MONTEREY Detachments 294, 316 and 317; 15 Casual Officers, 3 Nurses, 3 Civilians and Another 1 Embalmer

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MONTEREY Detachments 294, 316 and 317; 15 Casual Officers, 3 Nurses, 3 Civilians and Another 1 Embalmer Pershing Reports Transports Due Next Three Days RESORTS _RESORTS_ 294 Casuaities in NORTH ASBCRY PAKK, N. J. To-day .........HNMBI A, E. F. Troops ."pHE Antonio Lopez, from Bordeaux, May 2, carriea 1,174 officers and NEW men. Among the units aboard are Special Casual Companies 538, 541, 542 and 544; the 325th Infantry Headquarters and 2d Battalion Medical Commaiiding General Adds Detachment, 326th and 327th Infantry Detachments, Bordeaux Convalescent MONTEREY Detachments 294, 316 and 317; 15 casual officers, 3 nurses, 3 civilians and Another 1 embalmer. Day's Quota to Sun rliMM.5:40jSun sets.8:05 Zone," Lieutenant J. H. H. Mulrhead, HOTEL Moon rises.8 :55 p. m. Moon sets..5 :54 a. m. R. E.. Public School 39, Longwood Ave¬ The Luella, from St. Nazaire, April 17, has on board the 28th Casual Losses Sustained nue, Kelly and Beck Streets. by Men, 'Through the Island of Java," Bverett B. Detachment Ordnance Convoy, consisting of 2 enlisted men. The Ideal Resort Hotel. Both in Field and Thompson. Public School 63, 168th The South Pole, from Nantes, April 13, has on board an ordnance OPENING JUNE 28 Hospital Weather Street, Findlay and Teller Avenues. dotachment of 3 enlisted men. Report convoy consisting Dlrectly on Ocean. All outside rooms; WARD LINE Local Forecast..Partly cloudy to-day and The Espagne, from Havre, May 4, carries 317 officers and men, hot end cold salt water in bath rooms. to-morrow : not much in Among Direct service on fast twtn-screit change temperature ; the units on board are the 3964th Casual NEW MONTEREY steamers from New WASHINGTON, May 14..General gentle to moderate variable winds. Company (scattered), special GRILL York to casual companies 3993 and 3994 (discharges); 6 casual officers, 1 field clerk Entirely new.service a la carte and Pershing to-day reported 294 additional Local Official Record..The following of¬ and 55 civilians. JCRSCYi danclcg.largest and most beautlful WEEKLY casuaities in the American ficial record shows temperatures during the on the Jersey Coast. Ideal for motor¬ HAVANA} expedition- last twenty-four hours, in comparison with The Plattsburg, from Brest, May 7, carries 1,899 officers and men. ists MEXICO ary forces. are divided as SHERMAN JSAIUNGS They fol¬ the corresponding date of last year: High Water Among the units on board are the 322d Field Artillery (complete); medi- lhe Finest Sea Shore ! DENNTS, Manager To Progreso. Vera Cruz & lows: A. M. P.M. Resort, New York Office, 8 West 40th St. Titmpico qal Detachment; 20th Liverpool Convalescent Detachment; Brest Conva¬ 'Phone Vanderbilt.2290. Regular Salllngs to Nassau. Bahamaa. 3 a. m... Sandy Hook . 8:46 0:02 a Killed in action, three; died from wounds, for Spring-time Vacation. Litcrature and on . 9:21 H:-9 lescent 235 to 238 2 casual officers. full information four; died of accident and other causes. 6 a. m... Governor's Island Detachments, inclusive; Hell Gate.11:20 11:16 request. twelve; die<» of disease, fifteen wounded 9 a. m... The Hudson, from Bordeaux, April 29, carries 652 officers and men. NortK New York and nineteen: 12 noon.. Cnba Mail S. S. Co. severely, wounded (degrce unde¬ YESTERDAY Amo'ng the units on board are 325th Infantry Headquarters THE SECOND PAN-AMEMCAN Foot of Wall Street, New York. termined), twenty-seven; wounded slightly, Highest. 74, at 2:30 p. m.; lowest, 54, at ARRIVED Company, Asbu-ry Park 213: missing in action. one;, total. 294. 7 a. m. ; average, 64; average same date VESSEL. PORT DEPART. Detachment Company M and Sanitary Detachment, 536th Casual Com¬ N.J. The total G. Verdl.Gibraltar .May 4 AERONAUTIC CONVENTION casuaities for army and last year, 64 ; average same date for thirty- 2 pany, Virginia, Casual Companies, 537th, 539th, 540th Casual Marine are now three 59. Pesaro.Gibraltar.May Company; will be held the entire month Corps 293,807. years, Vaarll.Brest .April 29 N. Y.; 158th Detachments of A and K during SrRING LAKE BEACH. N. J. 5 Infantry, Companies (Camp Travis), of May. Every type of Army and Marine Casuaities to Date Humidity Phoenlx.Brest .May 14 casual officers. aeroplane, Reported Hlckman.Brest .April 29 dirigible will be represented. An 14. Total. a. m-61 1 p. m_26 8 p. m-45 Nevada.Gibraltar .... .'April 29 The Floridian, from St. Nazaire, May 5, carries 1,799 officers and men. heroic of the aces of the , May Helenus.Southampton .April 29 gathering Killed in action. 3 both our ZA N C MX> R the on from own air Died of 35,075 Barometer Readinfa Baitic.Gotherrburg .April 23 Among units board are the 113th Infantry, 2d and 3d Battalion air, fleets, and wounds. accidents and P. de Satrustegui.Bordeaux .May 2 those of our allies. ESSEX&SUSSEX Passenger and Frehrht Service* and at a. m..29.94 1 m.. 29.87 8 m.. 29.81 Headquarters, Detachment of 2d and 3d disease, lost sea. 31 41,85*? p. 1 p. Moorlsh Prince.London .April 27 Sanitary Battalion, Companies Aerial NEW YORK to UVERP00L Wounded . 