UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE . Alexander B. Trowbridge, Secretary


Bibliography of Liesegang Rings

(Second Edition)

Kurt H. Stern

Institute for Basic Standards National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234

National Bureau of Standards Miscellaneous Publication 292

Issued September 1, 1967

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 40 cents :


1 The National Bureau of Standards provides measurement and technical information services essential to the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of the Nation's scientists and engineers. The Bureau serves also as a focal point in the Federal Government for assuring maximum application of the physical and engineering sciences to the advancement of technology in industry and commerce. To accomplish this mission, the Bureau is organized into three institutes covering broad program areas of research and services: THE INSTITUTE FOR BASIC STANDARDS . . . provides the central basis within the United States for a complete and consistent system of physical measurements, coordinates that system with the measurement systems of other nations, and furnishes essential services leading to accurate and uniform physical measurements throughout the Nation's scientific community, industry, and commerce. This Institute comprises a series of divisions, each serving a classical subject matter area: —Applied Mathematics—Electricity—Metrology—Mechanics—Heat—Atomic Physics—Physical Chemistry—Radiation Physics- -Laboratory Astrophysics 2—Radio Standards Laboratory, 2 which includes Radio Standards Physics and Radio Standards Engineering—Office of Standard Refer- ence Data. THE INSTITUTE FOR MATERIALS RESEARCH . . . conducts materials research and provides associated materials services including mainly reference materials and data on the properties of ma- terials. Beyond its direct interest to the Nation's scientists and engineers, this Institute yields services which are essential to the advancement of technology in industry and commerce. This Institute is or- ganized primarily by technical fields: —Analytical Chemistry—Metallurgy—Reactor Radiations—Polymers—Inorganic Materials—Cry- 2 ogenics —Office of Standard Reference Materials. THE INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED TECHNOLOGY . . . provides technical services to promote the use of available technology and to facilitate technological innovation in industry and government. The principal elements of this Institute are Building Research — —Electronic Instrumentation—Technical Analysis—Center for Computer Sci- ences and Technology—Textile and Apparel Technology Center—Office of Weights and Measures —Office of Engineering Standards Services—Office of Invention and Innovation—Office of Vehicle Systems Research—Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information 3—Materials Evaluation Laboratory—NBS/GSA Testing Laboratory.

1 dqUarterS Laboratories at Gaithersburg, Maryland, unless otherwise noted; mailing address Washington, 9n95 D. C,

2 Located at Boulder, Colorado, 80302. 3 Located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151. Bibliography of Liesegang Rings

(Second Edition)

United States Department of Commerce

National Bureau of Standards

Miscellaneous Publication 292 A bibliography of Liesegang rings (periodic precipitation figures produced by diffusion) and other periodic structures for the period 1855-1965 is compiled in chronological and alphabetical order. An author index and an index to applications of Liesegang rings to extra- chemical fields are also given.

Key Words: Diffusion, Liesegang rings, periodic precipitation.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 67-61858 Preface to the First Edition

In 1896 the photographer Raphael E. Liesegang discovered that when a crystal of is placed on a glass slide covered with a dilute solution of potassium dichromate in gelatin, the precipitate of silver chromate forms in bands or rings around the crystal


Since the discovery of this phenomenon, now named after its discoverer, more than

600 papers have appeared on the subject. In 1932 E. S. Hedges included a bibliography in his book, "Liesegang Rings and Other Periodic Structures." Hedges listed not only papers

dealing with Liesegang rings .!•.§.• , structures caused by diffusion but also a large number of works on periodic structures now known not to be Liesegang rings. Since Hedges' book is out of print, most of his references are included in the present bibliography.

In addition, the author has collected all the papers on true Liesegang rings (but not those on other periodic structures) listed by Chemical Abstracts for the period

1932 to 1952. In nearly all cases the original titles have been translated into English.

A subject index listing papers of interest in fields other than chemistry has been included.


Preface to the Second Edition

Since the first edition of this bibliography was published by the University of

Service in 1955 approximately one hundred references to Liesegang I Arkansas Editorial

rings have appeared in Chemical Abstracts . Permission to include the material of the

first edition, now out of print, in this revision is greatly appreciated.

The new references, which concern only true Liesegang rings, have been merely added

to the original bibliography of 681 references, many of which dealt with other kinds of

periodic structures. The subject and author indices have been appropriately amended.

Errors found in the first edition have been corrected. All journal article titles

and nearly all book titles have been translated into English. Abbreviations of journal

titles are those given in the issue of Chemical Abstracts in which the given reference

first appeared.

In the seventy years which have passed since the discovery of Liesegang rings the

growing understanding of their formation has found application in fields as diverse as

mineralogy, biology, and photography. This bibliography is a small contribution toward

lightening the labors of workers in this field.



1855 1 "The Formative Power of Materials." G. Runge, Oranienburg (1855).

1858 2 "Starch Grains." C. von Nageli. Zurich (1858).

_3 "Contributions to Scientific Botany." C. von Nageli. Leipzig (1858).

1877 4 "Anatomy of Plant Structures." A. De Bary. Oxford (1877). p. 165

1882 5 "Anatomy of Tree Bark." J. Moller (1882).

1883 _6 The Organization of Some Flagellate Groups and Their Relation to Algae. G. Kelbs,

Unters.d. botan. Inst. Tubingen 1. 233 (1883).

1886 1_ "Studies on Protoplasm Mechanisms. " G. Berthold. Leipzig (1886). p. 264

1890 8 "Monographie der Abietineen des japanischen Reiches." Munchen (1890). p. 89

1892 9 Inner Structure of Plant Cell Membranes. C. Correns. Jahrb. wiss. Bot . , 23 ,

254 (1892).

10 Observations on the Course of Secondary Growth of Trees. L. Jost. Ber. D. Bot .

Ges . , 10, 587 (1892).

1895 11 Contribution to the Physiology of Wood Growth. K. G. Lutz. Beitr . wiss. Bot .

1, 1 (1895).

12 Chemical Precipitation in . N. Pringsheim. Jahrb. wiss. Bot . , 28 , 1 (1895).

13 Investigations on Mechanical Soil Analysis. W. R. Williams. Forsch. Geb .

Agriculturphysik . , 18, 285, 303 (1895).

1896 13A Pleochroism of Animal and Vegetable Fibres Stained with Gold and Silver Salts.

H. Ambronn. Ber. Kgl. Sachs. Ges. Wiss. Leipzig . Math.-phys. Kl . , 48 (1896).

14 The Preparation of Artificial Starch Grains. 0. Butschli. Verhandl. naturhist .

med. Verein Heidelberg , 5_, 457 (1896).

15 "The Glaciers of the Alps." J. Tyndall., Longmans, London (1896). p. 376

1898 16 "Investigations on Structures." 0. Butschli. Leipzig (1898).

17 "Chemical Reactions in Gels." R. E. Liesegang. Dusseldorf (1898).

18 A Study of Starch. J. H. Salter. Jahrb. wiss. Bot . 32, 117 (1898).

1899 19 "Electrolysis of Gels." R. E. Liesegang. (1899).

20 Periodic Precipitates in Tissues and Gels. H. Rabl. Deutsch. Natf. Verh . , 467


- 1 - .

21 A Peculiar Spiral Figure in Chicken Egg Albumin, Dried on a Solid Support.

L. Rhumbler. Physikal . Z , JL, 41 (1899).

1901 22 On Some Peculiarities of the Cambium of Trees. L. Jost. Bot. Ztg . . 59 , 1 (1901).

Structure and of 1902 23 Formation Mollusk Shells. W. Biedermann. Jen. Zeitschr ., 36 ,

1 (1902).

24 The Meaning of Crystallization Process of Non- Vertebrate Skeletons, Particularly

Mollusks. W. Biedermann. Z. Allgem. Physiol .. JL, 154 (1902).

25 Starch and Insulin. H. Fischer. Beitr. z. botan. Zentralbl .. 12 .

1903 26 Diffusion and Supersaturation in Gelatin. H. W. Morse and Pierce. Z. physikal .

Chem . , 45, 589 (1903)

27 "Anatomy of Lianas." H. Schenck. Jena (1903).

1904 28 Phenomena Occurring on the Drying of Gels. 0. Butschli. Verhandl. naturhist .-

med. Verein Heidelberg , 7_, 653 (1904).

29 Spontaneous Solidification of Supercooled Liquids. C. Fuchtbauer, Z-. physikal .

Chem . , 48, 549 (1904)

30 Precipitation in Gels. J. Hausmann. Z. anorg. Chem .. 40 . 110 (1904).

31 Color Changes of Molds and Bacteria. T. Milburn. Zentralbl. Bakt . , JL3, 129


1905 Structure _32 Formation in Gels. H.Bechhold. Z. physikal. Chem . , 52, 185 (1905).

33 Layers Occurring During Diffusion. R. E. Liesegang. Z. physikal. Chem .. 52 ,

185 (1905).

34 "Investigations on Starch Grains." A. Meyer. Jena (1905).

1906 Periodic J35 Phenomena of Crystallization. J. Alexeev. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc . , 38 ,

1, 120 (1906).

36 Precipitation Membranes in Gels and the Constitution of Gelatin Gels. H.Bechhold

and J. Ziegler. Ann. Physik . . 20, 900 (1906).

37 "Zonation in Artificial Cultures of Cephalotecium and Other Fungi." G. C.

Hedgcock. Missouri Botan. Gard . . 17th Ann. Rep. 115 (1906).

38 Form and Growth of Colonies of Primitive Molds. H. B. Hutchinson. Zentralbl .

Bakt . , 17, 417 (1906).

- 2 - 39 Directional Influence on the Growth of Certain Bacteria In Gelatin. H. C.

Jacobsen. Zentralbl. Bakt ., .17, 53 (1906).

40 Layered Structures. R. E. Liesegang. Z. anorg. Chem ., 48 , 364 (1906).

41 On the Distribution of Chlorides in Nerve Cells and Fibers. A. B. Macallum

and M. L. Menten. Proc. Roy. Soc . , B77, 165 (1906).

1907 42 Significance of Gelatin Hydrolysis for Ring Formation of Silver Chromate. R. E.

Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . , 2, 70 (1907).

43 The Formation of Layers During Diffusion. R. E. Liesegang. Z. physikal. Chem .,

59, 444 (1907).

44 "Stratifications Due to Diffusion." R. E. Liesegang. Leipzig (1907).

45 The Birth and Affinities of Crystals. Sir. H. A. Miers. Science Progress ,

1 (1907).

46 Conditions for the Formation of "Black Rot" in Apples Due to "Sclerotina

Fructigens." E. Molz. Zentralbl. Bakt ., 17_, 183 (1907).

Wallerant. Bull. Soc. 47 Helicoidal Development of Crystallized Bodies. F.

franc. Mln . , 30, 43 (1907).

Compt. rend., 146, 1908 48 Spirally Developed Crystalline Structures. P. Gaubert.

829 (1908).

Min. Mag., 39 (1908) 49 The Birth and Affinities of Crystals. Sir H. A. Miers. JL5,

Color. R. Muller. 50 Diphtheria and Streptothix Bacilli with the Same Blue

Zentralbl. Bakt ., 46, 195 (1908).

Rings of "Botrytis 51 Conditions for the Formation of Sclerotics and Sclerotic

Mycol . 19 (1908). Cinerea" in Artificial Media. W. Reidemeister . Ann. , 7,

Stuttgart (1908). 52 "Systematische Anat. der Dikotyledonen. " H. Solereder., 398,

Zurich (1908). 53 "Diffusion Phenomena in Solid Colloids." Stoffel.

Compt. rend., 147, 498 (1909). 1909 54 Liquid Crystal of Ergosterin Ester. P. Gaubert.

. Kolloid-Z. 4, 113 (1909). 55 Capillary and Adsorption Analysis. F. Goppelsroeder , Knischevsky. Landwirtsch. 56 Day Rings (Due to Light) of Penicillium Luteum. 0.

Jahrb . , 38, 341 (1909).

E. Liesegang. Dresden 57 "Contributions to the Colloid Chemistry of Life." R.


- 3 - .

58 Formation of Kidney Stones and Similarly Banded Stones of Organic and

Inorganic Origin. H. von Schade. Kolloid-Z . , 4, 175, 261 (1909).

59 High Purity Interference Phenomena of Chlorate of Potash Crystals. R- W. Wood.

Phil. Mag ., (VI) 18, 535 (1909).

1910 J50 Dead Spaces. R. E. Liesegang. Z. angew. Chem .. 23, 2124 (1910).

61 The Origin of Agate. R. E. Liesegang. Zentralbl. Min. Geol. Palaont .. 593


62 Reactions in Media, Colloidal r. e. Liesegang. Z. anal. Chem . 50 , 80 (1910).

63 Condensation by the Process of Mixing Colloidal Solutions Drop by Drop.

H. von Schade. Kolloidchem. Beih .. I, 375, (1910).

1911 _64 Adsorption on Microbes. M. W. Beijerinck. Zentral. Bakt. Abt. II. . 29 , 161


65 Reactions in Gels and the Site and Form of the Particles of the Insoluble

Reaction Product. E. Hatschek. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide 8, 193 (1911).

66 A Study of Some Reactions in Gels. E. Hatschek. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. , 30 , 256


67 Reactions in Gels, Form and Particle Site of the Insoluble Reaction Products.

E. Hatschek. Kolloid-Z . , 8, 193 (1911).

68 Formation of Layers in Heterogeneous Systems. E. Hatschek. Kolloid-Z . , 9, 97


69 "Mechanism of Life." S. Leduc. London (1911).

70 Behavior of Edges and Corners During Diffusion Experiments. R. E. Liesegang.

Kolloid-Z . , 9, 296 (1911).

71 Supersaturation Theory of Some Apparently Rhythmic Reactions. R. E. Liesegang.

Z. physikal. Chem . 75, 371 (1911).

72 Agate Problems. R. E. Liesegang. Zentralbl. Min. Geol. Palaont. . 16 , 497


73 Imitation of Life Processes III. Form Catalysts. R. E. Liesegang. Arch. Entwick -

lungsmech , ^3, 328 (1911).

74 Diffusion Processes During Electrolysis. B. L. Vanzetti. Kolloid-Z . , 9, 54


- 4 - ,

. 1 (1912). 1912 15 Mutation of Microbes. M. W. Beijerinck. Folia microbiol , 1,

76 The Banded Wings of "Papilio Podalirius." W. Gebhardt. Verh. Zool. Gesellsch .

179 (1912).

. (1912). 77 Reactions in Sod ium Silicate . E. Hatschek. Kolloid-Z , 10, 77

78 Theory of Liesegang Rings. E. Hatschek. Kolloid-Z . JLO, 124 (1912).

79 Reduction of Gold in Sodium Silicate Gels and Formation of Gold Layers. E.

Hatschek and A. L. Simon. Kolloid-Z . 10, 265 (1912).

80 Deposition of Gold From Silicic Acid Gels. E. Hatschek and A. L. Simon.

Trans. Inst. Min. Met . 21, 451 (1912).

81 The Reduction of Gold in Silicic Acid Gels, and the Formation of Gold Layers.

E. Hatschek and A. L. Simon. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide 10, 265 (1912).

82 Deformation of gel.? by Freezing. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z. 10, 225 (1912).

83 The Lemniscate Form of 1 Metra Stones. R. E. Liesegang. Centr. Min . 390 (1912).

84 Food Adulteration Tests by a Colloid-Chemical Method. E. Marriage. Kolloid-Z .

11, 1 (1912).

85 Conditions for "Hexenring" Formation on Molds. E. Molz. Zentralbl. Bakt . 34,

40 (1912).

86 Conditions for "Hexenring" Formation on Molds. M. Munk. Zentralbl. Bakt . _36,

353 (1912).

1 87 On Dr. Molz's Comments on "Conditions for 'Hexenring Formation on Molds."

M. Munk. Zentralbl. Bakt . 34, 561 (1912).

88 "Der Johannistrieb. " H. Spath. Berlin (1912).

M. W. Beijerinck. 1913 89_ Oxidation of Manganous Carbonate by Bacteria and Molds.

Folia microbiol . 2, 123 (1913).

90 Reactions in Aqueous and Colloidal Systems. W. P. Dreaper. J. Soc. Chem .

Ind . , 32, 678 (1913).

91 Desorption Velocity in the Transformation of HgS from the Amorphous to the

Crystalline Form. H. Freundlich and H. Schucht. Z. physikal. Chem . 85,

660 (1913).

92 1! Zone Formation in Colloidal Media." E. Kiister. Jena (1913).

- 5 - 93 Liesegang Rings and Periodic Formations in Plants. E. Kuster. Ber. D. Bot. Ges .

31, 339 (1913).

94 Contributions to the Knowledge of Liesegang Rings and Related Phenomena.

E. Kuster. Kolloid-Z . 13, 192 (1913).

95 "Geological Diffusion." R. E. Liesegang. Dresden (1913).

