8 May 1998 Mr. Richardot Delivered These Materials to Me This Morning
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8 May 1998 Mr. Richardot delivered these materials to me this morning on the 38th floor. The main point is that he would like a quick photo to be taken of himself with the S-G, preferably on the day of the AFICS luncheon, 21 May, but any time if that date is not available. Also note that last year he received a thank you signed by S-G for his book about UN. He also would like to bring original watercolors with him for S-G's children. He can be reached in Concord, Mass., where he will speaking to Rotary Club, from 14-18 May at 978-369-8005. On evening of 19 May or daytime 20 May he can be reached at 203-966-3698. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES POSTAL ADDRESS ADRESSE POSTAUE UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. 1OO17 CABLE ADDRESS -ADRESSE TELEG RAPH IQUE UNATIONS NEWYORK j)|JLILIlIJLI REFERENCE: 0 ^ JVzJ.ZAJUu.CX- ^ jC— «--^-»,t«™_1.,t.n^n^-w.v*.—-—0-^1«- M \] J^x-W* -f^ fe**Ht- /y>^_52^M ~~" T^*6*6* c*-**^ 2J ^ '/f^.^.-zr^^ \ I ^C7Y^S_ "tZ a * w } ' v 7^ JU*a^£ji_Rn n ^ , S) H^c^ o IJLJLOL1 JEAN B. RICHARDOT 57 Oner side Court MAY - 8 1998 |F/ Middlebury.VT 05753 f~t s-> ,, 1 ^i I <°-=* I Tel: 802-388-7410 CAC^U'!'. '- t'l-fr °F ^.--OL[HE SECRETA^RFMFPiii THE SECRETARY-GENERAL 16 June 1997 Dear Mr. Riohardot, I am writing to thank you for the copy of your book Journeys for a Better World, which your daughter gave me as a gift on the occasion of my visit to the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum earlier this month. It is an extraordinary work and one that does honour to the profession of international civil servant. By sharing.your experiences from the many years you devoted .to the United Nations, you have done a great service to your colleagues who continue to toil, often in difficult circumstances, with little recognition of the value of their efforts. Allow me also to express my appreciation to you and Mary for your support for the United Nations -- the spirit that continues to guide your work is an inspiration. I would be grateful if you would convey these sentiments to your daughter on my behalf. With my best wishes, Yours sincerely, Kofi5 A. Annan Mr. Jean Richardot Middlebury, Vermont ^w^ -** ^ BOOK SIGNING i" by Jean Rich ardot author of Journeys for a Better World UnevieaPONU An inside story of the United Nations by one of its first Senior Officials Foreword by Sir Brian Urquhart Friday 8 May 1998 1:00-3:00 pm at the United Nations Bookshop General Assembly Building Concourse Level •f i! r^/,*»«r3fl>^/^^^^/'^«^/^.«»^ir^c»3^^2*»ff2«2»^ armattan Jean Richardot Edit ion -Diffusion 5-7, rue de L'Ecole-Polytecnnique 75005 Paris Tel. 01 40 46 79 20 (comptoir et renaeigrtement libraire) Tel. 01 40 46 79 14 (manuscrits et fabrication) Tel. 01 40 46 79 22 (service de prtaae) Une vie a TONU Tel. 01 40 46 79 21 (direction commerciale) Fax 01 43 29 86 20 (manuscrits, fabrication) Un Franqais-Americain Fax 01 43 25 82 03 (commercial) Citoyen du monde Preface de Sir Brian Urquhart A travers ses memoires, 1'auteur eclaire un parcours d'abord relativement commun a sa generation puis assez exceptionnel. Soldat de la Deuxieme Guerre mondiale, il a servi successivement sous les drapeaux fran9ais et americain du fait de sa double nationalite. C'est le drame europeen qui 1'a conduit, apres 1945, a s'engager dans la bataille des Nations Unies pour la paix. Historien de I'interieur du Palais de verre, serviteur de la cause de la paix et du developpement a travers le deroulement de six missions de longue duree dans le Tiers monde, dans des pays en proie aux ideologies et/ou dictatures variees : Maroc, Hai'ti, Ouganda, Chypre, Jamai'que, Benin. Lorsque sonne 1'heure de la retraite, un nouvel ordre mondial pointe a 1' horizon. L'auteur montre le role essentiel que les Nations Unies, reformees, pourront et devront jouer dans notre monde de demain. Jean Richardot est ne a New York, de famille alsacienne etfranc-contoise. Principale carriers au Secretariat general de I'ONU, a New York, avec missions dans le 180 Francs Tiers monde ; a appartenu a I'UNESCO, an BIT, a la commission economique des Nations 340 pages Unies pour I 'Amerique latine, a Santiago du Chili et a la force des Nations Unies pour le maintien de la paix a Chypre ; a ete aussi ISBN 2-7384-5228-0 Visiting Professor a Middlebury College, au Vermont (USA). CCP2362544N Paris. RC 75 B 3599. StRENE 311023121. SlRET Table Preface de Sir Brian Urquhart v Introduction xiii Prologue xix