Towards Closer Unity: Communion of the Porvoo Churches 20 Years Towards Closer Unity: Communion of the Porvoo Churches 20 Years

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Towards Closer Unity: Communion of the Porvoo Churches 20 Years Towards Closer Unity: Communion of the Porvoo Churches 20 Years Towards Closer Unity: Communion of the Porvoo Churches 20 Years Towards Closer Unity: Communion of the Porvoo Churches 20 Years Porvoo Communion of Churches 2016 Towards Closer Unity: Communion of the Porvoo Churches 20 Years © Porvoo Communion of Churches Editors: Beate Fagerli, Leslie Nathaniel and Tomi Karttunen Production assistants: Johanna Laine and María Mountraki Book design: Unigrafia Layout: Emma Martikainen Photo: Tomi Karttunen ISBN 978-9985-879-21-4 (paperback) 2016 CONTENTS Introduction ..................................................................................................... 7 I The Porvoo Common STaTemenT aS a ConTrIbution To The Visible unity oF The ChurCh What Made ‘Porvoo’ Possible? David Tustin ..................................................... 9 The Concept of Unity in the Porvoo Common Statement: Visible Unity and Ecclesial Diversity Mary Tanner ...................................................................... 16 The Porvoo Common Statement from the Lutheran Point of View, and the Statement´s Significance for the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue John Vikström .................................................................................................. 31 II CommunIon, DiscipleShip, SaCraments anD Mission The Fellowship of the Baptized Rowan Williams ............................................. 41 Understanding Discipleship as the Working-Out of Baptism Karl Sigurbjörnsson ......................................................................................... 48 Eucharist: Sacrament of Unity and Mission? Michael Jackson .......................... 55 The Lutheran Teaching of the Lord’s Supper and Its Implications for Mission. A Finnish Perspective Tomi Karttunen ............................................................ 63 The Sacraments in the Mission of the Church Paul Avis ................................. 76 Episcopal Ministry and the Diversity of Charisms: The Pneumatological Dimension in Anglican-Lutheran Agreements Matti Repo .............................. 99 Doctrine, Ethics, and Practice in Luther and Lutheran Theology Antti Raunio ................................................................................................. 114 III Towards a Common unDerstanding oF The DIaConal Ministry One Ministry – Three Commissions Ragnar Persenius .................................. 127 What Do We Mean by “Order”? A Lutheran Perspective Matti Repo ............ 132 Diaconal Ministry as a Proclamation of the Gospel Kjell Nordstokke ............. 144 Towards a Common Understanding of Diaconal Ministry? Recent Developments in the Diaconate among the Porvoo Churches Tiit Pädam .... 151 Iv responding To ConFlict, marrIage anD Economics anD Ethics Responding to Conflict Porvoo Consultation on Churches Responding to Conflict Working Towards a Framework .................................................................................. 172 Responding to Conflict on the Path to Peace Leslie Nathaniel ....................... 176 Marriage A Pastoral Paper on Issues of Human Sexuality in their Legal Context - an Anglican Bishop´s View Christopher Hill ...................................................... 186 Development in the Doctrines of Creation and Marriage Oliver O´Donovan ........................................................................................ 192 Marriage in England, Past and Present Anders Bergquist ............................... 198 The Communal Purpose of Marriage in the Church of England and in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland Antti Yli-Opas ................................ 206 Gender and Genetics Jana Jeruma-Grinberga ................................................ 219 Economics and Ethics Perspectives on Economics and Ethics Behaviour Under Scrutiny .............. 226 An analysis of Biblical and Current Responses to Ethical Challenges in Euro- pe Towards an Economics of Honour and an Integrity of Relationship Within and Without Michael Jackson ........................................................... 239 The Possibility of a Public Theology in Europe Stephen J. Plant .................... 253 v The Porvoo Ecumenical enCounTerS The Porvoo Common Statement from a Catholic Perspective James F. Puglisi ............................................................................................. 261 A Brief Review on the Eastern Orthodox – Porvoo Dialogue 2005–2008 Matti Repo .................................................................................................... 271 The Porvoo Common Statement from an Orthodox Perspective Ionut-Alexandru Tudorie ................................................................................ 