By Terri Paluszkiewicz, Roland W. Garwood and Donald W. Denbo

DEEP is a process in which recent advances in the study of deep open-ocean the mesoscale ocean circulation and atmospheric convective plumes. forcing work together to weaken the ambient Deep convection occurs primarily in the Green- This process plays stratification and to cause surface waters to sink land, Labrador, Weddell, and Mediterranean Seas, to great depths with large vertical velocities. and the water masses formed in these locations an important role in This process plays an important role in bottom contribute to the deep circulation. Estimates of the bottom and and intermediate water formation and ultimately amount of deep water formed by open-ocean deep in the large-scale , convection range from 5 × 106 to 10 × 106 m 3 intermediate water which in turn plays a central part in determining s-~; this is of the same order of magnitude as the global climate. Until now, our understanding of estimates of deep water produced near ocean formation and deep convection was based on observations and boundaries (7 × 106 to 10 × 106 m 3 s -~) (Sankey, ultimately in the models of the mesoscale effects of deep convec- 1973; Killworth, 1979, 1983; Carmack, 1990). tion. With recent advances in numerical model- During the preconditioning phase of deep convec- large-scale ing techniques and instrumentation, we have tion, a background of low static stability is cre- thermohaline begun to study the role of the mixing elements: ated. This is followed by a mixing phase that oc- the deep, penetrative convective plumes shown curs where preconditioning has been active and is circulation . . . in Figure I. These plumes are turbulent, have a characterized by intense and rapid cooling, evapo- large vertical scale and have attributes that are ration and/or freezing. Surface waters then become unique for turbulent plumes: they are affected denser than deeper waters; as a consequence, by the nonlinear relationship between tempera- parcels of water descend with entrainment and ture and pressure in the density of sea water and vigorous mixing at vertical velocities of 2-10 cm by rotation. Numerical model results, such as s -~. In the sinking and spreading phase, the newly those shown here, clearly demonstrate that tur- formed dense water equilibrates with the surround- bulent mixing affects climate-related processes; ings and spreads horizontally. that is, deep convective plumes are evidence Deep convective plumes (Fig. 1) transport and that small-scale features affect the large-scale mix water over many hundreds of meters during a circulation. time period of hours to days (Aagaard and Car- Two types of convection have been linked with mack, 1989). Where deep convection occurs, the deep water formation: near-boundary sinking and across-isopycnal advection produces intermediate deep penetrative sinking in the open ocean and bottom water and controls the vertical struc- (Solomon, 1974; Carmack, 1990). The proper rep- ture of deep water masses. Ultimately, these water resentation of these processes in numerical models masses influence the deep circulation patterns that becomes important in simulating the thermohaline in turn affect the meridional heat transport within circulation. In coarse resolution models, open- the ocean. Manabe and Stouffer's (1993) climate ocean deep convection is not resolved, and re- simulations have shown that the thermal and dy- search is underway to understand the process and namical structure of the oceans could change in re- to develop a parameterization of this process for sponse to model climates with increased CO2. In ocean circulation models. The near-boundary sink- their simulations, the addition of low-salinity sur- ing is also of interest, but here we focus on some face water at high latitudes prevents the ventilation of the deep ocean, thus reducing, or in some cases nearly extinguishing, the thermohaline circulation. T. Paluszkiewicz, D.W. Denbo, Pacific Northwest Labora- The dynamics of the oceanic uptake of CO~ and tory, Battelle/Marine Sciences Laboratory, 1529 W. Sequim tracers is therefore strongly determined by the rate Bay Rd., Sequim, WA 98382, USA. R.W. Garwood, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93940, USA. of downward transport of surface waters to depth.

OCEANOGRAPHY°VoI.7, NO. 2"1994 37 Active convective elements with horizontal scales of <1 km have been observed in the Green- land Sea (Schott et al., 1993a) and (Schott et al., 1993b; The THETIS Group, 500 1994). Surface evidence of convective plumes was T found in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery by Carsey and Garwood (1993) (Fig. 2a). The SAR imagery was able to distinguish plumes be- i000 cause they appeared to be ice covered and the con- vective return areas were open water. The sizes of the plumes (200-400 m in diameter) agreed with model experiments and with the scaling arguments 1500 of Jones and Marshall (1993). The surface expres- sion of plumes and the association with ice indi- cate that the brine from ice growth might act as a trigger of convection. The compensating upwelling flow and consequent heat flux may retard ice 500~" growth. Scott and Killworth (1991) found evi- dence of vertical plumes that were not the result of surface instabilities. These vertically well-mixed

