The Temporal Bone: Trouble Maker in the Head Temporal Bone
The temporal bone: Trouble maker in the head Temporal bone HAROLD I. MAGOUN, SR., D.O., FAAO Belen, New Mexico function, produce tension in nerves or fascia, and generally upset homeostasis in this area. Physicians knowledgeable about osteopathic Likewise, many of the problems in the area of theory and procedures in the cranial field the eye, ear, nose, and throat have roots in have found it possible to relieve many structural abnormalities that affect the tem- conditions that result from abnormalities poral bone. Temporal bone syndromes, how- in the position and motion of temporal bones. ever, go far beyond these areas of practice. Structural deviations of these bones may be This may seem to be a questionable concept responsible for migraine headaches, vertigo, to physicians who were led to believe that the strabismus, and malocclusion of the teeth, skull is a solid ivory tower. This misconception as well as bruxism and nystagmus. has arisen because textbook writers started Correction of these deviations is not a with a false premise. Their descriptions were cure-all, but often long-standing conditions written from study of dry, defatted laboratory erroneously attributed to other causes may specimens, not of living, resilient bone. To be relieved by manipulative measures. It contemplate flexibility in a structure that does not require a great deal of training to through the ages has been considered im- perceive movement or to detect slight mobile calls for flexibility in the thinking distortions or lack of motion. process. Basic anatomy Before the position and/or motion of the tem- poral bone are considered in relation to the disorders possibly connected with abnormal- Pursuant to his observation that the spheno- ities thereof, it would be well to review the squamous suture is "beveled like the gills of a general anatomy and the physiologic move- fish and indicating articular mobility," Suther- ment involved.
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