, get new wheels free. No prices. LeBlanc ^ m itu re. 296 APARTMENT, first NEED MORTGAGE ■“pUoa^n on file. If is Radio, Heater, Automatic, Power Steering and Many Ex­ _ floor, living room, dining room. ^a' t l ’ Pattern No. 6159-N has full down payment, 6 monthz to South Street, RockvUl*. 875- SupS?S^).®^^k? left“ ^°to K ^ y a t 2Kght®8BldwlS St 6^ 52. Bust 38 to Size 88, crochet direcUons for sizes 2-4-6 ORDE*RED: That the forecoing in f-vp~ of a.4o»a waii-^ tras. Low Mileage — One Owner. 2174. Open 9-8. kitchen, refrigerator, range •«)^icatkm be heard and deter- Hinwi^v and FVanV pay. Cole’s Discount Station, bust dress lefigth, long mustratlons. RANCH — Seven rooms, one _ _ the _ Probate.office___ in M^- ^ of Jamce A. Murmy, late and hood, disposal Venetian year old, prestige hetehtoor- ^ 643-5382. ------’ blinds, 11,4 baths, 2 bedrboms, •Itves 4 yards of 45-inch. <,rter. send S6c In coins to: hood on deadend street, large ^ o S ^ large closets. Just like owning O..L ^ Anna Cabot. The M^anchester - - ,r------— —w ...... wv*.., (hat mln*/l P* t»>A *D..-Ka4a rtWiAA Ut W-w,. CXaEAN RUGS, like new, so easy Bedroom set, spring RAYMOND and LOUIS C. DAMATO lot with trees, decorated with 52^* to- all oemona inter- in pam tv,u,4ai ‘ »Ga i/i*u On motion of Ruth K. Murray. 34 your own home, front and rear Bus Burnett, The Manchester Evening Herald, 1160 AVE. OF Westwood St.. Manchester, Conn., to do with Blue Lustre. Rent mattress, $50. 50 Spring St. U I 1 L I B V 6 r * “ ‘“ ” ------a « r « n admintstcatrix. entrances, no pets, reasonable . BUILDERS AND OWNERS ® iM n g Herald, 1150 AVE. OF AliraRICAS NEW*TO ^egance for rich and exclusive Sr*£ucr application and §ie time in p»i«-n~,n qns (*.-• ORDERED; That six months AAuEBIGAS NEW YORK N.Y. iaasia * » • • beauty plus luxury. Fireplaces, *^ii^*^* of hearing thereon, by nA*ioA ka w>if«An tn au rvA*>»rtVsp (rtlAS*. Vi^v “ “ “ «>MBINATrON"~^lei;;;;^;ri5i rent, on bus line. Call after 6 from the 1st day of December, 1965. Phone 649-5203 iMlSA * '■ * * 10086. bathrooms* srarssres Younam#. P^ii^iihg a copy of this order In in s-*d. rt ii-n i-nns.nn*- be a ^ the same are limited and al- -variety store. and gas stove, 9 piece dining For let-class mailing add 10c w .1 fpme newjmaper having a clfcula- <-r «~-iiAs*inn th. ,im « .-A p.m. 649-3566. , , lat-clasB mailingmwuwr addaaa 10cJOC thj, Uon In sal^iM^______rt.e, of he.ris- fb.re^s 'V*® - creditors within SUPER STUFF, sure n u f ! ______room set._ 649-2932. Rontals by ist-clozz mailing add 10c for each pattern. Print Nome, TWO ROOM Apartment, full polntment to zee oaU PhUbiiSt * ? y ^ee“ ^ S M d V f d “ ‘S - l ^ t ’s Blue LuMre for clean- SEALEY Postli7eilidir MODERN ^ eat* pattern. Print Name, Address svitb Zip Code, Style ■Agency, M9-SM4. In mlnlstmtrte la directed to give pub- mst- bath, stove, heat, hot water, SAVINGS BANK At^Iress with Zip Code, Style Ko.-and Size. saH time snd place and be heard «ii(1 s, MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES The Hayes Afency, Inc. of s*M^ biwrior. tn jn th^*^cta?m? Ume*^ suitable for single person. GAS Ntx and Size. A .i.n.. *5for«.I>ecen*er 8. 1966. by b; cer- — ir tt-.v . . . oni... .« |.nis kwed by nubHshriTc 'a onnv‘ ‘ rt” thtii MUing and Servicing Oldsmoblles for Over SO Years Send 50c now for your new ’06 6WNER Transferred Raised tifled mall, a copy of sOid a ™u. w . Immediately. OaiU HEAT ?>

r / V- '•3m-, 'ti'v;-

- ■ .. ■ '\; ■ ^ : .V ': ; . S A T U R D A Y , ......

Itiaiiii'fnafil . M u >ut T ow n (^era Heard ' %>• Vet«raiRb OAuneil of Men- 'O^oMer will meet H o ^ a y at 8 p.m. at the Marine Corps At Biishnell tiea«ue Rome, Parker St. f BT gfHIN CnVBBB BBOIONAJL MANAOKB Women’s Awelllary of Man­ Jean Madeira was a vocally ’Thurston T. SSocter. of 60 chester Midget and Pony Ftoot- dicappolnting Carmen In the Wectmlplster Rd. was named hsll League will have its an­ Connecticut Opera Assn, pro- regional underwriting manager nual Christmas party Monday at duction of Mset’s opera which for the Hartford region of the 7:30 pjn. at the home of Mrs. Norman Bjarhman, 28 Franklin played to a capacity audience Royal-Olobe msuranoe CO. 8 t Members are reminded to last night at the.Bushnell Me t'oster started With Royai- bring grab bag gifts. mortal. Olobe in 1948 as a trainee, soon She swooped and she scooped became state agent at Phtladel- Watter B. Perkins of Hartford end she sang dlstrecslngly off iMa, and In ’ 1966 was made win address the Roly Name So­ pitch at times, all with the state agent at Buffalo. In 1962 ciety of sf. James’ Church Mon­ greatest aplomb. Just what hap­ he w«a mad6 casualty manager day at 8:30 pan. in the school pened is a mystery to mo, for at Hartford. cafeteria. He Is director of the only tiwo years ago she turned in a stunning performance on crime laboratory of the Hartford NEW BEAUTY SALON the same stage as Deillah. To Police Department. He will Robert E. Duff Sr. of 28 Dover q>eak on v ^ o u s acUvItles of a her credit let It be said that histrtonicalily she was moot Rd, has opened a beauty salon poHce laboratory and the assist­ at 71 Tolland Tpke. named Mr. ance It gives to a police Investi- vcredible x t 7 u j . u i ^ UA as theu i e gypsy ^ g;irl i r i u de- c - ’ * • — -jr**''* **•— * • » » * — picted in the Prosper Marlmee Rohert’s Beauty Salon. An open 'gator. tale.A a I m IWlllflAhouse tvrtll will t\A be held there tomor­ row from 2-7 p.m. Found In the Mispah Spencer CSrcle of Opposite her was Ruidiard salon are three customer’s South M eth^st Church will Verreaiu as Don Jose, drafted for the part when Sandor Kon­ chairs, five dryers and a color have a Christmas party Tuesday ya, previously announced, fell booth. The latest in permanents at 12:30 p.m. at Susannah I'll. Mr. V err^u has been heaid will be given. , Wesley Hall. Hostesses are Mrs. here on several occasions and Carl Higgins chairman; and Duff is a graduate of the Oon- last night sounded to excellent Mrs. Sherwood Humphries and neoticut School of Hairdressing advantage. In fact U is doubt­ Mrs. Ailbert Todd. in Hartford and attended the r ' ^ ful If Mr. Konya, despite a Robert Fiance School of Hair g^reater reputation, could have Atty. Paul Groobert will dis­ Design in New York. For the bettered this performance. past five years he has worked cuss the Constitutional Conven­ He Just alxnrt brought down ■ ■ ,• ...... - im In various beauty salons In the Joseph LaForge, a pressman at The Herald, marks his 4'Oth*” tion at a meeting of Campbell the house with his "Flower (Herald photos by Pinto) area. year with the newspaper this .month. LaForge joined to* _ Ooundl, K of C^, on Monday at Atty. John Bonee Song” or, if you prefer the Edwin May Mrs. Frances Redlck paper In 1925 at toe old Herald plant on Hhliard SL 9 p.m. at the K of C Home. French words, the aria starting, VICE PRESIDENT worked for three years as a printer’s devil, then went toT; Members and guests are wel­ “La Fleur que tu m’avals come. Poster H. Williams of 53 work In toe pressroom. Bom and raised in town, he lives at JJ Jetee. . .” Yet throughout the 29 Gardner St. W. He has three sons and a daughter, and la • i Town Republicans Endorse evening he was just al»ut equal- been named four times a grandfather. ^ J,| The smnual Book Pair, spon­ ly fine His acting, unfortunate- President In toe group de- sored by the Keeney St. School -ly, falls...... to improve...... and he stillpartment at the Travelers Travelers In- In- I*TA, will be held Monday stands.stnnd.s here or movesmove., there behe- sumnce Companies. He has been through Wednesday in the with Travelers group depart- South Windsor Constitutional Changes cause a director told him to do » 1 school library. Children will so rather than from any inner have the oK>ortunity to view conviction. At least so it seems. publican Committee; and Atty. books during school hours. Par- The— Republican Town iu,,., exist and that we are the mi­ Marcella Reale pleased the Post Office Ruling Ground^, John Bonee of Hartford, former ents may view books Monday Committee last night over- nority party.” audience very much as Micaela, city councilman. from 1 to 3 p.m.;'Tuesday from whelmingly endorsed the All of toe speakers denied yet she, too, had moments of Firemen^ Mrs, Little Says \\ 9 a.m. to noon, 1 to 3 p.m. and two constitutional cliange Thee enoorsememendorsement ofot the twoiwo ^that a t they,in e y .