If . . . ;. areas may have been 3 km wide and extended lOOO downward from the base of the (Fig. 3a.). These observations indicate that there may be , L two different modes of instability, parcel instabili- ties and layer instabilities. 1500 T Theories and Hypotheses for Deep Convective 2000 2500 2000 2500 2000 2500 2000 Plumes east (rn) 2500 e~t (m) east, (ra) Gravity-driven oceanic convection is both •" 0.04 m/s nonlinear and nonhydrostatic, with three-dimen- -1.6 -1.5 -1.4 -1.3 -1.2 -1.1 sional interactions among turbulent eddies result- ('~ ing in a cascade of turbulent kinetic energy Fig. l: The simulated potential temperature evolution from an LES experi- (TKE) from the largest plume scale to the mi- ment of open-ocean deep convective plume formation (Courtesy D. Denbo). croscale. The following two processes, normally negligible in turbulent boundary-layer dynamics, become important in the deep convective plumes: Observations of Deep Convective Plumes (i) thermobaricity, a consequence of the nonlinear There are several scales of organization that are relationship between temperature and pressure in believed to be important in deep convection in the density of sea water and (ii) the Coriolis which plumes represent the smallest-scale process. force. Gascard (1991) notes that on the mesoscale, chim- Gill (1973) first showed that sinking cold and neys and eddies play an important role in the saline shelf water formed by freez- water mass formation process. ing conditions would experience additional down- Plumes are convectively driven vertical mo- ward acceleration with increased pressure as the tions. Whereas shallow convection, or mixed-layer dense water flowed down the sloping bottom. Mc- deepening, has scales of hundreds of meters (Kill- Dougall (1984) called this nonlinear effect in the Plumesare convec- worth, 1983; Guest and Davidson, 1991), deep equation of state thermobaricio,. Thermobaricity convective plumes have vertical scales of 1 to 2 influences deep convection significantly when sea tively driven vertical km (Gascard and Clarke, 1983), horizontal scales water is colder than 0°C. In an analysis of the motions. on the order of 1 km and associated vertical veloc- TKE budget, thermobaricity has been shown to ities of 2-10 cm s ~ (Rudels et al., 1989; Schott enhance the buoyant production of mixed-layer and Leaman, 1991; Carsey and Garwood, 1993; turbulence, resulting in a probable increase in en- Jones and Marshall, 1993; Roach et al., 1993; trainment and a possible mid-depth maximum in Schott et al., 1993a: Denbo and Skyllingstad, TKE for the deepest turbulent mixing layers in 1994; Garwood et al., 1994). Time scales associ- the polar seas (Garwood, 1991). The use of the ated with convective plumes are reported to be full nonlinear equation of state for sea water is several hours to several days (Rudels et al., 1989; necessary in order to retain the thermobaric ef- Roach et al., 1993). The convective plumes appear fect on the energetics of deep convection (Mc- as isolated regions of vertically coherent, down- Dougall, 1987; Aagaard and Carmack, 1989; ward vertical velocity when measured by acoustic Denbo and Skyllingstad, 1992; Garwood et al., doppler current profilers (ADCPs). 1994; Paluszkiewicz and Romea, 1994).

38 'VoI. 7. No. 2o1994 ERS-1 SAR BLOWUP has been stored seasonally. Both of these instabili- FROM: 3016-2133 73.6°N, 11.1°W ties are dependent on the likelihood that a water FEBRUARY 12, 1992 parcel or water column that was hydrostatically stable near the surface could become hydrostati- cally unstable if displaced downward with com- mensurate pressure increase. A parcel instability occurs when a mixed layer .!. ~ X parcel penetrates below a critical depth and, having become more dense than the ambient water, contin- ues to sink, thereby escaping the well-mixed surface } :-. i) layer and penetrating the . This process is analogous to the similarly named process in the atmospheric boundary layer that is associated with cumulus formation (Garwood, 1992a). Penetrative convection is when a plume overshoots the depth of static stability due to the momentum in the plume. When penetrative convection occurs, it causes addi- tional mixing at the mixed-layer base beyond that predicted by hydrostatic adjustment. Additional penetration or super-penetration may be possible

