s. s. PALM SPRINGS, 92263- 7_- - I,

November 13,2006

Jeff S. Jordan, Esq. I Supervisory Attorney Complaints Examination and Legal Administration Federal Election Commission

999 E. Street W. I Washinton, D.C. 20463 Dear Mr. Jordan: . Re: MUR 5853

As you requested, I have attached my responses to the very time-consuming complaint filed by Congresswoman Mary Bono regarding demanding the Federal Election Commission shut down a blogsite called Maw Bono #2 Conmssional Hottie where the maximum hits per day was less than 40 visits.

That anyone could doubt that the shut down independent blogsite was not a sardonic lampoon is incredulous; considering there was a video of Bono in “drag” on the site and still can be seen at www.thedesertpun.com, or youtube.

I feel Bono’s complaint over a secondary blog seen by very few people and claiming I was David Roth’s “agent” is retaliation by Bono for my refusal to sell her the website: www.marybono.net. Bono’s campaign office also threatened to use personal information handled by her congressional office to dissuade me fiom any opposition to her re-election. These efforts coupled with her contacting Google Inc., in an invasion of my privacy is very disturbing to me. I wonder if there could be possible criminal violations in Bono securing personal information with the cooperation of Google and their employees.

I have contacted Miriam Rivera, the Deputy General Counsel at Google Inc., sending her Bono’s complaint, asking her to clariQ whether Google authorized releasing personal information about me through the Google employee Bono identifies as “Jamie.”

Please feel heto contact me should you need additional information.

Very truly yours

wqb%J--dMichael L. Grace


Cc: The Hon. The Hon. Mary Bono Kathryn Tschopik, Esq. Gregory Keever, Esq. Miriam Rivera, Esq. Kerry W. Kircher, Esq. 1



Congresswoman Mary Bono states she secured cooperation fbm a Google employee

identified as “Jamie”. This so-called employee is never identified but is used repeatedly in the

complaint as if there was dialogue between Bono and “Jamie.” Bono sought personal

infomation about me and invaded my privacy. It is my understanding the law prevents

government entities fiom requiring disclosures fiom a provider without proper procedure. I have

contacted the Vice President & Deputy General Counsel at Google Inc., to see if they cooperated

with Bono. The Department of Justice this year was rebuked by Google in attempts to invade

user’s privacy and it is astonishing Bono was able to accomplish this with the full cooperation of a

Google employee. (#A)

During the past year I did establish commentaries and websites satirizing both Democrats

and Republicans along the lines of such blogs as the www.whitehouse.org during the past year.

They are obvious lampoons. (#B)

Bono believes her constituents would mistake the marginally visited sites on myspace

(shutdown by Bono) and blogger (shut down on Nov 3) or a local blog called

11 1% .i hc‘~Ic~wt rnii ti. CWTI (which Bono wanted to shut down) as statements authorized by her

influencing the election. It is absurd “her public” would believe these blogs are not a sat&cd

site. A video youtube segment with Bono in “drag” appeared on the site regularly and can still be

seen on ; 5 . i ’1 ti!! 1.‘ 1’‘ fl:I 1 I I 1 ! : or youtube. On the site were narratives with such blogs as

GOV.Schwarzenegger looking “fat in a bikini” - Bono outfitted as a playboy items

concerning Bono’s relationships with Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, Connie Mack, Duke November 9,2006 Page 2

Cunningham, etc., are seen in the blog. Would anyone think Bono would call herself the

“Congessional#2 Hottie”? The average daily visit were under 40 hits and it is ludicrous to believe this any effect on the election besides a lampoon seen by a very very limited audience?

(#C) As for David Roth, Bono’s opposing Democratic challenger in the recent election, I was not acting as an agent for him or having a “relationship” with him regarding his campaign. I did contribute to Roth’s campaign, met him briefly two times at a large fund-raiser, never met his campaign manager or staff, never did any volunteer work or attended any rallies or other events.

