Sunday 6th May 2018 Boys & Lay Clerks Tuesday 8th May 2018 Saturday 12th May 2018 THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (Sweeps Festival) Julian of Norwich, Spiritual Writer, c. 1417 Rogation Day Verses: Decani 08.45 Morning 07.45 Morning Prayer 08.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 09.00 Holy Communion 08.00 Holy Communion 15.15 Choral Evensong (Girls & Lay Clerks) 09.45 Choral Mattins 09.00 King’s Prep School Service Responses: Tomkins Hymns NEH 128ii Responses: Nardone Hymn NEH 237 17.30 Choral Evensong (Boys’ Voices) Statham in E minor Psalm 66 Collegium Regale: Howells Psalm 104: 26-32 Responses: Nardone Hymn NESS 48 Third Service: Beer Psalm 42 The Spirit of the Lord: Elgar 10.30 The Ut flos, ut rosa: Crivelli Darke in E Sunday 13th May 2018 am Girls – pm Girls & Lay Clerks th Ave verum: Mawby Wednesday 9 May 2018 THE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (Sunday after Ascension Day) Rogation Day Hymns NEH 117, 102, 310, 420 Verses: Cantoris Preacher: The Reverend Ade Lawal, Priest Vicar 07.45 Morning Prayer 08.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 08.00 Holy Communion Voluntary ~ Allegro risoluto (Plymouth Suite): Whitlock 09.45 Choral Mattins 17.30 Evening Prayer (Said)

15.15 Choral Evensong Responses: Prentice Hymn NEH 131 Thursday 10th May 2018 Responses: Nardone Boyce in C Psalm 76 ASCENSION DAY Kelly in C Hymns NEH 186, 375 10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist & Baptism Ye of new Jerusalem: Stanford Psalm 45 07.45 Morning Prayer A Little Jazz Mass: Chilcott 08.00 Holy Communion Voluntary ~ Prélude et danse fuguée: Litaize O mysterium ineffabile; Lallouette 09.00 King’s School Ascension Eucharist Hymns NEH 332 omit*, 349, NEP 613, NEH 134 13.00 Holy Communion (Lady ) Preacher: Christopher Winter, Ordinand 17.30 Eucharist of Ascension Day (Boys & Lay Clerks) Monday 7th May 2018 Bank Holiday Spatzenmesse: Mozart 15.15 First Choral Evensong of Matthias Rogation Day Non vos relinquam Orphanos: Byrd (attended by the Freemasons of West ) Hymn NEH 130i, 352, 388i 08.45 Morning Prayer Thou art a place to hide me in: Jackson 09.00 Holy Communion Friday 11th May 2018 Responses: Tomkins 15.15 Choral Evensong (East Wickham Singers) Stanford in G Hymns NEH 205, 408i, 413, 433 Responses: Sanders Hymn NEH 398 (t.395) 07.45 Morning Prayer All wisdom cometh from the Lord: Moore Psalm 147: 1-11 Hunt in D Psalm 37: 1-9 08.00 Holy Communion Preacher: The Through the day thy love hast spared us: Morley 08.35 King’s School Chapel Service

17.30 Choral Evensong (Boys & Lay Clerks) Responses: Nardone Hymn NEH 134 Short Service: Weelkes Psalm 60 O clap your hands: Gibbons

Please check our website for any changes to the times of services that may have been made.


Sunday 13th May 2018 am Girls – pm Girls & Lay Clerks Tuesday 15th May 2018 Saturday 19th May 2018

THE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (Sunday after Ascension Day) Dunstan, of Canterbury, Restorer of Monastic Life, 988 Verses: Cantoris 07.45 Morning Prayer 08.00 Holy Communion 08.45 Morning Prayer 08.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 09.00 Holy Communion 09.00 King’s Prep School Service 09.45 Choral Mattins 17.30 Choral Evensong (Boys’ Voices) 14.30 Licensing of Lay Ministers Responses: Prentice Hymn NEH 131 Responses: Archer Hymn NEH 129 Boyce in C Psalm 76 Tone viii Psalm 78: 53-73 Sunday 20th May 2018 Boys & Lay Clerks God is ascended: Leighton DAY OF PENTECOST (Whit Sunday) 10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist & Baptism Wednesday 16th May 2018 Verses: Decani A Little Jazz Mass: Chilcott Bertha, Queen of Kent, 7th century 08.00 Holy Communion (BCP) O mysterium ineffabile; Lallouette Hymns NEH 332 omit*, 349, NEP 613, NEH 134 07.45 Morning Prayer 09.45 Choral Mattins Preacher: Chris Winter, Ordinand 08.00 Holy Communion Responses: Clucas Hymn NEH 140 17.30 Evening Prayer (Said) Ireland in F Psalm 145: 1-9 15.15 First Choral Evensong of Matthias (attended by the Freemasons of West Kent) Thursday 17th May 2018 10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist

