By Richard L. Daddow

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4223



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District Chief U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey Earth Science Information Center Water Resources Division Open-File Reports Section 2617 E. Lincolnway, Suite B Box 25286, Denver Federal Center Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001-5662 Denver, Colorado 80225 CONTENTS

Page Abstract...... 1 Introduction...... 2 Purpose and scope...... 2 Methods of investigation ...... 4 Previous studies...... 4 Numbering system for wells and springs...... 5 Numbering system for surface-water sites ...... 5 Acknowledgments...... 7 Description of the study area...... 7 Geographic setting...... 7 Climate...... 9 Geologic setting...... 9 Water use...... 10 Ground-water resources...... 14 Quaternary deposits...... 15 Flood-plain alluvium...... 15 Slope wash and alluvium...... 17 Terrace deposits...... 17 Glacial deposits...... 18 Altitude and configuration of the water table for two selected areas ...... 18 Tertiary rocks...... 19 Volcaniclastic rocks...... 19 Wind River Formation...... 21 Mesozoic rocks...... 22 Cody Shale...... 23 Frontier Formation...... 23 Cloverly Formation...... 23 Nugget Sandstone...... 24 Chugwater Group...... 24 Paleozoic rocks...... 24 Phosphoria Formation and related rocks ...... 25 Tensleep Sandstone...... 25 Madison Limestone...... 26 Precambrian rocks ...... 27 Surface-water resources...... 27 Streams...... 27 Streams with streamflow-gaging stations...... 28 Miscellaneous surface-water sites ...... 28 Flow characteristics of streams with streamflow-gaging stations ...... 34 Flow characteristics of streams without streamflow-gaging stations ...... 38 Lakes and reservoirs ...... 38 Water quality...... 40 Water quality in relation to water use...... 40 Public-supply and domestic use...... 41 Agricultural use...... 41 Ground-water quality...... 44 Quaternary deposits...... 46 Wind River flood-plain alluvium...... 46 Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium...... 50



Popo Agie River flood-plain alluvium...... 50 Owl Creek flood-plain alluvium...... 50 Slope wash and alluvium...... 51 Terrace deposits...... 51 Glacial deposits...... 52 Tertiary rocks...... 52 Volcaniclastic rocks...... 52 Wind River Formation...... 52 Mesozoic rocks...... 53 Cody Shale...... 53 Frontier Formation...... 53 Cleverly Formation...... 53 Nugget Sandstone...... 54 Chugwater Group...... 54 Paleozoic rocks...... 54 Phosphoria Formation and related rocks ...... 54 Tensleep Sandstone...... 55 Madison Limestone...... 55 Nitrates...... 56 Trace elements...... 56 Radiochemicals...... 58 Pesticides...... 58 Surface-water quality...... 58 Major chemical characteristics of streams...... 62 Chemical quality in relation to streamflow...... 63 Chemical quality in relation to geographic location and geology...... 68 Nitrates...... ^ 71 Trace elements...... 71 Radiochemicals...... 72 Pesticides...... 73 Summaiy...... ^ 73 References...... 76 Glossary...... ^ 79 Appendix 1 Statistical summaries of streamflow data for selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming ...... 83 Appendix 2~Statistical summaries of water-quality data for selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, with 4 years or more of major- constituents analyses through 1990...... 109

PLATE [Plates are in pocket]

Plate 1. Map showing location of selected wells, springs, and the Wind River Federal Irrigation Project area, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, 1991 Plate 2. Map showing water-table contours and depth to water, April-May 1991, in Quaternary deposits in the Upper Little Wind River and Mill Creek drainage basins and the lower Little Wind River drainage basin, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming Plate 3. Map showing water-table contours and depth to water, May 1991, in the terrace deposits and the Meadow Creek flood-plain alluvium, Crowheart area, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming Plate 4. Map showing location of selected streamflow-gaging stations and miscellaneous surface-water sites on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990 iv WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION FIGURES Page

1. Map showing location of the study area and selected weather stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming ...... 3 2. Diagram showing numbering system for wells and springs in the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 6 3. Map showing location of the Wind River and Owl Creek drainage basins, Wyoming...... 8 4. Map showing generalized geology of the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 11 5. Graphs showing mean monthly discharges at representative streamflow-gaging stations on a perennial stream and an intermittent stream, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming ...... 36 6. Flow-duration curves for representative streamflow-gaging stations on an unregulated stream and a regulated stream, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 37 7. Graphs showing relation of dissolved-solids concentration to specific conductance for water samples collected at two selected streamflow-gaging stations, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 65 8. Diagrams showing lower quartile, median, and upper quartile concentrations of dissolved solids in water samples collected at different flow ranges at two selected streamflow-gaging stations for period of record through 1990, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 67 9. Stiff diagrams of the mean concentration of chemical analyses of water samples for period of record through 1990 at five selected streamflow-gaging stations on the Wind River, Wyoming...... 69


1. Mean-annual precipitation and mean-annual temperature for selected weather stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 9 2. Major geologic units and percentage of reservation area included in each generalized geologic-map unit, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 12 3. Source of water and water-use data for selected public water-supply systems, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 14 4. Summary of selected ground-water data for wells completed in Quaternary deposits, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming ...... 16 5. Summary of selected ground-water data for wells completed in and springs flowing from Tertiary, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic rocks on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 20 6. Type and period of record for discharge measurements, and availability of water-quality data for selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990 ...... 29 7. Type of record for discharge measurements and water-quality analyses for miscellaneous surface- water sites on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990 ...... 32 8. Flow characteristics for selected streams without or recent streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 39 9. Primary and secondary drinking-water regulations for public-water supplies...... 42 10. State of Wyoming water-quality standards of ground water for agricultural and livestock use...... 43 11. Summary of selected water-quality data for wells completed in flood-plain alluvium, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming ...... 45 12. Summary of selected water-quality data for wells completed in and springs flowing from slope wash and alluvium, terrace deposits, glacial deposits, volcaniclastic rocks, and the Wind River Formation, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 46 13. Summary of selected water-quality data for wells completed in and springs flowing from selected Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 47 14. Linear-regression analyses of dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples from wells completed in and springs flowing from selected geologic units, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 48



15. Number of water-quality samples in hardness, salinity-hazard, and sodium-hazard classes for selected geologic units, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990...... 49 16. Ground-water quality samples collected from wells with nitrate concentrations of 5 milligrams per liter or more, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming...... 57 17. Period of record and number of analyses for different types of water-quality data for selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990...... 59 18. Selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, with 4 years or more of major-constituent analyses through 1990...... 63 19. Linear-regression analyses of dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples collected from selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming ...... 64 20. Number of water-quality samples in hardness, salinity-hazard, and sodium-hazard classes for selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990...... 66


Multiply By To obtain

inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter foot (ft) 0.3048 meter mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer f\ square foot (ft ) 0.09294 square meter square mile (mi2) 2.59 square kilometer acre 0.4047 hectare acre-foot (acre-ft) 1,233 cubic meter acre-foot per square mile (acre-ft/mi2) 476.1 cubic meter per square kilometer acre-foot per year (acre-ft/yr) 1,233 cubic meter per year cubic foot per second (ft3/s) 0.02832 cubic meter per second gallon per day (gal/d) 3.785 liter per day gallon per minute (gal/min) 0.06309 liter per second gallon per minute per foot[(gal/min)/ft] 0.207 liter per second per meter gallon per day per squared foot [(gal/d)/ft2] 0.6791 liter per day per square meter pound per square inch (lb/in2) 6.895 kilopascal

Temperature can be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or degrees Celsius (°C) as follows:

°F = 9/5 (°C) + 32 °C = 5/9 (°F - 32)


Sea level: In this report, "sea level" refers to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929--a geodetic datum derived from a general adjustment of the first-order level nets of the and Canada, formerly called Sea Level Datum of 1929.

Water year: In this report, "water year" refers to the 12-month period from October 1 through September 30. The water year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends. Thus, the water year ending on September 30, 1989, is called "water year 1989." Streamflow records of the U.S. Geological Survey are compiled and reported for water years.

Year: In this report, "year" refers to the calendar year (January 1 through December 31).

Abbreviated water-quality units used in this report: mg/L milligram per liter pCi/L picocurie per liter jig/L microgram per liter jiS/cm microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius mrem/yr milliroentgen equivalent man per year

Other abbreviations and symbols:

MCL maximum contaminant level SMCL secondary maximum contaminant level + plus or minus a alpha


By Richard L. Daddow

ABSTRACT Comprehensive information about the water resources on the Wind River Indian Reservation, west-central Wyoming is needed to manage the existing water uses and develop future water supplies for Shoshone and Northern Arapahoe Tribal members and others who live on or near the reservation. As a result, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Shoshone Tribe and the Northern Arapahoe Tribe, conducted a comprehensive study of the water resources of the reservation. Rocks from all geologic periods except those of Silurian age are present on the reservation. Ground water, as well as springs, are present in many of these geologic units. These units provide water for public-supply, domestic, agricultural, and industrial uses, and are a potential source of water for irrigation on the reservation. At least 507 wells are completed in deposits of Quaternary age on the reservation, and most of these wells are less than 50 feet deep. Median yields from wells completed in different deposits of Quaternary age ranged from 6 to 20 gallons per minute. The Wind River Formation of Tertiary age is the major source of drinking water for domestic and public-supply uses. Most of the 608 wells in this formation are completed in permeable, lenticular, and discontinuous sandstone deposits. Inventoried well depths ranged from 37 to 994 feet, with a median depth of 190 feet. Yields ranged from about 0.1 to 350 gallons per minute, with a median yield of 20 gallons per minute. One hundred and thirteen wells are completed in five Mesozoic and three Paleozoic age geologic units. Wells completed in the Mesozoic units are usually less than 150 feet deep. Median yields ranged from 5 gallons per minute for the Cody Shale of Cretaceous age to 55 gallons per minute for the Nugget Sandstone of Jurassic (?) and Triassic (?) age. The Paleozoic units consist of the Tensleep Sandstone of Pennsylvanian age and the Madison Limestone of Mississippian age and these two units are potentially the most productive water-yielding geologic units on the reservation, with estimated yields of as much as 1,000 gallons per minute. Streams provide most of the water for irrigation, which is the largest water use on the reservation. Sixty active or inactive U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations are located on perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams on or near the reservation. Statistical summaries of streamflow data for 24 gaging stations with 10 or more years of daily discharge records indicate that low-flow, high-flow, and flow-duration characteristics of streams on the reservation are extremely variable. Average annual runoff was 122 to 1,150 acre-feet per square mile on streams with gaging stations. The chemical quality of ground water on the reservation is variable. In water sampled from the Little Wind River and Popo Agie River flood-plain alluvium near the mountains, dissolved-solids concentrations generally were less than 400 mg/L (milligrams per liter), and ionic compositions were dominated by calcium and bicarbonate. With increasing distance from the mountains, dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from about 600 to about 750 mg/L, and ionic composition consisted of a mixture of calcium, magnesium, and sodium cations with mostly sulfate anions. These changes in the chemical quality of water downgradient could be caused by lithologic changes in the flood-plain alluvium, a

ABSTRACT 1 downgradient increase in recharge from irrigation return flow, or the increased contact time of water with or seepage of water from the underlying Cody Shale and the Frontier Formation of Cretaceous age, both of which contain substantial amounts of soluble minerals. Water samples collected in the Wind River Formation had dissolved-solids concentrations ranging from 211 to 5,110 mg/L, and ionic composition varied from mixed calcium and sodium cations with mostly bicarbonate ions to a dominance of sodium and sulfate ions. Water samples collected in most of the Mesozoic geologic units had median dissolved-solids concentrations ranging from 800 to 2,540 mg/L, and variable ionic compositions. Dissolved-solids concentrations of less than 250 mg/L and ionic composition dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions were typical chemical-quality characteristics of the water samples collected from five wells completed in the Tensleep Sandstone and the Madison Limestone. Water-quality samples have been collected at 33 streamflow-gaging stations and 28 miscellaneous surface-water sites on or near the reservation. Statistical summaries of chemical- quality data from 12 gaging stations with 4 years or more of records indicate that chemical quality of the streams is related to changes in streamflow, geology, and downstream location. Water samples from most perennial streams in or near mountainous areas had dissolved-solids concentrations less than 200 mg/L and ionic composition dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions. With increasing distance from the mountains, water samples from most perennial streams had dissolved-solids concentrations ranging from about 400 to about 600 mg/L and ionic composition of mostly calcium and sodium cations and sulfate anions. Water samples from intermittent streams had dissolved solids concentrations ranging from about 1,100 to about 3,500 mg/L and ionic composition of sodium and calcium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions.


The water resources of the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming (fig. 1), hereinafter referred to as the reservation, are important to the Shoshone and Northern Arapahoe tribal members and others who live on or near the reservation. Comprehensive information of the water resources is important for the successful management and protection of existing water uses and supplies. Detailed water-resources information also is needed for the planning and design of new water supplies, and other related economic development on the reservation. Uses of both ground and surface water on the reservation are extensive, diverse, and increasing due to increases in population, industrial and agricultural growth, and recreational activities. Water-resource management and allocation on the reservation have received a high priority because of a 1988 Supreme Court of Wyoming decision (In regards to: The general adjudication of all rights to use water in the Big Horn River system and all other sources, State of Wyoming; The State of Wyoming v. Shoshone and Arapahoe Tribes, et.al.; 753P.2D76, Wyoming 1988) granting a surface-water right of about 500,000 acre-ft (acre-feet) annually to the Shoshone Tribe and Northern Arapahoe Tribe. This Federal-reserved water right has the most senior water- rights appropriation date (1868) in the Wind River drainage basin. To obtain information that is needed to plan for and manage the increased demands for water on the reservation, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Shoshone Tribe and Northern Arapahoe Tribe, conducted a study to describe and evaluate the water resources. Additional hydrologic data were collected as part of the study where such data were lacking or considered inadequate or where water quality was a concern.

Purpose and Scope

The ground-water and surface-water resources and the chemical quality of these resources on the reservation are described in this report. Site characteristics, well yields, water levels, and chemical quality of the ground water for 14 major geologic units are described and evaluated on the basis of hydrologic data obtained from inventoried water-supply wells and springs. An inventory and data summary were compiled for 60 streamflow-gaging stations and 39 miscellaneous surface-water sites on or near the reservation. Flow characteristics are evaluated for streams with and without streamflow-gaging stations. A comprehensive


Base from U.S. Geological Survey Wyoming State base map, 10 20 MILES 1:500,000, 1980 '-Wind River 10 20 KILOMETERS Indian Reservation WYOMING EXPLANATION WIND RIVER INDIAN RESERVATION-- Areas of private land inside reservation not shown .06 WEATHER STATION AND NUMBER

Figure 1. Location of the study area and selected weather stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming.

INTRODUCTION 3 summary of the type, number, and period of record of water-quality analyses is included for 33 streamflow- gaging stations on or near the reservation. Chemical-quality data from 12 representative gaging stations with 4 or more years of chemical-quality data are statistically summarized and used to evaluate the general chemical- quality characteristics of streams on or near the reservation. In addition, a glossary is provided after the references to assist the reader with unfamiliar terms.

Methods of Investigation

Water-resources data for the reservation were obtained from numerous Federal and State agencies, and private consulting firms. A detailed literature search also provided data about the geology and hydrology of the reservation. Well records and water-quality data were obtained from the U.S. Public Health Service, Indian Health Services (IHS), and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) offices in Fort Washakie, Wyoming. Computerized data from the USGS on water resources of the reservation also were compiled and updated.

Inventory records of the water-supply wells and springs on the reservation were comprehensively compiled, and these data were used to identify and evaluate the ground-water resources. Nearly 1,360 wells were inventoried (Daddow, 1992), including most of the water-supply wells drilled before 1990 that are on reservation trust lands or lands owned by tribal members, and most water-supply wells drilled before 1966 on private lands on the reservation. Nearly 260 springs were inventoried (Daddow, 1992), including springs identified on 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps. Springs not identified on quadrangle maps but listed in the soil and range resources inventory of the reservation (U.S. Department of the Interior, 1962) were included in the spring inventory. Ground-water and water-quality data for the inventoried wells and springs are listed in Daddow (1992). These inventoried wells and springs are shown on plate 1 of this report.

Onsite work for this study was conducted from August 1988 through May 1991. Discharge, flow rate, water level, temperature, pH, or specific conductance were measured at 274 wells, 23 springs, and 42 surface- water (stream, canal, or drain) sites. Chemical-quality samples were collected at 45 wells, 21 springs, and 34 surface-water sites. Methods and guidelines used for the collection and onsite analysis of these water-quality samples are described in Wells and others (1990). Discharge from selected springs, streams, canals, and drains were measured using techniques described by Rantz and others (1982).

Water-quality data evaluated and summarized in this report came from different laboratories and time periods, and different analytical methods were used. Quality-control checks were performed on all chemical- quality data included in this report. The quality-control methods used are described in Friedman and Erdmann (1982, p. 103-108). The primary quality-control check, commonly called a "chemical-balance check," was based on the percentage difference between the sums of the milliequivalents of major cations and anions. Chemical analyses with chemical-balance check values greater than + 6-percent difference were not accepted and not used in this report. The only exception was for chemical analyses of water samples where the sum of the cations and anions was less than 2.5 milliequivalents. The chemical-balance check for these chemical analyses was based on the percentage-difference curve shown in Friedman and Erdmann (1982, p. 104, fig. 15).

Previous Studies

Numerous water-resources studies of the reservation have been completed. McGreevy and others (1969) provided detailed hydrologic characteristics and maps of the geologic units, chemical-quality characteristics of the ground water, an inventory of wells and springs as of 1966, and a description of the drainage problems associated with irrigated lands on the reservation. Reports by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (1971) and Hurlbut, Kersich, and McCullough Consulting Engineers (1975) describe the existing and potential water uses on the reservation. A report by HKM Associates (1979) evaluates and summarizes the hydrology, water supply, and quality of the surface-water resources on the reservation. Grasso and others (1995) describe and summarize physical, chemical, and biological data that were collected in 1992 and 1993 from irrigation drainage areas and wetlands of the Wind River Federal Irrigation Project area (pi. 1) on the reservation.

4 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Numerous hydrologic and water-resources studies have been conducted in the Owl Creek and Wind River drainage basins, and Fremont and Hot Springs Counties. Parts of each of these drainage basins and counties are included in the reservation area. The eastern half of the reservation was discussed in a report of the hydrology of Coal Area 51, which includes part of both the Owl Creek and Wind River drainage basins (Peterson and others, 1987). Berry and Littleton (1961), Lowry and others (1976), and Ogle (1992) described the water resources and geology of the Owl Creek drainage basin, which includes the northeastern part of the reservation. Average annual runoff, measured in inches, was developed for the Wind River drainage basin by Oilman and Tracy (1949). Colby and others (1956) evaluated and summarized the sedimentation and chemical quality of surface waters in the Wind River drainage basin. The occurrence and characteristics of ground water in the Wind River drainage basin were summarized by Richter (1981). Other studies of the water resources and water supply of the Wind River drainage basin include Bishop and Spurlock Consulting Engineers (1962), Bureau of Reclamation (1966, 1981), and Whitcomb and Lowry (1968). Stoffer (1985) published a detailed bibliography and index of the geology of the Wind River structural basin, including reports on water resources in the basin. The water resources of Fremont County, which includes most of the reservation except for the northern part, were described and evaluated in a report by Plafcan and others (1995). The water resources of Hot Springs County, which includes the northern part of the reservation, were described and evaluated in a report by Plafcan and Ogle (1994).

Numbering System for Wells and Springs

The wells and springs listed in the report are identified by local numbers. A local number is based on the Federal township-range system of land subdivision. Inside the boundaries of the Wind River Indian Reservation and the Riverton Reclamation Withdrawal Area, this land subdivision system is referenced to the Wind River Meridian and Base Line system. Outside these boundaries, the land subdivision system is referenced to other meridians and base lines. An example of a local number is !S-2E-14abc01 (fig. 2). The first segment of the local number (1S) denotes the township north or south of the Wind River Base Line. The second segment (2E) denotes the range east or west of the Wind River Meridian. The third segment (14abc) refers to the section number and the subdivision of that section. The subdivisions of a section are lettered a, b, c, and d in a counterclockwise direction beginning in the northeast quarter (a), then northwest (b), southwest (c), and southeast (d). The first letter following the section number denotes the quarter section (160 acres); the second letter denotes the quarter-quarter section (40 acres); and the third letter denotes the quarter-quarter-quarter section (10 acres). The fourth segment of the local number (01) is the sequential number after the lowercase letters that distinguishes that well from other wells assigned a local number in the same quarter-quarter-quarter section. Thus, the well with local number !S-2E-14abc01 is the first well inventoried in the southwest quarter (1/4) of the northwest 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of section 14, Township 1 south, Range 2 east (fig. 2).

Numbering System for Surface-Water Sites

Streamflow-gaging stations are sites on streams where systematic observations of hydrologic data are obtained. Gaging stations are identified with a unique eight-digit number assigned by the USGS. The first two digits of this number indicate the major drainage basin where the gaging station is located. All the numbers for gaging stations on or near the reservation start with "06", which indicates the Missouri River drainage basin. The remaining six digits indicate the downstream position in the major drainage basin and become progressively larger in a downstream direction. In addition, a simplified "site number" starting with the letter "G" was used in this report to identify gaging stations.

Miscellaneous surface-water sites are located on streams, canals, drains, and other open bodies of water where infrequent and miscellaneous types of hydrologic data are obtained. These sites are identified by a 15-digit site number that is based on the latitude and longitude of the site. The first six digits designate latitude of the site, the next seven digits designate longitude, and the last two digits are sequence numbers to distinguish between several sites that may be in close proximity of one another. A simplified "site number" starting with the letter "M" was used in this report to identify the miscellaneous surface-water sites.

INTRODUCTION 5 109°00' 108°30'


43°30' -


Base from U.S. Geological Survey Wyoming State base map, 20 MILES 1:500,000, 1980 ~l 7/? T 10/ 20 KILOMETERS Well 1S-2E-14abc01

6 5 4 3 2 1 /

7 8 9 10 1V /12 4 __ - 18 17 16 15 14 13 T. 1 S. 19 20 21 22 23 24

30 29 28 27 26 25

31 32 33 34 35 36

R. 2 E.

Figure 2. Numbering system for wells and springs in the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming. 6 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Acknowledgments

The authors would like to thank all the people who extended cooperation to the USGS in obtaining water- resources information, and collecting chemical-quality samples from wells, springs, streams, canals, and drains. Special appreciation is directed to the following individuals who provided detailed information on the water resources: James Sorenson, Eugene E. Meyers, and John T. Myers of the IHS office, Fort Washakie, Wyoming; Paul Rembold, Charles Dillahunty, Louis Twitchell, Ray Nation, Ruth Thayer, and Donald Crook of the BIA office, Fort Washakie, Wyoming; Mike Lajuenesse of Shoshone Utility Organization, Fort Washakie, Wyoming; Jerry Redman of Northern Arapahoe Utilities, Ethete, Wyoming; and James Malone and Roger Willenbrecht of Amoco Production Company. Special thanks also are extended to the Wind River Environmental Quality Commission of the Joint Business Council, Shoshone and Northern Arapahoe Tribes, Fort Washakie, Wyoming, for the guidance and support provided throughout the project.


The reservation is in west-central Wyoming (fig. 1). Most of the reservation is located in Fremont County, and the northeastern part is in Hot Springs County. The boundaries of the reservation have changed several times since the original area was established in 1868. The present reservation is about 68 miles (mi) east to west, about 65 mi north to south, and includes 1,993,000 acres (or 3,114 mi 2). The eastern boundary of the reservation has been greatly modified from its original boundary by the Riverton Reclamation Withdrawal Area and the (fig. 1). These two areas are not considered to be part of the reservation and have not been included in the study area of this report.

The reservation is home for about 8,000 Shoshone and Northern Arapahoe tribal members. About 85 percent of the reservation is held in trust by the U.S. Government for the Tribes or is owned by individual tribal members. Major unincorporated communities on the reservation include Arapahoe, Crowheart, Ethete, and Fort Washakie (fig. 1). Most of the remaining 15 percent of the reservation is private land, which includes the city of Riverton and private property located primarily in the Crowheart area and the southern part of the reservation.

Geographic Setting

Most of the reservation is in the western part of the , which is a large structural basin. The southwestern part of the reservation extends along the eastern flank of the . The northern part of the reservation includes parts of the Absaroka Range and (fig. 3).

The Wind River drainage basin, which nearly coincides with the boundary of the Wind River structural basin, is the main drainage area on the reservation (fig. 3). About 86 percent of the reservation lies in this drainage basin. Most of the remaining 14 percent is in the Owl Creek drainage basin and several small drainage basins of minor tributaries to the (fig. 3).

The physiography of the reservation is diverse, consisting of alpine, glaciated, and mountainous terrain along the northern and southwestern edges of the reservation and foothills, high plateaus, rugged badlands, plains, and terraced-stream valleys in the other parts of the reservation. Land-surface altitudes range from about 4,400 feet (ft) at the northern end of the in the Owl Creek Mountains to about 13,000 ft in the Wind River Range. In the central part of the reservation, the altitude ranges from about 4,800 to 6,000 ft.

DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA 7 I m 3J 31 m (/) O 3J O m O Tl H X m o 2 < m 3) 3) m en m 3)


BOUNDARY OF THE WIND RIVER INDIAN RESERVATION-- Areas of private land inside reservation boundary not shown

Base from U.S. Geological Survey Wyoming State base map, 10 20 30 40 50 MILES I I i 1:1,000,000, 1980 I I I 10 20 30 40 50 KILOMETERS Figure 3. Location of the Wind River and Owl Creek drainage basins, Wyoming. Climate

The climate of the reservation ranges from desert in the central part to alpine in the bordering mountain ranges (Martner, 1986, p. 3-6). Annual precipitation ranges from 6 to 8 in. in the central part of the reservation and from 10 to 20 in. along the flanks of the mountain ranges. Precipitation is greater than 30 in. in the upper zones of the Owl Creek Mountains and Absaroka Range and is greater than 50 in. near the top of the Wind River Range (Hurlbut, Kersich, and McCullough Consulting Engineers, 1975, fig. III.2, p. III-5). Most of the October through March precipitation occurs as snow. Average annual snowfall is less than 20 in. in the lower elevations, ranges from 40 to 80 in. in the Owl Creek Mountains, and is greater than 150 in. in the Wind River Range (Martner, 1986, p. 81). Most of the mountain snowfall is stored as snowpack. Snowmelt is a major source of streamflow on the reservation during the spring and summer. Mean-annual precipitation and temperature data for eight weather stations on or near the reservation are listed in table 1 (Martner, 1986; Owenby and Ezell, 1992). The locations of these weather stations are shown in figure 1.

Table 1 . Mean-annual precipitation and mean-annual temperature for selected weather stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming [Site number, site numbers used in this report. Altitude of land surface, in feet above sea level; deg, degrees; min, minutes; ft, feet; in, inches, °F, degrees Fahrenheit; WSO, Weather Service Office; AP, airport]

Altitude Mean- Mean- Site of land annual annual number Latitude Longitude surface Period of precipitation temperature (fig. D Weather station (deg-min) (deg-min) (ft) record (in.) (°F) Cl Anchor Dam 43-40 108-50 6,460 1961-79 15.2 41.3 C2 Boy sen Dam 43-25 108-11 4,642 1961-90 9.29 47.4 C3 Burris 43-22 109-17 6,140 1961-90 8.93 44.3 C4 Diversion Dam 43-14 108-56 5,575 1961-90 8.97 44.9 C5 Fort Washakie 42-59 108-53 5,550 1951-79 11.9 42.2 C6 Lander WSO AP 42-49 108-44 5,370 1961-90 13.0 46.0 C7 Pavillion 43-15 108-41 5,440 1961-90 7.53 44.3 C8 Riverton 43-01 108-23 4,950 1961-90 7.74 42.6

Geologic Setting

The geologic structure of the reservation consists of the Wind River Basin, which is a large structurally complex basin bounded on the north and southwest by upfolded and faulted mountain ranges. The structural relief from the top of the mountains to the bottom of the structural basin is about 30,000 ft. Keefer (1970) provides a detailed description of the geologic structure and history of the Wind River Basin and surrounding mountain ranges. Structure-contour maps and geologic cross sections of the reservation are contained in reports by Keefer (1970, pi. 2) and McGreevy and others (1969, pi. 2). Rocks from all geologic periods except those of Silurian age are present within the reservation. Igneous and metamorphic basement rocks of Precambrian age are exposed on the upper parts of most of the mountain ranges and underlie the sedimentary rocks in the basin. Rocks of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age crop out along the lower flanks of the mountain ranges, on numerous anticlines in the basin, and are buried in the central part

DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA 9 of the basin. These rocks generally dip basinward at angles ranging from 10 to 15 degrees along the flanks of the Wind River Range, and are vertical to overturned along the margins of anticlines and along the northern mountains. Geologic units of Tertiary and Quaternary age crop out in most of the central part of the basin and consist primarily of the Wind River Formation of Tertiary age and deposits of Quaternary age such as flood- plain alluvium, slope wash and alluvium, terrace deposits, and glacial deposits. Tertiary volcaniclastic rocks of the Absaroka Range crop out in the northwestern part of the reservation.

Generalized geology of the reservation is shown in figure 4. For a more detailed description of the geology of the reservation the reader is directed to McGreevy and others (1969, pi. 2). The major geologic units and percentages of reservation area in each generalized geologic-map unit is summarized in table 2. Additional detailed information on the physical and lithologic characteristics of the geologic units listed in table 2 is provided in reports by Keefer (1965, 1972), Keefer and Van Lieu (1966), McGreevy and others (1969, p. 113-121), and Refolo (1983, p. 6-44).


Ground-water and surface-water uses are extensive and diverse throughout the reservation. Principal water uses consist of public supply, domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational, and fisheries.

Both ground water and surface water provide water sources for public-supply and private domestic uses on the reservation. Wells furnish water to most of the public water-supply systems on the reservation, which include the Arapahoe, Arapahoe Industrial Park, Trout Creek, and Boulder Flats community water-supply systems. Surface water diverted from the South Fork Little Wind River supplies the Fort Washakie community. A streambed infiltration system on the Little Wind River supplies water to the Ethete community. These public water-supply systems are operated by various tribal-based organizations. The site location and estimated water use for these systems are summarized in table 3. Water-use information for the City of Riverton and smaller public water-supply systems on the reservation are listed in Richter (1981, p. 32-37). Ground water is the principal water source for private domestic use on the reservation.

Agricultural water use includes water for irrigation of crops and water used in beef, dairy, poultry, and other livestock production. Irrigation is the most common use of water on the reservation. Except for several irrigation wells in the Riverton area and Owl Creek drainage basin, streamflow is the only source of irrigation water. Because of recent water-rights adjudication on the reservation, the use of irrigation water has been evaluated and summarized in detail (Roncalio, 1982). The major water use on the reservation is for irrigation in the Wind River Federal Irrigation Project area (pi. 1). About 170,000 acre-ft of water is diverted from various streams each year to irrigate an average of 28,000 acres in the Wind River Federal Irrigation Project area (Donald Crook, U. S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, oral commun., 1989). Water from streams, springs, and wells also is used for livestock.

The principal industrial water user is the petroleum industry. The reservation has 15 oil-and-gas fields. Ground water is withdrawn from most oil-and-gas fields as a by-product of oil production and for secondary recovery by water-flooding. Most of the ground water withdrawn is re-injected into wells at the fields, but some of the water is released into surface-water channels and ponds.

Recreation and fisheries water use on the reservation are diverse and generally nonconsumptive. Sources for these uses are streams, springs, lakes, and reservoirs. Washakie Mineral Hot Springs, near Ethete, has provided water for a public swimming-pool and bath facility.



43°00' --

Base from U.S. Geological Survey Geology modified from Wyoming State base map, 10 20 MILES McGreevy and others, 1969, pi. 2 1:500,000, 1980 I I 0 10 20 KILOMETERS




Figure 4. Generalized geology of the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming.

WATER USE 11 ~ § ~ ? 881" § § S 1 § B -s w 3 c " 3 ^ «-> s ^ § e 1 b ° £? 0 ^ S 1 E? & & .3 8 8 8. 5 R =3 £ CAs 5 .a 5 s S E .ii S 0 fc -s to6 a n3 7?° -ap ° % -£ -a ^ 1 5 ~ a k^ Si c ^ S J Z^& 'S3o E--C 5 1 J3 S | S3 § 1 1 ° £ & Majorgeologicunitsandag * 1= 1 1 ^cs^S eachgeneralizedgeologic-mapunit,WindRive, od-plainalluvium,slopewashandalluvium(Holocer idslideandcolluvialdeposits(HolocenePleistoci 1 H § ^ p 1 ^

vertinedeposits(HolocenePleistocene)and III ^aS -^ ^-8§,1 J^SS3§-?^gS| fill 2deposits(HoloceneandPleistocene)race 2icialdeposits(HoloceneandPleistocene) 8 U | c_ 1«2 8«8-S5"S°g ^|o^§§ §S5«xS«§gllS|l HiiHIlHitUtiiUU Ci u Cl2o «CJ^-'wO^£,5g^- s«j2 -IIll 1 lil 111 I !I5'S S. § "Sin § ? i|iii!iiif!tl|«2.g> S*£-E lilt* .^ c? E§ ^ 5 ^ 3 £$% III J I ^ S II a Hill'5 3 ^ o g-o to £-.§ 8 - 5 g= c to£ Q) £ 2 ^ £ i £& 8 *_ 0) fl> S ODC S)E oo m r~ 10 a> c c .S> TT VD ~ 1 8 (N (N wOi all? £ S- s 2 s K a> S S> a! > £ D. jf n

1 CA3 S 1 'ct . 0 Q ^o C 3 rt to 0. CN !3 J2X raS 6 0 _O ! "5>-_ S "3 o £ ^ 0 > o ^ CA § "tA 1 I o>£. O o >< o D c3s ws 75» a N t U o 'S>fe >-, c3 S S o E rj 5 o, 0) &1 &1 ° Oi g « S TO o evi-S O cd fi t § -2§ 5 ^ E^ | Si> |2^

12 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Table 2. Major geologic units and percentage of reservation area included in each generalized geologic-map unit, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming-Continued

Percentage of the Wind River Indian Reservation Generalized geologic-map unit area within generalized (fig- 4) geologic-map unit Major geologic units and age1 Alcova Limestone [Chugwater Group] (Upper Triassic) Mesozoic rocks Continued Red Peak Formation [Chugwater Group] (Lower Triassic) Dinwoody Formation (Lower Triassic)

Paleozoic rocks 14.3 Phosphoria Formation and related rocks (Permian)2 Tensleep Sandstone (Upper and Middle Pennsylvanian)2 Amsden Formation (Middle and Lower Pennsylvanian and Upper Mississippian) Madison Limestone (Mississippian) Darby Formation (Upper Devonian) Bighorn Dolomite (Upper Ordovician) Gallatin Limestone (Upper Cambrian) Gros Ventre Formation (Upper and Middle Cambrian) Flathead Sandstone (Middle Cambrian)

Precambrian rocks 12.4 Precambrian rocks (Proterozoic and Archean)

'Modified from McGreevy and others (1969, pi. 2), Love and Christiansen (1985), Love, Christiansen, and Ver Ploeg (1993), and Peter R. Stevens, U.S. Geological Survey, written commun., 1994. 2The hydrologic and water-quality characteristics of ground water from these major geologic units, volcaniclastic rocks, and the Chugwater Group are summarized and evaluated in this report.

I m 3J c en m Table 3. Source of water and water-use data for selected public water-supply systems, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming [Source of water: wells are identified with local well number that is described in this report; gal/d, gallon per day]

Estimated average daily Public water- production supply system Source of water (gal/d) Source of production data Arapahoe Two wells (IS-SE-lldcdOl, lS-3E-lldcd02) 300,000 Jerry Redman, Northern Arapahoe Utilities, completed in the Wind River Formation of oral commun., 1990 Tertiary age Arapahoe One well (1 S-3E-23bdd03) completed in the 67,000 Jerry Redman, Northern Arapahoe Utilities, Industrial Park Wind River Formation of Tertiary age oral commun., 1990 Trout Creek Two wells (1 S-2W-24dca01, 1 S-2W-24dcb02) 30,000 Mike Lajuenesse, Shoshone Utility completed in the Nugget Sandstone of Organization, oral commun., 1990 Jurassic (?) and Triassic (?) age Boulder Flats Two wells (2S-lW-13adb01, 2S-lW-13adb02) 16,000 Eugene E. Myers, Indian Health Services, completed in flood-plain alluvium of the North oral commun., 1990 Fork Popo Agie River Fort Washakie Surface-water diversion from South Fork Little 700,000 Mike Lajuenesse, Shoshone Utility Wind River about 3.1 miles west of Fort Organization, oral commun., 1990 Washakie Ethete Streambed infiltration from Little Wind River 380,000 Jerry Redman, Northern Arapahoe Utilities, about 1.3 miles west of Ethete oral commun., 1990

The various water uses for the inventoried wells are summarized in the following table. Domestic use (private water-supply systems) is the most common water use for wells on the reservation.

