Intimidation through propaganda and abuse of the law

whilst in acute conflict interest for personal and political purpose

From left: Adv Julie Seton, Premier Alan Winde & Esme Edge (ex-DA Clr and married to Seton)

Date: Sunday, 7 March 2021

To: LEGAL PRACTICE COUNCIL (LPC): Frank Dorey (Director) Craig Waters (Acting Head of Disciplinary Department) Gail Bramwell (Disciplinary Department)

CC: THOSE WHO ALLOW DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE CORRUPTION: President Minister Justice Minister Police Minister ‘Hawks’ Godfrey Lebeya Minister COGTA Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Chairperson COGTA National Prosecuting Authority Office of the Public Protector Western Cape Legislature National Council of Provinces (Parliament) and the Democratic Alliance Federal Executive Friedrich Naumann Foundation Inge Herbert Western Cape Legislature Knysna Municipality & Knysna Council

Submitter: Michael Hampton

Evidence: Follow this link and click ‘Download All’ button)

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 1 | P a g e INDEX

• Organogram …………………………………………………………………………………….……… 3 • Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 • Examples of My Evidence ……………………………………………………………………… 7 • Background …………………………………………………………………………….…………….. 12 o Advocate Julie Seton ……………………………………………………………..…… 12 o The Blue Gang …………………………………………………………………..…..…… 16 o My Credibility …………………………………………………..………………….……… 18 • Same Shit, Different Government ………………………………………….……………… 46 • Intimidation ……………………………………………………………………………..……..……… 52 o SLAPPing Me ………………………………………………………………………………… 54 o SLAPPing Others ……………………………..…………………………………………… 69 o One Propaganda Attack as an Example ……………………………………… 76 o Propaganda Themes & Examples ………………………………………………… 77 o Other Threats …………….………………………………………………………………… 84 o Seton’s Protection Order Contraventions Provide SLAPPY Clue … 87 • Contraventions of LPC Rules ……………………..…………………………………………… 88 • The Way Forward ……………….…………………………………………………………………… 91 • Punishment ……..……………………………………………………………………………………… 92 • My Concern Regarding Legal Practice Council Impartiality …..……………… 93 • Evidence Index …………..…………………………………………………………………………… 94

• A Helen Zille photo reminder …….……………………………………………………….… 99

• If I Am Imprisoned ……………..…….………………………………………………………… 100

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 2 | P a g e

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 3 | P a g e INTRODUCTION


This is complaint against Advocate Julie Seton. She also uses the names Julie Lopes and Julie Jefferys. Lopes is the name on her ID. Jefferys is the maiden name of her married partner, Esme Edge. Seton is the name she uses most.

1.1. She is Legal Practice Council (LPC) member #52800 [LPC01].

1.2. Contrary to her listing on the LPC website, she practices in Knysna, not . I am unaware of her having officially acted as counsel in the Western Cape High Court. She works in the Knysna Magistrates’ Court where she organises most actions against me through others.

1.3. Her cellphone is 082 778 8396.


Advocate Seton is a political operative, an indirect ‘hitman’ for the Democratic Alliance (DA). She compromised the rules and spirit of the LPC, and damaged the justice system, by pursuing political agenda in her roles as a social media administrator, journalist, municipal employee, political candidate and legal practitioner - cumulatively, a conflict of interest for her latter role.


She acts in extreme conflict of interest for her political party, married partner, associates and selfish ambition for power. She has contravened the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014 ("the Act") and the Code of Conduct which govern the LPC. She is the embodiment of what the LPC should not represent.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 4 | P a g e 4.

She pretends to be the victim whilst being the aggressor. She uses lawsuits and propaganda as weapons. She abuses her legal role to protect corruption and maladministration whilst damaging citizens who demand governance and accountability. That includes her harassing and intimidating me for years.


Advocate Seton’s individual transgressions are easy to understand but the context is enormous. To present it fully would be time-consuming. Consequently, in the interests of expedited justice, I will not burden the LPC with full timeline and thousands of associated pages. However, the evidence for this complaint will amount to several hundred pages. And the context that is provided must add to the severity of her punishment. I would be dissatisfied with anything less than disbarment and assistance with criminal charges.


The LPC is not the Constitutional Court. I do not expect nor want it to weigh up the merits of the many related court cases and corruptions. However, a common- sense overview must accompany specific examples I provide of Seton’s misconduct.


Seton’s negative actions aim at silencing my anti-corruption activism. Her strategy includes:

7.1. Propaganda, from anonymity and her own identity. She was part of a social media collective that branded me as a paedophile, sociopath, destroyer of the economy etc.

7.2. Destroying my income and charity work via attacking my credibility and making the Public fearful.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 5 | P a g e

7.3. She and the gang she belongs to, henceforth referred to as the Blue Gang, threatened my readers with litigation.

7.4. The Blue Gang repeatedly take me to court, a process known internationally as Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP). The applicants may be individuals but the dominant figure, directly and indirectly, is Advocate Seton. She is the local organiser of the SLAPP which benefits the politicians, government officials and their corruption.

7.5. They intimidated my father, readers and local businesses.

7.6. They seek to have me imprisoned for defamation, but the real goal is to silence me for exposing theirs and other DA offences.


The Blue Gang, with Advocate Seton being its most active member, will be described furtheron.


Advocate Seton has been emboldened by no one willing to bring her to justice. That lack of oversight includes the legal fraternity she belongs to. Instead, many have assisted her. As example, she has repeatedly contravened the protection order I have against her [LPC02a-d].

9.1. It began as an interim order on 11 March 2016 and, as a final protection order, ends on 20 September 2021.

9.2. Again, I am not requesting the LPC consider the merits for the protection order, only that it be acknowledged and underlined that Seton’s behaviour as an LPC member is at odds with the Law she is supposed to represent.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 6 | P a g e 10.

I cannot imagine a similar situation of injustice if Seton had, for example, been ANC or EFF in this Western Cape. It is consequently notable that she is DA serving DA interest in a DA-controlled province. History shows that corrupt power is served not confronted. That is how our country has suffered from “State Capture”. That subservience to power and greed are why corrupt members of the DA, such as Advocate Seton, has been sheltered.


Again, for the sake of speedy justice, I will not detail the stratosphere encircling this situation, but it will be obvious from my evidence that Seton belongs to something bigger. I may limit the scope of my complaint but with the caveat that others such as Attorney Richard Sohn are worthy of investigation too.



I provide limited context and a few examples of Advocate Seton’s degeneracies before I get to the main body.

12.1. I do so because my introduction is cautiously long, and I want it to be clear to any Public reader and the LPC Investigating Committee that my necessarily lengthy complaint deserves close attention.

12.2. I do so because the Cape Bar previously dismissed my complaint against Seton, protecting her by lying that I had provided no evidence of her misdeeds.


It is important to note that there is a conspiracy against. Advocate Julie Seton will be shown to be part of it.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 7 | P a g e 13.1 "You are so obviously being targeted. I have asked people about you in general, and most people answer that you are to avoided. When I push for a reason why, not one person has been able to answer. A huge smear campaign, which I am sure you are well aware of. I have it on good authority that the DA are actively trying to get you out, by whatever means possible - again, I'm sure no big news to you. I just can't believe the scale of it. What I am surprised about, is the amount of fear involved. People are petrified to stand up. I have watched cases where residents’ lives have been made unbearable difficult and impossible because they have had a run in with Lauren Waring [Municipal Manager]. I see the same thing happening with the ratepayers’ associations. if you disagree, you are instantly side- lined. Anyway Mike, I just wanted you to know if you ever need airtime, to please let me know - I would be happy to sponsor some for you. Candace." [LPC03].

13.1.1. Candace Myers, a DA insider, emailed me the warning above. She is a prominent figure on the Brenton Ratepayers’ Association (BRA) where Seton’s married partner, Esme Edge, lives (and where Seton lives with Edge now). Candace Myers became a campaigner for the party. She is married to Peter Myers who was DA Chairperson whilst Edge was Deputy Mayor. Seton and Edge were supporters of Myers until he replaced Edge as Deputy Mayor. Similarly hypocritical, the Myers couple joined the DA’s propaganda campaign against me.

13.1.2. Edge, when dating Seton, became Deputy Mayor of Knysna on 12 February 2013.

13.1.3 The warning of the DA's campaign against me was dated 30 July 2013, whilst Edge was in office.

13.1.4. Note the descriptive words: "targeted", smear campaign", "actively trying to get you out by any means possible", "fear", and "unbearable". Seton would become all of that against me.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 8 | P a g e 13.1.5. The writer, by offering to buy me airtime, is obviously aware that I was suffering financially (in part, because the DA's campaign against me made it difficult to do business).

13.2. In 2016, Advocate Seton and Dr Martin Young were DA candidates for the Local Government Elections. They knew each other, were both issuing propaganda against me on Facebook, and commenting on each other’s pages against me. I was informed by business owners that Young was going door to door to threaten them if they dealt with me, and to conversely request that they donate money for legal fees to put me in prison. As the Applicant and her married partner, Advocate Julie Seton, have been involved in some way in most cases against me, I assume that some of the money was intended for them. I caught Young in the act, on 24 March 2016. He responded by sending me a series of ominously threatening emails

[LPC4a-f] from which I quote:

“Attention Hampton...

You seem not to realize that you are in no position to negotiate. I’m surprised you even tried. We hold all the cards, and have all the power to make your life really and truly miserable...

The moment it is out there that Louis’ Steakhouse supports you and enables you, there is bound to be a consequence to their business...

We are an open consortium of all the people in Knysna you have ever dared to attack, now come together to make sure you pay handsomely for your activities. In addition are wealthy businessmen and women who are prepared to pay to see it stopped. No names. You’ll probably never know. Feel better now?

Jail is more than likely your next Knysna destination...”

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 9 | P a g e 14.

These are prima facie evidence that Advocate Seton operates from the shadows, in contrast to the integrity the LPC must protect. I will provide framework to this later in this document, and I emphasise that these are only drops in an ocean of corruption.

14.1. A fake psychiatric diagnosis of me as a sociopath and danger to children, signed by Seton’s gang accomplice Dr Martin Young, who had been made a DA PR Councillor. However, the properties of the pdf show Seton as the author. Here it is, as submitted by her to the Cape Bar, as evidence

in her defence [LPC05->7b]. THIS IS ESSENTIAL READING.

14.2. Seton is the primary organiser in a flood of court cases against me against which I, without legal representation or money, have no protection. Those will be listed furtheron but note that there are associated legal threats and propaganda against others which plainly demonstrates her conflict of interest and subterfuge, and her acting contrarily to the expectations of LPC membership:

14.2.1. In November 2020, Attorney Richard Sohn threatened Independent Newspapers for publishing an article about my book and

the court date involving Seton, her married partner and me [LPC08-

>10]. The merits, again, is not the issue. The newspaper contacted me to review the evidence. The properties of the word document for the legal threat shows Seton, in conflict of interest, to be the author. Additionally, note that the document’s title is ‘Letteriol10Novemberfin’. I assume that the “fin” means finished or final document. This will prove relevant to para 14.2.2. below. Seton’s relationship with Sohn will be detailed furtheron. That will include another example of her using his letterhead.

14.2.2. This is a propaganda item against the Knysna Ratepayers’ Association (KRA). Its questionable title is appropriate: “KRA

narrative amended WITH TIMELINE Fin” [LPC11a-b]. Although

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 10 | P a g e unsigned, the document’s properties show that Julie Lopes is the author. Julie Lopes, though rarely used, is Julie Seton. As with the legal threat against Independent Newspapers in para 14.2.1., the document’s title ended with “Fin”. It is reasonable to consider that is Seton’s style. Again, I argue not for or against the truth of the document except to point out that Seton, from the shadows, is fighting for the DA and attacking perceived DA enemies. Secondly, Seton ignores the R600,000 De Swardt Vogel Myambo report, procured by Knysna Municipality, that I exposed (refer para 29.2.). That paints Mayor Eleanore Spies and Municipal Manager Kam Chetty as fraudsters and recommends punishment. Seton excludes that Chetty quit during the scandal and that the DA promoted Spies away from the attention. The use of capital letters is hers (and note that a common trait of propaganda is to make grand statements without providing evidence):


14.2.3. In this 11 June 2019 email, Seton threatens my innocent

father, a retired man in his seventies [LPC11c]. Again, it is about conflict of interest and contravention of protection order, and her behaviour as an LPC member, and not about the merits. Nevertheless, I point out that my father had admitted no such thing

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 11 | P a g e though he was intimidated by a private investigator (working for Seton, Edge and Sohn), who implied I would be assassinated by the politicians. Note that Seton speaks as a collective “we”.

“We refer to your current actions and blatant disregard you have shown the courts and confirm your father has admitted to aiding and abetting a fugitive from justice. This is to advise you that, should you fail to disclose your whereabouts, those of us with warrants for your arrest will be laying formal criminal charges against your father, Jimmy ‘Sox’ Hampton, for obstruction of justice. The damage your conduct has caused is insurmountable and your blatant disregard for the law unacceptable and we will be pressing charges. This is your fault.”


Advocate Julie Seton


Advocate Julie Seton is the ‘hitman’ for the Democratic Alliance (DA). Her actions may happen in Knysna, but she supports a faction the DA leadership supports. Well informed by me, they are aware of her actions yet allow them. Consequently, the attack is approved directly or indirectly. However, the DA is not a member of the LPC, and this complaint is against Seton. I will restrict myself to evidence against her and her closest associates but mention the situation in case it later becomes necessary for me to argue against the LPC for not punishing Seton.


Her purpose is the protection of corruption and maladministration. She is motivated by ex-Knysna Deputy Mayor Esme Edge, her married partner, being

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 12 | P a g e implicated. In turn, her nefarious actions have implicated herself. Her ambitions for Government office, political or administrative, are inextricably linked.


Her role as a legal practitioner is further compromised by the related roles she has performed whilst opposing counsel and propagandist. The LPC must accept this is unusual, and relevant to the context of her ulterior motives and my complaint.

17.1. Married to DA politician (Knysna).

17.2. Applicant Director of Knysna Tourism, a Section 21 company funded by Knysna Municipality. Whereas she may have been denied because her married partner was a Director, its notable that she never minded that conflict of interest.

17.3. DA candidate (Knysna).

17.4. DA candidate (Eden District renamed Garden Route District).

17.5. Knysna-Plett Herald reporter.

17.6. Applicant Knysna Municipality Director Community Services.

17.7. Knysna Municipal Planning Tribunal secretary.

17.8. An alleged administrator of the DA Knysna Facebook page.

17.9 A highly active DA constituent, especially in the build-up to the 11 November 2020 by-elections.


An advocate is supposed to be a specialist and impartial, with an instructing attorney as the bridge between advocate and client. Instead, Advocate Seton is

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 13 | P a g e biased and hands on. Unofficially, she acts as client, instructing attorney and advocate. These have been her conflict-of-interest footholds:

18.1. Previously shared an office and secretary with Attorney Carl Jeppe who was instructing attorney against me in several cases, including on behalf of her and her married partner Esme Edge.

18.1.1. It is my belief that Jeppe was a merely a front for Seton’s activities. He never argued in a case against me, never even appeared for a pre-discussion in Magistrate’s Chambers. Seton always did that. This will be discussed more in paras 29 and 55.

18.1.2. The only time Jeppe spoke in Court, he clearly never understood what the case was about or where it was at. He was there only to ask for postponement because Seton could not make it, and because he was defending a baby paedophile in another court room at the same time. Attending two cases simultaneously is a conflict of interest.

18.1.3. The office included Jeppe, Seton and a secretary/assistant. The address, which I visited, was Formosa Place No. 12, Main Street, Plettenberg Bay. I do so to view the breakdown of the incredible bill they had sent me after Edge was granted the interdict against me and costs. The first time I appeared in High Court to defend against the interdict, I was told it was postponed. The second time lasted a few hours, brief because I had no evidence and thus could not defend myself. Edge was granted costs. Carl Jeppe Attorneys’, Edge's invisible lawyer who shared an office with Seton, sent me an incredible bill of R269,223,000.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 14 | P a g e The High Court advocates they hired, Herold Gie Inc., charged R76,400,000. Jeppe the 'instructing attorney', charged R192,823,000. Of that, R89,305,000 was to read my blogs (described as “attending to downloading, perusal and consideration of blogs 1685 pages”). Except that their Court papers contained minimal references to my blogs. Except that they could have entered Esme Edge's name into the search bar. The goal was to overcharge me, and it is likely that Advocate Seton was intended as the main beneficiary. The law allows taxation, for me to view the costs. I visited their offices in Bitou which is 30km from Knysna. There, it was not made available by Jeppe and Seton's secretary, despite her calling them. I was told that the papers would be made available to me in Knysna at Attorney Kruger’s office. O 11 December 2015,

Jeppe cancelled it [LPC12a]. on 21 January 2016, Jeppe sent me two email wherein in the first he said, “We refer to the above and your email below and advise that we will re-serve the bill and notice in due course as the time has lapsed” and in the second repeated

it more officially [LPC12b-c]. I have never been asked about it again.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 15 | P a g e 18.2. Currently sharing an office with Attorney Richard Sohn who took over as instructing attorney against me on behalf of her and her married partner, and against Independent Newspapers for publishing an article about her

and Edge’s High Court case against me [ref. para 14.21.].