Bono bases “my relationship” with Roth on my including Mr. Roth in a second copy of an email sent to the publisher and editor of the Desert Sun. If I was Mr. Roth’s “agent” or had a

“relationship” would I have included him in an email which was also sent to members of Bono’s campaign, various media people, along with members of the local city council in Palm Springs along with both Republican and Democratic players here? The referenced email in the complaint hmMr. Roth to the Desert Sun was sent to me as an attachment. Bono faiis to mention I hve another blog: SA $1 \\ ijwILW I t ,?:in corn. This causes me to be on dozens of political email lists regarding that site. I received the Roth’s original email as an attachment or it was forwarded on to me by some other constituent. I receive ernails like this all the time. For example, 1 received a copy of an email Bono sent to a local conservative radio talk show host. This w-m an attachment and in this email she indicates how Wyshe thought it was the host called an area of her November 9,2006 Page 3

Mexican-herkan constituency a “third world toilet.” I obviously don’t have a “relationship” with Ms. Bono or am not her “agent” but possession of this email would indicate I could have received this email as a blind second copy hmher. Emails fly around the internet with endless numbers of pple second copied similar to junk mail. (#D)

Bono also shared persod information regarding a mattex handled by her congressional office with her campaign office. Her campaign office then used these matters as a possible threat to curtail my efforts against her re-election and, in other words, buy my vote. (#E)

Bono lost control of her website w 11 .mii7 t~ono.n~tand attempted to buy the site hm me. I received an email hma “Daphne” wanting to buy the site immediately because she was going to give the “marybono” site to her girlfiiend. It seems the girlfiiend named “B.J” was having a baby and was going to name her “Mary.” Why she would want a website called

A u 11 .ni ,I n 13 I t 11 J I 1 c t is beyond comprehension? This was an obvious attempt by Bono to buy the site back after her office failed to do so and one of the major reasons for the complaint as retaliation when I wouldn’t sell it. The site has never been activated. (#F)

I would certainly have appreciated my blogsites having more impact on the election. I thought there were more visits than there were. It seems I read the accumulative report incorrectly. Over 150,000 people voted in the election and the average daily visits to the “Mary

Bono number 2 hottie” was less than 50. The sitemeter does not exclude my visits which were many. (#G) November 9,2006 Page 4

I would hardly call myself a “party regular” or an “agent” or having a “relationship” with any Democrat. I am a gay man

My entire purpose in campaigning against Bono was based on my First Amendment rights as an independent agent and lampooning the hypocrisy of political candidates including Democrats and Republicans.

Bono has done everything possible to curtail my First Amendment rights in constructive retaliation with this complaint including gaining access to personal infomation with the

Cooperation of Google, Inc., regardm very insignificant satirical websites averaging 40 bits a day.

This was nothing but blatant harassment by Bono for: (1) my not selling Bono marybono.net; (2) my refusing to kmove the satirical blogs; (3) threatening to use personal idormation handled by her constituent office shared with her campaign office to be used as pressure for curtailing my protests against her re-election; (4) rehing, as a gay man, to be lumped in with what was seen as endorsement of Bono by the totally double-faced Log Cabin run Hurnan Rights Campaign.

Please contact me if you want additional information or have any questions.

Michael L. Grace


By Federal Express (signature recluired)

November 8,2006 ,

Miriam Rivera, Esq. Vice President & Deputy General Counsel Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 Dear MS.Rivera: re: Google’s Involvement in Rep. Mary Bono’s Complaint

Attached is a complaint filed on October 18”, 2006 with the Federal Election Commission by Congressional Rep. Mary Bono of Palm SpMgs, California.

Is it correct Google, Inc., provided employee assistance to the Bono campaign in what. would appear privacy issues and fiunishing idormation 8s indicated in their complaint attachments?