Water use Number of wells Percentage of total wells Public supply 24 1.8 Domestic 674 49.7 Irrigation 10 0.7 Livestock 105 7.7 Industrial 32 2.4 Unused 386 28.4 Unknown 126 9.3 Total 1,357 100.0


Ground water usually is derived from infiltration of precipitation or from surface-water seepage. Ground water moves through the geologic units from recharge areas to discharge areas such as springs, gaining streams, or other geologic units at rates dependent on the gradient and permeability of the geologic units. Heath (1983) provides an excellent overview on the basic hydrology of ground water.

14 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Ground-water resources on the reservation occur in many different geologic units and as springs flowing from these units. Ground water provides water for public-supply, domestic, livestock, and industrial uses on the reservation. Ground water is a potential source of additional supply for irrigation on the reservation.

Hydrologic and water-quality characteristics of ground water from the following major geologic units (table 2) are evaluated and summarized in this report: flood-plain alluvium, slope wash and alluvium, terrace deposits, glacial deposits, volcaniclastic rocks, Wind River Formation, Cody Shale, Frontier Formation, Cloverly Formation, Nugget Sandstone, Chugwater Group, Phosphoria Formation and related rocks, Tensleep Sandstone, and Madison Limestone. These 14 major geologic units were evaluated because they supply most of the ground water used on the reservation or have the potential to yield substantial quantities of ground water that is suitable for human consumption and other uses.

Quaternary Deposits

Quaternary deposits containing ground water consist of flood-plain alluvium, slope wash and alluvium, terrace deposits, and glacial deposits. Quaternary deposits provide water for domestic and public-supply uses on the reservation. Inventory records were compiled for 507 wells completed in the Quaternary deposits on the reservation. Selected ground-water data for wells completed in Quaternary deposits are listed in table 4. Most of the inventoried wells completed in these deposits are less than 50 ft deep.

Flood-plain Alluvium

Flood-plain alluvium consists mostly of unconsolidated deposits of silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders. These recent deposits occur as valley fill and adjacent low terraces in most of the major stream valleys on the reservation. The deposits range from 5 to more than 100 ft in thickness but are generally less than 40 ft thick (McGreevy and others, 1969, p. 149). These deposits in four drainage basins are discussed separately because of differences in the extent of the deposits and the lithology of the underlying geologic units. The Wind River flood-plain alluvium generally is thicker and more laterally extensive than other Quaternary deposits on the reservation and is underlain by the Wind River Formation. Most of the middle one-third of the Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium and the Popo Agie River flood-plain alluvium are underlain by the Cody Shale and Frontier Formation of Cretaceous age, which both contain substantial amounts of soluble minerals. Most of the Owl Creek flood-plain alluvium on the reservation is underlain by the Cody Shale and Frontier Formation.

Inventory records were compiled for 361 wells completed in the flood-plain alluvium deposits on the reservation. Selected ground-water data for these inventoried wells are listed in table 4. Well depths range from 5 to 135 ft, with a median depth of 30 ft.

Water levels in wells completed in the flood-plain alluvium were evaluated on the basis of water-level measurements in 250 wells during 1948-91. Water levels ranged from land surface to 41.6 ft below land surface, with a median value of 8.3 ft below land surface. Seasonal recharge from seepage of irrigation water from surface-water sources caused substantial seasonal water-level fluctuations in wells in some areas. Typically, water levels in wells located near irrigated lands are the highest during the irrigation season, which generally is from June to September, and the lowest before irrigation is started. For example, water levels in four wells (!N-2W-25dbc01, !N-2W-36dda01, !N-2W-35adc04, !N-2W-26ccc01) completed in flood-plain alluvium in the Little Wind River drainage basin and near irrigated lands, had seasonal water-level declines of 6.2, 7.8, 8.6, and 17.5 ft respectively, between July 1990 (irrigation season) and May 1991 (before irrigation).

In some areas on the reservation, water levels in wells completed in the flood-plain alluvium typically are less than 5 ft below land surface for the entire year. These high water levels occur in two general areas: south of Fort Washakie and east of Ethete. In both areas, the flood-plain alluvium generally is less than 25 ft thick, is not near major river channels, and is underlain by the Cody Shale.

GROUND-WATER RESOURCES 15 Table 4. Summary of selected ground-water data for wells completed in Quaternary deposits, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming

[rr^ii ui^pui icuigi. aiiu iiituicui, i11 iiAsi uwnjw iaiiu 31uiiavw, i^^w VL w^j.1 lUg. U, U 11111/1, g, , ii'i'i, gcu/iiuii, gain'11 yt/1 111111U1X', \gaLi/imii^/ii, gaiiuu jjwJ1 111111UIC ptl 1UUI, --, no data or not applicable] m1 3) Yield Number of Specific capacity m Well depth Number (gal/min) wells with [(gal/min)/ft] (0 O Number of range and and type of Number specific- c 33 wells [median] well logs of wells with capacity Om Geologic unit1 inventoried (ft) available yield data Range Median data Range Median (0 Flood-plain alluvium, all 361 5-135 [30] 188 d, 4 g 123 4-60 15 79 0.2-40 O 3.0 n drainage basins H mX Wind River flood- 118 5-80 [25] 30 d, 4 g 12 5-50 20 7 0.8-8.0 2.5 ^ plain alluvium z O Little Wind River 202 9-135 [32] 148 d 106 4-60 15 68 0.2-40 2.9 33 flood-plain alluvium m 31 Popo Agie River 17 12-47 [31] 6d 5 10-60 20 4 3.5-12 6.7 31 flood-plain alluvium m m(0 Owl Creek flood- 24 12-90 [46] 4d 31 plain alluvium Slope wash and alluvium 54 10-3 10 [36] 26 d, 3 g 19 4-20 6.0 8 0.4-15 4.3 6 z Terrace deposits 87 5-200 [36] 29 d, 3 g 13 2-50 20 10 0.1-40 3.8 Glacial deposits 5 10-124 [45] 2d 2 15-20 - 2 0.7-20 -

'For flood-plain alluvium geologic units, geographic location (drainage area) also is included. Yields from wells completed in the flood-plain alluvium were estimated on the basis of driller's well- acceptance-test and pumping-test data that were collected during 1963-88. The water-yield data from well- acceptance tests consisted of yield measurements from 123 wells and specific-capacity determinations from 79 wells. Yield is the constant or final pumping rate in gallons per minute (gal/min) at which the well- acceptance test was conducted. Specific capacity is the yield per unit drawdown and is reported in gallons per minute per foot [(gal/min)/ft]. This value is determined by dividing the constant or final pumping rate by the total drawdown during the well test. Heath (1983, p. 58-59) provides a good description about well-acceptance tests and how they should be conducted. The pumping period for most of these well-acceptance tests was 2 hours or longer. Yields ranged from 4 to 60 gal/min, with a median value of 15 gal/min. Specific capacities ranged from 0.2 to 40 (gal/min)/ft, with a median value of 3.0 (gal/min)/ft (table 4). Five pumping tests were conducted in 1965 and 1966 and the results are reported in McGreevy and others (1969, p. 130). Specific capacities from these five pumping tests ranged from 1 to 65 (gal/min)/ft.

Slope Wash and Alluvium

Slope wash and alluvium consists of slope wash, slope wash with interbedded or underlying alluvium, and flood-plain alluvium on smaller perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams. Slope wash is defined as soil and rock material that has been moved down a slope by mass wasting assisted by running water not confined to fluvial channels (Bates and Jackson, 1980, p. 588). Slope wash consists mostly of fine-grained unconsolidated deposits of clay, silt, and sand. Alluvium consists of clay, silt, sand, gravel or other unconsolidated material deposited during recent geologic time by a stream or other body of running water as a sediment in the bed of a stream or on the floodplain or delta, or as a fan at the base of a mountain (Bates and Jackson, 1980, p. 46). This geologic unit is scattered throughout the reservation and ranges from about 5 to 80 ft in thickness (McGreevy and others, 1969, p. 147). Inventory records were compiled for 54 wells completed in the slope wash and alluvium on the reserva­ tion. Selected ground-water data for these inventoried wells are listed in table 4. Most of these wells are in the Mill Creek area. Other wells completed in this geologic unit are in the upper Muddy Creek, Sage Creek, Beaver Creek, and Kirby Draw drainage areas .Well depths range from 10 to 310 ft, with a median depth of 36 ft.

Water levels in wells completed in this geologic unit were evaluated on the basis of water-level measure­ ments in 30 wells during 1948-91. Water levels ranged from 1.0 to 27.4 ft below land surface with a median value of 7.0 ft below land surface. Ground water in this unit responds to seasonal water-level fluctuations caused by irrigation recharge. Wells completed in slope wash and alluvium in nonirrigated areas of smaller or intermittent stream valleys usually have small (less than 3 ft) water-level fluctuations. Water-level fluctuations in these wells usually correspond to seasonal changes in streamflow. For example, water levels in an observation well (!S-5E-llbdd01), 34 ft deep, about 300 ft from Kirby Draw (an ephemeral stream) were measured 80 times during 1965-66, 1970-83, and in 1991. Water levels in this well typically had annual water- level fluctuations of less than 3 ft, with a mean water-level of 21.0 ft below land surface. The highest water levels in this well generally occur each year between May and early June, a time period that corresponds to maximum streamflows in Kirby Draw. Yields of water from wells completed in slope wash and alluvium were evaluated on the basis of 19 yield measurements and 8 specific-capacity determinations from well-acceptance tests conducted during 1963-89. Yields ranged from 4 to 20 gal/min, with a median value of 6 gal/min. Specific capacities ranged from 0.4 to 15 (gal/min)/ft, with a median value of 4.3 (gal/min)/ft (table 4).

Terrace Deposits

The terrace deposits consist of unconsolidated deposits of silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders and usually appear as bench or steplike features. These recent deposits are present on the edges of the major river valleys and on the lower flanks of the Wind River Range on the reservation. This unit is usually less than 50 ft thick but may be as much as 200 ft thick (Richter, 1981, p. 87).

GROUND-WATER RESOURCES 17 Inventory records were compiled for 87 wells completed in terrace deposits. Selected ground-water data for these inventoried wells are listed in table 4. Most of the wells are northeast of the City of Riverton, in the Crowheart area, and in the Boulder Flats area south of Ray Lake. All of these areas are extensively irrigated with surface water. Well depths range from 5 to 200 ft, with a median depth of 36 ft.

Water-levels in wells completed in this geologic unit were evaluated on the basis of water-level measurements in 59 wells during 1949-91. Water levels ranged from flowing conditions to a depth of 56.9 ft below land surface, with a median value of 14.7 ft below land surface. Water levels in the terrace deposits also change substantially because of recharge by irrigation water.

In the Boulder Flats area, numerous wells completed in this geologic unit have water levels less than 5 ft below land surface during the entire year. These wells are in areas where the terrace deposits are usually less than 25 ft thick and are underlain by the Cody Shale. Water levels in one observation well (2S-lE-06ddd01), 60 ft deep, were measured 79 times during 1965-66,1970-83, and in 1991. Water levels in this well ranged from land surface to 4.7 ft below land surface, with a mean value of 2.1 ft below land surface.

Yields of water from wells completed in the terrace deposits were evaluated on the basis of 13 yield measurements and 10 specific-capacity determinations from well-acceptance tests conducted during 1976-89. Yields ranged from 2 to 50 gal/min, with a median value of 20 gal/min. Specific capacities ranged from 0.1 to 40 (gal/min)/ft, with a median value of 3.8 (gal/min)/ft (table 4). Richter (1981, p. 87-88) reported that selected wells completed in terrace deposits in the Lander and Riverton areas had maximum yields of 150 gal/min and a maximum permeability of 1,000 (gal/d)/ft 2.

Springs flowing from this unit usually are located in the coarse-grained layers or at the base of the terrace deposits. Most springs have flow rates less than 2 gal/min and usually flow in response to recharge by irrigation return flow.

Glacial Deposits

Glacial deposits consist of unconsolidated glacial till and outwash deposits. Glacial deposits are a heterogeneous mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders ranging widely in size. Glacial deposits occur in the areas of Din woody Lakes and Bull Lake and along the upper reaches of the North and South Forks Little Wind River.

Inventory records were compiled for five wells completed in glacial deposits in the area of Dinwoody Lakes. Selected ground-water data for these inventoried wells are listed in table 4. Well depths range from 10 to 124 ft, with a median depth of 45 ft. Yields of water of 15 and 20 gal/min were measured, and specific capacities of 0.7 and 20 (gal/min)/ft were determined for two wells.

Altitude and Configuration of the Water Table for Two Selected Areas

The altitude and configuration of the water table in Quaternary deposits for two selected areas on the reservation are shown on plates 2 and 3. These areas were studied because this is where major communities on the reservation are located and ground-water contamination is a concern. Most of the Quaternary deposits in these two areas are assumed to be hydraulically connected. Plate 2 contains water-table contours and depth to water in the flood-plain alluvium, slope wash and alluvium, and terrace deposits in the Little Wind River drainage basin, and in the slope wash and alluvium, and terrace deposits in the Mill Creek drainage basin, a tributary of the Little Wind River. Plate 3 contains the water-table contours and depth to water in the terrace deposits and the Meadow Creek flood-plain alluvium in the Crowheart area from Little Sand Draw to Dry Creek.

18 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION The water-table contours shown on plates 2 and 3 are based primarily on water levels measured at selected wells completed in Quaternary deposits in the two areas. The number of wells measured and the time period of water-level measurements in the two areas are as follows: (1) Little Wind River and Mill Creek drainage basins 128 wells, April 23 to May 17, 1991; (2) the Crowheart area 23 wells, May 14-17, 1991 (Daddow, 1992). Water-surface altitudes of most of the perennial stream reaches in the selected areas were used as control for mapping the water-table contours. These perennial reaches were assumed to be hydraulically connected with the water table. The altitude of land surface at all the wells and the water surface of perennial stream reaches were determined from 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps. When water levels were measured in the selected areas, several major irrigation canals had been recently filled with water, but irrigation of agricultural lands had not started in any of these areas. Water-level measurements from two wells completed in the Cody Shale and eight wells completed in the Wind River Formation also were used as control to delineate the water-table contours in the Quaternary deposits in the Little Wind River drainage basin (pi. 2). Water-level measurements from five wells completed in the Wind River Formation also were used as control to determine water-table contours in the Quaternary deposits in the Crowheart area (pi. 3). These wells were assumed to be hydraulically connected with the overlying Quaternary deposits because the wells are shallow (mostly less than 90 ft deep) and water levels in these wells were similar to water levels in wells completed in the Quaternary deposits.

Ground water that is unconfined (under water-table conditions) moves from high water-level altitude to lower water-level altitude, generally perpendicular to the water-table contours (Heath, 1983, p. 20-23). The water-table contours on plates 2 and 3 show that most of the perennial stream reaches are gaining reaches (water- table contours bend upstream) in the two selected areas, which indicates that when water levels were measured, the reaches probably were receiving water from ground-water sources. Ground-water movement in the Crowheart area (pi. 3) generally is a subdued reflection of the slope of the land surface. Flood-plain alluvium of Meadow Creek was included in the water-table contour map of the Crowheart area (pi. 3) because it is topographically similar to the adjacent terrace deposits and assumed to be hydraulically connected to the water table in the adjacent terrace deposits. Flood-plain alluvium of Willow Creek was not included in the water-table contour map of the Crowheart area because the flood-plain valley of this stream is substantially entrenched and separated from the terrace deposits by outcrops of the Wind River Formation.

Tertiary Rocks

The hydrologic characteristics of the following Tertiary rocks were evaluated and summarized: volcaniclastic rocks and the Wind River Formation of Eocene age. Because of the lack of well and spring data, hydrologic characteristics of the following rocks were not evaluated: Indian Meadows Formation of Eocene age and Fort Union Formation of Paleocene age. Physical and hydrologic characteristics of these rocks are described in McGreevy and others (1969, p. 114-115).

Volcaniclastic Rocks

The major volcaniclastic rocks consist of the Wiggins, Tepee Trail, and Aycross Formations, which have similar lithologies consisting generally of a mixture of volcaniclastic sandstone, conglomerate, mudstone, shale, tuff, and lava flows (Bown, 1982, p. 1). These rocks are present in the northwest corner of the reservation (fig. 4) and overlie the Wind River Formation, Paleozoic rocks, and Precambrian rocks.

On the basis of onsite investigations and available inventory records, no wells have been identified as completed in the volcaniclastic rocks. Flow rates of 8, 14, and 37 gal/min were measured in October 1989 at three springs flowing from the Tepee Trail Formation (table 5). Numerous other springs flowing from the Tepee Trail Formation were observed. Some of these other springs are the major source of water for small streams in the area.

GROUND-WATER RESOURCES 19 .s ^ C r-; 'atS (D Tf Tf CM p CM O >« 1 Q TjJ-' ^ i TJ 1 O O j CM '1 1 C 'eG ti 0) v^ (0 F 2 CQ 03 c Q. S| v^ C O « 1 13 0 O) m CM IO § W) 0) £S 0) Q. O) CM 3 rn i Tt 00 CO rn O 1 S 0 O O rn S rt DC O 0 .0 if o 6 o o . ,,_ <*H S3 ^ £ A >, w 5 «E '5 i£ e 2 i ,_ , vo ^-H 1 -* ! m -* ! ^.j ' in '~l 1 E = w Q. TJ c | 1 1 « U o" S 6 B o O C p 10 10 o 'G TJ *3~ O in vo i CO | 10 00 K 1 0) IO 'c* 2 ^*^ ^n TJ = .TO 'bh "35 c 5 o ^ (0 S 0) o 0 ^ ^ I 0 o O 0 10 Tj- ^ OS CM f- S M C (~> (D 00 -^ 5! IO VO 1 1 Os CM g J3 DC o ~ O 0 2> T! c: T3 § T3 o * ® « j5 W) (B -J -^ fi O- Q) _ > 3 fe j£ j^ '1 "o TJ o os O CM vo i ^ IO T}- 0) |i| '> 'o iCA" 1 ^ O ' g N tJ 8, C j«| (90 ,_ "5 0) 0) 1 TO D> Q) Q) S CM 0 -Q Q. _O 5 .2 "O "0 a "0 "0 a = "01 1 1 ^ ' JG m ! IO ! 3 < 1 Z £ 5 (0 O (0 m Q. T3 S o -^ 0 O O 0) CM J2 'c' o1 t~~ CM"OS 1 00 0 VO OS IO VD 2 21 VO 1 1 - ^ o 0 O O o vo , Tt IO ,G | Q. t-; ' CM ! CM_ O CM I £ ' OS 0 00 r-" O ' vo" £ *"* O J1 ^^ O\ i-H CO 1 ^ i H Os TJ r- C vo S (D CO R s CM ^ 1 § 1 £ e Q

i o 5 »*- "S W) rt 73 "^ c9 "^ Q) Q) ^ ^ j£ ^ c 1/5 f ^ S 2 ^. ft Q. f E § CO OO CM CM t- ~ m vo if 3 TJ (0 Q> O CM 10 (0 s si 1 1 n\ ^ 0 ili . a. ^3 cf M o a tn .0 c 11 C ea o re o. .:: .2 c c _o "S U U TableSummary5.< well;ofsite:[Types,iw, unitGeologic c c IndianReserv,River TrailTepeeFormat] FormatioWindRiver D. 6 _o 0 gallon(gal/min)/ft,perm rocksVolcaniclastic FormationFrontier FormationCleverly SandstoneNugget O 1/3 £0 8^ U a 1ea c 2 00 J 'S 0 "0 D, 00 -C « U o D. ea _u W3 oo 1/3 a a 3 o 13 0 £ u ea U U E§ s

GROUND-WATER RESOURCES 20 Wind River Formation

The Wind River Formation is exposed in most of the central part of the reservation (fig. 4) and is the major source of drinking water for domestic and public-supply uses. The Wind River Formation was deposited following uplift of the Wind River and Washakie Ranges and the Owl Creek Mountains. The formation is composed of erosional debris of mixed lithology from these uplift areas. This erosional debris was deposited as alluvial fans near the mountains. The debris also was deposited in depressional areas and as stream-valley fill and broad flood plains in the central part of the reservation (Seeland, 1978, p. 5). The depositional pattern of the erosional material has resulted in a formation with variable lithology and permeability throughout the Wind River Basin.

The Wind River Formation consists of sandstone, conglomerate, shale, and mudstone with small quantities of bentonite, tuff, and limestone (McGreevy and others, 1969, p. 142). This geologic unit varies greatly, ranging in thickness from about 100 ft along the mountain flanks to about 5,000 ft in the central part of the reservation. The Wind River Formation is complex in its stratigraphy and contains several major facies or sequences. McGreevy and others (1969, p. 142-45) describe the major sequences of the Wind River Formation in the eastern part of the reservation as an upper sequence that is generally fine grained and about 800 ft thick; a middle coarse-grained sequence about 1,000 ft thick; and a fine-grained, basal sequence about 700 ft thick. Along the flanks of the Wind River Range in the western part of the reservation, this formation is about 200 ft thick and is composed of boulder conglomerate interbedded with arkosic sandstone. East of the mountain flanks, this formation is about 2,000 ft thick with a variegated claystone and siltstone sequence underlain by an arkosic sandstone and conglomerate sequence (Refolo, 1983, p. 41-43). Many coarse-grained permeable sandstone and conglomerate deposits are found in the Wind River Formation, however, most of these deposits are lenticular, discontinuous, and separated by confining shale, mudstone, and siltstone units (Richter, 1981, p. 82; McGreevy and others, 1969, p. 143, fig. 13).

Permeability is an important physical property controlling the overall water-yield potential of the Wind River Formation, and the Mesozoic and Paleozoic geologic units. Permeability is affected by the lithology, sedimentary structure and deposition, and tectonic deformation of the rocks. In general, porosity and intergranular permeability are relatively large in sandstone, limestone, and dolomite, and are small in shale and igneous and metamorphic rocks. Tectonic deformation during structural uplift causes regional fracturing that creates faults, fractures, and joints in the rocks. These deformed zones can provide both lateral and vertical connections that substantially increase the overall permeability (Richter, 1981, p. 61-62).

Inventory records were compiled for 608 wells completed in the Wind River Formation. Selected ground- water data from these inventoried wells are listed in table 5. Most of these wells are completed in mostly permeable, lenticular, and discontinuous sandstone deposits. Well depths range from 37 to 994 ft, with a median depth of 190ft.

Wells completed in the Wind River Formation yield water from both unconfined and confined sandstone layers. Wells less than 90 ft deep usually yield water from unconfined sandstone layers recharged primarily by water from overlying Quaternary deposits and irrigation return flow. About 150 shallow wells (less than 90 ft deep) are completed in the Wind River Formation, and most of the wells are located in the major flood-plain valleys or on terraces. Water-levels in shallow wells were evaluated on the basis of water-level measurements in 93 wells during 1938-91. Water levels ranged in depth from land surface to 84 ft below land surface, with a median depth of 15.8 ft below land surface.

Wells completed in the Wind River Formation and more than 100 ft deep usually yield ground water from confined sandstone layers. These layers usually are recharged by surface water or by infiltration of precipitation. About 440 deep wells (more than 100 ft deep) are completed in the Wind River Formation and most of the wells are completed as open holes or with perforated casing so that water from multiple confined sandstone layers is obtained. Water levels in deep wells were evaluated on the basis of water-level measurements in 179 wells during 1942-91. Water levels ranged from flowing conditions to 533 ft below land surface, with a median depth of 45.0 ft below land surface.

GROUND-WATER RESOURCES 21 Long-term water-level records for three observation wells completed in the Wind River Formation provide information on the water-level fluctuations in the wells and are based on measurements made in 1966 and 1967 and from 1970-83. Observation well !S-3E-07dcd01, about 4 mi northwest of Arapahoe in the Little Wind River drainage area, is 130 ft deep. On the basis of 63 water-level measurements, water levels in this well ranged from 72.4 to 80.4 ft below land surface, with a mean value of 76.7 ft below land surface. Observation well !S-3E-29ccc01, about 3 mi southwest of Arapahoe in the Popo Agie River drainage basin, is 210 ft deep. On the basis of 62 water-level measurements, water levels in this well ranged from 133.6 to 141.2 ft below land surface, with a mean value of 136.4 ft below land surface. Observation well 4N-lE-18dbc01, in the Fivemile Creek drainage basin, is 272 ft deep. On the basis of 61 water-level measurements, water levels in this well ranged from 92.8 to 110.9 ft below land surface, with a mean value of 101.3 ft below land surface.

Some deep wells completed in the Wind River Formation are flowing or are under confined conditions. Most of the 26 inventoried wells that flow or have been flowing, range from 225 to 450 ft deep and are located near Arapahoe and Riverton. Flow rates of 0.1, 2.5, and 5.0 gal/min were measured at three wells. Some of the 26 inventoried wells that were flowing in the 1950's and 1960's were not flowing from 1989 through 1991. Increased well drilling and pumping of wells near the flowing wells are probably major causes of the cessation of flow. Well-interference effects on flowing wells near Arapahoe were evaluated by Robinove (1958) on the basis of a pumping test performed in 1958 at a newly drilled, 450 ft deep, high-capacity (250 to 300 gal/min) industrial well about 2 mi southwest of Riverton. During the pumping test, the hydraulic heads in the four flowing wells completed in the same geologic unit declined below land surface or below the point of use. When pumping in the industrial well ceased, one well resumed flowing and hydraulic heads in the three other wells increased although the wells did not resume flowing (Robinove, 1958, p. 1).

Yields of water from the Wind River Formation vary greatly and are affected by the lithology of the formation. The water-yielding characteristics of wells completed in the Wind River Formation were evaluated from well-acceptance-test and pumping-test data that were collected during 1948-89. Yields for 266 wells ranged from 0.1 to 350 gal/min, with a median value of 20 gal/min. Specific-capacity determinations for 151 wells ranged from 0.04 to 23 (gal/min)/ft, with a median value of 0.4 (gal/min)/ft (table 5). Three pumping tests were conducted in 1958, 1965, and 1966, and the results are reported in McGreevy and others (1969, p 127-36). These pump tests had specific capacities of 1.5, 1.5, and 2.3 (gal/min)/ft. Specific capacity per foot of contribution for the Wind River Formation was estimated to have a probable range of 0.001 to 0.15 (gal/min)/ft per foot of contribution, with a mean value of 0.01 (gal/min)/ft per foot of contribution.

Mesozoic Rocks

The hydrologic characteristics of the following Mesozoic rocks were evaluated and summarized: Cody Shale, Frontier Formation, and Cloverly Formation of Cretaceous age; Nugget Sandstone of Jurassic (?) and Triassic (?) age; and Chugwater Group of Triassic age. Because of the lack of well and spring data, the hydrologic characteristics of the following rocks were not evaluated: Lance, Meeteetse, and Mesaverde Formations of Cretaceous age; Gypsum Spring and Sundance Formations of Jurassic age; and Dinwoody Formation of Triassic age. Physical and hydrologic characteristics of these other geologic units are described in McGreevy and others (1969, p. 115-18) and Richter (1981, p. 48-53).

Mesozoic rocks are exposed along the flanks of the Wind River Range and the Owl Creek Mountains and dip beneath the central part of the reservation (fig. 4). Many of these units also are exposed in numerous anticlinal structures on the reservation. These units usually contain highly fractured and deformed zones near outcrops.

Inventory records were compiled for 94 wells completed in and 8 springs flowing from Mesozoic geologic units on or near the reservation. Selected ground-water data for these inventoried wells and springs are listed in table 5. Most of the water-supply wells completed in these units are less than 150 ft deep and are located near the outcrops of these units.

22 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Water in the Mesozoic rocks typically is confined, but water-level data were insufficient to evaluate the water-level conditions. These rocks are recharged primarily along outcrops by surface water and by infiltration of precipitation. Richter (1981, p. 91-93) used potentiometric indicators such as static water levels, altitudes of springs, and petroleum drill-stem tests to estimate that water movement in these units is generally toward the deepest part of the Wind River Basin, which is located below Boy sen Reservoir.

Cody Shale

The Cody Shale consists of marine shale and sandstone and ranges in thickness from 3,000 to 4,500 ft. This geologic unit consists of an upper unit of interbedded sandstone and shale and a lower unit of shale. The sandstone is gray to tan, very fine to fine grained, thin bedded to platy, and calcareous. The shale is gray to black and commonly bentonitic and calcareous (Keefer, 1972, p. E15-16). Because of its marine depositional history, the Cody Shale probably contains substantial amounts of soluble minerals.

The Cody Shale easily weathers and erodes to form gentle slopes and flat areas. It is exposed on the sides of most anticlinal structures on the reservation. The Cody Shale also underlies Quaternary deposits in the Fort Washakie, Ethete, Ray Lake, Mill Creek, Boulder Flats, and Owl Creek areas.

Inventory records were compiled for 24 wells completed in the Cody Shale. Most of these wells are located in the Fort Washakie, Ray Lake, lower Mill Creek, and Owl Creek areas. Well depths range from 33 to 1,010 ft, with a median depth of 85 ft. Yields of water from wells completed in the Cody Shale were evaluated on the basis of nine yield measurements and six specific-capacity determinations from well-acceptance tests conducted during 1958-76. Yields ranged from 1.5 to 20 gal/min, with a median value of 5 gal/min. Specific capacities ranged from 0.03 to 1.4 (gal/min)/ft, with a median value of 0.4 (gal/min)/ft (table 5).

Frontier Formation

The Frontier Formation consists of alternating layers of sandstone and shale, and ranges in thickness from 500 to 1,000 ft. The sandstones are gray to brown, fine to medium grained, thin to thick bedded, and lenticular. The shales are gray to black, silty or sandy, and carbonaceous and are marine deposits (Keefer, 1972, p. E8 and E21). This geologic unit is exposed on the lower flanks of the Wind River Range, Owl Creek Mountains, and numerous anticlines.

Inventory records were compiled for 52 wells completed in and 2 springs flowing from the Frontier Formation. Selected ground-water data for these inventoried wells and springs are listed in table 5. Most of the wells completed in this formation are located in the Ethete, Fort Washakie, Ray Lake, lower Mill Creek, and Owl Creek areas. The two springs are located on the northern flanks of the Owl Creek Mountains. Well depths range from 31 to 3,760 ft, with a median depth of 94 ft. Yields of water from wells completed in this geologic unit were evaluated on the basis of 20 yield measurements and 11 specific-capacity determinations from well- acceptance tests conducted during 1957-90. Yields ranged from 0.5 to 40 gal/min, with a median value of 6.5 gal/min. Specific capacities ranged from 0.1 to 3.3 (gal/min)/ft, with a median value of 0.2 (gal/min)/ft. The two springs had flow rates of 0.6 and 1.2 gal/min (table 5).

Cleverly Formation

The Cloverly Formation consists of fine- to coarse-grained sandstone, shale, and thin lenticular pebble conglomerate and ranges in thickness from 200 to 300 ft. This formation consists of an upper sandstone unit, a middle shale unit, and a basal sandstone unit (Richter, 1981, p. 72). The Cloverly Formation is exposed on the flanks of the Wind River Range, Owl Creek Mountains, and anticlinal structures.

GROUND-WATER RESOURCES 23 Inventory records were compiled for seven wells completed in and one spring flowing from the Cloverly Formation. Selected ground-water data for these inventoried wells and spring are listed in table 5. Most of these wells are located in the upper Trout Creek area near Fort Washakie. The spring is located on the northern flanks of the Owl Creek Mountains. Well depths range from 26 to 182 ft, with a median depth of 150 ft. Yields of water from wells completed in this geologic unit were evaluated on the basis of six yield measurements and four specific-capacity determinations from well-acceptance tests conducted during 1963-88. Yields ranged from 5 to 20 gal/min, with a median value of 13.5 gal/min. Specific capacities ranged from 0.3 to 4 (gal/min)/ft, with a median value of 2.7 (gal/min)/ft (table 5).

Nugget Sandstone

The Nugget Sandstone consists of fine- to medium-grained sandstone and ranges in thickness from 10 to 500 ft. This geologic unit is subdivided into an upper thin-bedded unit and a basal cross-stratified unit (Refolo, 1983, p. 21) and is exposed on the flanks of the Wind River Range.

Inventory records were compiled for five wells completed in the Nugget Sandstone. Selected ground- water data for these inventoried wells are listed in table 5. Most of these wells are located in the upper Trout Creek area near Fort Washakie. Well depths range from 40 to 7,240 ft, with a median depth of 63 ft. Yields of water from wells completed in this geologic unit were evaluated on the basis of four yield measurements and three specific-capacity determinations from well-acceptance tests conducted during 1980-90. Yields ranged from 10 to 90 gal/min, with a median value of 55 gal/min. Specific capacities ranged from 3.3 to 8.2 (gal/min)/ft, with a median value of 4.0 (gal/min)/ft (table 5).

Chugwater Group

The Chugwater Group consists of four major stratigraphic units. The upper unit, Popo Agie Formation, consists mostly of reddish siltstone, shale, and silty sandstone and ranges in thickness from 200 to 300 ft. The next lower unit, Crow Mountain Sandstone, consists of red to orange, fine- to coarse-grained sandstone and siltstone, and ranges in thickness from 10 to 90 ft. The next lower unit, Alcova Limestone, consists of very hard, finely crystalline limestone and ranges in thickness from 5 to 20 ft. The lowest unit, Red Peak Formation, consists of interbedded reddish siltstone, shale, mudstone, and fine-grained silty sandstone, and ranges in thickness from 700 to 1,000 ft (McGreevy and others, 1969, p. 118). The Chugwater Group is exposed on the flanks of the Wind River Range and Owl Creek Mountains and near the top of some anticlines.

Inventory records were compiled for six wells completed in and five springs flowing from the Chugwater Group. Selected ground-water data for these inventoried wells and springs are listed in table 5. Most of these wells and springs are located on the flanks of the Wind River Range and Owl Creek Mountains. Well depths range from 37 to 101 ft, with a median depth of 66 ft. Yields of water from wells completed in this geologic unit were evaluated on the basis of five yield measurements and four specific-capacity determinations from well-acceptance tests conducted during 1979-90. Yields ranged from 9 to 20 gal/min, with a median value of 18 gal/min. Specific capacities ranged from 1.0 to 4.5 (gal/min)/ft, with a median value of 1.2 (gal/min)/ft. Flow rates from four springs ranged from 2 to 75 gal/min, with a median value of 7 gal/min (table 5).

Paleozoic Rocks

The hydrologic characteristics of the following Paleozoic rocks were evaluated and summarized: Phosphoria Formation and related rocks of Permian age, Tensleep Sandstone of Pennsylvanian age, and Madison Limestone of Mississippian age. Because of the lack of well and spring data, the hydrologic characteristics of the following Paleozoic rocks were not evaluated: Amsden Formation of Pennsylvanian and Mississippian age, Darby Formation of Devonian age, Bighorn Dolomite of Ordovician age, and Gallatin

24 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Limestone, Gros Ventre Formation, and Flathead Sandstone of Cambrian age. Physical and hydrologic characteristics of these other Paleozoic rocks are described in McGreevy and others (1969, p. 119-20). Paleozoic rocks are exposed along the upper flanks and the top of the Owl Creek Mountains and the upper flanks of the Wind River Range (fig. 4).

Inventory records were compiled for 19 wells completed in and 3 springs flowing from Paleozoic geologic units on the reservation. Selected ground-water data for these inventoried wells and springs are listed in table 5.

Water in the Paleozoic rocks typically is confined but water-level data were insufficient to evaluate the potentiometric water-level conditions. These rocks are recharged primarily along outcrops by surface water and by infiltration of precipitation. Richter (1981, p. 91-93) used potentiometric indicators such as static water levels, altitudes of springs, and petroleum drill-stem tests to estimate that water movement in these units is generally toward the deepest part of the Wind River Basin, which is located below .

Yield data from water-supply wells were insufficient to evaluate and summarize the water-yield characteristics of some Paleozoic rocks. Some of the rocks, such as the Phosphoria Formation and related rocks, Tensleep Sandstone, and Madison Limestone, are major oil-and-gas production zones. Production and drill- stem test data from oil-and-gas wells have been summarized by Richter (1981, p. 46-88) to estimate water-yield characteristics of some of these units.

Phosphoria Formation and related rocks

The Phosphoria Formation and related rocks consists mostly of interbedded limestone, chert, siltstone, very fine-grained sandstone, and thin deposits of shale and phosphate rocks (Keefer and Van Lieu, 1966, p. B44) and range in thickness from 150 to 300 ft. The Phosphoria Formation and related rocks are exposed on the east flanks of the Wind River Range and the north flanks of the Owl Creek Mountains. These rocks erode to form the prominent, grass-covered dip slopes called "flatirons" on the east flank of the Wind River Range. This unit is one of the most important oil-and-gas reservoirs on the reservation and many oil-and-gas wells are completed in this unit.

