Raduation S Sunday
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Eastern Illinois University The Keep December 1988 12-9-1988 Daily Eastern News: December 09, 1988 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1988_dec Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: December 09, 1988" (1988). December. 6. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1988_dec/6 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1988 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in December by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. tyInt ernational Christmas classic Amnesty asks students "It's a wonderful life" comes to sign petitions to free to the stage of EIU. a prisoner held in Bulgaria. Page3 raduation s Sunday yCARL WALK CEO of Illinoi s Farm Bure au and aftwriter Country Comp anie s in Bloomington will receive an hon About 500 student s are eligible orary doctor of law degree from take part in Eastern's fall com Eastern. encement at 2 p.m. Sund ay in "We give these degree s fo r ' ntz Gymnasium , which will out st anding succe ss and ac hieve t about two hour s. ment ," Thornburgh said. "It 's a Graduate s will have the op por cu stom done by many college s." nity to go through one rehe arsal Leon ard Durham , associate r the ceremony at 6:30 p.m. dean of the College of Liberal turd ay in the Lantz Fieldhouse. Arts and Science s since 1982, "It' s basic ally a run through will be the faculty mar sh al, where r the gr aduate' s bene fit ," said he will pl ay a ceremoni al po sition aniel Thornburgh , director of and carry a mace symbolic to the niversity Rel ation s. "We will be ceremony, Thornburgh sa id. ie f on what will happen on The fir st three gr aduate s from adu ation day." Eastern 's Pre -Professional Gradu ate s and faculty mem Practice Progr am, will take partin rs should pick up their regali a the ceremony as well. The pro m 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thur sd ay in gram was initiated in 1979, an d e Effingh am room of the Martin now has seven Illinoi s hospitals ther King Jr. Univer sity Union af f il-i ated with its master of sci from 10 a. m. to 1 p.m. Sunday ence in home economic s and di a the fieldhou se. betic s option degree progr am. The reg ali a involve s a bac The spe ak er s for the fall com laure ate gown fo r student s with mencement ceremony include bachelor' s degree and gown s Nancy Froelich , chairm an of the r faculty member s ap propri ate Bo ard of Governors of St ate the degree they hold , Colleges and Universities, ornburgh said. Michael Riord an , student body Eastern Pre sident St an Rives president and Tom Gaffigan, pres ·11 spe ak at the ceremony, con ident of the EI U . Alumni r degree s and award diplom as Association. suming student s· succe ss ful The commencement ceremony MIKER SHERMAN I Staff photographer mp letion of Eastern 's gradua is open fo r anyone to at tend , n requirement s. assuming se ating space is av ail Big Dog John White Jr. , president and able. Jim Valenta and Big Guy wait for a friend by Old Main Thursday afternoon. astern may rejoin state student group MIKE FITZGERALD The ISA work s for the intere st s of stu organi zation at a previou s time , but added The executive bo ard has to decide to dent s in the Illinois legislature , on the that Eastern left the IS A about two or three pre sent the propo sal to join the ISA to the Illinois Bo ard of Higher Educ ation and to years ago. re st of the senate. The senate then has to The executive bo ard of the Student different state scholar ship committees. It The cost of joining the IS A varie s. decide whether to join as an as soc iate or a na te is scheduled to decide by the end of also help s students to help repre sent them Eastern could join as an associ ate member full member. pre sent seme ster whether it will recom selve s before the aforementioned org ani za fo r two years at a co st of $400 doll ars If it decides to join as a fu ll member, the nd to the senate the propos al to join the tion s. according to Cl ark , or could jo in as a full senate has to vote on whether to put it on inoi s Student Associ ation as a fu ll "I think it' s a good concept to get a fl ed ged member with voting privileges fo r the ballot as a referendum, and then dged member. bunch of school s together to work fo r a $10,000. Eastern's student body would have to vote "The purpo se of the ISA is to repre sent common goal by lobbying together in The $ 10,000 would come fr om a $1 to approve the $1 per student ch arge. dent s in different policy -m aking bodie s Springfield ," said Studen t Senate Speaker ch arge per student at Eastern. Be fore that One di sadv ant age to joining it , ac cor d the st ate, " said Bri an Mon ah an , fi eld Jane Cl ark. went into effect , a number of things would ing to Cl ark , is if Eastern doe sn 't agree ector of the ISA. Cl ark said Eastern was a member of the have to happen however. with a propo sal , and the re st of the ISA ByHoliday PETE SCALES snowLoo kinunlikelyg at the past 30 years , City editor "there is a chance of about one in three Chri stmase s where there The chance s of a "white" would be at least one inch of Chri stm as this se ason may be snow on the ground ," said slim , meterologist s are saying. Dw ayne Hill ard of the National However, "It 's impossible to We ather Service in Springfield. predict at thi s time that we would "That's only about a 33 percent have a white Christm as," said ch ance of a 'white· Christmas." Steve Hilberg, meterologist fo r The aver age annu al snow fall the Illinoi s Water Survey in for central Illinois is about 24.4 Urb an a. inche s, Hill ard said. "In thi s centr al portion of "The aver ag e date for the fir st' Illinoi s, fr om lookin g at past snow fall of the winter se ason is Christm ase s, there is only ab out a around Nov. 26," Hill ard said. 30 percent ch ance of a 'white' The aver age date for at least one Chri stm as-th at is actu al snow on inch of snowf all is Dec. 4, he the ground ," Hilberg said. added. Friday, December 9, 1988 The DaUy Eastern News Relief effort mounted after quake MOSC OW (AP) - Soviet the Wedne sday earthquake, which taken to help all those affected by authorities rushed military sur mea sured 6.9 on the Richter scale th1� terrible traged), and I have lO geons and tons of medical sup Soviet officials reported thou be there m this effort said plies Thursda y into Armenia, sand s of people were killed but Gorbachev, who planned to fly to rocked by an earthquake that offi provided no death toll Yerevan after am\ lilJ m Mo-.cow. l cials said virtually destroyed sev President Mikhail S He canceled panned trips to Cu eral cities and killed tens of thou Gorbachev cut short his tnp to the and Bntam. sands of people. United States and flew home to Pre'>ident Reagan offered emer· Armenian Journalists said a lead a worldwide emergency re� g e ncy humamtarian aid. Luban Polit buro com mission led by cue effort in the southern repub President Fidel Ca1,rro pledged to Premier Nikolai I. Ryzhov lic. which has a population of 3.3 send construcuon workers an Police tickets questioned received preliminar y estimates million. Britain dispatched London fire CHICAGO-Police say they're investigating a ra sh of que�tionable that up to so:ooo people died in "Urgent measures are being fighter& to jom the rescue effort. tic kets wr itten to mass-transit riders who apparently don 't exist including Ernest Hemingway. The tickets, written for begging and offenses too minor to reqmre arrest, were later dismissed in court. Reagan p�epares for conference WASHINGT ON (AP)-Pre si lution of h.is views about the both side:,, " The Soviet The police Internal Aff air:. Division began an investigation into the lead dent Reagan prepare d Thursday Soviet Union, from callmg an capped his trip by ann a tic kets in October but "until that's completed, the department ha�·no it ouncing for his first news conference in "evil empire" to signing the first unilateral cutbac k of 500.000 comment." a spokesman m the ews Affairs D1 vis1on who declmed to month&, likely his last formal superpower treaty ever to abolish Soviet forces, a reduction provide her name said Thursday. l>i>.. of abo meeting with reporters as the an entire clas� of nuclea 10percent.