International Federation of Automatic Control Secretariat: Schlossplatz 12, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria Phone (+43 2236) 71 4 47, Fax (+43 2236) 72 8 59, E-mail:
[email protected] – URL: 2010 No. 6 Dec. Newsletter Nonlinear Control Systems - NOLCOS 2010 Contents: IFAC Symposium Reminder - Call for IFAC Fellow Bologna, Italy, 1 - 3 September, 2010 Nominations 2011 * Nonlinear Control Systems The 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control NOLCOS 2010 Systems (Nolcos 2010) was held in Bologna (Ita- IFAC Symposium, Italy, Sept. 2010 ly) from September 1-3, 2010, and organized by the Department of Electronics, Computer Science * and Systems of the University of Bologna. IFAC Fellows 2010 * The IFAC NOLCOS symposium is a continuing Forthcoming Events series of symposia that were previously held in Capri (I) 1989, Bordeaux (F) 1992, Lake Tahoe (USA) 1995, Enschede (NL) 1998, Saint-Peters- burg (RUS) 2001, Stuttgart (DE) 2004, and Pre- Reminder toria (ZA) 2007. Call for IFAC Fellow Nominations 2011 Following the Nolcos tradition, the Symposium has addressed significant challenges in various fields of nonlinear control by focusing on the Deadline for the 2011 IFAC Fellow latest developments in theory and application of nonlinear control systems, as well as related areas Nominations is of research and engineering. The organization of the scientific program and of the social activities 31 December, 2010 of Nolcos 2010 has been specifically arranged to facilitate interaction between senior and young re- searchers sharing the passion for the study of non- Instructions and Forms are available on linear phenomena, to create new opportunities of the IFAC website at collaboration, and to stimulate cross-fertilization among different nonlinear control areas.