Inventory records were compiled for 13 wells completed in and 1 spring flowing from the Phosphoria Formation and related rocks. Selected ground-water data for these inventoried wells and spring are listed in table 5. Six of the inventoried wells are petroleum wells and are located in the northern part of the reservation. The other seven wells and one spring are located on the flanks of the Wind River Range, Owl Creek Mountains, and some anticlines. Well depths range from 200 to 6,750 ft., with a median depth of 1,720 ft.

Water yield data are limited for these rocks. A flow rate of 1 gal/min was measured from one flowing well and one spring. On the basis of selected oil-and-gas well data, Richter (1981, p. 70-71) estimated that this unit yields from 20 to 1,500 gal/min.

Tensleep Sandstone

The Tensleep Sandstone consists mostly of buff, tan, and white, fine-grained, massive to cross-bedded sandstone and ranges in thickness from 200 to 440 ft. This formation is exposed as conspicuous cliffs along the east flank of the Wind River Range and north flank of the Owl Creek Mountains. Hydrologic information for the Tensleep Sandstone on the reservation is limited. The well and spring inventory for this geologic unit consists of three water-supply wells and one spring (table 5). On the basis of the physical characteristics of the unit and data from oil-and-gas wells in the Wind River Basin, the Tensleep Sandstone has the potential to yield substantial quantities of water. Richter (1981, p. 56-62) estimated that yields of water from wells completed in the Tensleep Sandstone could be as much as 2,000 gal/min. Most of the wells with yields greater than 500 gal/min have been completed in the upper 200 ft of this formation. McGreevy and others (1969, p. 118 and 139) estimated yields as much as 1,000 gal/min are possible from wells completed in the Tensleep Sandstone.

GROUND-WATER RESOURCES 25 Ground-water data from three flowing wells completed in the Tensleep Formation on the east flank of the Wind River Range about 3 mi south of the reservation were evaluated. A yield of 75 gal/min was reported for a domestic water-supply well (33N-100W-18bdd01), 900 ft deep, southwest of Lander (Ralph Sjostrom, well owner, oral commun., 1990). A flow rate of 14 gal/min was measured from a 2-in. core test hole 450 ft deep (33N-100W-18cba01) completed in the upper 100 ft of the Tensleep Sandstone. A yield of 42 gal/min was measured from an irrigation well (33N-101W-13aba01), 700 ft deep.

The Tensleep Sandstone is probably the primary water source for the Washakie Mineral Hot Springs (Whitcomb and Lowry, 1968, p. 6), about 2.5 mi east of Fort Washakie. Flow rates of 150 gal/min from this spring were reported by Breckenridge and Hinckley (1978, p. 18). A flow rate of 332 gal/min from this spring was measured in October 1989.

The yields for water-supply wells completed in Paleozoic aquifers, which include the Tensleep Sandstone in the Ten Sleep area, southeastern , about 50 mi northeast of Thermopolis, were evaluated and summarized by Cooley (1986, p. 24). These aquifers are located on the southwestern flanks of the Bighorn Mountains and have hydrogeologic conditions similar to the east flank of the Wind River Range. Most wells completed in the Tensleep Formation in the Ten Sleep area are flowing wells, and flow rates generally are less than 50 gal/min; but some wells have flow rates greater than 100 gal/min.

Madison Limestone

The Madison Limestone consists of two stratigraphic members. The upper member is about 100 ft thick and consists of thin to massive, irregular bedded, gray to tan dolomite and limestone. The lower member is 500 to 600 ft thick and consists of mostly bluish-gray to gray, massive to thin-bedded crystalline limestone and dolomitic limestone (Keefer and Van Lieu, 1966, p. B30-31). The Madison Limestone crops out on the east flank of the Wind River Range and the north flank of the Owl Creek Mountains.

Hydrologic information for the Madison Limestone on the reservation is limited. The well and spring inventory consists of three water-supply wells and one spring (table 5). On the basis of physical properties and data from oil-and-gas wells completed in this formation, the Madison Limestone has the potential to yield substantial quantities of water. McGreevy and others (1969, p. 119 and 139) estimated yields of as much as 1,000 gal/min are possible from wells completed in the Madison Limestone.

Ground-water data collected from three wells completed in the Madison Limestone on or near the reservation were evaluated. Well 2N-lW-18ccc01 is an industrial water-supply well, 4,210 ft deep, and is completed in the Madison Limestone at the Winkleman Dome oil field, which is located on the reservation about 10 mi northwest of Fort Washakie. This well does not flow but when pumped produces about 700 gal/min (Roger Willenbrecht, Amoco Production Company, oral commun., 1990). Well 2S-2E-19ccc01 is an industrial water-supply well, 2,930 ft deep, and is located at the Lander Hudson oil field, which is located on the reservation about 4 mi northeast of Lander. This well flows at a rate of about 262 gal/min at a pressure of 50 to 100 lb/in 2 (James Malone, Amoco Production Company, oral commun., 1990). Well 33N-101W-13aba02 is an irrigation well, 1,400 ft deep, and is located on the east flank of the Wind River Range about 3 mi south of the reservation. Flow rates for this flowing well were reported on the driller's record to be about 1,300 to 1,500 gal/min when this well was completed in July 1989. As of July 1990, this well was reported to have a flow rate of 900 gal/min (Ralph Sjostrom, well owner, oral commun., 1990).

Yields from water-supply wells completed in the Madison Limestone and Bighorn Dolomite in the Ten Sleep area were summarized by Cooley (1986, p. 24). Most wells completed in these two units are flowing wells with flow rates of about 50 to 2,000 gal/min.


Precambrian rocks are exposed on the top of the Owl Creek Mountains and the Wind River Range (fig. 4) and consists of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Hydrologic characteristics of these rocks are described in McGreevy and others (1969, p. 121). In general, Precambrian rocks yield very little water. In some areas in the mountains, intrusively weathered and fractured Precambrian rocks (usually less than 100 ft deep) can yield sufficient quantities of water for domestic or livestock use.


Surface-water resources on the reservation consist of streams, lakes, and reservoirs. These resources provide water for domestic, public-supply, irrigation, livestock, and industrial uses. These resources also provide recreational benefits and habitat for fish and other wildlife.


Streams are the major surface-water resource on the reservation. About 100 perennial streams, with a combined total length of about 1,100 mi, flow on the reservation. Numerous unnamed intermittent and ephemeral streams are present (Baldes, 1986a, p. 1-5).

Streams originating in mountain areas usually have perennial flow. The amount and timing of flow in these streams are controlled by climatic factors, and the physical characteristics and geologic material of the drainage basins. Important climatic factors include precipitation, temperature, wind, and evaporation. These factors are related to the altitude and physiographic features of the drainage basin. The most important physical characteristic is drainage-basin size (Peterson and others, 1987, p. 30). Flow in perennial streams is derived mostly from melting snowpack and usually is highest during peak snowmelt from May to July. Streamflow during the rest of the year is derived mostly from ground-water discharge from flood-plain alluvium. Some larger streams, such as Dinwoody Creek and Bull Lake Creek that flow from the east flank of the Wind River Range, derive part of their late-season (August to October) flows from glacial icemelt (Kerr and others, 1989, p. 18).

Most intermittent or ephemeral streams on the reservation originate in the foothills or plains in the central and eastern parts of the Wind River Basin. An intermittent stream is a stream or reach of a stream that flows at certain times of the year when it receives water from a spring or from a surface source such as melting snow. An ephemeral stream is a stream or reach of a stream that flows briefly only in direct response to precipitation and whose channel is at all times above the water table (Langbein and Iseri, 1960, p. 18). The amount and timing of flow in these streams are controlled mostly by the quantity and intensity of precipitation, drainage-basin size, evapotranspiration, and permeability of the surficial material. Rainfalls or snowmelt that exceed the infiltration rate of the surficial material produce streamflow in these streams.

The Wind River is the main river draining the reservation and the entire Wind River drainage basin. The Wind River originates in the Absaroka Range and flows in a southeasterly direction for about 114 mi to its junction with the Little Wind River near Riverton (Bureau of Reclamation, 1981, p. 11). The Wind River then turns north and flows into Boy sen Reservoir and through the Wind River Canyon. Downstream from the outlet of the Wind River Canyon, the river is called the Bighorn River (pi. 4). Major tributaries to the Wind River flowing through the reservation (in downstream order), include East Fork Wind River (which forms part of the western boundary of the reservation), Dinwoody Creek, Dry Creek, Crow Creek, Meadow Creek, Willow Creek, Bull Lake Creek, Little Wind River, Popo Agie River (which forms part of the southern boundary of the reservation), Beaver Creek, Fivemile Creek, and Muddy Creek (pi. 4).

SURFACE-WATER RESOURCES 27 The northern part of the reservation, which is in the Owl Creek drainage basin, is drained by South Fork Owl Creek and Owl Creek. These two perennial streams originate in the Absaroka Range and form part of the northern boundary of the reservation (pi. 4). Owl Creek is a tributary of the Bighorn River downstream from the reservation.

Streamflows of many larger streams on the reservation are affected and regulated by irrigation diversions and storage structures. There are many diversions from the Wind River; the largest diversion is the Wyoming Canal. The Wyoming Canal is the principal source of irrigation water for the Riverton Reclamation Withdrawal Area. Other major irrigation diversions from the Wind River include the Johnstown Canal, LeClair Canal, Left Hand Canal, and Wyoming Central Canal (pi. 4). The Washakie Reservoir dam is on the South Fork Little Wind River and controls flow in this river. Flow in the North Fork Little Wind River is affected by a canal diversion that transfers water into the South Fork Little Wind River. The dam at the outlet of Bull Lake controls flow in Bull Lake Creek and also has a major effect on regulating flow in the Wind River. A small dam and canal diversion at the outlet of Dinwoody Lakes have a major effect on the flow in Dinwoody Creek. Flow in lower reaches of Dry, Meadow, and Willow Creeks, which are on the east flank of the Wind River Range, are affected by a canal system that crosses and diverts some water from these streams. Flow in lower reaches of the South Fork Owl Creek is affected by the Anchor Reservoir dam, which is on this stream.

Streams with Streamflow-Gaging Stations

Sixty active or inactive USGS streamflow-gaging stations are located on or near (within 2 mi.) the reservation (pi. 4). The type and period of discharge record and availability of water-quality data for these 60 gaging stations are listed in table 6. Gaging stations in the Riverton Reclamation Withdrawal Area are not included in table 6. Detailed information about the location, discharge records, and water-quality records of gaging stations on the Riverton Reclamation Withdrawal Area and other sites outside of the reservation are listed in a report by Ruby and others (1991). The period of record and number of water-quality analyses at 33 gaging stations with water-quality data are listed in table 17 in a subsequent section of the report.

Discharge records are of two types: monthly or daily discharges, and annual peak discharge only. Streamflow-gaging stations with monthly or daily discharge records are considered continuous-record stations when discharge or stage is measured daily, weekly, or monthly for a continuous period. These gaging stations generally are located on perennial streams and commonly have a shelter that houses a data recorder and stage (water levels) sensing equipment. For most of these gaging stations, the daily mean streamflow is calculated on the basis of continuous stage records and periodic measurements of instantaneous streamflow. Some of the newer streamflow-gaging stations on the reservation are equipped with data-collection platforms, which allow stage data to be transmitted by satellite to off-site locations so that streamflow conditions can be monitored frequently. Gaging stations with annual peak-discharge records only are located primarily on ephemeral or intermittent streams and measure only peak flows. Druse and others (1988) contains additional information and the annual maximum-discharge data for the gaging stations with annual peak-discharge records listed in table 6.

Miscellaneous Surface-Water Sites

Surface-water discharge has been measured or water-quality samples have been collected occasionally at 39 miscellaneous surface-water sites on the reservation (pi. 4). These miscellaneous surface-water sites are located on streams, irrigation canals, and irrigation drains. The year and type of record for discharge and water- quality analyses for miscellaneous surface-water sites are listed in table 7. Miscellaneous surface-water sites have two types of discharge records: seasonal and miscellaneous. Sixteen miscellaneous surface-water sites have seasonal discharge measurements and are located primarily on canals or streams near diversion structures. Cantilever gages were installed at these sites to determine stage for which discharge is estimated throughout the irrigation season. Twenty-three sites have miscellaneous surface-water discharge measurements, which were made when water-quality samples were collected.

28 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Table 6. Type and period of record for discharge measurements, and availability of water-quality data for selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990 [Site number: site number used in this report. Streamflow-gaging station number: see text for description of streamflow-gaging station numbering system. Asterisk (*) preceding the streamflow- gaging station number indicates the stream site has 10 years or more of daily discharge records. Annual peak discharge: peak flow data only. Abbreviations: deg, degrees; min, minutes; sec, seconds; mi2, square miles; --, no data]

Streamflow- Location (deg, min, sec) Period of record1 by calendar year Site gaging Water- number station Drainage Monthly or daily Annual peak quality (plate 4) number Streamflow-gaging station Latitude Longitude area (mi2) discharge discharge data2 Gl * 06220500 East Fork Wind River near Dubois 432716 1092757 427 1950-57,1975- yes G2 06220800 Wind River above Red Creek, near Dubois 432549 1092641 - -- yes G3 06221400 Dinwoody Creek above lakes, near Burris 432044 1092434 88.2 1957-78,1988- yes G4 * 06221 500 Dinwoody Creek near Burris 432555 1092101 100 1909, 1918-30, no 1950-58 G5 06222000 Wind River near Burris 432550 1092045 1,236 1946-53 no G6 * 06222500 Dry Creek near Burris 432010 1091820 357 1909, 1921-40, yes 1988- G7 06222510 Dry Creek Canal at headgate, near Burris 432038 1091725 - 1989- no G8 * 06222700 Crow Creek near Tipperary 433437 1091542 30.2 1962- yes G9 06223000 Meadow Creek near Lenore 431740 1091255 41.7 1909,1921-23 no G10 * 06223500 Willow Creek near Crowheart 431658 1091102 55.3 1909, 1921-23, yes 1925-40, 1988- Gil 06223700 Sand Draw near Crowheart 431550 1090505 12.8 1961-77 no G12 06223800 Wind River tributary number 2 near Crowheart 431418 1090152 3.16 1961-81 no G13 * 06224000 Bull Lake Creek above Bull Lake 431037 1091208 187 1941-53, 1966- yes G14 06224500 Bull Lake Reservoir near Lenore 431235 1090230 210 1938- no c 30 G15 * 06225000 Bull Lake Creek near Lenore 431433 1090120 213 1918- yes o5 G16 * 06225500 Wind River near Crowheart 431433 1090035 1,891 1945- yes m G17 06226000 Wyoming Canal near Lenore 431345 1085340 1941-45, 1949-82, yes 1 1988- RESOURCES ER G18 06226200 Little Dry Creek near Crowheart 433210 1090520 10.5 1961-81 no G19 06226300 Dry Creek near Crowheart 432340 1090225 97.9 1959,1961-81 no G20 06227600 Wind River near Kinnear 430834 1084232 2,194 1974-79 yes G21 06227700 LeClair Canal near Riverton 430229 1082546 1989- yes c i I- ^, >, cc>,c>, cc>.>, ^ c >, c c >, c ^ >, c s °" cc CD C ^. o >_ oo c: 0) (0 0) o o iT o. E? ON CO CD ^B CO ^-« c: o co £ J ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 ^_, ^_, QQ" ' 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ) .0 o> c .y> OO OO ^O CO "!5 c n in -^ ^ 1o s < ON ON ON

T3 >. oo" i- ^ T1 "71 oo Io> , ^ O ra 0) s d> T5 o> _ ^__ ! ^_ ^ ^_ ^ .0 ON ON ON ON si *- O CD O ^ £ oo" 1 ON" ' 5 "O "r- M 0 0 CO CO CO ON" co ON cc o £ .2 O i i i i ^ i m O in O in ^ "coSJ c c o ^O ^O OO T i ON OO iO OO o ^0 CTN in oo l> OO ON ^O £ 2 O l> OO CNOOOOCNON ONON m O t> ^t CO O CO l> O ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON "oQ) S3 D)0)c

' oo Tf CO 1 OO ^f i ^f | O co' f~|CNoooo in1 ' v£3 «ri ' OO O ' ^O Tt* 'Zi tO 25o ON ON ' * < i CN ' ' ' < ' * ' < , 4 ON CO ' OO ON ^O . 1 , 1 ,-H . 1 ^O ^O " 1 CO t~- ^d" sZfc 2 s CN"CO S 0 ID ~ § ^ tr .si CN co r~~ m^ocsOTf CN^^ON t> ^ ^J. m VO Tt CN t- CN o m inmomm minm-rt ^f CO CN m ^f Tt CO CO CO CN 1Cr OO ON OO OOOOONOOOO OOOOOOOO oo oo 00 oo oo oo oo oo OO OO 'E Q o o o ooooo oooo o o o O o o o o o o CD _j cu "o 2, 1 oo ^O ^ OCNOOO^O ^OCN^stO CO oo o ON ON * t> o .1 3 CO o o o o co 'T3* *n in ^ o in in CO in m m o 5* Tt

§ .u ^ "Occ c: 0 0 "c^ U S T3 cc a II | 1 1 5 i _] 1 1 « I I 1 5 | § ^ii?^M« 5 Streamflow-gagingstation o .2 ^o^^^ ^ « HudsonRiverSiding,PopoAgieatnear fordischarge1ofrecordmeasurements 1990--ContinuedthroughWyoming, % % | ^ S « "§ £ w ^s as s ^§^"1 * 3 3 2 MilfordPopoAgieRiverNorthnear LanderRiverNorthPopoAgienear -3 - ^ c > > * s ^ - ^ WashakieLakeoutletFortRaynear ArapahoeWindRiveraboveLittle PopoAgieRiverHudsonLittleat belowWindRiverArapahoeLittle oi-S^ £ M- oi os -§ ^^^1 ArapahoeWindLittleRivernear AgieRiverArapahoePoponear aS 1 a -g § l 1 1 | « & RiverHudsonAgiePopoat RiverRivertonWindat ^i^ sl^^? ^1^! Jg-J!"£ 1 oS| 113 -l-l<«3^ 1 1. 1 =8 5-831 1. S.s- ?.., I i 3 1 11 1 1 1 -8 -a S|Si*5SS^2fi»5l ^£3£^>,tt&t -£l=§-t 5^ ^^ 3 £ £ z ^£ z 5 E§ S£

§! £ 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o o o o o> c % (^^ in in o^oooo OOOON (^^ o <^^ <^^ ("**> t*~) o o o <^^ l/~j fi^ sP *£j1^ b.* Urt jQ2* o co "st minooO^o r-~ooON i CO m o \o m ON O * ** ^ oo OO OO OOOOOOONON ONONONO o o CN CN

30 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION c i i >» 0) ~ to C/i C/3 C/3 t/5 C/3 t/5 C/3 C/J Q) ** TS ** 0) 0) 0 0 0) 0) 0) O 0) 0 0 0 0 O 0) o o m g to c c c >, c c c c £ & °" TO Q) C r<~> O ra ^ rp o> to a) VO § «- Q. |? ON (/J to _ p >« 0*"} O4 O)SL o - Tj- V~> o Q> oo r<"^ 00 ON a> "O o) oo ^j- r<~> o4 "C .0 ON ON ON o «- o to ON » » » » d. O ^ £ ! ! en a fl en v^ r*^ ON if^ >o ON ctj m f^-. j^-. "-1 oo of of -* o £ £ l/^ ^D r<~> o4 "S !w C C TJ _!, C~S C*^l "to O r^ ^"ON ri of ON ON O ON en 0) O i/^ ON i/~* STT I/"} 0*"} UO r^I 04 o ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 73 Q- 5 ON ON ON t-- ^ CU O ^, "q> 0)^= ^cz to vq to E ^ ^ a to c -^ T^- T^~ ON ON O m OO C^ C"1^ r-c lO c^ *~~< * < T^~ ON O ITi O O4 ON m O oo en en cn TJ- Tj- OO -o 2 S rn r~ ^ t-; u HXo 01 ,_T M CO CO "t*3 1 'o' «> 0) "° ON ON VO VO oo r~ oo r- oo 01 04 o r- Tj- O O O Srt "co tj m o4 Tj- O O4 O4 O r<^ O "3" O O 04 en O ^D ^D (A ^ r<^ ON 04 Tf VO O O4 O4 ON 04 00 T3 04 04 r- O q- en r^ 10 ^ 5 1 1 oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo "rt.^H Cr 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O J CT* o> 0) ' 0) 0 1"o Tj- ON en en O en S ° .1 ? r-c 1/1 o en TJ- <*~> >o o >o £ 8 8 8 | r- ON TJ- >n r- oo oo >O ON O ON ON c '1 Tj- <*~> r<"} Tj~ ^**^ n Z; 0 0 0 0 C*"} 04 04 9 ^ o to O4 O4 C*"} C*"} en m cn en en en en en en en r<~> r<~> 00 C 'I 2 _i _o S V-c to ctj 'o V-c 60 'o '& c V-c E:0) cz ctj rt t/J 60 to~ w 0) 0) S .a c3 C iV (Li ^ C/3 ^

Streamflow-gagingstation aboveWindBoysenReservoir,Riverne WyomingCanal,FivemileCreekabove OwlMiddleForkCreekAnchorabove1 offordischargerecordmeasurement Wyoming,1990-Continuedthrough CreekPavillionShotguntributarynear WindbelowRiverBoysenReservoir OwlbelowAnchorSouthForkCreekRi CurtisSouthForkOwlCreekaboveRar RanchSouthForkOwlCreekCurtisat OwlSouthCreekThermopoliForknear analysesumberofwater-qualityforstreamflo SouthForkOwlCreekAnchornear LittleWindRivertonRivernear CreekRivertonHaymakernear BeaverCreekArapahoenear CreekMuskratShoshoninear PavillionMuddyCreeknear KirbyDrawRivertonnear

AnchorReservoir partialofrecord,years;

Shoshoni Pavillion

"£> c-- 0 C rx » » t o _r ypeandperic Reservation O O) C a) 06235000 06235700 06236000 06236100 06257300 06259000* 06260200 06260300 *06260400 06260500 06261000 06261500 1ofinclurecord periodofrecorc ii, .2^ *06235500 *06239000 06244500* *06257500 06260000* iximatevalue. to n 2 3 2 O) OT c

TJ - O O > o< to J= «) .Q 0 \o r^" OO ON o r- 04 r<^ Tj~ >0 VO r-- oo ON O 0, E- < ~ c **

SURFACE-WATER RESOURCES 31 Table 7. Type of record for discharge measurements and water-quality analyses for miscellaneous surface-water sites on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990 [Site number: site number used in this report. Miscellaneous surface-water site number: see report text for description of this site-numbering system. Abbreviations: deg, degrees; min, minutes; sec, WATERRES seconds. Discharge type: m, miscellaneous measurement; s, seasonal measurement. Water-quality type: w, water-quality properties (specific conductance, pH, temperature, or turbidity); n, nutrient and major constituent data; t, trace element data; r, radiochemical data; p, pesticide data; , no data]

O c Location (deg, min, sec) Year and type of record Number 3J Site Miscellaneous of water- Om number surf ace-water site quality (plate 4) number Miscellaneous surface-water site Latitude Longitude Discharge Water quality analyses O n H Ml 425135108425401 North Fork Popo Agie River near confluence Middle Fork 425135 1084254 1990m 1990w,n 1 mX Popo Agie River, near Lander ^z. M2 425259108523401 Surrell Creek near Milford 425259 1085234 1990m 1990w 1 0 M3 425348108351301 Little Popo Agie River near Hudson 425348 1083513 1990m 1990w,n 1 33 m M4 425513108485801 Ray Canal below 65-C lateral, near Milford 425513 1084858 1989s - - 3) 30 M5 425515108485401 65-C lateral at headworks 425515 1084854 1989s - m (A m M6 425605108515401 Mill Creek above Ray Canal, near Wind River 425605 1085154 1990m 1990w,n,t 2 30 M7 425709108521201 Ray Canal at siphon, near Wind River 425709 1085212 1989s - - 1 M8 425710108460701 Mill Creek below Coolidge Canal, near Wind River 425710 1084607 1989s 1990w,n,t 1 0 z. M9 425713108485601 Ray Lake outlet near Wind River 425713 1084856 1989s 1990w,n,t 1 M10 425716108520401 37-C lateral at headworks, near Wind River 425716 1085204 1989s 1990w,n,t 1 Mil 425730108461201 McCaskey Drain above Coolidge Canal, near Wind River 425730 1084612 1990m 1990w,n,t 1 M12 425829108521801 Alkali Lake outlet above Trout Creek 'B' Canal, near Wind 425829 1085218 1990m 1990w,n,t 1 River M13 425850108550701 Trout Creek below Ray Canal, near Wind River 425850 1085507 1989s 1990w 1 M14 425857108352101 Sub- Agency Ditch at auxiliary gage, near Arapahoe 425857 1083521 1989s - - M15 425901108372101 Sharp Nose Drain above Little Wind River, near Arapahoe 425901 1083721 1990m 1990w,n,t 1 M16 425923108245301 Drain below ore pile, Wind River Indian Reservation 425923 1082453 1985m 1985r 1 M17 425958108403501 Mill Creek above Little Wind River, near Ethete 425958 1084035 1990m 1990w,n,t 1 M18 430015108403601 Lower Hansen Drain above Little Wind River, near Ethete 430015 1084036 1990m 1990w,n,t,p 1 M19 430036108525801 South Fork Little Wind River at Fort Washakie 430036 1085258 1990m 1990w,n 1 M20 430040108525901 North Fork Little Wind River at Fort Washakie 430040 1085259 1990m 1990w,n 1 M21 430045108480001 Coolidge Canal below Trout Creek, near Ethete 430045 4084800 1989s 1990w,n,t 1 M22 430114108431001 Ethete Drain above Little Wind River, near Ethete 430114 1084310 1990m 1990w,n,t 1 Table 7. Type of record for discharge measurements and water-quality analyses for miscellaneous surface-water sites on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990-Continued

Location (deg, min, sec) Year and type of record Number Site Miscellaneous of water- number surface-water site quality (plate 4) number Miscellaneous surface-water site Latitude Longitude Discharge Water quality analyses M23 430129108480101 Little Wind River at water-supply plant, near Ethete 430129 1084801 1990m 1990w,n 1 M24 430134108311201 Left Hand Canal at headworks, near Riverton 430134 1083112 1989s ~ - M25 430902108434101 Johnstown Canal at headworks, near Kinnear 430902 1084341 1989s - -- M26 431707109105201 Willow Creek Canal at headworks, near Crowheart 431707 1091052 1989s ~ - M27 431744109123001 Meadow Creek Canal at headworks, near Crowheart 431744 1091230 1989s ~ - M28 431757109082601 Willow Creek near confluence Wind River, near 431757 1090826 1990m 1990w,n 1 Crowheart M29 431950109085501 Crow Creek near confluence Wind River, near Lenore 431950 1090855 1990m 1990w,n 1 M30 432208109151401 Lower Wind River "A" canal at headworks, near Burns 432208 1091514 1989s - - M31 432302109215601 Dinwoody Canal at headworks, near Wilderness 432302 1092156 1989s - - M32 432430109252001 Red Creek near confluence Wind River, near Wilderness 432430 1092520 1990m 1990w,n 1 M33 432609109205001 Upper Wind River above canal, at headworks 432609 1092050 1989s - - M34 433027109092701 Red Creek above Maverick Springs Road, near Lenore 433027 1090927 1990m 1990w 1 M35 433155109054301 Dry Creek above Maverick Springs Road, near Lenore 433155 1090543 1990m 1990w,n 1 M36 434035109062101 South Fork Owl Creek above Rock Creek, near Anchor 434035 1090621 1990m 1990w,n 1 Reservoir M37 434326108320201 Owl Creek near Hamilton Dome 434326 1083202 1990m 1990 w,n,t 1 M38 434204108472901 North Fork Owl Creek near Anchor Reservoir 434204 1084729 1990m 1990w,n,t 1 M39 434331108321601 Owl Creek at Arapahoe Ranch, near Thermopolis 434331 1083216 1989m 1990w,n 1 c(0 3D 5 mo

1m 3D

RESOURCES Flow Characteristics of Streams with Streamflow-gaging Stations

Streamflow data from 24 streamflow-gaging stations with 10 years or more of daily discharge (flow) records were evaluated and summarized to provide a representative, long-term overview of the streamflow characteristics of rivers and streams on the reservation. The selected 24 gaging stations are designated in table 6 with an asterisk "*" preceding the gaging-station number. Statistical summaries of streamflow data were determined at each selected gaging station and listed in tabular format in appendix 1 at the end of the report. The following statistical summaries were determined for each gaging station: (1) summary of monthly and annual discharge, (2) magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, (3) magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, (4) magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, and (5) duration table of daily mean flow. All the data and procedures used to produce these summaries were generated by the Water Data Storage and Retrieval System (WATSTORE) data base (U.S. Geological Survey, 1975). The period of record and discharge data used in these statistical summaries were based on water years and consist of discharge data through water year 1989, where available.

The maximum, minimum, mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and percentage of annual runoff by month and annual total for mean monthly and annual discharges are listed in the first statistical summary table (appendix 1). Data from this summary table can be used to estimate when the highest and lowest mean monthly discharges might occur. Using East Fork Wind River near Dubois (site Gl) as an example, the -5 largest mean monthly discharge can be expected in June (1,050 ft /s) and the smallest mean monthly discharge in February (47 ft 3/s).

The magnitude and frequency of annual low flows are listed in the second statistical summary table (appendix 1). Low flows were calculated for the 1-, 3-, 7-, 14-, 30-, 60-, 90-, 120-, and 183-day periods. For each low-flow period the mean discharge was calculated for the 2-, 5-, 10-, 20-, 50-, and 100-year recurrence interval or 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, and 1 percent nonexceedance probabilities. Recurrence interval is the long-term average number of years between occurrences, but it implies no regularity of occurrence. For example, a 50-year low-flow event might occur in consecutive years, or it might not occur in a 100-year period. The nonexceedance probability is the reciprocal of the recurrence intervals and is the chance that a low-flow event will not be exceeded in any 1 year. Data from this summary table can be used to evaluate the expected low flows for a given time period. Using East Fork Wind River near Dubois (site Gl) as 5 an example, there is a 5-percent chance (recurrence interval of 20 years) that a mean 7-day flow of about 21 ft /s or less will occur in any 1 year.

The magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flows are listed in the third statistical summary table (appendix 1). Instantaneous peak flows were calculated for the 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year recurrence intervals or 50, 20, 10, 4, 2, and 1 percent exceedance probabilities. The data used in this table are instantaneous discharges rather than daily mean discharge data used in the other tables. Data from this summary table can be used to estimate the expected peak flow for a given recurrence interval or exceedance probability. Using East Fork Wind River near Dubois (site Gl) as an example, there is a 2-percent chance (recurrence interval of 50 years) that an instantaneous peak flow of about 7,530 ft /s or greater will occur in any 1 year.

The magnitude and frequency of annual high flows are listed in the fourth statistical summary table (appendix 1). High flows were calculated for the 1-, 3-, 7-, 15-, 30-, 60-, and 90-day periods. For each high- flow period, the mean discharge was calculated for the 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year recurrence interval or 50, 20, 10, 4, 2, and 1 percent exceedance probabilities. Data from this summary table can be used to evaluate the expected high-flow discharge for a given time period. Using East Fork Wind River near Dubois (site Gl) as an example, there is a 4-percent chance (recurrence interval of 25 years) that a mean 7-day high flow of about o 3,230 ft /s or more will occur in any 1 year.

34 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION The duration table of daily mean flow for all complete water years of record is listed in the fifth statistical summary table (appendix 1). This flow-duration table contains the percentage of time that a given daily mean discharge was equalled or exceeded. Discharges were calculated for the 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 98, 99, 99.5, and 99.9 percentiles. Data from this table can be used to evaluate the flow characteristics of past discharge records at a streamflow-gaging station. Using East Fork Wind River near Dubois (site Gl) as an example, daily mean flows of 40 ft /s were exceeded 90 percent of the days for the period of record, and o daily mean flows of 1,100 ft /s were exceeded 5 percent of the days for the period of record.

Evaluation of the streamflow statistical summaries indicate some general flow characteristics for streams with streamflow-gaging stations. Twenty-one of the 24 gaging stations with 10 years or more of daily discharge records are on perennial streams. The three gaging stations located on intermittent streams are described in the next paragraph. Eighteen of the 21 gaging stations on perennial streams had their largest mean monthly discharge in June, which ranged from 25.9 to 42.1 percent of the mean annual discharge, with an average value of 35.5 percent (appendix 1). Except for North Popo Agie River near Milford (site G37), the smallest mean monthly discharge is in January or February for the 18 stations and ranged from 0.2 to 3.3 percent of the mean annual discharge, with an average value of 1.8 percent. Three gaging stations Dinwoody Creek near Burris (site G4), Bull Lake Creek near Lenore (site G15), and Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53) are located on perennial streams and had the largest mean monthly discharge for July. These three gaging stations are located downstream of major lakes or reservoirs. The mean monthly discharges at East Fork Wind River near Dubois (site Gl) are shown in figure 5 and are representative of the monthly-flow distribution for perennial streams on the reservation.

Three of the 24 streamflow-gaging stations with 10 years or more of daily discharge records are located on intermittent streams. These three gaging stations are Muskrat Creek near Shoshone (site G49), Fivemile Creek above Wyoming Canal, near Pavillion (site G50), and Muddy Creek near Pavillion (site G52). The mean monthly discharges at these gaging stations were highly variable throughout the year as shown in figure 5 for site G50.

/} Average annual runoff, in acre-ft/mi (acre-foot per square mile) was calculated for all 24 streamflow- gaging stations. For the 21 gaging stations located on perennial streams, average annual runoff ranged from 122 acre-ft/mi2 at South Fork Owl Creek below Anchor Reservoir (site G57) to 1,150 acre-ft/mi2 at Bull Lake Creek above Bull Lake (site G13). Average annual runoff at the three gaging stations on intermittent streams sy ranged from about 3.5 to 14 acre-ft/mi .

Average annual runoff, for selected streamflow-gaging stations on the three major rivers on the reservation were as follows:

Wind River near Crowheart (site Gl 6) 883,000 acre-ft/yr Wind River at Riverton (site G22) 612,000 acre-ft/yr Little Wind River above Arapahoe (site G36) 251,000 acre-ft/yr Popo Agie River near Arapahoe (site G42) 180,000 acre-ft/yr Little Wind River near Riverton (site G45) 419,000 acre-ft/yr Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53) 1,030,000 acre-ft/yr

The shape of a flow-duration curve can be used to evaluate the general flow characteristics at streamflow- gaging stations. Generally, a steep flow-duration curve indicates highly variable flow conditions, and a gently sloping flow-duration curve indicates relatively uniform flow conditions. Perennial streams tend to have flow- duration curves that are gently sloping at the lower end of the curve, indicating stable base flows. Intermittent and ephemeral streams generally have steeply sloping flow-duration curves at the lower end of the curve. Curves for intermittent and ephemeral streams frequently reach zero flow, which means there is no base flow. The shape of a flow-duration curve also is affected by irrigation and reservoir operations. Additional information on how flow-duration curves are calculated and used to evaluate the flow characteristics at a gaging station is described in Searcy (1959).


Perennial stream: 1,000 East Fork Wind River near Dubois, Wyoming (site G1) [period of record in water years 800 - 1951-57, 1976-89]

o 600 - o LLJ

DC LLJ 400 - O.



LJJ O DC I O c/2 Intermittent stream: o Fivemile Creek above Wyoming Canal >j near Pavillion, Wyoming (site G50) [period of record in water years 1950-75, 1989] 4 -

LJJ 3 -

2 -

1 -


Figure 5. Mean monthly discharges at representative streamflow-gaging stations on a perennial stream and an intermittent stream, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming.

36 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION For most of the streamflow-gaging stations on unregulated streams or streams with minor irrigation diversions, the flow-duration curves had similar shapes; the lower ends of the curves were gently sloping, indicating stable base-flow conditions as shown in figure 6 for East Fork Wind River near Dubois (site Gl). For the gaging stations on the more regulated streams, which includes Dinwoody Creek near Burns (site G4), Bull Lake Creek near Lenore (site G15), Wind River at Riverton (site G22), Little Popo Agie River at Hudson (site G40), and Middle Fork Owl Creek above Anchor Reservoir (site G55), the shape of the flow-duration curves had a greater variation; the lower end of the curves tended to have steeper slopes indicating little or no base flow, as shown in figure 6 for site G15.


o o 1,000 LLJ CO Unregulated stream: CL East Fork Wind River near Dubois, LLJ Q_ Wyoming (site G1) [period of record in water years LLJ 1951-57, 1976-89] LLJ LJ_ 100 O CO z> o

LLJ es 10 a: o Regulated stream: CO Bull Lake Creek near Lenore, Q Wyoming (site G15)

< [period of record in water years LU 1919-23, 1927-89]

< Q

0.1 0.1 125 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99 99.9 PERCENTAGE OF TIME INDICATED DISCHARGE WAS EQUALLED OR EXCEEDED

Figure 6. Flow-duration curves for representative streamflow-gaging stations on an unregulated stream and a regulated stream, Wind River Indian Reservatin, Wyoming.