^ the e Republicans,Kepublicans, had insecurity in the matter of pitch, questions was recommended by bowed to I^ni^ocrat.c prt^osals before and after the 8:15 p.m. questions which will be ^,3 The reason that two volun­ Town (Committee Chairman and insisted that the product of ruling that these people weire PTA meeting; and Wednesday voted upon on Dec. 14— que rlen ne m’epouvante. . . teer firemen who work at the Francis DellaFera and followed the (Constitutional (Convention to direct all their attention tb from 9 am . to noon. but then I've never known the Wapplng Post Office may not question one, which pltal boaird room. land County Superior Court Rita de Carli, Luigi Vellucci and ioo= 2 chainman of her town's Re- fromkluiu puuii^ public itgcIlUlca agencies theLflC 0Qg6 edge r 'R/\ViOT*f_ , . _TPollr _ rp^ _ ment ** since 1925, wasW aa namedH a ------town (touncil meeting, asking and preference which they Thursday to one year in jail on ^ ^ ^ c n o i ^ s nas assistant secretary in 1946 and town officials to Intervene to OPEN SUNDAYS | should have in toe taking of eacn 01 *^^0 two counts, one of ------better- on occasion, but secretary In 1950. He was ap- ® __ j _ .__.__ the chorus of little hovs w h n ______^ . restore the two firemen, assist­ property. breaking and entering4 and the chorus of little boys who pointed second vice president in 8 A.M. — 8 P.M. ! other of larceny. The terms will show^up for the changing of the 1954. ant chief Prank Enes and the panel of speakers was in- run^coLur^enUy.'^*'^ S'^^rd was very good. Bradford Alpers, to duty. May­ troduced by Atty. John Shea, Williams recently resigned Harrelson will serve three Carlo Mtoresco conducted with or James Throwe said he has PtNE PHARMACY former chairman of the town his post of vice chairman years probation after his re- usual verve, and Anthony asked postal officials In Man­ 664 Center St. • 649-9814 of the Manchester Redevelop­ chester to seek a ruling from committeeman from the th charges involved Stivanello turned in his custom- 4 ment Agency, is a former chair­ district headquarters in Boston. Senatorial District ^ breaks in the Rockville area. oi stage direction. man of toe town pension groups Mrs, Little, asked to com­ All three sneakers ur^ed William St. Louis of Hart- The whole thing was under the and is past Gran,|j Knight of ment on the situation, last passage of the two questions on ^ ® CampbeUCampbell CouCouncil of the Knights night released a statement, re­ Dec. 14, and all three, time and entering and larceny, Pandolfi and while this was not of Columbus, printed here in full: PIZZA RAYS again, stressed the need for ^ientenced to one year on one of his best productions, It “ The United States Post Of­ "compliance with the law ” execution sus- was certainly worth the price of BRIEFS fice Department has issued a PIZZA Atty Bonee accused John placed on pro- admission and about on a par Lupton and his Committee of three years, to start with the average performance Mrs. Irene Anderson, owner GIANT GRINDERS 1,000 of ’’perpetrating a great T from the state of the work to be encountered in of the Anderson Greenhouse at 156 Eldridge St„ retired Dec. 1. 10-Min. Service’ On All CalLl hoax on the people of the state ^ any good opera house. Mrs. Anderson had been in the WIN A DIAMOND '■'‘'o"when they recommend dlsre- ir • CARAT RING OPEN gard of the law.” Omar ,, , F. Higgins, 44, of florist business since 1930, and 1 xj.. L . . Stafford was sentenced to a Clothing Stolen was a member of the Gonneetd- JUST COME IN: THURS.. FRI., SAT. 1 attitude is year in jail, execution suspend- cut Florist’s Association and the 2 - 11 — SUN. 4 . 10 rebenX'Tnri"^ ed, and placed on probation for Florist’s Trajisworld Delivery TREASURE SHOPPE rebellion and revolution, just as one year, with the provision From Parked Car Association. MANCHESTER PARKAOE Closed Mon., Tues., Wed. Mrs. Redick said, The one- treatment Over $400 worth of various items were taken from a car Where Quality Candy Is Made Fresh Daily man. one-vote issue is the law Hi^eins was charP-Pd with in , of the land and. although no one counts of breaking and enter- belonging to Joseph Prentice of Choose From Over 200 Varieties hates the Supreme Court deci- ing and 10 counts of larceny as ® Sion more than I do, it must be a result of breaks in Somers ° CHOCOLATE NUT BARK obeyed. Tolland and Ellington parking MANCHESTER Almond, Cashew, Filbert or Pecan She urged passage of the Benjamin W. Bartholomew i ‘‘P®- 49, of Willimantic, charged with ^ about 5:30 p.m. In Dark, Milk or White Chocolate cause toe rights of the little incest, was sentenced to from When he came back he said the following items were PARKADE n r ...... prison. missing: 2 suits, $85 each; 1 Munson's Candy Kitchen Mrs. Redick labeled all of the Herman Sink'witz, Hartford, suit, $65; pairs of sl&cks, $15 opponents of the proposal, with was sentenced to one to six ,each; binoculars, . $- 100; ------flash- HOUSE For Your Christmas Shopping ROUTE 6, BOLTON-—TEL. 649-4382 toe exception of the Sit^te Farm years in prison on ten ______counts of ?4-50, and toe floor mats OPEN DAILY and SUN. till 8 P.M. Bureau, "beau roc rats with an obtaining money on false- - pre­ $15. Candy Also Available For Fund Raising axe to grind.” tenses. Six of the cases were Fifty Sheets of plywood valu May urged "compliance with in Tolland County, three in ed at about $200 belonging to Convenience Sears W ill Be toe law, even though it may not Holiday House at 29 Hartford County and one in Green Manor Construertion Co. Cottage St. offers a new be easy, so that anarchy and Middlesex county. were taken from a construction kind of retirement living. chaos will not prevail in {Con­ William Burbank, 68, of site on Hartford Rd., police re­ Haqdy to stores, churches, Open Monday thru Saturday necticut.” Somers was given a six month’s port. An official told police the theater and buses. Home­ He praised the work of the suspended sentence and placed theft took plsice sometime like rooms and surround­ Constitutional Convention, and on probation for two years on Thursday night. ings; good food. Mary H. 9:30 A.M. till 10 P.M. WE HAVE MOVED TO called it "a non-partisan job, a charge of lascivious car­ and Katherine M. Giblln, well done for the good of all riage. owners, for 33 years op­ NEW AND LARGER QUARTERS of the people of the state.” Larry Spencer of New Brit­ erators of the Manchester Atty. Shea, in answer to a Convalescent Home. Call ain entered a plea of guilty toi, i at 39 Cottage St. or phone question by Little, "How did “FREE a aharge of posseasion of stol-'* 649-2358 for full Informa­ ■ »1M you Republican fellows let the en goods and had his case con­ tion. Katherine M. GlbUn, Democrats put these changes tinued for pre-sentence Inves­ DELIVERY!” Administrator. MERCURY over on you?" said, "We must tigation. A charge of aggravat­ recognize that the Democrats ARTHUR DRUG TRAVEL AGENCY, INC. ed assautt was nolled. FREE WHEELS 627 M A IN ST. MANCHESTER TEL. 643-9571 FOR A DAY. WEEK... OR LONGER PREMIUM SNOW TIRES 9 to 5 :.‘I0 D a ily - Evenings and Saturday by Appointment A -1966 Cor from 7.00 X 13 — Tubeless Block...... $23.90 RENT Moriarty Brothers lo riin Stop in at your convenience and pick up FAIRWAY 7.75 X 14 — Tubeless Block...... 24^90 any of these useful pocket ggides pre­ STORES 8.25 X 14 — Tubeless Block...... 27.90 pared by Holiday Magazine: 8.55 X 14 — Tubeless Block...... 29.90


