,Systematists used to cIa sify them as Bearded Reedling in the Babbler Family (Timaliidae) then in the Paradoxomithidae, and Natural and Captive more recently in Muscicapidae the current name for the Family, by Rosemary Flamion, Los Osos, CA or Panuridae, the Reedling Family. Not only do the monotypic Reedlings >. Q) have one genus, but they have only () ctl a: one as well. Q) c ctl (5 Although Reedlings are exclusively >. .!) Palearctic (Europe through Asia) and o '0 .s= live in north temperate climates, their a.. numbers have been greatly reduced in severe winters. In an outdoor aviary, setting provisions should be made to keep them above 45F and sheltered from winds above 30 MPH. My Reedlings have endured temperatures as low as freeZing where I had to break the ice on their pond, but I wouldn't recommend it. I believe that the upper temperatures should be kept in the 70s and 80s with ventilation in summer, cool areas in the aviary, some direct sunlight but also areas of shade. Reedlings have three different sub­ species including the nominate Panurus biarmicus biarmicus, found from East Anglia area of England through most of Europe in wetland patches; Panurus biarmicus occiden­ talis, found in the Balkan Region of Europe; and Panurus biarmicus russi­ CUS, found in southeast Europe, south­ ern USSR, central Asia, and Asia Minor, which has paler plumage than the other two subspecies. Reedlings are permanent residents in most wetlands but may partially migrate to escape harsh weather. They are well known in mar hy vegetations, reedbeds, Bearded or Bearded Reedling. sedge bogs, and freshwater margins and marshes. he Bearded Reedling Panurus hear their metallic contact call "ching", Reedlings feel at home in my aviary. biarmicus was introduced to "ching", "ching" sounding like two I planted my aviary with round bladed T the American avicultural com­ coins being hit together. rushes such a bullrushes ()) munity about three years ago. I was Reedlings are excellent aviary and cattail (Typha)) umbrella plant (Cyperus fortunate to obtain three pairs with two zoological subjects because of their alternafolius)) miniature papyrus pairs surviving. Since I live near a vast bold nature, inquisitiveness, complex (Cyperus papyrus), low, flat-bladed wetlands and in a coastal temperate cli­ social behavior, unusual feeding sedges (Carex)) and grasses such as mate, I felt that Reedlings would adjust habits, and quiet beauty. Yet few zoos bamboo, perennial clumping gras es, easily to an outdoor aviary. have them on display. As ofDecember and others. Some of the plant materials Although these small, long-tailed 1998, only Berlin (1.0), Durham Zoo, reach the ceiling of the aviary. I pack reedbed foragers blend into their native PA (1.0), NY Bronx (0.2), Tokyoueno my aviary with plant materials in spring wetlands environment, their tawny and (1.0) and Zoologischer Garten Koln through summer and reduce the plants tan tones are striking in an aviary set­ had specimens. Reedlings are hardy during the winter. I have a replacement ting. I hear their short wings whirring as and are not usually bothered by set of plants if needed. they move about in an aviary. Often I humans walking into their aviary. Reedlings drink, bathe, and feed

the afa TCHBIRD 17 from a concrete pond with four pools is about 17g, they appear much larger c o and a fountain. They will stand in the than they weigh. They have short .~ u:::: uppermost pond, bend their knees to wings necessary for flight in a bed of ~ get their chests and wings wet. Then vertical plant materials. They have rel- ~ they dry offon a nearby perch by shak­ atively long black wading legs, and ~ ing and preening. one of them has large feet for holding onto reeds in a i drowned in the pools. I add duckweed breeze. They have three long toes for- it (Lemna) and other pond plants to the ward and one long toe back. Their lower pool. They also enjoy scratching black nails are relatively long in order in the large metal tray filled with soil. to hold on to plant material. They can Once they were erroneously called use their foot to scratch their head but "Bearded Tits," but now Bearded would prefer their mate to preen them. Reedling and Reed Pheasant are the I have also een them intentionally correct common names. Bearded tand on a dandelion seed head in Parrotbill is also used. order to keep it from moving. The French call them mesange a At first fledge, I banded with ''J'' moustaches (meaning tit with a mous­ bands but feel that these are too large. tache); in Italian, they are called baset­ "E" bands would probably be better. tino; Spanish bigotudo; German ban­ Reedling chicks are not bothered by meise; Dutch Baardmannetje (mean­ closed bands family bands, or the ing bearded male); orwegian banding proce s. Skjeggmeis; Swedish Skaggmes, Danish The eyes of Reedlings are yellow in Skaegmejse; Finnish Viiksitimali; Dutch adulthood with a black iris but totally Baardmees; and Japanese Hige-gara. black as youngster . They are clo e-set Why is it important to learn these com­ for greater binocular vision and depth mon names? Since Reedlings inhabit perception. To increase their field of the areas of the aforementioned lan­ vision when hunting for flying insects, guages, scientific studies and ornitho­ they hold onto the aviary wire or a ver­ logical observations in their native tical plant and rotate their head in cir­ lands are important to research. cles. If they should' lock on" to a fly­ Bearded Reedlings are about 6 1/2 ing in ect, they can accurately judge it inches (16.5cm) long including the 3" distance. They quickly chase and inch tail. Although their adult weight devour it.

