CPP Newsletter 2011 11 01 A4.Pub
Queanbeyan Goulburn Seniors Aged-Care - SE NSW Cooma/Snowy Young Multicultural Newsletter NSW Sth Coast Queanbeyan Multilingual Centre Inc Inside this issue: Newsletter Nov 2011 Flags of Marulan 1 Flags of Marulan Marulan is on the Hume Highway between Goulburn and Sydney. Marulan’s population of around 550 has a rich multicultural history as described by locals Community Care 2 at a recent seniors gathering. Respite Care Residential Care The prospect of work at the local mines had been a big attraction bringing a diversity of people to Marulan. In the early European migration period, single National Infor- 2 males were accommodated in tents along the railway line and later in tin huts mation Line (referred to as ‘cubicles’ by the locals) in town to accommodate mine workers The Snowy - 3 Birthplace of Multiculturalism All Alone 3 What’s Happen- 4 ing In Your Region Aged-Care Ser- 4 vice Directory from many European countries. Today, the seniors group is a mix of families of CPP Agencies & 4 the early miners and farmers who settled in the region and includes people Contacts originally from Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Malta, Netherlands, Nor- way, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Samoa, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Uruguay, UK, USA, Zambia. In 2006, Marulan celebrated its diversity on Harmony Day by publishing stories of the many families who settled in Marulan and also by holding a special flag raising ceremony with the local mines donating flag poles erected in the park on the edge of the highway which is on the 150th Meridian East.
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