CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2032 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2032 HON E2032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 14, 2002 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CLAUSE 8(b), allocated away from drug interdiction to deal narcotics officer is intended to have broad and RULE I (SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE) OF with catastrophic terrorism. While some flexi- more sweeping responsibilities in this area, THE HOUSE RULES bility in this regard is appropriate, we cannot the intention is simply to have the counter- (Proposed Amendment in bold) allow our efforts at drug interdiction to falter narcotics official assume the role as USIC, 8. (a) The Speaker may appoint a Member when almost 20,000 Americans die each year and I believe this is the only sensible out- to perform the duties of the Chair. Except as of drug-related causes and as we have in- come. specified in paragraph (b), such an appoint- creasingly seen the ties between the drug I want to stress that this is in no way in- ment may not extend beyond three legisla- trade and financing for catastrophic terrorism. tended as any reflection on the Coast Guard, tive days. To address these concerns, Section 878 of (b)(1) In the case of his illness, the Speaker for which I have extremely high regard both in may appoint a Member to perform the duties the bill will establish a counternarcotics officer this particular area and in general, or the cur- of the Chair for a period not exceeding 10 at a senior level to coordinate policy and oper- rent or past Commandants, who have pro- days, subject to the approval of the House. If ations within the Department and between the vided outstanding service as USICs. It is nec- the Speaker is absent and has omitted to Department and other agencies on drug inter- essary incident to the reorganization of the make such an appointment, then the House diction. The officer will also be charged with interdiction agencies within the new Depart- shall elect a Speaker pro tempore to act dur- ensuring the adequacy of resources within the ment, which I believe provides us with a sig- ing the absence of the Speaker. Department for drug interdiction, and tracking nificant opportunity to enhance our overall na- (2) With the approval of the House, the and severing connections between terrorism Speaker may appoint a Member to act as tional effort. President Bush has clearly stated Speaker pro tempore only to sign enrolled and the drug trade for the purposes of the De- that Homeland Security should not be about bills and joint resolutions for a specified pe- partment of Homeland Security. ‘‘turf’’ or the prerogatives of individual agen- riod of time. As the author of this provision, I want to ad- cies or government officials but instead about (3)(A) In the case of a vacancy in the office dress two important points of legislative intent. improving how we keep Americans safe. This of Speaker, the next Member on the list de- First I want to reiterate, as I said in the earlier provision was included in that spirit, and I be- scribed in subdivision (B) shall act as Speak- floor debate on this legislation, that it is my in- lieve that it ought to be embraced in that spirit er pro tempore until the election of a Speak- tention that the person appointed to this posi- by the Coast Guard and will be embraced in er or a Speaker pro tempore. Pending such tion must be a senior official within the Depart- the finest traditions of ‘‘Semper Paratus’’. election the Member acting as Speaker pro ment with the authority to ensure the efficient tempore may exercise such authorities of the Director Walters made me aware, however, Office of Speaker as may be necessary and conduct of the interdiction mission. We had of some concerns which I agree merit careful appropriate to that end. originally designated this position as an Assist- consideration in the future. The USIC has (B) As soon as practicable after his election ant Secretary position. After discussion with been a senior advisor to the Director and and whenever he deems appropriate there- the Administration that designation was re- ONDCP, and the statutory designation of the after, the Speaker shall lay before the House moved, but I want to make clear my intention Homeland Security counternarcotics officer in a complete list of the Members of the House that the appointee to this position should have that role within ONDCP removes the preroga- in the order in which each shall act as Speak- a similar level of seniority and authority in er pro tempore under subdivision (A). tive of the Drug Czar to appoint his own senior order to make and enforce effective policy be- advisor. I am sensitive to this concern. I did f tween the diverse agencies that will be not consider it in drafting the amendment sim- headquartered in the new Department. I would HOMELAND SECURITY ACT OF 2002 ply because the Director has customarily and also like to make clear my intention that the routinely named the Commandant of the SPEECH OF official designated under this provision should Coast Guard to the position in the past, and not be a ‘‘dual-hatted’’ appointee who has my intention was to make a direct substitution. HON. MARK E. SOUDER other responsibilities or obligations within the I want to make clear as the author of this OF INDIANA Department, nor should they be affiliated with amendment and as Chairman of the author- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES any of the component organizations of the izing Subcommittee for ONDCP that it is not Wednesday, November 13, 2002 new Department. The clear intention of this intended in any way to diminish the Director’s provision is to provide a single, neutral, official authority over his office. I also continue to be- Mr. SOUDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support who will concentrate solely on ensuring effec- lieve, however, that the USIC post must adapt of this important legislation, which I believe tive drug interdiction and acting as a broker to reflect the structure that has now been cre- takes historic and long overdue steps to im- and arbiter between different agencies within ated within the Department of Homeland Se- prove the coordination of Federal agencies in the Department. curity, and thus will not attempt at this late protecting the United States against cata- Second, I would like to briefly address a hour to revise the language in the bill. I will, strophic terrorism and our borders against couple of concerns that were raised today by however, revisit this issue as we consider re- many other diverse threats. the Office of National Drug Control Policy with authorization of ONDCP in the next Congress I rise as the Chairman of the Drug Policy respect to the provision that the Counter- to try to develop a better formulation that will Subcommittee and one of the co-chairs of the narcotics Officer will serve as the United address each of these concerns. Speaker’s Task Force on a Drug Free Amer- States Interdiction Coordinator for the Director f ica to specifically address Section 878 of this of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. legislation, which is a provision to create a That position is an advisory position to the Di- NELSON MARTINEZ DEPARTS Counternarcotics Officer. I originally included rector with respect to national coordination of KOAT this provision as an amendment in the Gov- drug interdiction activities. The USIC is ap- ernment Reform Committee with bipartisan pointed by the Director, but in the past the job HON. TOM UDALL support from the Gentleman from Maryland customarily has been filled by the Com- OF NEW MEXICO UMMINGS (Mr. C ) and the Gentleman from Illi- mandant of the Coast Guard. This provision of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nois (Mr. DAVIS). I also would like to thank the bill was necessary in order to provide the Thursday, November 14, 2002 Speaker HASTERT, Chairman ARMEY, and Sen- ‘‘clear lines of authority’’ which the President ator GRASSLEY, who sponsored a nearly iden- just yesterday said were so important to have Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I tical provision in the other body, for their in Homeland Security matters. rise today to pay tribute to an outstanding strong support of this concept as the legisla- Within the Department of Homeland Secu- New Mexican, journalist and entertainer, Nel- tion has moved ahead. rity, the official provided for in Section 878 of son Martinez. He will be leaving KOAT–TV, Many of the agencies that will be transferred the bill will be responsible for coordinating the where he has worked for nearly two decades, to the new Department of Homeland Security activities of all department agencies on drug to pursue other professional opportunities in are also our Nation’s preeminent agencies for interdiction, including the Coast Guard. The early December. the interdiction of illegal drugs. The creation of USIC position needed to be addressed to en- Born in Chimay[oacute] and raised in north- the new Department, therefore, provides a sure consistency and harmony on drug inter- ern New Mexico, Mr. Martinez has enjoyed a unique opportunity to greatly enhance the diction issues. It would have been completely multi-faceted career of more than 35 years in operational coordination between these agen- illogical to have the Commandant report to the the broadcast business, as a radio disc jock- cies and our efforts to keep drugs out of the narcotics coordinator within the Department, ey, worldwide videotape editor, reporter and United States. It also presents the risk, how- but then have the coordinator report to the news anchor.
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