11/12/2019 Mail - Woodgate, Jenny - Outlook CPRE Hampshire Response to East Hampshire Consultation on Large Development Sites
[email protected]> Mon 14/10/2019 11:17 To: EHDC - Local Plan <
[email protected]> Cc: 1 attachments (561 KB) 14.10 CPRE Hampshire Response to East Hampshire Consultation on Large Development Sites.docx; 14th October 2019 - by email Please find aached the CPRE Hampshire Response to the East Hampshire Consultaon on Large Development Sites. I would be grateful if you would kindly acknowledge receipt of this email. Kind regards and best wishes, Chief Execuve CPRE Hampshire Mobile: Office: www.cprehampshire.org.uk https://outlook.office365.com/mail/none/id/AAMkADIxNjE3NWJlLTMxYmEtNDEwZC1iOGM4LTYxOTllYjNmN2MzZQBGAAAAAABrEkrzGtHSSpsf… 1/1 CPRE Hampshire Winnall Community Centre Garbett Road Winchester SO23 0NY Tel: 01962 841897 Email:
[email protected] www.cprehampshire.org.uk Working locally and nationally for a beautiful and living countryside East Hampshire Planning Policy 14 October 2019 Dear Sir East Hampshire Draft Local Plan Response to Large Development Sites Consultation This is the Response of CPRE Hamsphire to the Large Development Sites Consultation Applying principles of Sustainability As said in our Response to the Draft Local Plan Review Consultation, we agree in principle that new settlements can present an opportunity to be ambitious, achieving the highest standards of design, the most sustainable development layouts and the most inclusive and positive communities, supported by innovative technologies and modern approaches to infrastructure. However, NPPF 2019 paragraph 72 makes it clear that a standalone new settlement should be of a size to support a sustainable community, with sufficient access to services and employment opportunities within the development itself or in larger towns where there is good access.