ABSTRACTS 45th Annual Meeting and Symposium Las Vegas, Nevada February 20–23, 2020 FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING AND SYMPOSIUM THE DESERT TORTOISE COUNCIL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA February 19–23, 2020 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS AND POSTERS (Abstracts arranged alphabetically by last name of first author) *Speaker, if not the first author listed Connectivity and the Framework for Recovery of the Mojave Desert Tortoise Linda J. Allison Desert Tortoise Recovery Office, US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1340 Financial Blvd. #234, Reno, Nevada 89502. Email:
[email protected] The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has standards for determining whether species should have federal protection. It also has standards for describing a viable species, couched in terms of representation, redundancy, and resilience. These characteristics were used in the 1994 Recovery Plan to design and evaluate the size and location of proposed critical habitat units for the Mojave desert tortoise. Regarding long-term representation and resilience, critical habitat units were designed to sustain a population of at least 5000 adult tortoises. In situations where the critical habitat unit was smaller than the threshold of 500 sqmi or if the number of tortoises was found to be fewer than 5000, it was expected that land management would result in connectivity to larger populations outside the critical habitat unit and to other critical habitat units. At the time the original recovery plan was developed, there were no estimates of the number of tortoises in any particular critical habitat unit and little information about how tortoise populations were connected for short-term viability. In the meantime, we are able to use population estimates to evaluate connectivity management needs for critical habitat units and to describe what long- and short-term connectivity entails for tortoise populations.