Extensions of Remarks E1 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E1 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS January 3, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- SAGO MINE COAL MINING important examples of this was an event little SITY OF MARYLAND MEN’S SOC- ACCIDENT noticed at the time, but which has turned out CER TEAM ON WINNING THE 2005 to be of great significance in the ongoing bat- NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP HON. NICK J. RAHALL II tle against homophobia. On January 26, 1976, OF WEST VIRGINIA a courageous, thoughtful, committed young IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gay man named Mark Segal presided over the HON. STENY H. HOYER Tuesday, January 3, 2006 publication of the first issue of the Philadelphia Gay News. OF MARYLAND Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of all PGN is now widely known for its leadership IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES West Virginians, our hearts and prayers are role in one of the great fights for social justice with the families and loved ones of those who that has marked recent American history. It Tuesday, January 3, 2006 are trapped in the Sago Mine in Upshur Coun- was started in a rundown building at 13th and ty, West Virginia. We extend our hope that Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to Locust Streets in Philadelphia, a building families will be reunited and lives will be congratulate the University of Maryland Men’s which lacked plumbing and electricity. What it saved. did not lack was heart and brains. From the Soccer Team, the 2005 National Collegiate Once again, when it mattered most, West outset, under the leadership of Mark Segal, Athletic Association Champions. The Maryland Virginians have risen to the occasion. The PGN has been a strong force for fairness in Terrapins claimed the 2005 NCAA Champion- men and women who are tirelessly dedicating our society. ship, 1–0, over the University of New Mexico their efforts to recovering our fellow Americans It was under PGN’s auspices that the first Lobos at SAS Complex in Cary, North Caro- are to be commended and applauded. The mayoral forum was held in Philadelphia where lina, on December 11, 2005. community that is extending their support to all of the candidates for that office spoke to The University of Maryland Men’s Soccer the families and friends who are patiently wait- the issues facing the LGBT community. Later ing at this critical time are also helping in this Team has had a very successful season of PGN organized the first AIDS awareness day difficult and tenuous time. in the city, and it has grown both in size and which we can all be proud. In addition to the Though we are all anxiously anticipating National Collegiate Athletic Association Cham- influence throughout its history. their safe return, I urge everyone to take a Mark Segal deserves congratulations for his pionship, the Terrapins won the 2005 Atlantic moment and ask our Creator for his full sup- role as the sole owner and publisher of PGN Coast Conference Regular Season Champion- port in these efforts. As a West Virginian, I am for 30 uninterrupted years—a longevity record ship and had an overall record of 19–4–2. proud of the way both our state leaders and for LGBT newspapers, and an admirable They also set a school record of 66 goals. Ad- residents have responded to this disaster. record for any media outlet in these days of ditionally, the Maryland Terrapins are the first f increasing corporatization and the diminution team since 1992 to win the tournament as the 30 YEARS OF JOURNALISTIC of journalistic independence. number one seed. LEADERSHIP The work of Mark Segal and PGN has been The Terrapins’ Men’s Soccer Program has a honored by a wide range of organizations, in- history of successes. In just the past four sea- cluding LGBT advocacy groups, and profes- HON. ROBERT A. BRADY sional journalistic associations. They include sons, the Terps have amassed 76 wins, the OF PENNSYLVANIA the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defa- most in the NCAA during the 4-year span. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mation; the Pennsylvania Newspaper Associa- addition, the Terrapins won their first national Tuesday, January 3, 2006 tion; The Society for News Design; and The soccer title in 1968, when it shared the title Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, Society for Professional Journalists. with Michigan State. on behalf of myself and my colleagues, the Emblematic of Mark Segal’s refusal to ac- The coaches who have led the Terrapins to gentlewoman from Wisconsin, Ms. BALDWIN, cept anything less than equality for himself victory are Head Coach Sasho Cirovsky, As- and the gentleman from Massachusetts, Mr. and members of the LGBT community is the sistant Coach Russell Payne, and Assistant FRANK, I submit these remarks commemo- fact that he now sits on the Board of the Coach Rob Vartughian. Also assisting the rating a very important anniversary in the his- Pennsylvania Newspaper Association, which team were Associate Athletics Director Shawn toric struggle of lesbian, gay, bisexual and for 15 years had refused to allow PGN even Flynn, Trainer Terry Gee, and Adam Zundell transgender people for equal treatment under to join. Mr. Speaker, as the Member of the with Sports Information. University of Maryland the law. House in whose district PGN is published, I Athletics Director Debbie Yow was also essen- Thirty years ago, in 1976, the notion of or- speak from personal experience of its impor- tial to their success. ganized activity to combat discrimination tance as a respected and invaluable source of based on sexual orientation and gender iden- information, much of which would otherwise The gifted athletes include the following Uni- tity was an extremely controversial one. No- go unpublished. And I know that my col- versity of Maryland students: Spencer Allen, where in America did lesbian, gay or bisexual leagues from Wisconsin and Massachusetts Matt Beckman, Kenney Bertz, Marc Burch, people have any legal protections against share my high opinion of the extraordinary im- Robbie C’deBaca, Kwame Darko, A.J. being dismissed or otherwise disadvantaged in portant role that PGN plays in our fight against Delagarza, Michael DelIo-Russo, Maurice Edu, the job market. Eleven years before that, prejudice. Jason Garey, David Glaudemans, A.J. when Congress passed what was generally Mr. Speaker, for 30 years, in the face of a Godbolt, Aki Kadotani, Stephen King, Chris considered to be a liberalization of U.S. immi- good deal of initial hostility and subsequent in- Lancos, Michael Marchiano, Kevin Reiman, gration law, that law included on the rec- difference at best, Mark Segal and PGN have Doug Rodkey, Robbie Rogers, Craig Salvati, ommendation of Democratic Presidents and shone the light on sexual orientation and gen- Chris Seitz, Kevin Tangney, Michael Vallie, adopted without dissent in a Democratic Con- der identity prejudice not just in the United Pat Wilson, and Graham Zusi. gress a tightening on the prohibition against States but in the world, and have helped to di- gay or lesbian people even being tourists in minish it—although we obviously have a long Mr. Speaker, in addition to promoting dis- the United States. Here in the Congress, no way to go. I am very proud to be able to sa- cipline and health, collegiate athletics provide serious effort was underway to deal with the lute this important pioneer in the fight for so- a wonderful training ground for future leaders severe legal and other handicaps that were cial justice, and to express my confidence, and I expect that we will see great things imposed on our fellow gay, lesbian, bisexual and that of my colleagues from Wisconsin and come from these young men in the future. I and transgender citizens. Massachusetts, that as long as there is a applaud the University of Maryland’s 2005 But the stirrings of change were apparent need to combat homophobia, we will be able Men’s Soccer Team on its success. for those who look closely. One of the most to count on PGN’s leadership role. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:35 Jan 04, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03JA8.001 E03JAPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 3, 2006 CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- are proud of the players and the coaches for Sergeant Reali, 25, was born in Denair, SITY OF MARYLAND WOMEN’S their tremendous effort put forth on behalf of California, then relocated to the central San FIELD HOCKEY TEAM ON WIN- the Mountain State. I would like to personally Joaquin Valley. She was a 1999 graduate of NING THE 2005 NCAA CHAMPION- congratulate Coach Rodriguez, his players Fresno High School and enlisted to serve in SHIP and his coaching team on such a ‘‘sweet’’ vic- the U.S. Army in 2000. Ms. Reali’s military ca- tory. Thanks for making us proud to be Moun- reer includes graduation from basic training at HON. STENY H. HOYER taineers. Fort Jackson, South Carolina and advanced OF MARYLAND f individual training as a civil affairs specialist at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School HONORING THE CITY OF MID- and Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Ms. Tuesday, January 3, 2006 DLETON, WI ON ITS SESQUI- Reali’s dedication led her to receive various Mr. HOYER. Mr.
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