SURFACE-WATER RESOURCES 37 Flow Characteristics of Streams without Streamflow-gaging Stations

Evaluation of the surface-water resources on the reservation also requires knowledge of flow characteristics for streams without streamflow-gaging stations (ungaged streams). Two methods developed by Lowham (1988) to estimate streamflow characteristics for ungaged streams in Wyoming were chosen to estimate the mean annual discharge at seven miscellaneous surface-water sites (M2, M3, M6, M20, M29, M34, and M35) on ungaged streams on the reservation (table 8). Mean annual discharge also was estimated for two gaging stations. Willow Creek near Crowheart (site G10) was re-established in 1989 after being discontinued in 1940. Sage Creek above Norkok Meadows Creek, near Fort Washakie (site G29) was established in 1990.

The first method to determine flow characteristics for ungaged streams uses regression equations developed between measured channel geometry (bankfull channel width) and the known mean annual discharge at sites with streamflow-gaging stations. The second method uses regression equations developed between basin characteristics (drainage area and mean annual precipitation) of basins with gaging stations and the known mean annual discharge for sites with gaging stations. Measured channel geometry and basin characteristics at ungaged sites can be used in these regression equations to estimate mean annual discharge for ungaged sites. Separate regression equations were developed for two different regions in Wyoming: Mountainous, and High Desert and Plains. The equations listed below (from Lowham, 1988, p. 28, 29, and 34) were used to estimate mean annual discharge by both methods for seven ungaged sites and two gaging stations (table 8).

Mountainous Regions:

Q = 0.087 WIDTH L79 (Bankfull channel-width method) (1)

Q = 0.013 /\0-93 p/? 1.43 (Area-precipitation method) (2)

High Desert and Plains Regions:

Q = 0.00046 WIDTH 2A2 (Bankfull channel-width method) (3)

Q = 0.0021 AOM PRLl9, (Area-precipitation method) (4) where Q is the estimated mean annual discharge, in cubic feet per second; WIDTH is the bankfull channel width, in feet; A is the contributing drainage area, in square miles; and PR is the average annual precipitation, in inches.

Lakes and Reservoirs

Lakes and reservoirs are important surface-water resources on the reservation and are described in Baldes (1981, 1986a). These water resources include high mountain lakes, and lowland lakes and reservoirs. The reservation has more than 220 high mountain lakes with a total surface area of about 4,450 acres. Most of these lakes are less than 15 acres in size and have surface altitudes of 9,000 ft or more above sea level. The name of the lake, major drainage basin in which the lake is located, and surface area in acres for all these lakes are listed in Baldes (1981, p. 10-21). All the high mountain lakes are located in the Wind River Range. The lowland lakes and reservoirs are on the lower flanks of the mountains or in the central part of the reservation and consist of numerous farm and stock ponds, natural lakes, two large (greater than 300 acres) irrigation-supply reservoirs, and numerous small (less than 20 acres) irrigation-supply reservoirs (Baldes, 1986b, p. 3-20). The major lowland lakes and reservoir are Dinwoody Lakes, upper Dinwoody Lake, Ray Lake, Bull Lake, and Washakie Reservoir.

38 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Table 8. Flow characteristics for selected streams without or recent streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming [Site number: site number used in this report. Abbreviations: mi , square miles; ft, feet; ft /s, cubic feet per second; in., inches. Drainage basin type: M, Mountainous region; HDP, High Desert and Plains region]

Estimated Estimated mean annual mean annual discharge, Estimated discharge, Drainage basin Bankfull bankfull mean area- Site Area channel- channel-width annual precipitation number Total area percentage width method precipitation method (plate 4) Site name (mi2) Type by type (ft) (ft3/s) (in.) (ft3/s) Streams without streamflow-gaging stations M2 Surrell Creek near Milford 11.1 M 100 4.5 1.3 12 4.3 M3 Little Popo Agie River near Hudson 384 M 39 39.0 25.9 12 49.4 HDP 61 M6 Mill Creek above Ray Canal, near Wind River 10.4 M 34 3.3 .3 12 1.6 HDP 66 M20 North Fork Little Wind River at Fort Washakie 128 M 84 50.0 81.3 22 83.7 HDP 16 M29 Crow Creek near confluence Wind River, near 79.5 M 49 19.5 9.0 12 14.0 Lenore HDP 51 M34 Red Creek above Maverick Springs Road, near 15.0 HDP 100 11.4 .2 17 .7 Lenore M35 Dry Creek above Maverick Springs Road, near 24.4 HDP 100 13.8 .3 17 1.0 Lenore Streams with recent (1989 or 1990) streamflow-gaging stations CO C Gl 0 Willow Creek near Crowheart 55.3 M 76 16.6 10.2 15 20.3 3) Tl (gaging station re-established in 1989) HDP 24 0 G29 Sage Creek above Norkok Meadows Creek, 118 M 37 11.3 2.6 11 14.1 «; near Fort Washakie HDP 63 (gaging station established in 1990) mH 3) 3)m CO O c 3) Om CO WATER QUALITY

Water quality is determined primarily by the concentration of inorganic and organic material dissolved and suspended in the water and by the physical properties of the water. Water quality is divided into three general categories biological, physical, and chemical.

The biological quality of water consists primarily of plant and animal organisms living in water. A limited amount of biological data has been collected at surface-water sites on the reservation. These data include mostly microbiological analyses associated with fecal coliform and fecal streptococcal bacteria. The period of record and number of bacteria analyses of samples collected at streamflow-gaging stations are summarized later in this report (table 17), but biological-quality data were not evaluated in this report.

A major component of the physical quality of water is the concentration of suspended sediment in the water. A substantial number of suspended-sediment samples has been collected at selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the reservation. The period of record and number of suspended-sediment samples analyzed for these gaging stations are summarized later in this report (table 17), but suspended-sediment data have not been evaluated.

The chemical quality of water is derived from many different sources of solutes, such as gases and material from the atmosphere; weathering of sediment, soil, and rocks; chemical and physical reactions; and materials introduced into the hydrologic environment by human activities. McNeely and others (1979) and Hem (1989) provide a comprehensive review of the origins, controls, and significance of the properties and constituents related to the chemical quality of water.

The chemical quality of water is characterized by its dissolved ionic composition, which consists of a balance of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions). Ionic composition of the ground water and surface water on or near the reservation is similar to the ionic composition of most natural waters. The major cations are calcium, magnesium, and sodium; and major anions are bicarbonate, sulfate, and chloride. In this report, ionic compositions are used to describe the general type of water, with a dominant cation or anion representing more than 50 percent of the total concentration of cations or anions. If no cations or anions are dominant, ionic compositions are described in decreasing order of occurrence for the major cations and anions. The ionic compositions of selected chemical analyses of surface-water samples are presented graphically (Stiff, 1951) later in this report.

The physical properties of water are important indicators of water quality and consist of water temperature, specific conductance, pH, and turbidity. Water temperature is an important factor affecting biological, physical, and chemical processes in water. For example, biological activity, saturation levels of gases, and solubility of minerals in water are affected by temperature. Specific conductance is a measure of the ability of water to conduct an electrical current. Specific conductance is expressed in microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius (|iS/cm) and is a function of the type and concentration of dissolved solids in the water. The hydrogen-ion activity is described by its pH. The pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen-ion concentration expressed in moles per liter. In most aqueous solutions, pH generally ranges from 0 to 14. A pH greater than 7 indicates the water is alkaline, and a pH less than 7 indicates the water is acidic.

Water Quality in Relation to Water Use

An important purpose in studying and describing the quality of water is to determine if the water is satisfactory or suitable for a proposed use. Various water-quality standards, tolerances, and guidelines have been established for different water uses (Hem, 1989, p. 210). Because primary water use on the reservation includes public-supply, domestic, and agricultural uses, specific water-quality regulations, standards, and guidelines associated with these water uses are described in the following sections.


Water used for public-supply and domestic uses should be chemically safe for human consumption. The water should have no hardness problems and no undesirable physical properties such as color, turbidity, and unpleasant taste or odor (Hem, 1989, p. 210).

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1990, p. 31, 41-43) has established primary and secondary drinking-water regulations pertinent for public supplies of drinking water. These Federal regulations are listed in table 9. The regulations specify maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) and secondary maximum contaminant levels (SMCLs). Primary drinking-water regulations are based on MCLs of constituents that are health related, legally enforceable, and apply within Wyoming, which has adopted the Federal regulations. The secondary drinking-water regulations are based on SMCLs of constituents that primarily affect the aesthetic qualities and the public's acceptance of the drinking water, such as taste or odor. For example, drinking water containing chloride concentrations exceeding the SMCL of 250 mg/L (milligrams per liter) might impart a salty taste. SMCLs have no legally enforceable requirements.

Hardness is another water-quality property important to the public-supply and domestic use of water. Hardness is a calculated value based on the concentrations of calcium and magnesium and is reported as mg/L of calcium carbonate (CaCC^). Hardness represents the soap-consuming capacity of water as well as the tendency to leave a mineralized crust on plumbing fixtures. Hardness has been characterized on the basis of the following classes (Hem, 1989, p. 158-159)

Hardness as CaCO3 (mg/L) Hardness classes 0^60 Soft 61 -120 Moderately hard 121-180 Hard more than 180 Very hard

Agricultural Use

Agricultural use of water includes irrigation of crops and water consumed by livestock. The chemical quality of water is an important factor when evaluating its usefulness for irrigation. Chemical-quality characteristics that need to be considered include concentrations of potentially toxic constituents, total concentration of dissolved solids in water, and the relative proportion of some of the constituents present. Water used by livestock is subject to quality limitations similar to those for drinking water for human consumption. However, most animals can tolerate water that has higher dissolved-solids concentration than that which is recommended for humans (Hem, 1989, p. 213).

The State of Wyoming has established specific water-quality standards for agricultural (irrigation of crops) and livestock use of ground water (Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, 1980, p. 1-13). These water-quality standards include some common constituents and selected trace-elements, oil and grease, and radiochemical constituents. A partial list of these water-quality standards for each use is listed in table 10.

A classification system to evaluate the suitability of water for irrigation use was developed by the U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954). This classification system is based on the salinity-hazard and sodium (alkali) hazard of the water.

WATER QUALITY 41 Table 9. Primary and secondary drinking-water regulations for public-water supplies [From U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1990, p. 31, 41-43; all constituent concentrations are in milligrams per liter unless otherwise indicated; ug/L, micrograms per liter; N, nitrogen; --, no established regulation or not applicable; pCi/L, picocuries per liter; mrem/yr, milliroentgen equivalent man per year]

Maximum Secondary maximum Equivalent trace-element contaminant level contaminant level concentration ((ig/L) Constituent (MCL) (SMCL) MCL SMCL Common constituents Dissolved solids 500 - Chloride 250 - Fluoride 4.0 2.0 .. Nitrate as N 10 .. Sulfate 250 - Trace elements Arsenic 0.05 50 Barium 1 1,000 Cadmium .01 10 Chromium .05 50 Iron .3 300 Lead .05 50 Manganese .05 50 Mercury .002 2 Selenium .01 10 Silver .05 50 Pesticides 2,4-D 0.1 -- Endrin .0002 -- Lindane .004 -- Methoxychlor .1 -- Toxaphene .005 -- 2,4,5-TP Silvex .01 -- Radiochemical constituents Gross alpha particle activity (pCi/L) 15 -- Gross beta particle activity (mrem/yr) 4 - Radium 226 and 228, total (pCi/L) 5 --

42 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Table 10. State of Wyoming water-quality standards of ground water for agricultural and livestock use [From Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, 1980, p. 9; all constituent concentrations are in milligrams per liter unless otherwise indicated; ug/L, micrograms per liter; --, no established standard or not applicable; pCi/L, picocuries per liter]

Equivalent trace-element Agricultural use concentration (ug/L) Constituent (irrigation) Livestock use Agricultural use Livestock use Common constituents Dissolved solids 2,000 5,000 -- - Chloride 100 2,000 -- -- Sulfate 200 3,000 -- -- Trace elements Arsenic 0.1 0.2 100 200 Boron .75 5.0 750 5,000 Cadmium .01 .05 10 50 Iron 5.0 -- 5,000 -- Lead 5.0 .1 5,000 100 Manganese .2 -- 200 -- Selenium .02 .05 20 50 Other constituents Oil and grease 10 10 -- -- Uranium 5.0 5.0 -- -- Radium 226 and 228, combined 5.0 5.0 -- -- total (pCi/L)

Salinity-hazard is divided into four classes on the basis of specific conductance of the water. Specific conductance, a good indicator of dissolved-solids concentration, is used as a measure of salinity because specific conductance is easily measured and values are commonly available. The specific-conductance range and characteristics of the salinity-hazard classes are as follows (U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954, p. 79-81):

Salinity-hazard Specific conductance class (US/cm)1 Characteristics Low 0-250 Low-salinity water can be used for irrigation on most soil with minimal likelihood that soil salinity will develop. Medium 251-750 Medium-salinity water can be used for irrigation if a moderate amount of drainage occurs. High 751-2,250 High-salinity water is not suitable for use on soil with restricted drainage. Even with adequate drainage, special management for salinity control may be required. Very high More than 2,250 Very high-salinity water is not suitable for irrigation under normal conditions.

uS/cm, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius.

WATER QUALITY 43 Sodium-hazard also is divided into four classes on the basis of sodium-adsorption ratio (S AR) and specific conductance of the water (U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954, p. 79-80). SAR is a calculated value determined by the milliequivalents of sodium, calcium, and magnesium and is reported as a dimensionless ratio. Classifying irrigation water with respect to SAR is based primarily on the effect of exchangeable sodium on the physical condition of the soil. The characteristics of the sodium-hazard classes are as follows (U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954, p. 81):

Sodium-hazard class Characteristics Low Low-sodium water can be used for irrigation on most soil with minimal danger of harmful levels of exchangeable sodium. Medium Medium-sodium water will present an appreciable sodium hazard in fine-textured soil having high cation-exchange capacity. High High-sodium water may produce harmful levels of exchangeable sodium in most soil. Very high Very high-sodium water is generally unsatisfactory for irrigation purposes.


Ground-water quality is affected principally by the following factors: (1) the chemical composition of the water entering the geologic unit, (2) lithological composition and hydrologic properties of the geologic unit, and (3) the residence time of water flowing through the geologic unit. Each of these factors affects the type and quantity of material that is contained in the ground water.

Water-quality data from chemical analyses of water samples from about 300 wells and springs and specific-conductance measurements of water samples from about 450 wells and springs were evaluated to determine the chemical-quality characteristics of water in selected geologic units on the reservation. The chemical-quality characteristics evaluated and summarized herein were related primarily to public-supply, domestic, agricultural, and livestock uses of ground water, and to the classification of ground water as a potential source for irrigation. Selected chemical-quality data from wells and springs evaluated and summarized in this report are tabulated in a report by Daddow (1992). Selected chemical-quality data from wells and springs have been summarized in this report on the basis of the following geologic-unit groups: flood-plain alluvium in four drainage basins (table 11); slope wash and alluvium, terrace deposits, glacial deposits, volcaniclastic rocks, and Tertiary Wind River Formation (table 12); and selected Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks (table 13).

Linear-regression analysis was used to evaluate dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance of water samples collected from wells and springs in geologic units that had chemical analyses for seven or more water samples. The results of this type of analysis allows estimation of the dissolved-solids concentration of a ground-water sample by measuring the specific conductance of that sample. The number of samples, range of years that samples were collected, maximum and minimum values of specific conductance, and linear-regression statistics and equations for the selected geologic units are listed in table 14. Residual plots were completed on all data sets to check for outliers and to verify the linearity and variance conditions of the data values. All the calculated regression coefficients (slopes) were significant at the a = 0.05 level or less. The squared correlation coefficient (r 2) is a measure of the linear correlation between the response (dependent) variable (dissolved-solids concentration) and the explanatory (independent) variable (specific conductance). The r 2 values can range from 0 to 1; a 0 indicates no correlation and a 1 indicates perfect correlation. For example, an r 2 value of 0.900 indicates that 90 percent of the variation of the dependent (response) variable can be explained by variation in the independent (explanatory) variable. An r 2 value in the range of 0.900 to 1 indicates there is a very good correlation of specific conductance to dissolved-solids concentration in a water sample.

44 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Table 11 . Summary of selected water-quality data for wells completed in flood-plain alluvium, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming [Water-quality constituent: values in milligrams per liter, except as indicated; |iS/cm, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; CaCO3, calcium carbonate; dissolved solids, sum of the constituents]

Water-quality Wind River Little Wind River Popo Agie River Owl Creek constituent or flood-plain flood-plain flood-plain flood-plain physical property Data type alluvium alluvium alluvium alluvium Specific conductance Samples 34 86 9 5 (u.S/cm) Range 270-1,790 110-2,500 275-1,600 1,200-2,710 Median 659 760 850 2,010 Hardness as CaCO3 Samples 19 38 4 7 Range 3-455 38-925 93-473 38-1,210 Median 262 241 258 454 Calcium Samples 18 38 4 7 Range 1-128 12-204 34-130 10-285 Median 72 58 67 110 Magnesium Samples 19 38 4 7 Range 0.2-40 2-101 2-40 3-121 Median 15 24 20 43 Sodium Samples 19 38 4 5 Range 12-243 4-500 10-84 89-620 Median 28 53 33 230 Alkalinity as CaCO3 Samples 19 37 4 7 Range 154-431 90-336 100-333 148-385 Median 256 231 160 263 Sulfate Samples 19 38 4 7 Range 15-495 5-1,000 16-305 380-1,060 Median 85 126 149 810 Chloride Samples 19 38 4 7 Range 2-64 2-105 5-6 6-30 Median 7 12 5 15 Fluoride Samples 18 37 4 7 Range 0.1-1.2 0.1-1.6 0.12-0.58 0.2-1.5 Median 0.3 0.5 0.25 0.7 Dissolved solids Samples 19 38 4 7 Range 214-1,230 109-1,720 132-767 828-1,880 Median 395 424 389 1,310

Ground water is the primary water source on the reservation for public-supply and domestic uses. Hardness is an important water-quality characteristic related to these water uses, and hardness concentrations of water samples from selected geologic units were characterized on the basis of hardness classes previously described in this report. The total number of water samples and the number of water samples in each hardness class for selected geologic units are listed in table 15.

Although surface water from streams is the primary water source for irrigation on the reservation, in some areas ground water could be used on a limited basis as a supplemental source for irrigation. Chemical analyses of water samples from wells and springs from selected geologic units were characterized on the basis of the salinity-hazard and sodium-hazard classes described previously in this report. These hazard classes were used to evaluate the suitability of water for irrigation use (U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954). The total number of water samples and the number of water samples in each salinity-hazard and sodium-hazard class from selected geologic units are listed in table 15.

GROUND-WATER QUALITY 45 Table 1 2. Summary of selected water-quality data for wells completed in and springs flowing from slope wash and alluvium, terrace deposits, glacial deposits, volcaniclastic rocks, and the Wind River Formation, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming [Water-quality constituent: values in milligrams per liter, except as indicated; uS/cm, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; CaCO3, calcium carbonate; dissolved solids, sum of the constituents; , not applicable]

Water-quality Quaternary Tertiary constituent or Slope wash Terrace Glacial Volcaniclastic Wind River physical property Data type and alluvium deposits deposits rocks Formation Specific conductance Samples 31 26 4 3 205 (u.S/cm) Range 640-5,500 340-1,720 120-490 302-380 202-14,000 Median 2,400 585 272 314 869 Hardness as CaCO3 Samples 16 18 3 3 154 Range 137-2,530 166-805 91-171 116-146 2-2,020 Median 703 213 156 133 30 Calcium Samples 16 18 3 3 149 Range 42-600 35-146 30-52 31-37 1-486 Median 176 48 46 37 10 Magnesium Samples 16 18 3 3 128 Range 8-250 12-107 4-10 9-13 0.1-195 Median 74 21 10 10 2.2 Sodium Samples 16 18 3 3 153 Range 9-1,100 7-189 6-43 19-34 5-1,500 Median 280 39 18 29 150 Alkalinity as CaCO3 Samples 15 16 3 3 154 Range 150-424 156-464 86-139 152-203 44-1,460 Median 280 236 97 163 166 Sulfate Samples 16 18 3 3 154 Range 226-2,600 15-788 2-145 10-10 2-3,250 Median 952 53 52 10 201 Chloride Samples 16 18 3 3 154 Range 5-99 1-58 4-14 0.9-1.2 2-466 Median 20 7 12 1.1 14 Fluoride Samples 16 18 2 3 154 Range 0.3-1.5 0.5-1.4 0.2-0.2 0.2-0.2 0.1-8.8 Median 0.9 0.9 - 0.2 0.7 Dissolved solids Samples 16 18 3 3 154 Range 484-4,630 204-1,330 109-322 197-244 211-5,110 Median 1,730 338 235 206 490

Quaternary Deposits

The chemical quality of water in the following Quaternary deposits was evaluated: Wind River flood- plain alluvium, Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium, Popo Agie River flood-plain alluvium, Owl Creek flood- plain alluvium, slope wash and alluvium, terrace deposits, and glacial deposits. Chemical-quality analyses of water samples from wells completed in the flood-plain alluvium were grouped, evaluated, and summarized by the major drainage basins on the reservation.

Wind River Flood-plain Alluvium

The chemical quality of water in the Wind River flood-plain alluvium was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of 18 or 19 water samples and 34 specific-conductance measurements of water samples collected from selected wells (table 11). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 214 to 1,230 mg/L, with

46 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Table 13. Summary of selected water-quality data for wells completed in and springs flowing from selected Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming [Water-quality constituent: values in milligrams per liter, except as indicated; fiS/cm, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; CaCO3, calcium carbonate; dissolved solids, sum of the constituents]

Mesozoic rocks Paleozoic rocks Water-quality Phosphoria constituents Cody Frontier Cleverly Chugwater Formation and physical property Data type Shale Formation Formation Group related rocks Specific conductance Samples 12 25 5 9 4 ((iS/cm) Range 660-6,000 240-8,500 445-1,600 400-2,420 550-4,230 Median 2,380 2,340 1,190 1,200 3,150 Hardness as CaCO3 Samples 8 16 5 7 4 Range 27-3,380 51-1,840 16-840 190-1,600 279-1,820 Median 1,080 232 376 585 904 Calcium Samples 8 16 5 7 4 Range 8-535 1-409 3-231 41-570 54-447 Median 240 56 83 160 270 Magnesium Samples 8 16 5 7 4 Range 2-496 0.1-199 2-64 17-82 35-171 Median 116 22 41 44 56 Sodium Samples 8 16 5 7 4 Range 37-595 21-1,600 12-370 6-43 4.3-557 Median 344 270 62 18 400 Alkalinity as CaCO3 Samples 6 16 4 7 4 Range 220-565 135-894 76-573 140-215 237-602 Median 349 248 299 180 324 Sulfate Samples 8 16 5 7 4 Range 89-3,480 33-3,700 113-744 24-1,500 54-2,320 Median 1,450 478 219 420 1,230 Chloride Samples 8 16 5 7 4 Range 5.4-182 2.7-116 5.2-30 1.8-18 1.3-219 Median 16 18 15 9.6 50 Fluoride Samples 8 16 5 7 4 Range 0.1-2.5 0.3-3.8 0.2-2.2 0.1-0.6 0.3-2.1 Median 0.6 1.4 0.5 0.4 0.8 Dissolved solids Samples 8 16 5 7 4 Range 451-5,250 182-6,060 253-1,240 219-2,240 302-3,690 Median 2,540 1,170 800 824 2,430

a median value of 395 mg/L. Five of 19 samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration (500 mg/L) and 1 of 19 samples exceeded the SMCL for sulfate (250 mg/L). Hardness class was hard or very hard for 18 of 19 samples (table 15). Salinity-hazard class was medium or high for all 34 samples. Sodium- hazard class was low for 16 of 18 samples. The linear-regression of dissolved-solids concentration in relation o to specific conductance for water samples collected from this geologic unit has an r value of 0.983 (table 14).

The ionic compositions of most water samples were dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions. Samples with dissolved-solids concentrations of more than 500 mg/L generally had mixed ionic compositions of sodium and calcium cations, and bicarbonate and sulfate anions. No downgradient changes were noticeable in the chemical quality of water samples in this geologic unit.

GROUND-WATER QUALITY 47 Table 14. Linear-regression analyses of dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples from wells completed in and springs flowing from selected geologic units, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming [Range of specific conductance, minimum and maximum values of specific conductance used to develop the linear-regression equation; DS, dissolved-solids concentration, sum of constituents , in milligrams per liter; SC, specific conductance, in microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; *, multiply by] RESOURCESWATEROFTHEW Range of Linear-regression statistics years that Range of Squared Number samples specific- Regression Regression correlation Standard of were conductance coefficient constant coefficient error of Linear-regression Geologic unit1 samples2 collected values2 (slope) (y-intercept) (r 2) estimate equation Quaternary deposits Wind River flood-plain alluvium 18 1948-90 270-1,790 0.688 -45.9 0.983 31.0 DS = 0.688 * SC -45.9 z a Little Wind River flood-plain 37 1985-89 200-2,200 .791 -111 .965 87.4 DS = 0.791 * SC -111 3J alluvium m -399 -399 31 Slope wash and alluvium 15 1965-89 736-4,920 .995 .988 118 DS = 0.995 * SC 3j m Terrace deposits 18 1965-89 390-1,710 .787 -105 .973 47.4 DS = 0.787 * SC -105 m Tertiary rocks 3D > Wind River Formation 151 1945-90 350-6,300 .785 -130 .979 99.8 DS = 0.785 * SC -130 O Mesozoic rocks z Cody Shale 8 1945-90 721-6,000 .957 -312 .975 274 DS = 0.957 * SC -312 Frontier Formation 16 1945-90 240-7,650 .840 -209 .988 197 DS = 0.840 * SC -209 Chugwater Group 7 1978-90 400-2,420 .857 -159 .890 243 DS = 0.857 * SC -159

'For flood-plain alluvium, geographic location (drainage area) also is included. 2Number of samples and range of specific-conductance values listed in this table may not be the same as the number of samples and range of specific-conductance values listed in tables 11, 12 or 13 because not all the samples listed in tables 11, 12, or 13 had both specific-conductance and dissolved-solids values. c o

^ "§> , 1 ^ O -H i o O -HO O Q> CO ^ ^ (0 cc (0 c (0 (0 £ W0) T>" 'iO) o o o ~ o o o i (S O O W > ^ (0 & ^__ O (0 "O E § _3 f>~ (0 c" ^ ( i O i (S ~H O O(N (N Ijr (0 (0 0) .c £ (0 2 ^ E o ^ - fl) 5 VO V^ ^}" C^ CS C^ fl C/) o ,_, fl -H ^ '5 If _i c (0 0 0) 5 Q. 0 £ oo C^ "^ »O »O OO fl to *~ JO ' 1 fl 1 1 o> CD , £ > £ ^H CO ^_^ ^ (0 (0 ^^** (0 (0 £ CO w0) "o" O) fl i »O fl fl O O Q> 'i ^ -H 1 CO w > CO (0 A TO O (0 0 *n ^ E i_ r> 3 ' 5 XO ^}" O CS ^O CN fl\O IS IS CN IS N E r^l fl -H CO (0 0) 1 £ « -c > "o a w I/) 1 0) o | ° C^ {"** {"** {"** {"** CN "o 1o s l CO c _ 8 03 c 1 03 So. 1o 2 E "a ^ oo fi cs tf u_ c: (0 03 o ^* N J Sn '5 1 \o cs >o w~> \o o ^ j 2 CS -H ^ ;g 1 In" en (^ CO 2 (0 (0 ^ to X 0 ^ OO O i i CS CS OfS-nO u S ^ (0 cu t: w ^ X 5 o 0, (0 (0 (0 0) , 03 0 Q. 0) ^ "O -C U fi CS O O O -H U (0 E "o fl) In o .c £ <0 £ "2Sfi 5P U "E o +J g- "o1 (0 »- X 0) o "- i o i O O O C (/) 1 E N 3 X C (0 ;~ 2 0) a 5a § S ,o E 0\ oo ^ t~- vo oo fi Cr 3 " a £ || 2 'S3C "g -o c .2 o 9, 'ol ^ « «§ -ft ^ ,-; WindRiverflood-p] a 3"B, [Hardness,salinity-haz; Geologicunit horiaForma Table15.Number Wyoming,through SJ 6 § e -g 5 a a § relatedrock § ce£?'>C^>« .2 « .2 O rtQ '53oo '£ T3 =3 niS^c-12 R^ 1^ c 53 .SJ zi flB E S4^ u alluvium

GROUND-WATER QUALITY 49 Little Wind River Flood-plain Alluvium

The chemical quality of water in the Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of 37 or 38 water samples and 86 specific-conductance measurements of water samples collected from selected wells (table 11). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 109 to 1,720 mg/L, with a median value of 424 mg/L. Fifteen of 38 samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration and 17 of 38 samples exceeded the SMCL for sulfate. Hardness class was hard or very hard for 34 of 38 samples (table 15). Salinity-hazard class was medium or high for 77 of 86 samples. Sodium-hazard class was low for 35 of 37 samples. The linear-regression of dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples collected from this geologic unit has an r value of 0.965 (table 14).

Chemical quality of water in the Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium changes as the water moves downgradient in the direction of the rivers. Water samples collected from most wells in the upper section of the Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium from the base of the Wind River Range to about 2 mi upstream from Fort Washakie had ionic compositions dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions, with dissolved-solids concentrations generally less than 400 mg/L. Most of the water recharging the flood-plain alluvium in this section comes from surface-water sources from mountainous areas. Samples from most wells in the vicinity of Fort Washakie had ionic compositions of calcium, magnesium, and sodium cations with mostly bicarbonate anions and dissolved-solids concentrations generally less than 600 mg/L. In the downstream section of the Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium from about Ethete to Arapahoe, water samples had ionic compositions of predominately sodium, calcium, and sulfate ions, with dissolved-solids concentrations generally greater than 750 mg/L. This downgradient trend in ground-water quality could be caused by lithologic changes in flood- plain alluvium, a downgradient increase in recharge from irrigation return flow, or by the increased contact time of water or seepage of water from the underlying Cody Shale and Frontier Formation as the water moves downgradient. Both the Cody Shale and Frontier Formation have substantial amounts of soluble minerals that can be dissolved in the ground water.

Popo Agie River Flood-plain Alluvium

The chemical quality of water in the Popo Agie River flood-plain alluvium was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of four water samples and nine specific-conductance measurements in water samples collected from selected wells (table 11). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 132 to 767 mg/L, with a median value of 389 mg/L. Two of four samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration and sulfate. Hardness class was very hard for two of four samples (table 15). Salinity-hazard class was medium or high for all nine samples. Sodium-hazard class was low for all four samples.

Chemical quality of the water in the Popo Agie flood-plain alluvium changes as it moves downgradient in the direction of the river. The upper section of the flood-plain alluvium, from the base of the Wind River Range to near the intersection of U.S. Highway 287 is underlain by terrace deposits. Most of the water recharging this upper section of flood-plain alluvium comes from surface-water sources from mountainous areas. Water samples collected from two wells in this section had ionic compositions dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions and had dissolved-solids concentrations of less than 200 mg/L. The flood-plain alluvium downstream from the upper section to Hudson is underlain mostly by the Cody Shale. Samples collected from wells in this section had ionic compositions of mostly calcium, magnesium, and sodium cations with sulfate anions and dissolved-solids concentrations of more than 600 mg/L. The downgradient change in the chemical quality of the water in the Popo Agie River flood-plain alluvium probably is caused by similar effects as described for the Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium.

Owl Creek Flood-plain Alluvium

The chemical quality of water in the Owl Creek flood-plain alluvium was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of five or seven water samples and five specific-conductance measurements in water samples collected from selected wells (table 11). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 828 to 1,880 mg/L, with

50 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION a median value of 1,310 mg/L. All seven samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration and sulfate. Hardness class was hard or very hard for six of seven samples (table 15). Salinity-hazard class was high or very high for five samples. Sodium-hazard class varied from low to very high for five samples. The ionic compositions of the water samples were characterized by a mixture of calcium, sodium, and magnesium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions. The Owl Creek flood-plain alluvium on the reservation is underlain mostly by Cody Shale and Frontier Formation.

Ogle (1992, p. 32-43) described and characterized the chemical quality of water in the flood-plain alluvium located about 2 mi upstream and 7 mi downstream of the confluence of the North Fork Owl Creek and South Fork Owl Creek (includes area outside the reservation). Chemical quality of water in these alluvial deposits varies greatly. Dissolved-solids concentrations in 10 samples collected from 6 wells and 1 spring averaged 1,352 mg/L and ranged from 708 to 2,210 mg/L (Ogle, 1992, p. 32). The variability of chemical composition of water samples collected from these seven sites was described by Ogle (1992, p. 36) to be the result of the following potential factors: irrigation in the vicinity of the wells or spring, interconnection with surface water, natural variability of the lithology of the alluvial deposits, or leakage between the underlying aquifers and the alluvial aquifer.

Slope Wash and Alluvium

The chemical quality of water in the slope wash and alluvium was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of 15 or 16 water samples and 31 specific-conductance measurements in water samples collected from selected wells (table 12). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 484 to 4,630 mg/L, with a median value of 1,730 mg/L. Fifteen of 16 samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration and sulfate. Hardness class was very hard for 15 of 16 samples (table 15). Salinity-hazard class was high or very high for 29 of 31 samples. Sodium-hazard class was low for 12 of 15 samples. The linear-regression of dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples collected from this geologic unit has an r value of 0.988 (table 14).

Ionic compositions of the water samples from slope wash and alluvium were characterized by a mixture of calcium, sodium, and magnesium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions. The chemical quality of water samples from this geologic unit had no noticeable changes or trends. Most of the water recharging this unit comes from infiltration of precipitation or surface-water seepage in drainage basins typically having ephemeral or intermittent streamflow. Irrigation return flow also is a major recharge source for this unit where irrigation is practiced, such as in the Mill Creek area.

Terrace Deposits

The chemical quality of water in the terrace deposits was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of 16 or 18 water samples and 26 specific-conductance measurements in water samples collected from selected wells and springs (table 12). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 204 to 1,330 mg/L, with a median value of 338 mg/L. Five of 18 samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration. Three of 18 samples exceeded the SMCL for sulfate. Hardness class was very hard for 16 of 18 samples (table 15). Salinity-hazard class was medium or high for all 26 samples. Sodium-hazard class was low for 17 of 18 samples. The linear-regression of dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples collected from this geologic unit has an r 2 value of 0.973 (table 14).

Ionic compositions of the water samples collected from terrace deposits were characterized by a mixture of calcium, sodium, and magnesium cations with a dominance of bicarbonate anions. The chemical quality of water samples collected from this geologic unit had no noticeable changes or trends. Most water recharging the terrace deposits is from irrigation return flow.

GROUND-WATER QUALITY 51 Glacial Deposits

The chemical quality of water in glacial deposits was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of two or three water samples and four specific-conductance measurements in water samples collected from selected wells (table 12). Dissolved-solids concentrations were 109, 235, and 322 mg/L. Hardness class was moderately hard or hard for all three samples. Salinity-hazard class was low or medium for all four samples. Sodium-hazard class was low for all three samples. Ionic compositions of water samples from this geologic unit were dominated by calcium cations with a mixture of bicarbonate and sulfate anions.

Tertiary Rocks

The chemical quality of water in the following selected Tertiary rocks was evaluated: volcaniclastic rocks and Wind River Formation.

Volcaniclastic Rocks

The chemical quality of water in the volcaniclastic rocks was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of three water samples and three specific-conductance measurements of water samples collected from selected springs (table 12). Dissolved-solids concentrations were 197, 206, and 244 mg/L. Hardness class was moderately hard or hard, salinity-hazard class was medium, and sodium-hazard class was low for all three samples (table 15). Ionic compositions of the water samples were characterized by a mixture of calcium, sodium, and magnesium cations with a dominance of bicarbonate anions.

Wind River Formation

The chemical quality of water in the Wind River Formation was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of 128 to 154 water samples and 205 specific-conductance measurements of water samples collected from selected wells (table 12). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 211 to 5,110 mg/L, with a median value of 490 mg/L. Seventy-three of 154 samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration and 62 of 154 samples exceeded the SMCL for sulfate. One of 154 samples exceeded the MCL for fluoride (4.0 mg/L). This sample had a fluoride concentration of 8.8 mg/L and was collected from well 4N-4W-15ddc01 which is 43 ft deep and located in the Crowheart area. Ten of 154 samples exceeded the SMCL for fluoride (2.0 mg/L). Hardness class was soft for 91 of 154 samples and very hard for 45 of 154 samples (table 15). Salinity-hazard class was medium or high for 183 of 205 samples and very high for 21 of 205 samples. Sodium- hazard class was variable but the most common class was very high for 57 of 150 samples. The linear-regression of dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples from this geologic unit has an r 2 value of 0.979 (table 14).

