Rosebay Rhododendron Rhododendron Maximum
SUMMER 2004, VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 NEWSLETTER OF THE NORTH AMERICAN NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY Native Plant to Know Rosebay rhododendron Rhododendron maximum by Kevin Kavanagh Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest, tucked away inside the Nantahala National Forest RANTON of North Carolina’s Appalachian G Mountains, is one of those RIGITTE North American pil- B grimages that all botanists should make at least once in ILLUSTRATION BY their lives.As a graduate student in for- est ecology, I had read about it in the scientific literature, one of the best examples of an old-growth ‘cove’ forest on the continent: massive tulip trees (Lirio- dendron tulipifera) more than 500 years old, east- ern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis) rivalling their large elliptic leaves forming a delicate pat- Appalachian chain.Although hardy in eastern their west-coast tern against the bright yellows of overstorey Canadian gardens, Rhododendron maximum rainforest cousins tulip trees in peak autumn coloration.Along does not penetrate naturally into Canada. in size and age, mountain streams, the trails wove in among While there are historical accounts from and, along the expansive rhododendron thickets that in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova streams, dense under- places rose more than 10 metres (30 feet) over- Scotia, none of them, to my knowledge, have storey stands of rosebay rhododendrons head on gnarled stems (trunks!), the largest of been authenticated. (Rhododendron maximum) forming a dark which were close to 30 centimetres (one foot) In its native range, rosebay rhododendron canopy overhead. in diameter. (also known as great-laurel or great rhododen- To call it a canopy is not embellishment.
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