The Churchman 62.1
Book Reviews TOWARDS A UNITED CHURCH, 1913-1947. By Bishop].]. Willis, BishopS. C. Neill, and the Revs.]. W. Arthur, G. W. Broomfield and R. K. Orchard. Edinburgh House Press. 10J6. New hope and new success have come to the reunion movement by the willingness of those who deplore the scandal of our divisions to state, candidly and fully, their grounds of difference; and to recognise that only by a stronger grasp of the theology of the Gospel and the Church can those differences be reconciled. That willingness is well revealed in this important book. Bishop Willis and the Rev. J. W. Arthur first tell the full story of the Kikuyu Conference, 1913, and its results. Kikuyu is not a defunct drama. It is seen now to have been a live issue. Its aim was to meet, at a strategic African cross roads, where Animism, Islam, Christianity and Western Civilisation were competing for the soul of Africa, the problem of denomination alism which frustrated evangelism, ostracised converts, and might set up divisions even within one family. Its plan for a federation of Churches was no hasty scheme, but one carefully prepared for, on the basis of the Lambeth Quadrilateral. As a notable test case, it con centrated worldwide attention on the need for reunion. Anglican authority here approved its aim and spirit, and even the occasional admission to Anglican sacraments of those not confirmed ; but disapproved Anglican participation in non-episcopal communion. The glorious failure of Kikuyu led, indeed, to the foundation of a Christian Council of Kenya ; but " the spirit of denominationalism has become a part of African Church life in Kenya to-day." Yet the goal of " one Church, one Ministry " has remained, as an ideal and a challenge.
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