282 The Apostolic Church Living Faithfully in Christ. The Lima Document (BEM) as a Resource for the Porvoo Common Statement Tomi Karttunen............................................................................................. 300 vI reFormation ConTrIbution The Reformation’s Legacy Rowan Williams ................................................... 312 vII InTerFaith Keys to Interfaith Engagement ..................................................................... 323 vIII CommunIqueS I Growing in Communion: The Porvoo Church Leaders´Consultations Turku, Finland, 12–17 March 1998 ............................................................. 337 Tallinn, Estonia, 7–12 March 2002 .............................................................. 338 Cardiff, Wales, 6–11 March 2006 ................................................................ 339 Sigtuna, Sweden 18th–21st March 2010 ...................................................... 340 Bishopthorpe, York, England 17–19 September 2014 .................................. 342 II Serving Unity: Meetings of Primates and Presiding Bishops Porvoo, Finland Oct. 12–13 2009 ............................................................... 344 Llandaff, Wales Oct. 3–4 2011 .................................................................... 346 Reykjavik, Iceland, 20–22 October 2013 ..................................................... 347 Edinburgh, Scotland, 20–22 October 2015.................................................. 349 III Porvoo Theological Conferences Durham, England, 8–13th September 2000 ................................................. 352 Skállholt, Iceland, 23–27 September 2004 ................................................... 358 London, England, 22 to 25 January 2008 .................................................... 361 Copenhagen, Denmark 8–11 October 2012 ................................................ 362 IV Porvoo Consultations The First Consultation on Diaconal Ministry 25–27 January 2006 The Royal Foundation of Saint Katharine London, England ............................... 366 The Second Consultation on Diaconal Ministry in Oslo, Norway 27–30 April 2009 .................................................................................................... 369 The Third Consultation on Diaconal Ministry Dublin, Ireland 15–18 April 2013 .................................................................................................... 375 Commentary on the Porvoo Declaration, Meeting of the Church Lawyers of the Porvoo Communion in Westminister, England 16–17 January 1998 ...... 384 Porvoo Consultation on Churches Teaching on Marriage - Challenges in Applying the Teaching and Theology Turku, Finland 2011 ......................... 388 Porvoo Consultation on Diaspora and Migration 2012 ................................ 391 Porvoo Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela Report 2015 ......................... 394 IX ChurCheS oF The Porvoo CommunIon Member Churches of the Porvoo Communion ............................................ 395 X abouT The ConTrIbuTorS .............................................................. 397 XI SourCeS ............................................................................................... 400 Introduction ”If the gospel is to be allowed to define and shape the life of our communities, this requires us not only to be faithful to the tradition which we have inherited, but also to be responsive to new issues. A special challenge faces those who be- long to national churches: to exercise a critical and prophetic role within the life of their own nation, and also to witness to a unity in Christ which transcends national loyalties and boundaries. We believe that the insights and proposals contained in this report offer a way to bring us closer together in answering that challenge, and in enabling our churches to bear effective Christian witness and service not only within their particular nations and cultures but also within a broader European setting.” These were the wise and prophetic closing words in the foreword to the Por- voo Common Statement by the Rt Rev. David Tustin and the Rt Rev. Dr Ture Furberg. The statement and the Porvoo Declaration as its practical conclusion and application belongs to the major ecumenical achievements of the 1990’s and thereafter. It was a breakthrough prepared especially by the consensus and convergence harvested in the Lima document (BEM 1982) and in the Anglican- Lutheran, Lutheran-Roman Catholic and Anglican-Roman Catholic theological dialogue. After much work and prayer and hidden providence of the Spirit we could find an Anglican-Lutheran differentiating consensus especially in the ques- tion regarding episcopal ministry in historic succession serving the apostolicity of the whole church as a sign and as “a permanent challenge to fidelity and to unity” in the Church “in its
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