Archaean to Early Proterozoic Tectonics and Crustal Evolution: a Review
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RevistaBrasileira de Geociências 12(1-3): 15-31, Mer.câet., 1982 - Silo Paulo ARCHAEAN TO EARLY PROTEROZOIC TECTONICS AND CRUSTAL EVOLUTION: A REVIEW ALFRED KRONER' ABSTRACT Hypothesis on the formation and evolution of the Earth's continental crust in the Early Precambrian have to account for the independent and directionally consistent motion of crustal segments of considerable dimensions since at least 3,5 Ga ago, and at minimum veJocities comparable to those of today. It seems established, therefore, that plate tectonics has governed lithospheric evolution since the generation of rigid crustal segmenta, and it is speculated that a change in style of pia te interaction, 'rather than a change in fundamental mechanisms, has deter mined non-uniformitarian crustal evolution towards the present Wilson cycle. Uncertainties in the reliable reconstruction of Archaean tectonic settings are caused by low -temperature rock alteration that may obliterate primary magma tic trends, by the variable possible sources and melting processes for the generation of bimodal and calc-alkaline associations, and by disagreement on the interpretation of rocks with "primitive" isotopic characteristics. It is sug~ gested that magmatic underplating played a major role in lithospheric growth and. that reworking of continental crust during large-scale crustal differentiation was more important in the Archaean than recognized by most currently popular models. The generation and survival of first continental crust is seen in analogy with the evolution of Iceland, and later greenstone belt development was probably largely .intracontinental, following a rift-and-sag mede] in response to crustal rearrangements. Most high-grade terrains are considered to be older than neighbouring or overlying greenstone associations and were brought to the surface through low-angle thrusting. Archaean lithospheric growth built stable cratons that experienced little internal deformation in ear1y Proterozoic times. Less stabilized crust reacts to large-scale distortions predominantly by stretching, elongate basin-formation and "ensialic" orogeny through mechanisms ranging from crust restacking to transform shearing, finally gcnerating mobile belts. Locally, modern-type con vergent plate margins become recognizable at about 2.2 Ga ago while the full Wilson cycle is finally established in the late Proterozoic. ' INTRODUCTION Some 20 years of plate teetonies, crustal sutures merely by tiny occurrences of mafic-ultra eombined with new insights into the fine strueture of the mafic rocks, nappe tectonics and the presence of'calc-alkaline lithosphere as derived from seismie data, the application rock assemblages (e.g. Burke et al., 1977) and by inferring of multi-element geoehemieal and isotopie studies, and teetonie processes almost exclusively from geochemical data paleomagnetism have profoundly influeneed present think (e.g. Taylor, 1967; Glikson, 1972; Tarney, 1976) and thus ing on the origin and evolution of the Earth's continental postulating uniformitarian crustal evolution back to the crust. Early Arehaean (Burke et al., 1976; Burke, 1981), is now Although there is now general agreernent on how the succeeded by more realistic models that recognize funda Earth worked for the last 200 Ma beeause of observable mentai changes in the Earth's internal processes following evidenee in the oeeans and eontinents (e.g. Bird, 1980; Con global cooling and concomitant changes in lithospheric die, 1982a), it has proved diffieult to extend this history behaviour through time (Baer, 1981; Goodwin, 1981a; into more ancient times in view of the lost oceanic record Króner, 1981 a). It is also satisfying to see that modern and the ambiguity and eomplexity of the pre-Mesozoic rock workers place increasing importance on field relationships relationships in the continents (Dewey, 1982). However, pre rather than on conceptual interpretations, particularly as served eharaeteristie rock assemblages uniquely identifying regards such controversial problems as the evolution of modern Wilson eyclc processes have now been abundantly Arehaean greenstone-granitoid-gneiss terrains and Pro recognized in continental terrains as old as ea. 800-900 Ma terozoic mobile belts. and provide strong evidence for the conclusion that the The plate tectonie eoneept is now flexible enough to present global teetonic regime has governed the evolution aecomodate such previously rejected models. as "ensialic" of the lithosphere at least sinee the Late Precambrian (Baer, orogeny (Bally, 1981; Dewey, 1982; Króner, in press), while 1977; Krõner, 1977). adversaries of Precambrian piate motion have toaccept the Profound disagreement on the older