Conference on Digital Health 2021 September 22th, Danish Parliament. Organization of Danish Medical Societies (LVS) supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation Digital Health 2021 – Last Call to the Future, draft May 2021:

The conference at Christiansborg Castle September 22th is the fourth and final in a line of meetings on the digital revolution in health care organized by Lægevidenskabelige Selskaber, LVS, Organization of Danish Medical Societies (Royal Societies) The three introductory meetings, The Mapped Human, Hype or Hope? and The Digital Gap, were held in September 2020. The meeting at Christiansborg Castle, home of The Danish Parliament, is hosted by , chairman of the Committee on Health Affairs of the Danish Parliament and the opening speech is given by , Minister of Health.

The conference headline Last Call to the Future strikes the theme. The Corona crisis has been a wake-up call for the potential in the use of digital solutions not least in health care. But also for the recognition that and most of the other European countries have fallen behind in the digital revolution compared to the US and countries in the Far East. If we are not successful in finding European and national solutions we will be run over by countries and companies from abroad.

The timing of the conference in this respect is dramatic. The Danish Government introduced in March a National Digital Partnership with representatives from (nearly) every corner of society: the private and public sector, unions, universities etc. Headed by the chairman of The Maersk Group and Siemens AG. The Danish Parliament will reopen October 5th and later that month The Partnership will publish its recommendations. Programme schedule:

Opening: 09.00 – 09.30:

Jane Heitmann, chairman Danish Parliament Health Committee

Magnus Heunicke, Minister of Health

Susanne Axelsen, chairman LVS

Theme 1: Small country in digital trouble? 09.30 – 10.40

Introduction: Lisbeth Knudsen, Strategic Manager, Mandag Morgen (think tank)

Rikke Hougaard Zeberg, Manager Danish Industry, DI Digital

Jörn Christiansson, head of CAPE, Danish IT-university

10.40 – 11.55 Break Theme 2: Why worry? 10.55 – 12.00

Introduction: Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen, Vice Chair, OECD Paris

Anne-Marie Gerdes, chairman of National Ethics Committee

Anne Kaltoft, CEO Danish Heart Association

12.00 – 12.50 Lunch

Theme 3: Digitalisation, Hype or Hope? 12.50 – 14.00

Introduction: Mikkel Flyverbom, professor mso, Business School

Michel Nemery, manager Herlev Hospital

Maria Hald, CEO Public Sector Microsoft Denmark NHS Digital: Data and technology that improves lives

14.00 – 14.45

CEO NHS Digital, England

14.45 – 15.00 Break

Theme 4: Here is my vision! 15.00 – 16.30

Introduction: André Rogaczewski, CEO Netcompany

Susanne Axelsen, chairman LVS

Thomas Moeslund, professor, Aalborg University, AI for the People

Bjarne Dahler-Eriksen, Medical Director, Odense University

Morten Freil, CEO Danske Patienter

Stephanie Lose, chairman Danish Regions

Stinus Lindgreen, speaker, RV political Party

Martin Geertsen, speaker, Danish Liberal Party

Rasmus Horn Langhoff, speaker, Social Democratic Party

16.30: Drinks!