96 "Scaly" Disperse Systems. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . 12, 74 (1913).

97 Iridescent Gelatin Layers and Their Utilization in the Manufacture of Artificial

Pearls. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . 12, 181 (1913).

.98 "Scaly" Disperse Systems. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . .12, 269 (1913).

99 On Dr. Munk's Comments on "Conditions for 'Hexenring' Formation on Molds."

E. Molz. Zentralbl. Bakt . 36, 353 (1913).

1914 100 On the Rhythmical Precipitation of Ferrous Ferricyanide and Ferrous Hydroxide

in Jelly. H. J. M. Creighton. J. Amer. Chem. Soc . 36, 2,357 (1914).

101 Stratification in Mineral Deposits. W. P. Dreaper. Bull. Inst. Min. Met . 23 .

381 (1914).

102 Precipitation and Layer Formation in the Absence of Gels. W. P. Dreaper.

Kolloid-Z . 14, 163 (1914).

103 Stratification in Mineral Deposits. W. P. Dreaper. Chem. World 3, 177 (1914).

104 Theory of Liesegang Rings. E. Hatschek. Kolloid-Z . 14 . 115 (1914).

105 Relationship of Environment to Plant Development. G. Klebs. Z. Bot . .6, 169


106 "Synthetic Biology." S. Leduc. Halle (1914).

107 Pseudoclases. R. E. Liesegang. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal . 39. 268 (1914).

108 The Previous Condition of the Silica in Agate Porphyries. R. E. Liesegang.

Silikat-Z . 2, No. 9 (1914).

109 A New Kind of Figure Formation Due to Chemical Separation. R. E. Liesegang.

Arch. Entwicklungsmech . 39, 362 (1914).

110 Silver Chromate Rings and Spirals. R. E. Liesegang. Z. physikal. Chem. 88 , 1


111 Iridescent Gelatin Layers and Their Use in the Manufacture of Artificial

- 6 - Pearls. R. E. Liesegang. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide 12, 181 (1914).

112 "Scaly" Disperse Systems. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . 14 , 31 (1914).

113 Colloid Chemistry and Photography. Luppo-Cramer . Kolloid-Z . 14 , 34 (1914).

114 Rhythmic Crystallization. E. Kuster. Kolloid-Z . 14, 307 (1914).

115 Rhythmic Structures in Plants. E. Kuster. Die Naturwiss . 2, 73 (1914).

116 Conservation of Milk Samples for Experimental Purposes. J. Tillmanns and 0.

Heublein. Z. Untersuchung Nahrung u. Genussmittel 27 , 253 (1914).

1915 117 Rhythmic Formations in the Solidification of Sulfur. A. Fischer-Treuenf eld.

Kolloid-Z . 16, 109 (1915).

118 Rhythmic Crystallization of Sulfur. F. Kohler. Kolloid-Z . 17 , 10 (1915).

119 "Agates." R. E. Liesegang. Dresden (1915).

120 Decorating Glass with Iridescent Coatings. R. E. Liesegang. Sprechsaal 48 ,

1 (1915).

121 Seeding in Gels. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . 16, 76 (1915).

122 Dispersion Forms of Metallic Silver. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . 17 , 141

(1915) .

123 Puerperal Osteomalacia. R. E. Lisesgang. Zentralbl. f. Gynakologie 39 .

No. 15 (1915).

124 Rhythmic Crystallization. R. E. Liesegang. Naturwiss 3, 500 (1915).

125 Liesegang Rings. J. Tillmanns and 0. Keublein. Umschau 19 , 930 (1915).

1916 126 Adsorptive Stratification in Gels I. S. C. Bradford. Biochem. J . 10 , 369

(1916) .

127 Imitation of Some Anatomical Structures. M. H. Fischer and M. 0. Hooker,

Kolloid-Z . 19, 220 (1916).

128 Rhythmic Reactions I. F. Kohler. Kolloid-Z . 19, 65 (1916).

129 Silver Chroinates and Mixed Crystals with Nitrates. F. Kohler. Z. anorg. Chem. ,

96, 207 (1916).

130 Morphology of Liesegang Rings. E. Kuster. Kolloid-Z . 18, 107 (1916).

131 Botanical Structure Pictures in Drying Colloids. A. Lingelsheim. Kolloid-Z .

18. 78 (1916).

- 7 - 132 Ultramicroscopical Studies on Tanning in Gels I. W. Moeller. Kolloid-Z . 19 ,

209 (1916).

133 Aspirin IV. Solidification of Melted or Dissolved Aspirin in the Form of Con-

centric Rings. D. E. Tsakalotos and S. Horsch. Bull. Soc. Chim . (iv) 19, 321

(1916) .

1917 134 Growth Rings of Trees and Their Significance as Climatic Indicators. E. Antevs.

Progr. rei. botan . , 5, 285 (1917).

135 Adsorptive Stratification in Gels II. S. C. Bradford. Biochem. J . 11 . 14

(1917) .

136 The Rhythmic Precipitation of Colloidal Mercury. H. S. Davis. J. Amer. Chem .

Soc . 39, 1312 (1917).

137 Formation of Crystals in Gels. H. N. Holmes. J. Franklin Inst . 184 , 743 (1917).

138 Formation of Crystals in Gels. H. N. Holmes. J. Physical Chem . 21 . 709 (1917).

139 Botanical Structure Patterns in Drying Colloids. A. Lingelsheim. Arch. Entwick -

lungsmech . 42, 117 (1917).

140 Rhythmic Diffusion Structures in Gelatin-Salt Gels I. W. Moeller. Kolloid-Z .

20, 242 (1917).

141 Ultra Microscopical Studies on Tanning in Gels II. W. Moeller. Kolloid-Z . 20 ,

257 (1917).

142 Retarded Diffusion and Rhythmic Precipitation. J. Stansfield. Amer. J. Sci . 43 .

1 (1917).

143 "Growth and Form," D'A. W. Thomson. Cambridge (1917).

1918 144 Periodic Precipitation. A. W. Foster. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada , 12 , 55 (1918).

Experiments in Rhythmic Banding. 145 H. N. Holmes. J. Amer. Chem. Soc . 40 , 1, 187

(1918) .

146 The Distribution of Anthogen in "Coleus Hybrides." E. Kuster. Flora , III , 621


147 Rhythmic Diffusion Structures in Gelatin-Salt Gels II. W. Moeller. Kolloid-Z .

22, 155 (1918).

148 Rhythmic Diffusion Structures in Gelatin-Salt Gels III. W. Moeller. Kolloid-Z. 23, 11 (1918).

- 149 The Rhythmic Precipitation of Silver Chromate. T. Okaya. Proc. Tokyo mathematico

physical Society . 9., 442 (1918).

150 Colonies with Spiral Growth Patterns. E. Pringsheim. Zentralbl. Bakt . 48 . 513


151 The Antagonism in the Diffusion of Salts Through Colloids. T. Tadokoro. J. Tokyo

Chem. Soc . 39, 61 (1918).

152 Rhythmic Banding of Manganese Dioxide in Rhyolite Tuff. W. A. Tarr. J. Geology .

26, 610 (1918).

1919 153 "Colloids in Biology and Medicine." H. Bechhold. T. Steinkopf, Dresden and

Leipzig. 2nd ed. (1919), p. 261

154 Molds of Spiral Growth. F. Boas. Zentralbl. Bakt ., 49, 413 (1919).

155 The Effect of Chlorine on Periodic Precipitation. A. W. Foster. J. Physical

Chem . 23, 645 (1919).

156 The Liesegang Phenomenon. E. Hatschek. 2nd Brit. Assoc. Colloid Rept. (1919).

157 A Strange Kind of Rhythmic Crystal Arrangement. M. Hofsass. Z. physikal. Chem .

93, 754 (1919).

158 Horizontally Banded Agates. R. E. Liesegang. Zentr. Min. Geol . 1, 184 (1919).

159 Precipitation Structures Simulating Organic Growth II. A Contribution to the

Physico-Chemical Analysis of Growth and Heredity. R. S. Lillie and E. N. John-

ston. Biol. Bull . 36, 225 (1919).

160 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Tintic Mining District, Utah. W. Lindgren and

G. J. Loughlin. U. S. Geol. Survey , Prof. Paper , 107 , 156 (1919).

161 On the Rhythmic Evolution of Carbon Monoxide and the Constant of Accumulation.

T. Okaya. Proc. Phys. Math. Soc. Japan (3rd Ser.) I, 43 (1919).

162 Periodic Precipitates. (Lord) Rayleigh. Phil. Mag . 38, 738 (1919).

163 Colloidal Processes in the Binding of Plaster. Structures in Plaster. J. Traube.

Kolloid-Z . , 25, 62 (1919).

164 Rhythmic Solidification. D. Vorlander and J. Ernst. Z. physikal. Chem . 93 ,

521, (1919).

- 9 - . "

1920 165 Cause of the Formation of Annular Rings in Trees. H. Andre. Z. Bot . 12 , 177


166 Adsorptive Stratification in Gels III. S. C. Bradford. Biochem. J . 14 , 29


167 Adsorptive Stratification in Gels IV. S. C. Bradford. Biochem. J . 14 , 474


168 Tube-Like Rhythmic Formations in an Iron Meteor From Canon Diablo. K. Endell.

Kolloid-Z . 26, 215 (1920).

169 Investigations on the Developmental Physiology of the Patterns on Butterfly

Wings. R. Goldschmidt. Arch, f. Entwickelungsmechanik , 47 , 1 (1920).

170 A Series of Abnormal Liesegang Stratifications. E. Hatschek. Biochem. J . 14 ,

418 (1920).

171 Abnormal Liesegang Rings. E. Hatschek. Kolloid-Z . 2_7, 225 (1920).

172 Some Factors Affecting Rhythmic Precipitation. A. E. Koenig. J. Physical Chem .

24, 466 (1920).

173 Liesegang Rings. R. E. Liesegang. Abderhalden 1 s "Handb. f. biol. Arbeitsmeth.

Abt. Ill, 33, (1920).

174 Periodic Precipitation. I. Silver Chromate in Gelatin. A. M. Williams and

M. R. MacKenzie. J. Chem. Soc . 117 , 844 (1920).

175 Periodic Precipitation and Electrolytic Precipitations. F. Sekera. Kolloid-Z .

27, 28 (1920).

1921 176 "Applied Colloid Chemistry." W. D. Bancroft. McGraw-Hill, New York (1921),

p. 345.

177 An Explanation of Liesegang Rings. S. C. Bradford. Science, 54 . 463 (1921).

178 Note on Liesegang Rings in Strained Gels. E. F. Burton and G. C. Bell. J.

Physical Chem . 25, 526 (1921).

179 Anomalous Liesegang Stratifications Produced by the Action of Light. E. Hats-

chek. Proc. Roy. Soc . 99A , 496 (1921).

1921 180 "Introduction to the Culture of Micro-Organisms . " E. Kiister. Leipzig. (1921).

181 "Morphology and Biology of Actinomyces." R. Lieske. Berlin (1921).

- 10 - 182 An Explanation of Liesegang's Rings. H. A. McGuigan. Science. 54, 78 (1921).

183 Rhythmic Precipitation Phenomena in the Cell Membranes of Plants. H. P. Moller.

Kolloidchent. Beih . 14, 97 (1921).

184 The Color of Silver Chloride and Colloidal Silver I. K. Schaum and H. Lang.

Kolloid-Z . 28, 243 (1921).

1922 185 Studies on Band Structures. Synthesis of Banded Stones. S. S. Bhatnagar and

K. K. Mathur. Kolloid-Z . 30, 368 (1922).

186 Adsorption Theory of Striated Precipitates. S. C. Bradford. Kolloid-Z . _30, 364


rend . 174 1353 187 Synthetic Mother-of-Pearl . L. Clement and C. Riviere. Compt. ,


188 Liesegang Rings I. Silver Chromate in Gelatin and Colloidal Gold in Silicic

Acid Gels. E.C.H. Davies. J. Amer. Chem. Soc . 44 , 2698 (1922).

189 Liesegang Rings II. Rhythmic Bands of Dyes on Filter Paper and Cloth by

Evaporation. E.C.H. Davies. J. Amer. Chem. Soc . 44, 2705 (1922).

190 The Liesegang Phenomenon and Precipitation. N. R. Dhar and A. C. Chatterji.

Kolloid-Z . 31, 15 (1922).

191 Comments on the Theory of Liesegang Rings. M. H. Fischer and G. D. McLaughlin.

Kolloid-Z . 30, 13 (1922).

192 The Influence of Protective Colloids on the Corrosion of Metal and the

Velocity of Chemical and Physical Change. J. N. Friend. J. Chem. Soc . 121,

472 (1922).

193 Bacterial Isomerism. A. Gersbach. Zentralbl. Bakt . j88, 97 (1922).

194 Structures in Elastic Gels Caused by the Formation of Semi-Permeable

Membranes. E. Hatschek. Biochem. J . 16, 475 (1922).

(1922). 195 Diffusion in Deformed Gels. E. Hatschek. Sci. Progress , 17, 86

196 Rhythmic Deposition of Precipitated Vapors. E. Karrer. J. Amer. Chem. Soc.

44, 951 (1922).

197 Liesegang Ring Formation. H. A. McGuigan. Science 55, 100 (1922).

198 Gel Formation in Quinine and Eucupine Solutions. P. Rona and M. Takata.

- 11 - Biochem. Z . 134 , 97 (1922).

199 Diffusion Processes in Gelatin I. C. A. Schleussner. Kolloid-Z . 31 , 347 (1922).

200 The Phenomenon of Strata Formation in Clay Suspensions and Their Application

to Soil Analysis. E. Ungerer. Kolloidchem. Beih . 14, 227 (1922).

1923 201 Liesegang Rings III. The Effects of Light and Hydrogen Ion Concentration on

the Formation of Colloidal Gold in Silicic Acid Gels. Rhythmic Bands of Purple

of Cassius. E.C.H. Davies. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 45 , 2261 (1923).

202 Theory of Liesegang Rings. R. Fricke. Z. physikal. Chem . 107 , 41 (1923).

203 Reaction of Alkaloids with Iodine Containing Gelatin. H. Handovsky and E. du

Bois-Reymond. Kolloid-Z . 33, 347 (1923).

204 The Liesegang Phenomenon A Historical Note. J. R. I. Hepburn. Nature , 112 ,

439 (1923).

205 The Rhythmic Formation of Precipitates. Liesegang Rings. K. Jablczynski. Bull .

Soc. Chem . 33, 1592, (iv) (1923).

206 Speed of Formation of Precipitates in a Colloidal Medium. Liesegang Rings. K.

Jablczynski and A. Klein. Rocz. Chem . 2, 479 (1923).

207 Rhythmically Banded Precipitated Films on Liquid Surfaces I. A. Janek.

Kolloid-Z . 32, 252 (1923).

208 Rhythmically Banded Precipitated Films on Liquid Surfaces II. A. Janek. Kolloid -

Z. 33, 86 (1923).

209 Heat Effects During Precipitation in Gels. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . 32, 263


210 Capillary Experiments with Kaolin. R. E. Liesegang and M. Watanabe. Sprechsaal ,

56, 121 (1923).

211 Capillarity and Diffusion in Geology. R. E. Liesegang and M. Watanabe.

Kolloid-Z . 32, 177 (1923).

212 Rhythmic Banding of Precipitates. H. A. McGuigan and G. A. Brough. J. Biol.

Chem . 58, 415 (1923).

213 Rhythmic Separations. K. Notboom. Kolloid-Z. 32, 247 (1923).

213A Iridescent Color, and the Structure Producing It. III. The Colors of Labrador

- 12 - ,

Feldspar. (Lord) Rayleigh. Proc. Roy. Soc . 103A , 34 (1923).

214 Diffusion of Arsenic in Gelatin. R. Schaefer. Kolloid-Z . _33, 286 (1923).

215 The Formation of Anomalous Liesegang Bands. F. G. Tryhorn and S. C. Blacktin.

Trans. Faraday Soc . 19 . 433 (1923).

216 Diffusion Velocity in Gels During Metathesis Reactions. M. Watanabe. Kolloid-Z .

32, 320 (1923).

1924 217 Physico-chemical Processes During Growth of "Herpes Tonsurans." S. S. Bhatnagar

and K. K. Mathur. Kolloid-Z . 34, 104 (1924).

218 Formation of Liesegang Rings in Capillary Spaces. J. Brodersen. Kolloid-Z .

35, 21 (1924).

219 Studies on the Formation of Periodic Precipitates II. N. R. Dhar and A. C.

Chatterji. J. Physical Chem . ^8, 41 (1924).

220 The Rhythmic Crystallization of Undecoic Acid. W. E. Garner and F. C. Randall.

J. Chem. Soc . 125 , 369 (1924).

221 The Periodic Dissolution of Metals in Certain Reagents. E. S. Hedges and J. E.

Myers. J. Chem. Soc . 125 , 604 (1924).

