volume 3 issue 1 fall 2013 inside: research rapport 8 documenting 13 destruction message mapping 18 lasting legacy 20 going global wright state’s surging international programs Publisher and President of Wright State University David R. Hopkins Vice President for Communications and Marketing George Heddleston Editor and Executive Director of Creative Services, Denise Robinow Communications and Marketing Graphic Design Stephen Rumbaugh Contributing Writers Seth Bauguess, Andrew Call, Dawne Dewey, Jim Hannah, Bob Mihalek, Kim Patton Editorial Assistance Bob Mihalek, Ron Wukeson Photography Editor William Jones Photography Roberta Bowers, William Jones, Chris Snyder Digital Imaging Manipulation Chris Snyder Wright State University Magazine is published twice a year by the Office of Communications and Marketing. Distribution is to Wright State alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the university. Submit information, comments, and letters to: Wright State University Magazine Wright State University 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy. Dayton, OH 45435-0001 Email:
[email protected] Wright State University Magazine www.wright.edu/magazine FALL 2013 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1 2 From the President’s Desk 18 Tech Tactic: Researchers Aid Flood Victims 3 Globetrotters Researchers use social media to track flooding Wright State’s growing international in India education program is leading students around the world 20 Forever in Our Hearts Scholarship honors the memory, bravery, and 8 Wright State Grads tenacity of a Wright State student Drive Air Force Research Grads are part of a pipeline flowing from 22 University News Wright State to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 24 Alumni News 13 Filmmaker Steps in to the Spotlight 28 AlumNotes Brent Huffman uses film to raise awareness for archaeological site 31 Athletics facing destruction 16 Flying Machines Archives showcases vibrant French aviation postcards Pictured: Dunbar Library at dusk FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Welcome to this issue of the Wright State University Magazine.