Bono has identified this Google employee as “Jamie” which would indicate Google was hiding the identity of this worker. I would appreciate your assistance in this matter to clari@ Google’s involvement in this complaint filed by Mary Bono and if your employee “Jamie” was involved?

I wonder if there could be possible criminal violations in Bono securing personal information with the cooperation of Google and their employees.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Very truly yours,

Michael L. Grace


Cc: The Hon. Howard Berman The Hon. Mary Bono Kathryn Tschopik, Esq. Gregory Keever, Esq. Kerry W. Kircher, Esq.

Welcome to the White House - WWW.WHITEQh.*RG http://www .whitehouse.O%

Today b November 0, in the Yem of Anmrk#a Lord Jesm Chrbt ZOOB

DEMOCRATIC THUMPIN' 2006 President's Humble, 10W~of St- 8 T-Shrts Conciliatory Remarks Begging Terrorist-Felating Liberals Not to Impeach His Ass THE PRESIDENT Say. why al the $um facer') You'd think I had ~ngkhandadlysent the GOP sta@genngnaked mt~ the pollbcel w#crmess or sanahlngl I Anyhoo.yssterday.theAmenconpeopbm#l1tothe~ 1 And late last nlght, 80 I was wgtehing Brit Hum, pchg I my taqm and munching sane Chaaos, um Ksnnebunkpatmdphonerang ltwaspopw,andbaywas he on a Tanqueraykarl He sad w WBO about to lose BIG 1 in Congmss He- ldndsblubbmng, and I could heer mom in the mrountt smaming and digplaaer 4 andktdUngtheahItautdMlkJr *v I jH- I > I10 i: .il b€?l--! I-% ",E I1 FI rt (C continuo readlna m AdBbv- white House ElecbonAllaD Vi Dmsamsm 11m-. VOTE PARTY-LINE REPUBLICAN: Or Hysterical Liberal Feminist Will CASTRATE America! Tday, our nabods man and theD &SIGN obedmntmy(#mustmakean ma1L IdUS EUUITINUP lmpatentdecuvon dowrewanttwo mom y-8 aia mubcu(ar. baky Amenm-amlweakwradlad merrhoderNanyPebmbbsgin dmnaMngaDthatAWESOME ab0UtwrI.I~ 11- BEWARETHE BRAYING ASS President Explains What Vohm Can Expect From a Democratic

WyoU~(brumDem0aats mditmt~mlimack ~wlusebadw#rk.and~ aapldybsaFdSwlbe~.and Nancy pebsl wd mte awnuka cade8onapairoiherused.salden pan(#sendseducbvslyMlhem mlhemoulhdShe& FW coII(/IIuem8dimm 11.04.2W& Mnr. Bash's Birthday Read the President's Look UD Your Ex Heartfelt Birthday Poem to America's Browse 4O,OOO,OOO Greatest-Ever First Lady Profiles Ofws ABlRTHMYPOEUFOR Here PICKLES Lady. I'm ywr nlgM in &nig Rent Unlimited annor, and I kM you Games You 1- up my Ih, You gnre me hops ~avry~ xbox,xbox 360, Iamamenwhoml~forpw PS2, PS3, MI, honor.. PSP Neverany continua readins due dates or late 11.W~ fees Mrs. Betty Bowers, White House Spiritual Advisor, Offers Christian Concern to Pastor Free Trial from eFax Ted Faeeard - "It Isqu&dearthat led mrdm Fax Your office amanmlhadmoramdb Documents Via W GOPlChnsban cause After a, Email. RmusttakerwKnmocwwdpamrfor amelkmmlsodommtoremmm aPenmframhBmarthkngen#r(lh Your Patriotic Ad to denounce^' coneinw dim getndofthbad I advertisehere