The chemical quality and ionic composition of water samples collected from the Wind River Formation were variable because this geologic unit has highly variable lithology, permeability, and recharge conditions. Some general changes in ionic composition of water samples were related to changes in dissolved-solids concentration. For most water samples collected from 13 wells that have dissolved-solids concentrations less than 325 mg/L, ionic compositions were mixed calcium and sodium cations with mostly bicarbonate anions. For most of the water samples collected from 69 wells that have dissolved-solids concentrations between 325 and 500 mg/L, and ionic compositions were mostly sodium cations with mixed bicarbonate and sulfate anions. For most of the water samples collected from 72 wells that have dissolved-solids concentrations greater than 500 mg/L, ionic compositions were dominated by sodium and sulfate ions.

52 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Differences in dissolved-solids concentrations and ionic compositions of water samples from wells completed in the Wind River Formation were observed in some specific areas on the reservation. Most of the wells completed in the Wind River Formation near Riverton and Arapahoe had water samples with dissolved- solids concentrations usually less than 500 mg/L and ionic compositions dominated by sodium cations with mixed sulfate and bicarbonate anions. In the Johnstown Valley area north of Ethete, most water samples collected from 12 wells completed in the Wind River Formation had dissolved-solids concentrations generally less than 750 mg/L and ionic compositions of mostly calcium cations with mixed sulfate and bicarbonate anions. In the Crowheart area, most of the water samples collected from 16 wells completed in the Wind River Formation had dissolved-solids concentrations ranging from about 500 to 1,500 mg/L and ionic compositions dominated by sodium cations with mixed bicarbonate and sulfate anions.

Mesozoic Rocks

The chemical quality of water in the following selected Mesozoic rocks was evaluated: Cody Shale, Frontier Formation, Cleverly Formation, Nugget Sandstone, and Chugwater Group.

Cody Shale

The chemical quality of water in the Cody Shale was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of 6 or 8 water samples and 12 specific-conductance measurements in water samples collected from selected wells (table 13). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 451 to 5,250 mg/L, with a median value of 2,540 mg/L. Seven of eight samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration and sulfate. One of eight samples exceeded the SMCL for fluoride. Hardness class was very hard for six of eight samples (table 15). Salinity-hazard class was high or very high for 10 of 12 samples. Sodium-hazard class was low or medium for six of eight samples. The linear-regression of dissolved-solids*} concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples from this geologic unit has an r value of 0.975 (table 14). Ionic compositions of the water samples were a mixture of sodium, magnesium, and calcium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions.

Frontier Formation

The chemical quality of water in the Frontier Formation was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of 16 water samples and 25 specific-conductance measurements in water samples collected from selected wells and springs (table 13). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 182 to 6,060 mg/L, with a median value of 1,170 mg/L. Fourteen of 16 samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration. Thirteen of 16 samples exceeded the SMCL for sulfate. Two of 16 samples exceeded the SMCL for fluoride. Hardness class was very hard for 10 of 16 samples (table 15). Salinity-hazard class was high or very high for 22 of 25 samples. Sodium-hazard class was variable for the samples, ranging from low to very high. The linear- regression of dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples from this geologic unit has an r 2 value of 0.988 (table 14). Ionic compositions of the water samples change with increasing dissolved-solids concentration. Samples with dissolved-solids concentrations less than 500 mg/L had ionic compositions of mostly calcium, sodium, and bicarbonate ions. Samples with dissolved-solids concentrations greater than 750 mg/L had ionic compositions dominated by sodium and sulfate ions.

Cleverly Formation

The chemical quality of water in the Cleverly Formation was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of four or five water samples and five specific-conductance measurements collected from selected wells (table 13). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 253 to 1,240 mg/L, with a median value of 800 mg/L. Three of five samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration. Two of five samples exceeded the SMCL for sulfate. One of five samples exceeded the SMCL for fluoride. Hardness class was very hard for

GROUND-WATER QUALITY 53 three of five samples. Salinity-hazard class was medium or high for all five samples. Sodium-hazard class was low for four of five samples. Ionic compositions of the water samples were a mixture of calcium, magnesium, and sodium cations with bicarbonate and sulfate anions.

Nugget Sandstone

The chemical quality of water in the Nugget Sandstone consisted of a chemical analysis of a water sample collected from one well. This well (!S-2W-24dcb03) is 63 ft deep and about one-fourth of a mile from an outcrop of the Nugget Sandstone on the east flank of the Wind River Range in the Trout Creek area southwest of Ethete. The dissolved-solids concentration of the sample was 327 mg/L. Hardness class was very hard, salinity-hazard class was medium, and sodium-hazard class was low for this sample. Ionic composition of the water sample was dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions. Richter (1981, p. 105-106) reported that dissolved-solids concentrations of water samples from this geologic unit are generally greater than 1,000 mg/L except from wells and springs near outcrops.

Chugwater Group

The chemical quality of water in the Chugwater Group was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of seven water samples and nine specific-conductance measurements in water samples collected from selected wells and springs (table 13). Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 219 to 2,240 mg/L, with a median value of 824 mg/L. Five of seven samples exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration and sulfate. Hardness class was very hard for all seven samples (table 15). Salinity-hazard class was high for five of nine samples. Sodium-hazard class was low for all seven samples. The linear-regression of dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples collected from this geologic unit has an r 2 value of 0.890 (table 14). Ionic compositions of the water samples change with increasing dissolved-solids concentration. Samples with dissolved-solids concentrations less than 300 mg/L had mostly calcium and bicarbonate ions. Samples with dissolved-solids concentrations greater than 600 mg/L were dominated by calcium and sulfate ions.

Paleozoic Rocks

The chemical quality of water in the following selected Paleozoic rocks was evaluated: Phosphoria Formation and related rocks, Tensleep Sandstone, and Madison Limestone.

Phosphoria Formation and related rocks

The chemical quality of water in the Phosphoria Formation and related rocks was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of four water samples and four specific-conductance measurements collected from selected wells and one spring (table 13). Dissolved-solids concentrations for the water samples from the wells were 1,650, 3,200, and 3,690 mg/L. Dissolved-solids concentration for the water sample from the spring was 302 mg/L. The three samples from the wells exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration and sulfate. One sample from a well exceeded the SMCL for fluoride. Hardness class was very hard for all four samples. Salinity-hazard class was very high, and sodium-hazard class was medium for the three samples from the wells. Ionic compositions of the samples collected from the wells were a mixture of sodium, calcium and magnesium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions. Ionic composition of the sample from the spring was mostly magnesium and calcium cations with a dominance of bicarbonate anions.


Water-quality data from water-supply wells completed in and springs flowing from the Tensleep Sandstone on or near the reservation are limited in quantity and scope. The chemical quality of water samples from three flowing wells and one spring was evaluated. Water samples were collected from three flowing wells completed in the Tensleep Sandstone located on the east flank of the Wind River Range about 3 mi south of the reservation. Dissolved-solids concentrations of water samples ranged from 212 to 232 mg/L for the three wells. Hardness class was very hard, salinity-hazard class was medium, and sodium-hazard class was low for all three samples. A water sample was collected in May 1945, July 1968, September 1989, and October 1989 from Washakie Mineral Hot Springs (!S-lW-02aad01). The primary water source for this spring is the Tensleep Sandstone, but the Phosphoria Formation also may be contributing water. Dissolved-solids concentrations of these four samples ranged from 690 to 801 mg/L. The SMCLs for dissolved-solids concentration and sulfate were exceeded in all four samples. Three out of four samples exceeded the SMCL for fluoride. Hardness class was very hard, salinity-hazard class was high, and sodium-hazard class was low for all four samples. Ionic compositions of the water samples were dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions.

Richter (1981, p. 100-102) summarized the chemical quality of the water in the Tensleep Sandstone on the basis of 25 chemical analyses of the samples collected from water-supply wells, springs, and mostly oil-and- gas wells in the Wind River Basin. Samples from wells and springs collected near outcrops of this formation were characterized as having dissolved-solids concentrations less than 500 mg/L, hardness less than 180 mg/L, and ionic compositions of mostly calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate ions. With increasing well depths, water samples from this unit had dissolved-solids concentrations greater than 3,000 mg/L, with ionic compositions dominated by sodium and sulfate ions. Cooley (1986) summarized the chemical quality of the Tensleep Sandstone in the Ten Sleep area in southeastern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. This area is on the southwestern flanks of the Bighorn Mountains and has hydrogeologic conditions similar to the east flank of the Wind River Range. The chemical quality of water samples from wells completed in the Tensleep Sandstone had the following characteristics (Cooley, 1986, p. 49):

Constituent Range, in milligrams per liter Calcium 42-59 Hardness 150-272 Magnesium 14-29 Sodium 2-12 Sulfate 2-60 Dissolved solids 164-272

Madison Limestone

Water-quality data from water-supply wells completed in and springs flowing from the Madison Limestone on or near the reservation are limited in quantity and scope. The chemical quality of water in the Madison Limestone was evaluated on the basis of chemical analyses of water samples and specific-conductance measurements in water samples collected from three wells and one spring. Of the three water-supply wells, two are within and one is near the reservation. The water sample from industrial water-supply well 2S-2E-19ccc01, which is 2,930 ft deep and is located in the Lander-Hudson oil field, had a dissolved-solids concentration of 230 mg/L. The temperature of this water sample was 26.0°C, which is at least 10°C hotter than most ground-water samples from wells and springs on the reservation. Hardness class was very hard, salinity-hazard class was medium, and sodium-hazard class was low for this

GROUND-WATER QUALITY 55 sample. Ionic composition of this water sample was dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions. The water sample from industrial water-supply well 2N-lW-18ccc01, which is 4,210-ft deep and is located in the Winkleman Dome oil field, had a dissolved-solids concentration of 880 mg/L and a water temperature of 62.0°C. This sample exceeded the SMCL for dissolved-solids concentration, sulfate, and fluoride. Hardness class was very hard, salinity-hazard class was high, and sodium-hazard class was low for this sample. Ionic composition of this water sample was mostly calcium and sulfate ions. Another water sample was collected from a flowing well (33N-101 W-13aba02) located on the east flank of the Wind River Range about 3 mi south of the reservation. A water sample from this well had a dissolved-solids concentration of 216 mg/L. Hardness class was very hard, salinity-hazard class was medium, and sodium-hazard class was low for this sample. Ionic composition of this water sample was dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions.

The water sample collected from spring (4N-6W-01aca01), which is located in the Owl Creek Mountains, had dissolved-solids concentration of 210 mg/L. Hardness class was very hard, salinity-hazard class was medium, and sodium-hazard class was low for this sample. Ionic composition of this water sample was dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions.


Nitrate analyses of water samples collected from wells and springs were evaluated to determine if any samples exceeded the MCL of 10 mg/L for nitrate as N (nitrogen) (table 9). The nitrate data evaluated are listed in Daddow (1992, table 6). In the evaluation of the nitrate data collected from ground-water sites, analyses for nitrite plus nitrate as N were grouped with analyses for nitrate as N. A total of 188 water samples from wells and springs were analyzed for nitrates. Nine samples from wells exceeded or equaled the MCL for nitrate as N. Eight additional samples from wells had nitrate as N concentrations between 5 and 10 mg/L. The 17 water samples collected that had nitrate concentrations of 5 mg/L or more are listed in table 16. Eleven of the 17 samples were collected from wells less than 65 ft deep. Septic tanks, feedlots, barnyards, and nitrate fertilizers are common sources of nitrogen in ground water (National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering, 1973, p. 73).

Trace Elements

Trace-element analyses of water samples collected from wells and springs (Daddow, 1992, tables 6 and 7) were evaluated to determine if any samples exceeded MCLs for the following constituents: arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, and selenium (table 9). Boron analyses of water samples were evaluated to determine if any samples exceeded the State of Wyoming water-quality standards for agricultural and livestock use of water (table 10).

Arsenic None of the 35 water samples analyzed for arsenic exceeded the MCL for arsenic (0.05 mg/L). The highest arsenic concentration was 0.026 mg/L from a sample collected at Washakie Mineral Hot Springs (!S-lW-02aad01).

Barium None of the 14 water samples analyzed for barium exceeded the MCL for barium (1 mg/L). The highest barium concentration was 0.2 mg/L in a sample collected from well 3N-lW-15dda01, which is completed in slope wash and alluvium.

Boron Seven of 119 water samples analyzed for boron exceeded the State of Wyoming agricultural use water-quality standard for boron (0.75 mg/L). Boron concentrations in these seven samples ranged from 0.78 to 13 mg/L. The highest boron concentration was analyzed in a sample collected from well !N-lE-35dbb01, which is completed in the flood-plain alluvium. The other six samples were collected from wells completed in the Frontier Formation (3 samples), Wind River Formation (1 sample), slope wash and alluvium (1 sample), and an unknown geologic source (1 sample).

56 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Table 16. Ground-water quality samples collected from wells with nitrate concentrations of 5 milligrams per liter or more, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming [Local number: township-range-section location, see report text for description of local-numbering system; , geologic unit is unknown or no available data; well depth, in feet below land surface; ft, feet; N, nitrogen; mg/L, milligrams per liter; data source: IHS, Indian Health Services; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey]

Nitrite plus Well Nitrate nitrate depth Sampling as N as N Data Local number Geologic unit1 (ft) date (mg/L) (mg/L) source 2N-lE-36bda01 Wind River Formation 135 09-01-81 -- 100 USGS 9N-3E-33adb01 Owl Creek flood-plain alluvium 28 06-23-89 - 5.3 USGS !N-lW-30ccb01 Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium 23 10-01-76 5.0 - IHS !N-2W-36aca02 Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium 32 12-11-84 5.2 -- IHS 3N-lW-15dda01 Slope wash and alluvium 54 09-04-89 - 95 USGS 3N-lW-15dda02 Slope wash and alluvium 310 10-16-89 -- 79 USGS 4N-4W-08bca01 Wind River Formation 95 08-09-85 8.6 - IHS 4N-4W-15ada01 Terrace deposits 60 03-21-85 10 -- IHS !S-lE-10ddc03 Frontier Formation 60 05-11-76 12 -- IHS lS-lE-17dcc01 -- - 10-06-76 7.6 -- IHS !S-lE-21add02 Slope wash and alluvium 48 01-19-77 8.0 -- IHS !S-lE-27cdd01 - - 07-05-78 12 - IHS !S-lE-28cdd01 Cody Shale 64 04-26-76 10 -- IHS !S-2E-10ccc01 Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium 50 11-07-77 10 -- IHS !S-lW-15cca01 Frontier Formation 100 06-26-90 - 5.1 USGS !S-2W-01caa01 Frontier Formation 51 12-04-78 19 - IHS !S-2W-02ddd02 Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium 47 11-09-84 6.8 -- IHS

'For flood-plain alluvium, geographic location (drainage area) also is included.

Cadmium None of the 14 water samples analyzed for cadmium exceeded the MCL for cadmium (0.01 mg/L). The highest cadmium concentration was 0.001 mg/L from a sample collected from Washakie Mineral Hot Springs (lS-lW-02aad01).

Chromium None of the 14 water samples analyzed for chromium exceeded the MCL for chromium (0.05 mg/L). The highest chromium concentration was 0.003 mg/L in a sample collected from well 4N-4W-23bab01, which is completed in terrace deposits.

Mercury None of the 14 water samples analyzed for mercury exceeded the MCL for mercury (0.002 mg/L). The highest mercury concentration was 0.0002 mg/L in a sample collected from well 4N-4W-22adb01, which is completed in Wind River Formation.

Selenium Two of 45 water samples analyzed for selenium exceeded the MCL for selenium (0.01 mg/L). One sample collected from well 2N-lE-36bda01, which is completed in the Wind River Formation, had a selenium concentration of 0.058 mg/L. A sample collected from well 3N-1 W-15dda02, which is completed in slope wash and alluvium, had a selenium concentration of 0.065 mg/L.

GROUND-WATER QUALITY 57 Radiochemicals

Radiochemical analyses of water samples collected from wells and springs were evaluated to determine if any samples exceeded 5.0 pCi/L MCL for radium 226 and radium 228. The radiochemical analyses of these water samples are listed in Daddow (1992, table 8, p. 128) and only radium 226 was analyzed for these specific samples. Two of nine water samples analyzed for radium 226 had concentrations higher than 5.0 pCi/L. These two samples were collected at Washakie Mineral Hot Springs (!S-lW-02aad01) and had radium 226 concentra­ tions of 56 and 49 pCi/L. A possible source of radium in these two water samples is the Phosphoria Formation, which contains radiochemical materials and is probably contributing ground water to this spring (J.D. Love, U.S. Geological Survey, oral commun., 1990). Chemical analyses for natural uranium were evaluated to determine if any samples had concentrations exceeding the No-Adverse Response Level for uranium (0.035 mg/L) recommended by the National Academy of Sciences (1983). The largest uranium concentration was 0.032 mg/L in a water sample collected from well 4N-4W-09cad01, which is completed in terrace deposits.


Pesticide analyses of water samples collected from five wells were evaluated to determine if any samples had concentrations greater than the detection limits for the following herbicides: 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, dicamba, picloram, and silvex; and insecticides: diazinon, ethion, malathion, parathion, and trithion. No herbicides were detected in water samples collected from the five wells: 2N-2E-32ccc01 (completed in Wind River Formation and is 181 ft deep), 4N-4W-09cad01 (completed in terrace deposits and has an unknown depth), 4N-4W-22adb01 (completed in Wind River Formation and is 460 ft deep), 4N-4W-23bab01 (completed in terrace deposits and is 40 ft deep), and 4N-4W-26bcb01 (completed in flood-plain alluvium and is 9 ft deep). No insecticides were detected in water samples collected in two of the five wells (4N-4W-09cad01 and 4N-4W-23bab01), which also were sampled for herbicide analysis. The other three wells listed previously were not sampled for insecticide analysis.


Water-quality data have been collected at streamflow-gaging stations and miscellaneous surface-water sites on or near the reservation since 1947. The data include water-quality properties and chemical analyses of water samples from 33 gaging stations (table 17) and 28 of 39 miscellaneous surface-water sites (table 7). Because of the large quantities of data, the water-quality data from all gaging stations and miscellaneous surface-water sites on or near the reservation have been summarized but not listed in this report. These water- quality data can be obtained from the USGS office in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Water-quality data through 1990 for 33 streamflow-gaging stations on or near the reservation were summarized as follows: water-quality properties, major constituents, trace elements, sediment, nutrients, bacteria, radiochemicals, and pesticides. The period of record and number of water-quality analyses for each data type are listed in table 17. Data for water-quality properties consist of measurements for specific conductance, pH, water temperature, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen. Major-constituent data consist of analyses for inorganic constituents, which commonly are present in water at concentrations exceeding 1 mg/L, and include calcium, magnesium, sodium, alkalinity, sulfate, and chloride. Trace-element data consist of analyses for minor inorganic constituents such as arsenic, boron, cadmium, iron, mercury, and selenium. Sediment data consist mostly of analyses for suspended-sediment concentration. Nutrient data consist mostly of analyses for nitrate but also include analyses for nitrite, ammonia, and phosphorous. Bacteria data consist primarily of microbiological analyses for fecal coliform and fecal streptococcal bacteria. Radiochemical data include analyses for gross alpha, gross beta, radium 226, and natural uranium. Pesticide data include analyses for selected herbicides and insecticides.

58 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Table 17. Period of record and number of analyses for different types of water-quality data for selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990 [Site number: Site number used in this report. Streamflow-gaging station number: See report text for description of the gaging station numbering system. Number of water-quality analyses: Enclosed in parentheses below the period of record for each water-quality type; , no data]

Streamflow- Period of record1 by calendar year and (number of water-quality analyses) for period of record Site gaging Water- number station quality Major Trace Radio- (plate 4) number Streamflow-gaging station properties constituents elements Sediment Nutrients Bacteria chemicals Pesticides Gl 06220500 East Fork Wind River near Dubois 1975-86 1990 1975-86 1990 1990 (126) (1) - (124) (1) -- G2 06220800 Wind River above Red Creek, near 1990 1986-90 1987-90 1986-90 1987-90 Dubois (2) (27) (19) - (26) (8) G3 06221400 Dinwoody Creek above lakes, near 1990 1988-90 1988-90 1970 1988-90 - Burris (1) (9) (9) (1) (9) G6 06222500 Dry Creek near Burris 1990 1990 - - 1990 (1) (1) (1) _ G8 06222700 Crow Creek near Tipperary 1974-90 1990 - - 1990 (167) (1) (1) _ G10 06223500 Willow Creek near Crowheart 1990 1990 1990 (1) (1) - - (1) - G13 06224000 Bull Lake Creek above Bull Lake 1974-90 1988-90 1988-90 1988-90 _- (163) (9) (9) - (9) - G15 06225000 Bull Lake Creek near Lenore 1990 - (1) - - - -- G16 06225500 Wind River near Crowheart 1976 1987-90 1987-90 1970-82 1987-90 1987-90 1978 1990 1987-90 (7) (26) (17) (212) (25) (8) G17 06226000 Wyoming Canal near Lenore 1988 1988 1988 1974-82 1988 1988 SURFACE-WATER (1) (1) (1) (177) (1) G20 06227600 Wind River near Kinnear 1990 1990 1985-90 (6) (11) (20) G21 06227700 LeClair Canal near Riverton 1976-77 (12) O G22 06228000 Wind River at Riverton 1947-50 1947-50 1947-50 1949-51 1947-50 1973-78 1985-90 r 1965-81 1965-90 1965-73 1959-65 1965-90 1986-90 ~* 1985-90 1986-90 1971 1977 01 CD 1985-90 (340) (362) (246) (265) (362) (84) (20) Table 17. Period of record and number of analyses for different types of water-quality data for selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990-Continued

> Streamflow- Period of record1 by calendar year and (number of water-quality analyses) for period of record m Site gaging Water- 3J number station quality Major Trace Radio- m3J (plate 4) number Streamflow-gaging station properties constituents elements Sediment Nutrients Bacteria chemicals Pesticides W 0 c G23 06228350 South Fork Little Wind River above 1976-90 1976-90 1988-90 1976-90 3J Washakie Reservoir, near Fort Washakie (130) (128) (14) (127) - -- 0 m .. W G24 06228450 South Fork Little Wind River below 1990 1990 1990 ..

0 n Washakie Reservoir (1) (1) (1) H G27 06228800 North Fork Little Wind River near Fort 1990 1990 1990 X m Washakie (1) (1) - (1) - - z G29 06229680 Sage Creek above Norkok Meadows 1990 1990 1990 o Creek, near Fort Washakie (1) (1) - (1) 3J G32 06229900 Trout Creek near Fort Washakie 1990 1990 _ 1990 _ _ m< 3) (1) (1) - (1) - - m3) G33 06230190 Mill Creek above Ray Lake outlet, near 1990 1990 1990 1990 .. mW Fort Washakie (1) (1) (1) (1) .. 3) G34 06230300 Ray Lake outlet near Fort Washakie 1960-70 1960-70 1960-70 1961-70 .. __ (37) (37) (37) (32) .. 1O z G36 06231000 Little Wind River above Arapahoe 1966-90 1966-90 1966-73 1966-90 1973-77 1985-90 1988-90 1988-90 1989-90 (180) (231) (100) (239) (61) (20) (7) G39 06232600 Popo Agie River at Hudson Siding, near 1983-89 - 1989 1983-89 1983-89 1990 Lander (42) ~ (3) (41) (42) (3) G41 06233600 Popo Agie River at Hudson 1966-69 1966-69 1966-69 1966-69 .. 1984 (36) (35) (35) - (35) -- G42 06233900 Popo Agie River near Arapahoe 1980-84 1980-90 1988-90 1983-90 1983 1985-90 1980-90 1989 (5) (123) (24) (102) (9) (20) (59) G44 06235000 Beaver Creek near Arapahoe 1951 1951 1951 1990 1967-81 1985-89 1967-75 1967-81 1967-73 1978-81 1989-90 (86) (113) (53) (3) (HI) - (15) G45 06235500 Little Wind River near Riverton 1953-54 1953-54 1954 1959-65 1954 1987-90 1985-90 1978 1965-76 1965-86 1965-73 1971 1965-89 1978-81 1986 1989-90 1985 1989-90 1987-90 (256) (309) (199) (180) (313) (12) (20) (2) Table 17. Period of record and number of analyses for different types of water-quality data for selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990-Continued

Streamflow- Period of record1 by calendar year and (number of water-quality analyses) for period of record Site gaging Water- number station quality Major Trace Radio- (plate 4) number Streamflow-gaging station properties constituents elements Sediment Nutrients Bacteria chemicals Pesticides G48 06236100 Wind River above Boysen Reservoir, 1973-90 1973-82 1973-76 1973-90 1974-89 - 1976-80 near Shoshoni 1990 1986 1990 1989-90 (143) (105) (33) - (153) (148) - (12) G49 06239000 Muskrat Creek near Shoshoni - 1950 1961, 1964 1967-68 1971-73 - - - (33) - - G50 06244500 Fivemile Creek above Wyoming Canal, 1949-51 1949-51 1949-50 1949-51 1969 1988 1988-90 near Pavillion 1969 1969 1969 1960-61 1974-75 1974-75 1974-75 1988-90 1964-68 1987-90 1988-90 1988-90 1970-75 1989-90 (53) (72) (20) (100) (50) (1) (4) G52 06257500 Muddy Creek near Pavillion 1949-51 1949-51 1949-51 1949-51 1989-90 1988 1989-90 1988-90 1988-90 1988-90 1961 1964-68 1970-72 (11) (13) (14) (63) (5) (1) (2) G53 06259000 Wind River below Boysen Reservoir 1953-54 1953-54 1953-54 1979-86 1953-54 1973-87 1977-80 1976-80 1956 1956 1956 1956 1983 1960-87 1960-90 1961-73 1960-87 1977-90 (457) (468) (313) (46) (415) (147) (13) (8) (A C G54 06260000 South Fork Owl Creek near Anchor 1974-85 1977-78 1977-78 1965 1977-78 1977-78 3Jn 1977-78 (119) (10) (10) (11) (10) (9) IDU31VM-30V: G57 06260400 South Fork Owl Creek below Anchor 1974-86 Reservoir (99)

'Period of record may include partial years of records. Water-quality data through 1990 for 28 miscellaneous surface-water sites were summarized. The year, water-quality type (water-quality properties, nutrients and major constituents, trace elements, radiochemical, and pesticides), and number of water-quality analyses for the miscellaneous surface-water sites are listed in table 7.

Major Chemical Characteristics of Streams

The chemical quality of streams is generally more complex and variable in time and space than the chemical quality of ground water. The chemical quality of streams is constantly changing because of changes in streamflow conditions, and the stream water consists of a mixture of waters that reach the stream from various sources.

Chemical-quality data from 12 selected streamflow-gaging stations were evaluated to determine the long- term, chemical-quality characteristics of streams on or near the reservation. The 12 gaging stations (table 18) were selected because they have 4 years or more of major-constituent analyses. The chemical-quality characteristics of these streams were evaluated and summarized based primarily on public-supply, domestic, agricultural, and livestock uses.

Statistical summaries of the chemical-quality data for these 12 streamflow-gaging stations are presented in appendix 2. These summaries include the sample size; maximum and minimum values; and the 95th, 75th, 50th (median), 25th, and 5th percentiles of the values for the following types of data: water-quality properties, major constituents, major nutrients, selected trace elements, and selected radiochemicals. Statistical summaries are listed only when the sample size of the constituent is 11 or greater. Chemical-quality data less than the constituent detection limit are called censored data and were statistically analyzed using a log-probability regression procedure described by Maddy and others (1990, p. 5-15 to 5-18).

Linear-regression analysis was used to evaluate dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance of water samples collected from the 12 streamflow-gaging stations. The results of this type of analysis allows estimation of the dissolved-solids concentration of a stream sample by measuring the specific conductance of that sample. The number of samples, range of years that samples were collected, minimum and maximum values of specific conductance used in the regression analyses, and linear-regression statistics and equations are listed in table 19. The regression line and data values used for the regression analyses for two representative gaging stations Wind River above Red Creek, near Dubois (site G2) and Popo Agie River near Arapahoe (site G42) are shown in figure 7. Residual plots were completed on all data sets to check for outliers and to verify the linearity and variance conditions of the data values. All the calculated regression coefficients ^ (slopes) were significant at the a = 0.5 level or less. The r values for 9 of the 12 linear-regression equations determined for water samples from these gaging stations were greater than 0.900. An r value in the range of 0.900 to 1 indicates there is a very good correlation of specific conductance to dissolved-solids concentration in a water sample.

Water from streams on the reservation is used for public-supply and domestic purposes. Hardness is an important chemical-quality characteristic related to these water uses, and hardness concentrations of water samples from the 12 streamflow-gaging stations were characterized on the basis of the hardness classes described previously in the ground-water quality section in this report. The number of water samples in each hardness class for the selected gaging stations are listed in table 20.

Water from streams is the primary water source for irrigation use on the reservation. Chemical analyses of water samples from the selected streamflow-gaging stations were classified on the basis of their salinity- hazard and sodium-hazard classes described previously in the ground-water quality section in this report. These hazard classes are used to evaluate the suitability of water for irrigation use (U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954). The number of water samples in each of the salinity-hazard and sodium-hazard classes for the 12 gaging stations are listed in table 20.

62 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Table 18. Selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, with 4 years or more of major-constituent analyses through 1990 [Site number: site number used in this report. Streamflow-gaging station number: see report text for description of the gaging station numbering system]

Site number Streamflow-gaging (plate 4) station number Streamflow-gaging station G2 06220800 Wind River above Red Creek, near Dubois G16 06225500 Wind River near Crowheart G22 06228000 Wind River at Riverton G23 06228350 South Fork Little Wind River above Washakie Reservoir, near Fort Washakie G34 06230300 Ray Lake outlet near Fort Washakie G36 06231000 Little Wind River above Arapahoe G42 06233900 Popo Agie River near Arapahoe G44 06235000 Beaver Creek near Arapahoe G45 06235500 Little Wind River near Riverton G48 06236100 Wind River above Boysen Reservoir, near Shoshoni G50 06244500 Fivemile Creek above Wyoming Canal, near Pavillion G53 06259000 Wind River below Boysen Reservoir

Chemical Quality in Relation to Streamflow

Streamflow has a major effect on chemical quality of the streams on or near the reservation. The chemical quality of the water in streams changes rapidly in response to changes in Streamflow. At low-flow conditions, Streamflow is sustained or at least supplemented by ground-water inflow, and dissolved-solids concentrations typically are greater than at high-flow conditions. Also at low-flow conditions, the velocity of the Streamflow generally is slower, which allows the surface water to become more concentrated with dissolved materials from fluvial and geologic deposits. At high-flow conditions, the dissolved-solids concentrations in streams usually are decreased by the dilution effect of increased Streamflow from snowmelt and surface runoff. Concentrations of major constituents also vary with changes in Streamflow. Colby and others (1956, p. 121-126) describe and provide examples of changes in chemical quality of water samples collected from streams on or near the reservation at different Streamflow conditions.

Chemical-quality data from two representative streamflow-gaging stations South Fork Little Wind River above Washakie Reservoir, near Fort Washakie (site G23) and Little Wind River above Arapahoe (site G36) were used to evaluate the effects of Streamflow on chemical quality (fig. 8). Chemical-quality data from these two sites were grouped into three different flow ranges on the basis of flow-duration data listed in appendix 1. The low-flow range consisted of chemical-quality analyses of samples collected at discharges less than the 90th-percentile flow value. The medium-flow range consisted of chemical-quality analyses of samples collected at discharges between the 60th- and 40th-percentile flow values. The high-flow range consisted of chemical- quality analyses of samples collected at discharges greater than the 1 Oth-percentile flow value. The median dissolved-solids concentration decreased with increasing Streamflow for both sites. The spread between the lower- and upper-quartile values for the dissolved-solids concentration also changed with Streamflow for both sites as shown in the diagrams in figure 8.

SURFACE-WATER QUALITY 63 Table 19. Linear-regression analyses of dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples collected from selected streamllow- gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming [Site number: site number used in this report. Streamflow-gaging station number: see report text for description of the gaging station numbering system. Range of specific conductance, minimum and WATERRES maximum values of specific conductance used to develop the linear-regression equation. Abbreviations: DS, dissolved solids, sum of constituents, in milligrams per liter; SC, specific conductance, in microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; *, multiply by] v« Linear-regression statistics cO Range of 3) years that Range of Squared O m Site Streamflow- samples specific- Regression Regression correlation Standard number gaging station Number of were conductance coefficient constant coefficient error of Linear-regression O n (plate 4) number samples1 collected values1 (slope) (y-intercept) (r 2) estimate equation H 06220800 22 1986-90 146-453 0.579 4.53 0.949 13.6 DS = 0.579 * SC + 4.53 m G2 ^ G16 06225500 17 1987-90 120-570 .614 -2.17 .968 15.1 DS = 0.614 *SC- 2.17 z O G22 06228000 276 1947-90 144-740 .606 5.07 .920 21.1 DS = 0.606 * SC + 5.07 3) m G23 06228350 107 1976-90 24-200 .409 14.5 .652 11.4 DS = 0.409 * SC + 14.5 3) 3) G34 06230300 37 1960-70 678-997 .754 -82.7 .968 12.9 DS = 0.754 * SC - 82.7 m m G36 06231000 159 1966-90 179-2,160 .758 -67.3 .987 29.8 DS = 0.758 * SC - 67.3 G42 06233900 113 1980-90 188-1,450 .722 -38.6 .966 33.2 DS = 0.722 * SC - 38.6 | G44 06235000 73 1967-81 552-3,060 .753 -75.2 .978 67.1 DS = 0.753 * SC - 75.2 Oz G45 06235500 233 1954-86 204-1,590 .730 -46.7 .988 23.2 DS = 0.730 * SC - 46.7 G48 06236100 43 1973-90 193-1,100 .600 22.3 .847 53.4 DS = 0.600 * SC + 22.3 G50 06244500 40 1969-90 2,750-5,300 .842 222 .788 302 DS = 0.842 * SC + 222 G53 06259000 428 1953-87 322-1,460 .665 -13.8 .905 33.8 DS = 0.665 *SC- 13.8

'Number of samples and range of specific-conductance values listed in this table may not be the same as the number of samples and range of specific-conductance values listed in appendix 2 because not all the samples listed in appendix 2 had both specific-conductance and dissolved-solids value. DISSOLVED SOLIDS, SUM OF CONSTITUENTS, DISSOLVED SOLIDS, SUM OF CONSTITUENTS, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER

M co CO O - CO oo ooo TJ o o ooo 3 3° m m o O -rj o O *?* -*l O ^O O O O-z. O en z D D C C CD ~" 33 O O co CD o o g m m o 3 CO o 33° ~* CD 00. £<*£ o -aCO 33 O p 2-0 CD 33 cnrg P S <" O O O o a-Q-CD CO CO m m -z.m m CO z CO co CO o -D o i 2.8 m ~0 o 13 CD 3 m CQ O O 33 o O m m CO . » -a 5 co CD ~* o 01 ju 3 CD ~" Q- m ^ o m 3"SS S eg<">' 0 m "° ^ -n 33 5" o 2 T3 "CO "§2. fj? c to o D 3J m cb3 D o ^ 5' m CDCQ . 33 CQ o """"w" O m 33 ' m ^ m 13 03 co m .w 3 CD co O O m CD m O O 3J m O CO c CO CO c CO Table 20. Number of water-quality samples in hardness, salinity-hazard, and sodium-hazard classes for selected streamflow-gaging stations on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, through 1990 [Site number: site number used in this report. Hardness, salinity-hazard, and sodium-hazard classes: see report text for description of different classes]

RESOURCESOFWATERTHEV Hardness classes Salinity-hazard classes Sodium-hazard classes (number of samples by class) (number of samples by class) (number of samples by class) Site Moder­ number Total ately Very Total Very Total Very (plate 4) samples Soft hard Hard hard samples Low Medium High high samples Low Medium High high G2 26 4 5 8 9 26 8 18 0 0 26 26 0 0 0 G16 23 4 7 7 5 29 14 15 0 0 23 23 0 0 0 G22 354 0 100 144 110 305 43 262 0 0 276 276 0 0 0 z G23 116 114 2 0 0 116 116 0 0 0 114 114 0 0 0 a 3) G34 37 0 0 0 37 37 0 14 23 0 37 37 0 0 0 m 31 G36 226 0 16 14 196 171 4 45 122 0 162 161 1 0 0 31 m G42 117 0 15 4 98 114 4 43 67 0 114 114 0 0 0 m 31 G44 112 0 0 3 109 77 0 9 61 7 73 66 7 0 0 24 23 254 250 9 72 169 H G45 303 0 0 232 232 0 0 0 O Z G48 102 0 12 10 80 92 4 72 16 0 43 43 0 0 0 G50 51 0 0 0 51 63 0 0 0 63 41 18 20 3 0 G53 469 0 1 77 391 462 0 297 165 0 458 458 0 0 0 (14) South Fork Little Wind River CONCENTRATIONOFDISSOLVEDSOLIDS,SUM above Washakie Reservoir, oooooooooo near Fort Washakie, Wyoming CONSTITUENTS,MILLIGRAMSLITERINPER (site G23) «.|\DCO-P>.CJia>~-JCX)CDO





LOW MEDIUM HIGH FLOW FLOW FLOW RANGE RANGE RANGE (less than 14 ft3/s) (28-52 ft3/s) (greater than 398 ft3/s)

LL ° 1,000 1(5 W-, 900 Little Wind River above Arapahoe, Wyoming ZiS 800 (site G36) §tf> (37) Op 700 LUQC iZi 600 co=! 500



2 200 O O O 6 100 O LOW MEDIUM HIGH FLOW FLOW FLOW RANGE RANGE RANGE (less than 37 ft3/s) (79-106 ft3/s) (greater than 417 ft3/s)



Figure 8. Lower quartile, median, and upper quartile concentrations of dissolved solids in water samples collected at different flow ranges at two selected streamflow-gaging stations for period of record through 1990, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming. SURFACE-WATER QUALITY 67 Chemical Quality in Relation to Geographic Location and Geology

The chemical-quality characteristics of the streams on or near the reservation were evaluated and summarized by dividing the 12 streamflow-gaging stations into three general groups on the basis of geographic location and geologic factors. The quantity and type of soluble minerals from geologic deposits and bedrock transported into streams are the most important geologic factors related to the chemical quality of streams.