222 The Periodic Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide. E. S. Hedges and

J. E. Myers. J. Chem. Soc . 125 , 1282 (1924).

223 Theory of Rhythmic Band Formation. S. Oden and G. Kohler. Arkiv. Kemi .

Min., Geol . 9, No. 10, 1 (1924).

224 Diffusion Processes in Gelatin II. C. A. Schleussner. Kolloid-Z . 34, 338 (1924)

225 Rhythmic Crystallization from Melts. E. Schubert. Kolloid-Z . 35, 219 (1924).

226 Behavior of Silver Chromate in Gelatin and a New Explanation for Liesegang

Rings. K. C. Sen and N. R. Dhar. Kolloid-Z . 34, 270 (1924).

227 Electrolytic Reactions on the Presence of Gelatin and Liesegang Structures. K.

Takehara. Kolloid-Z . 35, 233 (1924).

228 Theory of Liesegang Structures. J. Traube and K. Takehara. Kolloid-Z . 35 , 245


229 Condensation Bands Formed During the Explosion of Hydrogen and Air. G. H.

West. Nature . 113 , 712 (1924).

- 13 - 230 Rhythmic Strata, P. D. Zacharias. Kolloid-Z . 34 , 37 (1924).

1925 231 Zonation in Cultures of "Fusarium-Discolor " Sulphureum. G. R. Bisby. Mycologia .

17, 89 (1925).

232 Precipitation in Dilute Gelatin Gels. G. W. S. Blair. Phil. Mag . (VI) 49, 90


233 Theories of Liesegang Ring Formation. N. R. Dhar and A. C. Chatterji. Kolloid -

Z. 37, 2 (1925).

234 Studies on Supersaturated Solutions. I. The Mechanism of Separation of Salts

from Supersaturated Solutions and the Formation of Rhythmic Precipitates in

Gels. W. M. Fischer. Z. anorg. Chem . 145 , 311 (1925).

235 "Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Colloids." E. Hatschek. 5th ed.

London (1925), p. 131

236 Influence of Light on Lead Chromate Rings. E. Hatschek. Kolloid-Z . 37 , 297


237 Further Experiments on the Periodic Dissolution of Metals. E. S. Hedges and

J. E. Myers. J. Chem. Soc . 127 , 445 (1925).

238 Periodic Electrochemical Phenomena. E. S. Hedges and J. E. Myers. J. Chem .

Soc . 127, 1013 (1925).

239 The Periodic Crystallization of Pure Substances. E. S. Hedges and J. E. Myers.

J. Chem. Soc . 127 , 2432 (1925).

240 Transmission of Viruses from Apparently Healthy Potatoes. J. Johnson. Wise .

Agric. Exper. Sta. Res. Bull . 63 (1925).

241 The Cobalt Sodium Hexanitrite Reaction for Potassium Plant Cells. F. E. Lloyd.

Flora 118, 369 (1925).

242 The Effect of Light on the Settling of Suspensions. C. G. T. Morison. Proc. Roy .

Soc . A, 108, 280 (1925).

243 Theory of Liesegang Rings. Wo. Ostwald. Kolloid-Z . J36, 380 (1925).

244 Periodic Layers of Magnesium Hydroxide. K. Popp. Kolloid-Z . 36 , 208 (1925).

245 A New Pattern Formed by Colored Salts in Solid Gels. E. R. Riegel and L.

Widgoff. J. Physical Chem . 29, 872 (1925).

- 14 - 246 Rhythmic Reactions. K. Seidel. Kolloid-Z . 37, 298 (1925).

247 Rhythmic Reactions In "U"-Shape Tubes. G. V. Stuckert. Kolloid-Z . 37, 238 (1925).

248 Precipitates with Striated Structures. P. P. von Weimarn. Kolloid-Z . 37 , 78

(1925) .

1926 249 Concentric Colored Rings of Beets and the Liesegang Phenomenon. S. S. Bhatnagar

and J. L. Seghal. Kolloid-Z . 39, 264 (1926).

250 The Influence of Lyophilic Colloids on the Precipitation of Insoluble Salts.

Gelatin and Silver Chromate. Part I. T. R. Bolam and M. R. MacKenzie. Trans .

Faraday Soc . _22, 151 (1926).

251 The Influence of Lyophilic Colloids on the Precipitation of Insoluble Salts.

Gelatin and Silver Chromate. Part II. T. R. Bolam and M. R. MacKenzie. Trans .

Faraday Soc . 22, 162 (1926).

252 Liesegang Rings. S. C. Bradford, in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. I, J. Alexander,

ed., Chem. Catalog Co., New York (1926), p. 790.

253 Studies of Liesegang Ring Formation and the Peptizing Effect of Some Gels.

A. C. Chatterji and N. R. Dhar. Kolloid-Z . 40, 97 (1926).

254 Rhythmic Diurnal Bands of Gold and Platinum in Silicic Acid Gel. E. C. H.

Davies and V. Sivertz. J. Physical Chem . 30, 1467 (1926).

255 Theory of Periodic Precipitation. N. R. Dhar and A. C. Chatterji. Z. anorg .

Chem . 159 , 129 (1926).

256 Adsorption of Sols and Ions by Precipitates and Their Influence on the Formation

of Periodic Precipitates. N. R. Dhar and A. C. Chatterji. Z. anorg. Chem . 159 ,

186 (1926).

257 Periodic Precipitation of Calcium Phosphate. B. Dogadkin. Kolloid-Z . 40 , 33

(1926) .

258 Fracture of Gels from Acrolein- Rhythmic Production of Grooves. C. Dufraisse

and P. Gailloit. Compt. rend . 183 , 976 (1926).

259 Formation of Secondary Layers of Liesegang Rings. M. S. Dunin and F. M.

Shemyakin. Kolloid-Z . 39, 50 (1926).

260 Rhythmical Precipitation of Calcium Hydroxide. W. M. Fischer and A. Schmidt.

- 15 - Rocz. Chem. 6, 404 (1926).

261 "Colloid and Capillary Chemistry." H. Freundlich. E. P. Dutton. New York

(1926), p. 235.

262 Investigations of a Liesegang System. R. Fricke and 0. Suwelak. Z. physikal .

Chem . 124 , 359 (1926).

263 Experiments on the Formation of Mother-of-Pearl . P. B. Ganguly. J. Chem. Soc.

1381 (1926).

264 Silver Chromate Rings in Sodium Silicate. E. Hatschek. Kolloid-Z . 38 , 151


265 Periodic Phenomena at Anodes of Copper and Silver. E. S. Hedges. J. Chem. Soc .

129 , 1533 (1926).

166 An Alternating-Current Cell. E. S. Hedges. J. Chem. Soc . 129 , 1892 (1926).

267 Periodic Phenomena at Anodes of Magnesium, Zinc, Cadmium, Mercury, Tin, Lead

and at an Unattackable Anode. E. S. Hedges. J. Chem. Soc . 129 , 2580 (1926).

268 The Periodic Electrochemical Passivity of Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, and Aluminum.

E. S. . Hedges. J. Chem. Soc 129 , 2878 (1926).

269 "The Problem of Physico-Chemical Periodicity." E. S. Hedges and J. E. Myers.

Arnold and Co., London (1926).

270 "Liesegang Rings." H. N. Holmes, in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. I,

J. Alexander, ed. , Chem. Catalog Co., New York (1926), p. 796.

271 Rhythmic Crystallization of Potassium Alum in the Metastable State. C.

Hrynakovski. Rocz. Chem . 6, 150 (1926).

On Liesegang 172 Rings. K. Jablczynski. Kolloid-Z . 40 , 22 (1926).

273 The Rhythmic Formation of Precipitates. Liesegang Rings. K. Jablczynski and

S. Kobryner. Bull. Soc. Chim. France 39, 383 (1926).

274 "Diffusion in Gels." R. E. Liesegang in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. I,

J. Alexander, ed. , Chem. Catalog Co., New York (1926), p. 783.

275 Rhythmic Reactions of Mercury Salts in Gelatin Gels. T. Orlovski. Kolloid-Z .

39, 48 (1926).

276 Formation of Precipitates with Striated Structures. E. Ungerer. Kolloid-Z . 39 ,

- 16 - 238 (1926).

277 The Relation Between Diffusion Velocity and the Concentration of the Diffusing

Substance. M. Watanabe. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ . Ser . 3, 3, 11 (1926).

278 Effects of Copper and Zinc Sulfates on the Diffusion Velocity of Each Other.

M. Watanabe. Sci. Repts. Tohoku Imp. Univ . 3, 25 (1926).

1927 279 Microchemical Investigation of the Structure of the Collenchymatous Cell Wall.

D. B. Anderson. Sitzungsber, Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math. -naturw. Kl . 136 , 429


280 The Formation of Hailstones and the Cause for the Polymorphy of Ice. K. C.

Berz. Kolloid-Z . 41, 196 (1927).

281 The Liesegang Phenomenon and Stratification. M. Copisarow. J. Chem. Soc . 222


282 Daily Changes of Growth in Length in the Tropics. C. Coster. Ann, jard. Bot .

Buitenzorg , 37, 225 (1927). Rec. Trav. Bot. Neesland 24, (1/3), 257 (1927).

283 Adsorption of Ions and Sols at Interfaces and its Applications to Certain

Problems of Colloid Chemistry. N. R. Dhar. J. Indian Chem. Soc . 4, 173 (1927).

284 Condition of Silver Chromate in Gelatin From Electrical Conductivity and

Diffusion Experiments. N. R. Dhar and A. C. Chatterji. Trans. Faraday Soc .

23, 23 (1927).

285 Ringspot of Tobacco. An Infectious Disease of Unknown Cause. F. D. Fromme,

S. A. Wingard and C. N. Priode. Phytopathol . 17, 321 (1927).

286 The Periodic Electrodeposition of Metals through Secondary Reaction. E. S.

Hedges. J. Chem. Soc . 1077 (1927).

287 Some Effects of the Uneven Distribution of Current Density Over an Electrode.

E. S. Hedges. J. Chem. Soc . 2710 (1927).

288 The Relation Between the Surface of Crystals and Their Mass and Volume, Based

Upon Measurements. C. Hrynakovski. Bull. Soc. Amis. Sci. Poznan , 1, B, 49


289 Studies on the Formation of Liesegang Rings. P. B. Ganguly. J. Physical Chem .

31, 481 (1927).

- 17 - 290 A New Capillary Phenomenon. A. Janek. Kolloidchem. Beih . 24, 418 (1927).

291 Physico-chemical Investigations on Quartz Suspensions: Discharge Effects and

Adsorption. E. Ramann. Kolloidchem. Beih . 25, 279 (1927).

292 Formation of Liesegang Rings During Serological Precipitation. L. Reiner and

H. Kopp. Kolloid-Z . 42, 335 (1927).

293 The Zone Pattern Formed by Silver Dichromate in Solid Gelatin Gel. E. R. Riegel

and M. C. Reinhard. J. Physical Chem . 31, 713 (1927).

294 Dispersion of Cellulose by Salt Solutions. P. P. von Weimarn. Kolloid-Z . 42 ,

43 (1927).

1928 295 Rhythmic Precipitation in Gels. D. Avdalian. Ukrainskii Khem. Zhur . 3, 223 (1928).

296 Ferric Oxide Filaments Obtained by Desiccating Colloidal Solutions. P. Bary.

Compt . rend . 186 , 1539 (1928).

297 The Structure of the Threads Obtained by Drying Ferric Chloride. P. Bary.

Compt . rend . 187 , 538 (1928).

298 Fig ures Produced on Drying Colloidal Solutions. P. Bary. Rev, gen. Colloid .

6, 209 (1928).

299 Stratification in Electrodyalisis as a Manifestation of Electrophoresis. F.

Blank and E. Valko. Biochem. Z . 195 , 220 (1928).

300 The Influence of Lyophilic Colloids on the Precipitation of Salts. Agar-Agar

and Lead Iodide. T. R. Bolam. Trans. Faraday Soc . 24 , 463 (1928).

301 Note on the Influence of Hydrolyzed Gelatin on the Precipitation of Silver

Chromate. T. R. Bolam and B. N. Desai. Trans. Faraday Soc . 24 , 50 (1928).

302 Evidence in Favor of the Existence of Silver Chromate in Gelatin in the Col-

loidal Condition. Electrical Conductivity of Silver Chromate in Gelatin.

A. C. Chatterji and S. C. Varma. Proc. XV Indian Sci. Congr . 142 (1928).

303 Secondary Periodicity of Liesegang Rings. B. Dogadkin. Kolloid-Z . 45, 136


304 Zonate Eyespot of Grasses Caused by Helminthospor ium Cigatheum . C. Dreschsler.

J. Agric. Res . 37, 373 (1928).

305 Observation on the Passivity of Metals. E. S. Hedges. J. Chem. Soc . 969 (1928).

- 18 - Coagulation Phenomenon. E. S. 306 The Formation of Liesegang Rings as a Periodic

Hedges and R. V. Henley. J. Chem. Soc . 2714 (1928).

Kuzmenko. Ukrainskii Khem. 307 study of Chemical Reactions in Gelatin Gels. S. M.

Zhur . 3, 231 (1928).

(1928). 308 "Biological Colloid Chemistry." R. E. Liesegang. Dresden,

Kolloid-Z. 112 (1928). 309 a Colloidal Temperature Indicator. R. E. Liesegang. 45,

310 Diffusion Rings. G. Linck. Chemische Erde 4, 88 (1928).

Chem . 312 (1928). 311 Diffusion Rings. G. Linck and E. Korinth. Z. anorg. 171, Moravek. Plant Physiol. 312 Studies in Periodic Precipitations. F. E. Lloyd and V.

3, 101 (1928).

Priode. Amer. J . 313 Further Studies in the Ring-Spot Disease of Tobacco. C. N.

Bot . 15, 88 (1928).

(1928). 314 Insects and Potato Virus Diseases. K. M. Smith. Nature 121, 904 Rhythmic Transformations. 315 N ew Minerals and Rhythmic Processes in Minerals.

M. Storz. Kolloid-Z . 45, 231 (1928).

Taylor and J. West. 316 The Crystal Structure of the Chondrodite Series. W. H.

Proc. Roy. Soc . A, _117 , 517 (1928).

of Plants. S. A. Wingard. J. 317 Host and Symptoms of Ring- Spot, a Virus Disease

Agric. Res . 26, 53 (1928).

of Metals. K. Arndt. Ber. 62, 1929 318 Investigations on the Electrolytic Precipitation

B, 80 (1929). Stationery Office. (1929). 319 "Wool: A Study of the Fibre." S. G. Barker. H. M. Aluminum and Chromium Oxides. 32Q Desiccation Patterns from Colloidal Solutions of

P. Bary. Rev, gen. Colloid . 7, 97 (1929).

by Pectographs. P. Bary. Compt. 321 Constitution of Colloidal Solutions as Revealed

rend . 7, 308 (1929).

and Their Desiccation. P. 322 Colloidal Solutions of Alumina and Chromium Oxide

Bary. Compt. rend . 188 , 625 (1929).

Sulfides. P. Bary. Compt. rend . 323 Pectography of Colloidal Solutions of Metal

189 , 294 (1929).

- 19 - 324 Adsorptive Stratification in Gels V. S. C. Bradford. Chem. and Ind . 78 (1929)

325 Mineralogical Tree Formations: Formation and Explanation. M. Copisarow.

Kolloid-Z . 47, 60 (1929).

326 Cel l Structure and Formation. M. Copisarow. Kolloid-Z . 49 , 309 (1929).

327 Colloidal Behavior of the Sulfides and Hydroxides of Cadmium and Zinc. W.

Daus and 0. F. Tower. J. Physical Chem. 33. 605 (1929).

128 Theories of Liesegang Rings and Periodic Precipitation. N. R. Dhar and A. C.

Chatterji. Chem. and Ind . 878 (1929).

329 Periodic Precipitations and Diffusion. R. J. Doyle and H. Ryan. Nature . 124,

762 (1929).

330 Periodic Precipitation in the Presence and Absence of Colloids. R. J. Doyle

and H. Ryan. Proc. Roy. Irish. . Acad 38B , 435 (1929).

231 Banded Sedimentation of Red Blood Corpuscles. V. Duccaschi. Kolloid-Z . 48,

78 (1929).

332 Morphology of Chemical Reactions in Colloidal Media. M. S. Dunin and F. M.

Shemyakin. Kolloid-Z . 47, 335 (1929).

333 Formation of Secondary Layers of Liesegang Rings. M. S. Dunin and F. M.

Shemyakin. Kolloid-Z . 48 , 167 (1929).

334 The Reaction Between Silver Nitrate and Potassium Ferrocyanide , and Between

Copper Sulfate and Potassium Ferrocyanide, in Gelatin. M. S. Dunin and F. M.