6.4 km when the thermobaric instability provides additional COPYRIGHT ESA 1992 (a) downward momentum to the parcel. A related layer instability may occur if the whole mixed layer is downwelled in response to large-scale convergence associated with wind forc- ing (Ekman pumping) or by preconditioning asso- ciated with larger-scale dynamics. Layer instability may occur for stratified layers as well as for sub- Penetrative convection ducted or surface-stratified layers that are no is when a plume longer in immediate contact with turbulent fluxes from atmospheric forcing. This is a proposed ex- overshoots the depth planation for the plumes observed by Scott and of static stability due Killworth (1991) in the Iceland Sea, after the end of surface-forced winter convection. to the momentum in Numerical and tank modeling experiments have the plume. illustrated the role of rotation in the process of deep convection and the morphology of convec- tive plumes and other features (Fernando et al., 1989; Boubonov and Golitsyn, 1990; Maxworthy and Narimousa, 1994). The scaling for rotation is of interest for parameterizing the individual plume (b) elements. Mesoscale features of convection, such as chimneys and associated eddies, are clearly Fig. 2: (a) The surface manifestation of convec- dominated by the effects of rotation; individual tion in the mLred htyer is seen in the ERS-1 SAR plumes of limited vertical extent may or may not image .from the . Dark areas are the open water convective return regions," white be strongly affected. Both the vertical (fz) and northerly (f,) components of rotation may areas are ice covered. (Courtesy F. Carsey, Carsev and Garwood, 1993). (b) The LES experi- influence oceanic convection. High-resolution ment potential temperature pattern at the surface oceanic convection modeling efforts by Denbo and showing ocean mixed-laver convective, cells; these Skyllingstad (1994) and Garwood et al. (1994) are similar to Rayleigh-Bernard cells except that demonstrate the importance of retaining both the they occur under rotation and are zmsteady. The horizontal and vertical components of rotation. spatial scales are consistent with that found in the The energetics and flow field of individual plumes SAR image (Carsey atzd Ganvood, 1993). are substantially affected by the addition of the horizontal component of the . In the absence of rotation, vertical motions are more en- The thermobaric effect can be manifest in two ergetic. The diameters of plumes under the types of conditional instabilities (Garwood, influence of rotation are smaller (300-500 m) in 1992a). Either a parcel instability or a layer insta- contrast to the diameters of plumes without rota- bility can episodically release potential energy that tion (1,000 m).

OCEANOGRAPHY'gO[. 7. No. 2"1994 39 ,J ',.1'

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LES models are designed to resolve the largest turbulent motions in geophysical boundary-layer problems.

(b) Fig. 3: (a) Thermistor chain observations ~" the X-Z temperature structure showing two convective plumes in the Greenland-Iceland Sea (Courtesy J. Scott, Scott and Killworth, 1991). (b) The X-Z potential temperature structure from an LES experiment with super-penetration by a parcel instability initiated by surface cooling (Courtesy R. Garwood).

Numerical Simulations of Deep Convective 1993; Mason, 1994). LES models are designed to Plumes resolve the largest turbulent motions in geophysi- Recent improvements in computing power have cal boundary-layer problems. These models typi- facilitated the use of large- simulations (LES) cally resolve a portion of the Kolmogorov inertial as a new tool to help oceanographers study com- subrange. Several investigators are studying deep plex geophysical flows (Galperin and Orszag, ocean convection using ocean LES models (Denbo

