ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCHHE.COM OMMERCIAL ISPA50 ¢tc NEWSSTAND | 40 ¢ HOMEH DELIVERY T C UESDAY CTOBER D T | O 31, 2017 SLIMANTICS Mullen dances around Univ. of Florida speculation an Mullen knows the podium Monday InsiDE drill. afternoon for ■ OUR VIEW: Tak- Mississippi State D Almost since his arriv- his weekly press ing full measure of University head al as head coach at Mississippi conference. the “Mullen effect.” football coach Dan Page 4A State in 2009, Mullen’s name has Mullen deftly Mullen on Monday been linked to coaching open- danced around deflects rumors ings on an almost annual basis. he may bolt for the question of whether he was the University of He’s accustomed to handling the interested in the job, which would Florida at season’s rumors. return him to Gainesville where end. Florida, where So when his name surfaced in he helped the Gators to two former MSU ath- media speculation that Mullen is national championships as the letic director Scott a candidate for the head coach- team’s quarterbacks coach and of- Stricklin serves in Slim Smith the same capacity, ing job at Florida after the Ga- fensive coordinator from 2005-08. parted ways with tors’ parted ways with Jim McEl- He was not so much dismissive of the its head coach wain on Sunday, the Bulldogs’ ninth-year speculation as playfully evasive. over the weekend. coach was at ease and ready as he took the See SLIMANTICS, 6A Luisa Porter/Dispatch Staff TAKING ROOT Supreme Court presses Lowndes judge on bite mark case status Local man remains on death row as Supreme Court overturns verdict in DeSoto case BY ISABELLE ALTMAN
[email protected] The Mississippi Luisa Porter/Dispatch Staff Supreme Court has Jontavious Gardner plants pansies at Mississippi State University with other landscapers Monday.