Shemyakin. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc . 61 , 575 (1929).

335 Electrolysis in Gels I. P. Happel, R. E. Liesegang and 0. Mastbaum. Kolloid-Z .

48, 80 (1929).

336 Electrolysis in Gels II. P. Happel and R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . 48, 252


337 The Formation of Liesegang Rings as a Periodic Coagulation Phenomenon. J. R. I

Hepburn. J. Chem. Soc . 213 (1929).

338 Periodic Structures in Gels. E. S. Hedges. J. Chem. Soc . 233 (1929).

139 An Enquiry into the Cause of Periodic Phenomena in Electrolysis. E. S. Hedges.

J. Chem. Soc . 1028 (1929).

- 20 - .

Chem. Soc. 1848 340 Periodic Structures from Interacting Gases. E. S. Hedges. J.


by Coagulation. E. S. 341 The Formation of Periodic Structures by Salting out and

Hedges. J. Chem. Soc . 2779 (1929).

Nature 123, 837 342 Periodic and Spiral Forms of Crystallization. E. S. Hedges.


123 603 (1929). 343 Spiral Markings on Carborundum Crystals. W. Hughes. Nature ,

344 "Rhythmic Phenomena of the Earth's Surface." H. Kaufmann (1929).

on Periodic Pre- 345 precipitation in Gels. I. Influence of an Electric Field

cipitation. B. Kisch. Kolloid-Z . 49, 154 (1929).

Kisch. Kolloid-Z 346 Precipitation in Gels. II. Precipitation of Single Rings. B.

49, 156 (1929).

Tissue. R. E. 347 The Alleged Demonstration of Localized Potassium in Plant

Liesegang. Z. wiss. Mikrosk . 46, 126 (1929).

and C. A. Sloat. 348 Spiral Markings on Carborundum Crystals. A.W.C. Menzies

Nature 123 , 348 (1929).

349 Diffusion in Gels. V. Moravek. Kolloid-Z . 49, 39 (1929). Washington Acad. 350 The Stratified Settling of Fine Sediments. P. G. Nutting. J.

Sci. 19, 402 (1929).

Shemyakin. 351 The Morphology of Chemical Reactions in Colloidal Media II. F. M.

J. Russ. Phvs. Chem. Soc . 61, 1203 (1929).

Influence on 352 Proof of Radiation Emitted by Crushed Onion Roots by Their

(1929). Liesegang Rings. W. Stempell. Biol. Zentr . 49, 607

(1929). 353 Taktosols. H. Zocher and K. Jacobsohn. Kolloidchem. Beih. 28, 167

Structures. E. S. Hedges 1930 354 Some Recent Experiments on the Formation of Periodic

Rev, gen. Colloid 8, 193 (1930).

Periodic Phenomena. 355 Some Relations Between Physicochemical and Biological

(1930). E. S. Hedges. J. Soc. Chem. Ind . 49, 121 T,

Kolloid-Z. 219 356 Theory of Formation of Periodic Structures. E. S. Hedges. 52,


- 21 - 157 Liesegang Phenomenon in Fungi. J. Hein. Amer. Journ. Bot . 17 , 143 (1930).

358 Pectographic Studies of Solutions of Coloring Matter. P. Bary. Compt. rend.

190 , 488 (1930).

359 A Note on the Physical Relationships of Crimp in Wool. S. G. Barker and

M. H. Norris. J. Textile Inst . 21 , Tl (1930).

The 360 Influence of Lyophilic Colloids on the Precipitation of Salts. Agar-Agar

and Lead Iodide. Part II. T. R. Bolam. Trans. Faraday Soc . 26, 133 (1930).

361 "Methods for the Investigation of the Metabolism of Pathogenic Bacteria." H.

Braun. Berlin, (1930).

.362 Rhythmic Evaporation Rings of Orange II and Fast Red B. E.C.H. Davies, K.

Taylor and E. W. Riblett. J. Physical Chem . 34, 842 (1930).

363 "Runge" Figures and Liesegang Rings on Filter Paper. E. Deiss. Kolloid-Z . _89,

146 (1930).

364 Supersaturated Solutions III. Rhythmic Precipitation of Silver Halides and

Thallous Iodide. W. M. Fischer. Latvij Univ. Raksti 1, 263 (1930).

Studies on 165 Rhythmic Formation. D. N. Ghosh. J. Indian Chem. Soc. 7, 509


366 Two New Kinds of Tobacco Virus. S. C. J. Jochems. Bull. Deli Proefstation

Medan Sumatra No. 30 (1930).

367 Mitogenetic Radiation and the Effect of Volatile Substances from Crushed

Onion Root on Colloidal Phenomena. H. Kowarczyk. Acta Biol. Exptl. Warsaw 6,

29 (1930).

168 Spiral Formation During Chemical Reaction. R. E. Liesegang. Die Naturwiss.

18, 645 (1930).

169 Agate. G. Linck and H. Heinz. Chem. Erde 4. 526 (1930).

369A Periodic Precipitation in Aqueous Solutions. H. W. Morse. J. Physical Chem .

14, 1554 (1930).

170 Crimp in Wool as a Periodic Function of Time. M. H. Norris and P. J. J. van

Rensburg. J. Textile Inst . 21, T 481 (1930).

371 Diffusion Rings of Silver Dichromate and Chromate in Gelatin and Agar-Agar.

- 22 - .

F. Pannach. Chem. Erde . 4, 598 (1930). .

372 Behavior of Surface Tension Under Vacuum. S. Ray. Kolloid-Z . 50 , 19 (1930).

373 Spiral Cracks Formed by Drying of Precipitates. G. Schikorr. Naturwiss 18 ,

376 (1930).

374 Capillarity XIII. Behavior of Real and Colloidal Solutions in Capillaries

During Evaporation. K. Schultze. Kolloid-Z . 50, 106 (1930).

375 Morphology of Chemical Reactions in Gels III. F. M. Shemyakin. J. Russ. Phys .

Chem. Soc . 62, 1357 (1930).

376 The Stempell Phenomenon in the Liesegang Rings. W. W. Siebert. Biochem. -Z .

220 , 487 (1930).

377 A Photomicroscopic Study of Liesegang Rings. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 191 , 611


378 Iridescent Strata Produced by the Slow Hydrolysis of Iron Chloride. H. Zocher

and W. Heller. Z. Anor. Allgem. Chem . 186 , 75 (1930).

1931 379 "Wool Quality." S. G. Barker. H. M. Stationery Office, (1931).

379A Pectography. Evaporation of Liquids. P. Bary. J. Chim. Phys . 28 , 1 (1931).

380 Condition of Sparingly Soluble Substances in Gelatin. T. R. Bolam. Nature

128 , 222 (1931).

381 Kinetic Study of Liesegang Rings. L. Bull and S. Veil. Compt. rend. 192 ,

682 (1931).

382 Optical Study of Secondary Liesegang Rings. L. Bull and S. Veil. Compt. rend .

192 , 1314 (1931).

383 Adsorption of Ions and Sols by Freshly Prepared Precipitates and its Influence

on the Formations of Liesegang Rings II. A. C. Chatter ji and S. C. Varma. Z.

anorg. Chem . 196 , 247 (1931).

384 Action of Different Radiations on Liesegang Rings. J. Cluzet and T. Kofman.

Compt. rend. Soc. Biol . 104 , 1001 (1931).

385 The Basis of Periodicity. M. Copisarow. Kolloid-Z . 54 , 257 (1931).

386 Condition of Sparingly Soluble Substances in Gelatin. B. N. Desai. Nature

128 , 222 (1931).

- 23 - Influence of 387 Electrolytes on Periodic Precipitation of Lead Chromate. H. Erbing.

Kolloid-Z. 56. 194 (1931).

388 Periodic Process in a Chemical Reaction. W. T. Gibson. Nature 127 , 13 (1931).

389 "Colloids," E. S. Hedges. Arnold & Co. London (1931), p. 226.

390 Periodic Physico-chemical Phenomena. E. S. Hedges. Nature 128 , 398 (1931).

391 Theories of Liesegang Rings. J. W. Hill. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci . 34, 303


392 "Zone Formation in Colloidal Media." E. Kuster. Jena (1931).

393 Rhythmic Separation of Stearic Acid from Alcoholic and Ethereal Solutions. A.

Kutzelnigg. Kolloid-Z . 57, 292 (1931).

394 Agate Theories. R. E. Liesegang. Chem. Erde 6. 143 (1931).

395 "Colloid Chemistry and Geology." R. E. Liesegang. in "Colloid Chemistry,"

Vol. III. J. Alexander, ed. , Chem. Catalog Co., New York (1931), p. 251.

396 Further Studies in Periodic Precipitation. F. E. Lloyd and V. Moravek. J.

Physical Chem. 35. 1512 (1931).

397 Preparation and Properties of Silver Sols by Kohlschutter ' s Procedure. R. P. P.

Mathur and N. . R. Dhar. Z. Anorg. Chem 199 , 387 (1931).

398 Periodic Precipitation in the Absence of Colloids. J. W. McBain. Nature 128 ,

1042 (1931).

399 Crimp in Wool as a Periodic Function of Time II. A Study of 31 Samples cut from

the Same Merino Sheep at Intervals of One Month During its Whole Life. M. H.

Norris and C. C. Classens. J. Textile Inst . 22, T 224 (1931).

400 Crimp in Wool as a Periodic Function of Time III. Analysis of Some Fiber Locks

of New Zealand Romney and Corriedale Fleece Wool for Fiber Length and Number

of Crimps per Fiber. M. H. Norris. J. Textile Inst . 22, T 241 (1931).

401 Target Blotch of Sugar Cane. C. N. Priode. Phytopathol . 21, 41 (1931).

402 Cobalt Sulfide Bands in Solid Silica Gel. E. R. Riegel. J. Physical Chem. 35 ,

1674 (1931).

^03 Studies of Liesegang Ring Formation. S. Ray. Kolloid-Z . 54, 190 (1931).

404 Morphology of Chemical Reactions in Gels V. The Theory of Periodic Reactions.

- 24 - F. M. Shemyakin. J. Gen. Chem. Russ . 1_, 455 (1931).

405 Effect of Light on the Formation of Banded Precipitates of Mercuric Iodide.

R. W. Taft and J. W. Hill. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci . 33, 57 (1931).

406 Liesegang Rings. 0. F. Tower and E. E. Chapman. J. Physical Chem . 35 , 1474

(1931) .

1932 407 Periodic Precipitation Structures. S.C. Blacktin. Nature 129 , 401 (1932).

408 Periodic Precipitation Structures. M. Copisarow. Nature 129 , 400 (1932).

409 Periodic Precipitation. J. N. Friend and R. H. Vallance. Nature Feb. 6 (1932).

410 Periodic Precipitation Structures. E. S. Hedges. Nature 129 , 400 (1932).

411 Electrochemical Periodicity. E. S. Hedges. Nature 129 , 870 (1932).

412 Pectography and the Constitution of Colloidal Solutions. E. S. Hedges. Chem .

and Ind . 51, 25 (1932).

413 "Protective Films on Metals." E. S. Hedges. Chapman & Hall, London (1932).

414 The Action of Radiations on Liesegang Rings. T. Kofman. J. chim. Phys. 29 ,

586 (1932).

415 An Unusual Example of Regional Sedimentation. H. Nicol. Kolloid-Z . 58 , 302

(1932) .

416 The Effect of the Content of Impurities in Gelatin on the "Density" of Liesegang

Rings. Relation of Jablizinsky. F. Taboury and R. Echard. Bull, soc. chim . 51 ,

1377 (1932).

417 Periodic Structures. The Liesegang Phenomenon. M. F. Taboury and J. Salvinien.

J. Bull, soc. chim . 51, 1340 (1932).

418 Alternating-Current Effect on Colloidal Systems. M. Shikata and H. Hukuwatari.

J. Soc. Chem. Ind. Japan 35, Supp. 25 (1932).

419 The Individual Diffusion of Liesegang Reactants in Gelatin. S. Veil. Compt .

rend . 194 , 1155 (1932).

420 The Periodic Precipitation of Several Silver Salts. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 195 ,

606 (1932).

421 Static and Kinetic Study of Liesegang Rings. S. Veil J. Phys. radium 3, 302


- 25 - .

422 Colloidal Phenomena in Gallstones. H. B. Weiser and G. R. Gray. J. Phys. Chem .

36, 286 (1932).

423 Mitogenetic Rays and the Stempell Effect. G. Zirpolo. Pontificia acad. sci .

novi. , Lyncei Sci. numc. rad. phon . 11 , 9 (1932).

1933 424 Liesegang Rings Obtained by Electrolysis. E. Banderet. Compt. rend . 196 , 1785


425 Theory of Liesegang Precipitates. H. Bauer. Kolloid-Z . 64, 181 (1933).

426 Calcium Oxalate Rings. H. Doering. Naturwissenschaf ten 21 , 675 (1933).

427 Periodic Precipitation in Non-Colloidal Media. R. Fricke. Z. Electrochem . 39 ,

629 (1933).

428 Rhythmic Precipitates. T. Isemura. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 8, 11 (1933).

429 Rhythmic Precipitates. II. Effect of Light and Aging. T. Isemura. Bull. Chem .

Soc. Japan . 8, 108 (1933).

430 Liesegang Rings. B. Kisch. Kolloid-Z . 65, 316 (1933).

431 Actions of Visible and u-v Light on Periodic Reactions. T. Kofman. Compt. rend .

208 , 567 (1933).

432 The Wave Theory of Periodic Reactions. II. P. F. Mikhalev and F. M. Shemyakin.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR 3, 1001 (1933).

433 Action of Adsorption Layers on Disperse Systems III. Action of Surface Active

Agents on the Crystallization Processes in Liesegang Rings. N. Serb-Serbina.

Kolloid-Z . 62, 79 (1933).

434 The Theory of Liesegang Rings. F. M. Shemyakin and P. F. Mikhalev. Compt. rend,

acad. sci. U.R.S.S . 25, 201 (1933).

435 Wave Theory of Periodic Reaction. F. M. Shemyakin, V. K. Nikiforov and P. F.

Mikhalev. J. Gen. Chem . (USSR) 3, 798 (1933).

436 Modifications of Periodic Precipitates of the Liesegang Type. G. V. Stuckert.

Investigaciones Lab, guim. biol. Univ. Cordoba j_, 208 (1933).

437 Liesegang Gas Layers. D. L. Talmud. Physik. Z. Sowjetunion 4, 861 (1933).

438 Chemical Periodicity. S. Veil. Rev, gen, sci . 43, 535-40 (1933).

439 The Periodic Precipitation of Mercuric Iodide. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 196 , 266


- 26 - Chim. 440 Properties and Reactions of Dyes Observed in Two Dimensions. S. Veil. J.

Phys . 30, 266 (1933).

Compt. rend. .198, 1934 441 Formation of Liesegang Rings by Electrolysis. E. Banderet.

821 (1934).

442 Supersaturation Theory of the Space and Time Intervals in Liesegang

Precipitates. H. Bauer. Z. phys. Chem . B 27 , 145 (1934).

443 Mechanism of the Liesegang Phenomenon. E. C. Baughan. Nature 134, 778 (1934).

444 investigation of the Liesegang Phenomenon I. Experiments on a Theory of J. A.

. B 26 187 Christiansen. J. A. Christiansen and I. Wulff. Z. Physik. Chem ,


445 irisation of Old Glass. Productions of Liesegang Strata in Glass. M. Guillot.

Compt. rend . 198 , 2093 (1934).

446 The Reaction Between S0 and Water Vapors and a New Periodic Phenomenon. C. F. 3

Goodeve, A. S. Eastman, and A. Dooley. Trans. Faraday Soc . 30 , 1127 (1934).

447 Liesegang Phenomenon Applied to Banded Malachite. R. J. Hartman. E. W.

Kanning, and F. G. Klee. J. Chem. Educ . 11 , 346 (1934).

Heck and M. G. Mellon. 448 Rhythmic Precipitation with Organic Precipitants . J. E.

J. Phys. Chem. 38, 85 (1934).

1086 449 An Analytical Study of Liesegang Rings. E. B. Hughes. Biochem. J. 28,


Presence of Acids, Alcohol 450 Rhythmic Precipitates. III. On the Effects of the

Soc. Japan 23 or Amino-Acids in Gelatin Jellies. T. Isemura. Bull. Chem. 9,


451 Rhythmic Precipitates. IV. Distances Between Rhythmic Layers. T. Isemura. J.

Chem. Soc. Japan 55, 809 (1934).

Gelatin. M. 452 The Effect of an Electric Field on Silver Chromate Precipitate in

Kohn. Kolloid-Z . 67, 207 (1934).

453 Regularities in the Formation of Liesegang Rings. M. P. Lakhani and R. N.

Mathur. Kolloid-Z . 67, 59 (1934).