JOHN KERRY Wednesday, January 01,2003

The Wablag of Happy New Year to alll! Irealize It's been quite a while since I've last been in touch wlth you here, but I've PmsId0ntl.l Candidsts And obvlously been pretty busy these last few months. For starters, I've* Sanatar John Kern 1. Addressed the South Carolina Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner (Dick Harpootllan, if you're reading, r I'd llke to tell you that "You Da Manl") 2. AddressedtheDLC 3. Addressed the Congressional Black Caucus (As I'll be reminding you throughout the campaign, I rn web p- was the first Senator to call for Trent Lott to step down as Senate Majonty Leader) My Senate Page 4. Won re-election tu the Senate by a landslide, wlth 81% of the vote My Campaign Page 5. And, of course, Ibecame the second Democrat to (un)offiaally throw my hat into the ring for our paw's nomination for Resident the United by startmg an exploratory committee. Wassach"c"l+rrNewa of States Globe Not to brag or anything, but I'm mopping up the competition in fundraising right now, and Ifrankly Herald don't see anyone surpassing us in the long run. But It's going to be a long, vigorous, and vltal campaign, Massachusettm and Ilook fomard to discussing wlth my fellow Democrats and Amencans our vism for the future of the spa- country. It will certainly be bngM if Iam elected! Patriots Red Sox Isuppose that's all for now. I'll try to be a little bIt more dilligent about keeplng in touch this year, but Celtics hopefully you'll understand if I'm not able to. Between stopping the Bush-Lott juggernaut's far-nght agenda Bruins in the Senate and presenting the alternative Democratic agenda both in the Senate and in my campaign, ,Mutiny (and not to mention dealing wlth petty little things like that ridiculous haircut story-not that Istayed up Revolution at nlght thinking about R or anything, but Ihave to say that it fnrsbates me a lot to see people trying to Rreakers smear me for such superfkial and petty reasons as how and by whom Ihave my hair cut. And then they throw in a little bR dass warfare-ism by implying that I'm out of touch because Ispend $75 on coif. Harlaysll of my Harley Davidson But Ihaven't been able to get anything cheaper than that snce Iwas at St. Paul's, frankly, and I'llbe Boston Biker darned if my haw looks as anarehic as R did back thenil) I'll be plenty busy! I'llleave you with a picture of someone even more beautiful (and wlth even better hairl) than myseY: my wife Teresa. Archives 05/01/2002 - 05 /31/ 2002 31/O1/2003 - 01/31/2003 posted by John Keny at 3 54 PM

Friday, May 03,2002

Woke up at 9:30 today. First thought: Ijust LOVE the state of Massachusetts1 Second thought: It's good when the Senate's not In session! Looked in the mimr. Ran my flngen through the hair. I'm not only a good man: I'm pretty darned good-looking, too! I'm so lucky to have my lik, my wife, and not a lot of strife. (Don't wW#I'm not going to pull a Sulworth!) But enough about me. Let's get to the real focus of this blog. the peopleli (Ijust looked in the mirror again. Still beauhful!) Here's a good profile of me from the Boston Globe that talks about how I'm reaching out to the people in my home state!. A couple of pet peeves. Iget really angry whenever an arbcle brings up that "richest man in the U S Senate" thlng. Ithink It's not only an attempt by the media to reduce my populist appeal, but a's also a very negatlve personal attack that insinuates Imarried for the money. Isuppose it's part of the price you pay for being a public servant, but that kind of thing just really seems out of line.

Sand, as the article points out, I am a motorcycle affiuonado and am known to nde I-rar!eys now and then. (the new one ISawesomel Ipcture myself as King of the Road when I'm out on It) Ijust don't like that Senator Campbell, my good friend and esteemed colleague-Walt a minute, I'm not on the floor--actually, we're not really friends, and I still think he's a turncoat Anyway, you hardly ever see a ,~roftlcr of Senator Campbell without a mention of his bolo ties and his Harleys, and he always gets thls GREAT press for nding a bike. Fine by me, but when's the media going to show me some love for my love of Harley# NOOOOO,my "eccentricity" Is always "John Kerry of the /retn?in Veterans Aqalrrst the 'Var." Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my leadership with WAW, but it's like Imay as well just date my resume to 1973, because everything I've done since then is treated as an afterthought. Okay, I'm done with that one. Well, Isuppose that's all for my introduction to blogging. Ihope you've enjoyed my ruminatlons, and stay tuned for my future adventures in the Biog world! posted by John Keny at Y 11s 4M heDiery of hsidant George W.Bush http://www.georgewbush.blogspot.cont