Reedling nlale gleaning cattail.tlt~ffUJith SII1l on his hack.

Reedlings are high energy birds and very active during the day and into the evening if I leave on a fluorescent light to attract night flying mo quitoes and other in ects. They will lay on the warm soil in a pot to unbathe. Reedlings are sexually dimorphic. The ruale are easily recognized hav­ ing two black stripes (mustaches) run­ ning from the eyes downward into a point. Konig found that the longer the mu tache, the more appealing to the § feluale. Hoi found that the male has a ~E copulatory organ, which disappears ~ during the non-breeding months. E ~ The male has a pearl-gray head, ~ bright yellow bill, rusty or rufous col­ ~ ored body, and a long, graduated tail, .l:: 0- which is also rufous. The male has Reedling chick about tu 0 months old (in the middle) II ith tll 0 Inales. black under-tail coverts which seem to

18 July/August 1999 enlarge as breeding season begins and are also two-toned with the lower half may have followed suit. I am wonder­ recede during the non-breeding sea­ gray and plume-like and the outer half ing if the term didn't originate with sons. The small wings (about 8 em) are tawny and more contour-like. When these Pa,nurus. barred with black, light tan, and rust molting, the gray interior feathering is In the wild the courtship flight seems lengthwise. Yet these small wings have very noticeable. Individuals will fluff to be a pair slowly rising vertically supported them in 50-mile flights from up feathers to solicit their mates to maybe 50 feet in the air and then drop­ Holland, across the North Sea, to East preen or to keep warm. They lower ping abruptly back to earth. Finally, the Anglia, England, where they have col­ their heads or twist their necks to male will exhibit on a stable perch by onized the reedbeds there. invite preening which seems to be a lifting his crown feathers, puffing out The female is paler than the male great social occupation. the beard and fanning out his tail. The with a rufous body and a lighter, green­ I noticed that they molt once per hen responds with a kind ofdance after ish-yellow bill. She also has barred year after the breeding season. They which she also spreads her tail. wings but the black is nearly absent. look very patchily feathered and lose Prenuptial courtship rites are abbre­ During breeding she gets dark areas their tails until new, soft feathers viated in an aviary since the ceiling is around her eyes. replace the old ones. only 6 feet high. The male Reedlings Reedlings are monogamous proba­ Primary stimuli for breeding behav­ are the dominant sexual partner. bly pairing for life in the wild. They iors of most spring breeding birds Chasing the hen seems to increase male travel in a colony. I believe the colony include increase of temperature, honnones. A hen which is not ready to is made up of family groups which increase in length of day, and availabil­ mate is pursued at high speed. A will­ associate but do not mate within family ity of food and nesting material. My ing hen will join the exhibiting male on lines. In the aviary their pair bonds have reedlings did nothing for two breeding a finn foundation like a'wooden nest­ been unbroken, but I have seen them seasons even with the above stimuli. box lid where the greatest mating suc­ have extramarital affairs. My most dom­ Last year I introduced two pairs of Star cess occurs. I have seen them mating inant alpha male has pursued the beta Finches and also moved the guinea pig on nearly every surface including the female to mate with her and has been hutches closer for increased insect pop­ aviary sides. successful, while his Alpha mate was ulations. The tem1 panurgism indicates Territorial aggression may occur in sining on a clutch of eggs. I have also a mass conformity in instinctive behav­ their natural wetlands, but it does cer­ seen two hens and one male mating ior. When the Star Finch pairs started tainly occur in an aviary 6 feet high x and two males and one hen. their nesting activities, the Reedlings 3 feet wide x 6 feet long containing My Reedlings have had the same pairs for three years continuously. The male and female sleep together in con­ tact. They allopreen, contact perch, and generally keep track of each other throughout the day using their metallic "ching" call for maintaining location. On cold days the cock will shelter the hen under one wing so that they form a single ball of feathers. I have also seen two or three pairs contact sitting all fluffed up looking like one hori­ zontal cattail. AMR Laboratories is on independent biotechnology company Reedling locomotion includes rapid specializing in cutting edge veterinary testing. flights both vertically and horizontally. They climb up veltical stalks with agili­ AMR Laboratories offers accurate and fast sexing of your birds ty and often straddle two blades while from DNA. It's no longer necessary to subject your birds to to the moving upwards. They walk, hop on trauma of surgical sexing. We can sex all species of birds from the ground, and like to scratch at soil, either asingle drop of blood (517.50) or from 2-3 feathers jump back and look to see what they (522.50). We guarantee 99% accuracy. Your results will be have uncovered. available within 72 hours of sample receipt. Call or write Reedlings will raise or lower their body feathers to regulate temperatures for more information. or for expression. Individual body feathers appear to be semiplumes since they do not have barbicels which 5100 Campus Drive Suite 100 lock feathers together in a web like Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 most birds. They have the ability to AMR 1.877.424.1212 look sleek or to puff up as large as a www.omrlobs.cam tennis ball when cold. Body feathers