18.2.1. I do not know if Seton is Sohn’s employee or pays to share the space. It is known that she operates from there, 11 Pitt Street, approximately 200 metres from the Knysna Magistrates’ Court.

18.2.2. Her suburban seaside address is approximately 28km away, at 654 Steenbras Street, Brenton-on-Sea, Knysna. There she and her partner live upstairs in a double-story house, whilst renting downstairs as Air BnB holiday accommodation. As one would have to drive over the N2 Bridge into Knysna, around the Estuary, and over the West Head towards the seaside, it is an off-the-beaten-way place, though popular during tourist season because it is the route to a bar and one of the beaches.

18.2.3. The bigger issue is that Seton and Sohn are involved in litigation that is mutually beneficial for hidden motives, a further conflict of interest. The Knysna Ratepayers’ Association (KRA) and I are, by far, the most well-known critics and exposers of local government corruption. Seton and Sohn’s shared goal is to silence us. It is unlikely coincidence that Sohn recently threatened litigation against the KRA.

The Blue Gang


The following were the main people involved in the propaganda campaign against me. Later examples will show them backing each other up on Facebook pages. Several will prove relevant when expanding on the SLAPP. It will become obvious that the SLAPP and propaganda are the same force against me, and that Seton is

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 16 | P a g e the primary figure. However, I will not show detailed information on all as that would be too consuming here.

19.1. Julie Seton (DA candidate, Knysna Knews FB admin, Knysna Tourism director applicant, Knysna Municipality employee)

19.2. Esme Edge (DA councillor, Knysna Knews FB admin, Knysna Tourism director)

19.3. Dr Martin Young (DA councillor, Protecting Brand Knysna/Wicked Knysna FB admin, Knysna Tourism director, candidate same time as Seton)

19.4. Baden Hall (Knysna Tourism CEO supporter, Protecting Brand Knysna/Wicked Knysna FB admin)

19.5. Mark Allan (Knysna Tourism CEO supporter, Protecting Brand Knysna/Wicked Knysna FB admin)

19.6. Martin Hatchuel (Knysna Tourism and Knysna Municipality copywriting contractor, AngryMikeH Twitter admin)


Although I cannot name them as main members of the propaganda gang, it is obvious that they could only persist with permission from the higher-ups whom I reported them to. On a Knysna local level, then-Mayor Eleanore Spies and others also expressed similarly negative and false opinions on Facebook. Several people I had exposed supported their propaganda from a purely selfish perspective.


Municipal press releases against me could only have resulted from Mayor Eleanore Spies and Mayor Georlene Wolmarans. It is thus related that the municipal communications department, run at different times by Christopher Bezuidenhout and Fran Kirsten, acted against me.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 17 | P a g e 22.

It is my belief that the many of Knysna’s problems, and the reason why I and the KRA are attacked, is because of property developers that the Democratic Alliance (DA) has favoured. Additionally, some have established a business chamber as a front. The reason why the DA has favoured some of them over justice is because provincial and national bosses are implicated directly or via PRECCA (Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004). Cover-up on this scale needs power which possibly explains why Helen Zille, Alan Winde and have, at different times, been Knysna’s constituency officer. All are aware of the corruption. However, I will not dig into that here. This complaint is about their seemingly voluntary and definitively enthusiastic agent, Advocate Julie Seton.

My Credibility


I am an activist who has exposed widespread corruption that began in Knysna. Consequently, I became a target with Advocate Seton being notable hunter. She played a major role in destroying the life that I had and diminishes what I have left. I can no longer live in Knysna. Instead, I live in fear of imprisonment or death.


The LPC must not allow Seton’s actions to be derided as ‘conspiracy theory’. It must acknowledge that Seton is a conspiracist which can be defined as a member of a group working sinisterly and with negative intention against a target. I am that target.


Consequently, as important as proving that Seton is untrustworthy, I must show the LPC that I am a credible complainant, and not what Seton and her conspirator’s propaganda has made me out to be. Several of these examples are double- purposed, demonstrating my integrity whilst show that Seton has none.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 18 | P a g e 26.

Although I consider opposition politics to be almost extinct in the Western Cape, the ANC, GOOD and UDM have used some of the issues I have presented, mentioned them in the Media, and as complaints to Government bodies. I have been asked to run for several parties but have so far rejected all to maintain my impartiality and because it is ludicrous that opposing ideologies would want the same representative.


View me in video, print or online media. That includes Cape Talk, Cape Times, Cape Argus, Daily News, Sunday Times and SABC. That includes NCOP and me debating the evidently evasive DA Western Cape Leader Bonginkosi Madikizela [LPC13].


It is unnecessary that I engage in detailed argument with Advocate Seton regarding the merits of each matter I have exposed, and why she has opposed me. But I must briefly explain where it assists understanding or emphasises Seton’s conflict of interest.

28.1. Moreover, I cannot ignore that a usual diversion by Seton is to skip explaining her actions by seeking to discredit me (the proverbial “playing the man instead of the ball”). In attempt to counter that possibility which may cause cloudiness and delay, I provide example of the following important information that I made the Public aware of through my website.

28.2. Some of these will later assist explaining Seton’s motivations. That will include her and her married partner, Esme Edge, issuing related propaganda.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 19 | P a g e 29.

The first item of evidence for each topic will show that there exists a questionable situation that the Public has a right to know about. The second will proof that I exposed it.

29.1. Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr legal opinion (contracted by Knysna Municipality) – recommends that the contract for the Municipality’s tourism mandate must go to tender, and not automatically be given to the Section 21 company (misleadingly) named Knysna Tourism. It recommends that politicians be excluded from the Board of Directors of Knysna Tourism because it is a conflict of interest i.e., it is inappropriate for them to approve funds to Knysna Tourism without

a tender process whilst being its directors [LPC14-15].

29.1.1. During the period of protesting these irregularities and subsequent cronyism (e.g., Public funds loaned to private companies), Knysna Tourism received approximately R36- million from the Public coffer. Despite company articles laying responsibility on its directors and not the CEO, the CEO was made scapegoat. Despite being found guilty for 4 charges of gross insubordination, he signed a non-disclosure agreement and received a R250,000 golden handshake.

29.1.2. As example of Advocate Seton’s conflict of interest, her partner, Esme Edge, was a politician on the Knysna Council, Chair of the Section 80 Finance Committee that should have provided oversight, and a Director of Knysna Tourism.

29.1.3. Advocate Seton applied to become a Knysna Tourism director. She may have been rejected but what is most notable is that she, her married partner and Nan Raturat (their friend, a director) had no issue with wanting her to join the board despite the obvious conflict of interest with her married partner also being a director. Partiality to Knysna Tourism is

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 20 | P a g e reason why Seton would seek to protect their misdeeds whilst attempting to destroy me who exposed it.

29.1.4. I remind that the two administrators of the Knysna Knews Facebook page are Advocate Seton and her married partner, Esme Edge. Hereunder is one example of their propaganda (posted in 2015 before I revealed they were the site’s administrators). Their post was response to the local newspaper publishing my call for a meeting to answer

questions regarding Knysna Tourism [LPC16a]. The day before their post, Mark Allan, one of the main propagandists, posted against me with Seton commenting that she agreed with him. As I had published many detailed blogs and questions, it is obvious that Allan was lying when he stated my motivation. He also lied about Municipal Manager Lauren Waring having tried to engage with me as she never had. Instead, she lied to the Office of the Public Protector that she had no say in Knysna Tourism, a private company, despite her approving its funding. Furthermore, history shows that my concerns were well-placed. I remind that Edge was a Board member, and that Seton had represented her against me. It is obvious that their post was aimed at discrediting me whilst not addressing any of the issues. It makes preposterous claims cloaked in false logic. It’ s opposing me meeting with Public officials and representatives to discuss maladministration and corruption i.e., anti-Constitutional. It is doing so whilst

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 21 | P a g e failing to state that one of those public representatives is Edge. It states that meetings with me are futile and a waste of Public funds, as if they were my fault. That is ironic considering they were blocking me and, even more so, considering that DA councillors Michelle Wasserman and Edge had initially responded with

positivity to the issues I presented [LPC16e-h]. That was in 2011 i.e., at this stage, I had been blocked for 4 years. They lie that I have not presented evidence. They lie that I have invented the Council’s lack of transparency and imply that I am a conspiracy theorist. They claim transparency because Council meetings are open to the Public yet exclude that I was was a rare citizen diligently attending them. They are disingenuous stating that, “He also states oversight failed – whilst this may be his opinion, it certainly does not make it true.” Again, they exclude that Edge was meant to be part of that oversight i.e., Edge and Seton are protecting Edge with their post. They state that there are cases against me whilst neglecting to mention their involvement. They state that the cases have nothing to do with Knysna Tourism which is a lie as without my blogs about Knysna Tourism I would not have been an activist nor been taken to Court because of it. Additionally, most of the people taking me to Court were linked to Knysna Tourism e.g., the CEO whom Seton had appeared for.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 22 | P a g e They falsely state that the Council does not have oversight over Knysna Tourism despite it being its funder and the only reason why Edge was on the Board. A perfect example of their deception is their lie that: “Ms. Moos is neither a politician, councillor nor has she been involved in tourism, so what exactly does he want from her, a private citizen who provides a wonderful service through her creche with over 60 toddlers.” She is mentioned because I wanted her to attend the meeting. Edge and Seton deliberate mislead the Public because Moos was a DA candidate in training and had attended the conference with me and MEC Alan Winde regarding Knysna Tourism and other issues. Whereas she had promised answers, she did not deliver, and, when I blogged about her failure, she laid a harassment case against me, open litigation for R100,000 and crimen injuria charges. It is unsurprising that overkill included, at the minimum, Seton as her representative in the harassment matter.

• Moos perjured herself in Court saying she had never met me. That lie is also stated in paras 5 and 6 of her supplementary affidavit in 2014

[LPC16i1]. • We used to greet each other with hugs after her sister and Rowan Spies had attended my workshop at Knysna Tourism and I had visited her creche with donations several times. This 2013 screenshot of a Facebook conversation

shows that she knew me [LPC16i2]. It shows that lying for the DA with the objective of being rewarded with a councillor position was a common trait i.e., Moos, Seton, Young and

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 23 | P a g e Myers. The same logic exists for those such as Edge seeking to be re-elected. The possibility that Seton and Edge knew that Moos knew me is logical. Collusion against me is likely. • Whilst Seton was her advocate, Moos made a post against me on Facebook which was liked by

Seton i.e., another conflict of interest [LPC16i3]. • Similarly, 3 months after the judgement against me, Moos shared a Knysna Knews post against me. The conflict of interest was Seton still

representing Dawson against me [LPC16i4]. • The daughters of Moos and Mayor Wolmarans worked for Knysna Municipality in the Planning Department. Moos’ daughter was best friends with the daughter of Wolmarans. This photo was

taken in their office building [LPC16j1]. I do not consider it coincidence that Alexi Moos, Magda’s daughter, became the Mayor’s assistant the

following year [LPC16j2]. This photo shows the daughters and Mayor Wolmarans attending Seton

and Edge’s marriage vows renewal [LPC16k]. • Unsurprisingly, Moos became a candidate along with Seton in 2016. One month after Seton and Edge’s post against me, Moos commented on Edge’s DA photo: “Blue is the way to go, the

winning team.” [LPC16L]. The irony is that her betrayal never got her elected.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 24 | P a g e As Mark Allan had bizarrely done elsewhere, they try delegitimising my request for a Public meeting by sharing a link to my poetry. Despite having stated that there was nothing to answer, Knysna Knews stated that it was unreasonable of me to expect immediate answers from politicians, ignoring that politicians who were the funders and oversight of Knysna Tourism should be able to explain their actions. Again, it was excluded that I had first asked Edge questions 4 years earlier. They state that the proper forum for questions is a ward committee, ignoring that it was illegally controlled by the DA e.g., Dee Hollelly, one committee member, was the DA’s treasurer and ran a petition to keep Knysna Tourism CEO Shaun van Eck in office despite the overwhelming evidence against him (Eck was also DA). Another was the spouse of Dawson who was conduit for Seton suing me again. Although Seton, Edge, Allan and others were trolling me, they state that I am an internet troll.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 25 | P a g e They state that I am damaging “Brand Knysna” and the chances of investment and economic development. They implied that I am ANC and not to be trusted because I hosted a website owned by a lawyer who represented the ANC in a neighbouring town. I have never been ANC. It is a propaganda piece, shooting from the shadows where Edge and Seton hid for a long time. The comment section, addressed below, amplifies that. Page 4 of the post screenshot shows that Seton and Edge shared their anonymous post. Seton did so twice. Edge said: “Couldn’t have said it better.” Mark Allan, their partner propagandist, shared it to the Facebook business page he ran with the Chair of the Business Chamber, David Hendry. He also used my poetry to try discredit me. Martin Hatchuel, a part-time copywriter to Knysna Tourism and the Municipality, comments: “You could construe that publication as a call for the abuse of children.” Hatchuel’s extra motivation for his horrid comment was likely that I had reported on his adopted son killing his girlfriend’s mother. The last comment finds Seton saying, “Agreed.” Back on Seton and Edge’s Knysna Knews comment section, people against me included Hendry, Allan. Allan doubles up on Edge’s/Seton’s false insinuation that I am ANC.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 26 | P a g e Bonnie Kim Jacobs is an example of what happened to many citizens for years. When they stated something logical or supported me – they were berated; trolled and gaslit. Allan indirectly attacks her business reputation. He attacked her motherhood with: “You would have no qualms about asking him to babysit your two kids as he grapples with his next edition of his deeply disturbing poetry.” The Ask A Local profile supports Allan’s attack but Ask A Local is Allan too. Although Seton and Edge engaged in subterfuge against me, they were happy for their allies to be more direct. The damning fact is that by Seton and Edge allowing those comments on their page, they are liable too. No actual issues were discussed. None of the facts I had delivered for years were addressed. The goal was distraction, propaganda against the Public interest and me.

29.1.5. There are many examples of continuity of shady character but I will only share two more here, past (2014) and present (2020), regarding the same topic. On 1 December 2014, Knysna Knews (aka Edge and Seton) blamed me for misinformation regarding Knysna Tourism. Notably, Seton shared the

post to her Facebook page [LPC16m]. After the DA’s Mark Willemse became the new Mayor, he commissioned the Cliffe Dekker investigation I have already shared. The National DA ignored them and instead expelled Willemse for related issues. During disciplinaries, the Federal Legal Commission failed to

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 27 | P a g e respond to my emails offering evidence. A post by the DA on Facebook on 22 August 2020 was revealing. The page is run anonymously though it is known that propagandist Dr Martin Young was previously one of its administrators. It is rumoured that Seton is now. The comment section offered more transparency. There, Seton transposed the blame I had unfairly received for years, unfairly onto Willemse with: “… the town was handed to the ANC by Mark [Willemse] after he destroyed tourism…” Her comments there make it clear

that she is an active agent for the DA [LPC16n1]. • Note this DA Facebook post on 2 November 2017. All questions are being responded to by Seton except the repeated query who the administrator

of the page is [LPC16n2]. • On 17 August 2020, DA Federal Executive member Dion George published a propaganda piece to defend Spies and try dismiss the De Swardt report. Note that the Public is overwhelmingly displeased. Seton, on behalf of the DA, is still the main responder in the comment section (26 times). Note that ex-Mayor Mark Willemse is now blamed for the failure of Knysna Tourism and repeatedly for giving the ANC power (as was done to me, repetition is the power of propaganda). • On Seton’s fifteenth comment she says: “Well, gee, you all fell for KIM and Hampton. But give us a chance. We have the real ability to turn things around after the betrayal that gave Knysna to the ANC.” Note the collective, Seton is speaking as the DA. [Use of bold by me].

• Her final comment uses plural again: “The DA has a plan. Now that the rot has eventually been

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 28 | P a g e weeded out help us take the town back and make

a difference.” [LPC16n3]

29.1.6. On 15 February 2016, the same week Parliament declared investigation and summoned Knysna’s government,

Seton shared the hashtag #hamptonmust fall [LPC16o1]. It was liked by Lauren Waring, ex-Municipal Manager and friend of Edge. Nastiness against me extended to the personal Facebook pages of Mayoral Committee Member, Peter Myers, Aspirant DA Councillor Martin Young and Councillor Mark Willemse. There were also shares to the DA's official Knysna page as well as their Ward 9 and Ward 10 pages. There were comments and shares by other DA politicians.

29.1.7. Before I exposed Seton’s role in Knysna Knews, I gave her and Edge the opportunity to come clean. On 16 February 2016 (possibly the height of the propaganda campaign against me the past decade), I requested their side of NCOP as Edge

had failed to appear at the first hearing [LPC16o2].

