Discovery Is Finaiiy Airborne
24 MANCHESTKH HF^RALD, Wednesday, Au(j 29, 1984 I MHA budget Includes A luncheon stroll Community TOPS & JEANS painting and appliances makes pounds roll Arts 1984 ... page 3 ... page 11 ... supplement inside Girls’ Fashion Tops o ~ 7 a Knit styles in sizes 7-14. Reg. 8.99 ................O . f ^ Girls’ Wrangler^ Cord Jeans-4^ a q In sizes 7-14. Reg. 1 4 .9 9 .............................. I v / . ^ s / •Sizes 4-6X , Reg. 12.99 ............................. 8.97 Warm tonight; Manchester, Conn. sunny Friday Thursday, Aug. 30, 1984 Jrs. ’ Pullover Tops 1H /I Q Single copy: 25C Knit or fleece. S.M.L. Reg. 13.99 .............. I — see page 2 HanrhfBlpr Bprali Jrs.’ Wrangler® Cord Jeans 4 C Q 7 in sizes 3-13. Our Reg. 22.99....................... l v J . 5 7 , / / ,v q q f I *•_ » -•j 4r“- .. Men’s Flannel Sportshirts o Colorful plaids. S-XL. Reg. 7.99 ......................0 . ^ 4 — Discovery Men’s Wrangler® Cord H O C Q Je a n s , OurReg. 17.99.............................. l ^ i O w 3 \ \ / Boys ’ Western Sportshi rts ~ 7 Q Q is finaiiy Selected plaids. 8-18. Reg. 9.99......................./ .OO Boys’ Wrangler® Cord Jeans 8-16, Reg./Slim, OurReg. 14.99 .................. 9.77 airborne 0 J. Bv Al Rossiter Jr. exposed to space and Discovery United Press International could remain in orbit. Hinging on a successful flight CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. - during the next six days were The new shuttle Discovery NASA’s plan to conduct a flight a streaked into orbit like a veteran month for the rest of this year and Ifl today, carrying a crew of six on an the shuttle’s reputation as a oft-delayed mission to get the reliable way to haul satellites into \ space program back on track and orbit.
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