Featured Publication & Special Members Only Downloadable Chapter ILA Members publish on the topic of leadership from a variety of perspectives. We are pleased to feature a selection of these publications in this newsletter and our Web site. In the Member Connector, authors take you behind the scenes, sharing their perspectives on the work, how the work informs contemporary issues, and highlighting points of interest to ILA members. If you have a recent publication and are interested in being featured in this column, please contact ILA membership services, at
[email protected] or 301.405.5218 for consideration. Featured Publication Through the Labyrinth: The Truth About How Women Become Leaders by by Alice H. Eagly and Linda L. Carli (Harvard Business School Press, 2007) Alice Eagly is Profes- Linda Carli received sor and Department her Ph.D. in social ILA Members Chair of Psychol- psychology from the Download Chapter 9: “Do ogy at Northwestern University of Massa- Organizations Compromise5. University. Eagly has chusetts at Amherst, Women’s Leadership” published widely on where she studied the psychology of at- gender differences in titudes, especially at- interaction and infl u- Log in at: http://www.ila- titude change, attitude ence. She has published and presented net.org/Members/index.asp structure, and attitu- papers on the effects of gender on group to access this Membership dinal selectivity in information processing. interaction, communication and infl uence; Benefi t! She is equally devoted to the study of leadership; and reactions to adversity and gender, with a focus on the social behavior victimization. She joined the faculty at Debra DeRuyver (ILA Staff): of women and men and a special em- Wellesley in 1991 and teaches a variety of One of the fi rst assertions phasis on the study of leadership and on courses, including organizational psychol- in your book is that the evolutionary issues.