29.1.8. Although more conservatively worded than the social media propaganda against me, Mayor Wolmaran’s 18 February

2016 press release was as ridiculous [LPC16o3]. I include items such as this to explain the environment and to show that Seton and Edge were in-step with Local Government against me – they shared the same negative interests and goals. The following month, Parliament forced Wolmarans to publicly apologise for the disrespect she and her colleagues showed.

29.1.9. On 21 February 2016, I queried Seton and Edge’s

relationship with Knysna Knews again [LPC16o4a]. I included Attorney Jeppe in the email as he was obviously in conflict of interest too. They failed to respond to my emails.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 29 | P a g e 29.1.10. On 22 February 2016, I queried the anonymity of Knysna Knews. Edge typed her name as the first comment. By making any arbitrary comment, such as a name or a full-stop, people would be notified of further comments. It has fallen out of fashion but was something people did back then. Notably, she never stepped forward to proclaim herself and Seton as

administrators of Knysna Knews [LPC16o4b].

29.1.11. On the 29 February 2016, I exposed Seton’s role as

a secret administrator of Knysna Knews [LPC16o5-8].

29.1.12. She attempted damage control by pretending she had not been anonymous which was ludicrous as her name (and her spouse’s) had never appeared on that page as an author or owner, and many in the comment section had not received an answer to the question of their identity. Then, of course, there is her conflict of interest as a propagandist and an advocate against me whilst her spouse was involved in questionable activities against the Public interest, this against the backdrop of Parliamentary hearings and Parliament’s published warning against my attackers.

29.1.13. But on Knysna Knews, they continued to post as if they were anonymous and uninvolved with the DA. There were several attacks against me and Parliament. On 5 March 2016, the DA posted a picture of Seton campaigning for them for the Seton was campaigning for the DA for the coming elections i.e., she was issuing propaganda for their benefit whilst promoting them whilst being a candidate whilst in legal

proceedings against me [LPC16o9]. On 13 March 2016, Edge/Seton disparaged my witness, Susan Campbell, for being against the ISDF tender and Municipal Manager Grant Easton (as previously stated, the ISFG was found to be irregular

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 30 | P a g e and has never continued, and Seton represented Easton

who quit during his disciplinary) [LPC16o10-11]. The post deviously began as if proceedings were reported third hand: “First a precis of what happened in the parliamentary committee room after we spoke to observers who were there…” and “5 top office bearers specifically requested by the committee flew to Cape Town on 15 March.” It was devious because Edge was one of the five officials, and Seton accompanied them on the plane, the only ‘citizen’ to do so. Seton was in the gallery observing the proceeding. I was told that the photo that accompanies the post, which was also posted by the Municipality on their Facebook, was taken by Seton. The post ends on a theme that had been promoted by Knysna Knews before: “We will certainly let you know how much this little exercise, at the whim of 2 individuals, has cost us. Hampton has been politically divesting himself of assets so nothing can be recovered from him… go figure.” The latter is misleading. The process was official - there were no monies to be recovered, no possible litigation. Furthermore, they were indirectly referring to the fact that Seton was maliciously suing me on behalf of Mark Allan, the member of their gang who continually associated me with that missing child, and who was one of the administrators of Wicked Knysna which incessantly attacked me. In response, I had given away my book and extensive CD collection (I had once worked in the music industry).

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 31 | P a g e 29.1.14. An anonymous Twitter page called AngryMikeH was set up against me and made 472 posts over 18 days from to 17 March 2016 to 3 April 2016. On 19 March 2016, 2 days

after it began, Knysna Knews promoted it [LPC16o12-13]. Besides Allan appearing as usual, it is telling that Knysna Knews commented: “Only options are to dry up his [Hampton’s] support, close his sites, make him seek other pastures, or make him do jail time for breaking the terms of his suspended sentence. There are no other options. None are ‘nice’ has never helped anyone in addressing him.”

29.1.15. Hostility was never hidden towards me were always. On 24 March 2016, Protecting Brand Knysna openly stated that it was crowdfunding R50,000 towards legal fees to imprison me for contraventions of three cases. Even though they are

unnamed, by default, they had to relate to Seton [LPC16o14a]. 8 days later, PBK reiterated its commitment

to have me imprisoned [LPC16o14b].

• Seton liked the post. • Angie Manser, one of Young’s regular supporters against me, stated: “Really? Jail time? Wow.” Protecting Brand Knysna responded: “He is on a 60 day suspended sentence, yes, and has breached the terms thereof.” i.e., reference to

Edge’s interdict against me [LPC16o14c]. • Mark Allan’s, who was one of the sites administrators along with Young and Allan, made a comment that is not screenshotted fully but makes direct implication when criticising Knysna’s citizens for not acting against me: “They sit back and expect Julie Seton or Martin Young or someone else t…”

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 32 | P a g e 29.1.15. The propaganda and threats continued strongly for approximately another year and a half. Thereafter, it lessened as I had been forced out of town, and they then focused on Susan Campbell, the Knysna Ratepayers’ Association and a DA faction battle with them aligning against Mayor Mark Willemse and Councillor Peter Myers. Campbell asked an important question from her Knysna Independent Movement (KIM) page

[LPC16o14d – see underlined]:

“Towards the end of the term of the 2011-2016 Council, a number of DA councillors attended a course for Municipal Minimum Competencies for municipal officials. This was shortly before the elections and illegal, as councillors may only receive capacity building training at the expense of the municipality. The course was specifically arranged for Knysna Municipality and presented

at Brenton Hall [the hamlet where Edge and Seton stay]. Julie Seton, the spouse of Esme Edge, also attended the course. It is uncertain how Seton managed to enrol in a municipal course and who paid for her attendance. This was an extremely expensive course and it is unclear how many of the councillors passed the course.” It is obvious from the detailed information in Campbell’s post above why Seton and her accomplices had also made her a target.

29.1.16. It is pertinent to note these comments in the review section of the Knysna Knews page. Three woman, the second in a DA faction, express their disgust with Knysna Knews. The third states: “This page spreads absolute lies. It’s criminal.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 33 | P a g e And every time anyone comments to say this, this woman Julie

seton, deletes their comments.” [LPC16o14d].

29.2. The De Swardt Vogel Myambo investigation (contracted by Knysna Municipality) recommends disciplinary action and criminal charges against then-Knysna Mayor Eleanore Spies, then-Knysna Municipal Manager Kam Chetty, and Legal Adviser Melony Paulsen (who remains in that position). Topics include the alleged fraudulent backdating of a R1-million payment to Knysna Tourism, and the Mayor’s alleged illegal use of Public funds for personal lawyers

against me [LPC16p1-2].

29.2.1. Seton was made a municipal employee on the Knysna Planning Tribunal whilst Spies was in office. The Tribunal assesses property and building applications. It is alleged that Seton illegally received the post i.e., it was not advertised, as required by the MFMA. I have previously exposed Spies for doing the same for two other positions.

29.2.2. Seton was alleged to be Spies’ counsel in the De Swardt matter. The instructing attorney was Colleen Nel who is a fiend of Seton’s and has been involved in several cases against me (that involve Seton). In 2019, when I announced my book, Seton sent me a legal threat on behalf of Spies, Edge, Young and herself. That will be discussed furtheron in the SLAPP section.

29.2.3. Unsurprisingly, Seton is an online supporter of Spies, seeking to discredit the De Swardt report as illegitimate because it is not a forensic investigation, yet failing to address the information therein i.e., Propaganda 101. As example: ‘Knysna’s former MM and mayor implicated in fraud’ was the headline of the Knysna-Plett Herald on

13 September 2018 [LPC16q]. Notably, that was 50 days

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 34 | P a g e after I had exposed the report, and the newspaper never contacted me despite mentioning me in the report i.e., Spies had used R85,595 of Public funds for her personal lawyers against me. The newspaper has repeatedly sided with DA factions versus me and the Public interest but I it is not necessary for me to expand on that here. Here, the main point is not the article but the comment section. Allan is, as usual, there to discredit me without discussing the topic. Seton defends Spies. Councillor Myers had supported the report and, along with Councillor Willemse, been responsible for removing Spies as Mayor. In referring to a Knysna Knews post against him, which Edge and Seton shared, Myer’s made a long comment in which he directly

addressed Seton’s lies [LPC16r]. He explains how she is a hypocrite who had repeatedly insulted him on social media. Seton was instrumental in instigating the DA’s disciplinary action against Myers, based on lies. He states that under cross-examination, Seton “had to admit that she had lied numerous times in her original complaint.” Seton had lied that Myer’s had shown her CV and her application to be a Municipal director to her editor at the Knysna-Plett Herald where she was working as a part-time journalist. He claims the evidence showed that she had lied that the newspaper had terminated her work because of him. Importantly, the DA Federal Legal Commission rigged the disciplinary, calling only two witnesses which were Myer’s enemies – Seton and Spies. Notably, Seton who is one with Edge (and are both Knysna Knews) did not fight Myer’s statement.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 35 | P a g e 6 days later, on 13 December 2018, the newspaper published that the DA’s response to the investigation was to promote Spies to the District Mayoral Committee under which Knysna. Residents were shocked but not Seton who commented twice in

support of Spies [LPC16s]. As with much of this complaint’s evidence, it shows where Seton’s loyalty lies. It helps build a foundation for her motivation. Additionally, her further conflict of interest was her being a ‘journalist’ for her editor friend Elaine King, whilst pursuing an agenda. As example:

• The DA’s anti-racism pledge cannot be considered as anything more than a marketing scheme for black votes. Seton published an article supporting it, the photo including her spouse and accomplice, Edge, and her other

accomplice, councillor Martin Young [LPC16t]. • Despite seeking to underhandedly remove Peter Myers, she wrote the article about his ousting as

Deputy Mayor by her DA faction [LPC16u1-4].

29.2.4. The Hawks have repeatedly failed to investigate or fully investigate any criminal matter involving the DA in Knysna. For this matter, I have an open case with the Hawks, referred by their analysis department to Colonel Christelle Stemmet who never investigated for the one year before she killed herself. I have laid a related complaint against a senior official which was acknowledged but not addressed.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 36 | P a g e The two DA councillors who stood against Mayor Spies, Myers and Willemse, were branded as rebels and pushed out the DA, with Seton making a vigorous public stand against them. They were involved in laying charges against Spies but the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) declined to prosecute, without giving the Public a reason. However, that is unsurprising as it has happened previously. In this case, it is easily shown that the Hawks failed to investigate appropriately. I was not interviewed, not even contacted, despite being a subject in the De Swardt investigation. In another Knysna case which I had exposed, the failure of the Hawk’s resulted in a targeted family emigrating for their safety. I laid complaint against the Hawks for several times they failed to investigate the DA but to no effect.

29.2.5. The DA had promoted Spies to the District Mayoral Committee where she joined her ‘ex-husband’. They then promoted her to the National Assembly and appointed her to the DA East Region Council under which Knysna falls. She is also the Constituency officer for Oudtshoorn where I exposed a plot to illegally takeover the town. Again, the DA has failed to act on my complaint, instead promoting the person involved (see para 29.3. and 29.5. below).

29.3. I exposed the Mazars investigation (contracted by Bitou Municipality) which implicates Rowan Spies with fraud and graft


29.3.1. Rowan Spies is the partner of Eleanore Spies. They suspiciously divorced before the 2016 election that found them both elected to office whilst remaining a married couple in every other way.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 37 | P a g e

29.3.2. He has never been held accountable. Instead, he was made a DA district councillor.

29.3.3. Instead, Mazars threatened to sue me for exposing their report paid for with Public money.

29.3.4. Mazars also gave Knysna Tourism a clean bill of health.

29.4. The ISDF investigation was undertaken by Provincial Treasury & Local Government). The first and most important tender of the ISDF, which would plan Knysna’s future for 30 years, was given to a local property developer consortium, based on Thesen Islands, a wealthy suburb of Knysna, that

never won the bidding process and had the most conflict of interest [LPC18a- b].

29.4.1. I publicised the detailed complaint that Susan Campbell made, and the Municipality ignored. I kept the topic alive for years. It was given further legs when I posted the damning report that DA Western Cape Chair had hidden (which Campbell had gained via the Office of the Public Protector).

29.4.2. The illegal tender was approved by the Knysna Council despite massive objections from the Public. Esme Edge, Seton’s married partner, was part of that Council.

29.4.3. It formed part of my complaint to NCOP and a hearing in which Campbell was witness. Twice it made the SABC news.

29.4.4. Seton and Edge were major distributors of propaganda against me, Campbell and this matter. As example: The same day I exposed Treasury’s report against

the tender [LPC18a], Knysna Knews, still anonymous then, sought to discredit me and Susan Campbell (who would

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 38 | P a g e become my witness in Parliament regarding it) [LPC18c1-2]. Thy stated the hope that an organisation would close my website down (which is what Seton and Edge have been trying to do). Mark Allan, as usual, commented negatively. The Knysna Municipality took the extraordinary step

of implying it was a conspiracy theory [LPC18c3]. Contrary to ‘Knysna Knews’ stating that the ISDF tender was legal and had proceeded since 2013, it remains in limbo in 2021.

29.4.5. When the Knysna Municipality was called to testify, its delegation included then-Mayor Georlene Wolmarans, then-Municipal Manager Grant Easton, Communications Manager Christopher Bezuidenhout and then-Deputy Mayor Esme Edge. Advocate Seton was the only civilian who travelled with them. The latter highlights the relationship and access Seton has as a biased participant in Knysna politics.

29.4.6. Despite the DA and Easton having been on the same side during Parliament, they hypocritically chose to get rid of him a few months later. Seton became the legal counsel for Easton for his disciplinary hearing (during which he quit). Before he did, on 31 August 2016, I emailed her, ccing Attorney Jeppe so that the conflict of interest is again

clear [LPC18c4]:

“Why did you ban Susan Campbell from Knysna Knews? [the complainant against Easton] Why are you clouding the situation involving Grant Easton's suspension by ignoring everything except to point at its cost? Why do

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 39 | P a g e you support Grant Easton? Do you not consider it a conflict of interest to be giving him legal advice whilst issuing what seems to be propaganda on his behalf?” Jeppe confirmed representing Easton and sent an evasive letter not mentioning Seton or the conflict of interest

[LPC18c5]. I queried again [LPC18c6]. Jeppe sent another evasive letter not mentioning

Seton or the conflict of interest [LPC18c7].

29.4.7. In January 2017, my ISDF questions were deleted from the Knysna DA Facebook page, and I was banned.

29.4.8. No one has been held accountable. In fact, the Municipality illegally paid more money, above the tender price. No money has been recovered, and the ISDF has been limbo for years.

29.4.9. This topic is included in the same open case with the Hawks [referred to in above].

29.5. Secret recording of Anton Bredell, who doubles as MEC Local Government, plotting to take over the town of Oudtshoorn by illegally using

his administrative powers for the political gain of the DA [LPC19a-c].

29.5.1. He is possibly the most powerful DA figure in the Western Cape Province outside of Helen Zille. As DA Provincial Chair, he was Edge’s boss and, if Seton succeeds at becoming a councillor, would be one of her bosses.

29.5.2. COGTA has questioned Premier Alan Winde regarding it and intends follow-up sessions. ANC laid complaint to the Western Cape Legislature. GOOD submitted to the OPP. History has shown that it

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 40 | P a g e would be foolish for me to have hope in a full and completed process, but it is another feather in my credibility.

29.5.3. The DA ignored my complaint against Bredell as they had previously for the ISDF tender fraud. Instead, they promoted Bredell to Deputy Chair of the DA Federal Executive.

29.5.4. Although the DA has so far being allowed to practice corruption with impunity, my Public denouncement detracts from their image and must detract votes i.e., the DA has motive for ordering or allowing attacks against me by Seton and the Blue Gang.


I repeat that the value of detail in the sample documents in para 29 are not for debate here. Cursory inspection shows that they are in the Public interest, worthy of debate there.

30.1. The documents are a nod to my standing, that I serve the Public interest.

30.2. Whereas I provide substantiation for my argument, Seton makes unsubstantiated statements and attacks my character.

30.3. Whether Seton is correct or incorrect in her actions against me, the documents suggest motive and bias, and emphasise her conflict of interest as DA apologist and propagandist.


Moreover, for my credibility, I have vigorously engaged Government in pursuit of Justice. Whereas the criminals I have reported appear protected by the corruption that rules our country, the Legal Practice Council (LPC) can, in limited fashion, stand for justice by holding Advocate Seton to account:

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 41 | P a g e 31.1. NCOP’s Committee Petition & Executive Undertakings held three hearings regarding my Love Knysna Petition. The Committee’s investigator took a job with the DA. Status – limbo.

31.2. The Hawks (SAPS DPCI) may have whitewashed their report, and I have a complaint against those involved, but the fact is that some matters were recommended for investigation. Status – limbo.

31.3. After referral from the Presidency, COGTA, under then Minister Mkhize, sent me four letters but never acted. Status – limbo.