Thou art a place to hide me in: Jackson Mass in D: Dvořák Responses: Tomkins 07.45 Morning Prayer Litany to the : Hurford Stanford in G Hymns NEH 205, 408i, 413, 433 08.00 Holy Communion Hymns NEH 137, 342 t178, AM 242, AM 491 All wisdom cometh from the Lord: Moore Psalm 147: 1-11 08.35 King’s School Chapel Service Preacher: The for Mission & Growth Preacher: The Dean 13.00 Holy Communion () 17.30 Choral Evensong (Lay Clerks) 15.15 Solemn Evensong Responses: Tallis Hymn A&M 546 (attended by the Rochester Cathedral Trust) Wood in E Psalm 89: 20-30 Monday 14th May 2018 Holy is the true light: Harris Ascendit Deus in jubilation: Byrd Responses: Clucas Hymns NEH 214ii, 206, 205 Matthias the Apostle The music for today has been endowed in memory of Kathleen Clark (tr.) Collegium Regale: Howells Psalm 139: 1-11 07.45 Morning Prayer Friday 18th May 2018 If ye love me: Wilby 08.00 Holy Communion The music for today has been endowed in memory of Harry Swaffer (tr.). 09.00 King’s School Service 07.45 Morning Prayer 17.30 Choral Evensong (Lay Clerks) 08.00 Holy Communion Let us now laud and magnify: Mundy 08.35 King’s School Chapel Service Responses: Tallis Hymn NEH 165 (t.318) 17.30 Choral Evensong (Boys & Lay Clerks) Short Service: Knight Psalms 80, 150 Responses: Clucas Hymn NEH 132 (t.103) Ibant Apostili gaudentes: Guerrero Magnificat quarti toni: Lassus Psalm 94: 1-11 Nunc dimittis: Holst Peace I leave with you: Clausen

Please check our website for any changes to the times of services that may have been made.

SCOTT FARRELL MATTHEW RUSHTON PHILIP HESKETH Director of Music & Organist Precentor Dean

Sunday 20th May 2018 Boys & Lay Clerks Tuesday 22nd May 2018 Saturday 26th May 2018 DAY OF PENTECOST (Whit Sunday) Augustine, first , 605

Verses: Decani 07.45 Morning Prayer 08.45 Morning Prayer 08.00 Holy Communion 08.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 09.00 Holy Communion (Cathedral Council to attend) 09.00 King’s Prep School Service 09.45 Choral Mattins 17.30 Choral Evensong (Boys’ Voices) 15.15 First Choral Evensong of Trinity Sunday Responses: Clucas Hymn NEH 140 Responses: Bramma Hymn NEH 217 (t.235) (Cantemus Cum Spiritu) Ireland in F Psalm 145: 1-9 Fauxbourdons: Tallis arr. MacDonald Psalm 108 Responses: Rose Hymns NEH 419, 355 Prevent us, O Lord: Ridout Walmisley in D minor Psalm 98 10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist They that go down to the sea in ships: Sumsion Wednesday 23rd May 2018 Mass in D: Dvořák , Pilgrim, Martyr, 1201 Sunday 27th May 2018 Cantemus Cum Spiritu Litany to the Holy Spirit: Hurford Hymns NEH 137, 342 t178, AM 242, AM 491 07.45 Morning Prayer TRINITY SUNDAY Preacher: The Canon for Mission & Growth 08.00 Holy Communion Verses: Cantoris 17.30 Evening Prayer (Said) 08.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 15.15 Solemn Evensong Thursday 24th May 2018 (attended by the Rochester Cathedral Trust) John and Charles Wesley, Evangelists, Hymn Writers, 1791 and 1788 09.45 Choral Mattins Holy is the true light: Harris Responses: Rose Hymn NEH 145 Responses: Clucas Hymns NEH 421, CP 179 07.45 Morning Prayer Britten in C Psalm 33: 1-9 Collegium Regale: Howells Psalm 139: 1-11 08.00 Holy Communion If ye love me: Wilby 08.35 King’s School Chapel Service 10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist 13.00 Holy Communion (Lady Chapel) Missa Brevis: Palestrina The music for today has been endowed in memory of Harry Swaffer (tr.). 17.30 Choral Evensong (Boys & Lay Clerks) Cantate Domino: Monteverdi (attended by the Friends of Rochester Cathedral Music) Hymns NEH 146, 298, NEP 699, NEH 339 Monday 21st May 2018 Responses: Clucas Hymn NEH 348 Preacher: The Reverend Canon Chris Dench, Stanford in C Psalm 119: 1-16 Diocesan Director of Formation & Ministry For lo, I raise up: Stanford

