North York Moors National Park Authority Planning Committee
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Item 2 North York Moors National Park Authority Planning Committee Public Minutes of the meeting held at The Old Vicarage, Helmsley on Thursday 19 February 2015. Present: Malcolm Bowes, Alison Fisher, Janet Frank, Bryn Griffiths, David Hugill, David Jeffels, Christopher Massey, Jane Mitchell, Heather Moorhouse, Sarah Oswald, Caroline Patmore, Ted Sanderson, Andrew Scott, Hawson Simpson, Richard Thompson, Herbert Tindall, Jeremy Walker Apologies: Jim Bailey, David Chance, Bill Suthers Copies of all Documents Considered are in the Minute Book 10/15 Minutes Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2015, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record. 11/15 Members Interests Members were reminded of their responsibility to declare any personal, prejudicial and/or discloseable interests relating to any agenda item prior to its consideration. 12/15 Emergency Evacuation Procedure The Chairman informed Members of the Public of the emergency evacuation Procedure. 13/15 Exclusion of the Public Resolved: Members resolved that, pursuant to Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Item No 10 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. 14/15 Tree Preservation Order 2014/3 – Elmslac Road and east of the John Atkinson Memorial Playing Fields, Helmsley Considered: The report of the Natural Environment Team Leader Resolved: That Members authorised the confirmation of Tree Preservation Order 2014/3 at Elmslac Road and east of the John Atkinson Memorial Playing Fields, Helmsley with the modification detailed in paragraph 3.1 of the report. 15/15 Response to Ministerial Statement on S106 Obligations for Small Scale Development Considered: The report of the Senior Planning Officer (Policy) Recommendation: That: a) Members adopt the guidance at Appendix 1 of the report as interim guidance to replace Section 5 of the Housing Supplementary Planning Document pending the outcome of the Judicial Review. b) Should Judicial Review prove unsuccessful Members are asked to approve the continued use of the advice note and agree the preparation of a revised Housing Supplementary Planning Document. Resolved: That: a) Members adopted the guidance at Appendix 1 of the report as interim guidance to replace Section 5 of the Housing Supplementary Planning Document pending the outcome of the Judicial Review. b) Should Judicial Review prove unsuccessful Members approved the continued use of the advice note and agreed to the preparation of a revised Housing Supplementary Planning Document. Members expressed concern that the Ministerial Statement undermines the Authority’s policy objectives and requested that in the event of the Judicial Review being found successful, a report is brought back to Members to reinstate the current policy position. 16/15 Miscellaneous Items Considered: The report of the Director of Planning. Resolved: Members attention was drawn to a typing error at 8 (b) on page 31 and were advised that NYM/2014/0656/LB should state Refused. Members noted the content of the report. 17/15 Applications for Planning Permission The following members of the public addressed the meeting regarding the Plans List Items indicated: Plans List Item 1 – Chris Parkin spoke on behalf of the Parish Council Plans List Item 2 – Robert Walker spoke in favour of the application, Joan Roberts spoke against the application and Graham Dixon spoke on behalf of the Parish Council Plans List Item 3 – Simon Ward spoke in favour of the application Plans List Item 4 – Mrs Trevelyan spoke against the application Plans List Item 5 – Peta Saunders spoke in favour of the application Plans List Item 6 – Mr Harrison spoke in favour of the application Plans List Items 7, 8, 9 and 10 – Keith Warters spoke in favour of the applications (max 12 minutes) and Simon Ward, Graham Jones and Gary McQuade spoke against the applications (max 12 minutes) Plans List Item 11 – Mr Ventress spoke against the application Plans List Item 12 – Rev’d Andrew Allington spoke in favour of the application and Mrs Palmer spoke against the application Considered: The report listing applications and the Director of Planning’s recommendations thereon. Members also considered further information circulated on the Members’ Update Sheet at the meeting including; updated recommendations from the Director of Planning and comments received after the agenda was printed from: consultees, objectors and supporters. Resolved: (a) That with regard to all applications listed in the report and subject to: (i) the amendments specified below; and (ii) the imposition of conditions in accordance with the relevant provisions of Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, except in those instances where an alternative condition is contained in the Director of Planning’s recommendation or in an amendment referred to in (i) above; decisions be given in accordance with the Director of Planning’s recommendations: List Plan No and Description of Proposal No 1. NYM/2014/0808/FL – Construction of 60 no. dwelling (36 no. open market and 24 no. affordable) with associated garages, parking, access and landscaping works at land off Carlton Road, Helmsley for Wharfdale Homes, fao: Mr Chris Patmore, Unit 5 Whitfield Business Park, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, HG5 8BS. Decision Caroline Patmore declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item as the applicant is a family relation and left the room Approved as recommended subject to the applicant relocating 2 no. dwellings to create open space around the veteran trees and discussions concerning design amendments to porches and to include more chimneys and consideration of incorporating a sustainable drainage system and Public Right of Way provision. 