31.4. As new complaint to COGTA Portfolio Chair Faith Muthambi, Premier Alan Winde has been questioned, and Bredell ordered to respond. Muthambi has also requested the involvement of SIU but the latter has not yet contacted me. Status – ongoing.

31.5. I gained a protection order against Advocate Seton. Status – valid. Related criminal charges against her for contravening it – ignored by SAPS.

31.6. I gained a protection order against Mark Allan, client of Seton and a member of the Blue Gang against me. Status – expired. Related criminal charge for his contraventions – ignored by SAPS.


Despite bullying by Advocate Seton, I returned to Knysna as witness for the prosecutor in the High Court case that was held in November 2019.

32.1. I provided motive for Velile Waxa, the DA’s coalition partner, being the mastermind of the assassination of ANC Chief Whip Victor Molosi.

32.2. Waxa and two accomplices were found guilty.

32.3. By no means is any news service able to mention everything that happens but Seton’s Knysna Knews, which she used to run anonymously,

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 42 | P a g e isn’t a news service. Her only reaction to the Public protests for justice for that assassination of a Councillor was to go on a traffic WhatsApp group

and call for ANC Speaker Titi Gombi to be held accountable [LPC20]. There was no concern for a fellow political figure being killed. It was diversion which is propaganda. Whereas Campbell, the Chair of the Ratepayers’ whom Seton regularly attacks, went to every court date with food for the mostly poor people in the Public gallery. Seton is a politically opportunistic animal without conscience. 33.

Before Esme Edge, Advocate Seton and their accomplices crippled me, I had the following websites which showed my dedication to Knysna:








33.8. Love Knysna Projects was more than a website. My enemies destroyed valuable community work. Edge, Seton and their fellow monsters ensured my volunteer moms dried up like my money did. Three years effort killed… along with the future joy a lot of children should have had. Do you know what it is like to see the joy on a child’s face as they eat in a restaurant for the first time? Knysna’s kids were treated to fun educational trips such as:

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 43 | P a g e 33.8.1. SAMSA sea pledge [LPC21]

33.8.2. Leisure Isle hike and picnic [LPC22]

33.8.3. Birds of Eden [LPC23]

33.8.4. Jubilee Creek birthday and forest hike [LPC24]

33.8.5. Goukamma Nature Reserve hike and picnic [LPC25]

33.8.6. Pezula Spa reward [LPC26]

33.8.7. Elephant Park [LPC27]


Only Knysna Website Design made me any money. The intimidation dried that up. That was doubly unfortunate as I had radically slashed prices in Knysna as the naïve small-town folk were being overcharged.

35. Additionally, I designed the website and co-created the content for Judah Square, the Rastafari community in Khayalethu township [LPC28]. That was to assist them in advertising the tours which funded their community. I also wanted to break down cultural barriers through education and experience. Without money to pay for my hosting, I could no longer host their website which I did at a discount and some years free.


As indirect proof of my credibility, note the following letters, even if they were not acted upon:

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 44 | P a g e 36.1. Presidency referral to COGTA Zwelini Mkhize and, thereafter, the four

useless letters received from COGTA o.b.o. Minister [LPC29a-


36.2. DA Federal Executive Alan Mcloughlin stating that MEC Anton Bredell

had admitted that I had made relevant points [LPC29f].

36.3. IPID referral to the Public Protector in Durban [LPC29g].


The National Council of Provinces (NCOP), one of the two arms of ’s Parliament heard my petition:

37.1. On 12 December 2017, NCOP made the following recommendations


37.1.1. That the National Office of the Public Protector investigate all the issues raised in the petition.

37.1.2. That the National Office of the Public Protector further investigate the reluctance on the part of its Provincial Office to investigate the complaints raised in the petition.

37.1.3. That the National Office of the Public Protector report to the Committee on the progress it has made in investigating the issues raised in the petition, within 60 days of the tabling of this report in the House.

37.2. The Office of the Public Protector (OPP) has failed to comply with those orders for the past 3 years.

37.3. Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane has ignored my 68-page complaint against her staff involved in cover-up. Instead, the George office

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 45 | P a g e has been allowed to continue its role in cover-up, excusing the Knysna Municipality in several matters even where, for example, the Auditor General has stated irregularity which supports my position.

37.4. If the OPP had complied, that would have only been one step as the OPP would have to explain why it has acted against the evidence. That could only result in them being investigated.


As final direct proof of my credibility, here is the UDM’s leader, , recommending my exposé of fraud in Nelson Mandela Bay, possibly the most dysfunctional major city in South Africa. My article led to Noseweek doing a feature



I will get to the bulk of the complaint. I have not meandered. You must understand not only what Seton and the Blue Gang destroyed by why. They destroyed my credibility to protect the DA’s image and assist the cover-up of corruption. They did so despite failing to provide proof of their credibility. I ask everyone who reads this to consider how they would feel if they made so much effort only to be falsely tarred as a paedophile by a legal practitioner. Will the LPC be lawful or like the Cape Bar that protected Seton? Compare what I have shown you to their propaganda and lawsuits furtheron.


Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 46 | P a g e 40.

‘Same Shit, Different Government: Book 1 – The Corruption & Intimidation’

[LPC30a] is the title of my book that Advocate Julie Seton tried to stop me from self-publishing. It had been downloaded 3,208 times as of 27 February 2021

[LPC30b], an example of “in the Public interest”.


Because Government has failed its oversight function, I wrote it as warning to, and evidence for, the Public. As I knew my enemies would seek me, and stated such at its beginning, it doubles as evidence for Court.


The LPC is not party to those proceedings but the book is relevant because it also serves as evidence here.


Craig Waters, the LPC Acting Chair for the Disciplinary Department, received the book as part of my complaint. I object to him refusing to accept it as prima facie evidence and as cause for him to begin addressing my complaint, and to provide me a complaint reference number. That has meant delay and allows Advocate Julie Seton further opportunity to hurt me and subvert justice.


Out of concern that the LPC will not investigate fairly, the short complaint that was to accompany the book has become this longer document. Preparing it has been problematic as I tore my triceps muscle in my most active arm and had to stop typing - I am still in pain as I create this. Nevertheless, it will now be clear to any Public reader that there is fundamentally something wrong with Seton and that my complaint to the LPC is valid.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 47 | P a g e 45.

If the intro, interludes and outro are excluded, the book is approximately 200 pages of easy-to-understand evidence. It is a digital book linking to investigations, emails and screenshots. As example, here is a screenshot of the evidence list

[LPC30c]. The book contains over 400 links to evidence which I have included here as a zip folder [LPC30d].


The book is important because Seton and her married partner, Esme Edge, are featured therein. The book is the easiest way for the LPC to begin understanding Advocate Seton’s motivation, and the pivotal role she has performed for injustice from her position of extreme conflict of interest.


As the book’s title suggests, it is only the beginning of the story. ‘Part 1 – The Corruption’ explains key issues that made me an activist, and made Advocate Seton and her married partner, Esme Edge, my enemies. ‘Part 2: The Intimidation’ is self-explanatory. It is important to note that Advocate Seton was a member of a concerted campaign against me. That substantiates her political motive and conflict of interest. 48.

In summary:

48.1. Chapter 1 - Knysna Tourism and its illegal funding, and the involvement of DA councillor Esme Edge, Seton's married partner, and others.

48.2. Chapter 2 - Expansion on Knysna Tourism topic and other irregularities the Board directors allowed. Mention Richard Dawson whom Seton would later represent against me. Complaints to then-Premier Helen Zille and then-MEC Tourism Alan Winde, both high-ranking DA members.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 48 | P a g e The Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr report of 2017 substantiates my position i.e., Knysna Tourism should not have had direct payments without tender, and politicians, who approve that funding, should not be on its Board of Directors.

48.3. Chapter 3 - The first tender in the ISDF process, which would determine the future of Knysna for 30 years, was illegally awarded to property developers who did not score the best points and were in most conflict of interest. MEC Local Government and DA Western Cape Chair Anton Bredell was involved in the cover-up. Although I do not mention it, Esme Edge was on the Council that approved the tender.

48.4. Chapter 4 - The illegal appointment of Grant Easton as Municipal Manager, Esme Edge on the Council approving that. Easton was on a sub- committee of Knysna Tourism the same time as Edge. He was also the Municipality's CFO which meant Tourism's funding was approved by him before being sent to Council. In 2016, at the second hearing of Parliament for my petition, which included complaints against the ISDF, Knysna Tourism, intimidation and more, Edge and Easton attended. Seton and Edge were names as intimidators. Although not mentioned here, Seton, a citizen, flew with the DA and Municipality to attend the hearing as observer. In contradiction to the DA and Easton's lies to Parliament, Knysna Municipality held a disciplinary hearing to get rid of him. The charges were laid the month before the 2016 Local Election. This included the ISDF tender. Seton and Edge, DA candidates on the wrong side of this issue, would fail to be elected. 7 months later, Easton quit on the sixth day of the hearing, after hearing the evidence. Although not mentioned here, Seton was Easton's counsel.

48.5. Chapter 5 - About the crimes of DA councillors Rowan and Eleanore Spies. Involves graft and fraud, including a back payment of R1m to Knysna Tourism for which Spies was previously a Board Director, and the illegal contracting of Eleanore Spies friend as head of communication for the Municipality. I describe a major propaganda campaign against me. A link to

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 49 | P a g e evidence shows that Knysna Knews, the Facebook page of Edge and Seton, was involved.

48.6. Chapter 6 - I briefly summarise more irregularities. Although not stated, some occurred whilst Edge was councillor.

48.7. Chapter 7 - Mark Allan introduced. He was my cyberstalker using his own name and many fake profiles. He was friends with, and supported, Knysna Tourism's CEO. It was Allan who suggested to Knysna Tourism that they create a group of people to drown me out and send me to "cyber oblivion". That gang would form. Allan was involved in the propaganda campaign against me, as major figure as Seton. They would comment on each other’s Facebook pages against me. I also introduce Jaco Dercksen, a scammer I'd exposed. Although not mentioned here, Seton would later team up with him against me too. Although not mentioned here, Seton was Allan's lawyer.

48.8. Chapter 8 - Councillor Dr Martin Young introduced. He'd been a fellow DA candidate with Seton in 2016. Seton, Allan and Young were the three biggest in the propaganda campaign against me. Examples of themed, and thus planned, intimidation provided. The biggest lie was associating me with mental disorder. Young's election campaign was bizarrely run on his opposition to me, a citizen. Uncoincidentally, two letters appeared by doctors against me in 2016, prior to the election. One by Young, the other by Dr Douglas Seton, Advocate Seton's brother. A third doctor also commented against me on Young's Facebook page. Although not mentioned here, Seton was Young's lawyer.

48.9. Chapter 9 - The propaganda campaign's false association of me with child abuse and a missing child. I mentioned my children's project that the propaganda campaign destroyed. It ends with the fake psychiatric diagnosis of me as a sociopath and danger to children, compiled by Seton and Young. They used the word "sociopath" 34 times. When I lost everything in the Great Knysna Fire in 2017, Young lied on Facebook that I was pretending

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 50 | P a g e to be a victim to abuse real victims. Seton's comment below his post sought to belittle my loss.

48.10. Chapter 10 - My readers were being intimidated too. Most often, it was Mark Allan and DA Councillor Dr Martin Young who scolded, insulted and scared them. A regular tactic was to join their pages and then tag them in horrible posts, as if they had committed my 'crimes'. Businesses were tagged too. The bullying worked to a degree in that some unsubscribed from my page and many, particularly women, stopped posting comments in support. An example of the insanity was the targeting of Amanda Forrow, ex-Radio 5 and SABC celebrity, who met me once. This revealed Baden Hall as one of the administrators on the FB page Protecting Brand Knysna a.k.a. Wicked Knysna". Hall had previously negatively associated me with Forrow on Rants & Raves Knysna, of the earlier Facebook groups posting against me, run by Mark Allan. In a screenshot at the end of this chapter, you'll find Allan adding Seton to the group (and Edge welcoming her). When Edge received an interdict against me in 2015, Hall was joyous on Facebook. Adding weight to conspiracy and collusion with Edge and Seton, he said eight more cases were coming at me. My petition to Parliament was repeatedly mocked. Martin Hatchuel, a contactor to the Municipality, anonymously composed and released a press release about it on behalf of the Municipality. Hatchuel would be revealed as one of the administrators of the AngryMikeH Twitter page against me. Protecting Brand Knysna stated: "We are going to ask Knysna residents to crowd source R50,000 for legal fees to put this problem [Hampton] away. There are two, if not three, watertight cases that can see our protagonist do jail time for contravention of court orders. This is not an individual responsibility. This is Knysna's responsibility and should be funded as such." The cases referred to would have involved Advocate Seton. Comments in support were made by Mark Allan, Mark Beard and Manon MacDonald. The latter was the disgraced manager of the Knysna Municipality's Electrical Department that I had exposed for giving contracts to her husband [all three were commentators against me on Edge and Seton's Knysna Knews page). Ashley Barnes and Martin Hatchuel falsely tried to tar me as a copyright thief in July 2016, for a recording I had made on a forest tour in which Hatchuel was an attendee.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 51 | P a g e Clr Dr Young, Beard and Sonwabo Oliver Ndevu (whose picture found him in DA regalia), sent threats to my subscribers, implying they'd be sued. I invited 8 of my defamers to have an on-the-record meeting with me, during which I would answer any question. The topics I listed included Knysna Tourism, the ISDSF tender and the propaganda campaign against me. I only received response from Ashley Barnes, a copywriter/advertiser who had been a contractor to the Municipality, who threatened to sue me with help from her friend "Advocate Friedman". Protecting Brand Knysna made a derogatory post about me after Knysna Municipality banned me. Mark Beard responded with his hope that my father would kill me. Barnes liked that.

48.11. Chapter 11 - My April Fool's joke in 2016 was to post a press release pretending to be the Knysna Municipality acting responsibly. That included Mayor Wolmarans stating that she would meet me to discuss my petition to parliament. The Municipality issued a press statement against me and Seton and Edge posted: "April Fools' day! This is obviously not a genuine muni press release. The Municipality have wasted enough money on a disaffect ed individual. This is just another attention seeking ploy, calculated to make the council look bad. History has proven meetings achieve nothing. Hopefully somebody will take steps regarding the usage of the logo and infringement of copyright.” My point was made because the irony is that the content and intent of the parody was ignored, the Municipality, which included Edge, had only lied in meetings before I was banned, and a citizen cannot be sued by the Government that works for him. Indirectly, Edge and Seton were making another legal threat.



The intimidation campaign against me, waged by the political gang that Advocate Julie Seton and Esme Edge belong to, uses propaganda, direct threats and Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP). Through intention and effect, propaganda and SLAPP are threats too.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 52 | P a g e

49.1. A strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.

49.2. SLAPPs take various forms. The most common used to be a civil suit for defamation.

49.3. Other widely mentioned elements of a SLAPP are the actual effectiveness at silencing critics, the timing of the suit, inclusion of extra or spurious defendants (such as relatives or hosts of legitimate defendants).

49.4. Washington's anti-SLAPP law is considered one of the strongest in the in the world. Defendants have 45 days to file a special motion to dismiss if they believe they are being sued over protected speech.

49.5. Whistleblowers can be employees, suppliers, contractors, clients or any individual who somehow becomes aware of illegal activities taking place in a business either through witnessing the behaviour or being told about it

49.6. Can an attorney conspire with its clients? Do I have the opportunity for fair trial if I am bombarded with court cases that can never receive the time and finances needed? Do I have the opportunity for fair trial, as is my right by law, if the Judiciary does not understand, for example, the Protection from Harassment Act, and that politicians must be held to a higher standard? How can the Court not look at the bigger context when it is political? How can the Court accept the plaintiffs presenting only a microcosm of the context, that which best suits their ends, as opposed to understanding the full picture so that justice is not blind to the SLAPP? I have been deliberately damaged via a conspiracy simultaneously abusing the legal system whilst propagandising.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 53 | P a g e 50.

I have deliberately contravened Court orders in the Public interest. I risk my safety and freedom because our country is being lost to corruption. I believe that we are only South African if we stand up for the society we want.


If the LPC disagrees with my belief, it would be irrelevant regarding this complaint as the LPC is not here to judge me.


Consequently, Seton cannot use the cases she manufactured against me, a layman she ensured had no representation and income, as evidence against me, or as evidence for her credibility. Nor can she rely on the judgements against me for which I laid a complaint that has never been investigated. The corruption that Seton is involved in includes the Judiciary. I can prove that unfair treatment but will not digress lest this complaint becomes lose its focus.


The LPC is here to judge if Advocate Seton has broken and abused the Law for her selfish interests and, if so, has she contravened the rules of the LPC.



This further explains the organogram on page 3 of this complaint which shows the attack against me, and how that attack is linked to Advocate Julie Seton and the Democratic Alliance (DA).

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 54 | P a g e 55.