259 206,800 Normajl Monarch. .Gibraltar .April 20 C to G (inclusive) and 1 to M (inclusive), and 1 casual officer. Contesta, Tournaments, Etc Hotel and Missing . i OTHER PEOPLE'S WEATHER Lake Indian.Nuevltas .May 7 Cottages Mauretania . in 6,646 A GATHERING OF IISTER- May IJ hands of enemy. 25 May 14..The pressure is Algonquin.Pt. Peata ....April 27 Royal Prisoners released and re¬ WASHINGTON, Lake Duncan.Antilla 7 George.May 20 nuite uniform, but low over practically all .May To-morrow NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. Lake N. J. Orduna turned . 4,504 of with the of Valdez.Havana.May 8 Spring Beach, .May 22 parts the country, region Gen. A. H. Ernst.Crlstobal .May 7 The West Shore, from St. Nazaire, May 2, carries 31 officers and men. Caronia 24 maximum depression over Northern Minne- Cooba.lacksonville 9 Atlantic with its .May Totals . 294 293,807 ..May The tuiits on board are Motor Transport Detachments and Ord¬ City wonderful Directly on the Ocean Carmania . sota and the west plateau region. Within Brighton.Philadelphia ...May 12 Convoy climate, and May 2- NEW YORK CITY AND VICINITY the last twenty-four hours there were light Poeldljk.Norfolk.May 12 nance Convoy Detachment. delightful aurroundings Royal i, local rains in the upper Lake region, the War offers a wide range of recreaticn. America's Finest Resort Hotel George.Ju.e Died of Wounds Kojo.Norfolk .May 1 2 The Yale, from Brest, May 6, carries 298 officers and men. Among upper Mississippi Valley, the south AtlantSc Magdalena.Philadelphia ..May 12 and Cold Sea OrdunaCaronia.june COHEN. Abraham, private, 366 Cypress states and on the north Pacific coast. Fair Algonquin.Turk's Island .May 9 .the units on board are Special Companies 4422 and 4423 (discharges), Golf. Horse-back riding, Roll- Hot Water .june ^ Avenue, Bronx. weather prevailed in other regions. Pheirix.Norfolk .May 12 844th Casual 36 casual officers ing Chairs, Fishing, Sailing, NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH. HAVRE Wounded Temperatures are now near or above the Calamares.St. Nazalre ...May 4 Company, and 7 civilians. etc. Severely 9 Concerts and Dancing June 18th and LONDON BRADLEY, Paul W., corporal, Short seasonal average in all parts of the country Turrelaba.Kingston .May on Opens Hills. N. J. except the Carolinas and Virginia. Matlnicock.Tuxpam.May 6 the Piers, Theatres, Sivim- Saxonia ' GINSBERG. Harris The outlook is for weather, Magdalena.Philadelphia .May 13 Saturday ming Pools, Class New York Office: .May L., private, 64 East partly cloudy The Noordam, from carries officers and men. High Hotel NEW YORK to 50UTHAMP10N 113th Street, New York City. with moderate temperature over much of Brest, May 7, 1,869 Service. 8 West 40th TEDESCO, William, private, Irving, N. Y. the country east of the Mississippi River IKCOMIXG STEAMERS Among the units on board are the 125th Infantry, 3d Battalion, less 23 Street, or Plaza Hotel Aquitania.june '" a The and There is Due - Wounded during Thursday Friday. To-day officers detached; 126th Medical Detachment and Leading Houses Are Always Open F. T. KEATING - Mauretania.June (Degree Undetermined) possibility of local showers, however, in the Luella.St. Infantry, Companies Manager Nazalre ..Apr. 17 and will gladlr furnish full infertnitinn, r>u^, Aquitania .June ji BROWN, Ernest, corporal, Indian Lake, region of the Great Lakes, the Ohio Valley South Pole.Nantes .Apr. 13 I and L (scattered, Casual Companies 4419, 843 and 835, 31 casual officers, 21-24 STATE STREET. NEW states. Anionlo etc, upon request (Hololj aro all Amwicu YOR and the middle Atlantic Lopez.Bordeaux ....May 2 1 nurse and 21 civilians. Plan. unlr,» ..iherwiie BRAWLEY. John, private, 301 East Thir- Forecasts for Special Districts.Southern Espagne.Havre .May 4 noted) BY THE ty-eighth Street, New York City. New England.Partly cloudy Thursday, Hudson.Bordeaux .Apr. 29 DOWDEN, Joseph. 3 Knox Ave¬ west Floridlan.St. Nazalre ..May 5 ftiiriiwcough-Blenheim Hotei Dennis The .SEA rNTERNATToi^^ private, cooler in interior; Friday, cloudy. American and Monmouth nue. Johnstown. N. Y. Plattsburg.Brest.May 7 Transport Sailings Walter J. Buzbr Spring Lake, N. .T. FRANK C. MOORE. Mjx. announced were: European Plaua June 19. N KEARNEY, John J., private, 68 Douglass Transport sailings to-day JoBiahWhite&SonuCo. Open Y. Booking Offlce. 8 W. 40th St. MERCANT1LE A4ARINE Street, Brooklyn. Eastern New York, Eastern Pennsylvania Due Friday Charleston, due New York May 22, Medical and Ordnance Detach¬ Hotel Strand WARD, Merlin L., N. Y. Hotel St. Charles F. B. Off and Brown's Mills-in-the-Pines, N. J. private, Hornell, and New Jersey.Partly cloudy Thursday and West Shore.St.
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