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Predicting red blood cell transfusions in very low birth weight infants based on clinical risk factors.

David A. Paul Medical Center of Delaware; Thomas Jefferson University

Stephen A. Pearlman Medical Center of Delaware; Thomas Jefferson University

Kathleen H. Leef Medical Center of Delaware

John L. Stefano Medical Center of Delaware; Thomas Jefferson University

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Recommended Citation Paul, David A.; Pearlman, Stephen A.; Leef, Kathleen H.; and Stefano, John L., "Predicting red blood cell transfusions in very low birth weight infants based on clinical risk factors." (1997). Department of Pediatrics Faculty Papers. Paper 47.

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Predicting Red Blood Cell Transfusions in Very Low Birth Weight Infants Based on Clinical Risk Factors

David A. Paul, M.D. — Stephen A. Pearlman, M.D. — Kathleen H. Leef, R.N. John L. Stefano, M.D.


Objective: to describe the clinical factors most predictive of red blood cell transfusion in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Study design: retrospective review of VLBW infants cared for at a single level III N ICU during a two year period, n=199. Results: overall transfusion requirement was 4.6 ± 6.2 transfusions/infant/hospital course. Length of hospital stay, days of mechanical ventilation, requirement for dopamine support, birth weight, initial , periventricular leukomalacia and necrotizing enterocolitis all independently correlated with number of transfusions and donors. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia and patent ductus arteriosus were associated with donor but not transfusion number. Conclusions: our data characterize the population of VLBW infants with the greatest blood transfusion and donor requirement. Further investigation is needed to target this population for interventions to reduce blood exposure.

Anemia of prematurity with the subsequent need changing the preservative of red blood cells to to transfuse red blood cells (RBC) is a common allow transfusion of older blood 5 have also problem in preterm infants. The most promising been suggested in order to decrease postnatal intervention to reduce the number of RBC trans- donor exposure but have not been extensively fusions in preterm infants has been the use of investigated in studies involving large numbers recombinant human erythropoietin which has of infants. To date, the sub-population of been shown to safely stimulate erythropoiesis preterm infants who would most likely benefit and decrease the requireent for transfusions in from these new therapies has been poorly de- selected preterm infants. Other interventions fined. The purpose of this study was to: 1) such as transfusion of placental blood, 4 and determine which preterm infants require the most transfusions of RBC and have the greatest donor exposure and 2) establish the population of David A. Paul, M.D. and Stephen A. Pearlman, M.D. are staff infants that would potentially derive the greatest members at the Section of , Medical Center of benefit from interventions to limit exposure to Delaware, Newark, DE. They are also both Assistant Profes- blood products. In order to meet these goals we sors of Pediatrics, Thomas Jefferson Medical College, Philadel- phia, PA. retrospectively created multivariate linear re- gression models to determine the clinical vari- Kathleen H. Leef, R.N. is a staff member at the Section of Neonatology, Medical Center of Delaware, Newark, DE. ables determining both RBC transfusion and John L. Stefano, M.D. is a staff member at the Section of donor number. Neonatology, Medical Center of Delaware, Newark, DE. He is also an Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Thomas Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA

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METHODS to 15 cc/kg per transfusion. During the acute phase of respiratory distress syndrome, infants The study consisted of a retrospective review of are transfused to keep the hematocrit greater infants admitted to the intensive care nursery at than 35-40 percent. Anemic preterm infants the Medical Center of Delaware from July 1, who are more stable and receiving enteral feeds 1993 to July 1, 1995. The Medical Center of and no supplemental oxygen were transfused Delaware is a level III neonatal intensive care only if they are felt to be symptomatic. These unit caring for both inborn and outborn infants. symptoms included: tachycardia, tachypnea, poor All data were obtained from a review of a weight gain while receiving adequate calories, computerized database and confirmed by chart and frequent apnea unresponsive to other thera- review. Infants were included in the analysis if pies. they had a birth weight less than 1500 grams and were offered intensive care. In order to establish The independent variables studied are listed the relationship of blood transfusion with intra- (Table 1). For the purpose of this study gesta- ventricular hemorrhage and bronchopulmonary tional age was defined by the best obstetrical dysplasia, infants were only included if they met estimate or if not available by Ballard exam. 6 the above criteria, had a minimum of one cranial Patients were given the diagnosis of bacterial sonogram, and survived to 28 days of life, sepsis if they had a positive blood culture and.the n=199. Infants not analyzed included: 22 in- diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus if con- fants who were admitted and transfused but died firmed by echocardiography. Bronchopulmo- prior to 28 days of life, and two infants (1380 nary dysplasia was defined as a requirement for grams and 1490 grams) not transfused who did supplemental oxygen at 28 days of life. 7 Pro- not receive a cranial sonogram at the discretion longed rupture of membranes was defined as of the attending neonatologist. being greater than 24 hours in duration. Prema- ture rupture of membranes was defined as rup- For the purpose of this study, a blood transfusion ture before 37 weeks of gestation. was considered the administration of packed red blood cells as ordered by the attending neona- Multivariate linear regression models were cre- tologist. All transfused blood is negative for ated in order to determine which clinical factors cytomegalovirus, irradiated, less than seven days were most predictive of the number of transfu- old and stored in citrate-phosphate-dextrose- sions and the number of donors. Number of red adenine preservative. Blood from a single do- blood cell transfusions and number of donors nor, which was ordered to be split into multiple served as the dependent variables. Independent smaller aliquots, and transfused within 24 hours, variables entered in the models were determined was considered a single transfusion. If an infant by performing a preliminary univariate analysis received a second transfusion > 24 hours fol- as well as multiple linear regressions. Forward lowing an original transfusion, but before the stepwise analysis was performed in order to seven day expiration period of the blood, the determine variables independently associated transfusion was considered a second transfusion with transfusion and donor number. Validity of but a single donor exposure. Therefore infants the models was confirmed by plotting residuals often receive multiple transfusions from a single versus expected normal values and residuals donor. All transfusions ordered after the seven versus predicted values. All data are expressed day expiration period of the original unit were as mean ± standard deviation, unless otherwise from a different donor. noted. All statistical calculations were performed on commercially available software (Statistica, The following general criteria are adhered to in Tulsa, OK). our nursery: most transfusions ranged from ten

556 Del Med Jrl, November 1997, Vol 69 No 11 Scientific Article

Table 1. Independent variables studied in multivariate models. Dependent variables, transfusion number and RESULTS donor number. The overall requirement for transfusions of RBC INDEPENDENT VARIABLES STUDIED was 4.6 ± 6.2 per infant/hospital course (range 0-40). Thirty-five percent of the study population Gestational Age did not require any RBC transfusions throughout Birth Weight their hospital course, while five percent required Intrauterine Growth Restriction only a single transfusion, 13 percent required Length of Hospital Stay two to three RBC transfusions, 12 percent re- Gender quired four to five RBC transfusions and the Mechanical Ventilation remaining 35 percent required six or more trans- High Frequency Ventilation fusions. The mean number of donors was 2.6 ± 3.1 per infant / hospital course (range 0 -17). Days of Mechanical Ventilation Thirty-five percent had no donor exposures, while Continuous Positive Airway Pressure ten percent had a single exposure, 20 percent Days of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure had two to three exposures, 18 percent had four Days of Supplemental Oxygen to five exposures, and the remaining 17 percent Prenatal Steroids had six or more RBC donors. None of the infants Exogenous Surfactant in the study received recombinant erythropoi- Apnea of Prematurity etin. The demographic makeup of the study Caffeine population is listed in Table 2. Dopamine Dobutamine Variables independently correlating with number Initial Hematocrit of RBC transfusions included: length of hospital Patent Ductus Arteriosus stay (p<.00001), number of days of mechanical Bacterial Sepsis ventilation (p < .0001), requirement for dopam- ine support (p< .00001), diagnoses of Intraventricular Hemorrhage periventricular leukomalacia (p=.00004) and Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage, grade III-IV necrotizing enterocolitis (p= .002), birth weight Periventricular Leukomalacia (p=.002), and initial hematocrit (p=.04). The Necrotizing Enterocolitis overall model had an r=0.9 (p<.001). None of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia the other variables studied (Table 1) correlated Seizures with number of transfusions. Mortality Variables associated with number of donors Preeclampsia included: length of hospital stay (p<.00001), Premature Labor number of days of mechanical ventilation (p < Maternal Substance Abuse .00001), requirement for dopamine support (p< Multiple Gestation .00001), diagnoses of bronchopulmonary dys- Prolonged Rupture of Membranes plasia (p=.0004) and periventricular Premature Rupture of Membranes leukomalacia (p=.01), birth weight (p=.03), initial hematocrit (p=.03) and diagnoses of ne- Maternal Urinary Tract Infection crotizing enterocolitis (p= .03) and patent duc- tus arteriosus (p=.04). The overall model had Oligohydramnios an r=0.91 (p<.00001). None of the other vari- Maternal Age ables studied (Table 1) were associated with Number of Platelet Transfusions number of donors. Prenatal magnesium sulfate

