Measure title South East Zemplin Drinking Water and Sewerage

Authority responsible for implementation

Name: Office of Government of the Slovak Republic

Address: Namestie Slobodie 1, 81370

E-mail: [email protected]


This project is the first ISPA measure in Eastern . The project area extends to some 700 km2 and lies mostly to the south and east of the city of Michalovce in the Kosice region. The project addresses two issues : Drinking water supply and waste water treatment. Out of the total population of 88 073, only 62 216 have mains water supply and 49 780 have piped sewerage. Considering the expected growth in the area, the project is designed cater for the needs of a total population of 91,784 (2030) plus industrial, commercial and institutional water users.

Most of the local wells in the area have to be abolished, as they are polluted by nitrate and/or minerals (natural pollution). In order to ensure the reliable provision of water in compliance with the European drinking water directive (98/83/EC), drinking water must be transported to the area from remote sources like the Starina lake. The existing water supply network will be extended by 161 km and 500 m3 of storage in elevated tanks will be provided. After completion of the project, all 88.000 inhabitants of the region will receive water in full compliance with the drinking water directive. The additional population represents more than 26.000 people.

In order to protect the local rivers of Uh, Udoc and Latorica, and to meet the requirements of the European Urban Wastewater Treatment (91/676/EEC), two kinds of measures are foreseen : The improvement of the waste water treatment plants, and the extension of the sewage network. The existing waste water treatment plant in Michalovce will be upgraded with new preliminary (mechanical) works and a final effluent pumping station to ensure continuity of operation during times of high river level.

In a new treatment plant will be built. The plant will treat all flows from Velke Kapusany and Pavlovce, as well as the septage from the eastern part of the area. The existing waste water treatment plant in Velke Kapusany will be abandoned and the unsatisfactory discharge into the Udoc stream and the river Latorica will be eliminated.A total length of 21 km of sewers will be constructed in Pavlovce and in part of Velke Kapusany. A main pumping station will be built on the site of the existing Velke Kapusany waste water treatment plant to transfer Velke Kapusany flows to Pavlovce for 1 treatment.Apart from these sewers and treatment plants, the project further includes the modification of three existing combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in Velke Kapusany including detention storage to bring them into line the Urban Wastewater Directive 91/271/EEC. The treatment tanks in the dismantled Velke Kapusany Waste Water Treatment Plant will be converted for the treatment of storm flows.

The drinking water component of the project aims at improving the health of the local population which statistically has significantly higher than average water related diseases. The extended sewerage network and the upgrade of the waste water treatment plants will improve the quality of the rivers Uh, Latorica and Udoc. The cleaning of these streams will have an impact beyond the Slovak boarders (Hungary, the ).

Estimated completion date of the measure: 2006

Economic and social cost-benefit analysis

Both components of the project will improve the health and quality of life in the region and attract investments.

Environmental impact assessment

Following a screening by the Ministry of Environment, it was found that the project would have substantial positive and no significant negative effect on the environment.

Cost and assistance (in €)

Total cost Private Non eligible Total ISPA grant Grant rate sector expenditure eligible cost % contribution

25 999 000 0 2 389 000 23 610 000 16 527 000 70%