Janis Ruksans, Dr.biol.h.c. Late summer/autumn 2006 Bulb Nursery Box 2, P.O. ROZULA LV-4150 Cesis distr. LATVIA /fax +371 – 41-33-223 +371 - 941-84-40, 41-00-326 All prices for single bulb E-mail:
[email protected] in EURO Dear friends! New Year and new gardening season comes and my new catalogue goes to you. It is a little shorter than usually - not for shortage of items includable (with pain in heart I striped out many names) but this summer I want to rebuild my bulb shed and it will limit my possibilities to harvest bulbs and to work with them. Last summer was very busy year. I rebuilt one of my greenhouses - it was very nervous process due shortage of workers (three teams were changed), I was forced to dig out all bulbs, to change soil - but now working in it is much more comfortable. I and my wife Guna organized for the first time “Open door days” and we had 18 visitors from Britain, arranged programm including lectures, visits of gardens, museum, nature, Opera etc. All visitors were very satisfied with visit. Sorry, this season we can’t to arrange OPEN DOOR DAYS due my lecture tour in North America and expedition plans. But I’m planning repeat such days in future, too. Last season Mrs. Kristl Walek from Canada (Gardens North – Seeds from the world) in her catalogue revealed the fact that I had been bearing in my mind an idea about a book on bulbs and my experience with them.