Del Med Jrl, November 1997, Vol 69 No 11 557 Scientific Article

Because most of the variables correlating with Table 2. Demographic make-up of the study population. number of transfusions and number of donors in DEMOGRAPHIC DATA (n=199) the above models are not known until later in an infant's hospital course, an attempt was made to create a model using variables available at the Birth Weight (grams) 1089 ± 279* time of birth. Using only birth weight and initial Gestational Age (weeks) hematocrit as the independent variables and 28.5 ± 2.9* transfusion number as the dependent variable Apgar Score -1 minute 5.0** had an r =.71 (p<.001). Using donor number as the dependent variable with the same inde- Apgar Score-5 minutes 8.0** pendent variables had an r=.69 (p<.001). Male Gender 107 (54%)

DISCUSSION C-section 107 (54%)

CPAP 151 (76%) The etiology of the of prematurity is multifactorial. The pathophysiology results from Mechanical Ventilation 148 (74%) an attenuated erythropoietin response to tissue hypoxia, 8 iatrogenic blood loss, 9,10 and short- Patent Ductus Arteriosus 36 (18%) ened life span of RBC containing fetal hemoglo- bin. 9 Although the risk of HIV infection from Intraventricular Hemorrhage (grade I-IV) 27 (14%) random donor blood is one in 450,000 to one in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 92 (46%) 600,000 in the United States, 11 transfusion of blood products is associated with significant Sepsis 34 (17%) parental anxiety. Other risks from exposure to blood products include: hepatitis B and C, as Necrotizing Enterocolitis 13 (7%) well as volume overload, electrolyte disturbances, iron overload and graft versus host disease.12 Dopamine 41 (21%) These risks highlight the importance of develop- Exogenous Surfactant 141 (71%) ing methods to decrease transfusion and donor number in this population. Our data demon- Initial Hematocrit (%) 45.1 ±7.5* strate that length of hospital stay, days of me- chanical ventilation and need for dopamine Length of Stay (days) 63.8 ± 27.6* support are the variables most predictive of number of transfusions and donors. Birth weight, * Mean ± sd initial hematocrit, periventricular leukomalacia ** Median and necrotizing enterocolitis are also indepen- dent predictors of transfusion and donor num- ber. Diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus and ously demonstrated that infants of lower birth bronchopulmonary dysplasia are related to do- weight and infants who require respiratory sup- 10 nor number but not transfusion number. port have increased blood sampling. Phle- botomy data was not included in this investiga- tion because it was not uniformly available in our To our knowledge this report is the first to population. Number of transfusions and donors correlate length of hospital stay with transfusion may also be related to length of stay because of and donor number. We speculate that infants a prolonged opportunity to transfuse infants, as with prolonged length of stay had increased the hematocrit of infants discharged to home is phlebotomy losses. Obladen et al have previ- generally unknown to the attending physician.

