Ephemera Collection
TITLE: Arizona Historical Society – Papago Park Ephemera Collection DATE RANGE: Territorial Arizona – present CALL NUMBER: PP-EPH PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 120 linear feet (211 document boxes) PROVENANCE: From 2012-2014 all ephemeral and vertical file materials from multiple donors and locations were evaluated and consolidated to form a unified ephemera collection that could grow into the future. Recognition should be given to the thousands of donors and thousands of volunteer hours who collected and organized these materials. COPYRIGHT: Copyright varies RESTRICTIONS: None CREDIT LINE: Ephemera Collection, PP-EPH, Box/Folder #, Arizona Historical Society – Papago Park PROCESSED BY: Michelle Bickert, 2012-2014 HISTORICAL NOTE: The Ephemera Collection is an active, artificial collection featuring donations from multiple sources. The Ephemera Files donated to AHS by the Arizona Historical Foundation (AHF) comprise the core of this collection. Files from the AHS vertical files and Small Manuscripts collection were integrated during the process of removing duplicates, combining files, and evaluating the physical condition of these materials. SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE: The Ephemera Collection is the largest ready reference collection in the AHS-Papago Park archives, containing approximately ten thousand items. Ephemeral materials were created for immediate rather than long-term use such as pamphlets, brochures, advertisements. It represents a wide range of social, economic, cultural and ethnic communities reflecting the spectrum of human activity, past and present, with an emphasis on mid-20th century Phoenix. The folder contents vary widely between one document and several. The files contain both primary and secondary sources, originals and photocopies, including but not limited to: newspaper clippings, programs, reports, fliers, promotional materials, tickets, brochures, advertisements, and articles.
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