2014-3-IT03-KA105-004717 Generated on: Sep 26, 2021

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals Action Type: Youth mobility

Project Title Small Town Active Youth

Project Coordinator

Organisation Associazione Culturale Link

Address Via Monviso, 1 , 75100 , Basilicata , IT

Project Information

Identifier 2014-3-IT03-KA105-004717

Start Date Feb 1, 2015

End Date Nov 30, 2016

EC Contribution 30,133 EUR

Partners Diyarbakir Cevre ve Kalkinma Dernegi (TR) , Comune di (IT) , Comune di Irsina (IT) , Bouillon cube (FR) , OBCIANSKE ZDRUZENIE NO GRAVITY (SK) , Bormla Local Council (MT) , Intermezzo Ungdomsorganisasjon (NO)

Topics Rural development and urbanisation ; EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ; Creativity and culture

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Project Summary

The project STAY - Small Town Active Youth - would to respond to the problem of the depopulation of the smaller towns , especially by young people who move to larger cities for study or work. The project was based on the belief that youth mobility can be an opportunity to strengthen the sense of identity, improve self-esteem and skills , foster dynamic activation and construction opportunities in places of belonging and contributing to the creation of creative job opportunities based on local resources and thus contribute to the development of the community. The project involved 6 European countries , 8 partners very diverse but all with a common interest in promoting social integration , inclusion, intercultural dialogue and sustainable development. The partners were Basilicata Link (IT , applicant ) , Diyarbakir Cevre ve Kalkinma Dernegi (TR) , Intermezzo Ungdomsorganisasjon (NO) , Bormla Local Council ( MT) , Bouillon cube ( FR) , Obcianske združenie No Gravity (SK) , the City of Irsina and the City of Craco ( IT ) planned activities ranging from March 2015 to September 2016 . The planned activities are: 1. bilateral youth exchange in France involving 12 young people aged between 13 and 15 (all with fewer opportunities) and 2 leaders for each country. The exchange took place in July 2012, a duration of 8 days and included environmental and artistic activities in a French village , and it was the result of a host project hosted in (Latronico) in 2014 . 2. An international seminar (held in Slovakia in March 2016) with the participation of 14 youth workers and youth policies makers: during five days of activities participants analyzed the themes of the project: the active participation and the creation of opportunities for young people to remain in their own regions and possible strategies and policies to tackle youth emigration. The seminar also enabled the partners to discuss the next activity , the multilateral exchange . 3 A multilateral exchange to held in Italy in August 2016, with the participation of young people between 15 and 18 years (all with fewer opportunities) living in small towns from the six partner countries , whose topics will be starting local initiatives and start-ups that create the conditions for young people to prevent them from leaving small towns . The project had an impact on young people and local communities, on the stakeholders and the decision-makers and aimed to lay the foundations for a long-term strategy based on networking and the exchange of good practices to reduce the depopulation of small towns , promote full leadership of the youth and the revival of small towns through sustainable development patterns.

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