Partie I La guerre qui finit toutes les guerres et une paix fragile 1 Partie II La deuxieme guerre mondiale sous deux drapeaux 39 Partie HI L'ONU a Turtle Bay 109 Partie IV Six missions dans le Tiers monde : 169 • Le Maroc : compter d'abord sursoi 175 • Haiti : mission impossible ? Histoire tragique d'un pays d iv ise 196 • L'Ouganda : La «perle de l'Afrique», avant et apres Idi Amin 227 • Chypre : avec les Casques Bleus 252 • LaJamaVque: «Out of many, one people» 265 • Le Benin : du neo-colonialisme au marxisme-leninisme 289 Reflexion sur 1'aide au Tiers monde 310 Partie V A 1'aube d'une ere nouvelle 313 Epilogue 331 Appendices 333 Appendice I: Le systeme des Nations Unies : organes, Agences specialises et programmes speciaux 335 Appendice II: L'ONU a 50 ans : domaines de realisations incontestables 337 Appendice III: Citations celebres en favour de la paix 339 Cartes Premiere guerre mondiale : la ligne des tranchees 2 Deuxieme guerre mondiale : la route de la 4e division blindee du general Patton pendant la liberation de la France 40 Le Maroc, Haiti et I'Ouganda 170 Chypre, la JamaTqueet le Benin 171 BON DE COMMANDE A retourner a L' HARhtATTAN, 7 rue de I'Ecole Polytechnique 75005 PARIS Veuillez me faire parvenir exemplaire(s) du livre Une vie a I'ONU au prix de 180FF+24FF de frais de port, soil un total de FF. NOM : ADRESSE : Ci-joint un cheque de FF Pour Tetranger, vos reglements sont a effectuer: - en francs francais sur cheques domicilies sur banque francaise. - par virement en francs francais sur notre CCP 23 62544 N Paris - par carte bancaire (Visa ou Mastercard) n° ." date d'expiration •' Jean Richardot A watercolor and oil painter, JeanJUchardot works in the tradition of the Impressionists, trying to capture the mood, light, and aerial perspective of his subjects. He uses soft and subtle colors and has painted scenes of the places where he has lived and worked, including New England, the West Indies, and France. A former international diplomat turned artist, Jean Richardot has travelled in many parts of the world on as- signments for the United Nations and also the Department of State. He was born in New York but was raised and educated in France. After painting on and off since the fifties and brief- ly studying portraiture at night with Sidney Dickinson at the Art Students League in New York, he turned to serious painting some seven years ago. He studied in Paris with Mac Avoy, an internationally known portraitist, now the presi- dent of the Salon d'Automme, and with Yves Brayer, a land- scape painter much in vogue at the present time. He has also worked with Walter Richards of New Canaan, Connec- ticut and has participated in various workshops in Vermont with Jack Pellew; in Cornwall, England with Bernard Evans,- and at the Atelier de Seguret, Provence, France, a meeting of international painters. Jean Richardot is a member of Middlebury Artists, Inc., and the Friends of Art at Middlebury College in Vermont of which he is a Board member. He also belongs to the Soci- ety for the Arts of New Canaan, Connecticut, exhibiting in group shows at the Carriage Barn. He has had several solo exhibits in Vermont and his works have been shown with the Nauset Painters in Orleans on Cape Cod as well as at the Annual International Art Show of UNICEF at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Mr. Richardot's paintings are being purchased more and more by art lovers. His free-flowing style has been compared by some to that of Raoul Duf iy. The work of Jean's uncle Lucien Bleyfus (1876-1953), a noted French postimpression- ist landscape painter, has also inspired him towards start- ing a new career in painting. In the words of Tom Maher in the magazine Profiles — 'Jean Richardot has returned to the work that first drew his interest and is happily pur- suing it with fervor and success." e's (Emuri of % ; (ftmnrig af jNefa SURROGATES' CHAMBERS 31 CHAMBERS STREET NEW YORK, NY 1OOO7 RENEE R. ROTH SURROGATE May 7, 1998 Hon. Kofi Anan Secretary General c/o Elisabeth Lindenmayer United Nations Room S-3802-E New York, NY 10017 Dear Kofi: After almost 30 years it was, indeed, a delight to see you again at Bella's memorial service. I am pleased that I pursued you and verified that my memory has not failed. I enclose a brochure which describes my court and contains some photographs of this extraordinary landmark building. It is well worth a visit - you get to see me and the court - or you can show me your august offices. In either event, I would love to exchange stories about the years since we last saw each other.