07.45 Morning Prayer th 15.15 Choral Evensong 08.00 Holy Communion Friday 25 May 2018 The Venerable , at Jarrow, Scholar, Historian, 735 Responses: Rose 09.00 King’s School Service Wood in D Hymns NEH 144 (t.210), 148 (omit*) 07.45 Morning Prayer 17.30 Choral Evensong (Girls & Lay Clerks) I saw the Lord: Stainer Psalm 104: 1-9 08.00 Holy Communion Responses: Tomkins Hymn NEH 242 Magnificat: Andriessen Psalm 106: 1-12 08.35 King’s School Chapel Service Nunc dimittis in B flat: Wood 17.30 Choral Evensong (Lay Clerks) It was in that train: Ferguson Responses: Harris Hymn CP 251ii Short Service: Parnell Psalm 119: 73-88 Alleluia. Emitte Spiritum tuum: Byrd The music for today has been endowed in memory of Alan Couchman

Please check our website for any changes to the times of services that may have been made.

SCOTT FARRELL MATTHEW RUSHTON PHILIP HESKETH Director of Music & Organist Precentor Dean

Sunday 27th May 2018 Cantemus Cum Spiritu Tuesday 29th May 2018 Saturday 2nd June 2018 Dickens Weekend TRINITY SUNDAY

Verses: Cantoris 07.45 Morning Prayer 08.45 Morning Prayer 08.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 08.00 Holy Communion 09.00 Holy Communion 17.30 Evening Prayer (Said) 15.15 Choral Evensong (Voluntary ) 09.45 Choral Mattins O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth: Byrd Responses: Rose Hymn NEH 145 Responses: Walsh Hymns NEH 490, 436 Britten in C Psalm 33: 1-9 Wednesday 30th May 2018 Westminster Service: Howells Psalm 24 Josephine Butler, Social Reformer, 1906 10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist Te Deum in B flat: Stanford Missa Brevis: Palestrina 07.45 Morning Prayer Cantate Domino: Monteverdi 08.00 Holy Communion Sunday 3rd June 2018 Voluntary Choir Hymns NEH 146, 298, NEP 699, NEH 339 17.30 Evening Prayer (Said) THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY

Preacher: The Reverend Canon Chris Dench, Verses: Decani Thursday 31st May 2018 Diocesan Director of Formation & Ministry 08.00 Holy Communion (BCP) Day of Thanksgiving for Holy Communion (Corpus Christi)

15.15 Choral Evensong 07.45 Morning Prayer 09.45 Choral Mattins Responses: Rose 08.00 Holy Communion Responses: Walsh Hymn NEH 239 Wood in D Hymns NEH 144 (t.210), 148 (omit*) 13.00 Holy Communion (Lady Chapel) Sumsion in G Psalm 28 I saw the Lord: Stainer Psalm 104: 1-9 17.30 Evening Prayer (Said) 10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist Missa Papae Marcelli: Palestrina Monday 28th May 2018 Bank Holiday Friday 1st June 2018 Hymns NEH 234ii, AM 467, NEH 378, 235 The Visit of the BVM to Elizabeth

Preacher: The Reverend Canon Pamela Ive, 08.45 Morning Prayer 07.45 Morning Prayer Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Vocations 09.00 Holy Communion 08.00 Holy Communion 15.15 Choral Evensong (St Peter’s Church Choir, Bexhill-on-Sea) 17.30 Evening Prayer (Said) 15.15 Choral Evensong Responses: Ayleward Hymn NEH 343 and Commemoration of Hylton Stewart in C Psalm 137: 1-6 Behold, the tabernacle of God: Harris At the round earth’s imagined corners: Archer Responses: Walsh Hymns NEH 333, NEP 636 Salisbury Service: Lloyd Psalm 35: 1-10 There’s a wideness in God’s mercy: Bevan

Please check our website for any changes to the times of services that may have been made.

SCOTT FARRELL MATTHEW RUSHTON PHILIP HESKETH Director of Music & Organist Precentor Dean