Our justice system has rotted, a mockery of the Constitution it should have served. I have been denied witnesses and my evidence is absent from judgements, as if it never existed. The people bullying me for exposing their corruption have been granted an interdict and protection orders forbidding me mentioning their names. It is my belief that the capture of the Western Cape is as real as the ‘State Capture’ in our news. The DA is protected.


These are the 5 active orders I broke when I published my book. They, and those that follow, link to Advocate Julie Seton which, as the married partner of her, implicates Esme Edge. That strong linkage is not accidental. It is a SLAPP against me, and an abuse of the legal system. Seton, in conflict of interest, has secretly acted as her attorney and advocate.

55.1. DA Esme Edge (interdict protects Seton too):

55.1.1. Relationship to Seton: Married to Advocate Seton and co- administrator of Knysna Knews, the Facebook propaganda page used against me. Ex-Deputy Mayor of Knysna for the Democratic Alliance (DA). Seton initially represented her but was replaced after I publicly cried conflict of interest. Seton lied to the Cape Bar that she had never represented her spouse. As with other cases, I believe that Seton continued to be the invisible hand. This will be discussed in para 55.1.10 below.

55.1.2. This High Court order is currently giving me the most problems. I had no evidence submitted in this case thus could not mount a defence.

55.1.3. When Edge’s lawyers never appeared in 2016, my pro bono advocate informed me that the case was over and that I could blog. I blogged once about what had happened and was found guilty of contempt for three years.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 55 | P a g e 55.1.4. My lawyer, who was mostly absent, was disbarred. The substitute lawyer he organised never responded to me.

55.1.5. In between, the Court folders were taken by an unidentified blonde woman, but Judge Rosheni Allie would not investigate.

55.1.5. In 2019, when I posted a sample of my forthcoming book about DA corruption, Edge appealed to the Court who responded by ordering that the Sheriff arrest me, my website be shut down, and my book not published on or after 1 April 2019. Consequently, I published it online before that date, giving it away for free.

55.1.6. The order appeared to serve the DA rather than only the plaintiff. Judge Babalwa Mantame made generalised judgement, effectively not protecting just the applicant but the DA. She did so without having a copy of the book or the website.

55.1.7. I was in Namibia when Court happened.

55.1.8. My arrest has since been ordered.

55.1.9. On 9 November 2020, my rescission application was to be heard. Suspiciously, my application had been misfiled and the opposing counsel, Advocate Roxanne van Wyk, made the argument that my application must be dismissed owing to the files not being present. That would have resulted in my arrest. She and her colleagues had a copy emailed by me and thus blatantly did not queried me regarding the ‘missing’ files. Unknown to her, the files had been found by a third party one week before.

55.1.10. Judge Siraj Desai considered the matter serious, thus moving it to the Fourth Division for full hearing on 10 March 2021.

55.1.10. On 24 February 2021, I emailed Attorney Richard Sohn, owner of Sohn & Associates Attorneys. I suggested the best way forward with our papers to minimise what is before the Judge. I also

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 56 | P a g e addressed Advocate Seton because I know she is the hidden hand, and that Sohn works with her for shared agenda. I received an email from Attorney Dale Wright who

works for Sohn [LPC31a]. The response, in an attached letter [LPC31b], was unhelpful. Its snotty tone immediately making me think it was Advocate Seton. In further conflict of interest, and as proof of that hidden hand, the properties of the letter show that Advocate Seton was the last person to have saved it i.e., Sohn & Associates is the sender not the creator. Seton is the hidden

hand [LPC31c]. That save was 36 minutes before Wright sent it. Compare the revelation in the above paragraph to para 14.1 which includes Seton’s letter the Cape Bar, in

response to my second complaint against her [LPC305]. In para 15 she states: “I act on brief, on instruction from attorneys and this was dealt with in my first submission. I certainly advised my spouse to take action against his defamatory and unacceptable conduct, but this matter was exhaustively dealt with in the investigation of the initial complaint. I was not on brief.” That was doubled up by Esme Edge, her spouse, her stated to the Knysna-Plett Herald newspaper’s editor that Seton was not her representative: “By the way my advocate is NOT Adv Seton, as Hampton keeps claiming, he even gets THAT wrong! I trust that you will refrain from publishing factually incorrect articles or repeating the contents of his blog. Hope this clears up the misconception created by the

false information deliberately posted by Hampton.” [LPC31d]

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 57 | P a g e In respect to the previous two paras, Seton and Edge are liars. Mills and I used to speak about him contacting Seton regarding the case. I now know that to be odd since he should have been contacting instructing attorney Carl Jeppe (who, I remind, shared an office with her yet seemed to know little about ‘his’ cases against me).

• Seton and Edge are proven liars because I have one email from him wherein he states: “I have spoken to Julie Seton and am awaiting the draft interim order…”

[LPC31e]. That provisional draft order arrived later the same day, with properties showing it was created in Jeppe’s office 76 minutes after Mill’s email to me [LPC31f]. • In between sending and receiving, Mills sent another email which began with: “Dear Julie, kindly find attached hereto our proposed order. Yours reflects terms that was not discussed and not agreed upon during the telephonic communication earlier.” That can

viewed as the last email in this document [LPC31g1]. Mills sent it to [email protected] which is one of the edresses Seton uses until the date of this

complaint. • Compare the above to the Knysna Knews Facebook page which I had yet to expose as Seton and Edge on

16 March 2015 [LPC31g2]. Regarding Edge’s case against me, they stated: “Advocate Seton confirmed that she is not on brief in this matter.” Speaking about her as a third person was deceiving. Seton’s character in the above three paras should be compared to para 14.2.1 wherein she is the secret author of a legal threat on Sohn’s letterhead to Independent Newspaper’s. Similarly, in para 14.2.2. she is the author of an unsigned propaganda document that was distributed online

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 58 | P a g e against the Knysna Ratepayers’ Association (whom Sohn & Associates is currently suing). Preceding this, in the same matter, I was served incorrectly, seemingly with the intention of publicly embarrassing me. Despite no attempt to serve me at home, as listed on the Sheriff’s and court documents, I was served outside the Knysna Council Chambers. However, they were court off-guard as I was the first to leave the Council Chambers and open the door leading to the upstairs reception area. I say they because a sheriff and Advocate Seton were forced to move back from the door when I opened it, whilst they were in midsentence. The surprise on her face highlighted their negative attempt. I blogged about it as soon as I got

home which was near [LPC31h1]. Previously to this, I was served in the Knysna Magistrates Court. Magda Moos was represented by Seton. We three had a meeting with the Magistrate. A sheriff was waiting for me. As I was not served at home, as listed, Seton had obviously organised it to try rattle me. I complained to the Sheriff’s department

regarding both services [LPC31h2]. They never responded but, thereafter, they always called me beforehand, and I made myself available wherever I was e.g., publicly, in Wimpy in Knysna Mall, my refusal to be intimidated. I also objected to Attorney Jeppe regarding the service and the fact that their papers expected me to respond

within hours, another form of intimidation [LPC31i]. Attorney Jeppe’s emails were never signed by him. In 2016, I queried him about it, demanding they be signed by him so that I knew Seton was not abusing his letterhead (or doing so with his permission). Suspiciously, I

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 59 | P a g e had called his office after receiving another legal threat

[LPC31j] only to discover that he was not there. When I sent a follow-up email, he responded saying he was at Court

[LPC31k]. He strangely said that he had to consult with his clients before responding. The following day I received another

threat via letterhead [LPC31L] instead of him answering my demand and query.

55.2. DA Advocate Julie Seton (protection order):

55.2.1. Relationship to Seton: Self and co-administrator of the Knysna Knews Facebook page that was used to issue propaganda against me. DA constituent, three times DA candidate, previous municipal employee under DA.

55.2.2. I gained a protection order against her. The police would not act on her serious contraventions of it after I filed several charges. Although I do not detail them here, they are important evidence

[LPC31m-q]. Seton has always been comfortable in the fact that the legal system will not punish her, but it shows, at least, her disregard for what the Law is supposed to be.

55.2.3. She was granted a protection order against me which I considered further intimidation as she was already protected by the interdict granted to her spouse. The doubling up is abnormal, and not how I imagine a legal practitioner to act. She claimed that I contravened the order but misled the SAPS in her statement, removing context and the fact that she was the aggressor prompting me to respond.

55.2.4. Attorney Willie Smith represented Seton but it was obvious that he was clueless and she was running the show. When in Magistrate Emma Maloro’s chambers, Seton did the talking and objecting. I pointed that out to the Magistrate.

55.3. Eleanore Spies and Rowan Spies (protection order):

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 60 | P a g e 55.3.1. Relationship to Seton: Both DA councillors. Seton and Edge were in Eleanore’s faction and supported her online, attacking her enemies and defending her after I exposed the De Swardt

investigation (see para 29.2 and [LPC16o-p]). I do not have proof, but Seton was either Eleanore’s legal advisor or her advocate. Seton was commissioner of oaths for Spies in her PHA application against me. Seton was hired by the Municipality whilst Spies was Mayor. Seton’s appointment was allegedly illegal, given to her without the post being advertised. Despite living approximately 30km away, Eleanore was the Ward councillor for Seton and Edge’s hamlet. When Eleanore was promoted away from the scandal, Seton applied and failed to become candidate for her ward. It is alleged that Eleanore supported her to become her replacement, but Premier Alan Winde wanted a black candidate as the DA already had most of the white vote.

55.3.2. Points: That De Swardt investigation, procured by her own municipality, fingered Eleanore for fraud and abuse of Public funds. I exposed that report, which they had kept hidden, after finding it squeezed between my front door and the door frame. I exposed the unadvertised contracting of her unqualified friend and political campaign manager, Fran Kirsten, as Communications Manager, to be irregular i.e., illegal. The Western Cape Auditor General concurred, declaring Kirsten’s contract fees of R382,545,00 to be a deviation

[LPC32a]. Under Kirsten, the Municipality attacked me during the same period Knysna Knews did. An example will be given furtheron, under the header ‘One Propaganda Campaign Example’. I exposed the Mazar’s forensic investigation that had been hidden for years. I later published related affidavits. Rowan was fingered for fraud and graft, and one amount was

paid into his and Eleanore’s joint account [LPC32b].

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 61 | P a g e 55.3.3. The Court ignored my emails and calls, granting her a protection order in my absence (different province).

55.4. Dr Martin Young (protection order):

55.4.1. Relationship to Seton: Prime figure in propaganda and bullying of me and citizens, with Edge and Seton commenting on his pages, and he theirs. When a DA candidate, same time as Seton was, he tagged Helen Zille and Alan Winde for his first major online post against me. Winde congratulated him. He became a councillor in 2016. He and Seton were responsible for creating that fake diagnosis of me as a sociopath who is a danger to children. For the protection order, she was his Commissioner of Oaths. He referred to Edge’s judgement against me.

55.4.2. The Court ignored my emails and calls, granting him a protection order in my absence (different province).

55.5. Acting Fire Chief Wayne Sternsdorf (protection order):

55.5.1. Relationship to Seton: Worked for the municipality and was neighbour of, and friends with, Edge and Seton. She provided him a confirmatory affidavit for his case against me, and Edge’s interdict judgement against me was used as evidence. Both Sternsdorf and Attorney Smit looked to Advocate Seton when Magistrate Nomzaza asked questions. I asked the Magistrate to note that Seton, a supposed confirmatory witness was calling the shots.

55.5.2. I only wrote article about Sternsdorf which was fair and restrained. In Cape Town, at his previous work for the Metro, he allegedly tied a noose around a black cadet's neck and made him walk on all fours, barking like a dog. Sternsdorf quit during the disciplinary hearing and got a job in Knysna where Clinton Manuel, his friend and ex-boss, who had also left Cape Town in scandal, was on the selection committee.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 62 | P a g e 55.5.3. Sternsdorf was granted a protection order against me despite overwhelming evidence in my favour. I was denied witnesses and had Manuel threaten me in the Court room and after the Great Knysna Fire.

55.5.4. In 2017, a fire was reported to Sternsdorf who chose not to act. Two months later, that became the Great Knysna Fire that killed 8 people and caused R3-billion damage. He kept silent when the DA and Municipality issued a fraudulent investigation, clearing themselves of responsibility. Sterndorf was promoted to Acting Fire Chief for a year after Manuel returned to Cape Town. SAMWU marched against Manuel but the would not listen.

55.5.5. On 16 February 2018, Seton contacted me directly on behalf of Sternsdorf, threatening me with incarceration, as she has before and after i.e., conflict of interest and unethical for an advocate who

must approach through an instructing attorney [LPC33a1]. Less than 4 hours later, Sternsdorf sends me his protection order against me i.e., they were communicating without an instructing attorney [LPC33a2].

55.5.6. That friendship obviously continues for her spouse as here is Edge sharing a secret Facebook post with Sternsdorf on 3 April 2020 [LPC33b].


There are more examples ensuring Advocate Julie Seton is in conflict of interest.

56.1. Seton represented Councillor Richard Dawson who was Edge’s colleague on Council. He was also a Tourism Board director. The wording of Dawson’s affidavit is remarkably like Edge’s and sought an interdict during the same time period. Edge supplied him a confirmatory affidavit.

56.2. Seton represented Mark Allan against me. He was friends with Knysna Tourism CEO Shaun van Eck whilst Edge was a director. He was a regular commentator against me on Knysna Knews and was admin with Young and

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 63 | P a g e Hall of Protecting Brand Knysna and Wicked Knysna which were dedicated to tarring me the same time Knysna Knews was.

56.3. Seton appeared for Greg Vogt twice against me. The first time was in Magistrate Goosen’s chambers where she represented both Vogt and Moos. At a second appearance, Seton said that Attorney Carl Jeppe was the instructing attorney but there was never paperwork with his name. In fact, on 15 February 2016, Jeppe (or Seton using his letterhead), sent me an

email lying that he had never represented Vogt [LPC33c1].

56.3.1. Vogt was the Board director of Knysna Tourism who ran the company after Van Eck was given a golden handshake to leave. It was another conflict of interest but, when queried, and after I publicised it, Seton stated that she had turned down the brief

[LPC33c2]. That was misleading choice of words as she had to have been on brief to represent on those two occasions.

56.3.2. Jeppe lied about not representing Vogt because this email shows my attorney, Hardy Mills, asking Jeppe to verify that Seton

had dropped her brief [LPC33c3].

56.3.3. At a later court date, outside the courtroom, I found Seton and Jeppe speaking to their ‘replacements’.

56.4. Seton represented Magda Moos against me. At that meeting in Magistrate Goosen’s chambers, he alarmingly accepted Seton stating that she represented Moos but had yet to find an instructing attorney (that would become Jeppe). Moos was a DA candidate and DA Ward Branch Manager the same time Seton and Young were candidates, and whilst Edge was Deputy Mayor. Seton represented her against me. I have already mentioned her in this document.

56.5. Seton was Dr Martin Young’s advocate though I do not know the details. Young was mentioned in para 55.4 above. In his case against me, Edge’s interdict judgement was used as evidence.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 64 | P a g e 56.6. Seton represented Municipal Manager Grant Eason who I fought vigorously against for his illegal appointment and involvement in maladministration and corruption. She was his advocate for the disciplinary hearing during which he quit after hearing four days of evidence against him. That disciplinary was sparked by a complaint by Susan Campbell who I remind was my witness in Parliament. As with be shown furtheron, Seton has attacked Campbell too. Seton was his advocate despite having been a propagandist for him against me via Knysna Knews.


A notable common characteristic of the cases against me was the request for the protection of family members. It is so odd that I consider it a character trait of the forces against me, which includes Seton as a primary local figure.

57.1. Edge and Seton have decided that the order that I am not allowed to mention her private life thus protects Seton which would make sense if Seton had not later sought a protection order against me, and if it were no used as a defensive weapon whilst attacking me. In her papers, as argument for my punishment, Edge claimed that her mentally handicapped daughter could not handle her mom being called dishonest [online].

57.2. Young wanted his wife and son protected even though I had never met them and only sent the wife one email in an attempt not to interact with her son who had posted on my Facebook.

57.3. Moos got protection for her adult daughter whom I had never interacted with.

57.4. Vogt got protection for his wife and daughter. I had no interaction with his daughter and was on friendly terms with his wife who was, ironically, divorcing him, thus enforcing the maliciousness of the request. I was also on friendly terms with her mother whom I admired for her community work.

57.5. Sternsdorf got protection for his wife and 4-year-old son whom I had never interacted with and would not have recognised.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 65 | P a g e 57.6. Spies got protection for her daughter whom I had never interacted with and would not have recognised.


Reoccurring Knysna figures, as instructing attorney or server of address or commissioner of oaths, are Attorney Colleen Nel, Attorney Adele Smit and Attorney Zwaai Kruger. They are friendly with Seton and seem to act together.


On the 21 May 2018, I laid complaint to the Magistrates Commission regarding the Court irregularities and bias in the cases above. They never acted.


The same day, DA leader-in-waiting, , announced that he was coming to Knysna to hold a Public meeting. As expected, he did not respond to my emails.