The first group consists of the following five streamflow-gaging stations located on the Wind River: Wind River above Red Creek, near Dubois (site G2), Wind River near Crowheart (site G16), Wind River at Riverton (site G22), Wind River above Boysen Reservoir, near Shoshoni (site G48), and Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53). The downstream changes in mean dissolved-solids concentrations and mean ionic compositions of water samples collected at these five selected gaging stations on the Wind River are shown in figure 9.

Wind River above Red Creek, near Dubois (site G2) and Wind River near Crowheart (site G16) are on the upper reaches of the Wind River (pi. 4). Most of the streamflow at these two sites come from mountainous areas that consist primarily of volcaniclastic and Precambrian rocks. These two geologic units typically contain minimal amounts of soluble minerals. Mean dissolved-solids concentrations of water samples collected at site G2 was 189 mg/L and at site G16 was 177 mg/L (fig. 9). Ionic compositions of the water samples at these two sites are dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions. Salinity-hazard class was low or medium and sodium- hazard class was low for all samples from these two sites (table 20).

Wind River at Riverton (site G22), the next downstream station on the Wind River, is about 40 mi downstream from Wind River near Crowheart (site G16) and 1.5 mi upstream from the confluence with the Little Wind River (pi. 4). Flood-plain alluvium underlain by the Wind River Formation and outcrops of the Wind River Formation are the major geologic units in contact with surface water between sites G16 and G22. The major tributaries entering the Wind River between sites G16 and G22 are streams draining the east flank of the Wind River Range. The amount of dissolved solids in these streams is usually low, as described later in this report. The mean dissolved-solids concentration of water samples collected at site G22 was 252 mg/L (fig. 9). Ionic compositions of water samples were characterized by a mixture of calcium and sodium cations with a dominance of bicarbonate anions. Salinity-hazard class was low or medium for all samples. Sodium-hazard class was low for all samples (table 20).

Wind River above Boysen Reservoir, near Shoshoni (site G48), the next downstream station on the Wind River, is about 12 mi downstream from the confluence of the Wind River and Little Wind River and about 5 mi upstream from Boysen Reservoir (pi. 4). The mean dissolved-solids concentration of water samples collected at site G48 was 402 mg/L (fig. 9). Ionic compositions of water samples from this site were characterized by a mixture of calcium, sodium, and magnesium cations, and sulfate and bicarbonate anions. Salinity-hazard class was medium for 72 of 92 samples, and sodium-hazard class was low for all samples from this site (table 20). Changes in the chemical quality of water samples collected at this site, when compared to the upstream sites on the Wind River, can probably be attributed mostly to the chemical quality of the Little Wind River, which enters the Wind River upstream of site G48.

Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53), the next downstream station on the Wind River, is near the outlet of Boysen Reservoir (pi. 4). The mean dissolved-solids concentration of water samples collected at site G53 was 455 mg/L (fig. 9). Ionic compositions of water samples from this site were characterized by a mixture of sodium and calcium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions. Salinity-hazard class was medium or high and sodium-hazard class was low for all samples from this site (table 20). The chemical quality of water flowing out of Boysen Reservoir is affected by the chemical quality of the Wind River, by the residence time of water in the reservoir, by the chemical quality of irrigation return flow from the Riverton Reclamation Withdrawal Area, and by the chemical quality of other streams flowing into the reservoir.

68 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Sodium and Chloride and Potassium Fluoride

Bicarbonate Calcium - and Carbonate

Magnesium - - Sulfate

100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Wind River above Wind River near Crowheart, Red Creek, near Dubois, Wyoming (site G16) Wyoming (site G2)

Sodium and Chloride and Potassium Fluoride

Bicarbonate Calcium - and Carbonate

Magnesium - - Sulfate

100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Wind River at Riverton, Wind River above Wind River below Wyoming (site G22) Boysen Reservoir, Boysen Reservoir, near Shoshoni, Wyoming (site G53) Wyoming (site G48)


Sodium and 1 >. Chloride and Potassium Fluoride

Calcium Bicarbonate and Carbonate 252 / Magnesium Sulfate

100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage of Percentage of total cation total an ion milliequivalents milliequivalents [Number inside Stiff diagram is mean concentration of dissolved solids, sum of constituents in milligrams per liter]

Figure 9. Stiff diagrams of the mean concentration of chemical analyses of water samples for period of record through 1990 at five selected streamflow-gaging stations on the Wind River, Wyoming.

SURFACE-WATER QUALITY 69 The second group consists of four selected streamflow-gaging stations located on the Little Wind River or Popo Agie River. These four gaging stations are South Fork Little Wind River above Washakie Reservoir, near Fort Washakie (site G23), Little Wind River above Arapahoe (site G36), Popo Agie River near Arapahoe (site G42), and Little Wind River near Riverton (site G45).

South Fork Little Wind River above Washakie Reservoir, near Fort Washakie (site G23) is near the base of the east flank of the Wind River Range and upstream from Washakie Reservoir (pi. 4). Streamflow at site G23 comes from mountainous areas composed primarily of Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks, which contain minimal amounts of soluble minerals. The mean dissolved-solids concentration of water samples collected at site G23 was very low (46 mg/L). Ionic compositions of water samples from this site were dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions. Salinity-hazard class and sodium-hazard class was low for all samples from this site (table 20). The chemical quality of water samples collected from this site probably is representative of most major streams flowing out of the east flank of the Wind River Range. Surface-water quality of some of the major streams flowing out of the east flank of the Wind River Range is described by Hembree and Rainwater (1961).

Little Wind River above Arapahoe (site G36) is about 0.5 mi upstream from the confluence with the Popo Agie River (pi. 4). Most fluvial-channel deposits and flood-plain alluvium upstream from this site are underlain by the Cody Shale and Frontier Formation. These two geologic units are composed of marine deposits that contain large quantities of soluble minerals. The mean dissolved-solids concentration of water samples collected at site G36 was 612 mg/L. Ionic compositions of water samples from this site were characterized by a mixture of sodium, calcium, and magnesium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions. Salinity-hazard class was high for 122 of 171 samples and sodium-hazard class was low for 161 of 162 samples from this site (table 20). The river reach upstream from this site is probably a gaining reach for most of the year. Water samples collected from wells completed in the Little Wind River flood-plain alluvium upstream from site G36 (from Ethete to Arapahoe) had dissolved-solids concentrations generally greater than 750 mg/L and ionic compositions of mostly calcium, sodium, and sulfate ions.

Popo Agie River near Arapahoe (site G42) is about 1.2 mi upstream from the confluence with the Little Wind River (pi. 4). The mean dissolved-solids concentration of water samples collected at site G42 was 498 mg/L. Ionic compositions of water samples from this site were characterized by a mixture of calcium, magnesium, and sodium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions. Salinity-hazard class was high for 67 of 114 samples, and sodium-hazard class was low for all 114 samples from this site (table 20). The geologic and ground-water conditions upstream from this site are similar to those conditions described for Little Wind River above Arapahoe (site G36).

Little Wind River near Riverton (site G45) is about 7 mi downstream from the confluence with the Popo Agie River and about 1.5 mi upstream from the confluence with the Wind River (pi. 4). Streamflow at site G45 comes primarily from the Little Wind River and Popo Agie River but also a small amount of Streamflow comes from Beaver Creek. The mean dissolved-solids concentration of water samples collected at site G45 was 554 mg/L. Ionic compositions of water samples from this site were characterized by a mixture of calcium, magnesium, and sodium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions. Salinity-hazard class was high for 169 of 250 samples and sodium-hazard class was low for all 232 samples from this site (table 20).

The third group consists of three selected streamflow-gaging stations Ray Lake outlet near Fort Washakie (site G34), Beaver Creek near Arapahoe (site G44), and Fivemile Creek above Wyoming Canal, near Pavillion (site G50). These gaging stations are not located on any of the major streams on the reservation. Site G34 is at the outlet of Ray Lake (pi. 4), an off-channel storage reservoir used for irrigation. Typically, this reservoir is filled in May or June and partly drained during August and September. The water source for this lake is an irrigation canal called 37-C lateral. 37-C lateral is one of the main lateral canals of Ray Canal, which gets its water from the South Fork Little Wind River (pi. 4). Ray Lake is located on outcrops of the Cody Shale and the Frontier Formation. The mean dissolved-solids concentration of water samples collected at site G34 was 522 mg/L. Ionic compositions of water samples from this site were characterized by a mixture of sodium, calcium, and magnesium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions. Salinity-hazard class was medium or high and sodium-hazard class was low for all samples from this site (table 20).

70 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Beaver Creek near Arapahoe (site G44) and Fivemile Creek above Wyoming Canal, near Pavillion (site G50) are located on intermittent streams. Site G44 is located on Beaver Creek about 0.7 mi upstream from the confluence with the Little Wind River. Site G50 is located on Fivemile Creek upstream from the Wyoming Canal (pi. 4). Chemical-quality conditions at sites G44 and G50 are affected substantially by streamflow and geologic factors. As both sites are on intermittent streams, streamflows can vary from no-flow to large floods caused primarily by heavy rainfall. Most drainage areas upstream from these two sites are in foothill or lowland areas that have surficial deposits containing large quantities of soluble minerals. The mean dissolved-solids concentration of water samples collected at site G44 was 1,170 mg/L. Ionic compositions of water samples from this site were characterized by a mixture of calcium and sodium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions. Salinity-hazard class was high for 61 of 77 samples and sodium-hazard class was low or medium for all samples from this site (table 20). The mean dissolved-solids concentration of water samples collected at site G50 was 3,460 mg/L. Ionic compositions of water samples collected at this site were characterized by a mixture of sodium and calcium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions. Salinity-hazard class was very high for all 63 samples and sodium-hazard class was low or medium for 38 of 41 samples from these sites (table 20).

In summary, most perennial streams in or near the mountainous areas have the following chemical-quality characteristics: (1) dissolved-solids concentrations are less than 200 mg/L; (2) low or medium salinity-hazard classes and low sodium-hazard class; and (3) ionic composition dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions. With increasing distance from the mountains, most perennial streams have the following chemical-quality characteristics: (1) dissolved-solids concentrations range from about 400 to about 600 mg/L; (2) medium or high salinity-hazard classes and low sodium-hazard class; and (3) ionic composition of mostly calcium and sodium cations and sulfate anions. Intermittent streams have the following chemical-quality characteristics: (1) dissolved-solid concentrations varied from about 1,100 to about 3,500 mg/L; (2) mostly high to very high salinity-hazard classes and low or medium sodium-hazard classes; and (3) ionic composition of sodium and calcium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions.

The surface-water quality of the Owl Creek drainage basin (includes area outside the reservation) was evaluated and characterized by Ogle (1992). For assessing the surface-water quality, Ogle separated the basin into three segments (upper, middle, lower) on the basis of dissolved-solids concentration, water type, and the relation of dissolved-solids concentration to specific conductance. In summary, a downgradient increase in dissolved-solids concentration was determined in the major streams in the Owl Creek drainage basin (Ogle, 1992, p. 9-29).


Nitrate analyses of water samples from streamflow-gaging stations (table 17) and miscellaneous surface- water sites (table 7) were evaluated to determine if any samples exceeded the MCL for nitrate as N (10 mg/L). For evaluating the nitrate data from surface-water sites, analyses for nitrite plus nitrate as N were grouped with analyses for nitrate as N. No water samples collected from 24 miscellaneous surface-water sites and from 27 gaging stations exceeded the MCL for nitrate as N. The highest nitrate concentration was 2.3 mg/L in a water sample collected at Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53).

Trace Elements

Trace-element analyses of water samples collected from streamflow-gaging stations (table 17) and miscellaneous surface-water sites (table 7) were evaluated to determine if any sample analyses exceeded MCLs for the following constituents: arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, and selenium (table 9). Boron analyses were evaluated to determine if any sample analyses exceeded the State of Wyoming water-quality standards for agricultural and livestock use of water (table 10).

SURFACE-WATER QUALITY 71 Arsenic None of the 128 samples analyzed for arsenic from 12 gaging stations exceeded the MCL for arsenic (0.05 mg/L). The highest arsenic concentration was 0.004 mg/L in a water sample collected at Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53).

Barium None of the 121 samples analyzed for barium from 11 gaging stations exceeded the MCL for barium (1 mg/L). The highest barium concentration was 0.2 mg/L in a water sample collected at Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53).

Boron One of 954 samples analyzed for boron from 13 miscellaneous surface-water sites and 13 gaging stations exceeded the State of Wyoming agricultural use water-quality standard for boron (0.75 mg/L). This water sample was collected at Fivemile Creek above Wyoming Canal, near Pavillion (site G50) and had a boron concentration of 0.81 mg/L. For the miscellaneous surface-water sites, the highest boron concentration was 0.41 mg/L in a water sample collected at Alkali Lake outlet above Trout Creek 'B' Canal, near Wind River (Ml 2).

Cadmium None of the 129 samples analyzed for cadmium from 11 gaging stations exceeded the MCL for cadmium (0.01 mg/L). The highest cadmium concentration was 0.003 mg/L in a water sample collected at Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53).

Chromium None of the 129 samples analyzed for chromium from 12 gaging stations exceeded the MCL for chromium (0.05 mg/L). The highest chromium concentration was 0.02 mg/L in a water sample collected at Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53).

Mercury Three of 124 samples analyzed for mercury from 13 gaging stations exceeded the MCL for mercury (0.002 mg/L). These three water samples were collected at Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53) and had mercury concentrations of 0.009, 0.005, and 0.003 mg/L. The reported high concentrations of mercury in surface-water samples should be considered a preliminary value and be regarded with caution unless confirmed by additional sampling and analysis.

Selenium None of the 228 samples analyzed for selenium from 11 miscellaneous surface-water sites and 17 gaging stations exceeded the MCL for selenium (0.01 mg/L). The highest selenium concentration in the water samples collected at the 17 gaging stations was 0.002 mg/L at Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53). Three water samples collected in June 1990 at three miscellaneous surface-water sites had selenium concentrations equal to or greater than 0.004 mg/L. Selenium concentrations for these three samples were 0.005 mg/L at McCaskey Drain above Coolidge Canal, near Wind River (site Mil), 0.004 mg/L at Sharp Nose Drain above Little Wind River, near Arapahoe (site Ml 5), and 0.004 mg/L at Lower Hansen Drain above Little Wind River, near Ethete (site Ml 8). These three sites are on major drainage ditches in the Mill Creek drainage basin. Most of the area irrigated in the Mill Creek drainage basin is underlain by the Cody Shale and Frontier Formation. Ten water samples collected in 1988 from nine surface-water sites on the Riverton Reclamation Withdrawal Area (outside but near the study area) had selenium concentrations that were equal to or exceeded 0.004 mg/L (Peterson and others, 1991, p. 19).


Radiochemical analyses of water samples from streamflow-gaging stations (table 17) and miscellaneous surface-water sites (table 7) were evaluated to determine if any sample analyses exceeded the 5.0 pCi/L MCL for radium 226 and 228. None of the 128 samples collected from nine gaging stations and analyzed for radium 226 had concentrations higher than 5.0 pCi/L. Concentrations of radium 228 were not determined for any of the 128 samples. The highest radium 226 concentration was 1.6 pCi/L from a water sample collected at Beaver Creek near Arapahoe (site G44). Chemical analyses for natural uranium were evaluated to determine if any sample analyses exceeded the Suggested No-Adverse Response Level for uranium (0.035 mg/L) recommended by the National Academy of Sciences (1983). None of the 130 samples analyzed for uranium from 9 gaging

72 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION stations exceeded the Suggested No-Adverse Response Level for uranium. The highest uranium concentration was 0.022 mg/L from a water sample collected at Wind River at Riverton (site G22). Several water samples collected from surface-water sites on the Riverton Reclamation Withdrawal Area had uranium concentrations exceeding the Suggested No-Adverse Response Level (Peterson and others, 1991, p. 20).


Pesticide analyses of water samples collected from surface-water sites were evaluated to determine if any samples had concentrations exceeding the reporting limits for the following herbicides: 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, dicamba, picloram, and silvex; and insecticides: diazinon, ethion, malathion, parathion, and trithion. Samples for herbicide analyses were collected at 10 streamflow-gaging stations (table 17) and 1 miscellaneous surface-water site (table 7). The herbicide 2,4-D was detected in 61 of 125 water samples collected at Wind River above Red Creek, near Dubois (site G2), Wind River near Crowheart (site G16), Little Wind River above Arapahoe (site G36), Popo Agie River at Hudson Siding, near Lander (site G39), Popo Agie River near Arapahoe (site G42), Wind River above Boysen Reservoir, near Shoshoni (site G48), Wind River below Boysen Reservoir (site G53), and Lower Hansen Drain above Little Wind River, near Ethete (site Ml 8). The highest 2,4-D concentration was 0.001 mg/L in a water sample collected at site Ml8. The next highest 2,4-D concentration was 0.00032 mg/L in a water sample collected at site G42. Dicamba was detected in 45 of 83 samples collected at sites G39, G42, and G48. The highest dicamba concentration was 0.00032 mg/L in a water sample collected at site G42. Detectable concentrations of 2,4-D and dicamba did not exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1989) applicable lifetime human-health levels, which are 70 jig/L (0.07 mg/L) for 2,4-D and 200 jig/L (0.2 mg/L) for dicamba. Picloram was detected in 52 of 84 samples collected at sites G39, G42, G48, and Ml 8. The highest picloram concentration was 0.00015 mg/L in a water sample collected at site G42. The herbicides 2,4,5-T and silvex were not detected in any of the 130 water samples collected at selected gaging stations and miscellaneous surface-water sites. No insecticides were detected in 70 water samples collected at 7 gaging stations.


Most of the reservation is in the western part of the Wind River Basin, which is a large structurally complex basin bounded on the north and southwest by upfolded and faulted mountain ranges. The main drainage area is the Wind River drainage basin, which nearly coincides with the boundary of the Wind River structural basin. Annual precipitation ranges from 6 to 8 in. in the central part of the basin to about 50 in. near the^top of the Wind River Range. Rocks of all geologic periods except the Silurian are present on the reservation.

Ground water provides water for most public-supply and domestic uses and is a potential source for irrigation. On the basis of inventory data collected from nearly 1,360 wells and nearly 260 springs, hydrologic and water-quality characteristics of the water from the following 14 geologic units on the reservation were evaluated and summarized: (1) deposits of Quaternary age, which include flood-plain alluvium, slope wash and alluvium, terrace deposits, and glacial deposits; (2) volcaniclastic rocks and Wind River Formation of Tertiary age; (3) Mesozoic rocks, which include the Cody Shale, Frontier Formation, and Cloverly Formation of Cretaceous age, Nugget Sandstone of Jurassic (?) and Triassic (?) age, and the Chugwater Group of Triassic age; (4) Paleozoic rocks, which include Phosphoria Formation and related rocks of Permian age, Tensleep Sandstone of Pennsylvanian age, and Madison Limestone of Mississippian age.

Quaternary deposits provide water for domestic and public-supply uses on the reservation. Five hundred and seven wells completed in Quaternary deposits were inventoried, most of which are less than 50 ft deep. Water in these deposits in some areas is recharged seasonally by irrigation water. Water levels in some areas remain high (less than 5 ft below land surface) throughout the year. The altitude and configuration of the water

SUMMARY 73 table in Quaternary deposits in the Little Wind River drainage basin indicates that the Little Wind River is a gaining stream. Median yields for different Quaternary geologic units ranged from 6 gal/min for the slope wash and alluvium to 15 to 20 gal/min for some other Quaternary geologic units. Median specific capacities ranged from 3.0 (gal/min)/ft for the flood-plain alluvium to 4.3 (gal/min)/ft for the slope wash and alluvium.

The Tertiary Wind River Formation is the major source of drinking water for domestic and public-supply uses on the reservation. Six hundred and eight wells were inventoried in this geologic unit, with depths ranging from 37 to 994 ft, and a median depth of 190 ft. Most of the wells are completed in mostly permeable, lenticular, and discontinuous sandstone deposits. Yields ranged from 0.1 to 350 gal/min, with a median value of 20 gal/min. Specific capacities ranged from 0.04 to 23 (gal/min)/ft, with a median value of 0.4 (gal/min)/ft.

One hundred and thirteen wells completed in five Mesozoic and three Paleozoic geologic units on the reservation were inventoried. Most of these wells are located near outcrops of these units. Most of the wells completed in the Mesozoic units are less than 150 ft deep, and median yields ranged from 5 gal/rnin for the Cody Shale to 55 gal/min for the Nugget Sandstone. Water-yield data for the Paleozoic Tensleep Sandstone and Madison Limestone are limited, but these two units are potentially the most productive, with estimated yields of as much as 1,000 gal/min.

Streams provide most of the water for irrigation, which is the largest water use on the reservation. About 100 streams, with a combined total length of about 1,100 mi., flow on the reservation. Streams originating in the mountains usually have perennial flows, and streams originating in the foothills or plains usually have ephemeral or intermittent flows. The Wind River is the main stream draining the reservation, and streamflow in this river and many of its major tributaries is affected and regulated by irrigation diversions and storage structures.

Sixty active or inactive U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations are located on perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams on or near the reservation. Streamflow data collected from 24 gaging stations with 10 or more years of daily discharge records were evaluated and summarized to provide a representative, long-term overview of the streamflow characteristics of the streams on the reservation. Statistical summaries of streamflow data for these 24 gaging stations indicate low-flow, high-flow, and flow- duration characteristics of streams on the reservation are extremely variable. The largest mean monthly discharges on perennial streams are generally in June, with values ranging from 25.9 to 42.1 percent of the mean annual discharge. The smallest mean monthly discharges are generally in January or February, with values ranging from 0.2 to 3.3 percent of the mean annual discharge. Average annual runoff ranged from about 122 to 1,150 acre-ft/mi 0 for 21 gaging stations on mostly unregulated perennial streams to about 3.5 to 14 acre-ft/mi 0 for 3 gaging stations on intermittent streams.

Chemical analyses of about 300 ground-water samples collected from selected wells and springs, and about 450 specific-conductance measurements in water samples collected from selected wells and springs were evaluated. The chemical-quality characteristics of selected geologic units on the reservation were determined from these analyses and measurements.

Chemical quality of water in the Little Wind River and Popo Agie River flood-plain alluvium changes with increasing distance from the mountains. Water in the upper sections of the Little Wind River and Popo Agie River flood-plain alluvium located near the mountains, typically had dissolved-solids concentrations generally less than 400 mg/L and ionic compositions were dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions. With increasing distance from the mountains, water in the lower sections of Little Wind River and Popo Agie River flood-plain alluvium had dissolved-solids concentrations ranging from about 600 to about 750 mg/L and ionic compositions consisting of a mixture of calcium, magnesium and sodium cations and mostly sulfate anions. The chemical-quality changes, with increasing distance from the mountains, could be caused by lithologic changes in flood-plain alluvium, the downgradient increase in recharge from irrigation return flow, or increased contact time of water with or seepage of water from the underlying Cody Shale and Frontier Formation, both of which contain substantial amounts of soluble minerals.

74 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Water quality is variable in the Wind River Formation because this unit has highly variable lithology, permeability, and recharge conditions. Dissolved-solids concentrations in water samples from this formation ranged from 211 to 5,110 mg/L, with a median value of 490 mg/L. Ionic compositions varied from water with mixed calcium and sodium cations and dominant bicarbonate anions to water dominated by sodium and sulfate ions. Water samples from this geologic unit had variable hardness classes (soft to very hard), salinity-hazard classes of medium and hard, and variable sodium-hazard classes (low to very high). Water samples collected from Mesozoic geologic units had median values of dissolved-solids concentrations ranging from 800 to 2,540 mg/L. Ionic compositions, hardness classes, salinity-hazard classes, and sodium-hazard classes for water samples from these geologic units were variable. Water samples collected from five wells completed in the Paleozoic Tensleep Sandstone and Madison Limestone had dissolved-solids concentrations generally less than 250 mg/L and ionic compositions of predominately calcium and bicarbonate ions. Linear-regression analysis was used to evaluate dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance for water samples collected from eight different geologic units. Except for water samples from one geologic unit (Chugwater Group), the squared correlation coefficient (r 2) values ranged from 0.965 to 0.988 for the other seven geologic units, which include Quaternary deposits, Wind River Formation, Cody Shale, and Frontier Formation. These r values indicate there is very good correlation of specific conductance to dissolved-solids concentration in water samples from these geologic units.

Water-quality samples were collected at 33 streamflow-gaging stations and 28 miscellaneous surface- water sites on or near the reservation. Statistical summaries of chemical-quality data for 12 selected gaging stations with more than 4 years or more of records indicate that chemical quality of the streams is related to changes in streamflow, geology, and downstream location. Linear-regression analyses were used to evaluate dissolved-solids concentration in relation to specific conductance of water samples collected from these 12 gaging stations. The r 2 values were greater than 0.900 for nine of these gaging stations.

Most perennial streams in or near the mountainous areas have the following chemical-quality characteristics: (1) dissolved-solids concentrations are less than 200 mg/L; (2) low or medium salinity-hazard classes and low sodium-hazard class; and (3) ionic composition dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions. With increasing distance from the mountains, most perennial streams have the following chemical-quality characteristics: (1) dissolved-solids concentrations range from about 400 to about 600 mg/L; (2) medium or high salinity-hazard classes and low sodium-hazard class; and (3) ionic composition of mostly calcium and sodium cations and sulfate anions. Intermittent streams have the following chemical-quality characteristics: (1) dissolved-solid concentrations varied from about 1,100 to about 3,500 mg/L; (2) mostly high to very high salinity-hazard classes and low or medium sodium-hazard classes; and (3) ionic composition of sodium and calcium cations with a dominance of sulfate anions.


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76 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Hurlbut, Kersich, and McCullough Consulting Engineers, 1975, Inventory of water resources, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, phase II, needs and uses: Billings, Montana, prepared for U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Billings, Montana, variable pagination. Keefer, W.R., 1965, Stratigraphy and geologic history of the uppermost Cretaceous, Paleocene, and lower Eocene rocks in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 495-A, 77 p. ___1970, Structural geology of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 495-D, 35 p. .1972, Frontier, Cody, and Mesaverde Formations in the Wind River and southern Bighorn Basins, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 495-E, 23 p. Keefer, W.R., and Van Lieu, J.A., 1966, Paleozoic formations in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 495-B, 60 p. Kerr, Greg, and others, 1989, Glacial meltwater as a contribution to late summer runoff, Wind River Range, Wyoming: Proceedings, Wyoming section, American Water Resources Association, Second annual meeting, Douglas, Wyoming, October 1989, 26 p. Langbein, W.B. and Iseri, K.T., 1960, General introduction and hydrologic definitions: U.S. Geological Survey Water- Supply Paper 1541-A, 29 p. Love, J.D., and Christiansen, A.C., 1985, Geologic Map of Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey, scale 1:500,000, 3 sheets. Love, J.D., Christiansen, A.C., and Ver Ploeg, A.J., 1993, Stratigraphic chart showing phanerozoic nomenculture for the State of Wyoming, The Geological Survey of Wyoming, Map Series 41, 1 sheet. Lowham, H.W., 1988, Streamflows in Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4045, 78 p. Lowry, M.E., Lowham, H.W., and Lines, G.C., 1976, Water resources of the Bighorn Basin, northwestern Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-512, 2 sheets. Maddy, D. V., Lopp, L.E., Jackson, D.L., Coupe, R.H., and Schertz, T.L., 1990, National water information user's manual, v. 2, chap. 2, water-quality system: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-617, variable pagination. Mariner, B.E., 1986, Wyoming climate atlas: Lincoln, Nebraska, University of Nebraska Press, 432 p. McGreevy, L.J., Hodson, W.G., and Rucker, S.J., IV, 1969, Ground-water resources of the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1576-1, 145 p. McNeely, R.N., Neimanis, V.P., and Dwyer, L., 1979, Water quality sourcebook A guide to water quality parameters: Ottawa, Water Quality Branch, Inland Waters Directorate, Environment Canada, 89 p. National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering, 1973, [1974], Water quality criteria 1972: U.S. Government Printing Office, 594 p. National Academy of Sciences, 1983, Drinking water and health, volume V: National Academy of Sciences Press, 157 p. Ogle, K.M., 1992, Surface- and ground-water quality in the Owl Creek Basin, north-central Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4108, 65 p. Oilman, R.E., andTracy, H.J., 1949, Average annual runoff in the Wind River Basin in Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 66, 9 p. Owenby, J.R., and Ezell, D.S., 1992, Monthly station normals of temperature, precipitation, and heating and cooling degree days, 1961-90, Wyoming: Climatography of the United States No. 81, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, North Carolina, 29 p. Peterson, D.A., and others, 1987, Hydrology of area 51, Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Coal Provinces, Wyoming and Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open-File Report 84-734, 73 p. Peterson, D.A., Harms, T.F., Ramirez, Pedro, Jr., Alien, G.T., and Christenson, A.H., 1991, Reconnaissance investigation of water quality, bottom sediment, and biota associated with irrigation drainage in the Riverton Reclamation Project, Wyoming, 1988-89: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4187, 84 p.

SUMMARY 77 Plafcan, Maria and Ogle, K.A., 1994, Water resources of Hot Springs County: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report 93-4141, 90 p.

Plafcan, Maria, Eddy-Miller, C.A., Ritz, G.F., and Holland II, J.P.R., 1995, Water Resources of Fremont County, U.S. Geological Water-Resources Investigation Report 95-4095, 133 p.

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Refolo, P.J., 1983, A geologic study of the Wind River Basin, Fremont and Natrona Counties, central Wyoming: Las Vegas, Nevada, CER Corporation for Gas Research Institute, 71 p.

Richter, H.R., Jr., 1981, Volume IV-A, Occurrence and characteristics of ground water in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming: Laramie, Wyoming, University of Wyoming Water Resources Research Institute report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 149 p.

Robinove, C.J., 1958, Memorandum on artesian wells south of Riverton, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report, 7 p.

Roncalio, Teno, 1982, Report to the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District, State of Wyoming, concerning reserved water right claims by and on behalf of the tribes of the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming: Worland, Wyoming, 451 p.

Ruby, N.K., Sagmeister, R.J., Green, S.L., and Walgren, J.D., 1991, Index of surface-water discharge, water-quality, sediment, and biological records through September 30,1990, for Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-497, 46 p.

Searcy, J.K., 1959, Flow-duration curves: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1542-A, 33 p.

Seeland, D.A., 1978, Eocene fluvial drainage patterns and their implications for uranium and hydrocarbon exploration in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1446, 21 p.

Stiff, H.A., Jr., 1951, The interpretation of chemical water analysis by means of patterns: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 3, no. 10, sec. 1, p. 15-16; sec. 2, p. 3.

Stoffer, P., 1985, Bibliography and index to the geology of the Wind River Basin and adjacent uplifts in the vicinity of Fremont County, Wyoming: Geological Survey of Wyoming Open-File Report 85-10, 82 p.

U.S. Department of the Interior, 1962, Soil and range resources inventory, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Branch of Land Operations, 158 p.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1989, Health advisory summaries: Washington, DC, variable pagination.

___1990, Drinking water regulations under the Safe Drinking Water Act: Criteria and Standards Division, Office of Drinking Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Safe Drinking Water Act Fact Sheet, May 1990, 43 p.

U.S. Geological Survey, 1975, WATSTORE user's guide: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-426, variable pagination.

U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954, Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils: U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 60, 160 p. Wells, F.C., Gibbons, W.J., and Dorsey, M.E., 1990, Guidelines for collection and field analysis of water-quality samples from streams in Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-127, 79 p.

Whitcomb, H.A., and Lowry, M.E., 1968, Ground-water resources and geology of the Wind River Basin area, central Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-270, 13 p.

Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, 1980, Quality standards for Wyoming groundwaters, chap. VIII in Rules and regulations, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division: Cheyenne, Wyoming, 13 p.


Alluvium consists of clay, silt, sand, gravel, or other unconsolidated material deposited by a stream or other body of running water as a sediment in the bed of a stream or on a floodplain or delta, or as a fan at the base of a mountain. Anticline is an arched fold in which the rock layers dip away from the axis of the fold. Aquifer is a body of rock that contains sufficient saturated, permeable material to yield substantial quantities of water to wells and springs. Bedrock is a general term for the consolidated (solid) rock that underlies soil or other unconsolidated surficial material. Clastic rocks are composed principally of broken rock fragments that are derived from pre-existing rocks or minerals and have been transported from their place of origin. The most common clastic rocks are sandstone and shale. Colluvial deposit is heterogeneous incoherent soil or rock material that slowly moves (creeps) downslope. Although creep is too slow to be observed, the cumulative results become obvious over a period of years. Confined aquifer is bounded above and below by impermeable beds or by beds of distinctly lower permeability than that of the aquifer itself. It is an aquifer containing confined ground water. Cubic foot per second (ft3/s) is the rate of discharge representing a volume of 1 cubic foot passing a given point during 1 second and is equivalent to about 7.48 gallons per second, 448.8 gallons per minute, or 0.02832 cubic meter per second. Discharge is the volume of water (or generally, the volume of liquid plus suspended material) that passes a given point within a given period. Discharge also is called flow. Dissolved refers to a substance present in true chemical solution. In practice, however, the term includes all forms of substances that will pass through a 0.45-micrometer membrane filter, and thus may include some very small (colloidal) suspended particles. Domestic water use is water for household purposes, such as drinking, preparing food, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, flushing toilets, and watering lawns and gardens. This water use is also called residential water use. Drainage basin is the total area drained by a stream and its tributaries. The area of a drainage basin is called drainage area and usually is determined planimetrically from topographic maps. Ephemeral stream is a stream or reach of a stream that flows briefly only in direct response to precipitation in the imme­ diate locality and whose channel is at all times above the water table. Fault is a fracture in bedrock along which movement of the bedrock has occurred. Flood plain is the lowland that borders a river, usually dry but subject to flooding when the stream overflows its banks. Formation is a body of rock identified by unique physical characteristics and relative position. Gaging station is a particular site on a stream, canal, lake, or reservoir where systematic observations of hydrologic data are obtained. Industrial water use is water used for industrial purposes such as fabrication, processing, washing, and cooling, and includes such industries as steel, chemical and allied products, paper and allied products, mining, and petroleum refining. Infiltration is the flow of water into soil at land surface, as contrasted with percolation, which is movement of water through soil layers or other surficial material. Intermittent stream is a stream or reach of a stream that flows only certain times of the year when it receives water from springs or from some surface source such as melting snow. Irrigation water use is the artificial application of water on lands to assist in the growing of crops and pastures or to main­ tain vegetative growth in recreational lands, such as parks and golf courses. Limestone is dense rock formed by chemical precipitation of calcium carbonate from solution in water. Livestock water use is water for livestock watering, feed lots, dairy operations, fish farming, and other on-farm needs. Livestock as used here includes cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, poultry, and other animal specialties.