2. NYM/2014/0819/FL – Change of use of land to form 2 no. grass runways, construction of storage building and pilot/restroom building (revised scheme to NYM/2013/0435/FL) at South Moor Farm, Langdale End, Scarborough for Mr R Walker, South Moor Farm, Langdale End, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO13 0LW. Decision Refused as recommended 3. NYM/ 2014/0842/FL – Construction of two storey extension to provide 8 self- contained units for trainee monks and associated living space together with construction of boiler/storage building (revised scheme to NYM/2013/0639/FL) at St. Athanasius Monastery, Langdale End for Christian Coptic Orthodox Church, 40 Kingston Drive, Whitley Bay, NE26 1J. Decision Approved as recommended with the Director of Planning to clear additional conditions which require the submission of a Travel Plan for construction and operational movements and to ensure no further caravans are placed on site. 4. NYM/2014/0801/FL – Alterations and construction of extensions and garage/workshop following demolition of existing garage and single storey rear extension at Kirkside Cottage, Appleton le Moors for Mr & Mrs P Elsome, Kirkside Cottage, Appleton le Moors, YO62 6TE. Decision Alison Fisher declared a personal interest in this item as the architect/agent is a friend and Janet Frank declared a non-prejudicial interest as she had been lobbied Deferred for Officers to negotiate with the applicant/agent a reduction in height of the proposed garage. 5. NYM/2014/0797/CVC – Verification check of conditions 4, 7, 8 & 9 of planning approval NYM/2014/0462/FL at Boggle Hole Youth Hostel, Mill Beck, Fylingthorpe for YHA (England & Wales) Ltd fao: Mr Paul Dennis, Trevelyan House, Dimple Road, Hatlock, Derbyshire, DE3 3YH. Decision Bryn Griffiths declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item as he has life membership with the Youth Hostel Association and left the room Condition 7 discharged as recommended 6. NYM/2014/0840/FL – Removal of conditions 10 and 12 of planning approval NYM/2014/0840/FL to allow the workspace to be used as residential accommodation and the occupation of the subsequent dwelling to be unrestricted at Foxhill Paddocks, Low Road, Throxenby for Mr Iain Harrison, Foxhill Paddocks, Low Road, Throxenby, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO12 5TD. Decision Richard Thompson declared a personal interest in this item as the site falls within his Parish area Refused as recommended 7. NYM/2014/0022/FL – Erection of an agricultural livestock building (retrospective) at land west of Calfthwaite Farm, Cloughton for Mr Alan Temple, Beck Farm Cottage, Rocks Lane, Burniston, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO13 0HX. Decision Deferred to enable Officers to request from the applicant/agent a waste management plan and farm plan and to have further discussions with Environmental Health regarding the proposed use, the Highway Authority regarding the unavailability of a safe access and the Environment Agency concerning the proximity of the site to a river. 8. NYM/2014/0023/FL – Erection of an agricultural livestock building (retrospective) at land west of Calfthwaite Farm, Cloughton for Mr Alan Temple, Beck Farm Cottage, Rocks Lane, Burniston, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO13 0HX. Decision Deferred to enable Officers to request from the applicant/agent a waste management plan and farm plan and to have further discussions with Environmental Health regarding the proposed use, the Highway Authority regarding the unavailability of a safe access and the Environment Agency concerning the proximity of the site to a river. 9. NYM/2014/0024/FL – Erection of an agricultural livestock building (retrospective) at land west of Calfthwaite Farm, Cloughton for Mr Alan Temple, Beck Farm Cottage, Rocks Lane, Burniston, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO13 0HX. Decision Deferred to enable Officers to request from the applicant/agent a waste management plan and farm plan and to have further discussions with Environmental Health regarding the proposed use, the Highway Authority regarding the unavailability of a safe access and the Environment Agency concerning the proximity of the site to a river. 10. NYM/2014/0024/FL – Erection of extensions to agricultural livestock building together with siting of 2 no.