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16_384374-bindex.qxp 11/13/08 10:51 PM Page 177 177 de Young Museum, The Berkeley Art Museum, Index 3, 90 157 Index Museum of Craft and Bike and Roll, 168 See also Accommoda- Folk Art, 15 Bike Hut, 169 tions and Restaurant San Francisco Museum Bike rentals, 168–169 indexes, below. of Modern Art Biking, 4, 40 (SFMOMA), 4, 13–14 Bill Weber Mural, 55 A Arts and entertainment, Bimbo’s 365 Club, 126 AAA, 172 129–136. Biordi Art Imports, 55, 75–76 AARP, 173 best, 130 Biscuits & Blues, 122 Access America, 170 classical and choir Blazing Saddles, 168 Accessible Journeys, 174 music, 133 Blondie’s Bar and No Grill, 128 Access Travel, 174 comedy and cabaret, Bloomingdales, 72–73 Accommodations, 137–150. 133 Blues bars, 122–123 See also Accommodations dance, 133–134 Blues Festival, San Francisco, Index opera, 134–135 163 bed & breakfasts, 168 spectator sports, 135 Blur, 121 best, 138 Asawa, Ruth, 57 Boating, 90 A.C.T. (American Conserva- Ashbury Tobacco Center, 37 Bonsai Villa, 60 tory Theater), 136 Asian Art Museum, 49 Book Passage, 72 Adams, Ansel, 14, 15 ATMs (automated teller Books Inc., 72 A Different Light, 65 machines), 168 Bookstores, 71–72 AirBART shuttle, 166 Aulenti, Gae, 49 The Boom Boom Room, 122 Airport shuttles, 166 Australia Bottom of the Hill, 126 Air travel, 166, 176 embassy and consulate Boulange de Polk, 53 A La Carte, A La Park, 163 of, 169 Bound Together Book- Alamo Square Historic travel insurance, 171 store, 36 District, 51 Autumn, 163–164 Bourbon & Branch, 121 Alcatraz Island, 4, 11 Avis, 165 Brewpubs, 123 Allstate, 171 Bridgeway
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