- 27 - . .

454 Liesegang Phenomenon in Silicic Acid Gel. A. Lincoln and J. Hillyer. J. Phys .

Chem . 38, 907 (1934).

455 Periodic Phenomena In Colloidal Systems. P. F. Mikhalev. J. Phys. Chem . (USSR)

5, 820 (1934).

456 A New Regularity of Periodic Reactions in Gels. P. F. Mikhalev, V. Nikiforov,

and F. M. Shemyakin. Kolloid-Z . 66, 197 (1934).

457 The Wave Theory of Periodic Reactions. V. An Investigation of Periodic

Reactions by the Method of Physico-Chemical Analysis. P. F. Mikhalev and

F. M. Shemyakin. J. Gen. Chem . (USSR) 4, 1117 (1934).

458 Effect of Organic Substances on Periodic Reactions. P. F. Mikhalev and

F . M. Shemyakin. J. Phys. Chem . (USSR) 5, 750 (1934).

459 The Phenomena of Liesegang. T. Okaya. Proc. Phys .-Math Soc. Japan ,17 . 101


460 Rhythmic of Precipitates Ag Cr0^ in Cellophane. J. Ratelade. Compt. rend . 199 2 ,

555 (1934).

461 Mitogenetic Radiations and Liesegang Rings. A. E. Roffo. Rev. Soc. Argentina

biol. 10, 297 (1934).

462 Liesegang 's Stratification Developed in the Diatomaceous Gyttia from Lake

Haruna and Problems Related to it. K. Sugawara. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan _9, 402


463 Morphology of Chemical Reactions in Gels VIII. The Effect of Acids and

Alkalies on Liesegang Rings and the "Radial Rosette" in Gelatin and Some

Findings in the Absence of Gels. F. M. Shemyakin. J. Phys. Chem . (USSR) 5,

755 (1934).

464 Emission Wave theory of Periodic Reactions III. F. M. Shemyakin. J. Gen. Chem .

(USSR) 4, 441 (1934).

465 Periodic Precipitation Phenomena. B. Tezak. Kolloid-Z . 68 , 60 (1934).

466 Characteristics of Some Chemical Periodicities of Structure. S. Veil. J. Phys

radium 5, 141 (1934)

- 28 - .

467 2-Drop Method of Examining Periodicity in Precipitation. S. Veil. Compt. rend .

198 , 1854 (1934).

468 The Precipitation of Zn Salts by Alkaline Chromates in Gelatin. Differentiation

Between Zn and Cd. S. Veil. Bull, soc. chem . (5) 1, 1358 (1934).

1935 469 Diffusion in Gelatin and Rhythmic Precipitation of Magnesium Hydroxide. G.

Ammon and R. Amnion. Kolloid-Z . 73 , 204 (1935).

470 Formation of Microscopic Liesegang Rings. E. C. Botti, 0. W. Link, and B. P.

Caldwell. J. Chem. Educ . 12, 540 (1935).

471 Theory of Liesegang Rings. E. B. Hughes. Kolloid-Z . 71 , 100 (1935).

472 The Theory of Liesegang Rings. E. B. Hughes. Kolloid-Z . 72 , 212 (1935).

473 Liesegang Rings. Methods for the Determination of Ag, CrO^, etc. in Gelatin or

Agar Gel. E. B. Hughes. Analyst . 60, 309 (1935).

474 The Theory of Periodic Precipitates. L. May. Kolloid-Z . 72 , 217 (1935).

475 The Effect of Acidity of Agar on the Liesegang Rings of Lead Chromate and

Lead Iodide. H. M. Mapara. J. Indian Chem. Soc. 12, 48 (1935).

476 Mathematical Expression for Periodic Processes. P. F. Mikhalev. Colloid J .

(USSR) I, 142 (1935).

477 Action of Light on Periodic Reactions. V. K. Nikiforov. J. Chim. phys . 32 ,

585 (1935).

478 Wave Theory of the Action or Radiation on Periodic Reactions. V. K. Nikiforov.

Colloid J . (USSR) I, 138 (1935).

479 Liesegang Phenomena in Precipitation of 1^ in the Absence of a Gel. B. N. Sen.

Monatsh- f. Chem . 67, 10 (1935).

480 Periodic Reactions. F. M. Shemyakin. Colloid J . (USSR) I, 135 (1935).

481 Investigation of Periodic Reactions by Physico-chemical Analysis. F. M. Shem-

yakin and P. F. Mikhalev. Acta physicochim. U.R. S.S . 2, 427 (1935).

482 A Study of Periodic Reactions by Physical Chemical Analysis VI F. M.

Shemyakin, E. Z. Fokina, and P. F. Mikhalev. J. Gen. Chem . (USSR) 5., 1145


- 29 - S

483 Emission-Wave Theory of Periodic Reactions VIII. F. M. Shemyakin. J. Gen.

Chem . (USSR) 5, 943 (1935).

484 A Study of Rhythmic Reactions in Silica Acid Gel. F. Taboury and G. Jauneau.

Bull, soc. chim , (5) 2, 971 (1935).

485 Theory of Physico-chemical Periodic Processes. A. A. Vitt and F. M. Shemyakin.

J. Gen. Chem . (USSR) 5, 814 (1935).

486 Ring 1936 Phenomenon in Sputtered Metallic Films. U. K. Bose. Nature 138 , 684 (1936).

487 Rhythmic Banding and Bleach Spots in Vindhyam Sand Stone. D. P. Chadoke. Am .

J. Sci . 32, 218 (1936).

488 a Liesegang Rings in Non-Gelatinous Medium I. V. Gore. Kolloid-Z . 76 , 84 (1936).

489 Diffusion of Gases on Emergence from Capillary Tubes. G. Costeanu and P. Renaud.

Compt. rend . 202 , 1511 (1936).

491 Liesegang Rings in a Non-Gelatinous Medium II. V. Gore. Kolloid-Z . 76 , 330


492 Rhythmic Precipitates. V. The Rhythmic Precipitates of Nickel Dimethyl

Glyoxime. T. Isemura. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 57 , 546 (1936).

493 Rhythmic Precipitates of Gold. T. Isemura. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 57 , 548 (1936).

494 Formation of Periodic Precipitation in the Absence of Foreign Gel. I. Ferric

Hydroxide Sol. R. N. Mittra. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India 6, 321 (1936).

495 The Influence of Light Intensity on the Periodic Formation of Precipitates of

Ag CrO^ in Gelatin. V. K. Nikiforov and M. R. Lemeche. J. Chim. Phys . 33 2 ,

No. 3, 25 (1936).

496 The Law of Refraction in Periodic Precipitates. V. K. Nikiforov and A. P.

Runtso. Colloid J . (USSR) 2, 229 (1936).

497 The Causes of the Deviations in the Fundamental Law of the Wave Theory. V. K.

Nikivorov and A. P. Runtso. Colloid J . (USSR) 2, 461 (1936).

498 The Formation of Liesegang Rings in the Presence of Precipitates. B. N. Sen.

J. Phys. Chem . 40, 369 (1936).

499 The Question of Periodic Reactions. F. M. Shemyakin. Compt. rend, acad. sci .

U.R. S. . 4, 63 (1936).

- 30 - .

500 Emission-Wave Theory of Periodic Reactions VII. F. M. Shemyakin. Sci. Rept .

Moscow State Univ . No. 6, 89 (1936).

501 Undulating Cracks and Periodic Crystallization in Gelatin Gel in Mercuric Car-

bonate. F. M. Shemyakin and A. I. Lazareva. Compt. rend, acad. sci. U.R. S.S .

3, 371 (1936).

502 Magnesium Hydroxide Formation in Gelatin. F. M. Shemyakin and A. Lazareva.

Compt. rend, acad. sci. U.R. S.S . 4, 369 (1936).

. 599 503 Liesegang Rings of Manganese Sulfide. 0. F. Tower. J. Phys . Chem 40,

(1936) .

504 Liesegang Periodicity and Concentration of the Reacting Drop. S. Veil. Compt .

rend . 202 , 2078 (1936).

1937 505 The Red-Brown Markings of the Nesting Female Wasp, and Liesegang Ring Pigmen-

tation evoked by Mechanical Stimuli. E. Becker. Z. vergleich. Physiol . 24 ,

305 (1937).

506 "Liesegang Rings and the Influence of Media on their Formation." A.C. Chatterji

Newul Kishore Press. Lucknow, India (1937).

507 Liesegang Rings and the Influence of Media on their Formation. B. N. Desai.

Current Sci . 5, 584 (1937).

Rhythmic Precipitates. VI. Rhythmic Precipitates of Pbl in Silica Gel. T. 508 2

Isemura. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 58 , 58 (1937).

Rhythmic Precipitates VIII. The Rhythmic Precipitates of Pb(I0 ) in Gelatin 509 3 2

Gel. T. Isemura. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 58, 301 (1937).

Isemura. J. 510 Rhythmic Precipitates. IX. Ag C0 , AgI0 , AgAs0 in Gelatin Gel. T. 2 3 3 2

Chem. Soc. Japan 58, 629 (1937).

511 The Effect of Light on the Rhythmic Precipitation of Ag CrO^ in Gelatin. M. 2

Kohn and L. Mainshausen. Kolloid-Z . 79, 316 (1937).

512 Rhythmic Precipitation in Plant Tissue. E. Liebaldt. Protoplasma . 27 , 264

(1937) .

1 513 A (Rhythmic Precipitate) Form Catalyst. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . 81,


- 31 - 514 Periodic Stratification During the Crystallization of Aqueous Solutions of

NiS0 CuCl , and CuSC^. P. F. Mikhalev. J. Phys. Chem. (USSR) 10, 157 (1937). 4 , 2 515 Periodic Stratification of CuSO^ on Filter Paper. P. F. Mikhalev. J. Phys. Chem .

(USSR) 10, 159 (1937).

516 Periodic Sedimentation Structures. P. F. Mikhalev. J. Phys. Chem . 10 , 881


517 The Effect of Ultraviolet Light on the Origin of Rhythmic Precipitation of

Ag Cr0 in an Electric Field. S. Miyamoto. Kolloid-Z . 78 , 23 (1937). 2 4

518 Effect of Temperature on Periodic Reactions. V. K. Nikiforov and A. P. Runtso.

Colloid J . (USSR) 3, 45 (1937).

519 Banded Precipitates and Capillarity. V. K. Nikiforov and A. P. Runtso. Colloid

J. (USSR) 3, 889 (1937).

520 A New Method for the Production of Liesegang Rings in Gels. J. Obrist. Kolloid-

Z. 81, 327 (1937).

521 Movement of Fluid Parallel to the Axis of a Solid Cylinder and the Liesegang

Phenomenon. T. Okaya. Jap. J. Phys . 12 , 9 (1937).

522 Liesegang Rings I. T. Okaya. Proc. Phys. Math. Soc. Japan 19 , 72 (1937).

523 Rhythmic Precipitation in an Electric Field II. T. Okaya and K. Ohmori. Proc .

Phys. Math. Soc. Japan 19. 988 (1937).

524 Diffusion of Gas at the Outlets of Tubes and the Chemical Consequences of the

Eddies it Produces. P. Renaud and G. Costeanu. J. Chim. Phys . 34 , 141 (1937).

525 Modifications Produced by Cholesterol Crystals Irradiated with u-v Light and

those not Irradiated in the Formation of Liesegang Rings. A. E. Roffo. Bol

inst. med. exptl. estud. cancer (Buenos Aires) _14, 107 (1937).

526 Rhythmic Crystallization in Slags. F. Roll. Kolloid-Z . 79, 221 (1937).

527 The Formation of Liesegang Rings by the Precipitation of Basic HgCl in the 2

Absence of a Gel. B. N. Sen. Z. anorg. allgem. Chemie . 234, 63 (1937).

528 Multiple Emul sion and Spontaneous Formation of Emulsion Systems. F. M.

Shemyakin. Compt. rend, acad. sci. U.R.S.S . 14 , 23 (1937).

529 Periodic Precipitation in Aqueous Media in Capillaries for the Formation of

BaCO^, and Ag^O^. F. M. Shemyakin and A. I. Lazareva. Compt. rend, acad. sci .

- 32 - U.R.S.S . 14, 513 (1937).

530 periodic Precipitation in Aqueous Media by the Morse and Ostwald Methods. F.M.

Shemyakin and A. I. Lazareva. Compt. rend, acad. sci. U.R.S.S . 14 , 517 (1937).

531 periodic Structures. R. Sugden. Austral. Chem. Inst. J. & Proc . 4, 140 (1937).

532 Periodic Structures. The Action of Light. M. F. Taboury and M. Bellot. Bull .

soc. chim . 4, 1876 (1937).

533 Effect of Light on the Liesegang Phenomenon. M. F. Taboury and M. Bellot.

Compt. rend . 205 , 45 (1937).

534 Periodic Structures. The Phenomenon of Liesegang in Agar Gel. M. F. Taboury

. 1857 (1937). and J. Bernuchon. Bull, soc. chim [v] , 4,

535 periodic Structures. The Phenomenon of Liesegang in Starch Paste. M. F. Taboury

and L. Tournat. Bull, soc. chim . [v] , 4, 1866 (1937).

536 The Possibility of Detection of Electromagnetic Radiation by Means of Changes

Occurring in the Formation of Liesegang Rings. A. Drigo and M. Cappellin.

Atti. ist. veneto sci., lettere ed arti Pt. 2 .97, 267 (1937/1938).

1938 537 Refraction of Periodic Precipitations of Ag^rO^ in Stretched Gelatin. K. A.

Cherches. Colloid J . (USSR) 4, 407 (1938).

538 The Liesegang Phenomenon as a Source of Colloidal Matter. M. Copisarow.

Protoplasma 30, 258 (1938).

539 The Effect of Mitogenetic Radiation on Liesegang Rings. Elges-Svorcikova-

Bordas. Biol. Generalis 7, 605 (1938).

540 Silver Chromate Banding in Silicic Acid Gel. T. Isemura. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan

13, 498 (1938).

541 Calcium Phosphate Banding in Silicic Acid Gel. T. Isemura. Bull. Chem. Soc.

Japan 13, 493 (1938).

(1938). 542 Liesegang Rings in Non-Gelatinous Media III. V. Gore. Kolloid-Z . 82, 79

543 Liesegang Rings in Non-Gelatinous Media IV. Periodic Coagulation of Diluted

Fe(0H) Sols. V. Gore. Kolloid-Z . 82, 263 (1938). 3 544 Limited Number of Periodic Stratifications. S. S. Kharamonenko. Colloid J.

(USSR) 4, 235 (1938).

- 33 - 545 Liesegang Rings from Uric Acid. H. Knoll. Kolloid-Z . 82, 76 (1938).

546 Liesegang Rings from Uric Acid. H. Knoll. Kolloid-Z . 85, 290 (1938).

547 A Urease Effect. H. Knoll and R. E. Liesegang. Biochem. Z . 296 , 426 (1938).

548 Precipitates of Gold in Silica Gel. J. Lebesgue. J. Chim. phys . 35, 33 (1938).

549 The Iso-Electric Point of Mixtures of Gelatin and Amino Acids. R. E. Liesegang.

Kolloid-Z . 84, 24 (1938).

550 Stratifications in the Atmosphere. R. E. Liesegang. Metereol. Z. 55 , 184 (1938).

551 Supersaturated Solutions of Metallic Silver. R. E. Liesegang. Z. wiss. Phot .

37, 218 (1938).

552 Supersaturated Solutions of Metallic Silver. II. R. E. Liesegang. Z. wiss .

Phot . 37, 259 (1938).

553 Periodic Stratifications. P. F. Mikhalev. Colloid J . (USSR) 4, 373 (1938).

554 Quantitative Investigation of Periodic Precipitates. K. Neumann and V. Costeanu.

Kolloid-Z . 84, 130 (1938).

555 Wave Nature of the Periodic Reaction of Ag Cr 0 . V. K. Nikiforov and S. S. 2 2 7

Kharamonenko. Acta Physicochim . (USSR) 8, 95 (1938).

556 Rhythmic Precipitation in an Electric Field III. T. Okaya. Proc. Phys. Math .

Soc. Japan (3rd Ser.) 20, 110 (1938).

557 Interference Patterns with Liesegang Rings. C. V. Raman and K. Subbaramiah.

Nature 142, 355 (1938).

558 Effect of Capillarity on the Periodicity Constant. A. P. Runtso. Colloid J .

(USSR) 4, 413 (1938).

559 The Descending Movement of a Ring of a Precipitate Through the Particles of a

Precipitate of a Different Kind. B. N. Sen. Gazz. chim. ital . 68, 664 (1938).

560 A Study of Periodic Reactions by Method of Physical Chemical Analysis. XIII.

F. M. Shemyakin and V. E. Kranze. J. Gen. Chem . (USSR) 8, 83 (1938).

561 A Possible Mechanism of the Formation of Periodic Ice Layers During Freezing

of Soil and the Problem of Permanent Freezing. F. M. Shemyakin and P. F.