V .44 Tf. Jfii . .( A V, ' i j I . ■ P-Hilitotii I' \OWS DEC. 4 thru DEC. 10

v' , . r Star in Yule Special

If cartoonist Charles M. Schulz were to send a Christmas card to every ‘'Peanuts" fan, and if he were to write 100 of these every day, it would take him more ,.k ■'. than 2,000 years. * JT " '' /^ y ^ Obviously he wouldn’t make it. And he certainly wouldn’t have much time left over to draw the daily comic strip that appears in 750 newspapers in the Unit­ *" «• ^u.ir* ed States and Canada. So instead 6£ individual mes­ Schulz is the only cartoonist ♦U* *»v j >>,* sages to the nearly 80 million who has twice won the Reuben readers of the cartoon feature Award of the National Cartoon­ j ' ili'V M>(Sl he created, draws and writes, ists Society, as the outstanding Schulz will make his television cartoonist of the year in 1955 debut along with the “ Peanuts” and in 1956. in the animated-cartoon special, i * > \ “A Charlie Brown Christmas" “ A Charlie Brown Christmas," is the first fully animated car­ in color Thursday on CBS. toon feature starring the "Pea­ With the first snowfall, the nuts” characters. Schulz wrote Peanuts begin to think of Christ­ the special story. mas and the gifts they hope to receive. Everywhere Charlie Brown goes, the shadow of com­ mercialism and greed obscures Next__ TV Season: N what he knows exists some­ where, if only he can find it: The Fantasies, Spies (1 M real Christmas. Schulz appears at the close of By CYNTHIA LOWRY the half-hour special with a AP Television-Radio Writer Lucy, Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Frieda and Linus appear in “A Charlie Brown NEW YORK (AP) — The holiday message for ‘“Peanuts” word is getting around in the Christmas,” a CBS color special Thursday evening at 7 :30. fans everywhere. .. , „ , , television business that the ex- Jia ^'='i‘ i''es who decide what pro­ could have covered his list of grams we shall or shall not see Name It; He’s Got Its Photo admirers with two cards — to are still concentrating on larg­ himself and his dog. Spike er-than-life spy stories and fan­ (Spike was the model for tasies for next season's network HOLLYWOOD (AP) — When movie and television Snoopy, the philosophical canine menus. producers need shots of a seagull, a shipwreck or a sun­ TTiat may be true — almost set, they call Elmer Dyer. Always an avid reader of all the shows that have been You name it and Elmer is likely to have it among comic strips, Minneapolis-bom announced, ieaked or rumored the million feet of film contained in his unique movie Schuiz began early to emulate seem to be half-hour comedies. library. If he doesn't have it, he will get out and shoot hiS favorite cartoonists. He Although this sea.son is stUl it. ------submitted sketches to magazines young, it ' should be noted that _ Elmer Ijyer nas been making jt jg obvious that most , of the and to his high-school yearbook, those same people put more movies for 53 years, and lie has cataloguing is inside the canny but they were always rejected, than 30 new shows into the net- lost none of his enthusiasm for nim- maker’s head, After service in World War work schedules in September, film. I dropped by his library “ They want a signal flare II, Schulz returned to the Twin and have not achieved one real one stormy day and found him Cities and got a job lettering a solid hit among them. over at 'Petticoat Junction’,” he contemplating a visit to the comic magazine. He sold his ------^------told an assistant. “ I think you’ll ocean.” first cartoon to the Saturday R e a l H e r n ^ signal flare in the fire- Evening Post in 1948, and things “ r i V? .. . 1 I I shot at the Rose Bowl.” .-.I. Anthony Ponzinl, who plays wavesVGS linup today,” ' hohe rr^tiooHmused bright. But like Char ie ^ony Wyatt in “The Edge of Dyer started In the movie ‘‘Should make some great Brown, he went through a lot Night", was commended by business for Universal in 1912 shots. more good grief before success president Elsenhower fbr sav- The Dyer place is stacked to worked for most of the stu- finely tripped U m . ^he life of Supreme Court the ceiling with cans of film he Schulz was hired by the St. j^gtlce Hugo Black. Ponzind, has taken in nls lifetime. They background and aerial shots, Paul Pioneer Press to do a then a corpsman In .the Navy, are arranged as to subject: "°^‘‘ hly Hells Angels” for weekly cartoon panel, "La’l night duty at Bethesda birds, flowers and fmits, foot- ^°ward Hughes. The idea for a Polks.” Then in 1950, United'Naval Hospital, where Justice ball, ambulances, snow. etc. But (See Page Four) Hermy the Elf ap­ Feature Syndicate accepted it as Black was a patient. A routine a regular strip and renamed it check revealed that Justice pears with “Rudolph, "Peanuts.” Black was bleeding profusely the Red-Nosed Rein­ Since then Charlie Brown and from an artery in his leg. Pon- Game Shows Unimpressive deer,” Sunday after­ his precocious friends have be- zini tied it off and stopped the noon at 5 :30 on NBC. come a national institution. bleeding. ABC’s daytime game show, “Fractured Phrases,” will have a short life and not a merry one. It had i^ premiere show late in September and it will disappear on Dec. 31. Game and panel shows, for the most part, do not ^Rudolph ’ Returns make very impressive showings in the all-important The many adventures of "Ru­ ratings. In a recent Nielsen report on daytime shows dolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” published by the trade paper Variety, only five won in the wild North before he places, in the top 20 daytime show list. reaches his night of glory, will • CBS’s ’ ’Pa.ssword” had an be shown again when the fully impressive rating that put it in animated color - filmed musical second place behind the aerial Christmas story is telecast Sun- “ As The World Turns” with day. CBS’ ” To Tell The Truth,’ Burl Ives Is the off-camera NBC’s •'V' “Match Game” ‘’You voice of Sam the Snowman, who sings and” teIlT\he“taVroif "the places respectively. ^ humiliated ELECTRONICS Nine shows in the top 20 were by his friends because of his soap operas, and others were shiny beak. ^lABORATORIES CBS” "Art lilnkletter’s House- /( party,” two five minute news As Ives narrates the TV shows and repeats of old Dick adaptation, Rudolph Is the butt 277 BROAtf Van Dyke and Andy Griffith reindeer in Christ- show eposides. and ABC’s teen- , ALL NEW directed Rock 'n' Roll show, red nose. In desperation, he ‘Where The Action Is.’ runs away with another out­ cast, Hermy the Elf, who v/ould 1965 rather be a dentist than a toy- ^ Captive Audience maker. ,, The pair brave the Arc- The publicity resulting from wilderness, where dhey are ■’Jl'i FM - AM his appearance at a rodeo in a ^aaed by the Abominable Texas prison has brought a Snowmonster until a prospect­ flood of Mail to Jimmy Dean or, Yukon Corneliusi takes them RADIOS aboard his dog sled. from seven state penitentiaries CALL 649-1124 and a county Jail in northern When the rnonster gets too I i: similar Rudolph, Hermy and Yu- TV-Radlb, Sales and Service California requesting “ Secret Agent," returning to CBS Saturday eve­ appearances. (See Page Four) ning at 8 ;30, features Patrick McGoohan. ?