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Further investigation is needed to study the strong indicate that infants of the youngest gestational association of length of stay with transfusion and age receive the highest number of transfusions, donor number. previous studies have shown that recombinant human erythropoietin is most effective when In addition to length of stay, prolonged me- administered to larger infants. 2,3 Only one chanical ventilation was associated with transfu- double blind placebo controlled study of recom- sion and donor number in our population. Again, binant erythropoietin has include infants less 1 this finding may be secondary to higher phle- than 750 grams. Furthermore, Maier et al botomy requirements in preterm infants with a demonstrated that low birth weight and gesta- need for supplemental oxygen. 10 However, the tional age were most predictive of transfusion in exact hemoglobin and level of respiratory sup- a population of infants receiving erythropoi- port at which oxygen delivery becomes compro- etin: Although our data indicate that recombi- mised is unknown and can only be estimated nant human erythropoietin would have the great- based on unreliable clinical parameters. Our est impact if offered to the smallest infants, finding that periventricular leukomalacia, necro- administration of erythropoietin to extremely low tizing enterocolitis, and use of dopamine are birth weight infants (<1000g) may be limited by associated with transfusion and donor number the need to supplement enteral iron and the reflect the requirement for transfusion in condi- need for frequent intramuscular injections. 16 tions with impaired tissue oxygenation. Our data Additional study is needed to determine how to emphasize the need to target infants with these safely and effectively administer this drug to conditions for reducing donor exposure. Inves- infants of the lowest birth weight. tigation of the relationship between oxygen sup- ply and demand in infants with hypotension, Anemia of prematurity has been .Dreviously clas- respiratory compromise, intestinal and cerebral sified into early and late anemia. Early anemia ischemia would aid in establishing strict guide- of prematurity is associated with high phlebotomy lines for transfusing infants with these conditions. losses. This association was emphasized in the erythropoietin trial of Shannon et al, in which An important part of the pathophysiology of the infants received a mean of 3.5 transfusions prior anemia of prematurity involves diminished re- to enrollment. 1 In our population, bronchopul- sponse of premature infants in producing eryth- monary dysplasia and patent ductus arteriosus ropoietin to a hypoxic stimulus. 8 Because of this were predictive of donor number but not transfu- attenuated ability to produce endogenous eryth- sion number. The need for surgical ligation of a ropoietin, treatment with recombinant human patent ductus has previously been shown to be erythropoietin has been employed as a therapy associated with increased blood transfusion. 14 for anemia of prematurity. " However, the We speculate that these factors were associated population of preterm infants who would derive with donor number and not transfusion number the greatest benefit from this therapy has yet to in our population, because infants with these be elucidated. In our population of VLBW in- conditions continued to receive transfusions later fants, birth weight and initial hematocrit were in their hospital course at which time they are predictive of transfusion and donor number. likely to be exposed to a new donor with each Gestational age was not predictive after multi- transfusion. variate analysis. This relationship is due to close correlation of the two variables, with birth weight Many of the variables associated with donor and superseding gestational age in the multivariate transfusion number in our investigation are not models. Brown et al have previously demon- known to the clinician at the time of birth; for strated gestational age less than 30 weeks to be example, the diagnosis of bronchopulmonary most predictive of the need for greater than two dysplasia or the length of hospital stay. Although 14 transfusions. In contrast to this data which our data indicate that these factors are important

