Money and Velocity During Financial Crises: From the Great Depression to the Great Recession Richard G. Anderson* Senior Research Fellow, School of Business and Entrepreneurship Lindenwood University, St Charles, Missouri,
[email protected] Visiting Scholar. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO Michael Bordo Rutgers University National Bureau of Economic Research Hoover Institution, Stanford University
[email protected] John V. Duca* Associate Director of Research and Vice President, Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX 75265, (214) 922-5154,
[email protected] and Adjunct Professor, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX December 2014 Abstract This study models the velocity (V2) of broad money (M2) since 1929, covering swings in money [liquidity] demand from changes in uncertainty and risk premia spanning the two major financial crises of the last century: the Great Depression and Great Recession. V2 is notably affected by risk premia, financial innovation, and major banking regulations. Findings suggest that M2 provides guidance during crises and their unwinding, and that the Fed faces the challenge of not only preventing excess reserves from fueling a surge in M2, but also countering a fall in the demand for money as risk premia return to normal. JEL codes: E410, E500, G11 Key words: money demand, financial crises, monetary policy, liquidity, financial innovation *We thank J.B. Cooke and Elizabeth Organ for excellent research assistance. This paper reflects our intellectual debt to many monetary economists, especially Milton Friedman, Stephen Goldfeld, Richard Porter, Anna Schwartz, and James Tobin. The views expressed are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas and St.