Mikhalev. Colloid J . (USSR) 4, 369 (1938).

562 The Effect of the Nature of Impurities on the Formation of Liesegang Rings of

- 34 - Ag CrO^ in Gelatin. M. F. Taboury and R. Echard. Bull, soc. chim . (5) 1, 2

1525 (1938).

563 The Periodic Coagulation of Gold in Presence of Colloidal Silica. W. Ure and

J. Wilson. J. Phys. Chem . 42, 151 (1938).

564 Supersaturation and Liesegang Ring Formation I. A. Van Hook. J. Phys. Chem .

42, 1191 (1938).

565 Supersaturation and Liesegang Ring Formation II. A. Van Hook. J. Phys. Chem .

42, 1201 (1938).

566 Rhythmicity of Precipitation of Some Pyro Phosphates. S. Veil. Bull. Soc. Chim .

5, 1072 (1938).

567 Rhythmic Precipitation of PbCIO^^ i n Gelatin and Interfacial Interpretation

of Chemical Periodicity of Structure. S. Veil. Bull, soc. chim . (5) 5_, 1393


568 Coprecipitation of AgBr and Ag^rO^. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 206 , 1896 (1938).

1939 169 Colored Structure of Gallstones. L. Aschoff. Kolloid-Z . _89, 107 (1939).

570 Effect of Acidity of Gelatin on Liesegang Rings of Silver Chromate and Silver'

Iodide. B. N. Desai and B. M. Naik. J. Indian Chem. Soc . 11 , 59 (1939).

571 Periodic Precipitation from Solutions During Evaporation of the Solvent. N. F.

Ermolenko and S. A. Levine. J. Gen. Chem (USSR) 9, 965 (1939).

572 Studies on Rhythmic Precipitates. T. Isemura. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 14 , Suppl.

179 (1939).

573 Effect of Hydrolysis of Gelatin on Periodic Precipitation. S.S. Kharamonenko.

Colloid J . (USSR) _5, 755 (1939).

574 Liesegang Formation as a Model for Organic Rhythms. E. Kuster. Kolloid-Z . 89 .

123 (1939).

575 Spiral Formations in Precipitates within Gels. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . 87 ,

57 (1939).

576 Effect of Ultra-violet Rays on Liesegang Rings. C. Maxio. Bull, soc. ital. biol .

sper . 14, 444 (1939).

577 The Calculation of Limiting Numbers of the Liesegang Rings. P. F. Mikhalev and

F. M. Shemyakin. J. Applied Chem . (USSR) 12, 536 (1939).

- 35 - 578 Formation of a Periodic Precipitate in the Absence of a Foreign Gel. II.

Fe(OH) Sol by Different Methods. R. N. Mittra. J. Indian Chem. Soc . 16 , 3

165 (1939).

579 Formation of a Periodic Precipitate in the Absence of a Foreign Gel. IV.

Ferric Borate Sols. R. N. Mittra. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India 9, 138 (1939).

580 Registration of the Liesegang Rings with the Micro Photometer. T. Okaya,

H. Arai, and S. Kimoto. Mitt, med. Akad. Kioto 27. 422 (1939).

581 Liesegang Rings. K. S. Ramaiah. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci . 9A, 467 (1939).

582 The Wave-Like Character of Periodic Precipitates. C. V. Raman and K. S.

Ramaiah. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci . 9A, 455 (1939).

583 Formation of Periodic Precipitates in the Interior of Other Precipitates.

B. N. Sen. Atti. accad. Lincei . Classe sci. fis. mat, nat . 29 , 488 (1939).

584 Methods of Obtaining Periodic Structures and Determining Periodicity Constants.

F. M. Shemyakin and P. F. Mikhalev. Colloid J . (USSR) _5, 655 (1939).

585 Supersaturation and Liesegang Formation III. A. Van Hook. Kolloid Z . 87 , 125


586 Artificial Periodicities Derived from the Spontaneous Periodic Precipitation

of Ag CrO^ by Localized Substitution. S. Veil. Bull, soc. chim . 6, 700 (1939). 2

587 Periodicities of Liesegang Obtained by Attack of Coarse Solid Suspensions in

Gelatin. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 208 , 1496 (1939).

1940 588 Rhythmic Precipitation of Pneumococcal Soluble Specific Substances and Anti-

pneumococcal Serums. R. Brown. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med . 45, 93 (1940).

589 Liesegang and Muscle- Pressure Waves. Effects of Micro Capillarity on Micro

Compressional Waves of Physical Chemical Changes Causing Liesegang and Muscle

Striae. E. Casey. J. Am. Med. Assoc . 114 , 753 (1940).

590 Periodic Precipitation. III. N. F. Ermolenko and S. A. Levine. J. Gen. Chem .

(USSR) 10, 1565 (1940).

591 Precipitation and Periodic Deposits by the Electrolytic Coagulation of the

Gelatin Sol of CdS. F. D. Ovcharenko. Zapiski Inst. Khim. Akad. Nauk (USSR) _6,

No. 3-4, 307 (1940).

- 36 - Super saturation and Liesegang Ring Formation. IV. Precipitates of Ag

A. Van Hook. J. Phys. Chem . 44, 751 (1940).

593 Apparent Repulsion Between Diffusion Drops of AgNO^ on Pure and Chromated

Gelatin. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 210 , 434 (1940).

594 Rhythmic Precipitates I. Electrical Studies. A. Yanagihara. Bull. Inst. Phys .

Chem. Research (Tokyo) 19, 1251 (1940).

595 Rhythmic Precipitates II. Theory of Formation. A. Yanagihara. Bull. Inst. Phys .

Chem. Research (Tokyo) 19, 1432 (1940).

1941 596 Stratified Diffusion and Sedimentation of Iodine-Gelatin Gels. J. Bucholtz.

Kolloid-Z . 96, 72 (1941).

597 The Detection of Mitogenetic Rays with Liesegang Rings. G. Jeanneney, C.

Wangermez, and Ladignac. Presse med . 49 , 456 (1941).

598 Some Morphological Features of Crystallizations and Precipitation in Gels.

A. King. Sci. J. Roy. Coll. Sci . 11, 1 (1941).

599 Some Interesting Examples of Rhythmic Precipitation. T. Moeller. J. Chem. Educ .

17, 519 (1941).

600 Rhythmic Precipitation of AgCl in Gelatin Tanned with CrCl . C. S. Narwani 3

and G. T. Gursahani. J. Indian Chem. Soc . 18 , 531 (1941).

601 Quantitative Characteristic of Liesegang Rings. F. M. Shemyakin. Compt. rend .

acad. sci. U.R. S.S . 33, 457 (1941).

602 Rhythmic Banding in Protoplasm. M. Uraguti. Cytologia (Tokyo) 11 , 332 (1941).

603 Supersaturation and Liesegang Ring Formation. V. A. Van Hook. J. Phys. Chem .

45, 879 (1941).

1942 604 Silica and the Liesegang Phenomenon. A. C. Copisarow and M. Copisarow. Nature

149, 413 (1942).

605 Application of the Liesegang Agate Theories. H. Knoll. Kolloid-Z . 101 , 296


1943 606 Effects on Liesegang Rings. H. Friedeberg. Nature 152 , 305 (1943).

607 Diffusion in Glass. J. A. Pask and C. W. Parmelee. J. Am. Ceram. Soc . 26 ,

266 (1943).

608 Rhythmic Precipitates III. Influence of Concentr. Gradient of Inner Electrolyte.

- 37 - as Inner Electrolyte in Formation of Ag CrO^. A. Yanagihara. J. Chem . AgNO^ 2

Soc. Japan 70, 167 (1943).

Soc. 65 1944 609 Periodic Precipitation of Sodium Chloride. N. Katoh. J. Chem. Japan ,

678 (1944).

. 109 610 Capillary Phenomena with Acid Fuchsin. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z ,

16 (1944).

19-21 611 Cobalt Chromate Banding. R. E. Liesegang. Kolloid-Z . 109, (1944).

612 Periodic Precipitation in Native and Regenerated Cellulose Fibers. G. Schramm.

Kolloid-Z . 108 , 166 (1944).

and F. Taboury. 613 Liesegang Rings and the Structure of Proteins. M.F. Taboury J.

J. Chim. phys . 41, 89 (1944).

614 Systematic Study of Conditions of Formation of a Periodic Precipitate. M. F.

Taboury, P. Seigneur, and A. Hugon. Bull, soc. chim . 11, 429 (1944).

615 Protective Inhibiting Power of Gelatin in the Form of a Precipitate. M. F.

Taboury, P. Seigneur, and A. Hugon. Bull, soc. chim . 11, 431, 434 (1944).

616 An Experiment for Obtaining the "Apparent" Avogadro Number from the Translation

and Velocity of Periodic Mercuric Iodide Precipitates in Agar Gel. H. Tominaga

Y. Katano Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) Chemistry 42, 145 (1944).

1945 617 A Technique for the Preparation of Cat's-Eye Agate Gels. H. H. Fillinger, R.

McConnel, and P. Oline. J. Chem. Educ . 22. 440 (1945).

618 Diffusion Methods of Studying Precipitation Phenomenon Mineralogical

Applications. R. Gay. Bull. Soc. franc, mineral 68, 60 (1945).

619 Reactions of Crystalloids in Colloidal Medium. Liesegang Rings. A. G. Valcarel.

Med, espan . 13, 208 (1945).

528 (1945). 620 Study of Liesegang Rings. A. G. Valcarel. Med, espan . 13, 316, 445,

621 Periodicity in the Displacement Reaction of Tin with Silver Nitrate. S. Veil.

Compt. rend . 221 , 497 (1945).

622 Periodic Structure in the Coagulation of Rubber Latex. G. T. Verghese and

M. A. G. Rau. J. Sci. and Ind. Research (India) 4, 11 (1945). Current 623 Liesegang Phenomenon in Rubber Latex. G. T. Verghese and M. A. G. Rau.

Sci. 14, 46 (1945).

- 38 - 1946 624 Periodic Precipitation in Gelatin. D. A. Balarev. Annuaire Univ. Sofia Faculte

phys.-math . 43, Livre 2, 115 (1946).

625 Remarks on the Formation of Liesegang Rings. A.I. Krasil ' shchikov. J. Gen. Chem .

(USSR) 16, 1359 (1946).

626 Some Diffusion Problems and their Application to the General Theory of

Liesegang Rings. J. Salvinien. J. Chim. phys . 43 , 340 (1946).

627 Precipitation of the Liesegang Type and the Eventual Formation of a Second

Family of Rings. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 223 , 84 (1946).

628 Theory of Liesegang Rings. Y. Wormser. J. chim. phys . 43 , 88 (1946).

1947 .629 Wandering Liesegang Rings. K. A. Cherches. Kolloid-Zhur . 9, 157 (1947).

630 Contributions to the Study of Periodic Precipitation. R. Gay. Bull, soc. franc .

mineral 70, 251 (1947).

631 Liesegang 's Phenomenon of Fibroin Gel. Masami Oku. J. Soc. Textile Cellulose

Ind. Japan 3, 151 (1947).

632 Liesegang Rings as Detectors for Biological Waves. J. A. Portoles. Euclides

(Madrid) 7, 429 (1947).

633 Liesegang Rings and Antiseptics. R. J. Pulvetaft, J. Greening and J. Haynes.

J. Path. Bact . 39, 233 (1947).

634 Rhythmic Deposits by Evaporation. J. V. Rubio. Anales fis. y. quim . 43 , 25


635 Banding of Basic Mercuric Chloride in Silica Gel. R. Rush, J. Johnson, I. Walk-

up and A. Quast. J. Chem. Educ . 24. 238 (1947).

636 Multiple Liesegang Rings. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 224 , 115 (1947).

637 Liesegang Rings Produced by Variations in Concentrations of Added Reactants.

S. Veil. Compt. rend . 224 , 177 (1947).

638 Double Rings of Barium Phosphate. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 224 , 740 (1947).

639 Interaction of Liesegang Reagents. Possibility of Abnormal Ring Distribution.

S. Veil. Compt. rend . 225 , 804 (1947).

1948 640 Rhythmic Crystallization by Freezing of Water. H. J. Breitner. Kolloid-Z . Ill ,

80 (1948).

- 39 - 641 Effect of Electrolyte Mixtures on the Formation of Periodic Precipitation of

Calcium Phosphate in Agar Gels. A. I. Garbuzov. Kolloid-Zhur . 10 , 265 (1948).

642 Rhythmic Unmixing. A. Kutzelnigg. Kolloid-Z . Ill , 82 (1948).

643 The Formation of Liesegang Rings in the Presence of Precipitates. B. N. Sen.

Gazz. chim. ital . 78, 414 (1948).

644 Rhythmic Precipitation During Reactions in the Gas Phase. F. M. Shemyakin.

Kolloid-Zhur . 10, 334 (1948).

645 The Double Precipitation of Manganous Salts by the Alkali Chromates. S. Veil.

Compt. rend . 226, 336 (1948).

646 Liesegang Rings and Individual Distribution of the Reagents. S. Veil. Compt .

rend . 226, 1603 (1948).

647 Periodicities 'Connected with the Alkali Precipitation of Lead Salts. S. Veil.

Compt. rend . 227 , 125 (1948).

648 The Chemical Suction of Potassium Dichr ornate in the Liesegang Precipitates,

its Control by Edge Effect, and its Role in the Generation of Rings. S. Veil.

Compt. rend . 227, 1359 (1948).

1949 649 Spatial Distribution of Precipitates During Crystallization of Mutually Diffus-

ing Substances. C. Afanasev. J. Phys . Chem. (USSR) 23, 156 (1949).

650 The Periodic Precipitation Phenomenon. A. A. Christomanos . Mitt, athener Akad.

Sitz . (March 31, 1949).

651 Electropotential Difference the Cause of the Periodic Precipitation. A. A.

Christomanos. Mitt, athener Akad. Sitz . (June 9, 1949).

652 Periodic Phenomena in the Corrosion of Metals by Vapors. Renee Dubrisay.

Compt. rend . 229, 829 (1949).

653 Periodic Precipitation of Copper Chromate in Agar by Coagulation Method. F. D.

Ovcharenko. Kolloid-Zhur . 11, 260 (1949).

654 Pectographic Study of Coagulation. J. V. Rubio. Anales real soc. espan. fis .

V quim. 45 B . 651, (1949).

655 The Rhythmic Precipitation of Copper Salts by Alkaline Arsenates. S. Veil.

Compt. rend . 229 , 1230 (1949).

- 40 - 656 Rhythmic Precipitates. III. Influence of the Concentration Gradient of the

Inner Electrolyte. Silver Nitrate as the Inner Electrolyte in the Formation

of Silver Chromate. A. Yanagihara. J. Chem. Soc. Japan. Pure Chem. Sect .

70, 167 (1949).

657 Rhythmic Precipitates. IV. Influence of the Concentration Gradient of the

Inner Electrolyte. Potassium Dichromate as the Inner Electrolyte in Silver

Chromate Formation. Asao Yanagihara. J. Chem. Soc. Japan. Pure Chem. Sect .

70, 168 (1949).

658 Mathematical Formulation of the Theory of Periodic Precipitate. Y. Zeldovich

and 0. M. Todes. J. Phys. Chem . (USSR) 23, 180 (1949).

1950 659 Electric Potential of Solutions as a Cause of the Formation of Liesegang

165 (1950). Rings. Anastos A. A. Christomanos . Nature , 238

660 Periodic Phenomena in the Corrosion of Metals by Vapors. R. Dubrisay. Bull.

soc. chim. France [v] , 17, 1058 (1950).

661 Acceleration of the Formation of Rhythmic Precipitates, in Gelatin by an

Electric Field. S. I. D'yachkovskii. Kolloid-Zhur . 12 , 392 (1950).

662 Importance of Chromatographic Adsorption for the Formation of Rhythmic

Structures. F. M. Shemyakin. Kolloid-Zhur . 12 , 392 (1950).

663 Abnormal Rhythmic Distribution Due to Chemical Sorption. Suzanne Veil. Compt .

rend . 230 . 1769 (1950).

664 Periodic and Polyperiodic Precipitations. Suzanne Veil. Bull, soc. chim.

France [v] , 17, 222 (1950).

665 Mathematical Analysis of Periodic Precipitations. C. Wagner. J. Colloid Sci .

5, 85 (1950).

1951 666 Concentration Distribution of the Components and Periodic Precipitation of

the Reaction Product in a Plane Capillary. P. B. Afanos'ev and 0. M. Todes.

Zhur. Fiz. Khim . 25, 1281 (1951).