Del Med Jrl, November 1997, Vol 69 No 11 559 Scientific Article

in contributing to the need for transfusion, it may 3. Meyer M, Meyer J, Commerford A., et al. be difficult to develop a treatment strategy using Recombinant human erythropoietin in the treat- these variables. A more useful model may be ment of the anemia of prematurity: results of a one using variables known at birth, allowing double-blind, placebo controlled study. Pedi- early intervention, since the majority of transfu- atrics 1994; 93:918-23. sions occur during the early part of an infant's hospital stay. 17 The models created using only 4. Ballin A, Arbel E, Kenet G, et al. Autologous birth weight and initial hematocrit correlated blood transfusion. Arch Dis Child well with transfusion and donor number. There- 1995; 73: f181-3. fore, these clinical variables, while not account- 5. Goodstein MH, Locke RG, Wlodarczyk D, ing for all the clinical conditions and variability Goldsmith LS, Rubenstein SD, Herman JH. associated with RBC transfusion, may be used Comparison of two preservation solutions for early in an infant's hospital course to predict erythrocyte transfusions in newborn infants. J transfusion number, initiate interventional strat- Pediatr 1993; 123: 783-88. egies, and counsel parents. 6. Ballard JL, Khoury JC, Wedig K, Wang L, In conclusion, our data are the first to demon- Eilers-Walsman BL, Lipp R. New Ballard score, strate an association between length of hospital expanded to include extremely premature in- stay, transfusion and donor number in a popula- fants. J Pediatr 1991;119:417-23. tion of VLBW infants. Defining the population of infants at greatest risk provides a target for 7. Northway WH, Rosan RC, Porter DY. Pulmo- intervention. Along with erythropoietin, strict nary disease following respirator therapy of transfusion criteria, strategies to decrease phle- hyaline-membrane disease: bronchopulmonary botomy losses, and autologous transfusion have dysplasia. N Engl J Med 1967;276:357-68. all been proposed to decrease donor exposure in infants. Our data help to provide the ground 8. Brown MS, Garcia JF, Phibbs RH, Dallman PR. work to identify a population of infants who Decrease response of plasma immunoreactive would derive the greatest benefit from such erythropoietin to "available oxygen" in anemia of prematurity. J Pediatr interventions. Further investigation is needed in 1984; 105: 793-8. order to effectively apply these interventions to a 9. Shannon KM. Anemia of prematurity: progress target population. and prospects. Am J of Pediatr Hem/Onc 1990; 12:14-20.

REFERENCES 10. Obladen M, SachenwegerM, Stahnke M. Blood sampling in very low birth weight infants re- 1. Shannon KM, Keith JF, Mentzer WC, et al. ceiving different levels of intensive care. Eur J Recombinant human erythropoietin stimulates Pediatr 1988; 147: 399-404. erythropoiesis and reduces erythrocyte transfu- sions in very low birth weight preterm infants. 11. Lackritz EM, Satten GA, Aberle-Grasse J, et al. Pediatrics 1995; 95:1-8. Estimated risk of transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus by screened blood in 2. Maier R, Obladen M, Scigalla P, et al. The the United States. New Eng J Med 1995; 333: effect of epoietin beta (recombinant human 1721-5. erythropoietin) on the need for transfusion in very low birth weight infants. N Eng J Med 12. Strauss RG. Transfusion therapy in neonates. 1994; 330:1173-8 . AJDC 1991;145:904-1 1.

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13. Stockman JA, GraeberJE, Clark DA, McClellan K, Garcia JF, Kavey RE. Anemia of prematu- rity: Determinants of the erythropoietin re- AMERICAN sponse. J Pediatr 1984;105: 786-92. HOMEPATIENT

14. Brown MS, Berman ER, Luckey D. Prediction of the need for transfusion during anemia of prematurity. J Pediatr 1990; 116:773-8. WE'VE CliANqEd OUR NAME Happy Hangs Health Care, Inc., was recently acquired by 15. Maier RF, Obladen M, Messinger D, Wardrop American HomePatient A national provider of home care products & services. As C. Factors related to transfusion in very low a valued client rest assured you & your family will continue birthweight infants treated with erythropoietin. to receive your home care products & services from the same fine people of the former Happy Harry's Health Care who have Arch Dis Child 1996;74:f182-6. always been there for you in the past.

16 Shannon K. Recombinant erythropoietin in THE PERSONAL CARING SERVICE PROMISE anemia of prematurity: five years later. We promise to serve our customers with personal Pediat- caring service. We do this by treating them with dignity rics 1993;92:614-7. & respect, just like members of our own family, giving each of them the individual attention they deserve.

17 Wideness JA., Seward VJ, Kromer IJ, Burmeister Joint Commission LF, Bell EF, Strauss RG. Changing patterns of On Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Convenient Locations red blood cell transfusion in very low birth Wilmington. DE Newark. DE West Chester. PA Dover. PA weight infants. J Pediatr 1996;129:680-7. 16-A Trolley Sq. 311 Ruthar Dr. 1128 Greenhill Rd. Olde Oak Center 302-654-8181 302454-4941 610-918-7440 302-768-0504 Administration 302454-3390 FAX 302-454-1969

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Del Med Jrl, November 1997, Vol 69 No 11 561