EN_GAST_IND.QXD 08/31/2005 11:31 AM Page 825 Index The bold letter t or f following a page reference indicates that the information appears on that page only in a table or figure, respectively. abdomen: examination of, 41–8; regions, 43f acetylcholine, 145, 190t abdominal aortic reconstruction, 275t acetyl-CoA, 53 abdominal mass: about, 37–40; with colon N-acetylcysteine, 582 cancer, 365t; and constipation, 386; with achalasia, 118f; about, 121–2; Crohn’s disease, 314, 342t; with cystic cricopharyngeal, 117t, 118; esophageal, fibrosis, 456; GI tract, 307, 373, 375, 379; 6–8, 14, 96, 118f, 120f; and gas, 14; and with hepatocellular carcinoma, 647; in Hirschsprung’s disease, 388; vigorous, pancreas, 434, 445; with ulcerative colitis, 121–2 342t achlorhydria, 57t, 217, 245t, 451 abetalipoproteinemia, 194, 201t acid perfusion test, 98, 106t abscesses: amebic, 392; anorectal, 397, 399, acid suppressants, 145 406–7; appendiceal, 320t; colonic, 391; acidosis: children, 687t, 689, 698, 715, 727t, crypt, 285, 331, 332f; diverticuler, 253; 729; cirrhosis, 571, 591; ischemia, 253, and diverticulitis, 373; eosinophilic, 114; 266; liver transplantation, 641; pancreatitis, horseshoe, 406; liver, 474; lung, 113; 433t; ulcerative colitis, 335 pancreatic, 434; pararectal, 316t; perianal, acids (chemicals), 115 344t acinar cells, 56, 418–19, 422 absorption: of carbohydrates, 194–9, 227–8; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. see in colon, 360, 362–4; of electrolytes, AIDS 185–92, 333; of fat, 192–4; of glucose, acrodermatitis enteropathica, 205t 194f; principles of, 178; of protein, actinomycosis, 149 199–202; of vitamins and minerals, acute abdomen, 24–7 178–83; of water, 183–5, 360 acute mesenteric ischemia, 252–4 acanthosis, glycogen, esophageal, 126t acyclovir, 294t, 301, 653 acanthosis nigricans, 126 acyclovir treatment, 114 ACE inhibitors.
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