Jean Mann Jean
additional production notes and lyrics at at lyrics and notes production additional cd graphics/layout by by graphics/layout cd andrea leigh ptak leigh andrea photo art by art photo jean mann jean (seattle, wa) by by wa) (seattle, at mastered floyd reitsma floyd mastering cd rfi - moorestown, nj (8) nj moorestown, - tim gleason gleason tim - seattle, wa (2) wa seattle, - wayne horvitz horvitz wayne - seattle, wa (1, 3, 4, 12) 4, 3, (1, wa seattle, - blue lounge lounge blue - seattle, wa (2, 6, 9, 11 + overdubs on all songs) all on overdubs + 11 9, 6, (2, wa seattle, - froglips live - in studio: in - live campfire - washoe valley, nv (13) nv valley, washoe - campfire redwood national park - northern ca (10) ca northern - park national redwood zamarama gallery - seattle, wa (8) wa seattle, - gallery zamarama influence music hall - hillsboro, or (7) or hillsboro, - hall music influence beach - la manzanilla, mx (5) mx manzanilla, la - beach live recordings: live (seattle, wa) (seattle, at froglips studio froglips mixed by by mixed bill corral bill banjo (11) banjo john coffey: john and and bill corral bill mann jean percussion (9, 11) (9, percussion michael bauer: michael co-produced by co-produced tenor guitar (8) guitar tenor john lawlor: john production upright bass (8) bass upright matt hopper: matt violoncello (3, 6, 9, 12) 9, 6, (3, violoncello virginia dziekonski: virginia violin (3, 6, 12) 6, (3, violin tom dziekonski: dziekonski: tom ukulele (1), guitar (3, 4, 12) 4, (3, guitar (1), ukulele henry gross: henry piano
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