the afa WATCHBIRD 19 infertile eggs early in the season, chicks getting too cold and didn't gape, lack of the correct size of meal worms, an ant invasion, and reasons unknown. In the wild both parents build their loose nests by interweaving dried plant material into a basket-shaped contain­ er at the base of rushes. They will line this nest with the flowers of Phragmites (bullrushes). In captivity, they also weave these nests at the base of plant material in the aviary. They have also created nests inside of hood­ ed woven baskets and assimilated an old Star Finch nest into their design. I have seen them dipping plant material in their pond so that it is more supple. They line their nests with anything that they can find that is soft such as cattail fluff, feathers, or pampas grass fluff. In the wild hens lay five to seven eggs (as many as 12) which are white and are thinly splotched with brown Reedling chick about.four u eeks old (still has gapeflange, is,flll~vflighted, and tail is flecks. These oval eggs are laid at least beginning to elongate), daily. I observed an egg-bound hen finally pass her egg without assistance two or three pairs. There is definitely birds are served Purina Trout Chow and survive. Added calcium in the diet a pecking order with the Alpha male mini pellets, a finch seed mix, wild to prevent egg binding may be neces­ the most aggressive and having the crumbles or Roudybush crumbles, sary. They do not start to incubate the longest mustaches. My pairs have nest­ dried and fresh eggfood and Universal eggs until all are laid. In the wild they ed in opposite sides of the aviary. food. They also eat the pond weeds eat small mollusks (Succinea amphib­ Ample food probably displaces some which I add, and they fish for pond ia) which may account for extra calci­ of this aggression. Reedlings should insects in the lower pool. They seem to um intake. In my aviary I have not never be caged since a roomy aviary eat everything offered. seen them eat their own egg shells. suits their energy levels. Ian Hinze In the wild it was discovered that They just abandon the eggs and will (columnist for Bird Talk Magazine) they ' ...join in pairs when they are not nest near any old eggs, so remov­ suggested the minimum requirements only 2 1/2 months old and still wear ing the old eggs from the aviary is for a Reedling aviary should be 9 feet juvenile plumage, although they will essential. x 12 feet x 6 feet high. not breed until nine months later." I observed both parents take turns . Reedlings are one of the few bird (Lorenz 1952) incubating the eggs with the male species which can change their eating Last year the adult pairs started relieving the female for short breaks. habits from herbaceous to insectivorous breeding in late May and continued One of my females created a large on an annual basis. Their stomach through October, which is very unnat­ brood patch on her lower abdomen to thickens in spring to be able to handle ural for them. In the wild they usually ensure warmth to the eggs and chicks. the rougher seed diet. During spring breed from late April through July. In the wild a clutch is incubated for 11­ through summer, they are mainly insec­ This year their courtship has already 13 days as was in the aviary. tivorous feeding on flying insects such started in late February. Mini meal­ In both wild and aviary the young as gnats, fruit flies mosquitoes, small worms or a regular and copious sup­ all hatch at the same time. In the aviary flies, green , mini mealworms, ply of small insects must be available if small insects were not readily avail­ pond such as Daphnia and to them if they are to breed in captivi­ able at hatch, then the parents aban­ mosquito larvae. They will fish for mos­ ty. I found that without enough live doned them. If the chicks became cold quito larvae if offered in a shallow proteins of the preferred size, and did not gape, the parents did not bowl. Autumn through winter they they will abandon their clutches. feed them. enjoy a seed diet including cattail seeds, In the wild Reedling pairs will clutch The chicks have a distinct gape pat­ umbrella plant (Cyperus) seeds, dande­ two or three times during the breeding tern. When a parent or a human jostles lion seed heads, sow thistle seed heads, season. In captivity they could possibly the nest, chicks pop up with their Florence fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) clutch at least five to seven times as mouths open. I timed the parents feed­ seeds, and any fruiting marsh grasses, mine did last year. They raised only one ing about every 2-3 minutes with a few sedges, or reeds. Year round, captive successful chick last year hecause of longer breaks during daylight hours.