60.1. The advert for the meeting was posted on the anonymously-run Knysna DA Facebook page from which I had been banned after asking

questions about the illegal ISDF tender [LPC34a1-3].

60.2. Mark Allan, whom I had reported to the DA leadership, and who had emigrated to Thailand, commented: “Ever hear of Wicked Mike. He could turn fiction into fact and vice versa. He also got involved with the Justice & Equality Fund soon after the DA took the Western Cape from the ANC and it doesn’t take much to figure out the rest of the story. I don’t think that it is the DA that is rudderless and lacking identity. They are just a little naive and outclassed when it comes to dirty tricks.”

60.3. Allan was again implying that I was bought by the ANC to be subversive, and was using reverse propaganda to pretend that I, the victim of their dirty tricks campaign, was involved in dirty tricks against the DA. It was likely that he was never moderated as my screenshot was taken 7 days after he posted it. It was standard on all their related web pages to allow

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 66 | P a g e me to be defamed, even when Allan falsely associated me with a missing child.

60.4. The relevant point here is that Esme Edge (as Esme Jefferys) liked his comment, and thus supported the propaganda. Although she has mostly been careful by allowing her spouse to be the proverbial frontman, I occasionally caught her by using that second, non-interactive profile which is not banned by her.


The same day, SALGA threatened to sue me [LPC35].

61.1. The DA had previously and secretly arranged for SALGA to attend a Council Meeting wherein SALGA’s Lance Joel illegally spoke to Council, wanting to make me a test case for Government suing a citizen.

61.2. I cannot confirm but I was told that Seton was there and that other DA members hugged Joel before the meeting.

61.3. However, I expect that Speaker Wolmarans, who was on the SALGA Western Cape Committee, had arranged it i.e., Seton may be a player but she is only part of a bigger force against me.

61.4. Via mail, I pointed out to National SALGA Manager Xolile George that Joel, his right-hand man, that it was against the rules to address Council when not on the agenda, that it was illegal to sue a citizen, and that they were protecting corrupt politicians I had exposed. The response was a cease-and-desist letter threatening legal action.


The same day, Seton threaten me on a post I had made the day before. I had written a plea to President Cyril Ramaphosa to stand against DA corruption


62.1. Seton, in the comment section, threatened to have me imprisoned for contravening court orders.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 67 | P a g e 62.2. She did so despite the letter presenting no facts or names, only that the ANC was protecting the DA.

62.3. Seton commented after banning my personal profile which is a way to make comments on the banned person’s group without being seen by them, and thus to avoid moderation i.e., she was doing it so that other readers could see it, and thus undermine my credibility. But as it is a tactic her and her accomplices had already used on me several times, I kept a second profile so that I could view them.

62.4. Importantly, Seton was threatening me despite the protection order I had against her.


On 13 March 2019, after I announced I was going to publish ‘Same Shit, Different Government’, Seton stopped pretending that the cases against me were by individuals. She sent me a legal letter on behalf of Esme Edge (ex-DA councillor), Eleanore Spies (DA National Assembly), Martin Young (ex-DA councillor) and herself (ex-DA candidate). And all four have been involved in propaganda against me [LPC36e].


I have also been threatened by DA bigshots Helen Zille, Anton Bredell and Alan Winde. There have been more. South Africa has not progressed sufficiently to contain anti-SLAPP laws that bolster Constitutional rights, human rights, and, especially here, my rights. However, the LPC has the power to stop the main local antagonist whose multi-fingered role was described by her accomplice, Mark Allan:

“Because no one other than Julie Seton has the sense, time, patience or money to challenge him. Julie has trumped him every time. The judgements that have been made are quite clear. But there are limits to what she can

do alone…” [LPC36f].

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 68 | P a g e SLAPPing Others


I refused to give into the intimidation, but my readers were made to suffer too. Online bullying was commonplace. People who supported me with comments were often harassed, mocked and gaslit. Some, including businesses, would be randomly tagged on other posts made by the anonymous Facebook pages against me. However, my readership continued to grow, and I became the largest media in Knysna. The problem with resistance is that Seton and her accomplices would intensify their attack.


The biggest example was the 2019 attack against Brigit Maritz, a community activist in Mossel Bay, also ruled by the DA. Maritz had shared the link to my free book and kindly given me compliments such as ‘hero’.

66.1. I have my suspicions why this woman I had never met was targeted instead of similar others (and no one else), but the fact is that Edge and Seton, in their personal capacity, sued her for R1-million.

66.2. I believe that it was to make an example of her, to scare those applauding my against-the-odds fight against corruption which was praised by a gatvol Public who witnessed scandal after scandal with no punishment.

66.3. It was also greed. Although R1-million was an impossible, outrageous, disproportional and unfair demand, Edge and Seton tried to settle for R20,000. Demanding R1-million but quickly switching to 2% of that value is unethical and possibly extortion.

66.4. Edge and Seton’s server of address was Attorney Colleen Nel who had acted in various capacities in cases against me that included Seton’s involvement.

66.5. My queries to Maritz were responded to with this letter from Attorney

Donald Curtis, confirming the above facts [LPC37].

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 69 | P a g e 67.

Seton was not alone in her legal threats. She was part of the Blue Gang that threatened many.


Refer to [LPC31p] which was one of my complaints to the SAPS for Seton contravening the protection order I had against her. Therein, screenshots (with their original labelling) show two women I have never met being threatened with legal action for supporting my page.

68.1 JS122a1->JSI22a2 is a blog I posted on 22 September 2016 after I was informed that DA councillor Dr Martin Young, DA Constituent Sonwabo Ndevu and local businessman Mark Beard were sending subtle threats of litigation to subscribers and commentators. I was aware Seton was involved but owing to the court cases, I never wanted to mention her until I had the proof. Young and Beard were regulars on Knysna Knews against me, and Seton and Edge had joined them on other pages against me.

68.2. As example of the intimidation, two days earlier I had posted my outrage (JSI222b->d). In the comment section, Tullie Nzima, whom I did not know, included the message she had received in her inbox from Sonwabo Ndevu. At first it sounds reasonable but becomes pseudo psychology of persuasion with:

“You may be at risk of being sued alongside him for damages… as a friend, however, if you do NOT support his views and/or methods, I do advise you to distance yourself as much as you can by ‘unliking’ his page… and if you have friends also on that page that you care about and don’t ant to see facing legal claims against them, please spread this message! This is about protecting Knysna residents from even more harm done by Mike Hampton (Wicked Mike).”

68.3. In JSI22d, Elmi Naude said that she did not receive that one but had previously received a threat from Young.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 70 | P a g e 68.4. In JSI24b->JSI26, Advocate Seton contacts another person I do not know, warning against my content and saying that “people who buy unreservedly in could be in the firing line.” Seton goes on to lie that Parliament and the Public Protector had found no wrongdoing even though she had attended a hearing with Edge and knew that Parliament has ordered investigation which had yet to occur.


On 20 September 2016, I received an email from Nathalie Belet, one of my Love Knysna Project helpers. Young had sent her the same email that Ndevu had sent

Tullie Nzima [LPC38a-b].

69.1 Many people contacted me, either sharing their screenshots or screenshots of others that were being sent around on Whatsapp and Facebook.

69.2. The most Facebook subscribers I lost from this campaign was 81 on 19 September 2016, and a few more the 2 days that followed. As this image shows, that was highly irregular and thus could only be attributed to the

not-so-subtle threat of litigation campaign [LPC39].


In attempt to deescalate the situation for my subscribers, I offered my main protagonists a meeting on record to discuss the issues instead of them playing me instead of the ball [LPC40]. I excluded Seton and Young as I knew to invite them would be pointless. However, no one accepted. Their collective goal was only to troll and discredit me. I had invited DA Councillor Dr Martin Young to that meeting which he failed to accept. I remind you of his threat against businesses, and threat to jail me, which I described in para 13.2. above. His role in the same gang as Seton is important.


On 10 September 2017, I called for an investigation into the Great Knysna Fire and launched a petition. There were many reasons but primary among them was

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 71 | P a g e a fraudulent report issued by the municipality and DA about the causes of the fire; unaccounted for donations; and the misconduct of people such as Young who had declared that I was only pretending to be a victim of the fire to abuse real victims. Young threatened, via my Facebook comment section, to sue 200 citizens. Seton fell into further conflict of interest [LPC41 zip file].

71.1. Young: “Hampton has already sucked 200 people into facing serious civil and criminal legal action… get involved at your peril…”

71.2. Young: “If my lawyer tells me this petition is defamatory you will be hearing from her.”

71.3. Seton: “As an advocate, I can confirm that in my opinion it is defamatory.”

71.4. Mary Rose Bush: “I’m not gonna stand for being bullied by you or anyone else on any social platform.”

71.5. Young: “May Rose Bush, that’s my advocate talking. Follow the link you have now shared and republished… now you’re involved. Adv Seton, you know what to do.”

71.6. “…FYI my earning potential as a surgeon over the next 15 years is about R60 million. That is the figure that will be used in the defamation case. Divide that by 200 – that is a liability of about R300 000 each, assuming everyone can be traced, failing which the individual amount goes up. Are you all clear as to what is at stake now?”

71.7. Young posts a Dropbox link to the fake psychiatric diagnosis of me as

a sociopath who is a danger to children that he and Seton compiled [refer LPC06].

71.8. Young had thumb-sucked the figure of 200 people in attempt to intimidate and thus squash my petition. After I banned him later that day, for threatening citizens, he reposted a link he had shared on my page: ‘Can you the in trouble for liking or sharing a post online in SA.’ Edge then posted it on her page too. Then Knysna Knews (i.e., Seton and Edge) reposted it

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 72 | P a g e on their page. Consequently, all are aware of the wrongs they have done to me, that they are culpable.

71.9. Norman Anstey, a subscriber, was so offended by Young threatening him via Messenger that he described it in an affidavit and sent it to me


71.10. As stated previously, there was a DA faction war with Young and Seton aligning with Mayor Spies and others against Councillors Myers and Willemse. As further sign of their underhanded tactics, Young was so vindictive that he abused his political status in attempt to have the stepson of Myers fired from his new job. His tactic was like how he intimidated businesses from dealing with me. He told the school: “I don’t think his post

reflects well on any school that employs him as a trainee teacher.” [LPC42b].


On 30 March 2019, Seton threatened a man’s business for him supporting me on

Facebook [LPC42c].

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 73 | P a g e 73.

My Facebook had positive reviews. People appreciate someone fighting corruption. Seton, Allan and Edge posted approximately 30 pages of negative comments on from April to May 2019. Allan admitted a shady background [LPC43a1-9]. One thread directly associated me with the disappearance of that missing child, Liyema

Baleni [LPC43b].

73.1. Mark Allan: “Hampton has a lot to say about the DA falsely associating him with child abuse. It’s not true… What he also fails to mention is his little black book of twisted poetry and the concerns many of Knysna residents have about a forty something single male who does not understand that it is inappropriate for him to be chaperoning young kids on picnics into the forests…”

73.2. Julie Seton liked his post.

73.3. Allan: “If there is a threat to your life, I suspect it has everything to do with those three posts you deleted from the Love Knysna page. You are not in a good place and must be viewed as unstable. Why don’t you trade what you know for a get out of jail card.” Allan was using his regular invention that somehow three posts vanished from my Love Knysna Facebook and that somehow, bizarrely, they implicate me that missing 9- year-old who people fear is dead.

73.4. Julie Seton responds: “Indeed.”

73.4. Seton posts a new comment which randomly threatens people as Allan and Young had previously done: “…you are both a coward and a fugitive from justice. Those supporting you do so at their peril…”

73.5. Seton, new comment: “He is a sick sick puppy.” That would seem to be a comment in support of Allan’s child propaganda.

73.6. Allan complains that no one challenged me as I stuck knives into Knysna Tourism CEO Shaun van Eck, disses Parliament again, lying that Parliament has not acted on the three hearings because I am a liar and a

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 74 | P a g e fraud [ignoring that Parliament, as first step, had ordered the Public Protector to return to them].

73.7. Seton in response: “Mark, you are so right.”

74.8. Allan implies that Attorney Mills owed me R8,000 for work I had done for him as ANC. Then comes to that conclusion in his next comment. Reality is that I loaned Mills that money.

74.9. Esme Edge follows suit: “One has to wonder if Hampton is going after the ANC with as much gusto now that they are back in charge of Knysna and the DA s now the official opposition.” That was a lie. The Mayor was the DA’s Mark Willemse but the DA were trying to oust him for voting his conscience against Eleanore Spies, after the De Swardt investigation.

74.10. Allan states that his background was in “porn and clandestine affairs” and “the security industry, surveillance and information gathering.” Edge and Seton make no comment.

74.11 Two months later, on 10 June 2019, Allan made a ‘review’ that implicitly associated me with the missing child:

“… Which brings us once again, for the umpteenth time, to my question about those posts you removed from the Love Knysna Facebook page. The story I heard was that Liyema Baleni was pimped

to a group of Knysna swingers practicing BDSM [bondage, discipline,

sadism, masochism] and that things went awry. That the gangster found in the burnt out car was the pimp and you know who was involved [implying me]. Unfortunately, I don’t have any evidence of wrongdoing, bar those three posts you deleted but if there is any substance there, I am not concerned you are concerned about a

possible hit [ridiculing my fear of the DA after my Dad was intimidated]... Think about it. Something you could trade for a get out of the mess you have made free card.”

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 75 | P a g e 74.

The bigger point is conspiracy. Seton has not acted alone. She may be an instrumental figure but her collusion with others multiplies her crime and ensures that the reason was political, not just for her but for the Democratic Alliance (DA). As much as this complaint is against Seton, it is also against Edge. Though the Legal Practice Council (LPC) cannot punish Edge, it can highlight Seton’s entwined conflict of interest and the purpose for it.

74.1 I remind that Seton and Edge are married partners.

74.2. Seton’s relationship with Edge entrenched her in DA circles and they are seen together at political functions.

74.3. They are administrators of Knysna Knews together.

74.4. Respectively, they were candidate and councillor at the same time, and supported the same faction of the DA when there was a split in the caucus.

74.5. They are associated with all the people who laid cases against me. Edge’s affidavit has been used in several. Seton has represented or provided affidavits. Seton is also Edge’s counsel.

74.6. They are indivisible.

One Propaganda Attack as Example


I can literally provide more than a thousand pages of evidence, but this example is a good representation of the propaganda because it includes many of the Blue

Gang [LPC44a-d].


It was posted by Knysna Knews (a.k.a. Advocate Julie Seton and then-Deputy Mayor Esme Edge) on 13 February 2016. That was during the anti-me/anti-

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 76 | P a g e Parliament period and before I had exposed them as behind the page. It clearly shows their intention was to discredit me and the Parliamentary process.


This is an important evidence so it must be read from beginning to end. Rather than repeat myself, I have made a single pdf which includes a 10-page introduction/explanation for the 36-pages post and comments. The nastiness of the comments, which Edge and Seton must accept responsibility for, are more important than the post itself.


Once the reader understands what I was up against, they must multiple the operation against me by years.

Propaganda Themes & Examples


Besides the example above, it is important to note the themes for the propaganda used by members of the Blue Gang, and to know more about their association with each other.


The Blue Gang and their associates defame me through these main themes of lies:

80.1. I abuse children.

80.2. I damage the Knysna economy, waste public funds and waste government resources.

80.3. I suffer from psychological disorder (narcissism and sociopathy).

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 77 | P a g e

Then MEC Alan Winde (now Premier) and Dr propagandist Martin Young at DA conference (2017.09.23). I had reported Young and Seton’s actions to Winde many times before this.

80.5. I was fired from Knysna Tourism (and that my activism is actually revenge).


These are examples from a 3-week period in 2016.


I was approached to help Ashwilene Anbraal a.k.a. Essie, an orphan teenager who wanted to stay in school. With amazing assistance from my Facebook subscribers, she was assisted with food and clothes. This positivity was reinterpreted by my propagandists as:

82.1 DA Councillor Peter Myers: “His recent appeal for a child in need may

also be a scam – a way to enrich himself.” [LPC45].

82.2. When a citizen, Warren Fleming, criticised Myers, he was attacked by my regular protagonists; Advocate Seton, Candace Myers and then-aspirant

DA Councillor Martin Young [LPC46]. None bothered to question or criticise Myers for his awful, unsubstantiated statement involving the abuse of a

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 78 | P a g e teenager. The goal is only, as always, to discredit me.

82.3. On another Myers post [LPC47], Mark Allan commented that "[Hampton] is befriending yet another teenage girl and using it to promote himself as the concerned and conscientious member of the

community. This is so wrong." [LPC48]. Note that his comment was

liked by Deputy Mayor Esme Edge [LPC49].

82.4. Mark Allan on Knysna Knews: "I see that you have used the 'using kids' link to try and bluster your way out of this." He would try cause suspicion on me regards a missing 9-year-old child, Liyema Beleni, and an unrelated murder. He refers to me being ashamed of having had "black poenanie" which is worse than the suggestion of racism as it suggests, in the context of his other comments, that I raped a

child who was missing, possibly kidnapped [refer para 75 and LPC44].