667 Experimental Verification of the Theory of Propagation of a Precipitate in a

Plane Capillary. P. B. Afanos'ev and 0. M. Todes. Zhur. Fiz. Khim . 25, 1273


- 41 - 668 Distribution of Sparingly Soluble Salts in Periodic Structures. A. C.

Chatter ji and M. C. Rastogi. (Lucknow Univ.) J. Indian Chem. Soc . 28 , 128 (1951).

.669 Liesegang-Ring Formation of the Sparingly Soluble Salts of Rarer Elements in

Gelatin. A. C. Chatterji and M.C. Rastogi. J. Indian Chem. Soc . 28 , 283 (1951).

669A Diffusion Structures In Amygdaloid Diatases. I. A. Preobrazhenskii. Trudy

Mineralog. Muzeya . Akad. Nauk S. S. S.R. No. 3, 138 (1951).

§10 Distribution of the Sparingly Soluble Salts in Periodic Structures. II. M. C.

Rastogi. J. Indian Chem. Soc . 28, 732 (1951).

671 Periodic Distribution of Precipitates in a Copper-Beryllium Alloy after

Prolonged Aging. B. M. Rovinskii and N. D. Gambashidze . Doklady Akad. Nauk .

S.S. S.R . 76, 399 (1951).

672 Influence of Light on the Formation of Rhythmic Precipitates in the Pastelike

Media of Clay. T. Sakaki. J. Chem. Soc. . Japan Pure Chem. Sect. 7J2, 1003


673 Liesegang-Ring Formation Arising From Diffusion of Ammonia, and Hydrogen

Chloride Gases . Through Air. L. Spotz and J.O. Hirschf elder J. Chem. Phys . 19 ,

1215 (1951).

674- Suctions Observable on Inversion of the Liesegang Reagents, and the Existence

of Precipitation Suction. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 233 . 45 (1951).

1952 675 A New Type of Periodic Structure Obtained by Reconstitution of Paramyosin from

Acid Solutions. A. Hodge, J. Proc. . Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S 38 , 850 (1952).

676 Liesegang Rings of . W. H. Johnston and P. J. Manno- Ind .

Eng. Chem . 44, 1304 (1952).

677 Liesegang Ring Formation of the Sparingly Soluble Salts of Rarer Elements in

Agar-Agar and Starch Gel. M.C. Rastogi. J. Indian Chem. Soc . 29, 206 (1952).

678 Steady State of Diffusion in a Gel. Caused by Mutual Precipitation of Two

Reagents. J. Salvinien, J. J. Moreau, R. Gaufres. Compt. rend . 235 , 46 (1952).

.679 Liesegang Rings. W. Schaafs. Kolloid-Z . 128 , 92 (1952).

679A The Effect of Gelatin on Crystallizing and Coagulating Processes During

Precipitation. B. Tezak and S. Kratohvil. Arkiv. Kem . 24 , 67 (1952).

- 42 - 680 Composite Liesegang Rings. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 234 , 1879-80 (1952).

681 Importance of the Role of Reagents in Rhythmic Precipitations and in Double

Decompositions in General. S. Veil. Compt. rend . 234 , 726-8 (1952).

1953 682 The Kinetics of Linear Systems With Special Reference to Periodic Reactions.

J. C. Hearon. Bull. Math. Biophys . 15, 121-41 (1953).

683 Note on the Liesegang Phenomenon in Inclined Test Tubes. T. Katsurai and H.

Mikawa. Kolloid-Z . 132 , 34 (1953).

684 Periodic Precipitation of Calcium Salts in Various Organic Substances. M.

Salpeter. J. Dental Research 32, 362 (1953).

685 Rhythmic Crystallization of Potassium Dichromate. W. Schaafs. Kolloid-Z . 133 ,

65 (1953).

686 Liesegang Rings on Metallic Bases. A. Van Hook and E. J. Reardon. Nature 171 ,

177 (1953).

687 Liesegang Rings of Silver Chromate I. K. K. Varma and S. Ghosh. Kolloid-Z .

133 , 32 (1953).

688 Periodic Structures, Rhythmic Chromatograms , and Radioisotopes. H. Weil.

Atomics & Atomic Technol . 4, 286 (1953).

689 Rhythmic Precipitates V. Influence of the Concentration Gradient of the Inner

Electrolyte with Reference to Lead Chromate Formation. A. Yanagihara. J. Chem .

Soc. Japan 74, 823 (1953).

1954 690 The Protected Dispersion of Silver Chromate in Gelatin. S. Combet and F.

Hamdiken. J. Chim. phys . 51, 18 (1954).

691 Diffusion Lines in Silver Chromate Gelatin. H. Friedeberg. Science 119 , 651


692 Adsorption of Sols & Ions by Freshly Precipitated Salts of Low .

M. C. Rastogi. Z. anorg. & allgem. Chem . 276 , 316 (1954).

693 Position of the Precipitation Front in the Case of Plane Rectangular Diffusion.

J. Salvinien and R. Gaufres. Compt. rend . 238 , 798 (1954).

694 Rhythmic Crystallization of Several Inorganic Salts. W. Schaafs. Kolloid-Z .

137 , 12 (1954).

695 Problem of Rhythmic Crystallization & Periodic Chemical Reaction in Colloid

- 43 - Chemistry Biology. W. & Schaafs. Kolloid-Z . 137 , 121 (1954).

696 Rhythmic Crystallization by a Drop Technique. A. Sole. Kolloid-Z . 137 , 15


697 Liesegang Rings in Inhomogeneous Media. Partially Coagulated Gelatin.

K. H. Stern. J. Colloid Sci . 9, 329 (1954).

698 The Liesegang Phenomenon. K. H. Stern. Chem. Revs . 54, 79 (1954).

699 Formation of Liesegang Rings by Azotobacter Under Oxygen Inhibition.

M. Tschapek and N. . Giambiagi. Kolloid-Z 135 , 47 (1954).

700 Rhythmic Precipitates VII. Diffusion Constants of AgNO^ , K^r^, Pb(NC> ) in 3 2 Gelatin Gel. A. Yanagihara. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 75. 292 (1954).

701 Rhythmic Precipitates VIII. A. Yanagihara. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 75 , 419 (1954).

202 Rhythmic Precipitates IX. PbCrO^. A. Yanagihara. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 75, 422


703 Rhythmic Precipitates X. Influences of Magnetic Field. A. Yanagihara.

J. Chem. Soc. Japan 75, 607 (1954).

1955 2.04 Chromatography of Inorganic Ions by Precipitation in Gels. G. Cetini and

F. Ricca. Ann. Chim. (Rome) 45, 1018 (1955).

705 The Formation of Liesegang Rings. S. D. Gromakov. Uchenye Zapiski Kazan .

Gosudarst Univ. im. V.I. Ulyanova-Lenina Khim . 115 , 101 (1955).

706 The Regression of the Centers of the Latent Photographic Image. B. I.

Kazantsev and P. V. Meiklyar. Zhur. Eksptl. i Teoret. Fiz . 28 , 70-6 (1955).

2P2 Liesegang Rings Prepared by Addition of HgCl to Gelatin With and Without

NR^Cl. N. Klissiunis. Bull. Univ. Thessalonika 1. 341 (1955).

708 Melting and Crystallizing of Solid Solutions: Phenanthrene-Anthracene.

A. Kofler. Monatsh. f. Chemie 86 T 301 (1955).

209 Liesegang Rings in Inhomogeneous Media. Powdered Glass. D. R. Manley and

K. H. Stern. J. Colloid Sci . 10, 409 (1955).

710 The Liesegang Phenomenon I. Sol Protection and Diffusion. R. Matalon and

A. Packter. J. Colloid Sci . 10, 46 (1955).

711 Investigation of Rhythmic Precipitation by Radioactive Isotopes I.

- 44 - Classe sci. f is . , mat, e M. Milone and G. Cetini. Atti accad. sci. Torino ,

nat . 89, 170 (1955).

712 Chromatography of Inorganic Ions by Precipitation in Gels. M. Milone,

G. Cetini and F. Ricca. Ann, chim. (Rome) 45 , 1018 (1955).

713 The Liesegang Phenomenon IV. Reprecipitation from Ammonia-Peptized Sols.

A. Packter. Kolloid-Z . 142, 109 (1955).

175 556 (1955). 714 inverted Rhythmic Precipitation. A. Packter. Nature ,

715 The Effect of Crystallinity on Rhythmic Precipitation. A. Packter. J. Chem.

Soc . 1180 (1955).

716 Ways of Recognizing or Avoiding the Liesegang Phenomenon in Immuno Chemistry.

J. Salvinien and M. Kaminski. Compt. rend . 240 , 377 (1955).

718 Bibliography of Liesegang Rings. K. H. Stern. University of Arkansas Editorial

Service (1955).

719 studies on Rhythmic Precipitation XI. Influence of A.C. and D.C. Fields.

A. Yanagihara. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 76 , 161 (1955).

720 Studies on Rhythmic Precipitation XII. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions

for Rhythmic Precipitation. A. Yanagihara. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 76, 165 (1955).

721 Studies on Rhythmic Precipitation XIII. Form of Precipitates. Factors

Influencing Width of Precipitate Layers. A. Yanagihara. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 76,

168 (1955).

Chem. 722 Rhythmic Precipitation XIV. Shapes of Rhythmic Layers. A. Yanagihara. J.

Soc. Japan 76, 434 (1955).

723 Rhythmic Precipitation XV. Shapes of Rhythmic Layers and Dislocation of

Precipitate Layers. A. Yanagihara. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 76, 438 (1955).

724 Moving Liesegang Rings. D. 0. Zeilinger. Kolloid-Zhur 17, 347 (1955).

1956 125 The Liesegang Phenomenon II. Addition of Protecting Agent. A. Packter.

J. Colloid Sci . 11, 96 (1956).

726 The Liesegang Phenomenon III. The Structure of the Gel Medium. A. Packter.

J. Colloid Sci . 11, 150 (1956).

- 45 - 727 Periodic Precipitation. S. Prager. J. Chem. Phys . 25 , 279 (1956).

728 Diffusion with Precipitation in Gels. Periodic Precipitations. J. Salvinien.

Pubis, sci. et tech. ministere air (France ) No. Notes techniques _5_9, 57 (1956).

729 Rhythmic and Zonal Precipitations. M. Watanabe. Kozan Chishitsu 6, 260 (1956).

1957 730 Rhythmic Formation of Calcium Carbonate Precipitates in Hydro Gels I. The

Diffusion of Carbonic Acid in Calcium Hydroxide Containing Gelatin Gels.

A. Buzagh and V. Fraknoy. Kolloid-Z . 150 , 97 (1957).

731 Formation of Liesegang-Like Rings by Metal Ions and Chelating or Complexing

Agents. R. E. Feeney and N. Bennett. Nature 180 , 979 (1957).

732 Liesegang-Like Rings of Growth and Inhibition of Bacteria in Agar Caused by

Metal Ions and Chelating Agents. R. E. Feeney, I. M. Petersen and H. Sahinkaya.

J. Bacteriol . 73, 284 (1957).

733 Effect of Electrolytes on the Formation of Liesegang Precipitates. F. M.

Shemyakin and A. N. Karpov. Sbornik Nauch. Rabot. Moskov. Farm. Inst . _1, 39


734 Rhythmic Formation of Iron Hydroxides Among the Sandstones of the Village

Kosoutsy. K. P. Yanulov and I. A. Rotarash. Uchenye Zapiski, Kishinevskii

Gosudarstvennyi Universitet 25 , 147 (1957).

1958 735 The Rhythmic Precipitates of Thallium Chromates in Gelatin. J. Barlot. J. Chim .

Phys . 55, 332 (1958).

736 Three-Dimensional Liesegang Rings by Diffusion in a Colloidal Matrix and Their

Significance for the Interpretation of Geologic Phenomena. J. D. Carl and G. C.

Amstutz. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am . 69 , 1467 (1958).

737 Periodic Formations I. Radial Rhythmicity. A. C. Chatter ji and H. Bhagwan.

J. Colloid Sci . 13, 232 (1958).

738 Periodic Formations II. Time and Distance Relations of Periodic Precipitates.

A. C. Chatterji and H. Bhagwan. J. Colloid Sci . 13 , 237 (1958).

739 Rhythmic Precipitates by Double Diffusion on Filter Paper. G. Cetini and F.

Ricca. J. Chim. Phys . _5_5, 323 (1958).

740 Liesegang Rings, A Phenomenon of Precise Periodic Coagulation. V. Gore.

Kolloid-Z . 159 , 135 (1958).

- 46 - Gore. Kolloid-Z. 741 Periodic Coagulation in the Mutual Coagulation of Sols. V.

160 , 27 (1958).

Liesegang Rings. 742 Rhythmic Precipitations in Glass by Retarded Diffusion.

H. Jebsen-Marwedel. Glastech. Ber . 31 , 311 (1958).

Mathur and S. 743 Liesegang Rings I. Reverse System of Liesegang Rings. P. B.

Ghosh. Kolloid-Z . 159 , 143 (1958).

and Ricca. J. Chim . 744 Rhythmic Precipitates on Paper. M. Milone, G. Cetini F.

Phys . 55, 320 (1958).

the Precipitation Front When 745 Detailed Study of the Motion and Stabilization of

and Two Reactants Diffuse Toward Each Other in a Gel. J. Salvinien J. J.

Moreau. J. Chim. Phys . 55, 300 (1958).

Kolloid-Z. 161, 746 Rhythm of Periodic Chemical Reactions in Tubes. W. Schaafs.

115 (1958).

Features of Multicolored 747 Periodic Processes and Genesis of Secondary Textural Sbornik. L'vov Rocks of the Dnieper-Donets Depression. E. I. Vulchin. Mineral.

183 (1958). Geol. Obshchestvo. L'vov. Gosudarst. Univ. im . I. Franko

Joos, H. D. Enderlein and H. 1959 248 Rhythmic Precipitations (Liesegang Rings) G.

Schadlich. Z. phys. Chem. N.F . 19, 397 (1959).

Oss and P. Hirsch-Ayalon. 749 Explanation of the Liesegang Phenomenon. C. J. van

Science 129 , 1365 (1959).

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756 Liesegang Phenomenon: The Importance of Impurities in Periodic Precipitation.

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757 A Diffusion Mechanism for Liesegang Rings I. Spacing Law. P. B. Mathur. Bull .

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762 The Rhythmic Formation of CaCO^ Precipitates in Hydrogels II. The Role of

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763 The Influence of Nonelectrolytes on the Periodic Formation of CaCO^ Precipitates

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764 The Formation of Precipitates in Gelatin. A. Buzagh and V. Fraknoy. Ann. Univ .

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765 Periodic Precipitation in Gels. E. Chifu and G. Hager. Acad. Rep. Populare

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766 Studies in the Formation of Calcium Phosphate by Means of Liesegang 's Rings.

III. Mechanism of Ring Formation. 0. Devik. Kolloid-Z . 181 , 33 (1962).

767 Formation of Calcium Phosphate Studied with Liesegang 's Rings I. Factors

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768 The Concentration Distribution of Ions in a Gel Before Precipitation.

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769 Determination of the Solubility Product of CuS in a Gel From the Liesegang

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770 Formation of Calcium Phosphate Studied with Liesegang' s Rings II. Crystal

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1963 771 A Tracer Study of Liesegang Rings. H. J. Arnikar and D. Meenamani. Kolloid-Z .

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772 Periodic (Liesegang) Precipitation of Chemicals. A. J. Crowle, D. C. Lueker

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773 Liesegang Rings of Lead Chromate I. K. Kant. Kolloid-Z . 189 , 151 (1963).