«• I*"! - ^ H 1 o* ! ?* --f ft* M 5^- T ^ W #» •?» It^ANOriEgtfe^ EVEthko lit'ERALli,''MAl^d]^EI^TEtjC 66r?l^., P A G E T H R E E SATURDAY JC/ PROGRAM Morning MONDAY JC/ P R O G i ^ Educational TUESDAY JO PROGRAM T bn f Channel ____ , (20-40) Lawrence Welk Tim e Channel U:00 (8) SkvSky KlnrKln|^ ____lAwrence Welk (30) Lloyd Thaxton Show nant, but she m ay have only a (23-30) The First Look — at 0:00 (22-30) Saturday Night at tke TV 1:00 (3) News Beport on Gemini 7 x .aa year to live. Kim Hunter is Tim e Channel (40) Lloyd Thaxton Show ker. A N. Korean pilot becomes Movies (20-40) Ben Casey Bulletin on GemW 7 Caves .^0) Adventure at Valley guest co-star, (C) TV 1:00 (3) Special Report on Gemini 7 6:80 (8) Woody Woodpecker tC) the object of a violent dispute How caves are formed, the “The Big Carnival,” Kirk <22> At Home With Kitty (8-2(M0) Legend of Jessee (20-4(1) Ben Casey (20) Scope when orders arc given to kill Douglaa and Jan Sterling. A (Monday — Friday) (80) Bachelor Father Forgo (SO) Superman different types of caves, the (40) Lloyd Thaxton Show James (W E D H , Channel 2 4 ) (22) At Home with Kitty him. difference between stalagr- small - town reporter gam­ 1:02 (3) Best Seller 5*80 (30) Bachelor Father (40) Dennis the Menace (8-2040) F Troop bles with the life of a man (8) Yogi Roar (C) _ 9:00 (3) Andy Griffith Show 1:02 (3) Best Seller 9:80 (S) Petticoat Junction (O) ... mites ond stalagtites. (C) Time Channel “The Wrong >Ian” Part in (8-20-40) A Man Called Shenan­ 6:00 (8) News and Weather (8-20) ItuffM Runny (C) trapped in a cave In order to 1:80 (3) As the World Turns (20) America’s Problems ond 1:30 (8) As the World Tam s (8-20-40) Peyton Place get a big story and move into 6:20 (3) Sign On and Prayer doah SUNDAY (18) Life of RUey (tO) t'amllepin Itowlfnr (22-30) Let’s Make a Deal <0) ChulIengcH P.M. (22-30) Let's Make a Deal (C) (20) Big Picture 10:00 (3) CBS Reports 12:30 (3) U F l) No. 3 the big-time newspaper world, 6:26 (3) Town Crier (30) Superman 9:80 (3) Ila ie l (C) 1:55 (22-30) News "Watts: Riot or Revolt?” The 6:30 (3) Sunrise Semester 1:55 (22-30) News (8-20-40) Peyton Place 3:00 The Creative Person (22) Rocky and His Friends Frank Atwood 9:30 (3) The Loner * (40) Dennis the Menace 2:00 (3) Password (30) Whirfybirds causes and underlying mean­ (20-40) Hollywood Palace (30) Varied Programs 2:00 (S) Password 5:60 (22) Three Stooge.s F o r Peyton Place, the sudden The Fokslnger (22-30) Days of Our Lives (O) ing of the most destructive (30) Kxploriiir * quetftion - raising return of its (40) News at Six 9:45 (8) l l o l l ^ ’ood Palace (O) 6:85 (8) Moments of Comfort — (22-30) Days of Our Lives (0) 6:00 (8) Nows and Weather Repeat of Dec. 1, 9 p.m. (8-20-40) l^ e Nurses race riot in recent American “ The Era of the Common Man: Newscope (8-20-40) The Nurses most prominent son; for Dr. By . Line 6:05 ($) Sports, News and Weather 1828-1848.’’ Program deals with Join in Progress (18) Riley 2:30 (3) House Party (40) Cheyenne history — last August’s bloody 10:00 (3) Gnnsmoke' 6:45 (8) Varied Programs 2:30 (3) House Party M. Rossi (Ed Nelson) an inten­ Repeat of Dec. 2 8 p.m. (22-30) The Doctors disorders in the Watts section the first signs of sectionalism, 7:00 (3) News and Weather (20) This Is the Answer sely awaited moment and for Opposition to Constitutional 6:16 (8) Peter Jennings News the cotton tariff, the Clay Com­ 10:30 (8) Twilight Zone (22-30) Tho Doctors (22) Rocky and His Friends (8) Tell Me, Dr. Brothers <0> (22) Clubhouse of LA — will be examined in “The Jungle.” A N.Y. execu­ (22-30) Today Show (C) (8) Tell Me, Dr. Brothers (0) David Schuster (William Convention (2040) A Time for Us detail. promise. the Invention of the (8) Speech Correction "h'riybirds Smithers) an unexpected early Channel 24 Renprt 6:25 (22) Special Report Steam boat and steam engine, tive’s hatred for belief In the (20-40) A Time For Vs (40) News at Six 2:55 (2040) News with Woman's Editorial comment by W. L. (8-20 40) The Fugitive supernatural leads him into 7:05 (3) News with Mike Wallace morning caller. 6:00 Aaron Copland: Music in the nn 20*8 3:00 (3) To Tell the Truth William Shatner and Julie life. (8) Friends of Mr. Goober (O) Touch (40) Cheyenne Repeat of Nov. 30, 10 p.m. 6:80 (3) News « (8-20) Milton the Monster (O) 3:00 (3) To Tell the Truth 0:15 (22-30) Bun for Your Life (C) (22-30) Another World (8) Stoney Burke Sommers in “ Stranger In the (20) Scope 7:45 (3) Your Community (8) Peter Jennings News (8-20-40) Ben Casey Point of View Mirror. " Kimble accepts a job (18) Topic (22-30) Another World (22) f'liihhoiise (8) Never Too Young (18) Subscription TV (22) The Flying Fisherman (40) M ^ u a d 8:00 (3) Captain Kangaroo 11:00 (8-3-20-30-40) News, Sports and Repeat of Dec. 1, 9:30 p.m. (18) Million Dollar Movie (22) Americans at Work as a custodian at a private 11:00 (3-8-20-30) News, Weather and (40) Continental ('lassroora (8) Never Too Young 6:25 (^22) Specljil Report Tho Fourth Estate 1:00 (3) This In UConn (18) Million Dollar Movie Weather "Torch Singer,” Claudette Col­ (22-30) Huntley - Brinkley boy’s club and finds his boss Sports 8:30 (8) Exercise with Gloria <0) Editorial comment by W.L». (18) Vintage Theatre Repeat of Dec. 2, 8:30 p.m. bert. Unwed mother is forced is an ex-oop. (22-30) NCAA College Football (40) Bob Young News (40) News and Views "Dangerous Woman” Olive Putnam The Open Mind Report I'»?nn Stale at Maryland. (C) Brook, Neil Hamilton. Against 6-30 **Ladies Man” Eddie Bracken. to give up her child, becomes 6:40 (20) News and Weather 11:00 (3-8-20-3040) News, Sports and 11:10 (8) Capital Reports 8:45 (40) Bozo the Clown (3) News Story of a small town boy with Sammy Davis. Jr. a night club singer. Weather (8-2C-I0) lionpUy Hooper (C) 11:15 (8) Chiller Theatre 9:00 (3) Hap Richards Show a background of exotic Africa (8) The Lieutenant The French Chef 6:45 (20) Peter Jennings News (18) SiibNcri^ioti TV wicked beauty with a mag­ a million dollars and the hil­ (2040) General Hospital 7:00 (3) After Dinner Movie (18) Vintage Threatre “ Attack of the Puppet Peo­ (8) Girl Talk (18) III the Piilille Interest arious outcome. Repeat of Nov. 29, 8 p.m. 3:25 (3) News “ Ladles Man” (3) Continuous Coverage of ple.” John Agar, John Hoyt. (22) Mike Douglas Show netic personality is finally and (20) Social Security In Action Utah Symphony ” 7th Cavalry.” C^pt. In Gen. (fcniini 7. fatally caught in her own trap. (22) The Big News 3:30 (3) Dick Van Dyke Show Custer’s regiment can't prove (22) Big News "Black Room.” Boris Karloff, (30) Morning 5lovie (22-30) llmilley - Brinkley Re­ 11:15 (SO) Tonight Show (C) Repeat of Dec. 3, 8:30 p.m. (22-30)’ You Don^t Say (C) 11:15 (30) Tonigli Show (8-20-40) American Bandstand Marion Marsh. (40) Jack Lnlanne (20-40) Genera] Hospital port World Theatre he was sent on leave before (8) Holiday Special 11:20 (3) Monday Starlight (8) Father Knows Best Little Big Horn massacre. Ran­ Starring johnny Carson (C) (22) Saturday Night Report 9:15 (3) Deputy Dawg 3:30 (3) Dick Van Dyke Show 6:40 (20) News and WVather Nigeria — Culture in Transi­ (2040) Young Mariicds 11:20 (3) Tnesdiw Starlight •'Tile Adventures of Robin (40) Local News, Weather and 9:30 (3) Leave it to Reaver (22-30) You Don't Say (C) 6:45 “Larceny” Oonfidence man tion (3) Banger Andy Show dolph Scott, Barbara Hale. (C) Hood.” ((J) Errol Flynn, Oiivia (20) Peter Jennings News convinces a widow she should 4:00 (20) Open Mike "Sunday Encounter.” Result Sports (8) General Hospital (8) Father Knows Best 7:00 (3) After Dinner .