20 July/August 1999 Cedar Bill Bird Enterprises 13reeding b-0r & neW We breed over 70 species of exotic parrots and softbills. We specialize in rare color mutations from around the world and continue the propagation of the rarest birds in captivity. Our current breeding program includes Hoffman's Conures (both species), Yellow Faced Parrotlets, White Eared Conures (nominate and sub species), Yellow Lored Amazons, Golden Conures, and Cuban Amazons. Our mutations include Lutino & Goldchecken Kakarikis, Lutino and

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the afa WATCHBIRD 21 They do not appear to have a crop as return shortly to the nest. They do not Birkhead, T. R. & H. Hoi. 1994. "Reproductive a food reservoir. seem to mind brief nest inspections. organs and mating strategies of the bearded tit (Panurus biarmicus)". The chicks are born naked and with I introduced two pairs of Star Finch­ IBIS. 136-,356-360. dark skin and a prominent gape, es (also wetland birds) into the aviary. Dingle, Sheldon. April 1998. "More Notes on including scarlet markings on the sides The Reedlings being larger birds are not the Bearded Reedling." Avicultural Society of America. AVICULTURAL of the roof of the mouth, black palate intimidated by Star Finch bluffs. Both BULLETIN. (p 6-7). with two arches of tiny prominent species get along well. Although there Harrison, Colin. 1975. COLIN'S FIELD GUIDE white spots, and pale yellow gape is some aggression between species, TO NESTS, EGGS, AND NESTLINGS OF BRITISH AND EUROPEAN flanges. They feather out quickly with such as chasing, nipping, posturing, it is BIRDS. dull brown markings: dark back, wing­ not enough to warrant removing the Harrison, Colin & Alan Greensmith. 1993. BIRDS OF THE WORLD. Eyewitness coverts, sides of tail and black feathers Stars. Both Stars and Reedlings breed Handbooks. NY: DK Pub. around their eyes. They are not sexu­ with their own species in this small (p.300) ally dimorphic at this stage in their life. aviary. Aside from the Stars, in my opin­ Hinze, Ian. 1998. "Bearded Reedlings." BIRD TALK MAGAZINE. (Vol 16, No 1) P.30. Their tail feathers remain short for ion a small, mixed aviary probably isn't Hoffman, B. 1994. "Female Choice in Bearded some time, but they can fly easily at 9­ the wisest decision if Reedlings are Tits CPanurus biarmicus) Importance 11 days without a tail. My chick had going to successfully breed. Five of Morphological and Behavioral Features." DIPLOMARKEIT UNIV. OF adult plumage at 5-6 months. Reedlings and four Star Finches in my WIEN. The parents need to feed these rav­ aviary having 108 square feet is enough. Hoi, H. 1989. "Okologie und Paarungssytem de enous chicks every few minutes for Longevity is unknown with this Bartmeise CPanurus biarmicus)" PhD Thesis - Formal - U. Naturwiss. Fak, only 9-11 days. In as little as nine days species. The age of my three pair was Univ. Wien. the altricial chicks will fledge and unknown. I have had two pair for a lit­ Hoi, H. 1997. "Assessment of quality of copu­ begin to eat on their own. Only the tle over three years. One hen may be lation partners in the monogamous bearded tit." ANIM. BEH. 53, 277­ Com Bunting and the Reedling fledge showing age by a lighter tail feather. 286. in such a short period of time. Habitat destruction is endangering Hoi, H. & M. Hoi-Leitner. 