82.5. The administrators of Knysna Knews, Seton and Edge, had allowed many outrageous and defamatory comments made by Mark Allan against me (which makes them complicit). Allan commented on the removal of some of his posts by Facebook with: "He [Hampton] went back two years and diligently reported most of the comments I have made about the Liyema Baleni posts he made, and removed from the Love Knysna page. Facebook considered them to be a little too close to the bone and has deleted them." He was implying that I am guilty

of a crime against that poor child [refer para 75 and pg24 of LPC44a].

82.6. Dr Young, on his medical page where he comments as Knysna Acoustics Complete Hearing Solutions, also associates with Mark Allan and allowed Allan negative reference to me with regards the

missing child to stand [LPC50a].

82.7. In 2014, one of the earliest propaganda Facebook page against me was Hampton Factor, erected soon after Knysna Knews. After Facebook closed it down, they made Protecting Brand Knysna so as to not mention my name in the title which would have assisted the

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 79 | P a g e previous takedown. This screenshot shows that Seton and Edge were members. There is also a comment by Baden Hall comparing me to Hitler and Stalin, and falsely associating me with paedophilia [LPC50b].

“Heralding from Queensborough, KZN, after his “hasty exit”, that town was left battered and bruised, well at least a certain segment of the younger set were left battered and bruised, huge inferences can be made from his writings, and even more, from the lack of content within his writings!... he requires the use of his pen (in this case computer) to “paint pretty pictures” to project a persona that is not him.”

82.8. In the comment section of Protecting Brand Knysna, made by Protecting Brand Knysna o 4 April 2016, during the anti-Parliament

propaganda phase [LPC50c]:

“Ask him about his unnatural “interest” in children… especially boys! Think I’m fabricating this… think again. I have first hand proof of this in my home.”

82.9. 14 days later, Allan, on Protecting Brand Knysna, asks The Green Hearts, a community organisation against child abuse, to have a chat

with me [LPC50d].

82.10.As I rush to finish this complaint, I am acutely aware that I have not detailed Seton’s relationship with all as much as I had intended. Consequently, I disjointedly insert this mention:

82.10.1. Mark Allan had many fake profiles which I exposed. He also made four profiles in his name. 82.10.2. Note that when he made one of those, Seton was his first

friend and Hall was his second [LPC50e1-2].

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 80 | P a g e 83.

My brand is 'Love Knysna' so it is notable that it is being tarnished by accusations of self-interest and local economy destruction:

83.1 Advocate Seton: "The person costing the ratepayers millions is

Hampton." [LPC51]

83.2 Advocate Seton: "In my opinion the damage he has done to brand

Knysna singlehandedly is horrendous." [LPC52]

83.3 Mayor Georlene Wolmarans: "To date, his campaign has cost local

ratepayers thousands..." [LPC53]

83.4 Aspirant DA Councillor Martin Young: "Hampton’s posts can cause ten times a negative effect, at a minute fraction of the cost, of the money and effort invested into Knysna Tourism – your money... Knysna's brand is damaged every time Hampton opens his mouth in his obsession against council, and you and I pay the price.... Hampton’s negative publicity for Knysna will make fewer people come here on holiday, buy properties, retire here, invest in new businesses here, have their families visit here, have restaurant meals here, buy locally manufactured goods, and will cost jobs. This is exactly the opposite of what he claims to desire for Knysna... "Hampton claims to love Knysna, but his five years of ‘activism’ have achieved little other than to divide our town and create an unhealthy atmosphere of suspicion

that has already severely damaged the Knysna brand." [LPC54]

83.5 Candace Myers: "This must end #hamptonmustfall." In response, Advocate Seton responded with, "Agreed, #hamptonmustfall." [LPC55]


Defamations regards my psychology (both DA Candidate Dr Martin Young and

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 81 | P a g e Knysna Knews promoted that I suffered from a "narcissistic personality disorder"):

84.1. A woman posted a positive comment about me. Dr Martin Young's response was to compare me to a murderer: "Your image of him as a hero is fantasy, much as there are many women who still support Oscar Pretorius and think he is an innocent victim. It's inexplicable to me… I think you're

backing one very disturbed individual here." " [LPC56]

84.2. Young: "There is nothing other than my declared support for the DA and challenges to his arguments that he can hold against me. And that I made a comment on one Facebook post that ‘As a doctor I know a parasite when I see one.’ I stand by this comment. Here is one definition of a ‘parasite’: 'Something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or

adequate return." [LPC57]


The Knysna-Plett Herald, the local newspaper, was also used against me. On 25

February 2016, it featured two open letters [LPC59a1].

85.1. The first was by DA candidate Dr Martin Young and was entitled ‘Hampton does not love Knysna’.

85.2. The second was by Dr Douglas Seton, entitled ‘No constructive engagement from Hampton’. To date, I do not know what he looks like and we have never communicated in any form. The most relevant fact is that he is Advocate Julie Seton’s brother.

85.3. I do not consider it coincidence that he was one of two doctors posting against me on that page, nor that a third was commenting against me on Young’s Facebook page. That was when I was being labelled as a narcissist which would soon progress to sociopath. 85.4. The newspaper would not allow me to respond. Notably, Elaine King, the editor, is a friend of Edge and Seton. This photo shows Edge and King

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 82 | P a g e posing at Edge and Seton’s wedding vow renewal two months later [LPC59a2].


The nastiest Facebook propaganda page was Protecting Brand Knysna which had had the sole purpose of defiling me. It later changed its name to Wicked Knysna. Although Seton was rumoured to be an administrator, the only proven administrators were her accomplices in the propaganda campaign – Mark Allan, Baden Hall and Dr Martin Young. Seton and Edge obviously understood the page’s intention as they would occasionally comment but without being as direct as others.

86.1. On 3 April 2016, after being exposed as an admin, Young attempted damage control by posting a long letter against me that basically stated

that he was proud of standing against me [LPC60a1-2]. It included:

86.1.1. Lies that I lost all cases and repeats that theme that I am damaging the economy and the brand of Knysna which Knysna Tourism was being illegally paid R4-million per annum to market.

86.1.2. He lies that my allegations had no substance. He had the evidence and chose to cover it up. Additionally, history has added government procured reports to back me up.

86.1.3. Abusing his doctor’s title, he states: “…I welcome his ‘exposure’ of my ‘behind the scenes’ attempts to quieten him. These have been done according to the recommendations of expert psychiatrists and forensic pathologists. For the record, the first threat

came from Hampton to me, trying to negotiate a deal [that’s a lie easily proven by those emails in which he threatened me and local

businesses – refer para 14.2 above and [LPC04a-f]]. I refused. I replied as per psychiatric advice in dealing with a sociopath or a narcissist – i.e., respond to threats with threats. I am not surprised they have

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 83 | P a g e not worked. Nevertheless, my warnings are not idle threats. We will see Hampton do jail time, and this is richly deserved…”

86.1.4. Again, he threatens businesses: “Likewise, any business that supports and facilitates his so-called activism deserves to pay a proportionate share of the damage he does to Knysna business by having its own standing and position in Knysna’s fragile economy questioned…”

86.1.5. Julie Seton made the first comment in support: “Agree with your sentiments. Let’s see how the town reacts.”

Other Threats


I repeat that Advocate Seton is part of a conspiracy. All involved are collectively responsible for the attack on me. I also repeat that my evidence here is only a sample.


My 2-year rented home and possessions, including court files, burnt in the Great Knysna Fire. Despite being on the victim’s register, Knysna Municipality did not help me. Councillor Young saw it as heartless opportunity to try discredit me with a big lie on 27 June 2017 [LPC61]:

"He didn't. His home did not burn down. He didn't 'lose everything in this disaster. He had very little to begin with, and now that there are many, many others deserving of help, diluting the sympathy due his way, this is his response..."

As I am running out of time to submit this complaint, I will be briefer hereon… 87.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 84 | P a g e

Miles Mowat, the Applicant’s private investigator, illegally pretended to be a police officer. He visited my father, James Hampton, on 20 April 2019 (my birthday), and implied that I would be assassinated by the politicians [LPC62a-b]. My father is a mild-mannered retiree and widower who lives a simple life and is on heart medication. Mowat’s visit shook his world. My father contacted the SAHRC several times in June 2019, regarding my position. SAHRC Western Cape Commissioner Chris Nissen and Senior Legal Services Officer Tammy Carter lied to my father that they would act.


At the same time, Seton colluded with a fraudster I had long ago exposed, who sought to discredit me with lies that I am a hacker, and that there was a reward for my capture. He also posted my father’s address online after Seton gave it to him. My blog contains many damning screenshots [LPC63].


My sister, who lives in England, set up a GoFundMe page to try help me in June 2019. She was contacted negatively by Seton, Edge and Allan.

89.1. Seton accused my sister of endorsing criminal actions [LPC64a].

89.2. Allan threatened to sue her [LPC64b].

89.3. Edge, who I am told handles most of the bookings for their AirBnB,

seemed to use the fake name of Arnie Stone [LPC64c].

89.3.1. The edress she used was [email protected].

89.3.2. Edge and Seton’s AirBnB is called Brenton Bushbuck Lodge.


Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 85 | P a g e The Knysna Ratepayers’ Association (KRA) is experiencing similar intimidation tactics but I do not know facts for certain. However, it is obvious that the Legal Practice Council must investigate.

90.1 In para 14.2.2, I posted Seton’s propaganda item against the KRA [LPC11a-b].

90.2. The propaganda campaign is broader. The KRA will have the evidence.

90.3. Sohn & Associates are allegedly suing the KRA and its committee members for R8-million on behalf of Michele Gratz, whom Seton supported, and the DA wanted to underhandedly make the Administrator of Knysna. I played a role in foiling that plot. Allegedly, the advocate is a DA member of their East Region Council who used to work with Gratz in Mossel Bay. Sohn is the willing instructing attorney again, and Seton the advocate behind the scenes allegedly preparing most of the documents.

90.4. Relevant is that the KRA Chair ran as a candidate for a local-only party in the late 2020 by-elections. Seton was one of the main propagandists against her.

90.5. Additionally, in November 2020, Seton threatened to sue the KRA for allowing me to comment about the political situation at the time. I have been told that Seton did so, first and foremost, for the DA, texting literally in their defence.

90.6. When the KRA announced, the same month, that they would accept information about local corruption, they were ridiculed on social media by both Seton and the Knysna Municipality, showing that they are still working together against the Public.


In 2020, although undertaken in her personal capacity, Samantha Lurie, a member of the KRA committee, won R150,000 in damages and costs against Young for his defamation of her.


Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 86 | P a g e It is expected that the KRA will counter-sue if they have not already.

Seton’s Contraventions of Protection Order provide a SLAPPY clue


I briefly return to this topic for a remarkable point.

93.1 As stated, Seton soon ignored the protection order I gained against her in 2016. This complaint is testimony to her non-stop contraventions and the fact that she is a candidate for the most unethical advocate in the Western Cape.

93.2. That same year, 2016, I filed 4 complaints with the Knysna SAPS who failed to act. However, when Seton trumped up contraventions which were only me defending myself, I had my fingerprints taken in the smelly jail section of Knysna SAPS before being let go.

93.3. That unfair treatment provided advantage in that Sergeant Kleyn, the policeman fingerprinting me, stated that he had been the officer in the first case laid against me, which was for criminal defamation. The complainant was Baden Hall, one of my propagandists. The policeman confirmed the rumours that many people had signed confirming affidavits for it, including politicians. He described it as a “thick file” but said it was not investigated for lack of merit.

93.4. I may not have seen the case file but Hall had made his intentions and association clear on 7 December 2012 with threat via email:

“…I WILL MAKE IT MY BUSINESS to bring upon you the same wrath that you brough upon Shaun van Eck [CEO Knysna Tourism], using all the channels at my disposal, including my on emailing database of 1.8 million world wide hospitality guests that I have acquired over the past 22 years as IT/Software Marketing consultant to SAA, Sun International, South Suns, Conservation Corporation of Africa, to

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 87 | P a g e nam some of my bigger clients. You have been apprised. Now let’s see if you have the balls to deal with this one…”

93.5. On 16 October 2015, Hall was celebratory regarding Knysna Tourism board director Greg Vogt receiving a protection order against me. Importantly, he made the SLAPP against me clear, and his role as an insider. His “3 down, 8 still to go. Popcorn and coke is served” refer to Edge, Moos and Vogt judgements, and that he was aware of the intention for 8 more cases against me.


It is possible that was the starting point for the conspiratorial SLAPP attack against me. After the criminal charge failed, they switched tactics which was to file interdicts and requests for protection orders. With the former, they gained evidence to justify the protection orders which were, in effect, cheap gag orders against the Public interest.


9 January 2017 is an example of the liar that Advocate Seton is:

95.1. In response to my accusing the Knysna Municipality of mishandling the Blue Flag beaches and lying about it, Martin Hatchuel, one of my cyberstalkers, an admin of the AngryMkeH page against me that Seton advertised, and a part-time copywriter for the Knysna Municipality and Knysna Tourism, commented on the Knysna-Plett Herald Facebook page that I am the “Town Troll” and a “germalist”. Seton supported him with:

“So miss the good old fashioned days when the practice of tarring, feathering and running out of town was an acceptable and cheap method of dealing with problems by vote of the majority.”

95.2. In her email to me dated, she lied:

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 88 | P a g e “I deny that I am in contempt of the protection order and have certainly not named you either directly or indirectly on social media or referred to you in any form… You, however remain in contempt of the final protection order I have against you…”

95.3. Only 4 months earlier, the interim protection order had been finalised

with the warrant of arrest [refer LPC02a-d]. Seton was specifically lying about what she was ordered not to do:

“Not mentioning the applicant’s name directly or indirectly on-line or off.”

95.4. As a small sidenote about pettiness, on 5 November 2020, Esme Edge tried to make me out to be a chauvinist. She took my comment out of context. Whereas the meaning was that even if South Africa were to be divided into cantons, people would still argue because they have competing desires. It was also my attempt to be light-hearted on a serious topic. Edge chose to make me as sexist. She then lied that my I had removed my post, inferring I had covered up a wrong. The comment was never removed because there was nothing wrong with it.


It is not for the LPC to act for the SAPS but for the LPC to act against Seton’s lack of integrity and unethical conduct from her compromised position.



It is for the LPC to best apply its rules upon Advocate Julie Seton. However, as a layman it appears to me that she has contravened:

97.1. Rule “24.1 to serve the public with diligence and integrity.”

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 89 | P a g e 97.2. Rule “24.2 to apply the provisions and uphold the values enshrined in the Constitution of South Africa.”

97.3. Rule “24.3 to practise in accordance with the rules of ethics of the relevant branch of the legal profession to which the applicant seeks admission and enrolment.”

97.4. Rule “24.4 to promote measures and processes that enhance access to justice.”

97.5. Rule “24.8 to manage his or her practice in the manner appropriate to the branch of the profession to which the applicant seeks admission and enrolment.”

97.6. Rule “24.9 to apply appropriate principles of accounting relevant to his or her practice.”

97.7. Rule “24.10 in general to conduct himself or herself in a manner that enhances the repute of the legal profession in terms of independence, integrity, competence and the promotion of justice in South Africa.”

97.8. And the LPC has many more rules than the above…



Advocate Julie Seton has converted the law meant to protect South Africa into a weapon against me and her ‘fellow’ citizens.

98.1. She has been protected by the DA, and locally by the ANC, ACDP and COPE. Worst is that the Cape Bar protected her, and that Legal Aid, SAPS and the SAHRC would not help me.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 90 | P a g e 98.2. Seton is protected because the DA is protected in our country where justice bodies that should not take a side have done exactly that. She is a fledgling that has been allowed to act like a hawk from the impunity she has been given.


If the Legal Practice Council (LPC) is an exception to the rule, a believer in justice, then please consider these steps forward.

99.1. Contact:

• Knysna Ratepayers Association (KRA) regarding the similar attack they are under, via lawsuit and propaganda. o Samantha Lurie – [email protected] • Susan Campbell regarding the propaganda against her as KIM candidate (she doubles as KRA chair): o [email protected] • Attorney Donald Curtis regarding his client who was sued by Edge and Seton for that R1-million, and then for the consequential R20,000 extortion attempt. o [email protected] • Peter Myers regarding Seton’s dishonest deeds towards his disciplinary by the DA. o [email protected]

99.2. The Legal Practice Council LPC cannot, in good conscience, ignore that Advocate Julie Seton has legal practitioner accomplices in Attorney Richard Sohn and Attorney Carl Jeppe. In Sohn’s office, Attorney Emile Schmidt has been the sender of documents, so he is culpably aware of the conflict of interest, and a willing participant in it. I have more to say about Sohn but not the time to do so. However, the KRA is in possession of damning evidence which they will not share but may do with an official body.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 91 | P a g e 99.3. Although the cases intermingle, there is sufficient evidence here that the LPC can discipline Seton alone, first and quickly. The longer you wait, the more damage you allow her to do which includes her pursuit of imprisoning me. I would interpret unnecessary delay as the LPC seeking my detriment.