GLOSSARY 79 Micrograms per liter (|lg/L) is a unit expressing the concentration of chemical constituents in solution as mass (micro- grams) of solute per unit volume (liter) of water. One thousand micrograms per liter is equivalent to 1 milligram per liter. Milliequivalent is a term used primarily for comparative purposes when describing or evaluating different chemical anal­ yses. The concept of milliequivalent can be introduced by taking into account the ionic charge of a chemical species (ion) such as calcium which has a positive two charge or sulfate which has a minus two charge. If the formula weight of a species is divided by its charge, the result is termed the "equivalent weight." When a concentration value in milli­ grams per liter is divided by the equivalent weight of a species, the result is "milligram-equivalents per liter." Typi­ cally, the term milligram equivalents is shortened and called "milliequivalents" (Hem, 1989, p. 56). Milligrams per liter (mg/L) is a unit expressing the concentration of chemical constituents in solution as mass (milli­ grams) of solute per unit volume (liter) of water. Concentration of suspended sediment also is expressed in milligrams per liter and is based on the mass (dry weight) of sediment per liter of water-sediment mixture. Particle size is the diameter, in millimeters, of any given sediment particle. (See particle-size classification.) Particle-size classification used by the U.S. Geological Survey: Classification Dimension limits, in millimeters Clay 0.00024-0.004 Silt .004-.062 Sand .062-2.00 Gravel 2.00-64.0 Peak discharge (peak flow, flood peak) is the maximum instantaneous discharge during a specified time interval. The series of annual peak discharges at a gaging station is used to determine the recurrence interval (frequency) and exceedance probability of floods. Perennial stream is a stream that flows continuously. Permeability is a measure of the relative ease with which a porous or fractured medium can transmit a liquid under a poten­ tial gradient (the capacity of a rock to transmit a fluid such as water or petroleum). pH is measure of the acidity or alkalinity of water. It is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen-ion concentration. This property is dimensionless and generally has a range from 0 to 14, with a pH of 7 representing neutral water. A pH of greater than 7 indicates the water is alkaline, whereas a pH value less than 7 indicates an acidic water. Porosity is the property of a rock or soil that refers to the voids that the material contains. It may be expressed quantita­ tively as the ratio of the volume of voids to total volume of the material. Potentiometric surface is a surface that is defined by the levels to which water will rise in tightly cased wells. Public-supply water use is water withdrawn by public and private water suppliers and delivered to users. Public suppliers provide water for a variety of uses, such as domestic, commercial, thermoelectric power, industrial, and public water use. Recharge is the process by which water is absorbed and added to the saturated zone (aquifer), either directly into a body of rock or indirectly by way of an adjacent body of rock. Also, it is the quantity of water that is added to the saturated zone. Sandstone is the consolidated equivalent of sand. (See particle-size classification.) Saturated zone is the subsurface zone in which all openings are full of water and are under hydrostatic pressure equal to or greater than atmospheric pressure. Sediment is unconsolidated solid material that originates mostly from disintegrated rocks and is transported by water or air. Also, it may include chemical and biochemical precipitates or decomposed organic material, such as humus. Shale is the consolidated equivalent of clay. (See particle-size classification.) Siltstone is the consolidated equivalent of silt. (See particle-size classification.) Slope wash is soil and rock material that has been moved down a slope by mass wasting assisted by running water not confined to fluvial channels.

80 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Sodium-adsorption ratio (SAR) is a measure of the sodium hazard of water. SAR is reported as a dimensionless ratio and is computed from the individual determination of sodium, calcium, and magnesium after conversion of each to milliequivalents per liter. The SAR value of water is considered along with specific conductance in determining suit­ ability for irrigation. Specific capacity is the yield (rate of discharge) per unit of drawdown and is determined by dividing the pumping rate at any time during a well-acceptance test by the drawdown at the same time. Specific conductance is a measure of the ability of the water to conduct an electrical current. It is expressed in microsie- mens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius. Specific conductance is related to the type and concentration of ions in solution and can be used for approximating the dissolved-solids concentration of the water. Stage is the height of a water surface above an established datum plane. Streamflow is the discharge in a natural channel. Although the term "discharge" can be applied to a flow of a canal, the word "streamflow" is used only to describe the discharge in a stream. The term "streamflow" is more general than "runoff," since streamflow may be applied to discharge whether or not it is affected by diversion or regulation. Surface water is an open body of water such as a stream or lake. Terrace is a steplike landform above a stream and its floodplain, representing a former, abandoned floodplain of a stream. Unconsolidated refers to sediment grains that are loose, separate, or unattached to one another. Unsaturated zone is the zone between the land surface and the water table. It includes the capillary fringe. Generally, water in this zone is under less than atmospheric pressure, and some of the voids may contain air or other gases at atmospheric pressure. Volcaniclastic refers to a clastic rock containing volcanic material. Water table refers to the upper surface of the saturated zone where the water pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure. Water year refers to the 12-month period from October 1 to September 30, and is designated by the calendar year in which it ends. Thus, the water year ending on September 30, 1995 is called water year 1995. Yield is the constant or final pumping rate from a well in gallons per minute at which a well-acceptance test is conducted.



For each streamflow-gaging station with 10 years or more of daily discharge records, on or near the Wind River Indian Reservation, the following statistical summaries are presented.

1. Summary of monthly and annual discharges, 2. magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, 3. magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, 4. magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, and 5. duration table of daily mean flow.

Period of record included in these statistical summaries are based on water years. For a gaging station, the period of record can vary between different statistical summaries because of the type and completeness of the discharge data available. Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow was not calculated from some gaging stations because of a lack of acceptable data.

APPENDIX 1 83 Site G1--East Fork Wind River near Dubois, Wyoming 06220500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1951-57, 1976-8 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1952-57, 1977-89

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Peric)( j probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (cori- secutive 2 5 10 20 50# 100# October 200 52 96 36 0.38 3.2 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1%

November 112 36 61 17 .28 2.0 1 30 24 21 19 16 14 December 88 29 51 15 .30 1.7 3 32 26 22 20 17 15 January 69 27 48 12 .24 1.6 7 34 27 24 21 19 17 February 67 27 47 11 .23 1.6 14 36 29 26 23 20 18 March 93 40 57 12 .22 1.9 30 40 32 28 25 22 20 April 353 64 164 81 .49 5.5 60 43 35 31 29 25 24 May 1,160 215 550 234 .43 18.5 90 45 37 33 30 27 25 June 1,760 510 1,050 408 .39 35.3 120 47 39 35 32 28 26 July 1,280 114 551 323 .59 18.5 183 58 48 43 39 35 32 August 461 51 190 100 .52 6.4

September 186 34 111 40 .37 3.7

Annual 414 126 248 77 .31 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1951-57, 1976-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance period probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con- record 1952-57, 1977-89 secuti ve 2 5 10 25 50 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 2,250 2,990 3,430 3,940 4,290 4,610

10 100 3 1,970 2,650 3,070 3,580 3,930 4,270 10% 1% 7 1,660 2,310 2,720 3,230 3,590 3,950 3,870 5,210 6,000 6,910 7,530 15 1,400 1,950 2,300 2,730 3,040 3,340 Weighted skew (logs) = -0.40 30 1,120 1,570 1,860 2,210 2,470 2,720 Mean (logs) = 3.58 Standard deviation (logs) =0.16 60 885 1,210 1,400 1,620 1,770 1,910

90 716 974 1,130 1,300 1,420 1,530

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1951-57, 1976-8

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 95% 98% 99% 995% 99.9%

2,080 1,100 706 466 326 173 112 82 67 58 49 40 34 30 27 24 20

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

84 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G4-Dinwoody Creek near Burris, Wyoming 06221500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1919-29, 1951-58 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1920-30, 1952-58

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50# 100# October 118 4.3 51 27 0.53 3.0 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1 % November 54 15 27 11 .39 1.6 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 2.3 8.2 December 38 9.1 19 7.2 .38 1.1 3 .00 .00 .00 .63 2.4 8.9 January 23 6.8 15 4.3 .29 .9 7 9.3 2.1 .65 .19 .04 .01 February 21 7.1 14 4.0 .28 .9 14 9.3 3.9 2.1 1.2 .56 .32 March 22 6.3 14 3.9 .28 .9 30 11 6.7 4.7 3.4 2.2 1.6 April 36 9.5 18 6.6 .37 1.1 60 13 9.7 8.3 7.2 6.1 5.5 May 297 11 148 76 .51 8.9 90 14 10 8.8 7.6 _6.4 5.6 June 825 187 396 156 .39 23.8 120 15 11 9.6 8.3 7.0 6.2 July 902 202 516 171 .33 31.0 183 22 15 13 11 8.8 7.7 August 592 111 324 126 .39 19.5

September 264 14 122 83 .68 7.3

Annual 190 66 140 37 .26 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 191 9-29, 1951-58

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perj0(j probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con­ record 1920-30, 1952-58 secutive 2 5 10 25 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 912 1,140 1,290 1,500 1,650 1,800

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 842 1,040 1,180 1,360 1 ,500 1,640 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 750 921 1,040 1,200 1,320 1,440 999 1,220 1,350 1,510 1,630 1,740 15 665 813 906 1,020 1,100 1,180 Weighted skew (logs) = 0.04 30 600 741 813 886 930 968 Mean (logs) = 3.00 Standard deviation (logs) =0.10 60 506 615 666 714 742 764

90 438 530 573 614 637 655

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1 91 9-29, 1951-58

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

887 599 464 359 273 130 52 28 21 17 14 11 8.5 5.6 3.7 1.2 0.21

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

APPENDIX 1 85 Site G6--Dry Creek near Burris, Wyoming 06222500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1922-36, 1938-40, 1989 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1923-36, 1939-40

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia­ annual perj0d probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con- secutive 2 5 10 20 50# 100# October 50 5.2 18 14 0.74 3.4 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1% November 25 1.8 11 7.4 .67 2.1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 2.1 December 15 .55 6.5 4.4 .67 1.2 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 .92 2.1 January 10 .30 4.6 3.0 .65 .9 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 .92 2.1 February 7.0 .20 3.0 2.1 .70 .6 14 .00 .00 .00 .32 .81 2.3 March 10 .00 3.2 2.2 .68 .6 30 .00 .00 .00 .90 1.3 2.3 April 26 .88 9.0 6.3 .69 1.7 60 3.1 1.3 .62 .31 .12 .06 May 162 30 85 35 .41 15.8 90 3.5 1.5 .80 .43 .19 .11 June 343 51 188 78 .42 35.1 120 4.3 1.9 1.0 .59 .28 .16 July 212 34 117 47 .40 21.9 183 7.2 3.7 2.5 1.8 1.2 .88 August 164 19 60 31 .51 11.1

September 65 12 31 15 .50 5.7

Annual 68 20 45 13 .28 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1922-36, 1938-40, 1989

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance p j probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con­ record 1923-36, 1939-40 secutive 2 5 10 25 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 345 519 629 760 853 941

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 314 454 536 628 690 745 50% 20% 10% 7 270 383 449 523 571 616 418 698 905 1,190 ,410 1,640 15 229 321 373 431 469 502

Weighted skew (logs) = -0.14 30 199 270 309 349 375 397 Mean (logs) - 2.61 Standard deviation (logs) = 0.27 60 167 216 238 258 270 278

90 141 177 192 205 211 216

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1922-36, 1938-40, 1989

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

325 199 140 98 71 44 23 13 8.5 4.9 3.4 1.3 0.47 0.23 0.08 0.02

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

86 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G8--Crow Creek near Tipperary, Wyoming 06222700

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1963-89 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [frVs, cubic feet per second] record 1964-89

Coeffi- Percent- Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia- annual period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con- secutive 2 5 10 20 50 100 October 19 2.5 5.9 3.1 0.53 2.4 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1%

November 10 2.7 4.5 1.5 .33 1.8 1 2.0 1.3 1.0 0.74 0.50 0.37 3.5 1.2 .34 1.4 December 6.4 1.6 3 2.2 1.4 1.1 .79 .54 .40 January 4.8 .62 2.8 .98 .34 1.1 7 2.3 1.6 1.2 .89 .62 .48 February 3.9 .74 2.7 .71 .26 1.1 14 2.4 1.7 1.3 .98 .69 .53 6.6 1.2 3.5 1.3 .37 1.4 March 30 2.6 1.8 1.4 1.1 .75 .57 April 24 2.8 9.4 5.8 .61 3.8 60 2.8 2.0 1.5 1.2 .87 .69 May 82 13 52 17 .33 20.8 90 2.9 2.1 1.7 1.4 1.0 .85 June 246 23 105 57 .54 42.1 120 3.1 2.3 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.1 July 119 4.4 42 29 .70 16.7 183 3.6 2.9 2.6 2.3 2.1 2.0 August 23 2.8 12 5.7 .48 4.7

September 14 3.0 7.1 2.8 .39 2.9

Annual 41 5.6 21 7.8 .37 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1963-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance prcibabihty, iri percent ('%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of Period (con­ record 1964-89 secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100 days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 201 294 341 386 411 431

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 184 269 311 351 374 392 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 159 237 211 317 340 359 318 420 478 542 585 624 15 131 203 244 290 319 345

Weighted skew (logs) = -0.48 30 113 169 201 234 255 273 Mean (logs) = 2.49 Standard deviation (logs) = 0.16 60 85 124 145 166 179 190

90 66 94 109 123 132 139

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1963-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90% 95% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

212 105 60 37 24 6.8 5.3 4.3 3.6 3.1 2.5 2.1 1.7 1.3 0.52

APPENDIX 1 87 Site G10-Willow Creek near Crowheart, Wyoming 06223500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1922, 1926-40, 1989 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1927-40

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50# 100# October 18 5.1 9.4 3.6 0.38 5.0 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1 %

November 13 2.5 7.5 2.8 .37 4.0 1 4.1 3.1 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 December 10 2.0 6.1 2.1 .35 3.2 3 4.1 3.1 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 January 8.0 2.0 5.1 1.5 .29 2.7 7 4.1 3.2 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.7 February 7.0 2.0 4.6 1.4 .31 2.4 14 4.1 3.2 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.7 March 8.0 2.5 4.9 1.3 .27 2.6 30 4.2 3.2 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.7 April 9.1 4.0 6.5 1.4 .21 3.4 60 4.3 3.2 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.7 May 64 6.9 28 18 .65 14.8 90 4.6 3.4 2.9 2.4 2.0 1.7 June 132 9.7 71 37 .52 37.4 120 4.9 3.6 3.0 2.5 2.1 1.8 July 55 5.7 25 14 .56 13.1 183 5.8 4.4 3.8 3.3 2.8 2.6 August 45 3.5 12 9.5 .77 6.6

September 22 4.7 9.3 4.3 .47 4.9

Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1922, 1926-40, 1989

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perjocj probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con­ record 1927-40 secutive 2 5 10 25 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 142 205 230 248 256 261

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 124 189 217 242 253 261 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 107 163 189 212 223 232 211 403 572 837 1,080 1,350 15 92 142 167 189 201 210 Weighted skew (logs) =0.1 6 30 78 117 134 149 157 162 Mean (logs) = 2.33 Standard deviation (logs) = 0.33 60 57 83 94 103 107 110

90 43 62 70 76 79 80

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1922, 1926-40, 1989

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

139 73 36 20 15 11 8.5 7.4 6.3 5.6 5.0 3.9 3.3 2.5 2.2 2.1 2.0

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

88 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G13--Bull Lake Creek above Bull Lake, Wyoming 06224000

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1942-53, 1967-89 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft /s, cubic feet per second] record 1943-53, 1968-89

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50 100 October 222 33 101 42 0.41 2.9 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1 %

November 109 30 56 20 .36 1.6 1 19 14 11 9.1 6.9 5.7 December 62 15 38 12 .30 1.1 3 20 15 12 9.6 7.4 6.0 January 43 7.3 29 7.9 .27 .8 7 21 15 12 10 7.8 6.3 February 41 6.9 26 7.8 .30 .7 14 22 16 13 11 86 7.1 March 57 6.7 27 9.4 .35 .8 30 23 18 15 12 9.3 7.7 April 199 25 67 41 .61 1.9 60 26 19 16 13 9.6 7.9 May 111 170 463 158 .34 13.0 90 28 21 17 13 10 8.1 June 2,100 684 1,170 320 .27 32.8 120 31 23 19 15 12 9.9 July 1,580 385 942 292 .31 26.5 183 44 35 30 27 24 22 August 655 145 432 127 .29 12.2

September 533 109 204 78 .38 5.7

Annual 415 174 297 55 .19 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1942-53, 1967-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perjocj probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con- record 1943-53, 1968-89 secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100 days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 2,100 2,580 2,860 3,170 3,390 3,590

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 1,940 2,370 2,610 2,890 3,080 3,250 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 1,730 2,120 2,350 2,610 2,790 2,960 2,270 2,840 3,190 3,600 3,890 4,160 15 1,500 1,870 2,090 2,340 2,520 2,680 Weighted skew (logs) = -0.07 30 1,310 1,620 1,790 1,980 2,110 2,220 Mean (logs) = 3.36 Standard deviation (logs) = 0.12 60 1,100 1,320 1,440 1,560 1,640 1,710

90 920 1,090 1,170 1,250 1,310 1,350

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1942-53, 1967-£

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 999%

2,000 1 ,280 940 697 525 286 143 77 50 37 29 23 20 17 14 7.2 6.4

APPENDIX 1 89 Site G15-Bull Lake Creek near Lenore, Wyoming 06225000

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1919-23, 1927-89 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1920-23, 1927-89

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50 100 October 782 4.2 137 138 1.0 4.2 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1% November 467 8.3 73 71 .97 2.2 1 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.8 4.0 13 December 241 14 77 61 .79 2.3 3 .00 .00 .79 2.1 4.6 15 January 267 11 97 82 .84 3.0 7 .00 .00 1.3 2.9 5.9 16 February 219 12 81 69 .85 2.5 14 .00 .81 2.5 4.5 8.1 20 March 197 .00 66 55 .84 2.0 30 .00 1.6 4.2 6.9 11 25 April 601 3.6 100 113 1.1 3.1 60 31 16 12 9.0 6.6 5.4 May 831 6.0 221 179 .81 6.7 90 39 20 15 11 8.3 6.8 June 1,830 11 547 488 .89 16.6 120 48 25 17 13 9.6 7.8 July 1,650 86 825 294 .36 25.1 183 69 37 27 21 15 12 August 1,030 193 655 174 .27 19.9

September 982 113 408 213 .52 12.4

Annual 427 100 275 70 .25 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1919-23, 1927-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance period probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of record 1 920-23, 1 927-89 (con~ secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100 days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1,500 2,120 2,510 3,000 3,360 3,710

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 1,440 2,010 2,380 2,840 3,180 3,510 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 1,320 1,810 2,130 2,540 2,830 3,130 (Not calculated for this station) 1,160 1,550 1,810 2,130 2,370 2,610

30 1,010 1,330 1,530 1,770 1,950 2,120

60 866 1,100 1,240 1,390 1,490 1,590

90 746 951 1,060 1,180 1,250 1,320

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1919-23, 1927-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 9'0% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

1,650 1,050 808 655 532 274 171 116 69 46 30 19 14 7.8 5.0 2.8 0.25

90 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G16--Wind River near Crowheart, Wyoming 06225500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1946-89 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1947-89

Coeffi- Percent- Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia- annual perjocj probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50 100 October 1,420 371 690 229 0.33 4.7 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1%

November 932 298 488 120 .24 3.3 1 258 205 181 162 142 130 December 625 215 403 89 .22 2.8 3 270 214 188 169 148 136 January 560 179 387 100 .26 2.6 7 285 227 200 179 157 143 February 538 202 371 83 .22 2.5 14 304 242 212 189 164 149 March 616 226 378 83 .22 2.6 30 329 263 231 207 180 164 April 1,280 311 579 209 .36 4.0 60 354 283 249 221 193 175 May 2,940 729 1,780 571 .32 12.2 90 367 296 262 236 208 190 June 7,260 1,580 3,780 1,410 .37 25.9 120 378 309 275 249 222 205 July 5,690 1,440 2,960 1,130 .38 20.3 183 447 371 335 307 278 260 August 2,480 853 1,660 336 .20 11.4

September 1 ,720 736 1,130 242 .21 7.7

Annual 1,650 670 1,220 247 .20 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1946-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance peri0(j probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con­ record 1947-89 secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100 days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 6,250 8,480 9,820 11,400 12,400 13,400

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 5,840 7,940 9,180 10,600 11,500 12,400 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 5,300 7,350 8,600 10,000 11,000 12,000 (Not calculated for this station) 15 4,640 6,450 7,560 8,880 9,800 10,700

30 4,010 5,480 6,370 7,420 8,140 8,820

60 3,390 4,490 5,160 5,950 6,490 7,010

90 2,940 3,750 4,210 4,730 5,070 5,390

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1946-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

6,760 4,120 2,860 2,220 1,840 1,340 896 599 499 439 381 315 273 239 221 197 159

APPENDIX 1 91 Site G22-Wind River at Riverton, Wyoming 06228000

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1913-14, 1916-17, 1919-28, 1931-89 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1913-14, 1916-17, 1920-28, 1931-89

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia­ annual perjocl probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con- secutive 2 5 10 20 50 100 October 1,500 183 630 262 0.42 6.2 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1%

November 895 222 447 122 .27 4.4 1 98 41 25 16 9.3 6.4

December 559 200 354 78 .22 3.5 3 112 51 32 22 13 9.4

January 539 151 333 93 .28 3.3 1 131 65 43 30 19 14

February 531 196 336 83 125 3.3 14 162 85 56 39 24 17

March 650 75 348 107 .31 3.4 30 217 123 83 57 35 25

April 1,230 54 434 231 .53 4.3 60 280 180 130 94 61 44

May 4,620 73 1,310 849 .65 12.9 90 318 215 158 116 77 56

June 7,190 155 2,890 1,750 .60 28.6 120 340 247 192 149 106 82

July 5,800 39 1,820 1,360 .75 17.9 183 393 289 236 195 153 128 August 3,050 43 718 617 .86 7.1

September 1,790 36 505 351 .69 5.0

Annual 1,630 195 845 355 .42 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1913-14, 1916-17, 1919-28, 1930-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance proDaomty, in percent (7o) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of Period (con­ record 1913-14, 1916-17, 1920-28, 1931-89 secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100 days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 5,530 8,000 9,240 10,400 11,100 11,600

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 5,170 7,640 8,870 10,000 10,700 11,200 50% 20% 10% 1% 7 4,620 7,090 8,320 9,470 10,100 10,600 (Not calculated for this station) 15 3,910 6,110 7,260 8,380 9,020 9,520

30 3,110 5,050 6,180 7,400 8,160 8,810

60 2,360 3,910 4,870 5,980 6,710 7,370

90 1,870 3,100 3,890 4,840 5,500 6,120

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1913-14, 1916-17, 1919-28, 1930-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

6,240 3,490 2,150 1,390 974 627 497 423 365 320 267 190 118 62 40 29 15

92 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G23--South Fork Little Wind River above Washakie Reservoir, near Fort Washakie, Wyoming 06228350

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1977-89 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1978-89

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia­ annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con- secutive 2 5 10 20# 50# 100# October 94 15 42 20 0.46 2.8 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1%

November 38 16 27 7.3 .27 1.8 1 11 8.6 7.8 7.1 6.5 6.1

December 31 12 22 5.8 .26 1.5 3 11 9.0 8.1 7.4 6.6 6.2

January 25 6.1 16 4.7 .29 1.1 7 11 9.2 8.3 7.6 6.9 6.5

February 26 6.7 14 4.7 .34 .9 14 12 10 9.1 8.4 7.6 7.2

March 34 9.6 17 6.0 .36 1.1 30 13 11 9.9 9.4 8.8 8.5

April 95 29 51 20 .39 3.4 60 14 12 11 11 10 9.9

May 403 132 247 78 .32 16.6 90 15 13 12 12 11 11

June 1,070 271 569 238 .42 38.1 120 17 15 14 13 13 12

July 549 81 326 167 .51 21.8 183 23 18 16 15 13 12 August 197 31 108 49 .45 7.2

September 83 20 55 16 .30 3.7

Annual 188 71 125 36 .29 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1977-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance periocj probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of record 1978-89 secutive 2 5 10 25# 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 1,010 1,300 1,500 1,740 1,920 2,100

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 912 1,160 1 ,320 1,500 1,630 1,750 50% 20% 10% 1% 7 780 1,010 1,160 1,350 1,490 1,630 (Not calculated for this station) 15 688 921 1,070 1,260 1,400 1,530

30 601 827 970 1,140 1,270 1 ,390

60 481 648 745 853 926 993

90 384 505 574 650 700 746

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1 977-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 40% 50% 99% 99.5%

1,030 588 379 253 176 85 53 37 27 21 14 12 9.3 7.1 5.6 4.7

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

APPENDIX 1 93 Site G25--Little Wind River near Fort Washakie, Wyoming 06228500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1922-40 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1923-40

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50# 100# October 149 21 59 38 0.65 4.0 days) 50% 20<2b 10% 5% 2% 1% November 75 15 36 18 .52 2.4 1 16 12 9.6 8.2 6.9 6.1 December 50 12 26 12 .46 1.7 3 16 12 9.6 8.2 6.9 6.1 January 50 10 22 11 .49 1.5 7 16 12 9.7 8.4 7.1 6.4 February 40 8.0 20 9.1 .45 1.4 14 17 12 10 8.7 7.5 6.8 March 50 8.0 23 12 .53 1.5 30 17 12 10 8.9 7.8 7.1 April 95 8.7 44 25 .56 3.0 60 17 12 10 9.0 7.9 7.3 May 414 111 242 84 .35 16.5 90 18 13 11 9.6 8.5 7.8 June 880 133 511 226 .44 34.7 120 20 14 12 11 9.4 8.7 July 607 69 291 131 .45 19.7 183 27 19 17 15 13 12 August 270 52 127 56 .44 8.6

September 156 24 72 37 .51 4.9

Annual 179 59 123 34 .27 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1922-40

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perio(j probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of record 1923-40 (con" secutive 2 5 10 25 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) . 989 1,500 1,830 2,240 2,540 2,830

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 919 1,300 1,520 1,750 1,890 2,020 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 788 1,100 1,260 1,430 1,540 1,620 (Not calculated for this station) 649 900 1,040 1,180 1,270 1,350

30 547 761 883 1,020 1,100 1,180

60 442 584 654 724 764 798

90 362 466 515 563 590 611

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1922-40

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

937 526 341 234 176 109 64 45 32 25 20 15 13 10 8.3 7.7 7.2

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

94 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G28-North Fork Little Wind River at Fort Washakie, Wyoming 06229000

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1922-40 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1923-40

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50# 100# October 152 17 54 40 0.73 4.0 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1 % November 85 15 37 21 .55 2.7 1 18 13 11 10 8.6 7.8 December 50 13 27 12 .43 1.9 3 18 13 11 10 8.6 7.8 January 50 10 22 10 .47 1.6 7 18 13 11 10 8.8 7.9 February 40 10 21 8.5 .40 1.6 14 18 13 12 11 9.4 8.8 March 50 10 24 10 .42 1.8 30 18 13 12 11 9.6 9.0 April 75 20 46 17 .36 3.3 60 18 14 12 11 9.9 9.4 May 473 123 250 97 .39 18.2 90 20 14 13 11 10 9.5 June 1,020 115 497 249 .50 36.2 120 21 16 13 12 10 9.6 July 569 47 246 137 .56 17.9 183 27 19 15 13 11 10 August 256 14 92 58 .64 6.7

September 141 22 58 37 .63 4.2

Annual 207 39 115 39 .34 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1922- 40

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perj0(j probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con­ record 1923-40 secutive 2 5 10 25 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 965 1,440 1,740 2,100 2,350 2,600

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 868 1,300 1,580 1,930 2,190 2,440 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 756 1,100 1,320 1,570 1,750 1,910 1,090 1,710 2,130 2,680 3,090 3,500 15 638 913 1,080 1,280 1,410 1,540 Weighted skew (logs) = -0.25 30 527 739 868 1,020 1,120 1,220 Mean (logs) = 3.03 Standard deviation (logs) = 0.24 60 417 573 661 756 817 871

90 336 454 515 577 614 644

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1922-40

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

913 504 325 219 153 86 52 39 30 25 21 16 14 12 11 10 9.1

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

APPENDIX 1 95 Site G36--Little Wind River above Arapahoe, Wyoming 06231000

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1980-89 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1981-89

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia­ annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20# 50# 100# October 264 35 129 74 0.57 5.6 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1 % November 182 47 112 41 .37 4.9 1 25 14 9.7 7.0 4.8 3.6 December 130 51 90 23 .25 3.9 3 27 15 10 7.4 5.0 3.8 January 101 43 74 16 .21 3.2 7 29 16 11 7.9 5.3 3.9 February 102 42 77 18 -.23 3.3 14 31 17 12 8.3 5.4 4.0 March 142 56 97 28 .29 4.2 30 37 20 14 9.9 6.5 4.8 April 159 32 101 42 .42 4.4 60 46 27 19 14 9.2 6.9 May 568 30 269 182 .68 11.7 90 64 38 27 19 12 8.6 June 1,780 168 822 548 .67 35.8 120 76 48 34 25 16 12 July 856 26 384 276 .72 16.7 183 89 58 44 34 24 19 August 234 14 78 65 .84 3.4

September 125 9.6 64 39 .61 2.8

Annual 344 83 191 80 .42 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1980-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance Period probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con­ record 198 1-89 secutive 2 5 10 25# 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 1,630 2,480 3,010 3,630 4,060 4,460

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 1,460 2,220 2,710 3,290 3,700 4,090 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 1,230 1,900 2,300 2,760 3,060 3,330 (Not calculated for this station) 15 1,030 1,650 2,040 2,520 2,850 3,160

30 834 1,340 1,700 2,170 2,530 2,890

60 628 1,000 1,250 1,540 1,750 1,950

90 466 726 894 1,100 1,240 1,380

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1 980-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

1,800 802 407 245 188 132 106 91 79 69 56 37 26 17 11 9.0 7.1

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

96 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G37--North Fork Popo Agie River near Milford, Wyoming 06232000

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1946-63 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1947-63

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50# 100# October 74 22 40 16 0.40 2.7 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1% November 47 15 28 9.5 .34 1.9 1 10 7.7 6.5 5.5 4.6 4.0 December 31 8.4 19 5.8 .31 1.3 3 11 8.0 6.8 5.8 4.8 4.1 January 22 7.7 16 4.5 .29 1.1 7 11 8.5 7.1 6.1 4.9 4.3 February 23 10 15 3.3 .22 1.0 14 12 9.0 7.6 6.5 5.3 4.6 March 19 9.9 14 2.3 .16 1.0 30 12 9.8 8.4 7.3 6.1 5.4 April 119 17 39 26 .67 2.7 60 13 11 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.8 May 514 106 274 112 .41 18.8 90 15 12 11 9.5 8.3 7.6 June 1,020 277 588 207 .35 40.4 120 16 13 11 9.8 8.5 7.7 July 599 104 274 148 .54 18.8 183 21 17 15 14 13 12 August 174 51 97 38 .39 6.6

September 99 31 55 21 .39 3.8

Annual 177 66 122 32 .26 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1 946-63

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perj0(j probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con­ record 1947-63 secutive 2 5 10 25 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 992 1,530 1,970 2,630 3,210 3,860

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 920 1,390 1,760 2,290 2,750 3,260 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 852 1,210 1,450 1,780 2,040 2,300 1,190 1,850 2,360 3,090 3,690 4,340 15 756 1,000 1,150 1,320 1,440 1 ,550 Weighted skew (logs) =0.21 30 625 823 942 1,080 1,180 1,270 Mean (logs) = 3.08 Standard deviation (logs) = 0.22 60 475 615 698 792 856 916

90 379 488 549 617 662 703

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1946-63

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

983 568 368 258 164 83 50 34 24 19 16 13 11 8.8 7.9 6.9 5.6

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

APPENDIX 1 97 Site G38--North Popo Agie River near Lander, Wyoming 06232500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1939-53 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1940-53

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia­ annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50# 100# October 82 11 39 22 0.56 3.1 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1% November 59 7.4 34 12 .36 2.6 1 11 7.5 5.9 4.9 3.8 3.3 December 38 11 27 7.1 .27 2.1 3 12 8.0 6.4 5.2 4.1 3.5 January 32 8.6 23 5.8 .25 1.8 7 13 8.6 6.9 5.7 4.5 3.9 February 31 10 21 5.3 .25 1.7 14 14 9.5 7.5 6.1 4.8 4.0 March 34 11 21 4.9 .23 1.7 30 16 11 8.3 6.7 5.1 4.3 April 111 14 45 25 .56 3.6 60 18 13 11 8.7 6.8 5.8 May 394 90 249 91 .37 19.6 90 22 16 13 11 8.1 6.6 June 748 90 492 210 .43 38.7 120 23 18 14 11 8.7 7.0 July 448 21 232 144 .62 18.2 183 26 19 15 12 9.4 7.8 August 128 6.7 55 41 .74 4.3

September 95 11 34 24 .72 2.7

Annual 155 30 106 37 .35 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1939-53

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perj0(j probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con­ record 1940-53 secutive 2 5 10 25 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 1,030 1,400 1,580 1,760 1,870 1,960

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 924 1,250 1,420 1,590 1,700 1,780 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 805 1,090 1,240 1,380 1,470 1,550 1,130 1,660 2,010 2,440 2,770 3,080 15 677 909 1,020 1,120 1,170 1,210

Weighted skew (logs) = -0.20 30 557 752 842 924 968 1,000 Mean (logs) = 3.05 Standard deviation (logs) = 0.20 60 423 578 648 710 743 768

90 330 461 522 579 610 633

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1939-53

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

938 506 321 214 129 61 40 31 27 24 21 15 11 8.0 6.8 6.2 5.3

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

98 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G40--l_ittle Popo Agie River at Hudson, Wyoming 06233500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1939-53 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1940-53

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50# 100# October 80 18 56 18 0.32 4.9 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1% November 69 16 50 13 .25 4.4 1 13 3.5 1.4 0.59 0.19 0.09 December 62 18 41 11 .26 3.6 3 15 4.1 1.7 .71 .24 .11 January 52 14 36 10 .29 3.2 7 17 5.0 2.2 .96 .34 .16 February 50 21 38 9.5 .25 3.3 14 20 6.6 3.0 1.4 .52 .25 March 87 32 52 13 .25 4.6 30 23 9.1 4.6 2.4 .99 .51 April 137 45 94 26 .28 8.3 60 30 14 7.6 4.1 1.8 1.0 May 425 82 236 93 .39 20.7 90 35 19 12 7.9 4.4 2.8 June 668 41 325 176 .54 28.6 120 38 25 18 13 8.6 6.3 July 310 11 121 90 .74 10.6 183 43 29 22 17 12 9.0 August 92 1.3 43 30 .70 3.8

September 104 6.0 44 27 .62 3.9

Annual 147 26 95 34 .36 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1939-53

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perjocj probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of record 1940-53 (con­ secutive 2 5 10 25 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 581 871 1,050 1,270 1,420 1,570

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 513 782 957 1,170 1,330 1,480 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 454 701 858 1,050 1,180 1,300 684 935 1,110 1,340 1,520 1,710 15 405 613 733 864 949 1,020 Weighted skew (logs) = 0.24 30 351 521 619 725 793 853 Mean (logs) = 2.84 Standard deviation (logs) =0.1 6 60 283 416 487 560 604 641

90 236 338 389 438 467 489

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1 939-53

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

601 363 247 159 116 78 62 52 46 39 33 24 14 5.2 2.5 1.5 0.57

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

APPENDIX 1 99 Site G42-Popo Agie River near Arapahoe, Wyoming 06233900

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1980- Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1981-89

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ftVs) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10# 20# 50# 100# October 383 80 197 87 0.44 4.7 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1% November 197 116 153 31 .20 3.7 1 61 35 25 18 12 9.0 December 165 100 128 21 .17 3.1 3 65 40 29 21 15 11 January 155 88 112 20 .18 2.7 7 72 46 35 27 20 16 February 145 84 112 22 :19 2.7 14 84 59 47 37 28 22 March 209 97 150 37 .25 3.6 30 95 67 52 41 29 23 April 470 101 246 112 .45 5.9 60 108 79 62 48 35 27 May 1,290 272 748 367 .49 18.0 90 114 87 71 58 44 36 June 2,920 404 1,340 899 .67 32.2 120 123 96 81 68 54 45 July 1,180 91 594 382 .64 14.3 183 142 111 95 82 69 61 August 298 40 183 94 .51 4.4

September 331 60 194 79 .41 4.7

Annual 566 186 347 136 .39 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1980-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perjocl probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of record 198 1-89 ^con" secutive 2 5 10 25# 50# 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) . 2,120 3,050 3,710 4,590 5,270 5,980

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 1,950 2,890 3,570 4,490 5,210 5,980 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 1,740 2,650 3,290 4,130 4,780 5,440 (Not calculated for this station) 1,600 2,460 3,040 3,770 4,310 4,840

30 1,320 2,100 2,680 3,490 4,140 4,840

60 1,030 1,610 2,060 2,690 3,210 3,770

90 811 1,250 1,580 2,040 2,410 2,820

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1980-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

2,760 1,380 830 539 385 263 199 166 144 128 112 91 77 59 43 34 24

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

100 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G45~Little Wind River near Riverton, Wyoming 06235500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1942-89 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1943-89

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia­ annual perjocj probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con- secutive 2 5 10 20 50 100 October 728 115 328 131 0.40 4.7 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1% November 501 174 279 71 .25 4.0 1 107 76 62 52 42 36

