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Taipei Liaison Office in the RSA SA-TAIWAN eNews MARCH 31ST 2021 PUBLISHER: ANTHONY HO ISSUE 3 President Tsai presents academic awards, lauds scholars’ contributions President Tsai Ing-wen million (US$70,195) over the lauded the contributions of next three years. Taiwan’s academics March 22, spotlighting their re- search achievements and According to Tsai, the gov- roles in cultivating the next ernment is leaving no stone generation of homegrown unturned in efforts to talent. strengthen Taiwan’s com- petitiveness by promoting academic research, advanc- The COVID-19 pandemic has of the National Chair Professor- ing industrial development and highlighted the crucial work ships, three winners of the Na- creating more high-paying jobs. undertaken by academic institu- tional Awards for Distinguished To this end, the country has tions, both in understanding the Contribution to Industry- implemented various policies nature of coronavirus and in Academia Cooperation and 10 designed to attract and retain developing effective treatments winners of the Academic teaching and research staff, she and vaccines, Tsai said. Wheth- Awards in Taipei City. said. er it is through advancing scien- tific research or inspiring young scholars, the country’s academ- Among the recipients were Aca- Founded in 1958, the annual ics are leading from the front, demia Sinica scholars Chiang Academic Awards are the oldest she added. Ann-shyn and Hwang Bing-joe, such honors in the country. who claimed their second pro- They were established to en- fessorships on the back of pio- courage innovative research Tsai made the remarks while neering research in the realms and inspire academia-industry attending an awards ceremony of neuroscience and green en- collaboration while raising organized by the Ministry of ergy, respectively. Each is set to teaching standards across the Education for the seven winners receive an annual grant of NT$2 board, the MOE said. Two more mobile numbers for general consular inquiries during COVID-19 pandemic national lock- down level 1. To enhance the consular service during COVID-19 pandemic national lockdown level 1, in addition to the office landline, TLO provides two more mobile numbers for inquiries as follows : Mandarin service : 064-985-2720 Fall-Winter COVID-19 Prevention Program- English service : 072-296-5101 Entry Quarantine Applica- tion Procedures for Trav- Notes: ellers Who Cannot Pre- sent COVID-19 RT-PCR 1. The mobile consular provides general consular information only, and Test Reports Prior to it’s available from 9H-12H, 14H-17H on Monday to Friday. Boarding. For more infor- 2. The consular service continues to be made by appointment only during mation please vis- the lockdown level 1. The office is closed to public on Wednesdays. it: https://www.roc- 3. To apply for the travel approval to Taiwan for repatriation flight, please send the scanned files of your valid passport, ARC and flight itinerary to [email protected]. ISSUE 3 SA-TAIWAN ENEWS Headline News Page 2 President Tsai vows to cement Taiwan’s role in global supply chains President Tsai Ing-wen said March 20 energy requirements set by a num- that ensuring smooth energy transi- ber of firms worldwide for suppliers. tion remains a cornerstone of the government’s approach to cementing the position of Taiwan industries in Tsai said ongoing efforts would realigned global supply chains. strengthen the country’s internation- al competitiveness in the post- pandemic economy as per the objec- The government is leaving no stone Tsai made the remarks while attend- tives of the six core strategic indus- unturned in its efforts to create a ing the Entrepreneur Club presiden- tries initiative. more robust and resilient business tial handover ceremony in central environment in Taiwan, including Taiwan’s Taichung City. attracting overseas investments, ex- Unveiled by Tsai during her inaugura- panding domestic demand and fast- tion address in May 2020, the initia- tracking infrastructure development According to Tsai, when it comes to tive springboards off the five-plus- as the world moves towards the post energy transition, the government is two innovative industries plan. It -pandemic era, Tsai said. The Taiwan committed to expanding the use of comprises information and digital Model reduced the impact of the green energy, increasing natural gas- technology, cybersecurity, biotech pandemic and laid the foundations powered units, reducing coal-fired and medical technology, national for projected economic growth of plants, and achieving a nuclear-free defense, green and renewable ener- over 4 percent this year, which is al- country to ensure a stable power gy and strategic stockpile industries. most a 7-year record, she added. supply and the meeting of renewable President Tsai lauds contribution and support of overseas Taiwan firms They have also shown great efforts in promoting the country by donating To mitigate the impact of COVID-19, surgical