40 OCEANOGRAPHY'Vol. 7. No. 2.1994 and Skyllingstad, 1994; Garwood et al., 1994) and of rotation (5a), no rotation (5b) and nonthermo- nonhydrostatic models (Jones and Marshall, baric (5c) cases. The main features are as follows: 1993). The convective plume structure, onset of 1) the onset of convection occurs earlier in the instability and TKE spectrum from the LES mod- thermobaric case (vs. nonthermobaric case), 2) els are complementary and in general agreement. full plume development take less time with no ro- The LES model results demonstrate the impor- tation (vs. with rotation), and 3) vertical motions tance of thermobaricity and rotation for deep con- are more energetic in the case with no rotation vection in the ocean. (vs. with rotation). The nonthermobaric case does Denbo and Skyllingstad (1992, 1994) used the not produce penetrative plumes, and the mixed ocean large-eddy simulation model (OLEM) for layer deepens much more gradually than it should. deep oceanic convection to simulate the tempera- Parameterizations for Basin-Scale and Climate ture presented in Figure 4, a and b. The number of Modeling plumes decreases rapidly with depth, and the Ocean General Circulation Models (OGCMs) deepest plumes penetrate through regions of stably used for climate simulations use coarse resolution stratified water. Many plumes travel downward at and integrate over long time scales; consequently, an angle from the vertical because of the horizon- much of the physics important to mixing falls into tal component of the Earth's rotation. In Figure the subgrid scale and must be parameterized. 4b, an expanded section of a plume at X'-X and Consequently, the parameterization of vertical Y'-Y (Fig. 4a), shows the detailed structure of an mixing processes, such as deep convection, is a individual plume. The plume has penetrated to factor in determining the distribution of heat and 1400 m and has a horizontal scale of 300 m, with greenhouse gases throughout the global ocean. In a maximum vertical velocity of 0.05 m s -~. Turbu- fact, recent efforts in climate modeling emphasize lent velocities associated with the plume are caus- the importance of high-latitude deep convection • . . recent efforts in ing fluid to be entrained into the plume and water in both the downward transport of CO2-1aden to be mixed upward from the strong water from surface to depth (Siegenthaler and climate modeling at 1200 m. Sarmiento, 1993) and the ventilation of the deep emphasize the Figure 4c shows the results from the Garwood ocean that drives the thermohaline circulation et al. (1994) LES model of thermal convection in (Manabe and Stouffer, 1993). Although some importance of high- a cold, deep (3.6 km), initially homogenous layer. OGCMs provide realistic descriptions of ocean latitude deep This LES simulation confirmed the mid-depth circulation and mixing, they contain many sim- TKE maximum for thermobaric convection. The plifications that have uncertain effects on the up- convection in both downward acceleration due to thermobaricity may take of anthropogenic CO2 (Orr, 1993). the downward have caused the bottom of the descending plume Most OGCMs use a convective adjustment to separate from the upper part of the plume. scheme in which two vertically adjacent grid transport of The surface expression of convective plumes is points are compared. If the top point is more illustrated in Figure 2b (Carsey and Garwood, dense than the one below, the temperature and C02-1aden water from 1993). An accompanying ERS-I SAR image (Fig. salinity are mixed until they are neutrally stable surface to depth . . . 2a) shows a pattern that compares in scale to the with respect to each other. In reality, adjacent lay- convective cells from the LES simulation. Addi- ers of the ocean do not mix in this way. Conse- and the ventilation of tional LES experiments have shown the onset of quently, the models using this scheme or one with the deep ocean that super-penetration of plumes. Figure 3a shows ob- a diffusion coefficient are unable to simulate pene- servations from Scott and Killworth (1991) of the trative convection. drives the onset of super-penetration by a cold plume from Garwood (1991) used an entrainment model thermohaline the overlying fully turbulent mixed layer into the that included the nonlinearities of the equation of underlying stratified water. Figure 3b shows the state in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a circulation . . . results of an LES experiment in which surface one-dimensional mixed-layer model for simulating cooling is initiated and a parcel of mixed layer deep convection. He found that the wind stress- water penetrates the as a parcel instabil- generated turbulence and vertical turbulence en- ity. The plume descends from an initial 200-m- hanced vertical flux rates, and entrainment mixing thick mixed layer of near-freezing water into substantially increased vertical convection. ,warmer,..saltier water. In spite of the difference in A complementary approach to the parameter- scales, it is plausible that the instability mecha- ization of deep convection is to adapt a plume nism simulated with the LES model is similar to model to capture the essential physics of the verti- that responsible for the event observed by Scott cal mixing associated with unresolved convective and Killworth (1991). plumes. Parameterization schemes for deep con- Analysis of the LES simulations shows the in- vective activity in the atmosphere have been used tegrated effects of deep convective plumes on cli- in the meteorological community for many years mate-related variables, such as heat flux. For ex- (e.g., Kuo, 1974; Fritsch and Chappell, 1980). The ample, Figure 5 shows a measure of vertical heat argument for the use of atmospheric convection flux for simulations using the full representation parameterizations is also applicable to the oceanic

OCEANOGRAPHY'VoI.7, NO. 2°1994 41 (a)

P (y=475) y, X X (x=ao75) Y 0--,~

250 -- 250

500-- 500

4 750 -- 750

I000 " [000

1250 -- L250

1500~_ t500

1750 2000 2250 250 500 750 (c) d~t~nce east (rrt) distance north (rr~) Fig. 4: (a) Three-dimensional cutaway view o['po- > 0.02 m/s tential temperature from an LES experiment using a wintertime Greenland Sea temperature-salini O' -1.5 -1.4 -1.3 -1.2 -:L,1 profile and full rotation. The lines X-X' and Y-Y' (°O indicate the location and orientation qf potential (b) temperature-veloci O" sections. The temperature scale has been adjusted to improve visualization of the super-penetrative plumes. Each leg of the triad axis is 1,000 m long. The top 2,000 m of the domain is displayed and the ori- gin is located at the lower, front corner. (Courtesy D. Denbo). (b) The detailed structure of an individual convective plume taken at location X-X and Y-Y as viewed from the X and Y perspective. (c) The three-dimensional view of potential temperature surf'aces from an LES experiment that shows plumes breaking away. The blue isothermal surface is -1.806°C, and the green isothermal sur- face is -1.802°C, the domain is 3.6 km 3. The LES temperature field is initially uniform and plume formation is forced by cooling at the surface (Garwood et al., 1994)

