Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 27/Friday, February 8, 2002/Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 27 / Friday, February 8, 2002 / Notices 6021 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY final EIS. Recirculation of the available on the Internet at: document is not necessary under www.efw.bpa.gov Federal Energy Regulatory Section 1506.3(c) of the Council on EIS No. 020050, DRAFT FINAL EIS, Commission Environmental Quality Regulations. FHW, WY, Wyoming Forest Highway [Docket Nos. EC02–5–000, ER02–211–000, EIS No. 020044, DRAFT 23 Project, Louis Lake Road also and EL02–53–000] SUPPLEMENTS, FRC, WA, Condit known as Forest Development Road Hydroelectric (No. 2342) Project, 300, Improvements from Bruce’s Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Updated Information on Application Parking Lot to Worthen Meadow Corporation, Entergy Nuclear Vermont to Amend the Current License to Road, Funding, NPDES Permits and Yankee, LLC, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Extend the License Term to October 1, COE Section 404 Permit, Shoshone Power Corporation; Notice of Initiation 2006, White Salmon River, Skamania National Forest, Fremont County, WY, of Proceeding and Refund Effective and Klickitat Counties, WA, Comment Wait Period Ends: March 11, 2002, Date Period Ends: March 25, 2002, Contact: Contact: Rick Cushing (303) 716– Nicholas Jayjack (202) 219–2825. This 2138. February 4, 2002. document is available on the Internet Take notice that on February 1, 2002, at: http://www.ferc.gov EIS No. 020051, REVISED DRAFT EIS, the Commission issued an order in the EIS No. 020045, FINAL EIS, FHW, NM, FHW, WA, WA–509 Corridor above-indicated dockets initiating a US 70 Corridor Improvement, Completion/I–5/South Access Road proceeding in Docket No.
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