masks in the name of Taiwan the Overseas Community Affairs to communities in which they oper- Council and the Ministry of Health ate and purchasing 481 tons of local- and Welfare jointly developed an app ly produced pineapples and related offering medical consultation specifi- products, she added. cally to Taiwan expatriates, she said. Tsai made the remarks while receiv- President Tsai Ing-wen said March 18 In addition, Tsai said the OCAC has ing a delegation of World Taiwanese that the government is committed to been instructed to offer pandemic Chambers of Commerce at the Presi- assisting Taiwan firms operating financial relief measures such as ex- dential Office in Taipei City. overseas so that they can continue to tension of loan repayments, higher expand the country’s presence on loan amounts and interest subsidies. the global stage. According to the president, the gov- ernment has rolled out a raft of The firms’ support for Taiwan is sin- measures to support the firms’ oper- Offshore Taiwan firms play a front- cerely appreciated by the govern- ations, including an industry- line role in connecting the country ment and people, Tsai said, adding academia collaboration project and a with the rest of the world through that the government will continue to technical service platform involving their economic influence and com- stand shoulder to shoulder with local tertiary and research institu- munity initiatives, the president said. them, especially during this challeng- tions. ing time. ISSUE 3 SA-TAIWAN ENEWS Headline news Page 3 Taiwan, US sign coast guard cooperation MOU Taiwan and the U.S. completed a In a statement released in Arlington, memorandum of understanding to the AIT said the U.S. supports Tai- establish a coast guard working wan’s meaningful participation and group March 25, underscoring the contributions to issues of global con- commitment by the two like-minded cern, including in maritime security partners to deepening cooperation and safety. The MOU is the latest across the board, the Ministry of For- reflection of bilateral efforts to pro- eign Affairs said. According to the MOFA, the MOU is mote deeper cooperation between the first pact signed between Taipei the two societies, it added. The pact was signed in Washington and Washington since U.S. President by Hsiao Bi-khim, head of the Taipei Joe Biden took office in January. It The MOFA said Taiwan and the U.S. Economic and Cultural Representa- also reaffirms the determination of share the universal values of free- tive Office in the U.S., and Ingrid Lar- the two sides to formalize bilateral dom, democracy and respect for hu- son, managing director of the Ameri- exchanges and partnership, the min- man rights, adding that the Biden can Institute in Taiwan. istry said. Administration has repeatedly re- affirmed its rock-solid commitment A reception was held by the ministry Under the pact, the two will work for Taiwan. March 26 in Taipei City to celebrate together to preserve maritime re- the milestone development in Tai- sources, reduce illegal, unreported The government will continue to wan-U.S. relations. Those present and unregulated fishing and partici- maintain close cooperation with the included MOFA Minister Jaushieh pate in joint maritime research, res- U.S. while promoting the already Joseph Wu, Minister of Ocean Affairs cue and environmental response robust global partnership based on Council Lee Chung-wei, Coast Guard events to ensure the stability and the two’s long-standing and friendly Administration Director-general prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region, cooperation, it added. Chou Mei-wu and American Institute the MOFA added. in Taiwan Director Brent Christensen. Taiwan launches COVID-19 vaccination program, with premier, health minister receiving first shots Taiwan began administering the will continue leaving no stone un- platform AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine turned in developing domestically called Tai- March 22, with Premier Su Tseng- made vaccines while purchasing wan V- chang and Minister of Health and more from abroad, he said. Watch Sys- Welfare Chen Shih-chung receiving tem was the first shots. A total of 116,500 doses of the AZ estab- vaccine had been sealed and deliv- lished by Centers for Disease Control According to the Executive Yuan, Su ered to 57 designated sites by March and New Taipei City-headquartered got his initial dose at National Taiwan 18, the CECC said, adding that priori- HTC Corp., according to the CECC. University Hospital in Taipei City as ty will be given to medical personnel The system also provides information per arrangements by the Central Epi- working at COVID-19 and negative about vaccines and reminders of in- demic Command Center. He felt no pressure isolation wards, as well as jection schedules via the CDC’s offi- pain or discomfort after 30 minutes staff members responsible for speci- cial Line chatbot, the center said. of observation and will receive the men collection.