December 351 129 213 42 .20 3.1 3 112 79 64 53 42 36

January 302 95 185 40 .22 2.7 7 118 83 67 56 45 38

February 728 123 212 91 .43 3.0 14 127 90 74 61 49 42

March 427 181 264 54 .20 3.8 30 141 102 84 70 57 49

April 1,040 148 372 167 .45 5.4 60 163 121 101 86 71 62

May 2,350 242 1,130 532 .47 16.2 90 182 144 126 111 9-7 87

June 5,110 288 2,420 1,200 .50 34.8 120 199 164 147 134 120 111

July 2,830 117 1,020 712 .70 14.7 183 220 177 158 145 131 123 August 699 58 264 149 .56 3.8

September 1,320 83 265 197 .74 3.8

Annual 1,020 236 579 194 .33 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1942-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance F 7o) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of Period (con­ record 1943-89 secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100 days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 4,510 6,720 8,030 9,500 10,500 11,300

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 4,150 6,070 7,130 8,270 8,980 9,590 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 3,720 5,340 6,170 6,960 7,420 7,780 (Not calculated for this station) 15 3,200 4,570 5,250 5,880 6,240 6,510

30 2,620 3,780 4,380 4,970 5,320 5,600

60 1 ,950 2,810 3,270 3,720 3,990 4,210

90 1,510 2,160 2,520 2,890 3,120 3,310

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1942-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

4,590 2,440 1,480 915 600 395 313 267 234 206 180 147 121 74 62 50

APPENDIX 1 101 Site G49-Muskrat Creek near Shoshoni, Wyoming 06239000

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1951-58, 1960-73 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1952-58, 1961-73

Coeffi- Percent- Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia- annual probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50 100# October 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.02 4.7 0.0 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1% November .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 (Not calculated for this stations) December 1.0 .00 .05 .21 4.7 .1

January .00 .00 .00 .00 .0

February 245 .00 15 54 3.7 33.7

March 7.4 .00 .39 1.6 4.0 .9

April 101 .00 5.1 21 4.2 11.8

May 151 .00 10 32 3.1 23.8

June 140 .00 10 30 2.8 24.1

July 24 .00 1.6 5.3 3.4 3.6

August 4.7 .00 .41 1.3 3.2 .9 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1951-58, 1960-73 September 3.3 .00 .45 .95 2.1 1.0 Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Annual 22 .00 3.5 6.1 1.7 100 recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance Period probability, in percent (%) (con­ secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of record 1952-58, 1961-73 1 146 636 1,250 2,410 3,570 5,010

3 71 336 701 1,450 2,270 3,350 Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 7 33 165 358 777 1,260 1,930

2 5 10 25 50 100 15 16 87 197 451 759 1,210 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 30 9.0 48 108 246 413 655 781 2,020 3,370 5,870 8,450 11,800 60 5.2 26 58 127 207 319

Weighted skew (logs) =0.1 2 90 3.6 18 38 84 138 214 Mean doss")- 2.90 Standard deviation (logs) = 0.48

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1951-58, 1960-73

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 70% 80% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

48 0.46 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

102 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G50-Fivemile Creek above Wyoming Canal, near Pavillion, Wyoming 06244500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1950-75, 1989 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1951-75

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia­ annual period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con- secutive 2 5 10 20 50 100 October 5.5 0.00 2.0 1.5 0.76 7.1 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1%

November 6.1 .00 2.2 1.8 .83 7.7 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 December 5.3 .00 1.2 1.3 1.1 4.2 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 January 3.3 .00 1.1 1.2 1.1 4.0 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 February 6.9 .00 2.5 1.9 .76 8.8 14 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 March 12 .27 4.3 2.7 .61 15.4 30 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 April 6.6 .10 3.7 1.8 .49 12.9 60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .04 May 7.7 .38 3.1 1.7 .54 11.0 90 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .15 June 26 .04 3.7 6.0 1.6 13.2 120 .00 .00 .00 .00 .05 .37 July 12 .00 1.4 2.4 1.8 4.9 183 .00 .00 .00 .04 .15 .86 August 5.8 .00 .57 1.2 2.2 2.0

September 15 .00 2.5 3.8 1.5 8.8

Annual 5.1 .25 2.3 1.4 .61 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of lecord 1950-75, 1989

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance proisaDiiiiy, in fpercent ("/a) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of Period (con­ record 1951-75 secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100 days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 27 57 88 145 203 279

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 19 36 51 77 102 131 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 12 23 34 51 66 85 (Not calculated for this station) 15 8.3 15 21 30 39 48

30 6.5 11 15 19 23 27

60 5.1 8.5 11 13 14 16

90 4.6 7.2 8.6 10 11 12

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1950-75, 1989

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

20 7.7 5.8 4.7 3.9 2.9 1.9 0.48 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

APPENDIX 1 103 Site G52--Muddy Creek near Pavillion, Wyoming 06257500

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1950-53, 1955-58, 1960-64, 1966-73 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1950-53, 1956-58, 1961-64, 1967-73

Coeffi- Percent- Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia- annual Period probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con­ secutive 2 5 10 20 50# 100# October 14 0.40 3.7 3.2 0.87 6.3 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1 % November 8.0 .25 3.3 2.3 .68 5.7 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 December 7.7 .00 1.9 1.8 .98 3.2 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 January 4.1 .00 1.4 1.4 .98 2.4 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 February 8.5 .00 3.4 2.3 ,68 5.9 14 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 March 14 3.9 7.9 3.0 .38 13.6 30 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 April 33 2.7 8.8 6.3 .72 15.1 60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .35 May 24 .98 7.7 6.4 .82 13.4 90 .00 .00 .00 .02 .10 .70 June 57 .14 9.7 14 1.5 16.7 120 1.2 .42 .24 .14 .08 .05 July 18 .00 4.5 5.0 1.1 7.8 183 1.8 .76 .45 .29 .16 .11 August 9.4 .00 1.9 2.3 1.2 3.2

September 21 .00 3.8 5.1 1.3 6.6

Annual 9.7 1.5 4.8 2.2 .45 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1950-53, 1955-58, 1960-64, 1966-73

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perj0d probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of (con­ record 1950-53, 1956-58, 1961-64, 1967-73 secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100# days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 87 164 230 333 424 527

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 48 86 121 180 237 307 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 29 51 74 116 161 220 395 985 1,550 2,480 3,330 4,310 15 19 33 47 73 100 138 Weighted skew (logs) = -0.22 30 14 23 32 47 64 85 Mean (logs) = 2.58 Standard deviation (logs) = 0.49 60 11 17 23 31 39 48

90 9.1 14 18 24 30 36

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1 950-53, 1 955-58, 1 960-64,1966-73

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

45 16 11 7.8 6.5 4.8 3.6 2.6 1.6 0.73 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

# Reliability of values in column is uncertain, and potential errors are large.

104 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G53--Wind River below Boysen Reservoir, Wyoming 06259000

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1952- Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1953-89

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia­ annual perj0d probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con- secutive 2 5 10 20 50 100 October 2,850 332 1,240 554 0.45 7.3 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1%

November 2,090 306 1,250 492 .39 7.3 1 564 231 98 39 10 3.7

December 2,010 301 1,220 447 .37 7.2 3 660 296 140 63 20 8.4

January 2,210 299 1,150 447 .39 6.8 7 677 458 359 287 218 178

February 2,200 210 1,120 490 .44 6.6 14 738 497 385 305 227 184

March 2,030 213 1,170 501 .43 6.9 30 790 548 432 346 262 214

April 2,240 389 1,280 495 .38 7.5 60 890 616 480 379 280 224

May 2,360 111 1,400 422 .30 8.2 90 1,010 706 544 422 304 238

June 5,220 1,010 2,010 1,180 .59 11.8 120 1,100 768 588 450 317 243

July 8,820 1,020 2,410 1,910 .79 14.2 183 1,200 836 641 493 349 269 August 2,320 922 1,460 430 .29 8.6

September 2,500 732 1,300 386 .30 7.6

Annual 2,350 612 1,420 400 .28 100 Magnitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1952-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probabihty, in percent(%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of Period (con­ record 1953-89 secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100 days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 3,050 5,400 7,440 10,700 1 3,600 17,000

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 2,990 5,320 7,370 10,600 13,600 17,100 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 2,830 5,060 7,070 10,400 13,400 17,100 (Not calculated for this station) 15 2,660 4,710 6,600 9,740 12,700 16,400

30 2,370 4,050 5,590 8,160 10,600 13,600

60 2,100 3,240 4,200 5,690 7,020 8,570

90 1,950 2,810 3,480 4,460 5,280 6,190

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1952-89

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 60% 70% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

6,380 2,370 2,180 1,9 1,830 1,600 1,390 1,210 1,110 1,020 932 381 304 284 202 119

APPENDIX 1 105 Site G54-South Fork Owl Creek near Anchor, Wyoming 06260000

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1960-85 Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft~ /s, cubic feet per second] record 1961-85

Coeffi­ Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance varia­ Maximum Minimum Mean deviation annual Perio j probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con secuti ve 2 5 10 20 50 100 October 24 6.7 11 3.8 0.34 2.9 days) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1 % November 11 3.5 6.8 1.8 .27 1.7 1 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.13 0.33 1.2 December 8.0 1.2 4.6 1.8 .39 1.2 3 .00 .00 .04 .17 .40 1.3 January 7.2 .08 3.4 2.1 .63 .9 7 .00 .00 .05 .20 .48 1.6 February 6.2 .19 3.1 1.9 .60 .8 14 1.9 .52 .21 .09 .03 .01 March 15 .32 5.1 3.2 .63 1.3 30 2.5 .76 .31 .13 .04 .02 April 51 1.6 15 11 .69 3.8 60 2.7 1.1 .64 .38 .19 .12 May 142 25 73 30 .41 18.4 90 3.1 1.5 1.0 .66 .40 .27 June 368 40 161 78 .49 40.5 120 3.7 2.2 1.5 1.1 .71 .53 July 203 16 74 52 .70 18.6 183 5.6 4.2 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.5 August 58 8.3 24 12 .50 6.1

September 36 6.7 16 6.8 .43 3.9

Annual 62 14 33 12 .36 100 Ma;'nitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1960-85

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perjocj probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of record 1961-85 (con­ secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100 days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 1 312 455 543 646 716 782

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 280 410 487 576 635 689 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 246 362 428 501 548 589 483 785 1,030 1,380 1,690 2,030 15 206 309 369 435 478 516 Weighted skew (logs) = 0.28 30 172 255 302 353 386 414 Mean (logs) = 2.70 Standard deviation (logs) = 0.24 60 129 187 221 261 288 313

90 101 143 169 197 215 232

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1960-85

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

321 166 94 61 41 22 14 9.9 7.1 5.5 4.1 2.3 1.1 0.47 0.27 0.11 0.02

106 WATER RESOURCES OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION Site G57--South Fork Owl Creek below Anchor Reservoir, Wyoming 06260400

Summary of monthly and annual discharge 1960-S Magnitude and frequency of annual low flow, based on period of [ft3/s, cubic feet per second] record 1961-88

Coeffi- Percent­ Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated Standard cient of age of recurrence interval, in years, and nonexceedance Maximum Minimum Mean deviation varia- annual Perio j probability, in percent (%) Month (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) tion runoff (con secuti ve 2 5 10 20 50 100 October 21 2.5 7.4 3.7 0.50 2.8 days;) 50% 20% 10% 5% 2% 1% November 8.9 .01 2.7 2.1 .76 1.0 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 December 3.9 .00 .98 1.2 1.2 .4 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 January 2.4 .00 .40 .59 1.5 .2 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 February 2.8 .00 .71 .80 1.1 .3 14 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 March 8.7 .00 2.1 2.3 1.1 .8 30 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .07 April 30 1.0 10 7.7 .76 3.8 60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .17 May 90 14 50 22 .45 18.9 90 .00 .00 .00 .00 .03 .26 June 226 35 98 45 .45 37.0 120 .00 .00 .00 .00 .12 .45 July 124 12 58 33 .57 21.9 183 2.0 1.3 1.1 .96 .81 .73 August 60 4.2 23 15 .66 8.5

September 24 4.0 12 5.3 .45 4.5

Annual 36 11 22 6.7 .30 100 Mag;nitude and frequency of annual high flow, based on period of record 1960-88

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance perjocj probability, in percent (%) Magnitude and frequency of instantaneous peak flow, based on period of record 1961 -88 (con' secutive 2 5 10 25 50 100 days) 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% Discharge, in cubic feet per second, for indicated recurrence interval, in years, and exceedance probability, in percent (%) 174 223 253 290 316 342

2 5 10 25 50 100 3 166 213 241 272 294 314 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 7 149 195 221 249 267 283 (Not calculated for this station) 131 175 199 223 238 251

30 111 151 173 198 214 229

60 87 117 134 154 167 180

90 70 93 106 122 132 142

Duration table of daily mean flow for period of record 1 960-88

Discharge, in cubic feet per second, which was exceeded for indicated percent (%) of time

1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.9%

192 115 76 49 30 16 9.2 5,7 3.0 1.4 0.37 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00



[Constituent, values in milligrams per liter except as indicated; %, percent; |U,S/cm, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; °C, degrees Celsius; JCU, Jackson candle units; |LLg/L micrograms per liter; pCi/L, picocuries per liter; CaCO3, calcium carbonate; SiO2, silica oxide; N, nitrogen; P, phosphorus; U-natural, uranium natural; Sr, strontium; Yt, yttrium; U, uranium; <, less than; --, no data. Statistical summaries are listed only when the sample size of the constituent is 11 or greater. Chemical-quality data less than the constituent detection limit are called censored data and were statistically analyzed using a log-probability regression procedure described in a report by Maddy and others (1990, p. 5-15 to 5-18)]

APPENDIX 2 109 Site G2-Wind River above Red Creek, near Dubois, Wyoming 06220800 Range of sample dates: 1986-90

WATERRESOU Percentage of samples in which values were less than Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown Sample (median) Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% 3) Specific conductance (jiS/cm) 27 459 138 451 395 314 218 141 Orn Water temperature (°C) 31 18 0.0 17 15 7.0 1.0 0.0 -n0 H Hardness, total as CaCC>3 27 240 49 228 190 150 93 53 rn Calcium, dissolved 27 66 14 62 53 41 26 15 z o Magnesium, dissolved 27 18 3.4 17 14 12 6.8 3.5 3) m Sodium, dissolved 27 19 4.0 17 12 11 7.1 4.1 3) 3) 26 3.8 1.0 3.7 2.9 2.6 1.7 1.1 rn Potassium, dissolved m Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 24 180 52 180 150 125 88 54 3) > Sulfate, dissolved 26 50 7.1 48 37 33 20 7.5 6 Chloride, dissolved 26 6.5 .30 6.4 4.7 3.8 2.5 .54 Fluoride, dissolved 26 .60 .10 .56 .40 .30 .20 .10 Silica, dissolved as SiO2 27 23 7.3 23 21 19 17 9.6 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 24 267 70 266 236 200 130 74 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 26 1.3 <.10 1.2* .20* .10* .07* .02* Phosphorus, total as P 26 1.1 <.03 .77* .06* .04* .03* .01* Selenium (|ig/L) 18 <5.0 <1.0 ------

* Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit. Site G16-Wind River near Crowheart, Wyoming 06225500 Range of sample dates: 1970-90

Percentage of samples in which values were less than Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown Sample (median) Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% Specific conductance (^iS/cm) 29 570 100 503 358 253 140 110 Water temperature (°C) 237 22 0.0 18 15 11 5.0 0.0 Hardness, total as CaCO3 23 210 49 208 170 130 67 50 Calcium, dissolved 23 57 13 57 46 33 19 13 Magnesium, dissolved 23 17 3.1 17 14 10 4.8 3.2 Sodium, dissolved 23 47 4.5 41 16 12 6.3 4.5 Potassium, dissolved 22 3.3 .80 3.2 2.7 2.2 1.1 .80 Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 19 190 41 190 150 98 58 41 Sulfate, dissolved 21 99 8.2 97 50 35 17 8.9 Chloride, dissolved 22 6.0 <1.0 6.0* 3.3* 2.8* 1.6* .90* Fluoride, dissolved 22 .70 .10 .70 .30 .30 .18 .10 Silica, dissolved as SiO2 23 20 3.9 20 16 15 12 4.4 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 19 350 67 350 231 154 101 67 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 22 .50 <.10 .47* .20* .10* .05* .02* Phosphorus, total as P 22 .28 <.03 .26* .05* .03* .02* .01* Selenium, dissolved (^g/L) 16 <5.0 <1.0 ------

* Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit.

o o m z o x ro Site G22-Wind River at Riverton, Wyoming 06228000 Range of sample dates: 1947-90

Percentage of samples in which values were less than tnI Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown 3J Sample (median) 3J tn Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% (/) O Specific conductance (iiS/cm) 305 740 144 568 474 414 296 198 o3J pH (units) 293 8.9 7.0 8.5 8.2 8.0 7.8 7.3 tn V) Water temperature (°C) 410 28.5 .0 22 17 13 5.4 .0 O Turbidity (JCU) 58 90 1.0 80 20 5.5 3.0 1.0 m Hardness, total as CaCO3 358 270 60 220 190 160 110 79 Calcium, dissolved 358 71 18 62 51 44 32 23 z o Magnesium, dissolved 358 23 .80 19 14 12 7.7 4.4 3) Sodium, dissolved 330 96 4.9 48 32 26 20 8.9 in 3) Potassium, dissolved 333 5.2 .0 3.4 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.2 3) m Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 358 240 60 194 160 135 100 70 V) tn 358 200 9.9 120 85 69 49 21 3) Sulfate, dissolved Chloride, dissolved 358 23 .10 11 7.0 5.2 3.5 1.5 Fluoride, dissolved 357 1.6 .0 .50 .40 .30 .20 .10 Silica, dissolved as SiO2 358 29 .10 20 17 14 12 8.2 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 330 548 89 369 303 263 191 121 Nitrate, dissolved as N 86 1.3 .0 .37 .18 .07 .02 .0 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 60 1.9 <.10 .40* .21* .10* .07* .03* Phosphorus, total as P 130 .60 <.01 .26* .05* .03* .01* .004* Arsenic, dissolved (|ig/L) 17 3.0 <1.0 3.0* 2.0* 1.0* 1.0* .47* Barium, dissolved ((J.g/L) 16 75 40 75 70 60 51 40 Boron, dissolved (iig/L) 197 600 .0 191 70 50 30 10 Chromium, dissolved 16 3.0 <1.0 3.0* 2.0* 1.1* .78* .44* Iron, dissolved ((J-g/L) 41 130 <3.0 113* 30* 19* 8.1* 2.8* Manganese, dissolved (fig/L) 16 16 2 16 9.8 8.0 5.0 2.0 Mercury, dissolved (fig/L) 14 .40 <.10 .40* .22* .13* .08* .05* Selenium ((J-g/L) 15 <3.0 <1.0 ------Alpha, gross, dissolved as U-natural (fig/L) 19 24 <3.0 24* 6.4* 5.4* 3.3* 2.2* Beta, gross, dissolved as Sr/Yt-90 (pCi/L) 19 10 1.0 10 5.7 4.5 3.4 1.0 Radium 226, dissolved, radon method (pCi/L) 19 1.0 <.20 1.0* .22* .12* .10* .09* Uranium, natural (fig/L) 19 22 1.8 22 6.2 4.2 3.2 1.8

* Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit. Site G23--South Fork Little Wind River above Washakie Reservoir, near Fort Washakie, Wyoming 06228350 Range of sample dates: 1976-90

Percentage of samples in which values were less than Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown Sample (median) Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% Specific conductance (u.S/cm) 116 200 24 146 97 64 49 29 pH (units) 30 8.4 6.7 8.3 7.7 7.4 7.2 6.7 Water temperature (°C) 118 19 .0 16 10 5.0 1.0 .0 Hardness, total as CaCO3 116 86 9.0 60 46 28 17 12 Calcium, dissolved 116 21 2.3 15 12 7.7 4.7 3.3 Magnesium, dissolved 116 8.2 .30 5.3 3.8 2.3 1.3 .70 Sodium, dissolved 116 9.3 .90 6.1 4.4 2.8 1.8 .99 Potassium, dissolved 115 2.0 .0 1.1 .80 .60 .50 .30 Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 114 69 6.0 47 36 22 15 10 Sulfate, dissolved 114 13 .0 10 6.3 4.6 2.8 1.2 Chloride, dissolved 114 25 .40 11 8.3 4.4 1.8 .80 Fluoride, dissolved 114 .70 <.10 .20* .10* .10* .06* .04* Silica, dissolved as SiO2 116 27 1.2 7.9 6.6 4.7 3.0 2.1 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 110 123 15 82 63 42 26 19 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 108 1.6 <.10 .22* .12* .08* .04* .01* Phosphorus, total as P 112 2.2 <.01 .05* .02* .01* .004* .001* Selenium (u.g/L) 14 <5.0 <1.0 ------

*Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit. Site G34-Ray Lake outlet near Fort Washakie, Wyoming 06230300 Range of sample dates: 1960-70

1m Percentage of samples in which values were less than 3) Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown 3J m Sample (median) O Minimum c Constituent size Maximum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% 3) 0 Specific conductance (nS/cm) 37 997 678 975 892 788 716 682 m O n pH (units) 37 8.0 6.9 8.0 7.6 7.4 7.2 6.9 H Hardness, total as CaCO3 37 310 190 310 270 230 210 190 mX $ Calcium, dissolved 37 69 33 68 55 44 35 33 z O Magnesium, dissolved 37 37 24 36 32 30 26 24 3J m Sodium, dissolved 37 110 64 101 91 79 70 64 3) m3) Potassium, dissolved 37 3.6 .30 3.1 2.7 2.1 1.4 .39 m 3) Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 37 137 62 136 118 98 77 65 Sulfate, dissolved 37 370 220 361 330 300 255 229 oi z Chloride, dissolved 37 11 6.2 9.7 8.6 8.1 7.2 6.4 Fluoride, dissolved 37 .40 .10 .40 .30 .20 .20 .19 Silica, dissolved as SiO2 37 8.1 .40 5.8 5.0 3.3 2.3 1.4 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 37 666 432 662 576 503 459 432 Nitrate, dissolved as N 32 .32 .0 .29 .20 .09 .05 .0 Boron, dissolved (Hg/L) 37 130 50 121 90 80 70 60

"Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit. Site G36-Little Wind River above Arapahoe, Wyoming 06231000 Range of sample dates: 1966-90

Percentage of samples in which values were less than Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown Sample (median) Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% Specific conductance ((iS/cm) 171 2,160 179 1,428 1,080 900 709 310 pH (units) 140 8.7 7.0 8.5 8.3 8.0 7.8 7.4 Water temperature (°C) 241 25 .0 22 16 10 .0 .0 Turbidity (JCU) 48 55 1.0 33 14 5.0 2.0 1.0 Hardness, total as CaCO3 226 800 67 516 410 350 288 110 Calcium, dissolved 226 140 18 100 90 79 64 28 Magnesium, dissolved 226 110 5.4 64 46 37 29 9.4 Sodium, dissolved 226 260 8.0 137 88 68 47 16 Potassium, dissolved 228 6.5 .10 4.4 3.2 2.6 2.0 1.2 Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 224 240 48 210 180 160 140 65 Sulfate, dissolved 224 1,000 31 580 400 310 230 77 Chloride, dissolved 226 33 .10 21 14 10 8.5 2.2 Fluoride, dissolved 226 6.0 .0 .90 .70 .50 .40 .20 Silica, dissolved as SiO2 224 16 .0 12 9.2 7.1 5.6 3.4 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 222 1,650 102 1,020 755 615 476 184 Nitrate, dissolved as N 79 .61 .0 .45 .34 .16 .07 .0 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 73 .70 <.10 .44* .30* .10* .06* .03* Phosphorus, total as P 149 .84 <.01 .15* .05* .02* .01* .004* Boron, dissolved (|ig/L) 89 250 .0 215 150 100 80 30 Iron, dissolved (|ig/L) 33 180 <10 166* 55* 30* 20* 6.6* Selenium (|ig/L) 14 <5.0 <1.0 ------Alpha, gross, dissolved as U-natural (|ig/L) 20 17 <1.0 17* 11* 7.9* 3.6* 2.3* Beta, gross, dissolved as Sr/Yt-90 (pCi/L) 20 17 <3.9 17* 6.8* 5.4* 3.7* 2.8* Radium 226, dissolved, radon method (pCi/L) 20 .90 <.20 .90* .65* .40* .30* .16* Uranium, natural (|ig/L) 20 12 1.8 12 8.2 6.4 3.7 1.8

* Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit. Site G42--Popo Agie River near Arapahoe, Wyoming 06233900 Range of sample dates: 1980-90

WATERRESOUI Percentage of samples in which values were less than Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown Sample (median) Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% 3D O Specific conductance (fiS/cm) 114 1,450 188 1,040 896 816 605 287 m CO O n Water temperature (°C) 119 24.5 .0 22 18 12 5.0 .0 H Hardness, total as CaCO3 117 520 72 413 375 340 250 109 m ^ Calcium, dissolved 117 120 19 100 87 80 61 28 z o Magnesium, dissolved 117 59 6.0 46 38 32 23 9.1 3D m Sodium, dissolved 117 120 7.4 81 62 50 35 13 3D m3D Potassium, dissolved 116 7.3 .60 3.8 2.7 2.4 1.9 1.1 mCO 3D Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 114 250 51 213 180 160 130 66 Sulfate, dissolved 116 570 35 380 310 250 180 65 i0 z Chloride, dissolved 115 11 .90 8.7 6.3 5.0 3.6 1.4 Fluoride, dissolved 116 .60 .10 .40 .30 .30 .20 .10 Silica, dissolved as SiO2 117 13 1.9 12 9.2 8.2 6.7 5.1 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 113 1,020 118 741 622 541 389 163 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 96 1.6 <.10 1.2* .32* .10* .04* .01* Phosphorus, total as P 90 .72 .01 .39 .08 .06 .04 .02 Selenium (fig/L) 21 <5.0 <1.0 ------Alpha, gross, dissolved as U-natural (fig/L) 17 11 <3.0 11* 9.6* 5.3* 3.0* 1.7* Beta, gross, dissolved as Sr/Yt-90 (pCi/L) 17 18 <4.7 18* 5.7* 4.3* 3.1* .50* Radium 226, dissolved, radon method (pCi/L) 17 .40 <.20 .40* .15* .12* .11* .08* Uranium, natural (fig/L) 17 9.8 1.5 9.8 6.8 5.7 4.3 1.5

* Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit. Site G44--Beaver Creek near Arapahoe, Wyoming 06235000 Range of sample dates: 1951-90

Percentage of samples in which values were less than Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown Sample (median) Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% Specific conductance (fiS/cm) 77 3,060 552 2,720 2,090 1,790 1,070 613 pH (units) 86 8.6 7.2 8.4 8.2 8.0 7.8 7.4 Water temperature (°C) 126 32 .0 27 14 6.0 .0 .0 Hardness, total as CaCO3 112 980 130 887 680 560 360 193 Calcium, dissolved 112 280 35 250 190 150 100 57 Magnesium, dissolved 112 96 8.9 67 50 39 24 12 Sodium, dissolved 110 390 35 310 230 180 100 46 Potassium, dissolved 114 93 1.1 15 10 7.9 6.3 3.7 Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 112 430 82 300 240 200 160 110 Sulfate, dissolved 112 1,100 110 1,000 725 600 350 146 Chloride, dissolved 112 230 17 180 138 100 52 23 Fluoride, dissolved 112 3.5 .30 1.8 1.2 1.0 .70 .40 Silica, dissolved as SiO2 112 28 .0 22 19 17 15 10 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 110 2,270 307 2,000 1,500 1,260 796 375 Nitrate, dissolved as N 57 .70 .0 .39 .17 .09 .04 .0 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 15 1.0 .0 1.0 .30 .19 .11 .0 Phosphorus, total as P 62 2.0 <.01 .92* .26* .06* .02* .003* Boron, dissolved (|ig/L) 50 610 30 504 378 265 140 65 Iron, dissolved (|ig/L) 17 260 <10 260* 65* 40* 16* 4.7* Alpha, gross, dissolved as U-natural (|ig/L) 15 60 <3.0 60* 16* 9.6* 7.8* 3.6* Beta, gross, dissolved as Sr/Yt-90 (pCi/L) 15 83 <18 83* 23* 14* 8.6* 1.5* Radium 226, dissolved, radon method (pCi/L) 15 1.6 <.10 1.6* .38* .18* .14* .03* Uranium, natural (|ig/L) 15 19 4.0 19 12 11 7.7 4.0

* Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit. Site G45-Little Wind River near Riverton, Wyoming 06235500 Range of sample dates: 1953-90

Percentage of samples in which values were less than mI a» Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown a» m Sample (median) (/) Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% O 5% c a» Specific conductance (|iS/cm) 250 1,590 204 1,230 980 852 647 279 o m pH (units) 247 8.6 6.9 8.5 8.2 8.0 7.8 7.3 Water temperature (°C) 348 26 .0 22 17 12 4.0 .0 m Hardness, total as CaCO3 303 540 66 450 380 330 260 110 zi Calcium, dissolved 301 120 14 100 90 79 60 28 o 3J Magnesium, dissolved 301 85 3.0 49 39 33 24 7.1 m Sodium, dissolved 296 160 9.0 110 75 61 46 12 aj m Potassium, dissolved 298 49 .10 4.6 3.1 2.6 2.0 1.2 m a> Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 303 246 45 200 180 160 130 67 Sulfate, dissolved 303 640 38 470 340 290 210 56 O Z Chloride, dissolved 303 30 .10 ' 20 13 9.6 7.1 2.5 Fluoride, dissolved 302 5.0 .0 .70 .60 .50 .40 .20 Silica, dissolved as SiO2 303 32 .20 14 10 8.3 6.5 4.7 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 297 1,130 111 868 674 578 451 167 Nitrate, dissolved as N 84 1.3 .0 .73 .40 .14 .05 .0 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 41 1.0 .0 .73 .30 .10 .02 .0 Phosphorus, total as P 117 1.6 <.01 .52* .11* .04* .02* .004* Boron, dissolved (|J.g/L) 190 650 .0 180 120 90 60 16 Iron, dissolved (|lg/L) 23 200 <10 188 50 20 8.5 2.5 Alpha, gross, dissolved as U-narural (|J.g/L) 20 16 <3 16* 13* 6.4* 3.6* 2.7* Beta, gross, dissolved as Sr/Yt-90 (pCi/L) 20 15 <6.5 15* 7.0* 5.1* 4.6* 2.4* Radium 226, dissolved, radon method (pCi/L) 20 .60 <.02 .59* .24* .18* .15* .03* Uranium, natural (|J.g/L) 20 9.7 1.3 9.6 7.9 6.3 4.9 1.3

* Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit. Site G48-Wind River above Boysen Reservoir, near Shoshoni, Wyoming 06236100 Range of sample dates: 1973-90

Percentage of samples in which values were less than or Descriptive statistics equal to those shown Sample (median) Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% Specific conductance ((J.S/cm) 92 1,100 193 843 704 600 520 262 pH (units) 97 8.6 7.2 8.6 8.2 8.0 7.9 7.5 Water temperature (°C) 161 25 .0 21 17 9.0 .0 .0 Turbidity (JCU) 76 1,300 1.0 266 50 10 4.0 1.0 Hardness, total as CaCC>3 102 400 74 328 272 250 198 80 Calcium, dissolved 102 96 20 81 71 64 49 22 Magnesium, dissolved 102 39 5.5 31 25 22 18 6.2 Sodium, dissolved 102 110 9.2 80 55 46 37 12 Potassium, dissolved 102 4.9 .80 3.9 3.1 2.8 2.4 1.5 Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 78 270 53 210 190 170 140 65 Sulfate, dissolved 102 400 29 270 180 160 130 44 Chloride, dissolved 102 34 .90 15 8.6 6.8 5.1 2.0 Fluoride, dissolved 102 .60 .10 .50 .40 .40 .30 .12 Silica, dissolved as SiC>2 101 23 6.3 17 13 11 9.4 7.3 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 102 775 115 617 467 422 336 134 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 95 .71 <.10 .49* .30* .11* .04* .01* Phosphorus, total as P 110 .65 <.01 .39* .13* .07* .04* .02* Boron, dissolved ((J-g/L) 25 120 30 114 85 70 70 33

*Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit. Site G50--Fivemile Creek above Wyoming Canal, near Pavillion, Wyoming 06244500 Range of sample dates: 1949-90

Percentage of samples in which values were less than WATERRESOURCE! Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown Sample (median) Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% Specific conductance (|iS/cm) 63 5,750 2,370 5,270 4,760 4,000 3,380 2,820 vt 37 8.4 7.1 8.4 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.3 O n pH (units) H Water temperature (°C) 88 28 .0 27 15 10 4.0 .0 m ^ Turbidity (JCU) 18 200 .0 200 15 2.5 1.0 .0 z 0 Hardness, total as CaCC>3 51 2,100 1,000 2,000 1,900 1,800 1,600 1,360 31 m Calcium, dissolved 51 690 310 580 490 460 430 362 31 m31 Magnesium, dissolved 51 240 18 210 170 140 120 57 m 31 Sodium, dissolved 67 820 220 798 590 360 290 238

H Potassium, dissolved 48 21 .50 17 12 11 9.8 8.6 O Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 69 240 89 230 200 170 160 130 Sulfate, dissolved 70 3,500 1,300 3,200 2,800 2,400 2,050 1,560 Chloride, dissolved 70 92 18 83 70 65 59 38 Fluoride, dissolved 50 1.8 .60 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.1 .70 Silica, dissolved as SiO2 50 22 4.8 15 11 8.9 7.9 5.3 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 47 5,080 2,320 4,830 3,850 3,360 2,930 2,470 Nitrate, dissolved as N 28 .18 .0 .17 .06 .02 .02 .0 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 19 .30 <.01 .30* .10* .06* .03* .01* Phosphorus, total as P 46 .17 <.01 .11* .02* .006* .002* .000* Selenium, dissolved (|ig/L) 15 4.0 <1.0 ------

* Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit. Site G53-Wind River below Boysen Reservoir, Wyoming 06259000 Range of sample dates: 1953-90

Percentage of samples in which values were less than Descriptive statistics or equal to those shown Sample (median) Constituent size Maximum Minimum 95% 75% 50% 25% 5% Specific conductance (|iS/cm) 462 1,460 322 1,050 794 697 614 483 pH (units) 399 8.8 6.3 8.4 8.2 7.9 7.6 7.1 Water temperature (°C) 224 24 .0 20 16 10 4.0 2.0 Turbidity (JCU) 79 100 1.0 10 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 Hardness, total as CaCO3 469 480 120 315 240 210 190 150 Calcium, dissolved 455 120 30 81 62 57 50 40 Magnesium, dissolved 455 47 7.3 27 21 18 15 11 Sodium, dissolved 468 160 32 100 77 65 56 40 Potassium, dissolved 439 5.0 .10 3.8 2.9 2.6 2.3 2.0 Alkalinity, total as CaCO3 452 210 82 180 150 140 120 100 Sulfate, dissolved 450 560 94 354 240 200 170 130 Chloride, dissolved 441 66 .10 15 9.6 8.1 6.6 4.8 Fluoride, dissolved 440 4.0 .0 .60 .40 .40 .30 .20 Silica, dissolved as SiO2 455 17 3.7 12 9.8 8.8 7.8 6.1 Dissolved solids, sum of constituents 437 1,050 246 692 506 443 386 300 Nitrate, dissolved as N 87 .54 .0 .35 .18 .14 .09 .0 Nitrite plus nitrate, dissolved as N 83 2.3 <.10 .92* .20* .14* .07* .03* Phosphorus, total as P 151 .27 <.01 .08* .04* .02* .01* .006* Arsenic, dissolved (|ig/L) 46 4.0 1.0 3.6 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 Barium, dissolved (|ig/L) 45 200 <100 100* 69* 63* 59* 54* Boron, dissolved (|ig/L) 271 270 10 140 100 70 60 40 Cadmium 49 3.0 <1.0 2.5* .64* .31* .14* .05* Chromium, dissolved (|ig/L) 49 20 <1.0 15* 1.7* .40* .12* .03* Iron, dissolved (|ig/L) 75 290 <10 206* 70* 20* 8.7* 4.2* Manganese, dissolved (|ig/L) 49 240 <1.0 145* 15* 6.0* 2.9* .75* Mercury, dissolved (|ig/L) 46 9.0 <.10 4.4* .10* .01* .001* .000* Selenium, dissolved (|ig/L) 48 2.0 <1.0 1.6* 1.0* 1.0* .80* .07* Alpha, gross, dissolved as U-natural (|ig/L) 13 19 <7.8 .19* 15* 12* 9.4* 8.1* Beta, gross, dissolved as Sr/Yt-90 (pCi/L) 13 8.0 <3.4 8.0* 6.4* 5.5* 4.8* 3.9* Radium 226, dissolved, radon method (pCi/L) 13 .19 .07 .19 .15 .11 .10 .07 Uranium, natural (|J.g/L) 13 11 5.2 11 10 9.3 7.9 5.2

* Value is estimated by using a log-probability regression to predict the values of data less than the detection limit.