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775 Effect of the Rate of Diffusion of Ions on the Periodic Precipitation of Silver

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Author Reference No . Author Reference No


Afanasev, C. 649 Becker, E. 505

Afanos'ev, P. B. 666, 667 Beijerinck, M. W. 64, 75, 89

Alexeev, J. 35 Bell, G. C. 178

Ambronn, H. 13A Bellot, M. 532, 533

Amnion, G. 469 Bennett, N. 731

Ammon, R. 469 Bernuchon, J. 534

Amstutz, G. C. 736 Berthold, G. 7

Anderson, D. B. 279 Berz, K. C. 280

Andre, H. 165 Bhagwan, H. 737, 738

Antevs, E. 134 Bhatnagar, S. S. 185, 217, 249

Aral, H. 580 Biedermann, W. 23, 24

Ariizumi, A. 761 Bisby, G. R. 231

Arndt, K. 318 Blacktin, S. C. 215, 407

Arnikar, H. J. 771 Blair, G. W. S. 232

Aschoff, L. 569 Blank, F. 299

Avdalian, D. 295 Boas, F. 154

Bois-Reymond, E. du 203 B Bolam, T. R. 250, 251, 300, 301, 360, 380 Balarev, D. A. 624 Bose, U. K. 486

Bancroft, W. D 176 Botti, E. C. 470

Banderet, E. 424, 441 Bradford, S. C. 126, 135, 166, 167, 177, 186, 252, 324 Barker, S. G. 319, 359, 379 Braun, H. 361

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Bary, P. 296, 297, 298, Brodersen, J. 218

320, 321, 322, 323, 358, 379A Brough, G. A. 212

Bauer, H. 425, 442 Brown, P. 588

Baughan, E. C. 443 Bucholtz, J. 596

Bechhold, H. 32, 36, 153 Bull, L. 381, 382

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Burton, E. F. 178 Daus, W. 327

Butschli, 0. 14, 16, 28 Davies, E. C. H. 188, 189, 201, 254, 362 Buzagh, A. 730, 762, 763, Davis, H. S. 136

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Deiss, E. 363

Desai, B. N. 301, 386, 507, 570 Caldwell, B. P. 470 Devik, 0. 766, 767, 770

Cappellin, M. 536 Dhar, N. R. 190, 219, 226, 233, 253, 255, 256, 283, 284, 328, 397 Carl, J. D. 736 Dhareshwar, B. V. 755

Casey, E. 589 Doering, H. 426 Cetini, G. 704, 711, 712, 739, 744, 752 Dogadkin, B. 257, 303 Chadoke, D. P. 487 Dooley, A. 446 Chapman, E. E. 406 Doyle, R. J. 329, 330 Chatterji, A. C. 190, 219, 233, 253, 255, 256, 284, 302, 328, 383, 506, Dreaper, W. P. 90, 101, 102, 668, 669, 737, 738 103 Drechsler, C. 304 Cherches, K. A. 537, 629 Drigo, A. 536 Chifu, E. 765 Dubrisay, R. 652, 660 Christiansen, J. A. 444 Duccaschi, V. 331 651, 659 Christomanos , A. A. 650, Dufraisse, C. 258 Classens, C. C. 399 Dunin, M. S. 259, 332, 333, Clement, L. 187 334 D' yachkovskii, S. J. 661 Cluzet, J. 384

Combet, S. 690

Copisarow, A. C. 604

A. S. 446 Copisarow, M. 281, 325, 326, Eastman, 385, 408, 538, 604 Echard, R. 416, 562 Correns, C. 9

Elges- Svor cikova-Bordas 539 Costeanu, G. 489, 524, 554

Endell, K. 168 Coster, C. 282

Enderlein, H. D. 748 Creighton, H. J. M. 100

Erbring, H. 387 Crowle, A. J. 772 - 52 Author Reference No. Author Reference No.

Ermolenko, N. F. 571, 590 Gaufres, R. 678, 693

Ernst, J. 164 Gay, R. 618, 630

F Gaufres, R. 693 Feeney, R. E. 731, 732 Gebhardt, W. 76 Fillinger, H. H. 617 Gersbach, A. 193 Fischer, H. 25 Ghosh, D. N. 365 Fischer, M. H. 127, 191 Ghosh, S. 687, 743 Fischer, W. M. 234, 260, 364 Giambiagi, N. 699 Fischer-Treuenf eld, A. 117 Gibson, W. T. 388 Fokina, E. Z. 482 Gold, L. 782 Foster, A. W. 144, 155

Goldschmidt , R. 169 Fraknoy, V. 730, 762, 763, 764 Goodeve, C. F. 446 Freundlich, H. 91, 261

Goppelsroeder , F. 55

Fricke, R. 202, 262, 427 Gore, V. 488, 491, 542, Friedeberg, H. 606, 691 543, 740, 741 Gray, G. R. 422

Friend, J. N. 192, 409 Greening, J. 633

Fromme, F. D. 285 Gromakov, S. D. 705

Fuchtbauer, C. 29 Guillot, M. 445

Gursahani, G. T. 600

Gailloit, P. 258

Hager, 765 Gambashidze, N. D. 671 G.

Hamdiken, 690 Ganguly, P. B. 263, 289 F.

Handovsky, 203 Garbuzov, A. I. 641 H.

Happel, P. 335, 336 Garner, W. E. 220

Hartman, R. J. 447 Gaskill, Jr., H. S. 772

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Hausmann, J. 30 Hukuwatari, H. 418

Hayes, J. 633 Hutchinson, H. B. 38

Hear on, J. C. 682

Heck, J. E. 448

Hedgcock, G. C. 37 Isemura, T. 428, 429, 450, Hedges, E. S. 221, 222, 237, 451, 492, 493, 508, 509, 510, 540, 541, 572 238, 239, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 286, 287, 305, 306, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 354,

355, 356, 389, 390, 410, 411, 412, 413

Hein, J. 357

Jablczynski, K. 205, Heinz, H. 206, 272, 369 273 Jacobsen, H. C. 39 Heller, W. 378

Jacobsohn, K. 353 Henley, R. V. 306

Janek, A. 207, 208, 290 Hepburn, J. R. I. 204, 337

Jauneau, G. 484 Heublein, 0. 116, 125

Jeanneney, G. 597 Higuchi, H. 768

Jebsen-Marwedel , H. 742 Hill, J. W. 391, 405

Jochems, S. C. J. 366 Hillson, P. J. 756

Johnson, J. 240, 635 Hillyer, J. 454

Johnston, E. N. 159 Hirsch-Ayalon, P. 749 Johnston, W. H. 676 Hirschf elder , J. 0. 673

Joos, G. 748 Hodge, A. J. 675

Jost, L. 10, 22 Hofsass, M. 157


Holmes, H. N. 137, 138, 145, 270 Hooker, M. 0. 127

Horsch, S. 133 Kahlweit, M. 783

Hrynakovski, C. 271, 288 Kaminski, M. 716

Hughes, E. B. 449, 471, 472, Kanning, E. W. 447 473 Hughes, W. 343 Kant, K. 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780 Hug on, A. 614, 615 Karpov, A. N. 733

- 54 - Reference No. Author Reference No.


196 Kranze, V. E. 560

616 Krasil 1 shchikov, A. I. 625

609 Kratohvil, S. 679A

683 Kuster, E. 92, 93, 94, 114, 574 115, 130, 146, 180, , 344 Kutzelnigg, A. 393, 642

781 Kuzmenko, S. M. 307


6 L

544, 555, 573 Ladignac 597 580 Lakhani, M. P. 453 598 Lakshmanan, A. S. 753 345, 346, 430 Lang, H. 184 105 Lazareva, A. I. 501, 502, 529, 447 530 Lebesgue, J. 548 206 Leduc, S. 69, 106 707 Lemeche, M. R. 495 56 Levine, S. A. 571, 590 545, 546, 547, Liebaldt, E. 512 273 Liesegang, R. E. 17, 19, 33, 40, 172 71,72, 73, 42, 43, 44, 57, 60, 61, 62, 70, 97, 98, 107, 108, 109, 110, 708 82, 83, 95, 96, 111, 112, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 384, 414, 431 158, 173,209, 210, 211, 274, 308, 309, 335, 336, 347, 368, 394, 395, 513, 547, 118, 128, 129 549, 550, 551, 552, 575, 610, 611 223 Lieske, R. 181 452, 511 Lillie, R. S. 159 761 Linck, G. 310, 311, 369 292 Lincoln, A. 454 311 Lindgren, W. 160 769 Lingelsheim, A. 131, 139 367

55 - .

Author Reference No. Author Reference No.


Link, 0. W. 470 May, L. 474

Lloyd, F. E. 241, 312, 396 Meeks, F. R. 759, 769

Loughlin, G. J. 160 Meenamani, D. 771

C. Lueker, D. 772 Meiklyar, P. V. 706

Mellon, M. G. 448 Luppo- Cramer 113 Menten, M. L. 41 Lutz, K. G. 11 Menzies, A. W. C. 348

Meyer, A. 34 M Miers, Sir H. A. 45, 49

Macallum, A. B. 41 Mikawa, H. 683 McBain, J. W. 398 l/JMikhalev,1.1. — 1 — P.T1 F.T"l 432, 434, 435, McConnel, R. 617 455, 456, 457, 458, 476, 481, 482, 514, 515, 516, 553, 561, 577, 584 McGuigan, H. A. 182, 197, 212 Milburn, T. 31 MacKenzie, M. R. 174, 250, 251 Milicka, L. 786 McLaughlin, G. D. 191 Miers Sir H. A. 45, 49 Mainshausen, L. 511 Milone, M. 711, 712, 744 Makida, M. 761 Mittra, R. N. 494, 578, 579 Manley, D. R. 709 Miyamoto, S. 517 Manno, P. J. 676 Moeller, T. 599 Mapara, H. M. 475 Moeller, W. 132, 140, 141, Marriage, E. 84 147, 148 Moller, H. P. 183 Mastbaum, 0. 335 Moller, J. 5 Matalon, R. 710 Molz, E. 46, 85, 99 Mathur, K. K. 185, 217 Moravek, V. 312, 349, 396 Mathur, P. B 743, 751, 753, 757, 758 Moreau, J. J. 678, 745 Mathur, R. N. 453 Morison, 0. G. i. 242 Mathur, R. P. P. 397 Morse, H. W. 26, 369A Matuura, R. 768

Mulcherjee, S. K. 784 Maxio, C. 576

56 .

Author Reference No. Author Reference No.


Muller, R. 50 Packter, A. 710, 713, 714, 715, 725, 726 Munk, M. 86, 87 Panchenkov, G. M. 750

Myers, J. E. 221, 222, 237, Pannach, F. 371 238, 239, 269 Parmelee, C. W. 607

Pask, J. A. 607

Peterson, I. M. 732

Nageli, C. von 2, 3 Pierce, 26

Naik, B. M. 570 Popp, K. 244

Narwani, C. S. 600 Portoles, J. A. 632

Neumann, K. 554 Pospelov, G. L. 781

Nicol, H. 415 Prager, S. 727

Nikiforov, V. K. 435, 456, 477, Preobrazhenskii, I. A. 669A 478, 495, 496, 497, 518, 519, 555 Norrls, M. H. 359, 370, 399, Pringsheim, E. 150 400 Notboom, K. 213 Pringsheim, N. 12

Priode, C. N. 285, 313, 401 Nutting, P. G. 350 Pulvetaft, R. J. 633

Obrist, J. 520

Oden, S. 223 Quast, A. 635

Ohmorl, K. 523

Okada, T. 580

Okaya, T. 149, 161, 459, Rabl, H. 20 521, 522, 523, 556, 580 581, 582 Oku, M. 631 Ramaiah, K. S.

Oline, P. 617 Raman, C. V. 557, 582 Orlovski, T. 275 Ramann , E 291 Oss, van, C. J. 749 Randall, F. C. 220 Ostwald, Wo. 243 Rastogi, M. 668, 669, 670, 677, 692 Ovcharenko, F. D. 591, 653 Ratelade, J. 460

- 57 Au t hor Reference No Author Reference No

Rau, M. A. G. 622, 623 Salpeter, M. 684

Ray, S. 372, 403 Salter, J. H. 18

Rayleigh, (Lord) 162, 213A Salvinien, J. 417, 626, 678, 693, 716, 728, 745, 760 Reardon, E. J. 686 Saughi, C. L. 751

Reidemeister , W. 51 Schaafs, W. 679, 685, 694, 695, 746, 785 Reiner, L. 292 Schade, H. von 58, 63

Reinhard, M. C. 293 Schadlich, H. 748

Renaud, P. 489, 524 Schaefer, R. 214

Rensburg, P. J. J. van 370 Schaum, K. 184

Rhumbler, L. 21 Schenk, H. 27

Riblett, E. W. 362 Schikorr, G. 373

Ricca, F. 704, 712, 739, Schleussner, C. A. 199, 224 744, 752 Riegel, E. R. 245, 293, 402 Schmidt, A. 260

Riviere, C. 187 Schramm, G. 612

Roffo, A. E. 461, 525 Schubert, E. 225

Roll, F. 526 Schucht, H. 91

Rona, P. 198 Schultze, K. 374

Rotarash, I. A. 734 Seghal, J. L. 249

Rovinskii, B. M. 671 Seidel, K. 246

Rubio, J. V. 634, 654 Seigneur, P. 614, 615

Runge, G. 1 Sekera, F. 175

Runtso, A. P. 496, 497, 518, Sen, B. N. 479, 498, 527, 519, 558 559, 583, 643 Rush, H. 635 Sen, K. C. 226

Ryan, H. 329, 330 Serb-Serbina, N. 433

Shemyakin, F. M. 259, 332, 333, 334, 351, 375, 404, 432, 434, 435, 456, 457, 458, 463, 464, 480, 481, 482, 483, 485, 499, 500, 501, 502, 528, 529, 530, Sahinkaya, H. 732 560, 561, 577, 584, 601, 644, 662, 733

Sakaki, T. 672 Shikata, M. 418

- 58 Author Reference No- Author Reference No.

Siebert, W. W. 376 Takehara, K. 227, 228

Simon, A. L. 79, 80, 81 Talmud, D. L. 437

Tarr, W. A. 152 Sivertz, V. 254 Taylor, K. 362 Sloat, C. A. 348 Taylor, W. H. 316 Smith, K. M. 314 Tezak, B. 465, 679A Sole, A. 696

Solereder, H. 52 Thomson, D'A. W. 143 Spath, H. 88 Tillmans, J. 116, 125 Spotz, L. 673 Todes, 0. M. 658, 666, 667 Stansfield, J. 142 Tominaga, H. 616 Steinkopf, T. 153 Tournat, L. 535 Stempell, W. 352 Tower, 0. F. 327, 406, 503 Stern, K. H. 697, 698, 709, 718 Traetteberg, J. 770 Stoffel 53 Traube, J. 163, 228 Storz, M. 315 Tryhorn, F. G. 215 Stuckert, G. V. 247, 436 Tsakalotos, D. E. 133 Subbaramiah, K. 557 Tschapek, M. 699 Sugawara, K. 462 Tyndall, J. 15 Sugden, R. 531

Suwelak, 0. 262

Ungerer, E. 200, 276

Taboury, F. J. 613 Uraguti, M. 602

Taboury, F. M. 416, 417, 484, Ure, W. 563

532, 533, 534, 535, 562, 613, 614, 615

Tadokoro, T. 151

, Taft, R. W. 405 Valcarel, A. G. 619, 620

Takata, M. 198 Valko, E. 299

- 59 .

Author Reference No Author Reference No

Vallance, R. H. 409 Williams, W. R. 13

Van Hook, A. 564, 565, 585, Wilson, J. -J563\J -J 592, 603, 686 Vanzetti, B. L. 74 Wingard, S. A. 285, 317

Varma, K. K. 687 Wood, R. W. 59

Varma, S. C. 302, 383 Worms er, Y. 628

Veguilla, L. A. 759 Wulff, I.

OTT ooi ooo veil, o 377, 381, 382, 419, 420, 421, 438, 439, 440, 466, 467, Y 468, 504, 566, 567, 568, 586, 587, 593, 621, 627, 636, 637, 638, 639, 645, 646,

647, 648, 655, 663, 664, 674, 680, 681 Yanagihara, A. 594, 595, 656, 657, 689, 700, 701, 702, 703, 720, Verghese, G. T. 622, 623 721, 722, 723 Yankov, S. 752 Vitt, A. A. 485 Yanulov, K. P. 734 Vor lander, D. L OH

Vulchin, E. I. 747 Z

W ^acnarias, r. d.

Bellinger, u. u. 724

Wagner, C. 665 Zeldovich, Y. U J o

Walkup, I. 635 Ziegler, J. 36

Wallerant, F. 47 Zirpolo, G. 423

Wangermez, C. 597 Zocher, H. 353, 378 Watanabe, M. 210, 211, 216, 277, 278, 729 Weil, H. 688

Weimar n, P. P. von 248, 294

Weiser, H. B. 422

West, G. H. 229

West, J. 316

Widgoff, L. 245

Williams, A. M. 174


Botany 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13A, 14, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 31, 34, 37, 38,

39, 46, 52, 56, 85, 86, 87, 88, 93, 99, 105, 115, 131, 134, 139, 146, 154, 165, 183,

240, 241, 279, 282, 285, 304, 313, 314, 317, 325, 326, 347, 357, 366, 401.

Industrial Applications 111, 116, 120, 185, 187, 263, 359, 370, 379, 399, 400, 445,


Medicine and Bacteriology 25, 31, 50, 51, 56, 58, 64, 75, 89, 123, 150, 180, 181,

193, 217, 231, 331, 361, 422, 699, 716.

Mineralogy and Geology 15, 61, 72, 83, 95, 97, 101, 103, 107, 108, 111, 119, 152,

158, 160, 168, 185, 187, 200, 211, 263, 315, 316, 325, 343, 344, 348, 360, 394, 447,

669A, 732, 734, 736, 747.

Zoology 13A, 20, 21, 23, 24, 41, 57, 69, 73, 76, 106, 127, 153, 159, 169, 308, 314,

319, 331, 355, 359, 370, 379, 399, 400.

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