Our New Campus: Important Developments in an Exciting Project
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S I S C E U T T N O CE F RV US AD Consortio INTERNatioNAL THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE WINTER 2008/2009 On Pope Benedict XVI’s Work, Jesus of Nazareth An Interview with Prof. Bernhard Dolna rof. Bernhard Dolna, Dean of Studies, and Assistant PProfessor of Ecumenical Studies and Jewish Studies at the International Theological Institute, studied philoso- phy, theology, and German literature at the University of Vienna and at the University of Freiburg. During his life as He is married to Vienna singer and actress a priest and as a Gabriele Schuchter, and they have four professor of theology, musically talented children. Dr. Dolna’s special fields of study are the Hebrew Pope Benedict saw language, the Jewish faith, and the role that the gap between of tradition and philosophy in relation to the historical Jesus and Christian faith. He was quoted in Bene- dict XVI’s book, Jesus of Nazareth, and the Christ of Faith grew recently taught a course at the ITI on the permanently wider and book. We interviewed him to get some deeper and the two insights into this great work. visibly fell apart. Where did the idea for Jesus of Nazareth come from? The book has had a long gestation, and grew out of a Pope Benedict XVI; Inset: Prof. Bernhard Dolna. deep concern that Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict the basis of her teaching?” It became quite clear to him XVI has had. During his life as a priest and as a profes- that the historical-critical method of studying scripture sor of theology, Pope Benedict saw that the gap between produced a common result – namely, the idea that one the historical Jesus and the Christ of Faith grew perma- has very little certain knowledge of Jesus and that only nently wider and deeper and the two visibly fell apart. at a later stage, the Christian’s faith in Jesus’ divinity Inside He was struck by the question, “What can faith in Jesus shaped the image which we have of Him. The Holy Fa- as the Christ, in Jesus as the Son of the living God, pos- Ordinations and Vows ther saw that this result has dramatic consequences for sibly mean, if the man, Jesus, was so completely differ- Gala Openning our faith, because faith’s point of reference is placed in ent from the picture that the Gospels painted of him, and Caring for the Sick doubt and the intimate friendship with Jesus, the Son of that the Church, on the evidence of the Gospels, takes as God, on which everything depends, is put into jeopardy. Lourdes Visit continued on page 2 Winter Starlight Trumau - Our New Campus: Important developments in an exciting project n the summer edition of Consortio we reported on how the Imedieval castle at Trumau is becoming the centerpiece of the new ITI campus. During the past months some important de- velopments with the new campus project have taken place. In September 2008, the ITI became the formal Castle Trumau chapel continued on page 3 Consortio 1 Jesus of Nazareth continued Hence, the Holy Father wrote the period and analyzes them according What is the impact for Catholic theology book out of a sense of urgency and to their sources. And so it cannot and exegesis? from a twofold concern, pastoral and recognize the unity of all of these The Second Vatican Council’s Con- theological. writings as one Bible because this stitution on Divine Revelation states unity is not an immediate historical that, “If you want to understand What is the intention of the book and its fact. But the limit of this method Scripture in the spirit in which it is theological perspective? points beyond itself; the individual written, you have to attend to the con- Pope Benedict XVI points to the writings of the Bible point somehow tent and to its unity as a whole.” The gap which often exists between to the living process that shapes the Holy Father carries this axiom into encountering the Bible by means of one Scripture. effect. For him, the historical-critical method and In his book, the unity of the encountering Holy Scripture as the the Holy Father Holy Scripture Word of God. In Jesus of Nazareth, portrays Jesus is a theological he tries to bridge this by taking for fact, and he sees Pope Benedict gap. How does he do it? granted ev- Jesus as the key He focuses on seeing erything that to the whole. XVI points to the Jesus in the light of His the Council He learns from gap which often communion with the Fa- and modern Him how to exists between ther. This communion is exegesis lay understand the the true center of Jesus’ down. But the Bible as a Unity. encountering the personality. Without this Holy Father This Christo- Bible by means understanding, Jesus can- steps beyond logical herme- of the historical- not be understood at all. those facts. neutic presup- And it is from this center His intention poses a prior act critical method and that Jesus continues to is to portray of faith. This act encountering Holy make Himself present to the Jesus of the of faith is based Scripture as the Word us today. Gospels as the upon reason – real historical historical reason of God. In Jesus of What are the limits of the Jesus, in the – and so, makes Nazareth, he tries to historical-critical method? strict sense it possible to see The Holy Father sees this bridge this gap. of the word. His hermeneutic or the internal unity of Scripture. method as an indispens- interpretive point of departure is his The impact for Catholic theology able tool, for it is of the conviction of faith that Jesus was and exegesis is in the urgency of very essence of biblical faith to be truly man and truly God, and that this Christological hermeneutic, about real historical events. But the He communicated His divinity with and the readiness for the prior act historical-critical method does not increasing clarity even when veiled of faith which goes beyond a purely exhaust all the ways of interpreta- in parables. historical-critical exegesis. It is only tion for someone who views biblical This perspective puts the historical- from the point of view of faith that writings as Holy Scripture, inspired critical method in its proper place, the insights and contributions of the by God. This method is limited by its because it is seen and used in the light historical-critical method receive their very nature because it has to leave of faith. If faith is the starting point validity. the biblical word in the past – it for reading the texts, the historical- cannot make it into something pres- critical methodology exhibits itself as What is the theological point of departure ent today as this is overstepping its an essential tool to open up the texts. in reading the New Testament? bounds. Its object is the human word It reveals a way and a figure that are The point of departure is deeply root- as human; therefore, it treats biblical worthy of belief. Pope Benedict ap- ed in the Divine Revelation of the Old words just as human words. Only plies new methodological insights and New Testaments. Pope Benedict after careful reflection can one intuit that offer a properly theological in- goes on to explain that the first Moses the higher dimension which makes terpretation of the Bible. It requires, was unique. What set him apart from itself heard through human words. at the same time, faith and a serious other men was that he conversed with This method considers the in- engagement with history. Thus, he the Lord “face to face”. We read of dividual books of the Bible in the gives the historical-critical method its this in Exodus 33:11. Conversing context of each particular historical proper meaning and dignity. with God face to face is the particular continued on page 8 2 Winter 2008/2009 New Campus Trumau continued titleholder to the castle and surrounding buildings dent housing have been laid, we will hold a festive as well as the adjoining land for building in Tru- consecration of the new campus land and buildings. mau. The campus is now fully in the ownership of the ITI and the The ITI will then invite its friends and benefactors, preparations for construction work have so that you will have a chance begun. Thus, we have made the to see this exciting project with crucial step of actually starting your own eyes. Here the hearts the exciting project of building and the minds of young men our new campus! and women from all over the An element that has been a world will continue to be formed cause for specific joy for the In- and be prepared for leadership stitute is that more and more Eu- positions in the Church and in ropean, and especially Austrian, society, and for the new evan- private individuals and organiza- gelization as was the founding tions have become convinced intention of Pope John Paul II! of the importance of the ITI and Here, at the heart of Europe, a have come forward with very truly Catholic and vibrant place generous donations. This has en- of learning has found room to abled us to continue the project grow. without having to take on any Please help us to continue debts. In today’s time of financial this vital work for the future of turmoil, this is a true miracle! our society and for the future of As soon as the land prepara- the Church! More information tion has entered its next stage can be found on our website at and the foundations for the stu- Detail of the altar at the Trumau castle chapel www.iti.ac.at Ordinations and Vows he large bells in the tower of the Basilica of St.