1997. "An Alternative After fledging, the chicks will con­ the species in Europe. Conservationists Route to Coloniality in the bearded tit: females pursue extra-pair fertiliza­ tinue to be fed by the parents for a con­ in many European countries have tions." BEHAV. ECOL. 8,113-119. siderable length of time although they returned some of the wetlands back to Konig, C. 1994. "Intra Sexuelle Selektion bei their original status and the Reedling mannlichen Bartmeisen CPanurus are semi-independent feeders by then. biarmicus)" Beard length in male tits: The family stays intact. So far, the populations have blossomed. I do not a reliable predictor for male domi­ female which was born last summer know the status ofthese birds in Russia nance rank; the status signaling func­ tion of the male beard in bearded tits: still has a bond with her parents, who or China. costs of aggression and the effect of will contact sit with her between them In closing, captive bred Reedlings the resource value. DIPLOMARBEIT and allopreen with her. Hintz suggest­ are a joy to observe, My Reedlings have FORMAL - u Naturwiss Fak. Univ Wien. ed that the young birds be removed made me appreciate not only their Lasky, William R.June 1966. "Some Notes on the from their parents, probably because quiet beauty, their habits and social Bearded Tit" ASA: Avicultural they might interbreed, but I have found behaviors, but also the reedbeds where Bulletin. Reprint. ASA April 1998. Lindenbauer, B. 1993, "The function of the no sexual activity between father and they live in the wild. Zoological gardens long-term bond period in bearded tits daughter. and individuals can learn much from CPanurus biarmicus) Naturwiss, The Reedling aviary is double wired these feathered friends. Perhaps learn­ Diplomarbeit. Univ. Wien. Lindenbauer, B. & H. Hoi. 1993. "The function with '/4 inch wire on the inside to pra­ ing to raise them in captivity will ensure of the extended pair- bonding period tect from predators. Recently, when a their genetics not being lost if they in bearded tits CPanurus biarmicus)". 23rd Int. Ethological Conf 0-9 Sep Cooper's Hawk invaded my yard, the should ever need reintroduction into 1993, Terremolinos, Spain) Abstracts. Reedlings disappeared near the base their native habitats. pp. 73- of an umbrella plant for at least an I recently showed my aviary bred Lorenz, K. Z. 1952. KING SOLOMON'S RING. Thomas Y. Crowell Co, NY. hour. They must have a protected Reedling hen in a National Finch and Martin, Richard Mark. 1983. "Parrotbill," ENCY­ place to feel safe in case of danger, Softbill Society bird show at the CLOPEDIA OF AVICULTURE. Arco real or imagined. America's Family Pet Expo in Pomona, Pub, Inc. New York. CP. 148) Peterson, R. T., Guy Mountfort, P.A.D. Hollom. Reedlings do not think of me as a California. Since it was my first NFSS 1974 ed. A FIELD GUIDE TO THE predator. They go about their business show, I didn't know what to expect. BIRDS OF BRITAIN AND EUROPE. with me in the safety room or even in On the first day of showingJudge Paul Houghton, Mifflin, Co, Boston. P. 271. the aviary. They show very little fear of Williams ranked her Best of Show Pycraft, W. P. 1910. A HISTORY OF BIRDS, human intervention and have a high even though she showed the exuher­ Methuen, London. degree ofcuriosity. The Alpha male has Skutch. Alexander F. 1976. PARENT BIRDS ance ofyouth. She went on to capture AND THEIR YOUNG. Austin: challenged me on occasion if I have overall Best ofShow over the top love­ University of TX. Cpp 3,22,106) been too near his nest. He faced me, hird, Cockatiel, and parrot. Todd, Frank. S. 1994. 10,001 TITILLATING TIDBITS OF AVIAN TRIVIA. Ibis Pub flared his wings at me, and "ching-ed" Co, Vista, CA. really loud at me. References Welty, Joel Carl. 1962. THE LIFE OF BIRDS. Usually, both parents will leave the Bannerman, David Armitage. THE BIRDS OF Beloit College, WI. W. B. Saunders THE BRITISH ISLES. Vol II. (p 212­ Company, Philadelphia & London. nest with human intervention and will 223). CPp 230, 326) ~

22 July/August 1999