>lovie (22-30) 3Iatch Game (C) is amu.sing when a man de­ dollavilland. Basil Rathbone. Jerry Lewis will be a 11:20 (3) Saturday Spectacular 9:55 (30) Take Five (20-40) Young Marrieds spend a vast sum of money (22-3040) Local News, Weather oth rs, Academy award win­ ■‘Hell and High Water” Sub­ for a phony war memorial to M ONDAY (8) Mickey Mouse Club 7:15 (22) Western Mass Highlights cides to kill his wife. Danielle "Hippodrome.” Young balleri­ 10:00 (3) 1 Love Lucy 4:00 (3) Ranger Andy Show marine oaplain dLscovers plot A.M. In-School Programs (20) Never Too Young Darrieux, Bouvril. ning film of the classic tale guest star on “The na, who dances in a cage full (22-30) Fractured Phrases (C) her hero husband. John Payne, (30) Sports Camera of .'-■hi'nvood B'orest. (22-30) Match ‘Game (C) to cxplcKie an atomic bomb Dan Duryea, Joan Caulfield, 9:30 This Is Conn. (40) Swabby Show (40) Peter Jennings News (8) Tell Me, Dr. Brothers of tigers, loves their trainer (8) Ben Casey (8) Mickey Mouse Club over Korea. Richard Wiclmark Sociel Studies — Grades 3-5 4:25 (22-30) News (20) Film Features Danny Thomas Spe­ and fears her partner. (Ger­ (40) Susie Shelley Winters. 7:30 (22-30) M y Mother, the Car 11:25 (8) P.J. Movie (20) Never Too Young David Wavn/ Bella Darvi.(C) (8) Tell Me. Dr. Brothers 3-D Poetry 4:30 (3) Big 3 Theatre (40) Fantasy Playhouse cial,” Wednesday eve­ hard Reidmann, Margit Nun- 10:25 (22-30) News “ The Storm.” Wireless oper^ Jerry Van Dyke and voice of “ The Reform er and the Red­ 3:30 (20) Favorite Story (40) Swabby Show (18) Sub. TV 11:25 (8) P. J. Movie Grades 4-6 Ann Sothem. (C) head.” Dick Powell. June Al- ke. (C) 10:30 (3) Homemakers* Movie 4:25 (22-30) News (20) Your Health Is Your Fu­ Exploring Our Language ator tries to keep his brother 4:00 (3) N F L — Countdown to Kick­ ning at 9 on NBC. “ The Man Who Wouldn’t Talk” (22-30) Concentration "Man In the Road” 11a (8-2040) Combat lyson Zookeeper’s daughter off 4:30 (3) Big 3 Theatre ture Grades 4-6 away from boats and'women. Lloyd Nolan, Jean Rogers. (40) Never Too Y^oiing Haines, Derek Farr. Scientist, Charles Bickford, Barton Mac- Vic Morrow and Rick Jason falls love with lawyer who (20) Mr. and Mrs. North 11:25 ’’Seven Angiy Men” Story of (22-30-10) Local News and amnesia victim, believed killed Wonder of Words in "Lu ck with Rainbows.” Lt. saves her from disorderly con­ (40) Medallion Theater 11:00 (22-30) Morning Star (C) Weather Language Arts — Grades 4-6 Lane, ^rcston Foster. (40) The Saint 11:35 (22) Saturday Night Tonight (8-20-40) Young Set abolitionist John Brown and in car accident, is held in (8) Space Commander 8 Hanley and British Major duct charge and gets him (22) Creat Moments in Music his six sons, who fought to free '^•15 (22) B’estern Mass Highlights private nursing home. Enemy Humanities clash when both draw the elected Mayor. (8) Tammy Show 11:30 (22-30) Paradise Bay (C> High School (18) Million Dollar Movie (22-30) A F L Game Starring Johnny Carson (C) 12:00 (3) Love of Life the slaves before the Civil War. (30) Spfirls Camera agents try to secure his scien­ same mission. (40) M erv Griffin Show (18) SuhNcription TV (40) Peter Jennings News tific knowledge for the Com­ 11:55 Faro Thee West "Torch Singer” CHaudelte Col­ 11:30 (22) Tonight Show N Y Jets at San Diego Charg­ 7:30 (3) Jackie (tlcnNon Show (40) U.S. Air Force Religious (8-20-40) Donna Reed Show Raymond Massey, Jeffery P.M. bert. 8:00 (22-30) Please Don't Eat the ers. (C) ^ (22-30) P'lipper (C) Film and Sign Off (22-30) Jeopardy (C) Hunter, Debra Paget. (22-30) lliillahaloo (C) munist. (20-40) Where the Action Is Daisies (C) Starring Johnny Carson (O) (8) Space Commander 8 (8-20-40) 12 O’clock High (40) M erv Griffin Show 12:25 Book Beat II 12:55 (40) U.S. Air Force Religious (8) (hidaboiit .Gaddis (C) (8-20-40) Shindig (22) Late Show 12:25 (3) News John LeCarre (22) Feature Four-Thirty 8:30 (3) Red 'Skelton Hour (20) The Unexpected “ Indian Fighter.” Kirk Doug­ 12:30 (3) Search for Tomorrow (18) Million Dollar Movie ) (22-30) John Forsythe Show 11:30 (22) Tonight Show (C) Guest stars: Robert Vaughn Film — Sign Off 8:00 '22-30) I Dream of Jeunnle Repeat of 3 p.m. (C) 1:00 Alive and About “The Mermaids of Tiburon,” 6:00 (3) Race of the Week (8) UConn - Yale BiiNketbnll las and El.sa Martinelll. (22-30) Let’s IMay Post Office 1:00 (30) One O'clock Beport Natural Science—Grades K-8 Diane Webber. A California and the Doodletown Pipers. 1:00 (30) One O'clock Report •• “ The Stuyvi’.sant” (30) NewH and Sign Off (20-40) Where the Action Is ) (22-30) Dr. Kildare Sign Off Marineland director follows a (C) Sign Off Live, from the U of Conn:’ (22) Feature Four - Thirty 1:25 Humanities R (8-20-40) \i#:e World of Sports at Storrs. The first of three (8) NewH, .Moment of Comfort. (8) Movie 8 First half of “ Something Old, 1:05 (8-8) News and Weather 2:00 Exploring Nature mermaid through undersea (22-30) Dr. Kildare 1:05 (3) News and Weather (3) Brad Davis Show nighttime games. (iood Night Hymn (20-40) Father Knows Best “ Up In Smoke” Huntz Hall and Something New” Dr. Kildare 1:10 (3) Moment of Meditation channels while searching for (^20-40) McHalcs's Navy 1:10 (3) Moment of Meditation Stanley Clements. The Bowery Natural lien ee — Grades 4-6 (18) Digest (20 40) The King Family (3) Moment of Meditation —> 12:45 (3) Guiding Light Is .stunned to discover that not Sign Off In-School Preview pearls. 9:00 (22-30) Tuesday Night at the Sign Off (3) Weather, Sports, News Sign Off 12:56 (22-30) News Boys get involved in horse only i.s a young accident vic­ Movies (8) News 8:30 (3) S<*crot Agent racing. (8) Moments of Comfort « This Is Conn (30) Lloyd Thaxton Show (18) III the l*ubllc Interest (22-30) Get Smart tim (Sharon Farrell) preg­ Good Night Hymn Sots and Systems 5:00 (3) News Bulletin on Gemini 7 "The Hook,” Kirk Douglas, 1:15 (8) Moments of Comfort-* (3) Bat .’>IasterNon Don Adams and Barbara Fel- Sets of Integers (20) White Hunter Nick Adams and Robert Wal­ Good Night Hymn (8) The Ftinstones don. “ My Nephew, the Spy.” Sen. Robert Kennedy (D ,- 6:00 Kindergarten (IH) The Big Picture Smart attempt.^ to conceal his N .Y .) v'ill be interviewed on 6:30 What’s - New (20) Championship Bowling Children (40) Outer Limits occupation from visiting rela- “Meet the Press." Sunday af­ 7:00 tive.s wlio an ive just as KAOS 6:00 Opinion in the Capitol (3) Lucy Show (C) agent tries to kill him. (C) ternoon at 1. 6:30 What's New Children Repeat erf 5:30 p,m. WEDNESDAY JO PROGRAM Travel Time Fare Thee West Tim e Channel (2040) Young Marrieds (80) Tonight Show (C) The Magic Room 1:00 (3) Special Report on GenUnl 7 4:00 (3) Banger Andy Show 11:20 (3) Wednesday Starlight The Lost Civilization (2040) Ben Casey (22-30) Match Game (C) (8) Tell Me, Dr. Brothers SUNDAY JC/ PROGRAM The French Chef (22) At llome^wlth Kitty (8) Mickey Mouse Club 11:25 (8) P.J. Movie ' Coq^ au Vin With Julia Chttd (20) Never Too Young “ Belwocp Two Worlds” John Antiques (30) Bachelor Father Time Channel 1:02 (3) Best Seller (40) Swabby Show ^ GarfleldT" Paul Henried, Elea­ 7:45 (8) Sacred Heart Patricia McBride and Edward NEW Pewter With George Michael 1:30 (3) As the World Turns 4:25 (22-30) News nor Parker, Fay Emerson. 8:00 (3) The Christophers VilleMa. (C) International Magazine (22-SO) l>t's Make a Deal (0) (40) M erv (Griffin Show (18) The Bible AnNwers 25" RECTANGULAR PICTURETUBE 10:00 Jazz Casual 4:30 (3) Big 3 Theatre (8) ThiN I n the Life 1:56 (22-30) News “Kronos” Monster of unbeliev­ 11:30 (22) Tonight Show (C) (22) God I.s the AnNwer 6:55 (3) Special Report on Gemini 7 Julian “ Cannonball” Adderly 7:00 (3) LuKKic (C> 10:30 Photography — The Incisive 2:00 (3) Password able power, is unleashed in 12:55 (40) U.S. A ir Force RoIlgloiMl (30) Agriculture on Parade (22-30) Days of Our lives (O) outer space and invades tho Film — Sign Off 8:15 (3) Davey and Goliath (18) Subscription TV Art Photography A» An Art (8-20-40) The Nurses 1:00 (30) One O’Clock Beport (20-40) V6yage to the Bottom earth. No weapon con stop it. 8:30 (3) .