Hnda F=El "*ln~~mrILo\re~~~ -w getrlddthlsad I advertisehem I THE DIERY 'OF PRESIDANT GEORGE W. BUSH HI. Iam George. I Sunday, June 10,2001 would like to tell you about what Idid Hello and welcome! This is my first post to my first website. My name Is George. You might know me as today. It will be very The President of the United States of America. In the coming days Iwill post what Idid on that day. Shall exateable. we get sta-.. \ HOME Today is June 10th. Nothing unusual happened until after breakfast. At around 9 AM, after a long day of work, I retired to my bedroom and went to watch the Texas Rangers game. You know what7 The cable Archives: was out. Icalled for one of my White House labor-people and asked them why It was out. They told me 06/10/2001- that the cable company was experiencing "problems." "Problems7," Isaid. "Hell, I've got problems. big 06/ l6/2001 ones... not all of them are Laura, Jenna, and Barbara either, and I'm the Presldant for moo'in out loudl" My yelling alerted the secret Service and Ihad to go through one of my little time out dnils and pop one of those perty pills Doc' 'scnbed me. I decided to just met the game and call Alex Rodnguez for the play by play after Iwoke up. About 4 In the afternoon one of my staff, uh.. Bill7 or maybe flint? whatever, his name ain't not Important. Anyway this guy tells me Ishould get ready for my big tnp tomorrow. "It's not that old frog Lamy King Is it?"Apparently, I'ma going to Europe tomorrow. I went to pack for the Mp. When Dick saw that Iwas planning to wear my Texas Cowboy hat with my suit tomorrow, he told me something of which Ihadded no Idea of. "Europe doesn't like you, George," Cheney said to me. "You're going to have to wear your "president face" over there. "Aw hell, Dick, it hurts me trying to look smart. It's so fiscally draining." 6etter get some sleep for the trip tomorrow, I've got an awful1 lot of smoozln' to do on them Euros. Oh tomorrow Tim McVeigh is executed. Man, that brlngs back memones. Back when Iwas the gov o ner of Texas Isigned my share of executlon orders. Yep, Idistinctly remember my last of em before becoming Presidant. Her name was Wilma Johnson People thought she was a sweet old Innocent lady but Iknew better. It was klnda emocinall to sign that order, knowing it would be my last as gov o ner. Teats fell from my eyes as Islgned the old George W. on the line. Well, that will teach he to jaywalk. ... Ihope Air Force One has the closed-ciqet broadcast from Term Haute Oh boy, chow time. Till later. -W. posted by Scott the Yankee at 2 51 PM

HOME Group' Blog - Congresswoman Bono - Zimbio Page 1 of 1

The People's Guide TO. Congresswoman Mary Bono You can th~~pagel Learn ?kre

Glollp Rlog

Enmil this piitlo

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. .. .A




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. www.thedesertDun.com All the news no one else will print Is now online

Exclusive interviews with US. Representative 'Hottie" Mary Bonehead and Palm Springs Mayor 'Uncle" Tom Odious

Plus a society fashion blog on what dykes were wearing at THE DINAH SHORE TOURNAMENT - a.k.a. the "PORKY" O'DONNEU weekend -

And our coming Easter blog featuring Palm Springs largest church, The DESERTED CHAPEL and their chubby preacher, the Rev. Dread Con-man-son. Hear Pastor Dread speak in the mystery of tongues on how he will convert homos from the evil gay life to the straight life. Learn about the Switch-hitter Booth (pull the lever for chastity) the church will sponsor at the all gay sexy WHITE PARTY!

