I c PERKINS COIE A LAW PA~NERSHIPINCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORWRATIONS 607 FOURTEENTHSTREET. N.W. WASHINCT~N.D.C. 20005-201 I TELEPHONE:(202) 628-6600 . FACSIMILE:1202) 434-1690 March 7, 1996 12 4 ,’I, 1.j 3,- Lawrence M. Noble, Esq. I General Counsel E = on Federal Election Commission -In 999 E Street, N.W. - 6th Floor m go:. w :;
[email protected], Washington, D.C. 20463 X‘Cn- u1 ,:gz$i c r-x0-a ’o nZ-4 Re: Complaint Against Michael Huckabee s;5 =- $zc W Dear Mr. Noble: Q) The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee DSCC through undersigned counsel, files this complaint charging violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 CFECA” or the “Act”), as amended, 2 U.S C. 5 43 1 et H., and related regulations of the Federal Election Commission (“FEC” or the “Commission”), 1 1 C.F.R. 9 100.1 et w..by Michael Huckabee. In sum, publicly available state and federal election campaign records as well as newspaper accounts portray Huckabee as an individual who has disregarded the requirements of the state and federal campaign finance laws.* The record contains numerous examples of Huckabee commingling money raised for his state and federal races, and accepting and using state and corporate money to benefit his federal campaign. Unfortunately, the fill scope of Huckabee’s violations of state and federal campaign finance laws is impossible to determine without further investigation. If, after the Commission has completed such an investigation, it finds reason to believe that Huckabee has violated the law, the Commission should take swift remedial action with regard to violation of federal campaign finance laws, and refer all potential violations of state campaign finance laws to the proper Arkansas state authorities.