\dvcnturcN of Gumby (C) 2:30 (3) House Party Jeff Morrow, Barbara Law­ Sign Off (8) Davey and Goliath (C) of the Sea TUESD AY (22-30) The Doctors ■ 1:10 (3) News and Weather 7:30 (3) My Favorite Martian (C) rence. (30) ComniuniNm: Myth vs. A.M. In-Sc.hool Program (8) Tell Me, Dr. Brothers (O) (8) Space Commander 8 1:15 (3) Moment of Meditation — Reality (22-30) Wonderful World of 9:30 Sing Children Sing Color (2040) A Time for Us (18) MUllon Dollar Movie Sign Off (40) Dawn Bible Institute Music Grades K-2 2:55 (2040) News with Woman's Repeat of 3 p.m. 1:30 (8) News 8:45(8) Light ’Time First half of “Summer Magic” 9:55 Science in Industry Touch 1:35 (8) Moments of Comfort-* Hayley Mills, Burl Ives, Doro­ (2040) Where the Action Is 9:00 (3) .My Friend Flicka (C) Grades 4-6 3:00 (3) To Tell the Truth (22) Feature Four-Thirty Good Night Hymn (8) Faith for Today (C) thy McGuire and Deborah Wal- EXCITING 10:25 Poetry (R ) NEW DIMENSIONS IN VIEWING (22-30) Another World “ Zombies of Mora Tau” Gregg (22) Red Ryder ley. Recently widowed Mar­ 10:55 The Magic of Words (8) Never Too Young garet Carey and her children Palmer. A beautiful wife of an (30) Word of Life Language Arts Grades K-3 U8) Million Dollar Movie American tycoon Is killed by (40) Sacred Heart attempt to rebuild their lives P.M. “ Yours For the Asking” by leaving the city and reha­ zombies and then turns into 9:15 (40) The Christophers 3:05 In-School Preview George Raft, Ida Lupino. Com­ one herself. 9:30 (3) Art of Story Telling bilitating a rambling Maine Sing Children Sing RANGE and DRYER farm. edy - drama about swank gam- (30) Lloyd Thaxton Show (H) Insight In-School Prevle-w blhig casino in home of an 5:00 (3) News Bulletin on Gemini 7 (30) This Is the Life (8) Ripcord (C) Window on our World WIRING SERVICE 8:00 (3) Ed Sullivan Show (C) impoverished society glrL (20) This Is the Life (40) Oral ItobertN Louis Armstrong will Sets and Systems (2()-40) General Hospltu (40) Lloyd Thaxton Show 10:00 (3) Lamp Unto My Feet (8-40) The F. B. I. Repeat of Dec. 6, 3:30 p.m. 8:25 (3) News Service Changes. Complete Efram Zimbali.st Jr. As Spec appear on “ The Dean 5:30 (8) Peter Potamus (8) Jewish News and Views 5:16 Tho Friendly (jiant 8:30 (3) Dick Van Dyke Show . (20) Ladies Day Wiring Installations in Old (20) .Annie Oakley Agent Lewis Erskinc with Martin Show,” Thurs­ 5:30 What’s New Stephen Brooks in “ An Ele­ (22-30) You Don't Say (O) (30) Superman (22) ('halice of Salvation Children (8) Father Knows Best (40) Dennis the Menace and New Homes and Busi­ (40) This I n the Life phant Is Like a Rope.” day evening at 10 on Travel Time nesses. 10:30 (3 ) Look Up and Live (20) Aquanauts NBC. Repeat of Dec. 6, 7 p.m. 6:00 (8) News and Weather (8) The Teacher Speaks 8:30 (22-30) Branded What's New (18) Life of R iley , Electric Heat Installations. (20) Beany and Cecil Chuck Connors. First half of Repeat of 5:30 p.m. Alive and About (20) The Christophers (40) Faith for Today Romany Roundup,” Jason COLOR Calendar 8:30 In-School Preview (22) Rocky and HU Friends BY 10:45 (30) Sa<*rcd Heart Program sides with .some gypsies and Art Lankletter’s ‘House Party’ Ivor Hugh hosts this cultural Exploring Nature (30) Whirfybirds incurs the wrath of a town’s affairs preview 6:15 Tho Friendly Giant (40) News at Six 11:00 (3 ) Camera Three most powerful man (Gary will be telecast in color start­ 6:05 (3) Sports, News, Weather (8) Spotlight on Quinnipiac Col­ SYLVANIA 7:16 Frontiers of the Sea 6:30 What's New Merrill). (C) ^ ing Jan. 10. 7:30 Elliott Norton Children (40) Cheyenne lege 9:00 (3) Perry Mason 6:15 (8) Peter Jennings News (20-40) BulIwinkJe Hayley Mills sings in 8:00 Language is More Than Words 6:00 Discovery “ The Case of the Velvet 8:30 Book Beat II Too Small to See (22) Clubhouse (22) Faith to Faith Walt Disney’s “ Sum­ 6:25 (22) Special Report (30) Ftenial Light Claws.’ ’ A beautiful client tries Jolm LeCarre 6:30 What's New to involve PeriV as a suspect Repeat of 5:30 p.m. 6:30 (3) News 11:30 (3) From the College Campus ner Magic,’’ .j' Sunday 9:00 March of Time ELECTRICAL ^ St. JoHopli College in lier husband’s murder. STAKEK ELECTRONICS Frontiers of the Mind 7:00 English: Fact and Fanoy (8) Surfside Six (22-30) Bonanza (C) (18) In the Public Interest W O R K / (8-20-40) Discovery *65 night at 7:30 on NBC. TURNPIKE 10:00 Aaron Copland: Music In the 7:30 The French Chef (22) Big Picture (8-2(M0) Sunday Night Movie 277 BR O AD STREET— PH ONE 649-1124 20's Repeat of Dec. 6, 8 p.m. (20) New Horizons Satan Never Sleeps." William New Faces 8:00 By—Lino (22-30) Huntley - Brinkley (30) .Jewish Life Report 1 I‘RL(30) The Christophers Fnnnor’.s Almanac wlio talks Holden, Clifton’ Webb. France TEXACO 10:30 The President's Men 8:30 The Fourth Estate 12 :W) (3) Perc'cption ar^nit things New Enghuidlsh. Nuyen. Drama about a priest Dr. Neil O. Littlefield's guests 6:40 (20) News and Weather WILSON (20) Bible Answers beiiind the bamboo curtain who will include Robert Leeney of 6:45 (2 0)’Peter Jennings News * (8) CommeiitN and People (40) Picture for a Sunday A f­ • gets involved with overpower­ Open 24 Hours A Day WEDNESDAY^ Featured today are The A.M. In-School Programs^ New Haven Register and Dex­ 7:00 (3) What in the World? ELECTRICAL CO. ternoon ing forces. ter Burnham of The Inquirer. No. Africa League of Women Voters and 2:30 (8) Scope 9:30 Alive and About (R ) " 9:00 Congrees of Strings Residentlal-Comm.-Ind. lip.s on Adult Driving Safety 10:00 (3) Candid C'nmera Firestone Tires 9:55 Wonder of Words (18) Sub. TV (20) Insight (20) Film Features (22-30) AVackiest Ship in the 9:45 College Sport of the Week (20) 1 Led Three Lives 649-4817 — 64S-1S88 3:00 (8) Best of Gruutdio Quality Line Products MAKE A DIFFERENCE WHERE YOU SAVE I 10:20 Exploring Nature (B) Basketball: Brandeis at M.I.T. (22) Sehine 10 Pin Bowling Army (C) IT DOES 10:55 Window on our World (2240) Local News, Weather 3:30 (8) Gale Sturm Show 10:30 (3) What*s My Line 7:15 (22) Western Mass Highlights (30) Ring Around the World (40) Annie Oakley Gen. Repairers License Social Studies Grades K-1 (40) Beany and Cecil 11:00 (3-30) News, SpoHs. Weather FRIDAY (30) Sports Camera 4:00 (3) N F L Today (Approx, time) 11:20 Humanities A.M, In-SchooI Program s ^ 12:1.5 (3) A’onr Community 11.on loV ‘^>«day Night Report High School (40) Peter Jennings News 12:30 (3) IV.- Believe Detroit (Lions) at San Fron- 11.20 (3) Movie Masterpieces Corner Broad and 'ft 'ft -ft 10:15 Sing Children Sing (R) 7:30 (3) Lost In Space ci.sro (49ers). 11:55 Aaron Copland: Music la the 10:45 S-D Poetry (R) ('atiiolu' "An Art of Murder." Judsre. 20’s (22-30) The Virginian (8) Nationwide Bowling wali-hing hl.i wife suffer while . Middle Tpke. West 11:10 Rhythms and Rhymes (R> (8-2640) Ozzie and Harriet (C) (8) Community Salute (20-40) liange Rider P.M. U. Cnnn-Stun-a (Repeat of Nov. awaiting death .decides to kill INSTANT 11:36 The President's Men , 8:00 (8-20-40) Patty Duke Show 4:30 (20) i ’artoon Fun SAVINGS 12:25 The President's Mea P.M. 8:30 F»AIMXS 11. pnigrami 5:00 March, Florence 1:()0 This Is Conn (R ) (3) Beverly Hillbillies (IH) Herald of Truth (’22-30) Wild Kingdom (C) Kldridce, Edmond O’Brien. Phone 643-2176 12:15 Creative Person (8-20-tO) Gidget (C) , MOif THAN 1.000 STOtiS. COAST TQ COAST (8) A Door ersation With 11:30 <8-20) News. Weather, Sports 4% Dividend paid 1:45 Junior High Science (R) "Second Edition of the Wond­ / ' 5:30 (22-30) G-E Fantasy Hour Exploring Our Language 6:00 Kindergarten 12:4r> (20) Living Word (22) Hockey from dav of deposit. 