Six Dead in 3 County Automobile Collisions
Selection of Marlboro Business Aide Unsettled SEE STORY BELOW Becoming sunny and cool to- HOME day. Cloudy, mixed rain and Red Bunk, FwehoM snow possible tonight and to- 7 morrow. Long Branch FINAL (Bea Details Pago a) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 96 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1968 22 PAGES TEN CENTS Six Dead in 3 County Automobile Collisions Five persons were killed in in a panel truck operated by Martin Norton, 46, also of Medical shortly after a colli- lice said Mr. Malitz has been two separate crashes in How- the father when it was in col- Lakewood, who were report- sion on Rt. 33. The driver of charged with drunken driving ell Township over the week- lision with a car operated by ' ed in "satisfactory" condition the other car, Dr. Roger Quin- and causing death by auto. He end and one man was killed Michael N. Malitz, 34, of New in Paul Kimball Hospital, lan, 36, of 1 Larkin Place, was released in $3,000 bail to v in a Neptune accident Satur- York City on Rt. 33 in Howell Lakewood. Oakhurst, suffered a broken await a hearing in Howell day. Township, about a half mile The Nortons address, is 252 arm and body cuts. Dr. Quin- Township Municipal Court Dead in a Saturday night west of Rt. 34. Sunset Lane, Lakewood, and lan was reported in fair con- Nov. 25." crash on Rt. 33, Howell Town- Hit Head-On the Tello address is 817 Holi- dition today at Jersey Shore .
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