42 OCEANOGRAPHY=VoI. 7. No. 2 ol994 case. Because the horizontal scale of cumulus clouds (or deep convective plumes in the oceanic (,0 case) is much smaller than the grid scale used to 500 represent mesoscale flows, the influence of the small-scale convective motions must be repre- 1000 sented parameterically.

Paluszkiewicz et al. (1994) and Paluszkiewicz 1500 and Romea (1994) developed a plume-based deep convection parameterization, and in this scheme, 2000 the vertical column of values for potential temper- 0 (b) ature and salinity are handed to the plume model by the OGCM. A measure of the available buoy- 500 ant energy defines the vertical stability of a fluid column and controls the amount of plume activity I000 in the grid column. The plume parameterization is based on an entrainment hypothesis, which is used 1500 to estimate the depth-dependent mixing with the environment. Compensating upward motion in the 2000 environment follows from mass continuity affect- 0 (c) ing the vertical structures of environmental tem- perature and salinity. The grid-point variables are 500 reconstructed as area-weighted means of plume and environment values. In practice, this scheme 1000 replaces any convective adjustment scheme used and can be inserted in the same place in the 1500 OGCM code (Paluszkiewicz and Romea, 1994). A plume model using similar physics but a different 2000 implementation was developed by Alves (1993). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~ime (d~s) Concluding Remarks About Future Observational and Modeling Work Large-eddy simulations have been shown to be a useful tool in establishing scales and exploring 0 2 4 6 {w'®'} x 104 (°C ro. e-l) the governing physics of convective plumes. Con- tinued explorations with these and other models, Fig. 5: Horizontal average r~ the temperature-vertical veloci O" covariance as together with additional and new forms of obser- a function of depth and time for the Greenland Sea experiments: (a)fidl ro- vations of deep convection, are needed to under- tation case, (b) no rotation case, and (e) nonthermobaric case. Results were stand the process more fully. In situ ADCPs and multiplied by 104./'or display purposes. The domain is a 100 × 100 × 72 other moored observations must be supplemented grid of 50-m boxes. The experiment tested (a) the full equation of state and by observations from instruments that can sample Coriolis force, (b) the full equation of state without rotation and (c) a qua- larger areas more rapidly. Profiling drifters, au- dratic approximation to the equation of state, without thermobaric effects, tonomous underwater vehicles and submarines but including full rotation. In these experiments, the initial conditions were that can sample the field of plumes in the winter- based on a CTD profile taken in the central Greenland Sea in February, time Greenland or would provide 1988, and the model was forced with -300 W m -2 of cooling and the statistical data to understand convective -100 W m-2 of latent heat flux (Denbo and Skyllingstad, 1994). plumes better. LES experiments will be very use- ful in understanding this diverse set of Eulerian Oceanic Deep Convection (D'Asaro, 1994). The and Lagrangian observations. These data, together World Ocean Circulation Experiment-Numerical with model simulations, can be used to evaluate Experimentation Group continues to emphasize new parameterizations and representations of the the need for global ocean models to include convective process. schemes for parameterizing the smaller-scale Several agencies are sponsoring the modeling oceanic processes, including deep convection and and observational studies needed to improve our the mixing that occurs in overflows. understanding and representation of deep convec- tion. The Department of Energy CO, Ocean Pro- Acknowledgements gram, and Computational Hardware, Advanced The LES studies by R. Garwood were spon- Mathematics and Model Physics (CHAMMP) pro- sored by the National Science Foundation gram sponsor research to improve the representa- (DPP91 - 14161) and the Office of Naval Research. tion of key climate processes, such as deep con- The work by T. Paluszkiewicz and D. W. Denbo vection, in models used to study the global was supported at Pacific Northwest Laboratory by circulation. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Pacific will fund an Accelerated Research Initiative on Northwest Laboratory is operated for the DOE by

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44 OCEANOGRAPHY°VoI. 7, NO. 2*1994