3:85 In-School Preview erful World of Burlesque" Dan­ “ Rudolph the Red-Nosod Rein­ Montreal at Boston VfAfBS 6:30 What's New ny and his guest, Lucille. Bali, iV*** **'' lU’port on Gemini 7 deer.” a fully animated color- 4 times yearly. Science in Industry ChJWi^en 1:00 (3) Tune Out for Sports (40) Bob Young News A A U l t T riNAMCIAr UjETITWTrir 5:00 Kindergarten Jerry Lewis and Shirley Jones ’WALLPAPER (8-20) Directions *65 filmed musical Christmas' 11:46 (8) Changing Tlm^es 6:00 Steel and Am erica re-create the wacky comedy story based on Robert L. 6:80 What's New Repeat of Dec. 8, 6 p.m. (IH) Sub. T.V. ' *^cal News, Weather and Children and lavish production numbers (2'2-30) .Alect the Press (C) May's tale. Burl Ives is tho Sports 1001 HAIN ST., MANCHESTER • ROUTE 81, 00\»SNTRT 6:30 What's New identified with the early days SPECIAL off-camei-a voice of an ani­ 11:55 (40) Feature 40 SAVE 6:00 Steel and Am erica Repeat of 6:30 p.m. (40) Westover Presents 6:30 What's New of burlesque. (C) 1:15 (3) N FL Today *65 mated snowman who sings 12:00 (8) P, J. Movie 7:00 M acNell on Congressorrei (8-20-40) B ig Valley and narrates. Program i i ^ WHERE Repeat of 6:30 p.m. 7:15 Soviet P re e i this Week ritt.sburgh (Steelers) at N.Y. "Action in the North Atlan­ 7:00 The President's Men 9:30 (3) Dick Van Dyke Show ((ilants) its premiere on Dec. 6 *64 (C) tic, Humphrey Bogart, Ray- 7:30 Photography: The Incisive Art 10:00 (3) Dany Kaye Show (0) (8) Sunday Color Movie Spec­ ORKKN YOU SEE Repeat of Dec. 7. 10:80 p.m« Repeat ol Dec. 6, 10:30 p.m. 1:30 (8-20) Issues and Answers tacular Massey. iRuth Gordon. 7:80 Sets and Systems (22-30) I Spy (22) Changing Times Julie Bishop. Merchant Ma­ 8:00 Observing Eye (8-2040) Amos Bnrke, Secret “ One Sunday Afternoon,’ ’Den­ THIS MANCHESTER Sets of Integers Science on the Light Side (30) Starring the Kditors rines in action, Nazi subma­ Agent nis Morgan. Janis Paige, Don 8:00 A t Issue 8:30 An Honr With JToan Sntherlaad Hcrboit Brucker, Hartford rines against liberty ships: tor- SIGN The Leisure Room (JA-20-S0-40) News Sports and DeFore, Dorothy Malone. BE3T 0:30 International Magasine Weather Courant ;Alan H. Olmstead. Story of how love and hap­ 9:00 The Creative Person Manehe.ster Evening Herald- 12:20 ^ ” • Repeat of Dec. 6, 9 p.m. (22) B ig News piness wipe oil bitterness out 7. Odilon Redon 19:30 Elliot Norton Frank Rosenau. Springfield 1:10 (3) News, Moment at Medita- OLDSMOBILE (U) Vintan Theatre of the heart. Musical comedy. 9:S0Point of View Repeat" of Dec. 7, 7:80 p.m. Buy One RoH Union: with William Dwight, (18) The Christophers . Off Richard Wilbitr ‘l.adlea Han" George Raft, Sr.. Holyoke Transcript - Tele- *:20 (8) News, Moments of Comfort ELEN’S TEXACO CAR, (40) Starring the Kditors — Good NIjrht Ifymn "Your Oldsnrabllo Dealer" 10:00 World Theatre grhni. as editor-in-chief. 381 MAIN ST. Repeat of Dec. 6» 10 p.m. (40) B inning Pins See 1:30. Channel 30 listing: S. - * GET ONE ) (18) Pattern for Living Danny, Kaye m ay soon trade 1:45 (22) (Jrent .Moments in Mnslc (40) Jimmy Dean Show STATE SERV. STATION THURSDAY 2:00 (22-30) A F L Football , D (22-30) Bell Telephone Hour In his twin piston-engine air­ $12 WEST GEHTER ST. - 648-1511 A.M . In-School Program s Don WILLIS Garage Buffalo (Bills) at Houston (Oil­ 770 MAIN ST. ers. (C) \ Dinah Shore is hostess of a 9:30 Science in Industry (B t FREE program devoted to the mu­ plane for a twin-engine jet' 10:00.The Magic of Words ____ ^SPEOIAUSTS IN (8) Opiuiiatcd Man sic of Harold Aden. Cast in­ similar to the one he flew most Language Arts ^ Grades B4I .. WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND Dirk Banks’ guest Is Rob cludes Gordon MacRae, Duke WYMAN OIL CO.. Inc. 10:25 Bhythms_and B ^^ies BRAKE SERVICE Trowbrldgo, vice prts. of Yan­ Ellington. Gretcheu Wyler recently on his pre-Halloween 24 MAIN ST. Poetry Grades GENERAL-AUTO REPAIR 460 Main St. kee Magazine and the Old LasUa Ugi^auui and daacars nine-city tour for UNIOBaf. NEW or USED 10:50 Junior High Science P.M. 649-4681— 18 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER Sbnehester \ *tW I» 4k)heel PsevlMr PAGE FOUR B^ANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, I^NCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY,4)ECEMBER 4, 1965

2nd Brother fries Harder, THURSDAY PROGRAM

Tlm« Channel (SO) Annual Tree Lighting 9:00 (8) Thursday Night Movies With His Show^ He Has To 1:00 ((3) Special Bepont on Gemini Ceremony '^erriirs M^auders,” Jeff -- 7 Harvey Olson hosts this an­ Chandler and Ty Hardin. WW (20-40) Ben Casesr nual ceremony signifying the II- drama deals with the ex- ' HOLLYWOOD (AP) — B e------(22) At Home with Kitty start of the Christmas Season. pilots of th American brigade cause he ia the No. 2 Von Dyke (30) Bachelor Father Televised live in front of Ch. whx> fought the Japanese 1:02 (3) Best Seller 90 studio. against tremendous physical brother, Jerry has to try a little bounced off the satellite to sta- “ The Long Gray Line.” Part 4:45 (30) Lloyd Thaxton Show and geographic odds in the harder. And with a starring ve- tions ashore, I True story o( an Irish Immi­ 5:00 fS) News Bulletin on Gemini 7 Burmese jiuigles in ‘44. (C) grant who became a sergeant (20) Mac':ensie's Raiders (8-20-10) Bewitched hide Mke ‘‘My Mother, the Accompanying the Wasp, at West Point and a major (40) Lloyd Thaxton Show 9:30 (22-30) Mona McCluskey (C) influence in the lives of many 5:30 (8) Huckleberry Hound (C) (8-20-40) Peyton Place Oar,” he has to try really hard, again the prime Gemini recov- future generals. Tyrone Pow­ (20) Topic 10:00 (22-30) Dean Martin Show K has been uphill all the way ery shop, will be two destroyers er, Maureen O’Hara, Robert (30) Superman Carol t*awrence, Louis Arm­ Francis, Ward Bond. (40) Dennis the Menace strong and the Andrews Sis- tor ‘‘My Mother, the Car.” It from Newport, R.I., the Joseph 1:30,. (3) As the Wor|d Turns 5:56 (40) Ski Show .ters are the head-liners on was one of the moat ill-received p. Kennedy Jr. and the Lloyd (22-30) Let's Make a Dbal (O) Jim Thompson Doan’s show tonight. (C) shows of the season, critics Thomas, 1:55 (22-30) Nows 6:00 (8) News and Weather (8-20*40) Long Hot Summer carping at the premise of a car 2:00 (3) Password (18) Life of Ril^ Joanne Dru guest stars In The carrier is scheduled to (22-30) Days of Our Lives (0) (20) U.8, Navy Film , “ Nor Hell a Fury” as a wrifer (3-20-40) The Nurses (22) Rooky and His Friends radio speaking to ayoung hus­ depart from Boston harbor at H who returns to Frenchman’s band with the voice of his late 2:30 (3) Iluose Party (30) Whirlybirds Bend Jeopardized Ben Quick’s ___.. „ , a.m. with waters southeast of (22-30) The Dootors UO) News at Six freedom. m ^ . Ratings have been only Bermuda its destination. The (8) Tell Me. Dr. Brothers (C) 6:05 (3) Sports, News, Weather 11:00 (3-8 2 0 ^ 4 0 ) News» Sports and (2040) A Time for Us (40) Cheyenne Weather fair, and the senes is a precar- ^ 2:55 (2(M0) News with Woman's 6:15 (840) Peter Jennings News (18) Vintage Theatre lous bet for a second sea.son. Toucli (22) Clubhouse “ I.»adies Man” Saturday with Gemini 8, Dec. 3:00 (8) To Tell the Truth . 6:25 (22) Special Report (22) The Big News Jerry Van Dyke is quite nat­ 13. (22-30) Another World 6:80 (3) News 11:15 (30) Tonight Show urally a realist, as you might (8) Never Too Young (8) Laramie (C> Starring Johnny Carson (C) (18) Million Dollar iMovle (18) In the Public Interest 11:20 (3) Thursday Starlight expect of a man who is trying to “ Smart Girl,” Ida Lupino. A (20) British Calendar “ Return of Don Camillo.’ Ad­ gfk ahead hi show business hat designer gets mixed up (22^0) Huntley - Brinkley ventures of the impish Impu­ when his brother is Dick Van with .some worthles.s stock and Report dent and impossibly droll and Collector Has romance. 6:40 (20) News and Weather. gentle priest Fenandel. Gion Dyke. With accustomed candor, (20-40) General Hospital &:45 (20) Peter Jennings'News Cervl. Jerry was analyzing the ser­ 3:80 (3) Dick Van Dyke Show 7:00 (3) Littlcst Hobo “ CJloae to My Heart.” Chlld- Many Pictures (22-30) You Don't Sny (G) (18) Subscription TV le.ss couple adopt baby of a ies’ ills on the set one day. (8) Father Knows Rest (2G) Mr. District Attorney murderer and pi*ovc environ­ ‘‘We’re still feeling our way,” (20-40) Young Marriods (22-3040) Local News, Weather ment means more than here­ (Continued rrom Page One) 4:00 (3) Raider Andy Show 7:15 (22) Western Mass Highlights dity. Ray Milland, Gene Tier­ he observed. “ We’ve tried broad (22-30) Match Gnmc (C) (30) Sports Camera ney. comedy, aiming at our kid au- library came out of his hobby of (8) Mickey Mouse Club (40) Peter Jennings News (3) Toll Me, Dr. Brothers (20) Never Too Young 7:30 (3) A Charlie Brown Christ- 11:25 (8) P. J. Movie (hence, which seems to be con- collecting films of old aircraft, (40) SwabRy Show mas Animated Cartoon Special “ C^aptain Blood.” Errol Pl>Tin, siderable. We’ve also tried fam- ‘‘I must have six or seven 4:25 (22-30) Nows Starring characters from the Olivia deHavilland. others. 4:30 (3) Big 3 Theatre “Peanuts” comic strip. The Story about Dr. Peter Blood, ily situations to please the thousand feet of old airplanes, "Show Down nt Boot Hill.” broadco.st is aimed at recap­ sold into slavery, his escape adults. I just work here.” including some 1904 shots of the Bounty hunter can’t collect a turing the true meaning of from the i.sland prison to be­ reward becan.se townspeople (Jhri.stmas In an entertain­ come a feared pirate captain. Jerry stared at the 1928 auto Wright brothers,” said Dyer, refuse to identify the criminal ment-documentary format, ((j) (22) Ski Reports which houses the voice of his "Cutters would hear about the he killed. Charles Bronson, (22-30) Daniel Itoonc (C) Phil Sheparrlson Robert Hutton. (8'20-10) Shindig (40) Merv Griffin Show mother — actually the voice of film and ask if they could buy (8) Space Commnmlcr 8 8:00 (3) Oilligan's Island (C) 11:30 (22) Tonight Show Arm Sothem. some of it to use in movies.” (18) Million Dollar .Movie Bob Denver and Alan Hale, Starring Johnnv (jaraon (C) “ Smart Girl, ” Ida Lupino. Jim Backus. Natalie Schafer. 12:55 (40) U.S. Air Force Religious You know, I (»uld learn to After three years in the Air (2(>-40) Where the Action Is Tina Louise; Guests; The WeU Film — Sign Off hate that thing,” he muttered, porce during World War n . (22) Feature Four Thirty lingtons. rock ’n' roll group. 1:00 (30) One O'Clock Report — “ The Two-Headed Spy.” Jack (8-20 40) Donha Reed Snow Sign Off ^ It s tough talking to a car. I Dyer found he could get work in Hawkins and Gla Scala. A 8:30 (3) My Three Sons (C) 1:20 (8) News mean, when you re talking to an yjg -stuclios. Television was then German war general during (22-30) Laredo 1:25 (8) Moments of Comfort — inanimate object, you’re forced WW II is really a British Nevll’e Brand. Peter Brown Good Night Ilvmn an upstart, and the major stu- spy who reports to I^ondon and William Smith as Texas 3:00 (S> News and Weather to amminate yourself to keep dies wouldii’t seU any stock foot- through a Swiss antique deal­ Rangers. (C) 3:05 (3) Moment of Meditation ^ er. the scene alive. I’ve done every- television film makers. (8-20-40) O. K. Crackerby (C) Sign Off things but stand on my head. Dyer saw a chance to service them from his own library. He has added to his collection on U,S. May See trips and locations. During the FRIDAY JU PROGRAM past 20 years he has shot only in xime Channel querors searching for fabied A band of Juvenile delinquents Live Coverage color; his foresight is now pay­ 1:00 (3) Special Report on Gemini 7 "Seven Cities of cJold” in early all students in a Thrush .school (20-40) Bon Casey Southern Calif, are led to hMp are oi-dered ' to mur*der Mr. ing off in the era of tinted tele­ (22) At Homo with Kitty Father Serra found a string of Waverly. (C) Of GT7 Pickup vision. (30) Rncholor Father missions instead. (8-20) Jimmy Dean Show 1:02 ort8 carrier Wasp is due to leave statue in Rockefeller Center has (22-30) Let's Make a Deal (C) Report and Weatlier 1:55 (22-30) News 6:40 (20) News and Weather (22) The Big News Boston Thursday for its Gemini been used dozens of times.” 2:00 (3) Password 6:45 (20) Peter Jennings News 11:05 (18) Vintage 'Threatre 6 and 7 missions, carrying tele- Dyer figures he can fill eight (22-30) Days of Our Lives (C> 7:00 (3) Death Valley Days (C) 11:15 (30) Tonight Show (€') (8-2040) The Nurses (18) Sub. TV 11:21 (3) America’s Greatest ^sion equipment it is hoped will out of ten requests for stock 2:30 (3) House Party (20) A Man Called X Movies beam the first live pictures of a footage. He demonstrated the (22-30) The Doctors (22-30-40) Local News, Weather ’Tn a Lonely Place” Writer capsule recovery. (8) Tell Me, Dr. Brothers (C) 7:15 (22) Western Mass Highlights falls in love with neiglibor who encyclopedic nature of the col- (2040) A Time lor Us (30) Sports Camera provides an alibi when he is The Wasp is equipped with a jocUon when his aide reported 2:65 (2040) News with Woman'# (40) Peter Jennings News accu.sed of murder. Humphrey deck antenna designed by Inter- ..p ^ n Place” wanted a shot Touch 7:30 (3) Wild, Wild West Bogart. Gloria Grahame, 3:00 (3) To Tell the Truth (30) Camp Kunamock (C) Frank Lovejoy. ^U onal ’Telephone & Telegraph a 1958 convertible Ford at (22-30) Another World (2040) Tne Flintstones ” A Woman’s Vengeance'* Oorp. that maintains steady aim _i_bt (8) Never Too Yonnip (22) As Schools Match Wits Wealthy man is accused of at the Early Bird satellite (18) Million Dollar Movie Palmer High School Challeng­ killing his invalid wife. Charles ve got one — If they can “Rangers of Fortune” Fred es the winner of Dec. 3rd Boyer. Ann Blyth, Jessica Tan­ though the ship is rolling and MacMurray. Three men flee­ matdh between Chicopee Com­ dy. pitching at sea. use a Thunderbird,” he replied. ing Mexican firing squad aid prehensive High School and (8) Tell Me, Dr. Brothers newspaper editor and little Technical High School. 11:25 (8) P.J, Movie The television signals will be girl in south western town. 8:00 (22-30) Hank "They Died With Their Boots (2040) General Hospital Dick Kallman as college On” Errol Flynn. Olivia De- 3:25 (3) News ” drop-ln” Hank Dearbon “ My Havillland, Arthur Kennedy. 3:30 (3) Dick Van Dyke Show Fair C5o-E^” Hans transforms (40) Merv Griffin Show ‘Rudolph’ Back (22-30) Vou Don't Say (C) an un.sophisticated baby sitter l i ’^S Tonight Show (C) (8) Father Knows Best (Kelly Jean Peters) into 12:55 (40) U.S. Air - Force------Religion# (2040) Yonnr Marrleds campus beauty contest win­ Film — Sign Off (Continued toom Page One) 4:00 (3) Banger Andy Show ner. (C) 1:00 (22) Late Show (22-30) Match Game (C) (2040) Tammy “ Frankenstein. 1970” Boris kon board an ice floe an^ find (8) Mickey Mouse Club 8:30 (8) Hogan’s Heroes Karloff. A scientist u.ses an refuge pn the Island of Misfit (20) Never Too Young Bob Crane and Werner Klem­ atomic reactor to give life to (40) Swabby Show perer and John Banner. An a monster. Toys. There they find a king­ (30) One O'Clock R ep ort- 4:25 CB^’SO) News elite German division which Sign Off dom of living playthings that 4:30