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-03-2006 Myspace com All R~ghtsResenred 4ARY BONO for Congress (the #2 hotbe) 0

BlogThisl I 64 rjC1

MARY BONO for Congress (the #2 hottie) This blqobwously is a satire on Representatwe Mary Bono. She represents the congressional dtstnct for Palm Springs and is a public fipre. She believes that people who read this site actually believe its contents. It is dtffxult to bdieve her -ofViaal' web site would list her as ''Mary Bono for Congress (the #2 hottie).

FRIDAY !IO'/tMBER cf3. ?DO4 Links

1 1- , THE OLD KARATE TEACHER a-- Edit-& What we would like to know is what this comment is about? Edit-Me

Anonymws said... Previous Posts

Someone should ask her about the old Karate teacher back when the kids were little and Sonny was alive

Please leave informationon the comment site...


Mary Bono, using her pm-Bush Washington attorneys, has filed a complaint against this site.

She wants to shut it dawn because it is run by gays and lesbians. M~IYBono voted apinst g~yadoption and against gays in the . -. military. ' . '- , .. . -- , ;: I I Mary Bono IS the wocst form of slimy hypocnte. .. .. Especially when you consider she broke up Representative Connie Mack's family and left his young children wthout a fulltime father.

Mary Bono has anti-American values1

posted by MARY BONO 0 - 2 comments

THE DESERT SUN ENDORSES ME Message to all freedom speech loving bloggen: FOR RE-ELECTION

r I Archives J 3' October 2006 - ; $ '*.-.-c myBONO for Congress (the #2 hottie) 0 http.//wwv muy-bono blogspot.com


We muststaythe 4 .: , d 8 y#.. 'y'j fA ? c p course in Iraq, no ' *.* A. y matter how many young Americans are killed or injured and end up in body bags.

C_C. -.-. a .p Who cares if the Iraq War has now tasted longer than World War II.

I must support President George W. Bush. If young people are maimed then that's tough.

These young Americans are fighting for my rich friend in Indian Wells and Rancho Mirage.

They are being killed and maimed so old rich Republicans in Las Palmas can run from one dreary tedious black tie patty to another.

These are events where pathetic rich old people congratulate themselves with endless awards and boring speeches while comparing their latest facelifts.

They represent true Republican values.

And we must fight so these young people can die and be injured so old right-wing Human Rights Campaign and Log Cabin Republican gays can hang out at the Barracks, do drugs in Warm Sands and attend exclusive Qardenparties.

.P 1 I heDesert Pun



There is no way to defeat Bono or Garcia or whatever idiotic candidates the Republicans put up for election for I congress or the assembly.

These women reflect the anti-intellectualism, self-satisfaction, questionable backgrounds and ! mediocrity of political leaders here. This lncludes elected I offfcials in both parties. These types saturate this place . from city government to state and national office.

As for the assembly and congress, the desert will remain I a bastion of Republican values and there is no way of I unseating the GOP office holders. Unless Bono or Garcia

commits murder or something equally extreme they will I hang onto their seats with little benefit to the desert.

And the voting block that put Bono and Garcia in office are the "old ones."

They vote their party line, they do not read papers --- beyond the local Republican rag --- magazines, or particularly follow the news on TV unless it is Fox Network. The "old ones" don't want information; they want to do what is their tradition to do, which is vote Republican.

This IStrue for many "old gays" down here. They are interested in the respectability of being Republicans, and the family tradition of it, and the financial policies and protection of it. Whether or not it's true or serving of their overall interests.

Even after the current batch of "old ones" dies off --- new "old one" will move into the valley. Because that is the sort of person attracted to retirement down here and they vote. They are nch or well off, not very bnght, not intellectually curious but more interested in playing golf, attending mega churches and dining out on "early bird" speciaIs.

These "old ones" vote and they dictate the political scene down here.

