MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Combustion, shock wave physics and vapour explosions: 47 Mechanical Engineering dust combustion, solid and liquid propellants, explosion hazard, and nuclear reactor safety. Department of Mechanical Engineering Computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer: turbulent, Macdonald Engineering Building reacting and multiphase flows in engineering equipment and in the 817 Sherbrooke Street West environment. Montreal, QC Fluid-structure interactions and dynamics: vibrations and Canada H3A 2K6 instabilities of cylindrical bodies, fluidelasticity, aeroelasticity, Telephone: (514) 398-6281 dynamics of shells containing axial and annular flows. Fax: (514) 398-7365 Email:
[email protected] Manufacturing and Industrial engineering: thermoelastic Website: effects in machine tools, functional behaviour of machined surfaces, optimization in production systems. Chair — S.J. Price Robotics and automation: artificial intelligence based simulation Chair of Graduate Program — N. Hori of industrial processes, design optimization of manipulators, finite automata, geometric modeling and control systems. 47.1 Staff Solid mechanics: composite materials, fracture, fatigue and Emeritus Professors reliability, microscopic and macroscopic approaches. D.R. Axelrad; M.Eng.Sc.(Sydney), D.Sc.Eng.(Vienna), M.N.A.Sc., Space dynamics: orbital analysis, large space structures, space F.I.A.S.(Berlin), M.G.A.M.M.(Germany), Eng. manipulators and tethered satellites. R. Knystautas; B.Eng., M.Eng., Ph.D.(McG.), Eng. W. Bruce; B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc.(Tor.), Eng. 47.3 Admission Requirements J. Cherna; Dipl.Eng.(Swiss Fed. Inst.), Eng., F.E.I.C. B.G. Newman; M.A.(Cantab.), Ph.D.(Syd.), Eng., F.C.A.S.I., The general rules of the Faculty of Graduate Studies apply.