GARGRAVE & CONISTON COLD Parish Magazine APRIL 2014 £1 Inside this issue CONTACTS David’s Dispatches 1 Farming on Scaleber Hill 16 St Andrew’s Church, Gargrave Diary and events 2 Moyra’s Migrations 17 Vicar Revd David The Vicarage, Church Lane, 748468 News 5 Schools 20 Houlton
[email protected] Attentive to Beauty? 12 Children’s page 21 Churchwarden Jerry Ford 27 Marton Road, 748563 and treasurer
[email protected] Business directory Centre Sketchbook 22 Churchwarden Pat Cockshott 11 West Street, 749586 Lent with a difference 15, 18 Parish Council 23 Organist Susan Watkiss 798660,
[email protected] Evacuation – part 3 15 Rotas, railways and rubbish 24 PCC secretary Hugh Turner Kirk Syke, High Street, 748117 Gift Aid Sarah Curtis 11 Marton Road, 748510 St Peter’s Church, Coniston Cold Vicar Revd David as above Houlton Churchwarden Gerald Hall Robin’s Barn, Coniston Cold. 748497 Churchwarden Ethne Bannister Coniston Hall, Coniston Cold, 749551 & MU Leader
[email protected] Treasurer Brenda Northrop 749212 PCC secretary Sue Hutchinson 01729 851082 Electoral Roll Jacqui Coates 01729 749300 Gargrave Parish Council Clerk vacant 668209
[email protected] Coniston Cold Parish Council Clerk Sandra Crawford 01729 830248 Gargrave Church of England Primary School Head teacher Sarah Peel 749433
[email protected] Gargrave PrePre----SchoolSchool Leaders Lizzie Hall and 748377
[email protected] Lyn Picton DDDatesDates for your diary