So don't waste your money donating to Democratic The Desert Pun w://www.thedesertpun.com/stories/hdex.bm candidates for state or national office in the desert.

I Give it to the Green Party.

I Or use the money to take an RSVP or Atlantis Cruise.

Goodbye and goodluck!


The Edltorlal Staff on 11.10.06 Q 10:06 AM PST [link] [2 Comments]


Copyrlght 2006 The Desert Fun 'he Desert Pun


I by The Edbnal Staff on 11.01 06 0 07'11 PM PST [linkl [No Commem



Friday, October 27th I


by The Editonal Staff on 10.27.06 @ 12.00 PM PST (link) C9 Comments] 8 SHUT DOWN BY MARY BONO I

by The Edbnal Staff on 10.27 06 0 12:OO PM PST [link] [9 Comments]

Thursday, October 26th I


by The Editorial Staff on 10.26.06 0 09:18 PM PST [link) (2 Comments) I SHUT DOWN BY MARY BONO I

by The Editorial Staff on 10.26.06 @ 09: 18 PM PST rllnkl [2 Comments] ,

Wednesday, October 25th


by The Mltorial Staff on 10.25 06 0 09:09 PM PST [rink] [4 Commenw I SHUT DOWN BY MARY BONO

by The Edltonal Staff on 10.25.06 0 09:09 PM PST [link] (4 Commentql

Tuesday, October 24th


by The Editonal Staff on 10.24 06 0 06:46 PM PST [5 Commentql SHUT DOWN BY MARY BONO

by The Edltorfal Staffon 10.24.06 @, 06 46 PM PST [iinkl 15 Comments]

Monday, October 23rd

SHUT DOWN BY MARY BONO The Desert Purl e http /lthedesertpun.comlstories/indexhtd

The Editonal Staff on 11.10 06 0 10 06 AM PST [2 Comments] Fnday, November loth 75,000 absentee Votes not counted in Riverside County! Registrar favors Mary Bono!

by The Mitonal Staff on 11 10 06 @ 08 35 PM PST [No Comments] "Our mission statement is to ensure the electoral process will be conducted professionally, consistently demonstrating neutrality and non-partisan decision-making, based upon a thorough knowledge of and compliance with all election laws by administering them timely, responsively and with integrity on behalf of those we serve."

Barbara Dunmore, Registrar of Voters Riverside County

Over 75,000 votes have yet to be counted in our County -- including, unbelievably, EVERY SINGLE ABSENTEE VOTE cast in the congressional race.

That's right, NOT ONE of the absentee votes cast in Riverside County has been counted yet by the Riverside County Registrar of Voters -- and according to their offices, as of today they are still "only in the process of verifying signatures, and have not yet begin to count the ballots."

Call Monday to Dunmore and protest the way this rediculous woman treats voters!

Registrar of Voters

3ofS I I / 12/06 656 AM


By Facsimile and US Mail

October 22, 2006

Congressman Howard Berman 2221 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Berman: re: U.S. Rep Mary Bono's possible ethical violations

I want to thank you for your staff's assistance regarding instructions in connection with my complaints regarding Mary Bono.

AS I explained, Kerry Kircher, the Deputy General Counsel of the U.S, House of Representatives, advised me there could be an ethical violation regarding her office sharing personal information about me with her campaign office. I am now in touch with the Committee on Standards of official conduct after Mr. Kircher directed me to so.

AS you know Ms, Bono basically denied even knowing Mark Foley and her illusory actions only demonstrate the fact she can't be trusted when it comes to demonstrating any type of ethical values in her office regarding personal constituents information.

Hopefully she will be defeated in November and we will no longer have the abhorrent Republicans running congress.

Very truly yours, COPY

Michael L. Grace

MGdc cc: The Honorable Mary Whitaker Bono Gregory Keever, Esq. Kerry W. Kircher, Esq.

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Mary Bono number 2 Hottie - http://www.m~0gspOt.cod

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