Thk London Gazette, May 1$ 1874. 2575
THK LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 1$ 1874. 2575, *e vicarage "or vicarages, in his or their diocese or Siis consent, in. writing, to the union of the • said' «* dioceses, being either in the same parish or con- benefices: into one benefice, with cure of souls for- " tiguous to each other; and-of which the aggregate ecclesiastical purposes; that six weeks and upwards1 " population shall not exceed one thousand five trefore certifying such inquiry and consent to yom? •" hundred persons, and the aggregate yearly value Majesty in Council we caused copies in writing ofj " shall not exceed five hundred pounds, may, with the aforesaid representation of the said Lord Bishop " advantage to the interests of religion, be united to be affixed on the principal outer door of the' 4t into one benefice, the said Archbishop of the parish church of each of the said benefices, with " Province shall inquire into the circumstances of notice, to any person or persons interested that hey •"• the case ; and if on such enquiry it shall appear she, or they might, within such six weeks, show- *' to him that such union may be usefully made, cause, in writing, under his, her, or their hand or " and will not be of inconvenient extent, and that j lands to us, the said Archbishop, against such " the patron or patrons of the said benefices, union, and no such cause has been shown; the- " sinecure rectory or rectoriesj vicarage or vicar- representation of the said Lord Bishop of Worces- •" ages respectively, is or are consenting thereto, ter, our inquiry into the circumstances
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