erustal history, how dominance of horizontal tectonics in continental crust for ever, prevails to the present day, but it seems clear that mation sinee the earliest Arehaean (Myers, 1976) and the the earlier period of dogmatism that followed the introdue growing evidence for independent motion of rigid litho tion of the plate teetonic concept is now giving way to a . spheric plates ofconsiderable dimensions since at least 3.5 Ga more balaneed approaeh in attempts to decipher the Pre ago (Krõner and McWilliams, in press). The conclusion cambrian evolution of the continents. Thus, the early is inescapable, therefore, that oceanic crust has been recy enthusiasm of postulating vanished oeeans and defining cled back into the mantle since plates move around, although '" Institut für Geowissenschaften, Johannes-Gutenberg~Universitat,Saarstr. 21, 6500 Mainz, West Germany 16 Revisto Brasileiro de Geociêncías, Volume 12 (1-3), 1982 the detailed process of aneient subduction as well as the is seen in the widespread occurrence of MgO-rich komatiitic mechanism that triggered it remain speculative (Hargraves, volcanic rocks in Archaean terrains thatare commonly ascri 1981; Krôner, 1981a; Lambert, 1981). bed to high degrees ef partial melting in the mantle (Green, Uniformitarianists acknowledge significant difTerences 1975,1981). Since there is no evidence that signiticant heat between Archaean and younger terrains (e.g. Sleep and was lost by conduction through the Archaean continental Windley, 1982), yet they appeallargely to crustal-evolution crust (Tarney and Windley, 1977), the greater heat flux must models that are based on processes occurring along modern havebeen removed via theoceaniccrust, either byan increa plate boundaries in explaining crustal growth through time sed rate ofplate production or by an increased totallength of (e.g. Windley, 1979; Moorbath, 1978), in line with the oceanic ridges (Biekle, 1978). About six times the current glo dogma: comparable rocks imply cornparable origins (Dic bal oceanic crust formation rate of 3km'!a would thus be kinson, 1981). required by 2.8Ga ago or an average age ofocean crust at the The crucial questions not answered by these models are time of subduction of only ca. 20Ma (Sleep and Windley, why crusta I growth took place episodically rather than 1982). continuously (DePaolo, 1981) and why 70%-85% of the 1t is also argued that plate motion would have been faster present continental crust apparently formed in Archaean due to a lower viscosity in the mantle. Hager and O'Connell times despite the lack of evidence for signiticantly faster (1980), for example, calculated that a temperature increase plate motion in the early Precambrian as compared to later of 100'C in the mantle results in a viscosity decrease by a periods. The present Wilson cycleand associated subduction factor of 10, Ieading to a 3·fold increase in platevelocities. -related continental margin and island-arc magmatísm, there The high calc-alkaline magma generation rate of the Ar fore, appear to be less efficient continent-building mecha chaean (Moorbath, 1978) is seen as a consequence of this nisms than required by the Archaean rate of crustal growth. postulated greater plate motion (Dewey and Windley, 1981). This paper reviews the situation and speculates on alterna However, presently available palaeomagnetie data for tive processes that seem compatible with the geological, Achaean rocks do not support this concept in that they geochemical and palaeomagnetic data as well as the general fail to reveal signiticantly higher minimum continental ve concept of piate tectonics. locities with respect to the poles in the early Precambrian. These data come from the Superior Province in Canada (Dunlop, 1981), the Pilbara Block of western Australia PRECAMBRIAN PLATE MOTION It has been a wide (McElhinny and Senanayake, 1980) and the Kaapvaal Iy held opinion that higher heat flow in the Precambrian craton of southern Africa (Krõner and McWilliams, in resulted in faster plate motion and that this explains the press) (Fig. I). The reader should be aware of the Iimitations decreasing rate of crust-forrnation through time (e.g. Bickle, of palaeomagnetie data in that they only record longitudinal 1978; Dewey and Windley, 1981; Park, 1981; Smith, 1981). motion with respect to the poles and that motion is also The argument goes Iike this: Archaean terrestrial heat flow difficult to detect in cases where palaeomagnetic and rota was two-three times present rates (Lambert, 1981)and requi tion poles are in close proximity (McWilliams, 1981). red upper mantle temperatures to have been up to 150'C The Canadian results imply a minimum average veloeity higher than now (Davies, 1979; Cook and Turcotte, 1981; of about 2cm!a for the period 2.8 to 2.5 Ga ago (Ullrich Smith, 1981). Direct