The Legal Practice Council cannot, in good faith, ignore that Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes a.k.a. Julie Jefferys is unethically driven by her obese connection to the Democratic Alliance (DA). It fries her terrible deeds together.


For the LPC to exclude that important fact would be political bias. I state this because, in my extreme experience, no court will mention my evidence or the DA’s name. They have, essentially, bowed to Advocate Seton and her party.


My request for the LPC to be dutiful is catch-22. I have justifiable reason to fear fraternal and political bias. Consequently, I have drawn a smaller picture in the hope that the LPC punishes Advocate Julie Seton's for her glaring conflict of interest and personal atrocities.


The LPC has, directly or indirectly, larger responsibility. Common sense dictates that this is not only about me. Advocate Seton and the gang she belongs to have damaged Knysna, affecting 80,000 people. She has played a part in protecting crooks who have been promoted so that the province is at risk.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 92 | P a g e 104.

If Advocate Seton is not disbarred, the only logical punishment, then she becomes the representative of the LPC’s heart. It is the duty of the Legal Practice Counsel to protect the Law by punishing Advocate Seton.



Next Wednesday, on 10 March 2021, in the Western Cape High Court, is Case 21828/2014. Edge and Seton will be attending in the hope of a Judge sympathetic to their lies and the silencing of me. Seton has stepped up out of the shadows but lies accompany her. I know this because she submitted a Practice Note on my behalf, sending it to me and the Court without informing me first, the day before the action I was unaware of was due. It is slanted to serve hers and her married partner’s purpose. I have sent a practice note to the Judge President with request that it be treated as fraud [LPC66a1-2].


With concern, the LPC has repeatedly failed to provide me a pro bono representative, and LPC Director Frank Dorey has remained in the shadows during my request for him to accept responsibility. If your members have chosen a political side, what does that symbolise for the LPC’s impartiality?


I hope that the Legal Practice Council chooses to act for good South Africans and our Constitution.

Mike Hampton [email protected] “Politicians, obey the Public! Helen Zille, I will never let this go!”

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 93 | P a g e

Helen Zille with Deputy Mayor Esme Edge in 2016 before the Public meeting wherein Zille refused to answer questions regarding the corruption I had reported to her. Zille would later threaten to sue me, quoting Edge’s interdict whilst ignoring enormous evidence.

EVIDENCE (Follow this link and click ‘Download All’ button)

REF DATE DESCRIPTION LPC01 2020.11.10 Julie Seton LPC member 52800 (screenshot date, not membership) LPC02a 20.09.2016 H34-2016 Protection Order Warrant Arrest against Julie Seton LPC02b 20.09.2016 Interim Order against Julie Seton - finalised LPC02c 20.09.2016 Interim Order against Julie Seton - finalised LPC02d 20.09.2016 Interim Order against Julie Seton - finalised LPC03 2013.07.30 Candace Myers email re intimidation against Hampton LPC04a 2016.03.24 SSDG pg132 threats Dr Martin Young LPC04b 2016.03.24 SSDG pg132 threats Dr Martin Young LPC04c 2016.03.24 SSDG pg132 threats Dr Martin Young LPC04d 2016.03.24 SSDG pg132 threats Dr Martin Young LPC04e 2016.03.24 SSDG pg132 threats Dr Martin Young LPC04f 2016.03.24 SSDG pg132 threats Dr Martin Young LPC05 2017.02.06 Cape Bar email - Seton Response LPC06 2017.02.06 Seton Response to Second Complaint (see attachment LPC06) LPC07a 2017.02.06 “JS2DrYoung” doc (fake psychiatric diagnosis by Seton and Young)

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 94 | P a g e LPC07b 2017.02.06 “JS2DrYoung” - online distribution pdf LPC08 10.11.2020 “Letteriol10Novemberfin” - Sohn threatens Independent Newspapers LPC09 10.11.2020 Sohn threatens Independent Newspapers - doc properties LPC10 10.11.2020 Sohn threatens Independent Newspapers - author Seton LPC11a 2019.06.11 Seton propaganda – “KRA narrative amended WITH TIMELINE Fin” LPC11b 2019.06.11 Seton propaganda - Julie Lopes author LPC11c 2019.06.11 Advocate Seton threatens Hamptons father LPC12a 2015.12.11 Jeppe cancels viewing costs at Kruger office LPC12b 2016.01.21 Edge costs - Jeppe dodging LPC12c 2016.01.22 Edge costs - Jeppe dodging LPC13 Various Media coverage of Mike Hampton (examples) LPC14 2018.05.25 Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr report revealed by Hampton LPC15 2017.09.12 Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr report on Knysna Tourism LPC16a 2015.02.06 KPH - Hampton wants answers LPC16b 2015.02.07 Allan propaganda - Seton agrees LPC16c 2015.02.08 KKFB anti-meeting - Alan harrassing Jacobsen LPC16d 2015.02.08 KKFB anti-meeting - MA harrassing Jacobsen cont LPC16e 2011.07.21 sms Edge positive about Hampton meeting LPC16f 2011.07.21 sms Edge positive about Hampton meeting LPC16g 2011.07.21 sms Wasserman positive about Hampton meeting LPC16h 2011.07.21 sms Wasserman positive about Hampton meeting LPC16i1 2014.11.23 Moos Supplementary Affidavit LPC16i2 2013.03.21 Moos knew Hampton LPC16i3 2014.12.09 Moos against Hampton - like Seton LPC16i4 2015.11.24 Magda Moos shares Knysna Knews LPC16j1 unknown Alexis Moos and Cherne Wolmarans at Town Planning LPC16j2 2016.04.21 Alexis Moos personal assistant to Wolmarans LPC16k 2016.04.29 Wolmarans and Moos at Edge-Seton wedding LPC16l 2015.03.11 Magda Moos on Wolmarans and Edge photo LPC16m 2014.12.01 KKFB Seton share - Tourism Hampton LPC16n 2020.08.22 JS on DAFB re MW2 and Tourism LPC16o1 2016.02.12 Seton hamptonmustfall - Likes Waring Pirker LPC16o2 2016.02.16 To Jeppe Seton Edge - your side of NCOP LPC16o3 2016.02.18 Muni-Wolmarans press release against Hampton and Parliament LPC16o4a 2016.02.21 To Seton Edge Knysna Knews identity LPC16o4b 2016.02.22 Edge aware of Hampton Knysna Knews anonymity post LPC16o5 2016.02.29 Exposing Seton LPC16o6 2016.02.29 Exposing Seton LPC16o7 2016.02.29 Exposing Seton LPC16o8 2016.02.29 Exposing Seton - Oliver Mark Dakers LPC16o9 2016.03.05 Seton campaigning for DA

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 95 | P a g e LPC16o10 2016.03.18 Knysna Knews anonymously against Parliament LPC16o11 2016.03.18 Knysna Knews anonymously against Parliament LPC16o12 2016.03.21 Knysna Knews promotes AngryMike LPC16o13 2016.03.21 Knysna Knews promotes AngryMike LPC16o14a 2016.03.24 Crowdfunding to imprion Hampton PBK LPC16o14b 2016.04.01 PBK on jail time LPC16o14c 2016.04.01 PBK on jail time - Seton like LPC16o14e 2018-2019 Knysna Knews KK reviews CM hypocrisy LPC16p1 2019.07.24 Hampton reveals De Swardt Vogel Myambo report LPC16p1 2018.08.25 De Swardt Vogel Myambo report LPC16p2 2018.08.25 De Swardt Vogel Myambo report LPC16q 2018.09.13 KPHFB KC ES fraud - JS defends ES LPC16r 2018.12.07 PM vs JS shows JS ES involved LPC16s 2018.12.13 KPHFB JS defends ES promotion LPC16t 2016.01.25 KPH Julie Jefferys DA anti-racism pledge LPC16u1 2017.10.25 Julie Jefferys KPH article re Myers LPC16u2 2017.10.25 Julie Jefferys KPH article re Myers 2017.10.25 LPC16u3 2017.10.25 Julie Jefferys KPH article re Myers 2017.10.25 LPC16u4 2017.10.25 Julie Jefferys KPH article re Myers 2017.10.25 LPC17a 2016.06.13 Mazars revealed by Hampton LPC17b 2014.06.02 Mazars report LPC17c unknown Mazars related fraud affidavit revealed by Hampton LPC17d 2011.03.24 Mazars related fraud affidavit LPC18a 2015.12.01 ISDF exposed by Hampton LPC18b 2016.11.05 ISDF Treasury Investigation LPC18c1 2015.12.01 KKFB on ISDF tender LPC18c2 2015.12.01 KKFB on ISDF tender LPC18c4 2016.08.31 To Seton for comment re Easton LPC18c5 2016.09.01 Jeppe response - representing Easton LPC18c6 2016.09.02 Jeppe dodging Seton question (Easton) LPC18c7 2016.09.02 attach-Jeppe dodging Seton question (Easton) LPC18d 2015.12.14 KMFB and KKFB ISDF conspiracy posts LPC19a 2020.06.16 Bredell secret recording revealed by Hampton LPC19b 2020.08.07 Bredell secret recording LPC20 2019.03.29 Seton diverts assassin onto ANC traffic LPC21-27 Various Love Knysna Projects LPC28 2012-2021 Judah Square website screenshot LPC29a 2018.11.19 Presidency referall to COGTA Mkhize LPC29b 2018.11.22 COGTA useless letter LPC29c 2018.12.11 COGTA useless letter LPC29d 2019.03.29 COGTA useless email

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 96 | P a g e LPC29e 2019.04.02 COGTA useless letter LPC29f 2019.04.02 DAFedEX Mcloughlin on Bredell admitting LPC29g 2019.09.19 IPID refers to Public Protector LPC29h 2017.12.12 NCOP Final Report LPC29i 2018.09.14 Bantu Holimisa retweet LPC30a 2019.03.28 Same Shit Different Government - 2nd edition LPC30b 2020.12.27 SSDG book stats 3208 downloads LPC30c 2019.03.28 SSDG Corruption Library index LPC30d 2019.03.28 Same Shit book evidence LPC31a 2021.02.24 Sohn to Hampton denial cooperation LPC31b 2021.02.24 attach - Letter hampton 24 Feb LPC31c 2021.02.24 properties-Seton secret author LPC31d 2015.03.16 Edge to KPH lies Seton not lawyer LPC31e 2014.12.08 Att Mills dealing with Adv Seton LPC31f 2014.12.08 Provisional Order draft 2 - per LPC31g 2015.01.13 Draft order - Mills to Seton LPC31g2 2015.03.16 Knysna Knews pretending Seton uninvolved LPC31h1 2014.12.04 Blog Sheriff serves me at council meeting LPC31h2 2015.04.20 Sheriff incorrect services Moos Edge LPC31i 2014.12.04 Objection to Jeppe re Edge service council chambers LPC31j 2016.07.18 Jeppe or Seton threatening for Edge LPC31k 2016.07.18 Jeppe not signing is it Seton LPC31L 2016.07.19 Jeppe or Seton threatening for Edge LPC31m-q 2016.09.20 PHA order against Seton-contraventions LPC32a 2017.06.30 AG-Report-Out There Fran Kirsten LPC32b 2011.04.11 Mazars Final Report graft Rowan Spies LPC33a1 2018.02.16 Seton threatening Edge Sternsdorf p-o LPC33a2 2018.02.16 Sternsdorf PO LPC33b 2020.04.03 Edge remains friendly Sternsdorf LPC33c1 2016.02.15 Carl Jeppe states never represented Vogt LPC33c2 2014.10.10 Seton walks away from Vogt LPC33c3 2014.10.17 Mills questions Jeep re Seton brief Vogt LPC34a1 2018.05.21 DAFB Steenhuisen LPC34a2 2018.05.28 DAFB Steenhuisen-MA comment 7 days old LPC34a3 2018.05.28 DAFB Steenhuisen-MA comment Edge like LPC35 2018.05.21 SALGA cease desist threat LPC36a 2018.05.20 Ramaphosa letter LPC36b 2018.05.20 Ramaphosa letter LPC36c 2018.05.21 Ramaphosa letter - Seton jail Hampton LPC36d 2018.05.21 Ramaphosa letter - Seton continues LPC36e 2019.03.13 Seton legal threat - JS ES MY EE

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 97 | P a g e LPC36f 2016.07.14 KPH Easton - Mark Allan on Julie Seton LPC37 2020.11.26 Att Donald Curtis for Seton victim Maritz LPC38a 2016.09.20 Young email threat to Belet LPC38b 2016.09.20 Young email threat to Belet LPC39 2016.10.12 FB unlikes after legal threats circulated LPC40 2016.09.22 Hampton Offers Meeting LPC41 2017.09.10 Young threatens 200 subscribers LPC42a 2017.10.23 Norman Anstey affidavit re Young threat LPC42b 2017.10.25 MY contacts school threatens Myers stepson LPC42c 2019.03.30 Seton threatens business owner LPC43a1 2019.04.11a MHFB reviews MA child abuse JS like LPC43a2 2019.04.11 MHFB reviews MA child abuse JS comment LPC43a3 2019.04.11 MHFB reviews MA child abuse JS timestamp LPC43a4 2019.04.11 MHFB reviews MA child abuse JS timestamp2 LPC43a5 2019.04.11 MHFB reviews MA MH asylum mental LPC43a6 2019.04.11 MHFB reviews MA JS discrediting petition ANC funding LPC43a7 2019.04.11 MHFB reviews MA EE ANC funding EE like LPC43a8 2019.04.11 MHFB reviews MA EE ANC funding PM LPC43a9 2019.04.11 MHFB reviews MA background ANC funding LPC43b 2019.06.10 MHFB reviews MA Liyema Baleni propaganda ! LPC44a 2016.02.13 KKFB against Hampton and Parliament LPC44b 2016.02.13 shares LPC44c 2016.02.13 further-shares LPC44d 2021.02.05 post still stands LPC45 2016.02.17 Myers hate teen scam LPC46 2016.02.16 Myers hate teen scam - Seton, Young, Candace Myers LPC47 2016.02.16 Seton comments on Myers post lie LPC48 2016.02.16 Seton Liked by Harrison, Zeelie, Beard LPC49 2016.02.16 Edge Likes Allans child comments LPC50a 2016.02.26 Young allows Allan child remark LPC50b 2014 Hampton Factor Nazi-child-abuse-Baden Hall Seton Edge LPC50c 2016.04.04 paedophile-propaganda Protecting Brand Knysna LPC50d 2016.04.18 PBK on Green Harts, Baleni and Mary-Anne again LPC50e1 2016.05.05 Mark Allan new facebook profile - Hall 2nd friend LPC50e1 2016.05.05 Mark Allan new facebook profile - Seton first friend LPC51 2016.02.27 Seton on Young med page LPC52 2016.02.26 Seton on Young medical page LPC53 2016.02.18 KM posts about Parliament FB LPC54 2016.02.22 Young letter on medical page LPC55 unknown Candace Myers and Seton - hamptonmustfall LPC56 2016.02.29 Young on med page compares Hampton to murderer

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 98 | P a g e LPC57 unknown Young on Youngs medical page LPC59a1 2016.02.25 KPH Dr Young Dr Seton against Hampton LPC59a2 2016.04.29 Edge and editor Elaine King LPC60a1 2016.04.03 Young admits PBK with Seton support LPC60a2 2016.04.03 Young admits PBK with Seton support LPC61 2017.06.27 Young lying about Hampton and fire LPC62a 2020.04.28 intimidation assassination LPC62b 2020.04.28 intimidation assassination LPC63 2020.11.07 The Advocate and the Conman - Allan murky world LPC64 2019.06.11 Seton threatens Hamptons father LPC64a 2019.06.13 Seton message to sister LPC64c 2019.06.13 Edge fake profile Arnie Stone to sister LPC65a1 2017.01.09 Seton lies and threatens contempt charges LPC65a2 2017.01.09 Seton wants Hampton tarred and feathered LPC65a3 2020.11.05 Edge intentionally misinterprets MH canton LPC66a1 2021.03.03 Seton creates Hampton Practice Note LPC66a2 2021.03.03 Seton fraud Practice Note Hampton LPC66a3 2021.03.03 Seton creator Practice Note for Hampton LPC66a4 2021.03.04 Applicants Practice Note 2 -fraudulent notice

A Helen Zille photo reminder

Zille was also informed about Adv Seton, Rowan Spies, the iSDF, Knysna Tourism and the attack I was under. She lied she would investigate. She joined the cover-up… or maybe it was always hers.

Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 99 | P a g e IF I AM IMPRISONED

If I am imprisoned on 10 March 2021, or any Court date thereafter, I go on hunger strike as a political prisoner. My first demand will be for Minister Justice Ronald Lamola to meet me, and to gather those who failed to act on the evidence they received. The second demand will be for President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Politicians, obey the Public!


Complaint Against Advocate Julie Seton a.k.a. Julie Lopes 100 | P a g e